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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
ChallengerCategory Challenger 挑战者
CollectorCategory Collector 收藏家
ExplorerCategory Explorer 探险家
SlayerCategory Slayer 杀手
NoCategory None
Completed Achievement complete! {0} 成就已完成!{0}
TIMBER_Name Timber!! 木材!!
TIMBER_Description Chop down your first tree. 砍倒第一棵树。
BENCHED_Name Benched 已制作工作台 准备到位
BENCHED_Description Craft your first work bench. 制作你的第一个工作台。
NO_HOBO_Name No Hobo 有家可归
NO_HOBO_Description Build a house suitable enough for your first town NPC, such as the guide, to move into. 建造一栋足够大的房屋,让第一个城镇的NPC(如向导)住进来。 建造一栋足够大的房屋,让第一个城镇NPC(如向导)住进来。
OBTAIN_HAMMER_Name Stop! Hammer Time! 停!锤子时间到!
OBTAIN_HAMMER_Description Obtain your first hammer via crafting or otherwise. 通过制作或其他方式获得第一把锤子。
OOO_SHINY_Name Ooo! Shiny! 哦!亮闪闪!
OOO_SHINY_Description Mine your first nugget of ore with a pickaxe. 用镐开采第一块矿石。
HEART_BREAKER_Name Heart Breaker 碎心 伤心者
HEART_BREAKER_Description Discover and smash your first heart crystal underground. 发现并粉碎第一颗地下水晶之心。 首次在地下发现并粉碎水晶之心。
HEAVY_METAL_Name Heavy Metal 重金属
HEAVY_METAL_Description Obtain an anvil made from iron or lead. 获得由铁或铅制成的砧子。
I_AM_LOOT_Name I Am Loot! 我是战利品! 我要洗劫!
I_AM_LOOT_Description Discover a golden chest underground and take a peek at its contents. 发现一个地下金箱并偷看里面有什么。 在地下发现一个金制箱并看看里面有什么。
STAR_POWER_Name Star Power 星之魔力 星之力
STAR_POWER_Description Craft a mana crystal out of fallen stars, and consume it. 使用坠落之星制作魔力水晶并使用它。
HOLD_ON_TIGHT_Name Hold on Tight! 钩紧! 抓紧!
HOLD_ON_TIGHT_Description Equip your first grappling hook. 装备第一个抓钩。 首次装备抓钩。
EYE_ON_YOU_Name Eye on You 盯着你
EYE_ON_YOU_Description Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu, an ocular menace who only appears at night. 打败克苏鲁之眼,只在夜间出没的危险眼球怪。 打败克苏鲁之眼,它是只在夜间出没的危险眼球怪。
SMASHING_POPPET_Name Smashing, Poppet! 碎得漂亮,小乖乖!
SMASHING_POPPET_Description Using explosives or your trusty hammer, smash a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart in the evil parts of your world. 使用炸药或可靠锤子,在世界的邪恶地带中粉碎暗影珠或猩红之心。 使用炸药或可靠的锤子,在世界的邪恶地带中粉碎暗影珠或猩红之心。
WORM_FODDER_Name Worm Fodder 虫粮
WORM_FODDER_Description Defeat the Eater of Worlds, a massive worm who dwells in the corruption. 打败世界吞噬怪,居住在腐化之地的巨虫。 打败世界吞噬怪,它是居住在腐化之地的巨虫。
MASTERMIND_Name Mastermind 最强大脑
MASTERMIND_Description Defeat the Brain of Cthulhu, an enormous demon brain which haunts the creeping crimson. 打败克苏鲁之脑,这个巨大的恶魔大脑常常出现在毛骨茸然的猩红之地。 打败克苏鲁之脑,它是出现在让人毛骨悚然的猩红之地中的巨大恶魔大脑。
WHERES_MY_HONEY_Name Where's My Honey? 我的蜂蜜在哪儿? 我的甜甜在哪儿?
