
Innen: Terraria Wiki
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A modult a Modul:GameText/db-en/doc lapon tudod dokumentálni

-- from PC v1.3.5.3
return mw.text.jsonDecode([[
    "Error": {
        "Error": "Error",
        "LaunchFromSteam": "Please launch the game from your Steam client.",
        "ServerCrash": "Server crash: {0}\n{1}\n\nPlease send crashlog.txt to [email protected]",
        "LoadFailed": "Load failed!",
        "LoadFailedNoBackup": "Load failed!  No backup found.",
        "InvalidLobbyFlag": "-lobby flag used without \"{0}\" or \"{1}\". Ignoring it.",
        "CaptureError": "An error occured while saving the capture. Attempting again...",
        "UnableToCapture": "Unable to capture.",
        "UnableToWritePreferences": "Unable to write file at: {0}",
        "UnableToLoadWorld": "Unable to load world:",
        "BadHeaderBufferOverflow": "Bad header lead to a read buffer overflow.",
        "ExceptionNormal": "   Exception normal: {0}",
        "TriedToRunServerTwice": "Tried to run two servers on the same PC",
        "DataSentAfterConnectionLost": "Tried to send data to a client after losing connection",
        "NetMessageError": "Error on message {0}"
    "Key": {
        "UP": "UP",
        "DOWN": "DOWN"
    "Language": {
        "English": "English",
        "Spanish": "Español (Spanish)",
        "French": "Français (French)",
        "Italian": "Italiano (Italian)",
        "Russian": "Русский (Russian)",
        "Chinese": "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)",
        "Portuguese": "Português brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)",
        "German": "Deutsch (German)",
        "Polish": "Polski (Polish)"
    "CLI": {
        "Server": "Terraria Server {0}",
        "AvailableCommands": "Available commands:",
        "Help_Command": "help",
        "Help_Description": "Displays a list of commands.",
        "Playing_Command": "playing",
        "Playing_Description": "Shows the list of players.",
        "Clear_Command": "clear",
        "Clear_Description": "Clear the console window.",
        "Exit_Command": "exit",
        "Exit_Description": "Shutdown the server and save.",
        "ExitNoSave_Command": "exit-nosave",
        "ExitNoSave_Description": "Shutdown the server without saving.",
        "Save_Command": "save",
        "Save_Description": "Save the game world.",
        "Kick_Command": "kick",
        "Kick_Example": "kick <player>",
        "Kick_Description": "Kicks a player from the server.",
        "Ban_Command": "ban",
        "Ban_Example": "ban <player>",
        "Ban_Description": "Bans a player from the server.",
        "Password_Command": "password",
        "Password_Description": "Show password.",
        "SetPassword_Command": "password",
        "SetPassword_Example": "password <pass>",
        "SetPassword_Description": "Change password.",
        "Version_Command": "version",
        "Version_Description": "Print version number.",
        "Time_Command": "time",
        "Time_Description": "Display game time.",
        "Port_Command": "port",
        "Port_Description": "Print the listening port.",
        "MaxPlayers_Command": "maxplayers",
        "MaxPlayers_Description": "Print the max number of players.",
        "Say_Command": "say",
        "Say_Example": "say <words>",
        "Say_Description": "Send a message.",
        "MOTD_Command": "motd",
        "MOTD_Description": "Print MOTD.",
        "SetMOTD_Command": "motd",
        "SetMOTD_Example": "motd <words>",
        "SetMOTD_Description": "Change MOTD.",
        "Dawn_Command": "dawn",
        "Dawn_Description": "Change time to dawn.",
        "Noon_Command": "noon",
        "Noon_Description": "Change time to noon.",
        "Dusk_Command": "dusk",
        "Dusk_Description": "Change time to dusk.",
        "Midnight_Command": "midnight",
        "Midnight_Description": "Change time to midnight.",
        "Settle_Command": "settle",
        "Settle_Description": "Settle all water.",
