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npc_BabySlime Clinging tightly to their parents and rarely seen, these miniature slimes will swarm anyone who harms their mother. 這些小史萊姆會緊緊黏住母體,很少看到它們單獨行動,一旦它們的母體受到傷害,它們便會圍攻對方。 這些小史萊姆會緊緊黏住母體,很少看到它們單獨行動,若母親受到傷害,它們便一擁而上圍攻對方。
npc_MotherSlime Critical to the lifecycle of the slime species, these oversized jiggling masses are often found carrying their young deep underground. 這些體型超大的晃動物質對史萊姆物種的生命周期至關重要,經常能看到它們把幼崽帶到地下深處。 這些體型超大的晃晃悠悠的東西對史萊姆物種的生命周期至關重要,經常能看到它們把幼崽帶到地下深處。
npc_JungleSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_YellowSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_RedSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_PurpleSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_BlackSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_Pinky The smallest slime ever recorded, their extreme cellular density makes them incredibly durable for their small size. They eat money. 有史以來最小的史萊姆,它們極端的細胞密度使它們在迷你體型的情況下能出奇地耐久。它們喜歡吃錢。 有史以來最小的史萊姆,它們極端的細胞密度使它們小小的體型中擁有難以置信的耐力。它們喜歡吃錢。
npc_GreenSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_Slimeling The still-animate severed pieces of an injured Corrupt Slime, Slimelings can still put up a fight, and have strength in numbers. 受傷的腐化史萊姆殘塊仍然有活力,這些小史萊姆仍然能奮起抗爭,且勢力不小。 受傷的腐化史萊姆殘塊仍然有活力,這些小史萊姆仍然能奮起抗爭,且力量不小。
npc_BlueSlime {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Slime}
npc_DemonEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_Zombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_EyeofCthulhu A piece of Cthulhu ripped from his body centuries ago in a bloody war. It wanders the night seeking its host body... and revenge! 在幾個世紀以前的一場血戰中,從克蘇魯身上撕下來的一個器官。它會在晚上出來遊蕩,尋找它的主人…並且報仇! 在幾個世紀以前的一場血戰中,從克蘇魯身上撕下來的一個器官。它會在晚上出來遊蕩,尋找它的主體……並且報仇!
npc_ServantofCthulhu Young Demon Eyes newly birthed from the Eye of Cthulhu, brought forth to protect their master by any means necessary. 克蘇魯之眼剛生下的小惡魔眼,為了保護它們的主人不惜一切代價。 從克蘇魯之眼新生出的小惡魔眼,為了保護它們的主人不惜一切代價。
npc_EaterofSouls Birthed from the Corruption as a being of pure malice, its sole instincts are to pursue, punish, and kill. 誕生於腐化之地的它,骨子裡都透露出惡意,它唯一的本能就是追逐、懲罰和殺戮。 它作為純粹的惡意生物從腐化之地中誕生,唯一的本能就是追逐、懲罰和殺戮。
npc_DevourerHead Worm-like monstrosities are the Corruption's most favored creatures, tunneling underneath unsuspecting victims. 長得像蠕蟲的怪物最招腐化之地喜歡,它們會在毫無防備的受害者下方挖通道。 蠕蟲狀的怪物在腐化之地最為受寵,它們會在毫無防備的受害者下方挖通道。
npc_GiantWormHead These itty bitty diggy dawgs dig through the earth and take focused spelunkers by surprise, causing unwanted distress. 這些滿身是沙的小傢伙們在地下挖洞,會對洞穴探險者們進行突然襲擊,造成不必要的困擾。 這些小小的丑傢伙們在地下挖洞對洞穴探險者們進行突然襲擊,造成不必要的困擾。
npc_EaterofWorldsHead Conceived from the bottomless malice of the Corruption, this mighty abyssal worm tunnels wildly to devour all in its path. 作為腐化之地深不可測的惡意孕育的產物,這個強大的深淵蠕蟲瘋狂地開挖通道,只為吞噬前方的一切。
npc_Merchant The Merchant acts as a simple general store of sorts, providing useful starter tools and supplies needed for exploration. 商人就像一個簡單的雜貨店,提供有用的新手工具和探索所需的物資。
npc_Nurse The Nurse's snarky attitude and poor bedside manner may be scary, but for a price, she will cure all that ails a wounded Terrarian. 護士的刻薄態度和糟糕的護理方式可能會讓人害怕,但只要付出一定的代價,她就能治癒一個受傷泰拉瑞亞人的所有病痛。 護士的刻薄態度和糟糕的護理方式可能會讓人害怕,但只要付出一定的代價,她就能完全治癒受創的泰拉瑞亞人。
npc_ArmsDealer The Arms Dealer has everything anyone could need to shoot things dead, from little round bullets to guns made from sharks. 軍火商擁有所有致命武器,小到一枚子彈,大到用鯊魚製成的槍炮。
npc_Dryad The Dryad is the last of her kind. She is connected with nature and can analyze its purity worldwide. She sells seeds, too! 僅存的樹妖。她與大自然緊密相連,可以分析世界各地的自然純潔度。她還售賣種子! 樹妖是她的同族中最後一人了。她與大自然緊密相連,可以分析世界各地的自然純淨度。她還售賣種子!
npc_Skeleton {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_Guide The Guide always offers useful advice and crafting recipes. His origins and unusual connections to this world remain a mystery. 嚮導總是提供有用的建議和製作方法。他的出身以及他與這個世界不同尋常的聯繫仍然是一個謎。 嚮導總是提供有用的建議和製作配方。他的出身以及他與這個世界非同尋常的聯繫仍然是一個謎。
npc_MeteorHead When meteorites strike the surface, their fragments lay scattered for the taking. Some pieces are alive, and will attack. 當隕石撞擊地表時,碎片散落一地,等著被撿走。有些是活的,會攻擊。 當隕石撞擊地表時,碎片散落一地,等著被撿走。有些碎片是活的,會攻擊。
npc_FireImp A lesser demon imbued with hell magic. Capable of teleporting and hurling phantom fireballs towards their foes. 一種擁有地獄魔法的小惡魔。能瞬移並向敵人投擲幻影火球。
npc_GoblinPeon Common footsoldiers of the Goblin Army, these foul creatures are good for little more than cannon fodder... and breaking down doors. 這些醜惡的生物是哥布林軍隊的普通步兵,它們不過就是炮灰…和替死鬼。 這些醜惡的生物是哥布林軍隊的普通步兵,它們不過就是炮灰……和替死鬼。
npc_GoblinThief Quick strike units of the Goblin Army, these pesky foes specialize in nimble movement and close-quarters combat. 這些惱人的敵人擅長敏捷移動和近身作戰,能快速打擊哥布林軍隊。 這些惱人的敵人擅長敏捷移動和近身作戰,是哥布林軍隊的快速打擊小隊。
npc_GoblinWarrior The backbone of the Goblin Army infantry, these heavily-armored soldiers can take tremendous damage as they march undeterred. 這些全副武裝的士兵是哥布林軍隊的步兵骨幹,當它們長驅直入時會遭受巨大傷害。 這些全副武裝的士兵是哥布林軍隊的步兵骨幹,它們可以毫不畏懼地頂著巨大的傷害行進。
npc_GoblinSorcerer As primitive as they are, some goblins have the potential for manipulating magicked shadow energy through a form of hexing. 儘管哥布林是一種原始生物,但有些哥布林卻能通過一種魔法操縱暗影能量。 儘管哥布林挺落後的,但有些哥布林卻能通過施法來操縱魔法暗影能量。
npc_AngryBones {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones}
npc_DarkCaster Doomed to watch over the Dungeon, these mages teleport to confuse their prey, before striking them down with a blast of water. 這些註定要看守地牢的魔法師,會通過瞬移來迷惑獵物,然後用一股水流擊倒獵物。
npc_CursedSkull Exposed to dark rituals, this skull has begun floating around on its own, chasing the living. Its touch leaves its victims defenseless. 由於受到黑暗儀式的影響,這個骷髏頭開始自己四處遊蕩,追逐活人。它能在受害者毫無防備的情況下抓住他們。 由於受到黑暗儀式的影響,這個骷髏頭開始自行四處遊蕩,追逐活物。它的攻擊能讓受害者手無寸鐵。
npc_SkeletronHead The disembodied bones of a former tyrant pulsed with a hatred so strong, it left behind a mighty curse which guards the Dungeon. 一位前暴君的空骨架,伴隨著強烈的仇恨,它留下了一個強大的詛咒,守衛著地牢。
npc_OldMan This hapless Old Man carries the burden of a heavy curse. It's said at night he transforms into a horrific demon which guards the Dungeon. 這個倒霉的老人背負著沉重的詛咒。據說晚上他會變成一個可怕的惡魔,守衛著地牢。 這個不幸的老人背負著沉重的詛咒。據說晚上他會變成守衛地牢的可怕惡魔。
npc_Demolitionist Tread carefully around this dwarf. The Demolitionist is an explosive fanatic and sells dangerous things that go 'Boom!' 小心這個侏儒的周圍。這個爆破專家痴迷於炸藥,兜售的都是會「砰!」的危險物品。 在這個矮人周圍要小心。爆破專家痴迷於炸藥,兜售的都是會「砰!」的危險物品。
npc_BoneSerpentHead Mighty serpentine dragons once ruled hell, but long ago shed their obsidian scales. A skeletal husk is all that remains. 威猛的蛇形龍曾統治著地獄,但它們的黑曜石龍鱗早就脫落了。剩下的只有骨架。
npc_Hornet {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_ManEater A sharp-toothed plant with a taste for human flesh. It has the ability to hide inside the mud and reach over great distances. 一種長有鋒利牙齒的植物,喜歡吃人肉。能隱藏在泥里,並能到達很遠的地方。 長有鋒利牙齒的植物,喜歡吃人肉。能隱藏在泥里,並能夠得著很遠的地方。
npc_UndeadMiner There's evidence of spelunkers having explored the caverns in the past... as well as evidence of them having died doing so. 有證據表明洞穴探險者曾經探索過這些洞穴…也有證明表明他們因此而喪生了。 有證據表明洞穴探險者曾經探索過這些洞穴……也有證據表明他們因此而喪生了。
npc_Tim An enchanter in life, this funny fellow won't give up his robe or wizard hat without a fight. He prefers warmer caverns. 這個有趣的傢伙在生前是一個巫師,他是不會輕易放棄他的長袍和巫師帽的。他更喜歡溫暖的洞穴。 這個有趣的傢伙在生前是個魔法師,不打一架別想讓他放棄他的長袍和巫師帽。他更喜歡溫暖的洞穴。
npc_Bunny Fuzzy wuzzy creatures that prefer safe, friendly locations. 喜歡安全、友好的地方的毛絨絨動物。 毛茸茸的生物,喜歡安全、友善的地方。
npc_CorruptBunny Bunnies are pure beings that normally resist all forms of Corruption, but will succumb under the effects of a Blood Moon. 兔子是一種純潔的動物,一般能抵擋各種腐化,但會在血月的影響下屈服。 兔兔是純潔的生物,一般能抵擋各種腐化,但會在血月的影響下屈服。
npc_Harpy Winged, demi-human women defend their territory against invaders by impaling them with their razor-sharp feathers. 半人半鳥的女鳥妖,通過用鋒利的羽毛刺穿入侵者來保護自己的地盤不受侵犯。 有翼亞人的女性,通過用鋒利的羽毛刺穿入侵者來保護自己的地盤不受侵犯。
npc_CaveBat They are small, hard to see, and swiftly flap about in unpredictable ways. They often carry diseases, such as rabies. 它們個頭很小,很難見到,而且會以變幻莫測的方式快速扇動翅膀。它們經常攜帶疾病,例如狂犬病。 它們個頭小到難以看見,而且會變幻莫測地快速翻飛。它們常常攜帶疾病,例如狂犬病。
npc_KingSlime Slimes normally aren't intelligent, but occasionally they merge together to become a powerful force to swallow all things. 史萊姆通常並不聰明,但它們有時能融合成一股強大的力量,吞噬一切。
npc_JungleBat These small, annoying creatures aren't to be underestimated. A deadly end awaits for those swarmed by these fangy rodents. 這些惱人的小生物不容小覷。如果被這些尖牙齧齒動物包圍住,結果將是致命的。
npc_DoctorBones This particular zombie has a knack for finding historical artifacts, but has a terrible disdain towards snakes. 這種特殊的殭屍擅長發現歷史文物,但對蛇卻不屑一顧。 這個特殊的殭屍擅長發現歷史文物,但對蛇卻不屑一顧。
npc_TheGroom Tall, handsome, and dead. This unlucky fellow did not survive his wedding and is ready to take it out on everyone. 又高又帥,但已死去。這個倒霉的傢伙沒能在婚禮上活下來,準備拿所有人出氣。 高帥死。這個倒霉的傢伙沒能在婚禮上活下來,準備拿所有人出氣。
npc_Clothier Once trapped under a curse, the Clothier is the master of thread. If it's fashion that's desired, he's the man! He talks in a familiar way. 一旦被詛咒,服裝商就成了線的主人。如果追求的是時尚,那麼他就是這種人!他的說話方式就緊跟潮流。 服裝商是曾被詛咒所困的針線大師。如果要追求時尚,找他就對了!他說話的方式很隨便。
npc_Goldfish A seemingly ordinary goldfish, until it decides to rain. 一種看似普通的金魚,不過在下雨天就不普通了。
npc_Snatcher A sharp-toothed plant with a taste for human flesh. It has the ability to hide inside the mud and reach over great distances. 一種長有鋒利牙齒的植物,喜歡吃人肉。能隱藏在泥里,並能到達很遠的地方。 長有鋒利牙齒的植物,喜歡吃人肉。能隱藏在泥里,並能夠得著很遠的地方。
npc_CorruptGoldfish Goldfish mutate and become violent when exposed to a Blood Moon, allowing the Corruption to take hold of them. 當金魚暴露在血月下時,它們會發生變異並變得暴力,被腐化所控制。 當金魚暴露在血月下時,它們會被腐化所控制,發生變異並變得狂暴。
npc_Piranha Just one of these sharp-toothed fish can easily end a life. Luckily, they tend to swarm their victims in large groups! Life is grand. 僅一條這樣的尖牙魚就能輕鬆結束一條生命。好在這些魚往往是成群結隊地圍住受害者!生命是偉大的。 只要一條這樣的尖牙魚就能輕鬆結束一條生命。好在這些魚往往是成群結隊地圍住受害者!生命是偉大的。
npc_LavaSlime Due to the heat of the underworld, these slimes have taken on the properties of lava. Slaying them is difficult and dangerous. 受地下高溫環境的影響,這些史萊姆呈現出熔岩的特性。殺死它們既困難又危險。 由於地獄的高溫,這些史萊姆具有熔岩的特性。殺死它們既困難又危險。
npc_Hellbat {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.LavaBat} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.LavaBat}
npc_Vulture Built to survive the desert heat, avian scavengers such as these will peck apart those who come near their carrion. 為了在炎熱的沙漠中生存,像這樣的鳥類食腐動物會將靠近它們腐肉的食腐動物啄開。 為了在沙漠的炎熱中生存,像這樣的鳥類食腐動物會將啄食靠近它們腐肉的人。
npc_Demon Demons are the infantry of the underworld. Unlike their lesser brothers, they cast shadow magic rather than hell magic. 惡魔是地獄的步兵。與它們的小兄弟不同,惡魔使用的是暗影魔法,而非地獄魔法。
npc_BlueJellyfish {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish}
npc_PinkJellyfish {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish}
npc_Shark Once these ocean predators catch a whiff of blood, they become relentless and unstoppable in their ravenous pursuit. 一旦這些海洋捕食者捕捉到一絲絲血腥氣味,它們就會在貪婪的追逐中變得無情和不可阻擋。 一旦這些海洋捕食者捕捉到一絲絲血腥氣味,它們就會在貪婪的追逐中變得無情且不可阻擋。
npc_VoodooDemon Higher ranking demons can possess a voodoo doll of the chosen one, whose soul is linked with the world's guardian himself. 等級更高的惡魔可以擁有巫毒娃娃,它的靈魂與世界的守衛者本身相連。 等級較高的惡魔可以擁有天選者的巫毒娃娃,天選者的靈魂與世界的守衛者本身相連。
npc_Crab This hard shelled coastal creature could snip the toes right off a man, among other things. They are not to be trifled with. 其它的暫且不說,這種身負堅硬外殼的沿海生物能剪斷人類的腳趾,非常不好惹。 這種身負堅硬外殼的沿海生物能剪斷人的腳趾,更遑論其他。別小看它們。
npc_DungeonGuardian A lethal sentry that stands watch over the Dungeon's gates. Those who are deemed unworthy to enter shall not pass! 致命的哨兵,負責看守地牢的大門。沒有資格的人將無法進入!