WHERES_MY_HONEY_Description Discover a large bee's hive deep in the jungle. 发现丛林深处的巨蜂蜂巢。
STING_OPERATION_Name Sting Operation 蜇刺行动
STING_OPERATION_Description Defeat the Queen Bee, the matriarch of the jungle hives. 打败蜂王,统治丛林蜂巢的女王。 打败蜂王,它是统治丛林蜂巢的女王。
BONED_Name Boned 粉身碎骨
BONED_Description Defeat Skeletron, the cursed guardian of the dungeon. 打败骷髅王,地牢中被诅咒的守卫。 打败骷髅王,它是被诅咒的地牢守卫。
DUNGEON_HEIST_Name Dungeon Heist 地牢大劫案
DUNGEON_HEIST_Description Steal a key from the dungeon's undead denizens, and unlock one of their precious golden chests. 从地牢的活尸处偷取钥匙,打开其中一个珍贵的金箱。 从地牢的亡灵居民处偷取钥匙,并打开一个它们宝贵的金制箱。
ITS_GETTING_HOT_IN_HERE_Name It's Getting Hot in Here 越来越热
ITS_GETTING_HOT_IN_HERE_Description Spelunk deep enough to reach the molten underworld. 深入洞穴探险,到达熔岩地狱。 深入洞穴探险,到达熔火地狱。
MINER_FOR_FIRE_Name Miner for Fire 烈焰矿工
MINER_FOR_FIRE_Description Craft a molten pickaxe using the hottest of materials. 使用最热的材料制作熔岩镐。
STILL_HUNGRY_Name Still Hungry 野心依旧
STILL_HUNGRY_Description Defeat the Wall of Flesh, the master and core of the world who arises after a great, burning sacrifice. 打败血肉墙,它是世界的主宰与核心,会在大型的燃烧献祭后出现。 打败血肉墙,它是世界的主宰与核心,会在伟大的燃烧献祭后出现。
ITS_HARD_Name It's Hard! 举步维艰!
ITS_HARD_Description Unleash the ancient spirits of light and darkness across your world, enabling much stronger foes and showering the world with dazzling treasures (and rainbows!). 在你的世界里释放古老的光明与黑暗之魂,打败无比强大的敌人,利用耀眼夺目的宝藏(和彩虹!)净化世界。 在你的世界里释放古老的光明与黑暗之魂,让更强大的敌人出现,并用耀眼夺目的宝藏(和彩虹!)洗礼世界。
BEGONE_EVIL_Name Begone, Evil! 滚开,恶魔!
BEGONE_EVIL_Description Smash a demon or crimson altar with a powerful, holy hammer. 用强大而神圣的锤子砸碎恶魔或猩红祭坛。
EXTRA_SHINY_Name Extra Shiny! 光彩夺目!
EXTRA_SHINY_Description Mine a powerful ore that has been newly blessed upon your world. 开采你的世界新获赐的强大矿石。
HEAD_IN_THE_CLOUDS_Name Head in the Clouds 冲上云霄
HEAD_IN_THE_CLOUDS_Description Equip a pair of wings. 装备一对翅膀。
LIKE_A_BOSS_Name Like a Boss 怪气外露 霸气侧漏
LIKE_A_BOSS_Description Obtain a boss-summoning item. 获得召唤boss的物品。 获得召唤Boss的物品。
BUCKETS_OF_BOLTS_Name Buckets of Bolts 万矢齐发
BUCKETS_OF_BOLTS_Description Defeat the three nocturnal mechanical menaces: the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime. 打败三个夜间出没的危险机械怪物:双子魔眼、毁灭者和机械骷髅王。
DRAX_ATTAX_Name Drax Attax 斧钻战队
DRAX_ATTAX_Description Craft a drax or pickaxe axe using hallowed bars, and the souls of the three mechanical bosses. 用神圣锭和三个机械boss的灵魂制作斧钻或镐斧。 用神圣锭和三个机械Boss的灵魂制作斧钻或镐斧。
PHOTOSYNTHESIS_Name Photosynthesis 光合作用
PHOTOSYNTHESIS_Description Mine chlorophyte, an organic ore found deep among the thickest of flora. 开采叶绿矿石,一种深藏在最稠密的植物中的有机矿石。