        "Seed_Command": "seed",
        "Seed_Description": "Displays the world seed.",
        "FPS_Command": "fps",
        "WaterIsAlreadySettling": "Water is already settling",
        "Time": "Time: {0}",
        "PlayerLimit": "Player limit: {0}",
        "Port": "Port: {0}",
        "NoPlayers": "No players connected.",
        "OnePlayerConnected": "1 player connected.",
        "PlayersConnected": "{0} players connected.",
        "NoMOTD": "Welcome to {0}!",
        "MOTD": "MOTD: {0}",
        "NoPassword": "No password set.",
        "Password": "Password: {0}",
        "PasswordDisabled": "Password disabled.",
        "PasswordSet": "Password: {0}",
        "Say_Usage": "Usage: say <words>",
        "ServerMessage": "<Server> {0}",
        "Kick_Usage": "Usage: kick <player>",
        "KickMessage": "Kicked from server.",
        "Ban_Usage": "Usage: ban <player>",
        "BanMessage": "Banned from server.",
        "InvalidCommand": "Invalid command.",
        "SetInitialMaxPlayers": "Max players (press enter for 8): ",
        "SetInitialPort": "Server port (press enter for 7777): ",
        "AutomaticPortForward": "Automatically forward port? (y\/n): ",
        "Yes": "yes",
        "ShortYes": "y",
        "No": "no",
        "ShortNo": "n",
        "ListeningOnPort": "Listening on port {0}",
        "HelpHint": "Type 'help' for a list of commands.",
        "ChooseWorld": "Choose World: ",
        "NewWorld_Description": "New World",
        "NewWorld_Command": "n",
        "DeleteWorld_Description": "Delete World",
        "DeleteWorld_Command": "d",
        "DeleteWorld_Example": "d <number>",
        "DeleteConfirmation": "Really delete {0}?",
        "ChooseSize": "Choose size: ",
        "ChooseDifficulty": "Choose difficulty: ",
        "ChooseEvil": "Choose world evil: ",
        "Random": "Random",
        "Corrupt": "Corrupt",
        "Crimson": "Crimson",
        "EnterWorldName": "Enter world name: ",
        "EnterServerPassword": "Server password (press enter for none): ",
        "ClientWasBooted": "{0} was booted: {1}",
        "ServerStarted": "Server started",
        "EnterSeed": "Enter Seed (Leave Blank For Random):",
        "NoValidSeed": "This world was generated in an older version that did not support seeds.",
        "DisplaySeed": "World Seed: {0}"
    "UI": {
        "Effects": "Effects",
        "LoadingCode": "Loading:",
        "Favorite": "Favorite",
        "Unfavorite": "Unfavorite",
        "MoveToCloud": "Move to cloud",
        "MoveOffCloud": "Move off cloud",
        "Play": "Play",
        "Delete": "Delete",
        "Softcore": "Softcore",
        "Mediumcore": "Mediumcore",
        "Hardcore": "Hardcore",
        "Expert": "Expert",
        "Normal": "Normal",
        "WorldSizeFormat": "{0} World",
        "WorldCreatedFormat": "Created: {0}",
        "SelectWorld": "Select World",
        "SelectPlayer": "Select Player",
        "Back": "Back",
        "New": "New",
        "EnterMessage": "Enter message:",
        "EnterNewName": "Enter new name:",
        "Achievements": "Achievements",
        "Keybindings": "Keybindings",
        "Save": "Save",
        "Submit": "Submit",
        "Cancel": "Cancel",
        "SpaceButton": "Space",
        "EnterButton": "Enter",
        "RestoreButton": "Restore",
        "WorldSizeSmall": "Small",
        "WorldSizeMedium": "Medium",
        "WorldSizeLarge": "Large",
        "WorldSizeUnknown": "Unknown",
        "NormalDescriptionFlavor": "Your Journey Begins...",
        "NormalDescription": "(The standard Terraria Experience)",
        "ExpertDescriptionFlavor": "Fortune & Glory, Kid.",
        "ExpertDescription": "(Far Greater Difficulty & Loot)",
        "More": "more",
        "CopySeed": "Copy Seed: {0}",
        "SeedCopied": "Seed Copied",
        "EnterSeed": "Enter Seed (Leave Blank For Random)",
        "BartenderHelp": "Eternia Crystal",
        "ZoomIn": "Zoom In",
        "ZoomOut": "Zoom Out",
        "Ellipsis": "..."