npc_Antlion When antlions are nesting, they hide in the surface. To defend their eggs, they projectile vomit hard globs of sand at trespassers. 當蟻獅築巢時,它們會躲在表面。為了保護它們的卵,它們會向入侵者噴射堅硬的沙礫。 當蟻獅築巢時,它們會藏在地面中。為了保護自己的卵,它們會向入侵者噴射堅硬的沙粒。
npc_DungeonSlime Slimes in the Dungeon became powerful by feeding off the cursed energy throughout the place. They seem particularly attracted to keys. 地牢裡的史萊姆通過吸收整個地牢裡被詛咒的能量而變得強大。它們似乎對鑰匙特別感興趣。 地牢裡的史萊姆通過吸收這地方的詛咒能量而變得強大。它們似乎對鑰匙特別感興趣。
npc_GoblinScout The Goblin Army sends lone soldiers out from the beaches to seek out colonies to conquer. They give warning with a tattered sigil. 哥布林軍隊從海灘派出少量士兵去搜尋可以征服的殖民地。它們用破爛的軍旗發出警告。
npc_Bird A simple white bird which enjoys a calm sunny day. 一種簡單的白色小鳥,喜歡風平浪靜的晴天。 樸素的白色小鳥,喜歡風平浪靜的晴天。
npc_Pixie A larger, more luminous form of fairy. Pixies provide the Hallow with more blessed light and aid in the cleansing of the land. 一種更大、更閃耀的仙靈。精靈為神聖之地帶來了更多的福佑之光,並幫助淨化土地。
npc_ArmoredSkeleton Remnants of a long lost expeditionary force, these stout warriors mindlessly patrol the caves in which they died. 這些壯實的戰士是戰死已久的遠征軍的遺骸,它們在自己曾經作戰的洞穴里漫無目的地巡邏。 這些頑強的戰士是戰死已久的遠征軍的遺骸,它們在自己戰死的洞穴中漫無目的地巡邏。
npc_Mummy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy}
npc_DarkMummy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy}
npc_LightMummy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mummy}
npc_CorruptSlime Steeped in the power of Corruption, these slimes can survive being cut apart into smaller pieces, unlike their untainted brethren. 這些史萊姆已經浸染了腐化的力量,即使被切成一塊一塊的也能存活下來,這一點與它們未受污染的同胞不一樣。 這些史萊姆已被腐化的力量所浸染,即使被切成小塊也能存活下來,這一點與它們未受污染的同胞不一樣。
npc_Wraith Souls belonging to the darkest of hearts were once sealed in the world's core. Now, they roam the night to add to their kind. 最黑暗心靈的靈魂,曾經被封存在世界核心。現在,它們會在夜間遊蕩,以壯大它們的勢力。 屬於最黑暗心靈的靈魂,曾經被封印在世界核心。現在,它們會在夜間遊蕩,以壯大它們的勢力。
npc_CursedHammer Magicked through the pure hatred of the Corruption, this weapon flails about attempting to smash anything that breathes. 對腐化的深深仇恨激發了這種武器的魔法屬性,它四處飛舞,想要粉碎所有活物。
npc_EnchantedSword Animated by the blessed light of the crystals, it will slice through anything to cleanse the world's evils. 水晶的福佑之光讓它所向披靡,它會以割穿的方式來除掉世界的惡魔。 水晶的福佑之光讓它所向披靡,它會切開一切來淨化世界的邪惡。
npc_Mimic {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mimic} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mimic}
npc_Unicorn These majestic single-horned equines storm angrily through the hallowed land in search of lowly intrusions needing to be cleansed away. 這些威猛的獨角獸憤怒地在神聖之地上狂奔,搜尋要除掉的低級入侵。 這些威猛的獨角獸憤怒地在神聖之地上狂奔,搜尋需要除掉的低微入侵者。
npc_WyvernHead A colossal dragon-like creature unleashed along with the ancient spirits. It rules the skies with its unrivaled might. 與古老靈魂一起釋放的一種像龍的巨大生物。它憑藉自己無與倫比的力量統治著天空。 與古老靈魂一起釋放的巨大龍狀生物。它憑藉自己無與倫比的力量統治著天空。
npc_GiantBat The oversized cousins of Cave Bats, these bats are more dangerous and can confuse their enemies with their bite. 作為洞穴蝙蝠的巨型近親,這些蝙蝠更危險,它們會用叮咬來迷惑敵人。 作為洞穴蝙蝠的巨型近親,這些蝙蝠更危險,它們的噬咬會使敵人迷惑。
npc_Corruptor Like a cancer, the putrid creatures born from the Corruption mutate and grow into bigger, more deadly forms which discharge acids. 腐化之地產生的腐爛生物就像癌症一樣會變異,變成更大、更致命的形態,同時釋放出酸性物質。 腐化之地產生的腐爛生物就像癌症一樣會變異並成長為更大、更致命的能噴射酸液的形態。
npc_DiggerHead Exposure to the effects of ancient magicks flowing throughout the cracks of the world causes unusual rapid growths in giant worms. 由於受遍布世界裂縫的遠古魔法的影響,巨型蠕蟲出現了異常快速地生長。 由於受遍布世界裂縫的遠古魔法的影響,巨型蠕蟲異常快速地生長。
npc_SeekerHead Ancient magicks have unleashed the dark influences that gave birth to the Eater of Worlds, producing smaller, but just as deadly worms. 遠古魔法釋放了黑暗影響,導致了世界吞噬怪的出現,產生了更小但同樣致命的蠕蟲。 遠古魔法釋放了黑暗的影響力,催生了世界吞噬怪,產生了更小但同樣致命的蠕蟲。
npc_Clinger In the depths of the darkest corruption lies cursed-fire belching, betentacled nightmares stretching from the very walls themselves. 在最黑暗的腐化之地深處,居住著一種會噴射詛咒焰的恐怖觸角怪,它們會從牆上延伸而出。 在最黑暗的腐化之地深處,居住著一種會噴射詛咒焰的恐怖卷鬚怪物,它們會從牆上延伸而出。
npc_AnglerFish Some angler fish are content to lie in wait for their prey, but these are perfectly happy to aggressively chase down an underwater meal. 一些琵琶魚喜歡埋伏等待獵物送上門,但這些魚卻熱衷於追逐水下的美味獵物。
npc_GreenJellyfish {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Jellyfish}
npc_Werewolf Cursed by the moonlight, these menacing lupines were once human. Now, they feast on their loved ones instinctively. 這些受到月光詛咒的兇惡狼人曾是人類。現在,他們本能地以自己心愛的人為食。
npc_GoblinTinkerer Exiled from the rest of goblinkind for being an intelligent pacifist, the Tinkerer sells tools for combining accessories into stronger versions. 這名工匠由於是一個聰明的和平主義者而遭到其他哥布林成員的驅逐,平常會出售用來組裝配飾的工具。 這名工匠由於是一個聰明的和平主義者而遭到其他哥布林成員的驅逐,他出售用來將配飾組裝成更強版本的工具。
npc_Wizard The Wizard is an absent-minded, demented old man who dabbles in the arcane arts. He sells magical trinkets to train new apprentices. 巫師是一個精神錯亂的健忘老人,他醉心於奧術。他出售魔法小飾品來訓練新學徒。
npc_Clown His origins unknown, this creepy fiend balances himself on a ball while hurling explosive destruction at everything around him. 他的出身不得而知,但這個令人毛骨悚然的惡魔,在向周圍投擲爆炸物時卻把控得很好。 他的出身不得而知,但這個令人毛骨悚然的惡魔在向周圍的一切投擲爆炸物時卻依然能在球上保持著平衡。
npc_SkeletonArcher Skeleton Archers have a keen eye, despite the general lack of eyes. Distance offers little protection from their blazing arrows. 儘管骷髏弓箭手沒有眼睛,但他們仍擁有敏銳的目光。即使與他們保持距離,也無法躲避他們燃燒的箭矢。
npc_GoblinArcher Lending ranged support to the Goblin Army, archers keep a distance and pick off distracted and overwhelmed foes. 弓箭手為哥布林軍隊提供遠程支援,幫助他們分散敵人的注意力,然後殺敵人一個措手不及。 弓箭手會保持距離為哥布林軍隊提供遠程支援,幫助他們分散敵人的注意力,殺敵人一個措手不及。
npc_WallofFlesh Serving as the world's core and guardian, the towering demon lord exists to keep powerful ancient spirits sealed away. 這個高聳的大惡魔是世界的核心和守衛,它的存在是為了將強大的古老靈魂封存起來。 這個高聳的惡魔領主是世界的核心和守衛,它的存在是為了將強大的古老靈魂封印起來。
npc_TheHungry The Wall of Flesh's many mouths, attached by bloody veins. As a last resort, they can tear away and hungrily chase down threats. 血肉牆上有很多張嘴,用血脈連接著。萬不得已的時候,它們可以強行分開,饑渴地追逐威脅。 血肉牆上有很多張嘴,靠血管連接著。萬不得已的時候,它們可以強行分離,饑渴地追殺威脅。
npc_TheHungryII The Wall of Flesh's many mouths, attached by bloody veins. As a last resort, they can tear away and hungrily chase down threats. 血肉牆上有很多張嘴,用血脈連接著。萬不得已的時候,它們可以強行分開,饑渴地追逐威脅。 血肉牆上有很多張嘴,靠血管連接著。萬不得已的時候,它們可以強行分離,饑渴地追殺威脅。
npc_LeechHead A worm-like parasite spit forth from the Wall of Flesh, filled with the lifeblood of its host. This blood has healing properties. 從血肉牆吐出的一種像蠕蟲的寄生蟲,沾滿了宿主的鮮血。這種血液有癒合作用。 從血肉牆噴出的蠕蟲狀寄生蟲,充滿了宿主的精血。這種血液有治療作用。
npc_ChaosElemental Once living beings infused by the blessing, they erratically make chase with an uncontrollable surge of luminous power. 一旦生物被注入福佑,它們就會進行異常追逐,散發出一股不可控的光能。 一旦生物被注入福佑,它們就會帶著無法控制的發光能量而瘋狂追逐。
npc_Slimer The Slimer has become airborne with wings of unknown origin. The wings are easily knocked off with force, depriving it of its flight. 惡翅史萊姆在獲得來路不明的翅膀後已經能飛了。翅膀很容易被折斷,從而會喪失飛行能力。 來路不明的翅膀讓惡翅史萊姆能飛了。翅膀很容易被外力折斷,使其喪失飛行能力。
npc_Gastropod Touched by the blessing, these nocturnal slimes evolved into a levitating snail-like creature which spits powerful beams of light. 在接觸福佑後,這些夜行史萊姆進化成了一種蛇形漂浮生物,能吐出強大的光束。 在接觸福佑後,這些夜行史萊姆進化成了一種漂浮的蝸牛狀生物,能吐出強大的光束。
npc_Mechanic The Mechanic was imprisoned for her aptitude in engineering. She sells wiring and tools for putting together anything imaginable. 機械師因在工程方面的才能而被監禁。她出售可以組裝任何東西的電線和工具。 機械師因在工程方面的才能而被監禁。她出售電線和工具,用來組裝任何可以想像的東西。
npc_Retinazer Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one focuses its energy into firing powerful lasers. 這隻雷射眼是對克蘇魯之眼的機械複製,它將能量集中在發射強大的雷射上。 這隻雷射眼是克蘇魯之眼的機械複製品中的一隻,它將能量集中在發射強大的雷射上。
npc_Spazmatism Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one chases at high speed, exhaling cursed flames. 這隻魔焰眼是對克蘇魯之眼的機械複製,它會高速追逐,吐出詛咒的火焰。 這隻魔焰眼是克蘇魯之眼的機械複製品中的一隻,它會高速追逐,吐出詛咒焰。
npc_SkeletronPrime Mechanically reconstructed for reviving Cthulhu, this Skeletron has more arms than ever before, and a variety of fierce weapons. 為了復活克蘇魯,這個骷髏王進行了機械重建,得到了有史以來最多的裝備,以及各種強悍武器。 為了復活克蘇魯而進行的機械重建,這個骷髏王擁有比之前更多的手臂以及各種強悍的武器。
npc_BaldZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_TheDestroyer A mechanical simulacrum of Cthulhu's spine decorated in laser-armed probes, which detach from its body when damaged. 克蘇魯裝飾有雷射探測器的脊柱的機械幻影,一旦受到傷害就會從身體脫離。 克蘇魯脊柱的機械模擬物,裝有帶雷射武器的探測怪,一旦受到傷害探測怪就會從其主體上脫離。
npc_IlluminantBat Blessed with the prismatic light of the Hallow, the Illuminant Bats are a vibrant pink blur arcing across the darkness of the Underground. 夜明蝙蝠擁有神聖之地的稜鏡之光,在黑暗的地下形成了一道亮粉色的模糊弧線。 夜明蝙蝠受神聖之地的多彩之光祝福,在黑暗的地下形成了一道亮粉色的模糊弧線。
npc_IlluminantSlime Slimes exposed to the light of the Hallow's crystals begin to emit that very same light, glowing brightly in the darkness. 暴露在神聖之地的水晶光芒下的史萊姆,也開始釋放出同樣的光芒,在黑暗中熠熠生輝。
npc_Probe A singular probe detached from the Destroyer's body serves as a remote laser battery, often in a swarm of other probes. 從毀滅者身上分離出來的一個獨特探測怪,就像一個遠程雷射電池,通常和一群其他探測怪在一起。 從毀滅者身上分離出來的單個探測怪會成為遠程雷射炮台,往往和其他大群探測怪一起構成炮組。
npc_PossessedArmor Whatever possessed this suit of armor to suddenly walk about and start killing everyone? It lacks a corporeal body. 到底是誰控制了這身盔甲,讓它突然四處走動,胡亂殺人?它沒有肉身。
npc_ToxicSludge Distantly related to the common slime, the Toxic Sludge takes down its prey with potent toxins and a disarmingly toothy smile. 毒泥是普通史萊姆的遠房親戚,它會用致命的毒素和友好的露齒微笑拿下獵物。 毒泥是普通史萊姆的遠房親戚,它會用強大的毒素和友好的露齒微笑拿下獵物。
npc_SantaClaus Only present during a specific time of year, Santa Claus makes a big entrance and an even bigger, rather explosive exit. Ho! Ho! Ho! 聖誕老人只在一年中特定的時間出現,他會製造一個大的入口和一個更大、甚至是爆炸性的出口。嚯!嚯!嚯!
npc_SnowmanGangsta While the world's inhabitants celebrate festivities, gangster snowmen party by slaying everyone with their tommy guns. 當全世界的居民都在慶祝節日的時候,暴徒雪人黨用衝鋒鎗殺死了所有人。
npc_MisterStabby This stone-cold, yet maniacal gangster never snuffs the celebrating do-gooders without bringing along his 'Lil' Pokey'. 這個冷酷而又瘋狂的歹徒從來不會在沒有攜帶「小刀」的情況下,就把那些慶祝行善的人給幹了。 這個冷酷而又瘋狂的歹徒,在殺死那些慶祝節日的善良之人時總是帶著他的「小刀」。
npc_SnowBalla Nobody underestimates the throwing arm on this disturbed member of the snowman mafioso. He's a real slugger! 對於雪人黑幫這個精神失常的成員,沒人敢小瞧他的臂力。他是名副其實的強擊手!
npc_IceSlime Slimes that spent too long in arctic temperatures may begin to partially freeze, developing a shifting layer of ice on their surface. 在極寒溫度下待太久的史萊姆,可能一部分已經開始凍結,在其表面形成了一層移動的冰。 在極寒溫度下待太久的史萊姆可能會有一部分開始凍結,在其表面形成了一層移動的冰。
npc_Penguin {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Penguin} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Penguin}
npc_PenguinBlack {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Penguin} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Penguin}
npc_IceBat As if bats weren't enough of a nuisance already, Ice Bats can freeze flesh solid with a touch, leaving their prey defenseless. 好像蝙蝠還不夠討厭似的,冰雪蝙蝠輕輕一碰就能把肉體凍住,讓它們的獵物毫無防備。 好像蝙蝠還不夠麻煩似的,冰雪蝙蝠輕輕一碰就能把肉體凍住,讓它們的獵物無法防禦。
npc_Lavabat {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.LavaBat} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.LavaBat}
npc_GiantFlyingFox An oversized cousin of the bat found only in the Jungle, giant flying foxes hunt the night skies looking for prey. 巨型飛狐是蝙蝠的巨型近親,只在叢林裡發現過。它們會在夜空中尋找獵物。
npc_GiantTortoise No one takes the giant tortoises seriously. Not until they come hurtling through the air, a spinning, spiky ball of death. 沒有人把巨型陸龜當回事。直到它們像一個死亡刺球一樣從空中飛旋而來。
npc_IceTortoise Like their jungle cousins, ice tortoises are an unexpectedly serious threat, possessing surprising speed and mobility. 冰雪陸龜和它們的近親叢林陸龜一樣,也是一種意想不到的嚴重威脅,擁有驚人的速度和移動能力。 冰雪陸龜和它們的叢林近親一樣是出乎意料的嚴重威脅,擁有驚人的速度和移動能力。
npc_Wolf Living in the harshest of climates, these savage lupines hunt in the dark of night desperately for sustenance. 這些兇殘的狼群生活在最惡劣的氣候環境下,它們在漆黑的夜裡拼命尋找食物。
npc_RedDevil Conjuring potent spears of dark magic, these elite demons are a serious threat to any who dare enter their abode. 這些精英惡魔能召喚出強大的黑魔法長矛,對任何膽敢進入他們地盤的人都是一個重大威脅。 這些精英惡魔能召喚出強大的黑魔法長矛,對任何膽敢進入他們地盤的人都是重大的威脅。
npc_Arapaima These enormous fish thrive in the jungle waters near veins of unstable magicks, which make them unusually strong and hostile. 這些巨型魚類茁壯地生長於不穩定魔法岩脈附近的叢林水域,這樣的環境讓它們的個頭異常肥大,充滿敵意。 這些巨型魚類在不穩定的魔力靈脈附近的叢林水域中茁壯成長,這樣的環境讓它們異常強壯、充滿敵意。
npc_Vampire Whether he is a man who turns into a bat, or a bat who turns into a man, one thing is for sure: he's out for blood! 不管他是變成蝙蝠的人,還是變成人的蝙蝠,有一點是肯定的:他要吸血!