GET_A_LIFE_Name Get a Life 重获新生
GET_A_LIFE_Description Consume a life fruit, which grows in the thick of subterranean jungle grass. 吃一个生命果,这种果子长在茂密的地下丛林草地中。
THE_GREAT_SOUTHERN_PLANTKILL_Name The Great Southern Plantkill 大南方植物终结者
THE_GREAT_SOUTHERN_PLANTKILL_Description Defeat Plantera, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths. 打败世纪之花,蔓生在丛林深处的畸形怪花。 打败世纪之花,它是蔓生在丛林深处的畸形怪花。
TEMPLE_RAIDER_Name Temple Raider 神庙入侵者 神庙丽影
TEMPLE_RAIDER_Description Breach the impenetrable walls of the jungle temple. 攻破丛林神庙坚不可摧的墙。
LIHZAHRDIAN_IDOL_Name Lihzahrdian Idol 丛林蜥蜴之神
LIHZAHRDIAN_IDOL_Description Defeat Golem, the stone-faced ritualistic idol of the lihzahrd tribe. 打败石巨人,丛林蜥蜴部落的石脸祭祀神像。 打败石巨人,它是丛林蜥蜴部落的石脸祭祀神像。
ROBBING_THE_GRAVE_Name Robbing the Grave 盗墓
ROBBING_THE_GRAVE_Description Obtain a rare treasure from a difficult monster in the dungeon. 从难对付的地牢怪兽那儿获得稀世珍宝。 从地牢中的困难怪兽那儿获得稀世珍宝。
BIG_BOOTY_Name Big Booty 丰厚战利品
BIG_BOOTY_Description Unlock one of the dungeon's large, mysterious chests with a special key. 用一把特别的钥匙打开地牢中的其中一个神秘大宝箱。
FISH_OUT_OF_WATER_Name Fish Out of Water 离水之鱼
FISH_OUT_OF_WATER_Description Defeat Duke Fishron, mutant terror of the sea. 打败猪龙鱼公爵,大海中的变异怪兽。 打败猪龙鱼公爵,他是大海中的变异怪兽。
OBSESSIVE_DEVOTION_Name Obsessive Devotion 虔诚信仰
OBSESSIVE_DEVOTION_Description Defeat the Ancient Cultist, fanatical leader of the dungeon coven. 打败远古信徒,地牢女巫团的狂热首领。 打败远古邪教徒,他是地牢巫团的狂热首领。
STAR_DESTROYER_Name Star Destroyer 灭星者 歼星者
STAR_DESTROYER_Description Defeat the four celestial towers of the moon. 打败月亮上的四个天塔。 打败四个月亮天界柱。
CHAMPION_OF_TERRARIA_Name Champion of Terraria 泰拉瑞亚战士 泰拉瑞亚斗士
CHAMPION_OF_TERRARIA_Description Defeat the Moon Lord. 打败月亮领主。
BLOODBATH_Name Bloodbath 大屠杀
BLOODBATH_Description Survive a blood moon, a nocturnal event where the rivers run red and monsters swarm aplenty. 在血月之夜中活下来,在这一夜间事件中,河流被染红,怪物蜂拥而至。 在血月中活下来,在这一夜间事件中,河流会泛红,怪物蜂拥而至。
SLIPPERY_SHINOBI_Name Slippery Shinobi 黏滑忍者
SLIPPERY_SHINOBI_Description Defeat King Slime, the lord of all things slimy. 打败史莱姆王,所有黏滑生物的首领。 打败史莱姆王,它是所有黏滑生物的首领。
GOBLIN_PUNTER_Name Goblin Punter 哥布林草民
GOBLIN_PUNTER_Description Triumph over a goblin invasion, a ragtag regiment of crude, barbaric, pointy-eared warriors and their shadowflame sorcerers. 击败哥布林入侵,一群低贱、野蛮、粗暴的尖耳朵战士和暗影焰巫士。 击败哥布林入侵,它们是一群低贱、野蛮、粗暴的尖耳朵战士和暗影焰巫士。
WALK_THE_PLANK_Name Walk the Plank 稳走跳板
WALK_THE_PLANK_Description Triumph over a pirate invasion, a group of pillagers from the sea out for your booty... and your life! 击败海盗入侵,这群来自海上的劫匪不仅要抢你的战利品...还要你的命! 击败海盗入侵,这群来自海上的劫匪不仅要抢你的战利品……还要你的命!
