Terraria Wiki:語言包/.json/DungeonDefenders2

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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
InvasionStart The old one's army is approaching! 撒旦軍隊正在逼近!
InvasionProgressTitle Old One's Army 撒旦軍隊
InvasionWin The old one's army has been defeated! 撒旦軍隊已被打敗!
InvasionLose The old one's army proves victorious... 撒旦軍隊大獲全勝……
WaveComplete Wave Complete! 進攻波完成! 這一波完成!
WaveCompleteFirst Wave Complete! Interact with the Crystal to rush next wave! 進攻波完成!與水晶互動,衝刺下一波! 這一波完成!與水晶互動,衝刺下一波!
CantSummonTower It doesn't seem to work without an Etheria Crystal nearby... It doesn't seem to work without an Etheria Crystal nearby... 它似乎需要附近有永恆水晶才能起作用……
BartenderWarning The eternia crystal rejects this area and pops away instantly, the Tavernkeep mentioned it should rest in a large flat open area... 埃特尼亞水晶排斥此區域並立即彈開,酒館老闆提到應將其放置在寬敞平坦的開闊區域... 永恆水晶排斥此區域並馬上彈出,酒館老闆提到應將其放置在寬敞平坦的開闊區域……