npc_Truffle Harnessing the hidden power of the glowing mushroom, the Truffle forges weapons and tools exclusively in his mushroom home. 松露人利用發光蘑菇的隱藏力量,專門在他的蘑菇之家製作武器和工具。 松露人利用發光蘑菇的隱藏力量專門在他的蘑菇之家製作武器和工具。
npc_ZombieEskimo Zombies found in snow biomes are often found bundled up in winter clothing. It doesn't help them any, they are still dead cold! 在雪地生物群落中發現的殭屍通常裹著冬衣。但這對它們毫無幫助,它們仍然是冰冷的! 在雪原生物群系中發現的殭屍通常裹著冬衣。但這對它們毫無幫助,它們仍然屍體般冰冷!
npc_Frankenstein Built from parts of deceased Terrarians, this stout monster resulted from a crazy man's desire to create life with his own hands. 這個威猛的怪物由已死去的部分泰拉瑞亞人一手打造而成,起因是一個瘋子想用自己的雙手創造生命。 這個威猛的怪物是用死去的泰拉瑞亞人的屍體部件拼湊而成的,它的起因是一個瘋子想用自己的雙手創造生命。
npc_WallCreeperWall They have eight legs, eight eyes, and eight ways to cocoon and feast upon an unsuspecting victim. 它們有八條腿,八隻眼睛,還有八種方式來圍剿和捕食毫無防備的受害者。 它們有八條腿、八隻眼睛,還有八種方式來圍剿和捕食毫無防備的受害者。
npc_SwampThing Creeping from the depths of the darkest swamps, this algae-dripped beast desires to drown away anyone in his path. 這種沾滿海藻的野獸從最黑暗的沼澤深處爬出來,想要淹死任何擋住他去路的人。
npc_UndeadViking Long before there were pirates, stories tell of powerful vikings who raged the seas. Their remains roam the icy caverns below. 早在海盜出現之前,就有關於強大的維京人在海上肆虐的故事。他們的亡靈在下面冰冷的洞穴里遊蕩。 早在海盜出現之前,就有強大的維京人在海上肆虐的故事。他們的亡靈在下面冰冷的洞穴里遊蕩。
npc_CorruptPenguin During a Blood Moon, the normally docile penguins fall under the hostile influence of the Corruption. 在血月期間,平常溫順的企鵝也會受到腐化的敵意影響。
npc_IceElemental Water elementals become icy when dense strong magicks accumulate in the coldest places. Their frosty shards freeze all. 當密集而強大的魔法聚集在最寒冷的地方時,水靈精就會變成冰。它們冰冷的碎片能凍結一切。 當密集而強大的魔法聚集在最寒冷的地方時,水元素就會變成冰雪精。它們冰冷的碎片能凍結一切。
npc_PigronCorruption {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron}
npc_PigronHallow {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron}
npc_RuneWizard Tim's more powerful and much better-looking older brother. He, too, prefers the heat, but not excessively. 蒂姆的哥哥,更強大,長得也更帥。他也喜歡高溫環境,但不喜歡極熱環境。
npc_Crimera The most common horror to be born from the Crimson, it seeks to consume pure things with unrelenting hunger. 猩紅之地最常見的恐怖力量,它通過無情的飢餓來吞噬純潔的東西。 猩紅之地最常見的恐怖力量,它帶著無盡的飢餓來吞噬純淨之物。
npc_Herpling These hyper, demented, slug-like fiends serve the crimson horde with an unstoppable appetite for blood and flesh. 這些像鼻涕蟲般亢奮、瘋狂的惡魔為猩紅部落賣命,對血肉有著無法抑制的欲望。 這些亢奮、瘋狂、鼻涕蟲般的惡魔帶著對血肉無法抑制的欲望為猩紅部落賣命。
npc_AngryTrapper When a Man Eater consumes enough human flesh, it undergoes a cocoon-like metamorphosis into a far deadlier form. 當食人怪吃夠人肉後,就會經歷一個像繭一樣的蛻變,變成更致命的形態。 當食人怪吃夠人肉後,它會像繭一般蛻變為更致命的形態。
npc_MossHornet The empowered flora of the Jungle has merged with these species of Hornet, strengthening their exoskeletons and stingers. 強大的叢林植物群已經和這類大黃蜂融合在一起,強化了它們的外骨骼和毒刺。
npc_Derpling These large, sapphire-shelled fleas leap around incessantly. They can drain the blood content of one man within seconds. 這些長著大藍殼的跳蚤不停地跳來跳去。它們在幾秒內就能吸乾一個人的血。
npc_Steampunker The Steampunker has a particular taste for steam-fueled machinery and gadgets. She sells her gizmos with an endearing accent. 蒸汽朋克人特別鍾愛以蒸汽為燃料的機械和工具。她用可愛的口音售賣她的小發明。 蒸汽朋克人特別鍾愛以蒸汽為動力的機械和工具。她帶著可愛的口音售賣她的小發明。
npc_CrimsonAxe Ensorcelled by the Crimson collective, this weapon moves about and chops its enemies by its own will. 這種武器在中了猩紅部落的魔之後,可以隨意移動並砍殺敵人。 被猩紅之地的群體意識所蠱惑後,這把武器按照自身意願移動並砍殺敵人。
npc_PigronCrimson {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Pigron}
npc_FaceMonster It would be unwise to face off with one of these unfeeling, hungry mutations. Their mouths are large enough to devour all things. 與這種無情、飢餓的變異怪物開戰是不明智的。它們的嘴大到可以吞噬一切。
npc_FloatyGross These buoyant terrors of the darkest crimson depths most definitely, without question, are both floaty and gross. 毫無疑問,這些極有可能來自最黑暗的猩紅深處的浮游怪物,不僅能浮游,還很噁心。 毫無疑問,這些來自最黑暗的猩紅深處的浮游恐怖,不僅能飄浮,還很噁心。
npc_Crimslime Taking on the consistency of congealed blood and flesh, Crimslimes seek out and digest more raw material for the Crimson. 猩紅史萊姆延續了一貫的凝結型血肉之軀,希望為猩紅之地消化更多原材料。 猩紅史萊姆延續了猩紅之地一貫的血肉凝結之軀,為猩紅之地尋找並消化更多原材料。
npc_SpikedIceSlime This Ice Slime has large ice shards in its mass from excessive exposure to the cold. Somehow, it is able to launch these at its prey. 由於過度暴露在嚴寒中,這種冰雪史萊姆的身體很大一部分是冰碎片。它可以將這些冰碎片射向獵物。 由於過度暴露在嚴寒中,這種冰雪史萊姆的身體很大一部分是冰碎片。不知何故,它可以將這些冰碎片射向獵物。
npc_SnowFlinx A strange, round furry mammal with an unusually large, protruding nose. They are extremely lightweight. 一種圓圓的、毛茸茸的奇怪哺乳動物,長著一隻特別大且突出的鼻子。體重極輕。 奇特的圓溜溜毛茸茸的哺乳動物,鼻子特別大且突出。體重極輕。
npc_PincushionZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_SlimedZombie Sometimes, a slime's victim will turn into a zombie mid-digestion. Walking around like that is quite awkward for both parties. 有時,史萊姆的受害者會在消化過程中變成殭屍。像殭屍一樣走來走去會讓雙方都感覺不舒服。 有時,史萊姆的受害者會在消化過程中變成殭屍。這樣走動讓雙方都感覺不舒服。
npc_SwampZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_TwiggyZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_CataractEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_SleepyEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_DialatedEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_GreenEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_PurpleEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_WanderingEye {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.DemonEye}
npc_LostGirl Naked and afraid, this girl stands still, deep in the world, as if waiting for someone to rescue her and lead her to the surface. 這個赤裸裸的女孩佇立在世界深處,內心充滿了恐懼,仿佛在等待有人來救她,帶她回到地面。 這個女孩赤裸而充滿了恐懼地佇立在世界深處,仿佛在等待有人來營救帶她回地面。
npc_Nymph Masterfully deceives explorers by posing as a lost girl, then attacks with ferocious might, blood-lust in her eyes. 巧妙地偽裝成一個迷路的女孩來欺騙探索者,然後以兇猛的力量攻擊,她眼中充滿了嗜血的欲望。
npc_ArmoredViking The most elite vikings were worthy of the strongest armor. It seems that it wasn't terribly effective, given their state now. 最出色的維京海盜值得擁有最堅固的盔甲。考慮到他們的現狀,這些盔甲似乎作用不大。 最出色的維京海盜配得上最堅固的盔甲。但從他們的現狀看,這些盔甲似乎效果不佳。
npc_Lihzahrd A reclusive race of reptilian folk found exclusively in the mysterious jungle Temple. They look primitive, but are quite advanced. 一種只在神秘的叢林神廟中發現過的隱居型爬蟲。它們看起來很原始,但實際上很先進。 隱世的爬行動物種族,只在神秘的叢林神廟中發現過。它們看起來很原始,但實際上很先進。
npc_FemaleZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_HeadacheSkeleton {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_MisassembledSkeleton {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_PantlessSkeleton {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_SpikedJungleSlime Frequent consumption of the Jungle's toxins and thorns has resulted in a slime covered in venomous spikes. 由於經常食用叢林毒素和荊棘,導致這種史萊姆渾身長有毒尖刺。 由於經常食用叢林毒素和荊棘,這種史萊姆渾身布滿毒尖刺。
npc_Moth Rarely, exposure to jungle toxins causes certain moths to mutate to enormous size. They release a valuable dust on death. 某些飛蛾在接觸叢林毒素後會發生變異,體型會變得巨大,但這種情況很少見。它們在死亡時會釋放出寶貴的塵埃。 很罕見地,接觸叢林毒素會讓某些飛蛾發生變異,體型變得巨大。它們在死亡時會釋放出寶貴的塵埃。
npc_IcyMerman Mermen rarely stray far from the ocean. Those that do can become lost, wander into cold caverns, and become icy undead fish men. 人魚很少會遠離海洋。這樣做可能會迷路,遊蕩到寒冷的洞穴里,變成冰冷的不死魚人。 人魚很少會遠離海洋。這樣做可能會迷路走到寒冷的洞穴里,變成冰冷的不死魚人。
npc_DyeTrader Eccentric and rather snobby to a fault, the Dye Trader has expensive tastes. He is passionate about the materials used in the dyes he sells. 染料商古怪且勢利到極點,他有著奢侈的愛好。他對自己銷售的染料所用的材料很感興趣。
npc_PartyGirl Positive beyond comprehension, the Party Girl will use any excuse to celebrate. She sells party favors and flashy things. 不可思議的是,派對女孩會用任何藉口來進行慶祝。她出售派對禮品和華而不實的東西。 派對女孩會用任何藉口來進行慶祝,樂觀得難以理解。她出售派對禮品和華而不實的東西。
npc_Cyborg The Cyborg was built with the combined efforts of the Mechanic and the Steampunker to aid in rocket science and world defense. 機器俠由機械師和蒸汽朋克人共同打造,旨在為火箭科學和世界防禦事業提供幫助。
npc_Bee Found in hives and nests all throughout the jungle, these tiny pests will swarm an adventurer at every turn. 在整個叢林的蜂巢和巢穴中都能看到這種小害蟲,它們時時刻刻圍繞在冒險家周圍。 在整個叢林的蜂巢和巢穴中都能看到這種小害蟲,它們隨時都會湧向冒險家。
npc_BeeSmall Found in hives and nests all throughout the jungle, these tiny pests will swarm an adventurer at every turn. 在整個叢林的蜂巢和巢穴中都能看到這種小害蟲,它們時時刻刻圍繞在冒險家周圍。 在整個叢林的蜂巢和巢穴中都能看到這種小害蟲,它們隨時都會湧向冒險家。
npc_PirateDeckhand They are either washing the deck of their ship of seaweed and ale, or wiping the dirt with the faces of unsuspecting Terrarians. 他們要麼是在沖洗船甲板上的海草和麥芽酒,要麼是在擦拭毫無防備的泰拉瑞亞人臉上的灰塵。 他們要麼是在沖洗船甲板上的海草和麥芽酒,要麼是在用毫無防備的泰拉瑞亞人的臉來擦灰。
npc_PirateCorsair Once mercenaries from a distant land, Corsairs brandish deadly scimitars with unyielding skill and a cut-throat agenda. 海盜曾經是來自遙遠國度的僱傭兵,他們揮舞著致命的彎刀,擁有紮實的技能,肩負殘酷的任務。 海盜曾經是來自遙遠國度的僱傭兵,他們揮舞著致命的彎刀,擁有紮實的技能,肩負艱巨的任務。
npc_PirateDeadeye Nobody knows if 'Dead Eye' refers to their precise aim, or the fact that one of their eyes is indeed 'dead'... like their targets. 沒人知道「死眼」指的是他們的精準瞄準能力,還是他們的一隻眼睛確實「死了」…就像他們的目標一樣。 沒人知道「死眼」指的是他們的精準瞄準能力,還是他們的一隻眼睛確實「死了」……就像他們的目標一樣。
npc_PirateCrossbower Some wee lasses aren't content staying at port waiting for their men to return from a raid, so they join in on the deadly fun! 一些小姑娘不願意在港口苦等他們的男人完成突襲任務回來,所以她們也加入了這場致命的遊戲! 一些小姑娘不願意在港口苦等她們的男人完成突襲任務回來,所以也加入了這場致命的遊戲!
npc_PirateCaptain A pirate captain's love for riches is only rivaled by his obsession with heavy gunpowder and large, rampart-shattering cannons! 海盜船長對財富的熱愛,可與他對強力火藥和毀滅性大炮的痴迷相媲美!
npc_CochinealBeetle Found in deep, dark caverns, these large beetles are sought out for the deep, blood-red secretions stored in their scaly exoskeleton. 這種大型甲蟲常見於黑暗的洞穴深處,它們的特點是鱗狀外骨骼中儲存著深紅色的分泌物。 這種大型甲蟲出現在黑暗的洞穴深處,它們因鱗狀外骨骼中儲存的深血紅色分泌物而被捕殺。
npc_CyanBeetle Hardy to extremely cold temperatures, these beetles contain a desired bluish fluid which can be used to dye textiles. 這些甲蟲耐寒性極強,它們體內有一種藍色液體,可以用來給紡織品染色。
npc_LacBeetle These scaly insects thrive in thick subterranean foliage. Their secretions stain many materials in a beautiful violet color. 這些有鱗昆蟲在濃密的地下樹葉中茁壯成長。它們的分泌物把許多物質都染成了美麗的紫色。 這些有鱗昆蟲在厚厚的地下樹葉中茁壯成長。它們的分泌物把許多物質都染成了美麗的紫色。
npc_SeaSnail This unusually large snail makes its home deep in the ocean. Its mucus can be manufactured into a purple dye. 這種異常大的蝸牛棲息在海洋深處。它的黏液可以製成紫染料。
npc_Squid A betentacled marine creature which discharges a thick, black ink when threatened. The ink is collected for aesthetic purposes. 一種長有觸角的海洋生物,在遇到威脅時會噴出濃稠的黑墨水。它收集這種墨水是為了美觀。 長有觸角的海洋生物,在遇到威脅時會噴出濃稠的黑墨水。人們會因為美學目的而收集這種墨水。
npc_QueenBee This highly aggressive monstrosity responds violently when her larva is disturbed; the honey-laden hives are her home turf. 當幼蟲受到干擾時,這種極具攻擊性的怪物會暴力反擊;布滿蜂蜜的蜂巢是她的主場。 當幼蟲被打擾時,這種極具攻擊性的怪物會暴力反擊;布滿蜂蜜的蜂巢是她的主場。
npc_ZombieRaincoat Some zombies never leave home without their trusty raincoat. Comfy and dry, they pursue human flesh no matter the weather. 有些殭屍必須穿上信賴的雨衣才會出門。無論天氣如何,它們都要在舒適、乾燥的狀態下捕食人肉。 有些殭屍必須穿上信賴的雨衣才會出門。無論天氣如何,它們都要在舒適乾燥的狀態下捕食人肉。
npc_FlyingFish Certain species of fish gain the most peculiar abilities when it rains. They only like one thing about land-dwellers: their flesh. 某些魚類在下雨時能獲得最特殊的能力。它們只對陸地動物的一件東西感興趣:那就是它們身上的肉。 某些魚類在下雨時能獲得最特殊的能力。它們只對陸地住民的一件東西感興趣:血肉。
npc_UmbrellaSlime The previous owner of this umbrella learned the hard way: umbrellas are good protection against rain, but not against slime. 這把雨傘的前主人得到了深刻的教訓:雨傘可以很好地防雨,但不能防史萊姆。
npc_FlyingSnake Kept as pets and guardians by the Lihzahrd race, the flying snakes will attack any who trespass on the Temple's protected grounds. 飛蛇是叢林蜥蜴族的寵物和守衛,它們會對神廟地盤的任何入侵者發起攻擊。 飛蛇是叢林蜥蜴族的寵物和守衛,它們會對任何入侵神廟地盤的人發起攻擊。
npc_Painter The Painter can talk about all the different shades of colors with which one can paint the walls. He'll sell but a handful of them! 對於所有不同顏色的油漆,這名油漆工可以大談特談一番。但他只售賣一小部分油漆! 關於刷牆的油漆,這名油漆工可以就各種顏色大談特談一番。但他只售賣其中一小部分油漆!