KILL_THE_SUN_Name Kill the Sun 食日 杀死太阳
KILL_THE_SUN_Description Survive a solar eclipse, a day darker than night filled with creatures of horror. 活着度过比黑夜还黑的日食之日,到处都是可怕生物。 活着度过日食,这是比黑夜还黑暗的白天,到处都是恐怖生物。
DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SLAY_A_SNOWMAN_Name Do You Want to Slay a Snowman? 想要杀死雪人吗?
DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SLAY_A_SNOWMAN_Description Triumph over the frost legion, a festive family of maniacal snowman mobsters. 征服雪人军团,疯狂雪人暴徒的欢乐家族。 征服雪人军团,这是疯狂雪人暴徒的欢乐家族。
TIN_FOIL_HATTER_Name Tin-Foil Hatter 锡箔帽商
TIN_FOIL_HATTER_Description Triumph over a martian invasion, when beings from out of this world come to scramble your brains and probe you in uncomfortable places. 击败火星人入侵,不属于这个世界的外星人会让你乱了套,令你心神不宁。 击败火星人入侵,在这事件里不属于这个世界的外星人会扰乱你的心神并在不舒服的地方探察你。
BALEFUL_HARVEST_Name Baleful Harvest 邪恶丰收
BALEFUL_HARVEST_Description Reach the 15th wave of a pumpkin moon, where evil lurks among the autumn harvest. 到达南瓜月的第15波攻击,恶魔潜伏在金秋丰收之中。 达成南瓜月的第15波,这一波中恶魔潜伏在金秋丰收之中。
ICE_SCREAM_Name Ice Scream 寒冰尖啸
ICE_SCREAM_Description Reach the 15th wave of a frost moon, where the festive season quickly degrades into madness. 到达霜月的第15波攻击,节日季将迅速沦为疯狂暴动。 达成霜月的第15波,这一波中节日将迅速沦为疯狂暴动。
STICKY_SITUATION_Name Sticky Situation 黏黏糊糊
STICKY_SITUATION_Description Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves. 在史莱姆雨中活下来,在此期间胶状生物会成群结队地从天而降。 在史莱姆雨中活下来,在此期间明胶生物会成群结队地从天而降。
REAL_ESTATE_AGENT_Name Real Estate Agent 房地产经纪人 房产中介
REAL_ESTATE_AGENT_Description Have all possible town NPCs living in your world. 让所有可以的城镇NPC住在你的世界里。 让所有可能的城镇NPC都生活在你的世界中。
NOT_THE_BEES_Name Not the Bees! 伪蜜蜂! 不要蜜蜂!
NOT_THE_BEES_Description Fire a Bee Gun while wearing a full set of Bee Armor. 穿上一整套蜜蜂盔甲使用蜜蜂枪射击。 穿着一整套蜜蜂盔甲时使用蜜蜂枪射击。
JEEPERS_CREEPERS_Name Jeepers Creepers 毛骨悚然
JEEPERS_CREEPERS_Description Stumble into a spider cavern in the underground. 摸索进入地下蜘蛛洞。 在地下摸进蜘蛛洞。
FUNKYTOWN_Name Funkytown 时髦小镇
FUNKYTOWN_Description Build or encounter a glowing mushroom field above the surface. 打造或发现地表上的发光蘑菇地。
INTO_ORBIT_Name Into Orbit 进入轨道
INTO_ORBIT_Description You can only go down from here! 在这儿你只能往下走!
ROCK_BOTTOM_Name Rock Bottom 最底层
ROCK_BOTTOM_Description The only way is up! 唯一的出路是向上!
MECHA_MAYHEM_Name Mecha Mayhem 机甲混战
MECHA_MAYHEM_Description Do battle against the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime simultaneously and emerge victorious. 同时与双子魔眼、毁灭者和机械骷髅王战斗并获胜。
GELATIN_WORLD_TOUR_Name Gelatin World Tour 明胶世界之旅
GELATIN_WORLD_TOUR_Description Defeat every type of slime there is! 打败每一种史莱姆!