npc_WitchDoctor It's unusual for a Lihzahrd to be outside the Temple. Even more unusual are the voodoo things he sells. He prefers his jungle digs. 叢林蜥蜴待在神廟之外可不尋常。更不尋常的是他出售的巫毒物品。他更喜歡他在叢林的家。
npc_Pirate Ahoy! The only good Pirate Captain is... one that sells cannons and weapons to take out all competing Pirate Captains! 啊嗨!唯一值得肯定的海盜船長是…能賣掉大炮和武器來幹掉所有敵人的海盜船長! 啊嗨!唯一值得肯定的海盜船長是……出售大炮和武器來幹掉所有競爭者船長的那位!
npc_HornetFatty {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_HornetHoney {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_HornetLeafy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_HornetSpikey {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_HornetStingy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Hornet}
npc_JungleCreeperWall The itsy bitsy spider climbed up a jungle vine, down came a hapless explorer and the spider got to dine. The End. 小蜘蛛爬上了叢林的藤蔓,下來了一個倒霉的探險家,蜘蛛飽餐了一頓。劇終。
npc_BlackRecluseWall They have eight legs, eight eyes, and eight ways to cocoon and feast upon an unsuspecting victim. 它們有八條腿,八隻眼睛,還有八種方式來圍剿和捕食毫無防備的受害者。 它們有八條腿、八隻眼睛,還有八種方式來圍剿和捕食毫無防備的受害者。
npc_BloodCrawlerWall Most spiders operate independently, but ones touched by the Crimson hive coordinate together to consume life. 大多數蜘蛛獨立行動,但接觸過猩紅蜂巢的蜘蛛會協同行動,蠶食生命。 大多數蜘蛛獨立行動,但被猩紅巢穴所影響的蜘蛛會協同行動,蠶食生命。
npc_BloodFeeder Like the piranha, these swarming fish thirst for blood. Birthed from tainted blood themselves, their hunger is truly intense. 這群魚像食人魚一樣嗜血成性。它們從自己被污染的血水中誕生,所以它們的飢餓感非常強烈。 這群魚像食人魚一樣嗜血成性。它們從被污染的血水中誕生,其飢餓感真的非常強烈。
npc_BloodJelly Jellyfish swimming in the bloody waters of the Crimson become infected, converting them to its all-consuming cause. 猩紅之地的血腥水域中的水母會被感染,變成吞噬一切的病原體。
npc_IceGolem Sub-zero temperatures, blinding snow flurries, and being blasted apart by an icy construct are some of the dangers of blizzards. 暴風雪帶來的一些危險:零下的溫度、令人目眩的小雪以及被結冰的建築炸開。 暴風雪帶來的一些危險:零下的氣溫、刺目的雪花以及被冰雪造物炸死。
npc_RainbowSlime These blessing-infused gelatin menaces glow vibrantly in a rainbow of hues. As a result, they require a constant liquid intake. 這些充滿福佑的明膠怪閃耀著活力四射的彩虹色彩。因此,它們需要不停地攝入液體。
npc_Golem A remarkable display of ingenuity constructed by the Lihzahrd clan. Powered by solar energy cells, it is ready to guard the Temple. 叢林蜥蜴部落匠心獨具的傑作。它由太陽能電池供電,隨時準備保衛神廟。
npc_AngryNimbus When severe storms roll through, it is said that the skies are angry. This cloud in particular is especially livid! 據說當猛烈的暴風雨襲來時,天空會變得陰沉。這片雲就特別灰! 據說暴風雨來臨時,天空很生氣。你看這片雲的臉色就特別鐵青!
npc_Eyezor A powerful zombie-like creature whose eye can see for miles, and blow away opponents with powerful lasers. 一種像殭屍的強大生物,它的眼睛可以看到幾英里遠,並能用強大的雷射驅趕對手。 殭屍狀的強大生物,它的眼睛可以看到幾英里遠,並能用強大的雷射驅趕對手。
npc_Parrot A pirate's best friend, the parrot, will tear the eyes out of any greasy landlubber with its sharp, pointy talons. 鸚鵡是海盜最好的朋友,它會用尖利的爪子將油膩旱鴨子的眼睛給挖出來。
npc_Reaper The reaper's list stretches endlessly with the names of those who will soon depart this world. His sickle will make sure of that. 死神名單上在不斷增加即將離開這個世界的人的名字。他的鐮刀將確保這一點。 死神的名單上在不斷增加即將離開這個世界的人的名字。他的鐮刀將確保這一點。
npc_ZombieMushroom {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.MushroomZombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.MushroomZombie}
npc_ZombieMushroomHat {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.MushroomZombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.MushroomZombie}
npc_FungoFish Some fish exposed to glowing mushroom spores become a curious mushroom-jellyfish hybrid, glowing softly in the watery depths. 有些魚暴露在發光的蘑菇孢子中,變成了奇怪的蘑菇和水母混合體,在水底深處發出柔和的光。 有些魚暴露在發光的蘑菇孢子中,變成了奇怪的蘑菇-水母雜交體,在水底深處發出柔和的光。
npc_AnomuraFungus These crab-like creatures scuttle about in glowing mushroom fields, heavily infested by the fungal spores. 這些形似螃蟹的生物在發光的蘑菇地里跑來跑去,滋生了大量真菌孢子。 這些形似螃蟹的生物在發光蘑菇地里跑來跑去,被真菌孢子嚴重侵染。
npc_MushiLadybug This aggressive species of ladybug is quite at home near glowing mushrooms, living symbiotically with the fungus. 這種好鬥的瓢蟲在發光的蘑菇附近很自在,能與真菌共生。 這種與真菌共生的好鬥瓢蟲在發光的蘑菇附近很自在。
npc_FungiBulb {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.FungiBulb} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.FungiBulb}
npc_GiantFungiBulb {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.FungiBulb} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.FungiBulb}
npc_Plantera A dormant, yet powerful floral guardian awoken by the fallout of Cthulhu's destroyed machinations. Its reach spans the entire jungle. 一個沉睡的強大植物守衛,被克蘇魯摧毀陰謀的餘波所喚醒。它能影響整個叢林。 沉睡的強大植物守衛,被克蘇魯那被破壞的陰謀餘波所喚醒。它的影響力遍及整個叢林。
npc_BrainofCthulhu A piece of Cthulhu torn asunder, this vile mastermind pulses with agony and aids the Crimson in an attempt to avenge its master. 從克蘇魯身上撕下來的一個器官,這個卑鄙的最強大腦悲痛欲絕,幫助猩紅之地為它的主人報仇。 這個邪惡的主腦是從克蘇魯身上撕下來的一部分,它悲痛欲絕,試圖通過幫助猩紅之地為它的主人報仇。
npc_Creeper Manipulated through the hive mind of the Crimson, Creepers serve as the brain's eyes and orbit around it for defense in numbers. 飛眼怪是通過猩紅的蜂巢思維進行操控的,它們不僅是大腦的眼睛,還成群地圍繞在大腦周圍提供保護。 飛眼怪是由猩紅之地的群體意識操控的,它們不僅是克蘇魯之腦的眼睛,還成群地圍繞在大腦周圍提供保護。
npc_IchorSticker Filled to the brim with powerful ichor, these squid-like abominations spew their corrosive bio-fluid at their prey. 這些像烏賊的怪物體內滿是強大的靈液,它們會向獵物噴出腐蝕性生物液體。 這些烏賊狀的怪物體內滿是強大的靈液,它們會向獵物噴出腐蝕性的生物流體。
npc_RustyArmoredBonesAxe {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones}
npc_RustyArmoredBonesFlail {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones}
npc_RustyArmoredBonesSword {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones}
npc_RustyArmoredBonesSwordNoArmor {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RustyArmoredBones}
npc_BlueArmoredBones {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones}
npc_BlueArmoredBonesMace {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones}
npc_BlueArmoredBonesNoPants {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones}
npc_BlueArmoredBonesSword {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.BlueArmoredBones}
npc_HellArmoredBones {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones}
npc_HellArmoredBonesSpikeShield {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones}
npc_HellArmoredBonesMace {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones}
npc_HellArmoredBonesSword {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.HellArmoredBones}
npc_RaggedCaster {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RaggedCaster} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RaggedCaster}
npc_RaggedCasterOpenCoat {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RaggedCaster} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RaggedCaster}
npc_Necromancer {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Necromancer} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Necromancer}
npc_NecromancerArmored {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Necromancer} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Necromancer}
npc_DiabolistRed {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Diabolist} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Diabolist}
npc_DiabolistWhite {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Diabolist} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Diabolist}
npc_BoneLee It's said that centuries ago, there was once a clan of ninjas that hid in the shadows of the world. It seems they are long dead now. 據說在幾百年前,世界的暗影里藏著一個忍者部落。看來他們早就滅絕了。 據說在幾百年前,世界的暗影里藏著一個忍者氏族。看來他們早就滅絕了。
npc_DungeonSpirit Sometimes, highly concentrated ectoplasm gathers inside the more powerful of the cursed inhabitants of the Dungeon. 有時候,高濃度的靈氣聚集在地牢裡更強大的被詛咒住民體內。 有時候,地牢裡更強大的詛咒住民體內會有高濃度的靈氣聚集。
npc_GiantCursedSkull No one knows where these giant skulls came from, but like their smaller cousins, they seek out and curse the living with their magic. 沒人知道這些巨型骷髏頭從何而來,但跟它們個頭較小的近親一樣,它們也會用魔法尋找和詛咒活人。
npc_Paladin In distant history, these mighty undead knights once guarded a prosperous city before a massive curse befell them. 在很久以前,這些強大的不死騎士曾經守護著一座繁華的城市,後來一個巨大的詛咒降臨到他們身上。
npc_SkeletonSniper These eagle-eyed sharpshooters let nothing escape their crosshairs. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives. 這些鷹眼神槍手不會放過任何目標。他們曾是精英部隊的一員。
npc_TacticalSkeleton With thick armor and mighty boomsticks, it's clear these bones are prepared for a siege. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives. 這些骷髏準備了厚重的盔甲和強大的三發獵槍,很明顯他們要進行圍攻。他們曾是精英部隊的一員。
npc_SkeletonCommando Rocket-powered and fueled with rage, these cursed skeletons prefer the nuclear option. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives. 這些被詛咒的骷髏以火箭為動力,以憤怒為燃料,他們更喜歡核武器。他們曾是精英部隊的一員。
npc_AngryBonesBig {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones}
npc_AngryBonesBigMuscle {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones}
npc_AngryBonesBigHelmet {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AngryBones}
npc_BirdBlue This little blue bird came looking for worms. 這種藍色小鳥專門捕捉蟲子。 這種藍色小鳥前來捕捉蠕蟲。
npc_BirdRed A rare, red-crested friend of the forest. 森林的稀有紅冠朋友。 罕見的紅冠森林之友。
npc_Squirrel Fast moving and erratic woodland creatures with grayish-brown fur. Got nuts? 快速移動和居無定所的林地生物,長有灰褐色的毛。有堅果嗎? 快速移動、居無定所的林地生物,長有灰褐色的毛。有堅果嗎?
npc_Mouse Mice squeak around harmlessly, looking for small insects in damp underground locations. 老鼠沒有惡意地在潮濕的地下尋找小昆蟲。 老鼠無害地尖叫,在潮濕的地下尋找小昆蟲。
npc_Raven Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. 永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。永不復焉。
npc_SlimeMasked Is it a slime in a bunny costume? Or is it a bunny in a slime costume? Halloween can be very confusing sometimes. 這是穿著兔子外衣的史萊姆嗎?還是穿著史萊姆外衣的兔子?萬聖節有時會讓人摸不著頭腦。
npc_BunnySlimed Is it a bunny in a slime costume? Or is it a slime in a bunny costume? Halloween can be very confusing sometimes. 這是穿著史萊姆外衣的兔子嗎?還是穿著兔子外衣的史萊姆?萬聖節有時會讓人摸不著頭腦。
npc_HoppinJack This particular pumpkin seeks revenge for being carved. His hearty leaps become quicker the more he is carved into. 這個特別的南瓜要為自己遭到雕刻而報仇。他被雕刻得越多,他就跳得越快。
npc_Scarecrow1 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow2 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow3 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow4 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow5 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow6 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow7 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow8 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow9 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_Scarecrow10 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Scarecrow}
npc_HeadlessHorseman This menacing nightmare rides out into the night to harvest living souls on his seeing-eye horse, for he has no head of his own. 這個可怕的噩夢生物,在夜裡騎著他的導盲馬去捕獲生者的靈魂,因為他自己沒有頭。 這個可怕的噩夢生物,在夜裡騎著他的導盲馬去收割生者的靈魂,因為他自己沒有頭。
npc_Ghost During the most harrowing times, these apparitions float aimlessly through the depths to steal the life from those they envy. 在最痛苦的時刻,這些幽靈會漫無目的地漂浮在海底,從它們所嫉妒的人那裡偷走生命。 在最痛苦的時刻,這些幽靈會漫無目的地漂流至深處,從它們所嫉妒的人那裡偷取生命。
npc_DemonEyeOwl {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeDemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeDemonEye}
npc_DemonEyeSpaceship {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeDemonEye} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeDemonEye}
npc_ZombieDoctor {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie}
npc_ZombieSuperman {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie}
npc_ZombiePixie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeZombie}
npc_SkeletonTopHat {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton}
npc_SkeletonAstonaut {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton}
npc_SkeletonAlien {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.CostumeSkeleton}
npc_MourningWood These enormous murder trees nightmarishly stomp about, prepared to shower endless fiery destruction upon all life. 這些巨大的殺人樹像噩夢般四處亂跺,準備徹底摧毀所有生命。 這些巨大的殺人樹像噩夢般四處亂跺,準備用無盡的烈焰徹底摧毀所有生命。
npc_Splinterling Mourning Woods reproduce by snapping cuttings from their bodies and thrusting them into the soil. Splinterlings are the result. 哀木通過從身體上折斷插枝並將插枝插入土壤中來繁殖。從而產生了樹精。 哀木通過從身體上折斷插枝並將其插入土壤中來繁殖,從而產生了樹精。
npc_Pumpking A pumpkin has many faces. A pumpkin will murder all with many sharp blades. A pumpkin is king of the harvest. 南瓜有很多面。南瓜會用利刃殺死所有人。南瓜是收穫之王。 南瓜有很多面孔。南瓜會用多把利刃殺死所有人。南瓜是豐收之王。
npc_Hellhound Most certainly not a good boy, this vicious demon dog is more than eager to guide living beings to the underworld with every bite. 這隻惡狗絕不是個善類,它每咬一口,都迫不及待要把活人帶到陰間去。 毫無疑問,這隻惡狗絕非善類,它的每一次撕咬都都迫不及待要把生靈帶入地獄。
npc_Poltergeist The intense hateful energies emanating from these spirits grant them the ability to move objects, truly for the purpose of killing. 這些靈魂的強烈仇恨能量賦予了它們移動物體的能力,但真正的目的是殺戮。 這些幽魂的強烈仇恨能量賦予了它們移動物體的能力,但真正的目的是殺戮。
npc_ZombieXmas {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieXmas} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieXmas}
npc_ZombieSweater {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieXmas} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieXmas}
npc_SlimeRibbonWhite {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime}
npc_SlimeRibbonYellow {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime}
npc_SlimeRibbonGreen {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime}
npc_SlimeRibbonRed {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.RibbonSlime}
npc_BunnyXmas Judging by the outfit, Santa appears to have recruited some bunnies to be his little helpers this year. 從裝扮來看,聖誕老人今年似乎雇了一些兔子做他的小幫手。
npc_ZombieElf {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf}
npc_ZombieElfBeard {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf}
npc_ZombieElfGirl {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.ZombieElf}
npc_PresentMimic Surprise! The most unexpected gift this holiday season, the Present Mimic is a nicely gift-wrapped box of teeth and death. 沒想到吧!這個節日季最意想不到的禮物,禮物寶箱怪是一個裝著牙齒和死亡的精美箱子。 沒想到吧!禮物寶箱怪是這個節日季最意想不到的禮物,它是個裝著牙齒和死亡的精美箱子。
npc_GingerbreadMan A gingerbread man seeking vengeance for his long-eaten brethren. He may look yummy, but this is one tough cookie. 一個想要為他很久以前被吃掉的兄弟報仇的薑餅人。他可能看起來很美味,但絕不是一塊好對付的餅乾。
npc_Yeti An ill-tempered ape from cold, snowy regions to the north. They do not appreciate festivity, so they've come to spoil all the fun. 一種脾氣暴躁的猿猴,來自寒冷多雪的北方地區。它們不喜歡慶祝,所以它們是來搗亂的。 脾氣暴躁的猿猴,來自北方寒冷多雪的地區。它們不喜歡慶祝,所以它們是來搗亂的。
npc_Everscream If trees could scream, this evil evergreen would do so constantly. Deadly are the ornaments hurled from its branches. 如果樹會尖叫,那麼這種邪惡的常青樹會一直叫個不停。從樹枝上投下來的裝飾是致命的。 如果樹會尖叫,那麼這種邪惡的常青樹會叫個不停。致命的是從樹枝上投下來的裝飾。
npc_IceQueen If this icy towering monstrosity wishes for someone's soul, they'll surely let it go... right from their cold, dead hands. 如果這個高大冰冷的怪物想要某人的靈魂,那他們一定會用冰冷、僵硬的雙手乖乖交出。 如果這個高大冰冷的怪物想要某人的靈魂,那她們一定會用冰冷、致命的雙手將其攫取。
npc_SantaNK1 This jolly bad boy wants to stuff everyone's stockings with the gift of their entrails. This cranky Kringle's gone postal. 這個嬉皮笑臉的壞小子想把每個人的內臟作為禮物塞進他們的襪子裡。聖誕老人勃然大怒。 這個嬉皮笑臉的壞小子想把每個人的內臟作為禮物塞進他們的襪子裡。這個暴躁的聖誕老人發瘋了。
npc_ElfCopter The elves aren't just flying toy helicopters, these are fully combat ready. All that inventing finally paid off! 這些精靈不僅僅是會飛的玩具直升機,它們已經做好了戰鬥準備。所有的發明終於有了回報!