FASHION_STATEMENT_Name Fashion Statement 时尚宣言
FASHION_STATEMENT_Description Equip armor or vanity clothing in all three social slots. 在所有三种社交栏中装备盔甲或浮华服饰。 在全部三个社交盔甲栏中都装备上盔甲或时装服饰。
VEHICULAR_MANSLAUGHTER_Name Vehicular Manslaughter 开车谋杀
VEHICULAR_MANSLAUGHTER_Description Defeat an enemy by running it over with a minecart. 通过开矿车辗轧敌人来打败敌人。 通过矿车碾压来打败敌人。
BULLDOZER_Name Bulldozer 推土机
BULLDOZER_Description Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles. 共破坏10,000个图格。
THERE_ARE_SOME_WHO_CALL_HIM_Name There are Some Who Call Him... 有人要杀他... 有人要杀他……
THERE_ARE_SOME_WHO_CALL_HIM_Description Kill Tim. 杀死蒂姆。
DECEIVER_OF_FOOLS_Name Deceiver of Fools 傻瓜骗子
DECEIVER_OF_FOOLS_Description Kill a nymph. 杀死宁芙。
SWORD_OF_THE_HERO_Name Sword of the Hero 英雄之剑
SWORD_OF_THE_HERO_Description Obtain a Terra Blade, forged from the finest blades of light and darkness. 获得一把汲取了日月精华的锋刃锻造而成的泰拉刃。 获得泰拉刃,它由极品光明刃与极品黑暗刃锻造而成。
LUCKY_BREAK_Name Lucky Break 时来运转
LUCKY_BREAK_Description Survive a long fall with just a sliver of health remaining. 活着从高处跌落并且只剩下一丁点生命值。
THROWING_LINES_Name Throwing Lines 扔绳子
THROWING_LINES_Description Throw a yoyo. 投掷悠悠球。
DYE_HARD_Name Dye Hard 处处遍染
DYE_HARD_Description Equip a dye in every possible dye slot. 尽可能在每个染料栏中装备一种染料。 在每个可能的染料栏中都装备染料。
SICK_THROW_Name Sick Throw 非凡投掷
SICK_THROW_Description Obtain the Terrarian. 获得泰拉悠悠球。
FREQUENT_FLYER_Name The Frequent Flyer 屡攻飞行怪 常旅客
FREQUENT_FLYER_Description Spend over 1 gold being treated by the nurse. 花费1个以上的金币接受护士的治疗。 在接受护士的治疗上花费超过1个金币。
THE_CAVALRY_Name The Cavalry 骑兵
THE_CAVALRY_Description Equip a mount. 装备坐骑。
COMPLETELY_AWESOME_Name Completely Awesome 妙不可言
COMPLETELY_AWESOME_Description Obtain a minishark. 获得一把迷你鲨。
TIL_DEATH_Name Til Death... 至死不渝... 至死不渝……
TIL_DEATH_Description Kill the groom. 杀死僵尸新郎。
ARCHAEOLOGIST_Name Archaeologist 考古学家
ARCHAEOLOGIST_Description Kill Doctor Bones. 杀死骷髅博士。
PRETTY_IN_PINK_Name Pretty in Pink 粉红佳人
PRETTY_IN_PINK_Description Kill pinky. 杀死粉史莱姆。
RAINBOWS_AND_UNICORNS_Name Rainbows and Unicorns 彩虹和独角兽
RAINBOWS_AND_UNICORNS_Description Fire a rainbow gun while riding on a unicorn. 骑着独角兽使用彩虹枪射击。 骑着独角兽时用彩虹枪射击。
YOU_AND_WHAT_ARMY_Name You and What Army? 你和哪路神仙啊?
YOU_AND_WHAT_ARMY_Description Command nine summoned minions simultaneously. 同时控制九个召唤仆从。
PRISMANCER_Name Prismancer 七彩法师
PRISMANCER_Description Obtain a rainbow rod. 获得一根彩虹魔杖。
IT_CAN_TALK_Name It Can Talk?! 它能说话?!
IT_CAN_TALK_Description Build a house in a mushroom biome and have the Truffle move in. 在蘑菇群落里建造一栋房屋,并让松露人住进来。
WATCH_YOUR_STEP_Name Watch Your Step! 当心脚下!