npc_NutcrackerSpinning Bringing his massive chompers to bear, the Nutcracker frolics through the wintery night. Nuts aren't the only thing he can crack. 胡桃夾士靠他巨大的牙齒度過了寒冷的夜晚。堅果不是他唯一能弄碎的東西。
npc_ElfArcher These aren't your typical elven archers. Tinkering all year long, they are excited to gift you with the hottest new arrows this season. 這些並不是典型的精靈弓箭手。它們一整年都在修修補補,樂意為你送上這個季節最熱門的新箭。 這些並不是典型的精靈弓箭手。它們一年四季都在搗鼓,樂意為你送上本季最熱門的新箭。
npc_Krampus Every year, Krampus is tasked to punish all of the naughty children, but he's taken the day off to participate in this mayhem instead! 每年,坎卜斯都被派去懲罰所有淘氣的孩子,但他卻請了一天假來參與這場混亂!
npc_Flocko These ferocious flakes are the frozen minions of the Ice Queen. Where this sinister snow falls, so shall her icy judgment. 這些兇殘的雪花是冰雪女王的冰凍僕從。邪惡的雪花降落在哪裡,哪裡就會變成冰天雪地。 這些兇殘的雪花是冰雪女王的冰凍僕從。這邪惡的雪落在哪裡,女王的冰冷審判就隨之而至。
npc_Stylist The Stylist loves style, gossip, and hair. Aside from performing a miracle makeover, she sells some hair product as well. 髮型師喜歡有關時尚、八卦和髮型的東西。除了幫人進行神奇大改造,她還售賣一些護髮產品。 髮型師鍾愛時尚、八卦和髮型。除了幫人進行神奇大改造,她還售賣一些美發產品。
npc_Firefly Appears at night in calm locations, illuminating the sky with strobing green light. Fish are fairly attracted to these. 夜晚出現在平靜的地方,閃爍的綠光能照亮周圍。魚很容易被它們所吸引。 夜晚出現在平靜的地方,用閃爍的綠光照亮天空。魚會被它們所吸引。
npc_Butterfly Beautiful fluttering insects that love sunrises. Fish are attracted to these based on their color variety. 喜歡日出的美麗昆蟲。連魚都會被這些五彩繽紛的蝴蝶所吸引。 喜愛日出的美麗昆蟲。連魚都會被這些五彩繽紛的蝴蝶所吸引。
npc_Worm A slick, tubular invertebrate found hiding in rocks, dirt, and grass. Loves the rain. Fish are especially attracted to these. 一種光滑的管狀無脊椎動物,一般藏在岩石、泥土和草叢中。喜歡下雨。魚特別容易被這些蠕蟲所吸引。 光滑的管狀無脊椎動物,一般藏在岩石、泥土和草叢中。愛雨。魚特別容易被它們所吸引。
npc_LightningBug Appears at night in blessed locations, filling the sky with flashing cyan light. Fish are especially attracted to these. 夜晚出現在受福佑的地方,閃爍的藍綠光能照亮周圍。魚特別容易被這些螢光蟲所吸引。 夜晚出現在受祝福之處,閃爍的藍綠光照亮天空。魚特別容易被它們所吸引。
npc_Snail A slimy mollusk that thrives in damp, dark places. Fish are barely attracted to these. 黏糊糊的軟體動物,生長在潮濕、黑暗的地方。魚幾乎不會被它們所吸引。
npc_GlowingSnail A snail that has mutated to adapt to the glowing mushroom environment. Fish are significantly attracted to these. 一種已變異的蝸牛,並適應了發光蘑菇的生存環境。魚很容易被這種蝸牛所吸引。 一種已變異的蝸牛,並適應了發光蘑菇的生存環境。它們對魚挺有吸引力。
npc_Frog Prefers bodies of water filled with thick growth. Perfectly content both on land and underwater. 更喜歡雜草叢生的水域。水陸環境都能完美適應。 更喜歡植被茂密的水域。水陸環境都能完美適應。
npc_Duck A water fowl with beautiful plumage. Swims in the purest of water, quacking happily. 擁有漂亮羽毛的水禽。喜歡暢遊在最純淨的水中,歡快地嘎嘎叫。 擁有漂亮羽毛的水禽。喜歡在最純淨的水中暢遊,歡快地嘎嘎叫。
npc_DuckWhite A white feathered waterfowl that swims in pure water and basks in the warm sun. 一種擁有白色羽毛的水禽,喜歡暢遊在純淨的水中,沐浴在溫暖的陽光下。 一種擁有白色羽毛的水禽,喜歡在純淨的水中暢遊,沐浴溫暖的陽光。
npc_ScorpionBlack Despite its menacing appearance, it is quite docile unless threatened or facing smaller prey. Fish are occasionally attracted to these. 儘管它外表兇惡,但除非受到威脅或面對較小的獵物,否則它是相當溫順的。魚偶爾會被這些東西吸引。 儘管它外表兇惡,但除非受到威脅或面對較小的獵物,否則它是相當溫順的。魚偶爾會被它們吸引。
npc_Scorpion Harmlessly scuttles around the desert looking for food. Fish are barely attracted to these. 沒有惡意地在沙漠中尋找食物。魚幾乎不會被它們所吸引。 無害地在沙漠中四處尋找食物。魚幾乎不會被它們所吸引。
npc_TravellingMerchant The flamboyantly-dressed Traveling Merchant travels far and wide to bring unique, cultural wares from time to time. 衣著華麗的旅商遠道而來,不時帶來獨特的文化商品。
npc_Angler The Angler, a rude fishing genius, sends others to find weird, rare fish. He rewards random items, entertained by any misfortunes. 漁夫是一個粗魯的釣魚天才,經常派人去尋找稀有的怪魚。他會隨機獎勵物品,將自己的快樂建立在他人的不幸上。 漁夫是粗魯的釣魚天才,叫人去尋找稀有怪魚。他會隨機獎勵物品,從他人的不幸中取樂。
npc_DukeFishron An aquatic pigron mutation from the depths of the ocean who surfaces in search of a rare, savory type of worm. 一種從海洋深處變異的水生豬龍,它會浮出水面來尋找一種稀有而美味的蠕蟲。 在海洋深處突變的水生豬龍,會浮出水面來尋找一種稀有而美味的蠕蟲。
npc_Sharkron Duke Fishron's nature as a form of chimera causes his offspring to emerge more shark-like, which he uses as minions in battle. 豬龍魚公爵與生俱來的喀邁拉外形導致他的後代更像鯊魚,而在戰鬥中,鯊魚是他的僕從。 豬龍魚公爵天生的嵌合體形式導致他在戰鬥中用作僕從的後代像鯊魚更多一些。
npc_TruffleWorm An extremely rare, difficult to catch glowworm. A specific, powerful sea creature is insatiably attracted to these. 一種極其稀有、難以捕捉的發光蠕蟲。深受一種特殊而強大的海洋生物的喜歡。 極其稀有、難以捕捉的發光蠕蟲。深受特定的一種強大海洋生物的喜歡。
npc_Grasshopper It leaps tall blades of grass in a single bound. Fish are fairly attracted to these. 它一跳就跳過了高高的草葉。魚很容易被這些蚱蜢所吸引。 高高的草葉它一躍而過。魚會被它們所吸引。
npc_ChatteringTeethBomb A playful prank gone wrong, clowns will unleash these explosive chompers on their enemies. Also great for parties! 一種好玩的惡作劇,小丑會對敵人釋放這種爆炸力量。也適合派對上玩! 這是走偏了的頑皮惡作劇,小丑會對敵人釋放這種爆炸物品。也適合派對上玩!
npc_CultistArcherBlue Sworn to protect the cultist's ritual, these robed archers will fight to the death defending the lunatic devotees. 這些誓要保護邪教徒禮制的長袍弓箭手,將為捍衛狂熱的信徒而戰鬥至死。 這些身著長袍的弓箭手誓要保護邪教徒的儀式,它們將為捍衛拜月教忠教徒而戰鬥至死。
npc_BrainScrambler These Martian soldiers brandish crude laser weaponry that releases dangerous short-range radiation, hence the protective helmets. 這些火星士兵揮舞著粗糙的雷射武器,釋放出危險的短程輻射,因此才有了防護頭盔。
npc_RayGunner The elite specialists in the Martian Invasion Force are equipped with more precise and deadly laser rifles; effectively snipers. 火星入侵部隊的精英專家,裝備有更精準和更致命的雷射步槍;實際上是狙擊手。 火星入侵部隊的精英專家,裝備有更精準更致命的雷射步槍;實際上就是狙擊手。
npc_MartianOfficer Lacking offensive weaponry, officers in the Martian forces favor defensive measures to focus on relaying tactics to the soldiers. 由於缺乏進攻性武器,火星部隊的軍官們傾向於採取防禦措施,集中精力將戰術傳遞給士兵。
npc_GrayGrunt Martians are conscripted into military service, and those who do not make the cut are sent out unarmed to distract the enemy as fodder. 火星人被徵召入伍,而那些沒有達到標準的人則被派去赤手空拳地分散敵人的注意力,充當炮灰。 火星人應徵入伍,而那些沒有達到標準的人則充當炮灰,被赤手空拳派出去分散敵人的注意力。
npc_MartianEngineer Martian soldiers who lack combat ability may instead be deployed for their mechanical aptitude, constructing turrets on the field. 對於戰鬥能力不行的火星士兵,可能會根據他們的機械能力安排他們在戰場上建造炮塔。
npc_MartianTurret Named after a historic Terrarian, these turrets are built by Martian engineers and rain devastating energy upon anyone nearby. 這些炮塔得名於一個歷史上著名的泰拉瑞亞人,由火星工程師建成,能對附近的任何人釋放毀滅性的能量。 這些炮塔由火星工程師建成,以一個歷史上著名的泰拉瑞亞人命名,能對附近的任何人釋放毀滅性的能量。
npc_MartianDrone The data collected from these drones are sent back to the motherships moments before they self-destruct onto their foes. 這些無人機在與敵人同歸於盡之前會將收集到的數據發送回母艦。
npc_GigaZapper Martians who show great potential in close combat are equipped with powerful energy spears that can atomize anything. 在近距離戰鬥中表現出巨大潛力的火星人,裝備了能粉碎一切的強大能量長矛。
npc_ScutlixRider Elite Ray Gunners often ride these powerful alien creatures into battle as cavalry. If their mount dies, they will pursue on foot. 精英雷射槍手經常會騎上這些強大的異星生物作戰。如果坐騎死了,他們就會獨自追擊。 精英雷射槍手經常會騎上這些強大的異星生物作為騎兵參戰。如果坐騎死了,他們就會徒步繼續戰鬥。
npc_Scutlix Native to the Martian homeworld, these creatures function similarly to horses. That is, if horses could fire lasers from their eyes. 這些生物來自火星,它們的功能與馬相似。換言之,它們就是眼睛會發射雷射的馬。 這些生物原產於火星本土,它們的功能與馬相似。換言之,它們就是眼睛會發射雷射的馬。
npc_MartianSaucerCore An advanced flying saucer from somewhere well beyond this world. The destruction from its weaponry is unimaginable. 一種來自異界的先進飛碟。其武器的破壞力難以想像。 一種來自界外的先進飛碟。其武器的破壞力難以想像。
npc_MoonLordCore The mastermind behind all terrors which befall the world, freed from his lunar prison. Practically a god, his power knows no limits. 他是這個世界上所有恐怖事件的幕後主使,從月球監獄中被釋放了出來。他其實是一個神,他的力量是無限的。 他是降臨於世的所有恐怖的幕後主使,從月球監獄中被釋放了出來。他其實是一個神,力量是無限的。
npc_MartianProbe Sensing growing power on the planet, otherworldly beings send space-age technology to scan for advanced lifeforms. 異界生物察覺到星球上的力量不斷壯大,便派出太空時代的技術來掃描先進的生命體。 異界生物察覺到星球上的力量不斷壯大,便派出太空時代的技術來掃描尋找先進的生命形式。
npc_StardustWormHead The celestial energies of which this worm is born give its body and tail near unstoppable power as it twists through the skies. 這種蠕蟲與生俱來的天界能量,使它的身體和尾巴在空中盤旋時具有幾乎無法阻擋的力量。 誕生這種蠕蟲的天界能量讓它的身體和尾巴在空中盤旋時具有幾乎無法阻擋的力量。
npc_StardustCellBig A biological single-celled organism that divides and multiplies rapidly with the limitless power of celestial energy. 一種單細胞生物,能通過無限的天界能量快速分裂和繁殖。 單細胞生物,能藉助天界能量的無窮力量而快速分裂增殖。
npc_StardustCellSmall A biological single-celled organism that divides and multiplies rapidly with the limitless power of celestial energy. 一種單細胞生物,能通過無限的天界能量快速分裂和繁殖。 單細胞生物,能藉助天界能量的無窮力量而快速分裂增殖。
npc_StardustJellyfishBig A cosmic jellyfish-type creature infused with abundant celestial energies which summons smaller minions to serve as its weaponry. 一種水母型宇宙生物,擁有豐富的天界能量,能召喚小僕從作為它的武器。 水母型宇宙生物,內蘊豐富的天界能量,能召喚小僕從作為它的武器。
npc_StardustSpiderBig This beastly celestial arachnid rapidly spawns swift and relentless offspring to distract its prey as it prepares to devour them. 這種兇殘的天界魔蛛會迅速繁衍出敏捷而無情的後代,以分散獵物的注意力,準備將其吞噬。
npc_StardustSoldier This slow-moving celestial soldier fires cosmic rays at unsuspecting invaders, defending the pillar without hesitation. 這種行動緩慢的天界士兵,會向毫無防備的入侵者發射宇宙射線,毫不猶豫地保護星塵柱。 這種行動緩慢的天界士兵,會毫不猶豫地向毫無防備的入侵者發射宇宙射線來保護星塵柱。
npc_SolarCrawltipedeHead Wrapped in celestial energy, this worm-like creature seems invincible. Having no eyes, it seeks vibrations throughout the air. 這種像蠕蟲的生物渾身充滿了天界能量,似乎戰無不勝。由於沒有眼睛,它會在空中發出振動。 這種蠕蟲狀生物渾身充滿了天界能量,似乎完全不受傷害。由於沒有眼睛,它會搜尋空氣中的振動。
npc_SolarDrakomire These celestial beasts harness the power of the sun, releasing violent flares towards any intruders nearing the pillar. 這些天界野獸利用太陽的能量,向靠近日耀柱的入侵者釋放強烈的耀斑。
npc_SolarDrakomireRider Many drakanians ride the beastly Drakomires as a form of battle steed. Should the Drakomire be slain, they will pursue on foot. 許多火龍戰士會騎上兇殘的火龍怪作為戰馬。如果火龍怪死了,他們就會獨自追擊。 許多火龍戰士會騎上兇殘的火龍怪作為戰馬。如果火龍怪死了,他們就會獨自步戰。
npc_SolarSroller These humanoid celestial monsters assault their foes by rolling up into a ball and charging them with their sharp, fiery spikes. 這些類人的天界怪物攻擊敵人的方式是,把自己捲成一個球,然後用尖銳的火刺刺向敵人。 這些人形天界怪物攻擊敵人的方式是把自己捲成球,然後用尖銳的火刺向敵人衝鋒。
npc_SolarCorite Resembling a large, sentient meteorite, Corites are infused with celestial energy and will charge at anything that moves. 流星火怪類似於有感知力的大隕石,渾身充滿天界能量,會向任何移動的物體發起猛衝。 流星火怪類似於有感知力的大隕石,渾身充滿天界能量,會向任何移動的物體發起衝鋒。
npc_SolarSolenian These acrobatic celestial warriors can deflect incoming threats whilst spinning with their solar-infused blades. 這些身懷絕技的天界戰士,能在揮舞太陽利刃的同時轉移來襲的威脅。
npc_NebulaBrain These brain-like celestial beings have psionic capabilities, phasing through space and summoning powerful optical minions. 這些像大腦的天界生物擁有超能力,能穿越空間,召喚強大的魔眼僕從。 這些大腦狀天界生物擁有超能力,能穿越空間,召喚強大的魔眼僕從。
npc_NebulaHeadcrab These psionic, squid-like beasts levitate with celestial energy and latch onto the head of their prey, disrupting brain functions. 這些像烏賊的野獸擁有超能力,能利用天界能量飄浮起來,抓住獵物的頭部,破壞它們的大腦功能。 這些烏賊狀的野獸擁有超能力,能利用天界能量飄浮,抓住獵物的頭部破壞大腦功能。
npc_LunarTowerVortex Representing a deep celestial void known as 'vortex', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant. 這座塔代表一種叫作「星旋」的天界深處虛空,它用封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。 此天界柱代表著叫作「星旋」的深淵天界虛空,它持有的封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。
npc_NebulaBeast Celestial power fuels the aggression of these violent beasts, allowing them to run down those who trespass the pillar's area. 天界力量助長了這些兇猛野獸的侵略,使它們能夠擊倒那些擅闖星雲柱區的人。 天界力量助長了這些兇猛野獸的侵略,使它們能夠擊倒那些擅闖天柱區的人。
npc_NebulaSoldier The cosmic power held by these humanoid warriors grant them psychic abilities, in which they use to accurately shoot down foes. 這些類人戰士所擁有的宇宙力量賦予了他們通靈能力,他們可以利用這種能力準確地擊落敵人。 這些類人戰士所擁有的宇宙力量賦予了他們超能力,他們可以利用這種能力準確地擊落敵人。
npc_VortexRifleman These alien soldiers carry a versatile arsenal of celestial rifles and cosmic accessories that allow them to defy gravity. 這些異星士兵攜帶著各種各樣的天界步槍和宇宙配件,使他們能夠對抗地心引力。 這些異星士兵攜帶著多功能的天界步槍和能對抗重力的宇宙配飾。
npc_VortexHornetQueen The final evolutionary stage of the alien hornet. They fire powerful disruptive energy at their prey, and give birth to many larvae. 異星黃蜂的最後進化階段。它們向獵物發射強大的破壞性能量,並產下許多幼蟲。
npc_VortexHornet These flying insectoids utilize wormholes to ambush intruders near the celestial pillars. They hunt in pairs and may swiftly evolve. 這些會飛的類昆蟲利用蟲洞伏擊天柱附近的入侵者。它們成對獵食,並可能迅速進化。 這些會飛的類昆蟲利用蟲洞伏擊天界柱附近的入侵者。它們成對獵食,並可能迅速進化。
npc_VortexLarva The larval stage of the alien hornets. They may seem weak and harmless, but if ignored they will evolve into powerful beings. 異星黃蜂的幼蟲階段。它們可能看起來弱小、無害,但如果不加重視,它們也會進化成強大的生物。
npc_VortexSoldier The cosmic energy surging through these warriors builds up until their untimely demise, resulting in an explosion of lightning. 涌動在這些戰士身上的宇宙能量不斷積聚,直到他們不幸死亡,最終造成閃電爆炸。
npc_ArmedZombie {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_ArmedZombiePincushion {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_ArmedZombieSwamp {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_ArmedZombieTwiggy {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_ArmedZombieCenx {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Zombie}
npc_CultistDevote Utterly devoted, Lunatic Devotees unfailingly worship their deity, even when threatened with death. Fear only makes them worship harder. 全心全意的拜月教忠教徒,即使面對死亡的威脅也始終崇拜他們的神。恐懼只會讓他們更加崇拜。 拜月教忠教徒即使面對死亡的威脅也始終不渝地全身心崇拜他們的神。恐懼只會讓他們的崇拜更加堅定。
npc_CultistBoss A fanatical leader hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse by reviving the great Cthulhu through behind-the-scenes scheming. 一個狂熱的首領,不顧一切地通過幕後陰謀來復興偉大的克蘇魯來導致世界末日。 一個狂熱的首領,不顧一切地要通過幕後陰謀復興偉大的克蘇魯來導致世界末日。
npc_CultistBossClone Though it is an illusion designed to distract from the true threat, this fake cultist can still use some basic offensive magic as well. 儘管是一個用來分散對真實威脅的注意力的假象,但這個假邪教徒仍然可以使用一些基本的攻擊性魔法。
npc_TaxCollector This grumpy Tax Collector has literally been to hell and back. Greedy to a fault, he's truly only concerned with money. 這位脾氣暴躁的稅收官簡直是歷劫歸來。他貪得無厭,實際上只關心錢。 這位脾氣暴躁的稅收官是真正的從地獄歸來。他貪得無厭,真的只關心錢。
npc_GoldBird {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_GoldBunny {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_GoldButterfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_GoldFrog {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_GoldGrasshopper {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_GoldMouse {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_GoldWorm {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_BoneThrowingSkeleton {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_BoneThrowingSkeleton2 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_BoneThrowingSkeleton3 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_BoneThrowingSkeleton4 {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Skeleton}
npc_SkeletonMerchant Most skeletons are out for blood, but not the Skeleton Merchant. He just wants to sell supplies, such as rare torches and yo-yo gear. 大部分骷髏都是為了吸血,但骷髏商人不一樣。他只想出售物資,例如稀有火把和悠悠球裝備。
npc_CultistDragonHead Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form. 飛龍的靈魂在世間盤旋。強大的魔法可以通過物質形態來召喚它們。 飛龍的靈魂與世間環境緊密糾纏。強大的魔法可以將它們以物質形態從幕後召喚出來。
npc_Butcher Soulless and cruel, this pig-masked psychotic killer brandishes a powerful chainsaw in which to dismember every living thing. 這個戴著豬面具的精神病殺手揮舞著一把鋒利的鏈鋸來肢解每一個生物,簡直是喪盡天良,殘忍至極。 這個戴著豬面具的變態殺人狂揮舞著鋒利的鏈鋸來肢解所有生物,簡直是喪盡天良,殘忍至極。
npc_CreatureFromTheDeep Said to have emerged from the blackest lagoons, these fish-men lash at their victims with unmatched submerged mobility. 據說這些魚人來自最黑暗的瀉湖,他們的水下移動能力無可匹敵,能輕鬆地攻擊受害者。 據說這些魚人是從最黑暗的瀉湖中冒出來的,他們靠著無與倫比的水下機動性來猛烈攻擊受害者。
npc_Fritz Rumors speak of a small-minded hunchback who assisted in mad science. This small fellow reacts unpredictably when approached. 傳言一個心胸狹隘的駝子參與了瘋狂科學的事業。當有人接近時,這個小伙子會以驚人的速度做出反應。 傳言一個心胸狹隘的駝子參與了瘋狂科學的事業。當有人接近時,這個小個子會以驚人的速度做出反應。
npc_Nailhead An intelligent being who seeks out souls to steal, utilizing nails from his own body both as a weapon and as defensive measures. 一種盜取靈魂的聰明生物,利用自己的硬殼作為武器和防禦手段。 盜取靈魂的聰明生物,利用自己的硬殼作為武器和防禦手段。
npc_CrimsonBunny Bunnies are pure beings that normally cannot be afflicted by Crimson, but will succumb under the effects of a Blood Moon. 兔子是一種純潔的動物,一般不會遭到猩紅的折磨,但會在血月的影響下屈服。 兔兔是純潔的生物,一般不會被猩紅所折磨,但會在血月的影響下屈服。
npc_CrimsonGoldfish Goldfish become grotesque, blood-sucking fiends of the Crimson when exposed to a Blood Moon. 當金魚暴露在血月下時,它們會變成猩紅畸形的嗜血惡魔。 當金魚暴露在血月下時,它們會變成畸形的吸血猩紅惡魔。
npc_Psycho This masked killer's quiet demeanor and cunning ability to hunt allows him to ambush his victims without being detected. 這個蒙面殺手動作輕柔,擁有狡猾的捕獵能力,讓他可以伏擊受害者而不被發現。 這個蒙面殺手輕柔的動作和精巧的獵殺能力讓他能不被發現地伏擊受害者。
npc_DeadlySphere By means unknown, this silvery metamorphic sphere levitates about on its own. It moves about quickly, often producing spikes. 不知什麼原因,這種銀色的變質球會獨自飄浮在空中。它移動迅速,經常射出尖刺。 這個銀色的改性球體通過未知手段而能自行懸浮。它移動迅速,經常生出尖刺。
npc_DrManFly Part man, part fly, all doctor. He's brought his most volatile and dangerous chemicals, and he's buzzing to try them out. 半人半蒼蠅,職業是一位醫生。他帶來了最具揮發性和危險性的化學物質,他嗡嗡叫著要試一試。 半人半蒼蠅,是個博士。他帶來了最具揮發性和危險性的化學物質,嗡嗡叫著要試一試。
npc_ThePossessed A Terrarian girl possessed by the most evil of spirits, she gains superhuman abilities and behaves both arbitrarily and violently. 一個被最邪惡的靈魂附身的泰拉瑞亞女孩,她獲得了超人的能力,變得既專橫又暴力。 被最邪惡的幽魂附身的泰拉瑞亞女孩,她獲得了超人的能力,變得既專橫又暴力。
npc_CrimsonPenguin During a Blood Moon, the normally docile penguins become infested with the contagious growth of the Crimson. 在血月期間,平常溫順的企鵝也會受到猩紅的感染。 在血月期間,平常溫順的企鵝也會由於猩紅的傳染性提高而被感染。
npc_GoblinSummoner Gifted in the darkest of magics, she conjures unfathomable shadowflame ghasts through a powerful hex. 她擅長最黑暗的魔法,能通過強大的魔法念咒召喚出高深莫測的暗影焰惡魂。 她擅長最黑暗的魔法,能通過強大的魔法召喚出高深莫測的暗影焰惡魂。
npc_ShadowFlameApparition The shadowflame magicks are powerful spiritual remnants of twisted goblin ancestors, wrought from powerful summoning. 暗影焰魔法是偏執的哥布林祖先的強大精神殘餘,通過強大的召喚來發揮作用。 暗影焰魔法是通過強大的召喚而產生的扭曲哥布林祖先的強大精神殘餘。
npc_BigMimicCorruption Mimics which fall to Corruption grow larger and more powerful as a result. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force. 落入腐化之地的寶箱怪,個頭變得更大,實力也變得更強。可以通過武力從普通寶箱中把寶箱怪變出來。 落入腐化之地的寶箱怪,個頭變得更大、實力也變得更強。可以通過外力讓它們從普通寶箱中生出。
npc_BigMimicCrimson Mimics which are enthralled by the Crimson are empowered dramatically. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force. 迷上了猩紅之地的寶箱怪,實力顯著增強。可以通過武力從普通寶箱中把寶箱怪變出來。 迷上了猩紅之地的寶箱怪,實力顯著增強。可以通過外力讓它們從普通寶箱中生出。
npc_BigMimicHallow Mimics struck with the blessing surge with energy and become powerful. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force. 寶箱怪受到了福佑的眷顧,能量激增,實力變強。可以通過武力從普通寶箱中把寶箱怪變出來。 受到福佑眷顧的寶箱怪,能量激增、實力變強。可以通過外力讓它們從普通寶箱中生出。
npc_Mothron A behemoth of an insect attracted to the eerie anti-glow of a solar eclipse. With a rapid gestation period, it multiplies quickly. 被日食的奇異反光所吸引的巨大昆蟲。孕育期短,繁殖快。 被日食的陰森恐怖所吸引的巨大昆蟲。孕育期短,繁殖迅速。
npc_MothronSpawn The creatures which burst from the eggs laid by mothron can be as deadly and as relentless as their daunting mothers. 從蛾怪產下的卵中破殼而出的生物,與它們令人生畏的母親一樣致命和無情。 從蛾怪產下的蛋中破殼而出的生物,與它們令人生畏的母親一樣致命和無情。
npc_Medusa An ancient monster with a petrifying gaze. The snakes which grow from her scalp like hair grant her these powers. 一種古老怪物,她的凝視能讓一切石化。她頭皮上生長的像頭髮的蛇賦予了她這種力量。 凝視就能讓人石化的古老怪物,她頭皮上生長的像頭髮的蛇賦予了她這種力量。
npc_GreekSkeleton In the ruins of an ancient civilization now deeply buried, some of its spear-hurling soldiers still walk its marble-adorned paths. 在一個已被深深掩埋的古老文明的廢墟上,一些揮舞長矛的士兵仍然走在鋪著大理石的小路上。 在一個已被深深掩埋的古老文明的廢墟上,它有一些揮舞長矛的士兵仍然走在鋪著大理石的小路上。
npc_GraniteGolem Strong are the magicked spirits which inhabit the granite masses deep below, this type in particular taking on a humanoid shape. 這類花崗岩巨人長得特別像人類,強大的魔法之魂棲息在花崗岩群深處。 棲息在地下深處的花崗岩群中的魔法幽魂十分強大,這種擁有人形的尤甚。
npc_GraniteFlyer Earth elementals manifest through many forms by taking on the properties of different materials, such as this hardy granite. 大地精通過利用不同材料(例如這種堅硬的花崗岩)的特性來呈現多種外形。 土元素精靈通過利用不同材料(例如這種堅硬的花崗岩)的特性來呈現出多種形態。
npc_EnchantedNightcrawler Worms infused with fallen star magic glow with a glittering light. Fish are extremely attracted to these. 注入了墜落之星魔法的蠕蟲,發出耀眼的光。魚非常容易被這種蠕蟲所吸引。 注入了墜落之星魔法的蠕蟲發著耀眼的光。它們對魚超有吸引力。
npc_Grubby Slimy, yet satisfying! Fish are somewhat attracted to these. 黏糊糊的,但還能接受!魚多少會被這些蛆蟲所吸引。 黏糊糊的,但很好吃!魚多少會被它們所吸引。
npc_Sluggy Slow and covered in a slick mucus. Fish are especially attracted to these. 行動緩慢,身上覆蓋著光滑的黏液。魚特別容易被它們所吸引。
npc_Buggy A vibrant beetle-like bug. Fish are extremely attracted to these. 一種顏色鮮艷的蟲子,長得像甲蟲。魚非常容易被這些蟲子所吸引。 一種顏色鮮艷的甲蟲類昆蟲。它們對魚超有吸引力。
npc_BloodZombie With enough exposure to a Blood Moon, zombies become twisted and cursed with everflowing blood pouring out from their rotten flesh. 只要接觸到足夠多的血月,殭屍就會變得畸形並被詛咒,腐爛的肉體中會流出源源不斷的鮮血。 暴露於血月中足夠時間後,殭屍就會變得扭曲並被詛咒,不斷有鮮血從腐爛的肉體中湧出。
npc_Drippler Demon eyes become erratic under a Blood Moon, sometimes twisting together into a dripping cluster of cursed blood and eyeballs. 惡魔眼在血月下會發生奇怪變化,有時會扭曲成被詛咒的血和血淋淋的眼球。 惡魔眼在血月下會發生奇怪變化,有時會糾纏在一起,變成由被詛咒的血和眼球所組成的血淋淋的一團。
npc_PirateShip When the pirates face strong opposition in their pillaging raids, they bring their majestic floating galleon as backup. Cannons away! 當海盜在掠奪行動中遭遇頑固抵抗時,他們會用他們的大帆船作為後援。大炮滾一邊去! 當海盜在掠奪行動中遭遇頑固抵抗時,他們會帶著雄偉的浮空大帆船作為後援。大炮開路!