WATCH_YOUR_STEP_Description Become a victim to a nasty underground trap. 掉进险恶的地下机关。 成为险恶地下机关的受害者。
MARATHON_MEDALIST_Name Marathon Medalist 马拉松奖牌得主
MARATHON_MEDALIST_Description Travel a total of 26.2 miles on foot. 总共步行26.2英里。
GLORIOUS_GOLDEN_POLE_Name Glorious Golden Pole 荣耀金杆
GLORIOUS_GOLDEN_POLE_Description Obtain a golden fishing rod. 获得一根金钓竿。
SERVANT_IN_TRAINING_Name Servant-in-Training 受训仆人
SERVANT_IN_TRAINING_Description Complete your 1st quest for the angler. 完成第1个渔夫任务。
GOOD_LITTLE_SLAVE_Name Good Little Slave 三好小奴隶
GOOD_LITTLE_SLAVE_Description Complete your 10th quest for the angler. 完成第10个渔夫任务。 完成10个渔夫任务。
TROUT_MONKEY_Name Trout Monkey 顽皮鳟鱼
TROUT_MONKEY_Description Complete your 25th quest for the angler. 完成第25个渔夫任务。 完成25个渔夫任务。
FAST_AND_FISHIOUS_Name Fast and Fishious 游刃有鱼
FAST_AND_FISHIOUS_Description Complete your 50th quest for the angler. 完成第50个渔夫任务。 完成50个渔夫任务。
SUPREME_HELPER_MINION_Name Supreme Helper Minion! 终极得力仆从!
SUPREME_HELPER_MINION_Description Complete a grand total of 200 quests for the angler. 共完成200个渔夫任务。
TOPPED_OFF_Name Topped Off 满满当当
TOPPED_OFF_Description Attain maximum life and mana possible without accessories or buffs. 在没有配饰或增益的情况下获得最大生命值和魔力值。 在没有配饰或增益的情况下达成最大可能生命值和魔力值。
SLAYER_OF_WORLDS_Name Slayer of Worlds 世界杀手
SLAYER_OF_WORLDS_Description Defeat every boss in Terraria. 打败泰拉瑞亚中的每个boss。 打败泰拉瑞亚中的每一个Boss。
YOU_CAN_DO_IT_Name You Can Do It! 你能行!
YOU_CAN_DO_IT_Description Survive your character's first full night. 让你的角色安然度过第一晚。 让你的人物安然度过第一晚。
MATCHING_ATTIRE_Name Matching Attire 全副武装 搭配服装
MATCHING_ATTIRE_Description Equip armor in all three armor slots: head, chest, and feet. 在所有三个盔甲栏(头部、胸部和脚部)中装备盔甲。 在全部三个盔甲栏(头部、胸部和腿部)中装备盔甲。
BEHIND_THE_MASK_Name Behind The Mask 面具背后
BEHIND_THE_MASK_Description Slay the Insane Cultist, a mad magician with powerful spells. 杀死疯狂信徒,一位拥有强大法术的疯狂魔法师。 杀死疯狂邪教徒,他是一名拥有强大法术的疯狂魔法师。
DAVY_JONES_LOCKER_Name Davy Jones' Locker 戴维·琼斯之箱 戴维·琼斯的宝藏
DAVY_JONES_LOCKER_Description Defeat the Flying Dutchman, the sails of the plunderin' skies. 打败荷兰飞盗船,四处抢劫的船队。 打败荷兰飞盗船,它是在天空中四处劫掠的帆船。
WINTERHEARTED_Name Winterhearted 冷若冰霜
WINTERHEARTED_Description Defeat the Ice Queen, wicked witch of the coldest nights. 打败冰雪女王,在最寒冷夜晚里出现的邪恶女巫。 打败冰雪女王,她是在最寒冷夜晚里出现的邪恶女巫。
PUMPKIN_SMASHER_Name Pumpkin Smasher 南瓜粉碎者
PUMPKIN_SMASHER_Description Defeat the Pumpking, the spooky lord of hallow's eve. 打败南瓜王,万圣节前夕的恐怖领主。 打败南瓜王,它是万圣节前夜的恐怖领主。
INDEPENDENCE_DAY_Name Independence Day 独立日
INDEPENDENCE_DAY_Description Defeat a Mothership, overminds of the martian invaders. 打败母舰,火星入侵者的宿主。 打败母舰,它是火星入侵者的首脑。