npc_LunarTowerStardust Representing a glittering celestial remnant known as 'stardust', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant. 這座塔代表一種叫作「星塵」的閃耀天界殘骸,它用封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。 此天界柱代表著叫作「星塵」的閃亮天界殘骸,它持有的封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。
npc_Crawdad A subterranean form of crayfish which scuttles along the cavern floors, searching for prey to clip apart with its powerful pincers. 一種地下的龍蝦,會沿著洞穴的地面快速移動來搜尋獵物,然後用它有力的鉗子將獵物撕開。 一種地下小龍蝦,會沿著洞穴的地面快速移動,搜尋獵物然後用它有力的鉗子將其撕開。
npc_GiantShelly To overcome their slow speed, shellies have developed the ability to hide inside their spiked shell and hurl themselves at their foes. 為了克服自己速度慢的缺點,卷殼怪學會了把自己藏在自己的尖殼裡,然後向敵人猛撲。 為了克服自己速度慢的缺點,卷殼怪發展出了把自己藏在自己的尖殼裡然後向敵人猛撲的能力。
npc_Salamander2 An unusual amphibious bipedal lizard which inhabits the dark caverns. When threatened, it spews a highly corrosive acid everywhere. 一種罕見的兩棲雙足蜥蜴,棲息在黑暗的洞穴里。當受到威脅時,它會到處噴出高腐蝕性的酸。 不尋常的兩棲雙足蜥蜴,棲息在黑暗的洞穴里。當受到威脅時,它會四處噴灑高腐蝕性的酸。
npc_LunarTowerNebula Representing a stormy celestial body known as 'nebula', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant. 這座塔代表一種叫作「星雲」的狂暴天體,它用封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。 此天界柱代表著叫作「星雲」的狂暴天界天體,它持有的封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。
npc_GiantWalkingAntlion {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionCharger} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionCharger}
npc_GiantFlyingAntlion {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionSwarmer} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionSwarmer}
npc_DuneSplicerHead The world's largest, most deadly worm. Strengthened by ancient magicks, it can devour a spicy Terrarian quicker than they realize. 世界上體型最大、最致命的蠕蟲。在遠古魔法的加持下變得更強大,它能出其不意地吞噬一個辛辣的泰拉瑞亞生物。 世界上體型最大、最致命的蠕蟲。在遠古魔法的加持下變得更強大,它吞噬一個香噴噴的泰拉瑞亞生物的速度遠超想像。
npc_TombCrawlerHead The desert is home to one of the largest varieties of worms across the land. It has a voracious appetite for careless explorers. 沙漠是這片土地上最大的蠕蟲變種之一的家園。這種生物尤為喜歡侵蝕粗心大意的探險家。 沙漠是這片土地上最大的蠕蟲之一的家園。這種生物對粗心大意的探險家有良好的胃口。
npc_LunarTowerSolar Representing a flaming celestial event known as 'solar flares', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant. 這座塔代表一種叫作「耀斑」的烈焰天界事件,它用封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。 此天界柱代表著叫作「耀斑」的燃燒天界事件,它持有的封印鎖住了一個可怕的暴君。
npc_SolarSpearman These highly aggressive celestial soldiers carry a large, fiery spear that can melt nearly anything it penetrates. 這些極具攻擊性的天界士兵手持一把巨大的火矛,幾乎可以熔化穿透的任何物體。 這些極具攻擊性的天界士兵手持巨大的火矛,幾乎可以熔化穿透的任何物體。
npc_MartianWalker A wonder of Martian technology constructed from the strongest metals and infused with biological components. 這是火星科技的奇蹟,由最堅硬的金屬製成,並注入了生物成分。
npc_AncientCultistSquidhead A vision of a deadly omen wrought forth by a powerful cultist, often appears with reckless cosmic summoning of wyvern spirits. 一種由強大的邪教徒製造的致命預兆幻象,經常以肆無忌憚的宇宙召喚飛龍靈魂的形式出現。 由強大的邪教徒顯化的致命預兆幻象,常常伴隨著對域外飛龍幽魂不計後果的召喚而出現。
npc_DesertGhoul Wandering the dark caverns below the desert dunes, ghouls are the dessicated husks of zombies preserved by the arid environment. 食屍鬼是乾燥環境下保存下來的乾枯殭屍的軀殼,它們遊蕩在沙丘下黑暗的洞穴里。
npc_DesertGhoulCorruption Ghouls twisted by the Corruption ooze a nasty green bile that ignites on contact with skin, scorching their prey with cursed flames. 被腐化扭曲的食屍鬼會分泌出噁心的綠色膽汁,一接觸皮膚就會燃燒,並用被詛咒的火焰灼燒獵物。 被腐化所扭曲的食屍鬼會分泌出噁心的綠色膽汁,一接觸皮膚就會燃燒,用被詛咒的火焰灼燒獵物。
npc_DesertGhoulCrimson Ghouls infested by the Crimson leak vile ichor from their mouths, weakening the defenses of their foes with every bite. 感染了猩紅的食屍鬼,嘴裡會流出髒膿水,被咬到的敵人的防禦能力會被削弱。 被猩紅所感染的食屍鬼嘴裡會流出邪惡的靈液,每次啃咬都能削弱敵人的防禦力。
npc_DesertGhoulHallow Ghouls cleansed by the Hallow possess a psychedelic saliva that renders their victims confused and distracted by visions and mirages. 被神聖之地淨化的食屍鬼會分泌一種迷幻唾液,這種唾液能讓受害者產生幻象,迷惑他們並分散他們的注意力。 被神聖之地清洗過的食屍鬼會分泌迷幻唾液,能讓受害者產生幻象,使他們困惑並分散他們的注意力。
npc_DesertLamiaLight {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Lamia} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Lamia}
npc_DesertLamiaDark {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Lamia} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Lamia}
npc_DesertScorpionWall These unnaturally large scorpions have adapted to swiftly pursuing their prey along the walls with their sharp, venomous tails. 這些異常的大蠍子已經習慣了用它們鋒利、有毒的尾巴沿著牆壁快速追逐獵物。 這些異常巨大的蠍子已經習慣了用它們鋒利的毒尾沿著牆壁快速追逐獵物。
npc_DesertBeast Sturdy as a rock, these lizard-like beasts roam the desert in search of food. Their hardened bodies make them formidable threats. 這些長得像蜥蜴的野獸堅如磐石,遊蕩在沙漠裡尋找食物。它們有著堅硬的軀體,是一種極其可怕危險的敵人。 這些蜥蜴狀的野獸堅如磐石,遊蕩在沙漠裡尋找食物。它們堅硬的軀體使其成為強大的威脅。
npc_DesertDjinn Ancient magicks corrupted the minds of the once friendly desert djinns, releasing them full of hostility from their lamps. 遠古魔法腐化了曾經友善的沙漠神靈的心靈,釋放出充滿敵意的光芒。 遠古魔法腐化了曾經友善的沙漠神靈的心智,將他們滿懷敵意地從燈中放出。
npc_DemonTaxCollector Sentenced to an eternity of punishment for his lifelong greedy ambitions, this man has long been corrupted into a demonic state. 這個人因為貪婪的野心不改而被判處永久的懲罰,早就被腐化成惡魔的樣子。 這個人因為貪婪的野心始終不改而被判處永恆的懲罰,早就被腐化而淪為惡魔。
npc_TheBride It's uncertain if the bride was wed before or after her death, but the story ends tragically for anyone who crosses her path. 不確定這位新娘是在生前還是死後結的婚,但任何遇到她的人都以悲劇收場。
npc_SandSlime Deserts are very dry, but the Sand Slime seems to have successfully adapted to the harsh conditions by becoming a pile of living sand. 沙漠環境很乾燥,但這種沙史萊姆似乎已經成功適應了這種惡劣環境,還變成了一堆活沙。 沙漠非常乾燥,但這種沙史萊姆似乎已經成功通過變成一堆活沙而適應了這種惡劣環境。
npc_SquirrelRed Rare, red-furred hyperactive rodents which scurry about the woods. 稀有的紅毛齧齒動物,非常好動,喜歡在樹林裡跑來跑去。
npc_SquirrelGold {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_PartyBunny Someone put a party hat on a bunny. It must be a real party animal. 有人給兔子戴了一頂派對帽。它肯定十分熱愛派對。
npc_SandElemental The most intense sandstorms draw forth powerful earth elementals. With this feminine form, her tornadoes tear all asunder. 最強烈的沙塵暴會帶來最強大的大地精。這種雌性生物召喚出來的龍捲風能撕毀一切。 最強烈的沙塵暴會引來最強大的土元素精靈。以這種雌性形態,她召喚出來的龍捲風能撕毀一切。
npc_SandShark {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark}
npc_SandsharkCorrupt {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark}
npc_SandsharkCrimson {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark}
npc_SandsharkHallow {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Sandshark}
npc_Tumbleweed Powerful winds have blown this tumbleweed around the desert, and it is none too pleased. They roll faster with the wind than against it. 大風把這種風滾草吹到了沙漠的周圍,它一點也不高興。它們順風比逆風滾得快。 這種風滾草被大風吹得在沙漠中四處滾動,它一點也不高興。它們順風比逆風滾得快。
npc_DD2Bartender The Tavern Keep once managed a bar in another universe. He's here to help stop the Old One's Army from conquering this world. 這個酒館老闆曾在另一個世界經營一家酒吧。他來這裡是為了阻止撒旦軍隊征服這個世界。 這個酒館老闆曾在另一個世界經營著酒吧。他來這裡是為了阻止撒旦軍隊征服這個世界。
npc_DD2Betsy A vicious Etherian dragon who leads the minions of the Old One's Army that found their way to this world. 一條天國毒龍帶著撒旦軍隊的僕從來到了這個世界。 一條埃特尼亞毒龍領著撒旦軍隊的僕從來到了這個世界。
npc_DD2GoblinT3 A unique goblin species from Etheria, they are not related Terrarian goblins. The ferocious footsoldiers of the Old One's Army. 一種來自埃特尼亞的獨特哥布林物種,它們與泰拉瑞亞哥布林無關。撒旦軍隊的兇殘步兵。 來自埃特尼亞的獨特哥布林物種,與泰拉瑞亞的哥布林毫無關聯。它們是撒旦軍隊的兇殘步兵。
npc_DD2GoblinBomberT3 Hurling bombs with reckless abandon, these sappers serve the Old One's Army with maniacal passion. 這些工兵瘋狂地投下炸彈,狂熱地為撒旦軍隊賣命。 這些工兵投擲炸彈時不計後果,狂熱地為撒旦軍隊賣命。
npc_DD2WyvernT3 Etherian Wyverns come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and behave more like bats than the majestic Wyverns of this world. 天國飛龍有各種各樣的外形和大小,它們的行為更像蝙蝠,而不像這個世界威風凜凜的飛龍。 埃特尼亞飛龍有各種各樣的外形和大小,它們的行為更像蝙蝠,而不像這個世界威風凜凜的飛龍。
npc_DD2JavelinstT3 These bulky brutes are awkward and ungainly, but their javelins are still razor sharp, and their aim is deadly. 這些體型龐大的狂獸人雖然看起來笨手笨腳,但他們的標槍很鋒利,瞄準很致命。
npc_DD2DarkMageT1 A small, levitating sorcerer from Etheria who wields dark magic and can even raise fresh minions for the Old One's Army. 一個來自埃特尼亞的小懸浮巫士,他不僅會黑魔法,還能為撒旦軍隊培養新的僕從。 這個來自埃特尼亞的小小浮空巫士不僅會黑魔法,還能為撒旦軍隊補充新的僕從。
npc_DD2DarkMageT3 A small, levitating sorcerer from Etheria who wields dark magic and can even raise fresh minions for the Old One's Army. 一個來自埃特尼亞的小懸浮巫士,他不僅會黑魔法,還能為撒旦軍隊培養新的僕從。 這個來自埃特尼亞的小小浮空巫士不僅會黑魔法,還能為撒旦軍隊補充新的僕從。
npc_DD2SkeletonT3 Small armies of these skeletons are summoned from the ground by Dark Mages, loyally serving their master's will. 暗黑魔法師會從地面召喚一小群這種骷髏,讓它們效忠於主人的意志。
npc_DD2WitherBeastT3 Wither beasts emit a defense-sapping aura from the crystals on their back. While rooted in place, they heal rapidly. 枯萎獸通過它們背上的水晶散發出一種削弱防禦力的光環。在紮根的同時,它們會迅速癒合。 枯萎獸通過它們背上的水晶散發出一種削弱防禦力的光環。紮根後,它們會迅速治療。
npc_DD2DrakinT3 Etherian reptiles in service of the Old One's Army. Powerful beasts, they are capable of spewing deadly purple flames. 為撒旦軍隊效力的天國爬行動物。它們是一種強大的野獸,能噴出致命的紫色火焰。 為撒旦軍隊效力的埃特尼亞爬行動物。它們是一種強大的野獸,能噴出致命的紫色火焰。
npc_DD2KoboldWalkerT3 Rigged with an explosive payload, Kobolds have no regard for safety. They eagerly blow themselves up, hoping to take their foes with them. 小妖魔裝上炸藥,根本不考慮安全問題。它們急切地引爆自己,希望跟敵人同歸於盡。 小妖魔背滿炸藥,根本不考慮安全問題。它們急切地引爆自己,希望跟敵人同歸於盡。
npc_DD2KoboldFlyerT3 Taking the explosive approach to a whole new level, Kobold Gliders soar the skies, seeking to bring death from above. 小妖魔滑翔怪在空中翱翔,想從更高的地方投擲炸藥,從高處撒下死亡之網。 小妖魔滑翔怪在空中翱翔,將炸藥帶到了全新的高度,試圖從天上播撒死亡。
npc_DD2OgreT2 A tall, hulking demi-human from the Old One's Army with unfathomable strength and vitality. He carries a big stick. 一個來自撒旦軍隊的高大威猛的半人,有著深不可測的力氣和生命力。他通常會拿著一根大棒。 來自撒旦軍隊中的高大威猛的亞人,有著深不可測的力量和耐力。他帶著一根大棒。
npc_DD2OgreT3 A tall, hulking demi-human from the Old One's Army with unfathomable strength and vitality. He carries a big stick. 一個來自撒旦軍隊的高大威猛的半人,有著深不可測的力氣和生命力。他通常會拿著一根大棒。 來自撒旦軍隊中的高大威猛的亞人,有著深不可測的力量和耐力。他帶著一根大棒。
npc_DD2LightningBugT3 Lightning Bugs from Etheria aren't just named that for their pretty lights! These ones blast their foes with shocking bolts of electricity. 來自埃特尼亞的螢光蟲,不僅僅是因為它們散發出的漂亮的光而得名!它們還會用觸目驚心的電流衝擊敵人。 來自埃特尼亞的螢光蟲,不僅僅是因為它們散發出的漂亮光線而得名!它們還會用駭人的電流衝擊敵人。
npc_WalkingAntlion {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionCharger} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionCharger}
npc_FlyingAntlion {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionSwarmer} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.AntlionSwarmer}
npc_LarvaeAntlion Freshly hatched from their eggs, larval antlions should not be underestimated. Though young, they are still very aggressive. 剛從卵中孵化出來的幼蟻獅不可等閒視之。雖然年幼,但它們也很有攻擊性。
npc_FairyCritterPink Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things. 蝴蝶大小的類人生物,長有發光的翅膀。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。 蝴蝶大小的發光有翼人形生物。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。
npc_FairyCritterGreen Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things. 蝴蝶大小的類人生物,長有發光的翅膀。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。 蝴蝶大小的發光有翼人形生物。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。
npc_FairyCritterBlue Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things. 蝴蝶大小的類人生物,長有發光的翅膀。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。 蝴蝶大小的發光有翼人形生物。它們適應了周圍的世界,擅長發現閃亮的東西。
npc_ZombieMerman Mermen may be rare and exotic demi-humans, but they can still die... and still come back from that a changed merman. 人魚可能是稀有、奇異的半人,但他們還是會死…死後還會再回來。 人魚也許確實是稀有、奇異的亞人,但他們還是會死……死後還會變個樣子再回來。
npc_EyeballFlyingFish For mysterious reasons, fish are known to mutate with other living things or even man-made objects. This one is especially violent. 由於一些神秘的原因,魚會與其他生物甚至人造物體發生變異。這種魚特別暴力。 由於一些神秘的原因,魚會因其他生物甚至人造物體而發生變異。這種魚特別暴力。
npc_Golfer The Golfer is a wise, middle-aged man who sells all sorts of golfing equipment. He's got game and knows how to score. 這位高爾夫球手是一個聰明的中年男子,他出售各種各樣的高爾夫設備。他有比賽意識,知道如何得分。 高爾夫球手是睿智的中年男子,出售各種高爾夫設備。他拿下了許多比賽,知道如何得分。
npc_TorchZombie In life, this torch-wielding zombie joined an angry mob to hunt the undead. In death, it joined an undead mob to hunt the living. 這個揮舞火把的殭屍在生前加入了一群憤怒的暴民,去獵殺亡靈。死後,它加入了一群暴民亡靈去獵殺生者。 這個揮舞火把的殭屍在生前加入了一群憤怒的暴民去獵殺亡靈。死後,它加入了一群亡靈暴民去獵殺生者。
npc_GoldGoldfish {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_GoldGoldfishWalker {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_WindyBalloon Some enterprising slimes ride wind currents with balloons in an effort to find food. Pop their balloons to bring them back down to earth. 有些大膽的史萊姆通過依附於氣球升向了空中,以求尋找食物。擊破氣球就能把它們帶回地面。 有些大膽的史萊姆通過氣球駕馭氣流升向了空中,以求尋找食物。擊破氣球就能把它們帶回地面。
npc_BlackDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_BlueDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_GreenDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_OrangeDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_RedDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_YellowDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Dragonfly}
npc_GoldDragonfly {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_Seagull A larger bird that inhabits coastal areas. Watch out for droppings! 棲息在沿海地區的大鳥。小心糞便! 棲息在沿海地區的大型鳥類。小心鳥糞!
npc_LadyBug A brilliant red insect often associated with luck. Fishing with these as bait may result in unwanted karma. 一種常與好運聯繫在一起的亮紅色昆蟲。用它們作為誘餌釣魚可能會導致惡報。 常與好運聯繫在一起的亮紅色昆蟲。用它們作為誘餌釣魚可能會導致惡報。
npc_GoldLadyBug {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_Maggot An unsavory larval bug which feasts on dead, rotting matter. Fish are somewhat attracted to these. 一種令人討厭的幼蟲,以腐爛的屍體為食。魚多少會被它們所吸引。 令人作嘔的幼蟲,以腐爛的屍體為食。魚多少會被它們所吸引。
npc_Pupfish These fish prefer isolated, extreme climates where competition is scarce, such as the lakebeds of a desert oasis. 這些魚更喜歡與世隔絕的極端氣候,在這種環境(例如沙漠綠洲的湖床)下幾乎沒有競爭。 這些魚喜歡缺乏競爭的孤立極端氣候,例如沙漠綠洲的湖床。
npc_Grebe An exotic waterfowl that thrives in the desert oasis. 一種生長在沙漠綠洲的奇異水禽。 在沙漠綠洲中繁衍生息的奇異水禽。
npc_Rat These fuzzy rodents sniff about in putrid locations scavenging for food. They are avoided in fear of diseases they may carry. 這些長有絨毛的齧齒動物在腐爛的地方嗅來嗅去尋找食物。人們對它們避而遠之,以防感染它們可能攜帶的疾病。 這些長毛的齧齒動物在腐爛的地方嗅來嗅去尋找食物。人們對它們避而遠之,以防感染它們可能攜帶的疾病。
npc_Owl A large, wise predatory bird which hunts nocturnally from the tree tops. 一種聰明的大型食肉鳥,夜間從樹頂捕食。 一種聰明的大型掠食鳥類,夜間從樹梢捕食。
npc_WaterStrider Glides elegantly along the surface of calm bodies of water searching for smaller bugs. Fish are occasionally attracted to these. 優雅地滑行在平靜的水面,捕食小蟲子。魚偶爾會被它們所吸引。
npc_GoldWaterStrider {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldBaitCritter}
npc_ExplosiveBunny Not the typical garden-variety bunny. This one has been tampered with, and has an explosive temper as a result. 不是普通的吃草兔子。這種兔子被篡改了基因,所以脾氣很暴躁。 不是普通的花園兔兔。這種兔兔被干預過,脾氣很是火爆。
npc_Dolphin A playful sea mammal whose intelligence rivals that of humanity. 一種頑皮的海洋哺乳動物,它的智力可與人類的智力相媲美。 一種活潑的海洋哺乳動物,它的智力可與人類媲美。
npc_Turtle These slow, stoic creatures travel between lakes and dry land, carrying a hard shell on their backs for protection. 這些緩慢、堅忍的生物穿行在湖泊和陸地之間,背上背著堅硬的甲殼來保護自己。 這些緩慢、堅忍的生物穿行在湖泊和陸地之間,背著堅硬的甲殼來保護自己。
npc_TurtleJungle Their hard shells camouflage them from vicious predators by blending in with the thick, jungly environment in which they reside. 它們堅硬的甲殼與它們居住的茂密叢林環境相融合,能保護它們免受兇惡捕食者的攻擊。
npc_BloodNautilus An enormous shelled water demon which feeds off the negative energy of a Blood Moon. Brutally responds to being pestered. 一種巨大的有殼水怪,以血月的負能量為食。被纏住時會予以殘酷反擊。 巨大的帶殼水怪,以血月的負能量為食。殘酷地回應對它的打擾。
npc_BloodSquid Summoned in small groups by the Nautilus to aid their master in battle. Thick are the streams of blood squirted from their bodies. 在戰鬥中,鸚鵡螺會分組召喚它們來援助它們的主人。鮮血從它們的體內噴涌而出。 鸚鵡螺在戰鬥中會批次小規模召喚它們前來助陣。它們的體內噴湧出濃稠的血流。
npc_GoblinShark Half-shark, half-goblin, completely murderous! One of the numerous reasons to just stay home during a Blood Moon. 半鯊魚,半哥布林,極其殘暴!也是血月期間要待在家的眾多原因之一。 半鯊魚半哥布林,窮凶極惡!是血月期間要待在家的眾多原因之一。
npc_BloodEelHead A large, worm-like demon, dripping with blood - both its own, and its victim's. It's a bloody nightmare of a fiend! 一種長得像蠕蟲的大塊頭惡魔,渾身滴著鮮血 - 有自己的血,也有受害者的血。這是一個血腥的惡魔噩夢! 大型蠕蟲狀惡魔,渾身滴著鮮血——有自己的血,也有受害者的血。這是個血腥的魔鬼噩夢!
npc_Gnome A tiny long-bearded sneak who resides in oversized trees. Becomes a lawn ornament when exposed to sunlight. 一種長鬍子的小地精,住在大樹上。當暴露在陽光下時,可以點綴整個草坪。 一種長鬍子的小地精,住在大樹上。當暴露在陽光下時,會變成草坪裝飾品。
npc_SeaTurtle A soft-shelled reptile that prefers saltwater and marine prey. 一種喜歡鹹水和海洋獵物的軟殼爬行動物。 喜歡鹹水和海洋獵物的軟殼爬行動物。
npc_Seahorse A gentle critter which swims harmlessly in the ocean depths. 一種溫和的小動物,毫無惡意地暢遊在深海中。 溫和的小動物,無害地暢遊在海洋深處。
npc_GoldSeahorse {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GoldCritter}
npc_Dandelion All this wind can make just about anyone angry. Evidently, this includes otherwise harmless dandelions and their deadly seeds. 這種風會讓任何人都憤怒。就連本來無害的蒲公英也會發怒,發射出致命的種子。 這種風會讓所有人都憤怒。就連本來無害的蒲公英也會發怒,發射出致命的種子。
npc_IceMimic {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mimic} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.Mimic}
npc_RockGolem Dense-minded living stone formation. Awaits weary cavern dwellers to pound them into juicy rubble. 緻密活岩地層。等待著疲憊的洞穴棲息者把它們搗碎成多汁的瓦礫。 心智愚鈍的活石構造物。等待著將疲憊的洞穴棲息者搗碎成多汁的瓦礫。
npc_BloodMummy The blood-dripping organic matter in these mummies display far better preservation than the rest of their ilk. 這些木乃伊中滴著血的有機物比其他有機物保存得更好。
npc_SporeSkeleton Skeletons meandering through more moist caverns become hosts for glowing fungal growth, greatly empowering them. 迂迴穿過更潮濕洞穴的骷髏,成為發光真菌生長的宿主,這樣極大地增強了骷髏的能力。
npc_SporeBat The tables have turned on a variety of rabid bats, themselves enwrought with a deadly fungal infection. 問題已經轉向各種狂犬蝙蝠了,它們身上有致命的真菌感染。 問題已經轉向各種瘋狂的蝙蝠了,它們身上有致命的真菌感染。
npc_BestiaryGirl The Zoologist, resident lycanthrope, adores animals. Her fox-like biology resulted from a cursed animal bite. 她是一名動物學家,也是狼人,非常喜歡動物。她像狐狸一樣的生理機能是由被詛咒的狐狸咬傷所致。 動物學家是定居於此的獸化人,她非常喜歡動物。她那狐狸般的生理狀況是由被詛咒的動物咬傷所致。
npc_TownCat Lazy, devious, might bring presents. Presents might have once been breathing. 懶惰、狡詐,可能會帶來禮物。禮物可能曾經有過生命。 懶散、狡猾,可能會帶來禮物。禮物可能曾經有生命。
npc_TownDog A loyal companion to many. Excitable and always ready for action. 許多人的忠誠夥伴。易激動,隨時準備行動。
npc_TownBunny Guaranteed to keep the vegetable supplies in check. Might possibly become a hat. 保證蔬菜的供應。可能會變成一頂帽子。 要保證蔬菜的供應。它可能會變成一頂帽子。
npc_HellButterfly A solemn butterfly seeking blooms rooted in hell. Its wings glimmer with fiery veins. 一隻在地獄裡尋找花朵的冷峻蝴蝶。它的翅膀閃爍著火紅的翅脈。 在地獄裡尋找綻放花朵的冷峻蝴蝶。它的翅膀閃爍著火紅的翅脈。
npc_Lavafly A variation of firefly which adapted to the intense conditions of the world's infernal core. It mimics sparking embers. 螢火蟲的變種,適應了世界地獄核心的緊張環境。長得像火花的餘燼。 螢火蟲的變種,適應了世界地獄核心的嚴酷條件。它就像是閃著火花的餘燼。
npc_MagmaSnail A unique species of snail which withstands extreme heat. Its boiling slime trail melts down most weaker surfaces. 一種獨特的蝸牛,能經受極端的高溫。它沸騰的黏液能融化最脆弱的表面。 獨特的蝸牛,能經受極端的高溫。它沸騰的黏液尾跡能融化最脆弱的表面。
npc_GemSquirrelAmethyst {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelTopaz {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelSapphire {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelEmerald {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelRuby {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelDiamond {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemSquirrelAmber {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemSquirrel}
npc_GemBunnyAmethyst {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnyTopaz {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnySapphire {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnyEmerald {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnyRuby {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnyDiamond {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_GemBunnyAmber {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny} {$CommonBestiaryFlavor.GemBunny}
npc_HallowBoss Beneath the Hallow's cleansing blanket lies a vengeful fae goddess bent on scrubbing the land of any and all impurity. 神聖之地的淨化毯下住著一個報復心切的女神,一心一意要除去這片土地上的一切污穢。 神聖之地的表面下住著一個復仇心切的仙靈女神,一心一意要除去這片土地上的一切污穢。
npc_QueenSlimeBoss Hallowed slimes consolidated into a haughty, crushing force adorned in dazzling crystals. She is rumored to grow wings. 神聖史萊姆合併成了一種高傲的粉碎性力量,這種力量佩戴著閃耀的水晶。傳說她會長出翅膀。 神聖史萊姆合併成了一種高傲的壓倒性力量,這種力量佩戴著閃耀的水晶。傳說她會長出翅膀。
npc_MaggotZombie Wanders aimlessly to infest the living with undeath, unaware of its own maggoty infestation. 漫無目的地遊蕩,通過感染生者讓他們變成殭屍,沒有意識到它的蛆蟲侵擾。 漫無目的地遊蕩,感染生者讓他們變成殭屍,卻未意識到自己飽受蛆蟲侵擾。
npc_QueenSlimeMinionBlue The blue-spectrumed crystal slimes specialize in growing and ejecting pointed crystal shards from their gelatinous bodies. 藍光譜水晶史萊姆擅長從膠狀身體中培養並噴射尖銳的水晶碎片。
npc_QueenSlimeMinionPink On the pink side of the crystal spectrum, these crystal slimes pop off tumor-like gel growths to assault their enemies. 在水晶光譜的粉色部分,這些水晶史萊姆會從瘤狀的凝膠贅生物中脫落,從而攻擊它們的敵人。 這些水晶史萊姆位於水晶光譜的粉紅色一側,它們會從身上射出瘤狀凝膠來攻擊它們的敵人。
npc_QueenSlimeMinionPurple Crystal slimes on the purple spectrum grow wings much like their royal creator, becoming aerial threats. 紫色光譜上的水晶史萊姆會長出翅膀,很像它們的皇家創造者,成為空中的威脅。 紫色光譜的水晶史萊姆會長出翅膀,很像它們的皇家創造者,成為空中的威脅。
npc_EmpressButterfly Should one of these luminescent beings perish in the chaos of night, a sleeping tyrant is rumored to violently awaken. 傳說如果一隻這樣會發冷光的生物在混亂的夜晚死去,一個沉睡的暴君將被猛烈地喚醒。 傳說如果一隻這樣的發光生物在夜晚的混沌中死去,就會有一個沉睡的暴君將被猛烈地喚醒。
npc_TorchGod An unseen deity responsible for a torch's eternal flicker, however easily angered by the unsightly, ungrateful abuse of torch placement. 一位看不見的神明,他負責讓火把永恆閃爍,但很容易因為別人不知好歹地將火把擺放得很難看而發怒。 主管火把永恆搖曳的無形神明,但容易因為別人不知好歹地將火把擺放得很難看而發怒。
npc_Princess Shy and innocent, this happy young lady sees the positive in everything, and everybody. She appreciates all of her subjects, from all walks of life. 這位快樂的年輕女士害羞而天真,對待任何事和任何人總能看到積極的一面。她很欣賞來自各行各業的所有臣民。
npc_Deerclops Hailing from a distant land, this cyclopic monstrosity lurks in cold places, wreaking havoc on those who disturb it. 這個醜陋的獨眼巨獸來自遙遠的國度,可以潛伏在寒冷的地方,對打擾它的人造成嚴重破壞。 這隻獨眼巨獸來自遙遠的地方,它蟄伏在酷寒之處,給打擾它的人帶去滅頂之災。
npc_Stinkbug These sneaky pests have a knack for invading even the most airtight of homes, projecting their cilantro-like stench everywhere if disturbed. 這些鬼鬼祟祟的害蟲有入侵密閉房屋的本事,如果受到干擾就會散發出香菜般的氣味。 這些鬼祟的害蟲有種本領,即使是最密不透風的房屋也能入侵;如果受到干擾,它們會散發出香菜般的惡臭。
npc_ScarletMacaw A lovely tropical bird with plumage that reminds one of a beautiful sunset over the jungle canopy. 有羽翼的可愛熱帶鳥,讓人想起叢林樹冠上的美麗日落。 可愛的熱帶鳥,全身羽毛讓人想起叢林樹冠上的美麗日落。
npc_BlueMacaw Evoking visions of a bright summer sky over crystal blue waters, this tropical bird can be found foraging for seeds in the trees of the jungle. 這種熱帶鳥讓人想起,夏日晴空萬里,海水湛藍,而它在叢林的樹木中尋覓種子。 這種熱帶鳥在叢林的樹木中覓食種子,讓人聯想夏日晴空萬里下晶瑩剔透的湛藍海水。
npc_TownSlimeBlue Just a smidge cleverer than other slimes, this slime discovered how to coexist with humans. The secret: accessorizing! 這隻史萊姆比其它史萊姆聰明一點點,它發現了如何與人類共存。秘訣就是:裝飾自己! 這種史萊姆比其它史萊姆聰明一點點,它發現了如何與人類共存。秘訣就是:穿戴飾物!
npc_Toucan You can often find this brightly-plumed and large-beaked bird looping around high in the trees in search of delicious fruit. 你經常會發現,這種羽毛鮮艷的大喙鳥在樹林上空盤旋,尋覓著美味的果子。
npc_YellowCockatiel The distinct plumage of this bird's crest is a tell-tale sign of its emotional state, often raised when it is excited. 這種鳥冠的羽毛獨特,是情緒狀態的明顯標誌,興奮時通常會豎起羽毛。 這種鳥羽冠上的獨特羽毛是情緒狀態的指示標誌,通常在它興奮時會立起。
npc_GrayCockatiel A very social animal by nature, these close cousins of parrots can often be taught to say simple phrases. 這些鸚鵡的近親是天生的社交動物,經過學習後通常可以說一些簡單的詞語。 這些鸚鵡的近親是天生的社交動物,通常可以教它們說一些簡單的短語。
npc_TownSlimeGreen Easily the coolest slime around, no question. You can tell from the backwards hat and indecipherable slang. 毫無疑問,這是最酷的史萊姆。你可以通過顛倒的帽子和費解的俚語分辨出來。 毫無疑問,這是最酷的史萊姆。你可以通過反扣的帽子和費解的俚語看出來。
npc_TownSlimeOld Older, though not necessarily wiser, the other slimes look up to the Elder Slime. If it survived this long, it must know something! 年長史萊姆雖然不一定更聰明,但倍受其它史萊姆景仰。它能活這麼久,肯定知道些什麼! 雖然年長不一定更聰明,但長者史萊姆倍受其它史萊姆景仰。它活了這麼久,肯定知道些什麼!
npc_TownSlimePurple This slime was a little confused when the other slimes started putting on hats and accessories. But it did its best. 當其它史萊姆開始戴上帽子和配飾時,這隻史萊姆有點困惑。但它盡力了。 當其它史萊姆開始戴上帽子和配飾時,這隻史萊姆有點困惑。但它已經盡力了。
npc_TownSlimeRainbow Born of the combined energies of Shimmer and the Queen Slime, this slime is full of boundless energy and enthusiasm! And so fancy! 這隻史萊姆是微光和史萊姆皇后相結合的產物,所以充滿了無限的能量和熱情!而且很酷炫! 這隻史萊姆是微光的能量和史萊姆皇后相結合的產物,所以充滿了無限的能量和熱情!而且很酷炫!
npc_TownSlimeRed Irascible and insufferable, this grumpy slime is probably up to no good. Probably. It's the thought that counts, really. 這隻脾氣暴躁、令人厭惡的史萊姆很可能居心不良。意圖才是關鍵。 這隻脾氣暴躁、令人厭惡的史萊姆可能不懷好意。可能吧。意圖才是關鍵。
npc_TownSlimeYellow This slime knows that great witches wear impressive hats, but it only found a droopy one. Might explain the backfired polymorph! 這隻史萊姆知道大女巫戴著令人印象深刻的帽子,但它只找到了一頂耷拉著的帽子。也許能解釋適得其反的變形體! 這隻史萊姆知道偉大的女巫都戴著令人印象深刻的帽子,但它只找到了一頂耷拉著的帽子。或許可以解釋這種事與願違的變形術!
npc_TownSlimeCopper A hero amongst slimes, it wields the greatest arms and armor known to its kind. It doesn't actually know how to use them, but it's a start. 它是史萊姆中的英雄,擁有同類中最強大的武器和盔甲。它實際上並不知道如何使用,但這是一個開始。
npc_BoundTownSlimeYellow A curious frog with a funny hat, surrounded by potent magic! Perhaps something can break its curse... you probably shouldn't kiss it! 戴著滑稽帽子的好奇青蛙,周圍環繞著強大的魔法!也許有什麼東西可以解除它的詛咒……你可能不應該親吻它! 一隻好奇的青蛙戴著滑稽的帽子,被強大的魔法包圍著!也許有什麼東西可以打破它的詛咒……你大概不該親吻它!
npc_Shimmerfly These scintillating fairy-like creatures are born when animals wander into the glowing depths of a Shimmer pond. 當動物們進入微光池塘的發光深處時,這些閃閃發光、如精靈般的生物就誕生了。 當動物遊蕩到微光池塘的發光深處時,這些閃閃發光、仙靈般的生物就誕生了。
npc_ShimmerSlime After a quick swim in the Shimmer, this prismatic slime has been infused with the powers of the mysterious fluid. 在微光中快速遊蕩之後,這隻七彩史萊姆就被注入了神秘液體的力量。 在微光中遊了一圈之後,這隻七彩史萊姆就被注入了神秘液體的力量。