HEX_EDUCATION_Name Hex Education 魔法教训 魔法教育
HEX_EDUCATION_Description Defeat a Goblin Warlock, conjurers of the darkest flames. 打败哥布林术士,掌控黑暗烈焰的巫师。 打败哥布林术士,她是掌控黑暗烈焰的巫师。
DEFEAT_EMPRESS_OF_LIGHT_Name Fae Flayer 剥皮怪法埃 仙灵鞭挞者
DEFEAT_EMPRESS_OF_LIGHT_Description Defeat the Empress of Light, responsible for all those flashy lights and glitter. 打败光之女皇,她应为所有闪烁灯光和闪光负责。 打败光之女皇,她是所有闪亮光辉之源。
DEFEAT_QUEEN_SLIME_Name Just Desserts 甜点而已
DEFEAT_QUEEN_SLIME_Description Defeat Queen Slime, giving the coup-de-grace to the sovereign of all that jiggles. 打败史莱姆皇后,她给予了所有摇摆不定的君主致命一击。 打败史莱姆皇后,帮所有摇晃之物的君主解脱。
DEFEAT_DREADNAUTILUS_Name Don't Dread on Me 不要怕我
DEFEAT_DREADNAUTILUS_Description Defeat the Dreadnautilus, murderous mollusk lurking beneath the surface of the sanguine seas. 打败恐惧鹦鹉螺,这是潜伏在血染海面之下的残忍软体动物。 打败恐惧鹦鹉螺,它是潜伏在血染海面之下的残忍软体动物。
DEFEAT_OLD_ONES_ARMY_TIER3_Name Hero of Etheria 埃特尼亚的英雄
DEFEAT_OLD_ONES_ARMY_TIER3_Description Repel the strongest forces the Old One's Army can muster. 驱除撒旦军队可以召集的最强大的部队。 击退撒旦军队可以召集的最强部队。
GET_ZENITH_Name Infinity +1 Sword 超越无极之剑 无限+1之剑
GET_ZENITH_Description Obtain the Zenith, the culmination of a journey forged into the ultimate sword. 获得天顶剑,这是铸就终极之剑的旅程的高潮。 获得天顶剑,这是由旅程的巅峰时刻凝聚而成的终极宝剑。
GET_TERRASPARK_BOOTS_Name Boots of the Hero 英雄靴子 英雄之靴
GET_TERRASPARK_BOOTS_Description Obtain the Terraspark Boots, forged from the finest boots of fire and ice. 获得泰拉闪耀靴,这是用最好的火系和冰系靴子铸成的。 获得泰拉闪耀靴,这是用最好的火靴和最好的冰靴铸成的。
FLY_A_KITE_ON_A_WINDY_DAY_Name A Rather Blustery Day 狂风大作的一天
FLY_A_KITE_ON_A_WINDY_DAY_Description Fly a kite on a windy day. 在大风天放风筝。
FOUND_GRAVEYARD_Name Quiet Neighborhood 安静的邻里
FOUND_GRAVEYARD_Description Enter a misty graveyard filled with the surly dead. 进入笼罩着薄雾的墓地,墓地中到处都是粗鲁无礼的死人。
GO_LAVA_FISHING_Name Hot Reels! 火热渔线轮!
GO_LAVA_FISHING_Description Drop a lure in a pool of lava for a pre-fried haul! 将诱饵投入熔岩池,在鱼炸熟之前先钓点鱼! 将诱饵投入熔岩池,钓点预炸过的鱼!
TURN_GNOME_TO_STATUE_Name Heliophobia 日光恐怖症
TURN_GNOME_TO_STATUE_Description Trick a gnome into turning into stone! 诱使侏儒变成石头!
TALK_TO_NPC_AT_MAX_HAPPINESS_Name Leading Landlord 主要房东 杰出房东
TALK_TO_NPC_AT_MAX_HAPPINESS_Description Meet with a tenant who's as happy as they possibly can be! 与一位尽可能快乐的租户见面! 见一位极度快乐的房客!
PET_THE_PET_Name Feeling Petty 感觉无足轻重 感觉受宠
PET_THE_PET_Description Deliver headpats to the town pet. 去拍拍镇上宠物的脑袋。 去拍拍城镇宠物的脑袋。
FIND_A_FAIRY_Name Hey! Listen! 嘿!听着!
FIND_A_FAIRY_Description Encounter a fairy. 遇到一个仙灵。 遇到仙灵。
THROW_A_PARTY_Name Jolly Jamboree 欢乐的聚会 欢乐盛会
THROW_A_PARTY_Description What you're celebrating doesn't matter, just throw a party already! 庆祝什么根本不重要,办派对就好啦! 在庆祝什么不重要,只要办派对就好啦!
DIE_TO_DEAD_MANS_CHEST_Name Dead Men Tell No Tales 死人不会告密
DIE_TO_DEAD_MANS_CHEST_Description You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could open the chest that you didn't stop to think if you should. 你一心在琢磨能否打开宝箱,却没有想过是否应该打开宝箱。
GET_GOLDEN_DELIGHT_Name Feast of Midas 迈达斯盛宴
GET_GOLDEN_DELIGHT_Description Obtain Golden Delight, the highest quality meal made from the highest quality . . . ingredients. 获得金美味——用最高品质的......食材制成的最高品质的餐点。 获得金美味——用最高品质的……食材制成的最高品质的餐点。
GET_CELL_PHONE_Name Black Mirror 黑镜
GET_CELL_PHONE_Description Obtain the Cell Phone. You'll never leave home without it again. 获取手机。你永远不要再离家时忘记带它。 获得手机。你以后再也不会不带它就出门。
GET_ANKH_SHIELD_Name Ankhumulation Complete 十字章收集完成
GET_ANKH_SHIELD_Description Obtain the Ankh Shield, the finest protection from unpleasant maladies and ailments. 获得十字章盾牌,这是对抗烦人疾病的最佳保护。 获得十字章护盾,这是对抗烦人疾病的最佳防护。
GAIN_TORCH_GODS_FAVOR_Description Invoked the wrath of the God of Torches, and survived long enough to earn its blessing. 引发了火把神的愤怒,并存活了很久,足以获得祈福。 引发了火把神的愤怒,并存活足够长时间来获得它的恩宠。
PLAY_ON_A_SPECIAL_SEED_Name A Rare Realm 稀有国度
PLAY_ON_A_SPECIAL_SEED_Description Some very special seeds can lead to unique and rewarding experiences. Can you find one? 一些非常特别的种子可以带来独特而有收获的体验。你能找到一颗吗? 一些非常特殊的种子可以带来独特而有收获的体验。你能找到其中之一吗?
DEFEAT_DEERCLOPS_Name An Eye For An Eye 以眼还眼
DEFEAT_DEERCLOPS_Description Defeat Deerclops, the chilly one-eyed monstrosity from a foreign land. 击败来自异地的阴冷独眼怪物——鹿角怪。 打败独眼巨鹿,它是来自异地的阴冷独眼怪物。
DRINK_BOTTLED_WATER_WHILE_DROWNING_Name Unusual Survival Strategies 不寻常的生存策略
DRINK_BOTTLED_WATER_WHILE_DROWNING_Description Delay death from drowning by drinking water. It doesn't make much sense, but you did what you had to do. 延缓饮水溺亡。虽然没有太大意义,但你做了必须做的事。 通过喝水来延缓溺亡。虽然没什么意义,但你做了必须做的事。
ALL_TOWN_SLIMES_Name The Great Slime Mitosis 史莱姆大分裂
ALL_TOWN_SLIMES_Description Find all of the Slime Pets and have them move in! 找到所有史莱姆宠物并让它们搬进来!
TRANSMUTE_ITEM_Name A Shimmer In The Dark 暗中微光
TRANSMUTE_ITEM_Description Shimmer an item into another item. What other transmutations can you find? 使一个物品的微光发到另一个物品。你还能找到哪些其他变化? 用微光将一个物品变成另一个物品。你还能找到哪些其他变化?
PURIFY_ENTIRE_WORLD_Name And Good Riddance! 终于净化了! 终于解脱了!
PURIFY_ENTIRE_WORLD_Description Completely purify all Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow from your world, until the Dryad is satisfied! 彻底净化你世界中的所有腐化之地、猩红之地和神圣之地,直到树妖满意为止! 彻底净化世界中所有的腐化、猩红和神圣,直到树妖满意为止!
TO_INFINITY_AND_BEYOND_Name To Infinity... and Beyond! 直到永远……超越无限! 飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!
TO_INFINITY_AND_BEYOND_Description Fly a Kwad Racer into outer space. 驾驶四人竞速无人机风向外太空。 将四轴竞速无人机飞进外太空。