    "Net": {
        "ClientStatusComplete": "({0}) {1} {2}: Complete!",
        "ClientConnecting": "{0} is connecting...",
        "ClientSendingData": "({0}) {1} is sending player data...",
        "ClientRequestedWorldInfo": "({0}) {1} requested world information",
        "ClientPlaying": "({0}) {1} is playing",
        "WaitingForClients": "Waiting for clients...",
        "ClientsConnected": "{0} clients connected",
        "CheatingProjectileSpam": "Cheating attempt detected: Projectile spam",
        "CheatingTileSpam": "Cheating attempt detected: Add tile spam",
        "CheatingTileRemovalSpam": "Cheating attempt detected: Remove tile spam",
        "CheatingLiquidSpam": "Cheating attempt detected: Liquid spam",
        "CheatingInvalid": "Cheating attempt detected: Invalid kick-out",
        "ServerAutoShutdown": "Local player left. Autoshutdown starting.",
        "ConnectingTo": "Connecting to {0}",
        "IsReceivingTileData": "is receiving tile data",
        "LostConnection": "Lost connection",
        "FoundServer": "Found server",
        "SendingPlayerData": "Sending player data...",
        "RequestingWorldInformation": "Requesting world information",
        "RequestingTileData": "Requesting tile data",
        "StatusComplete": "{0}: Complete!",
        "NameTooLong": "Name is too long.",
        "EmptyName": "Empty name."
    "GameUI": {
        "HeavyRain": "Heavy Rain",
        "Rain": "Rain",
        "LightRain": "Light Rain",
        "Overcast": "Overcast",
        "MostlyCloudy": "Mostly Cloudy",
        "Cloudy": "Cloudy",
        "PartlyCloudy": "Partly Cloudy",
        "Clear": "Clear",
        "WestWind": " ({0} mph W)",
        "EastWind": " ({0} mph E)",
        "FullMoon": "Full Moon",
        "WaningGibbous": "Waning Gibbous",
        "ThirdQuarter": "Third Quarter",
        "WaningCrescent": "Waning Crescent",
        "NewMoon": "New Moon",
        "WaxingCrescent": "Waxing Crescent",
        "FirstQuarter": "First Quarter",
        "WaxingGibbous": "Waxing Gibbous",
        "FishingWarning": "Warning!",
        "FishingPower": "{0} Fishing Power",
        "NoTreasureNearby": "No treasure nearby",
        "OreDetected": "{0} detected nearby!",
        "NoRareCreatures": "No rare creatures nearby",
        "NoEnemiesNearby": "No enemies nearby",
        "OneEnemyNearby": "1 enemy nearby!",
        "EnemiesNearby": "{0} enemies nearby!",
        "NoKillCount": "Kill count unavailable",
        "NoDPS": "N\/A",
        "DPS": "{0} damage per second",
        "Speed": "{0} mph",
        "CompassEast": "{0}' East",
        "CompassWest": "{0}' West",
        "CompassCenter": "Center",
        "LayerUnderworld": "Underworld",
        "LayerCaverns": "Caverns",
        "LayerUnderground": "Underground",
        "LayerSurface": "Surface",
        "LayerSpace": "Space",
        "DepthLevel": "Level",
        "Depth": "{0}'",
        "WireModeForced": "Mechanical Display: Forced",
        "WireModeNormal": "Mechanical Display: Normal",
        "RulerOn": "Ruler On",
        "RulerOff": "Ruler Off",
        "MechanicalRulerOn": "Mechanical ruler on",
        "MechanicalRulerOff": "Mechanical ruler off",
        "PaintSprayerOn": "Paint sprayer on",
        "PaintSprayerOff": "Paint sprayer off",
        "ActuationDeviceOn": "Actuation device on",
        "ActuationDeviceOff": "Actuation device off",
        "SettingsMenu": "Settings Menu",
        "Buy": "Buy",
        "BuyWithValue": "Buy ({0})",
        "Cancel": "Cancel",
        "Change": "Change",
        "Expert": "Expert",
        "NotEnoughWater": "Not Enough Water!",
        "FullFishingPower": "{0} ({1}%) Fishing Power",
        "PrecentFishingPower": "{0}% fishing power",
        "BaitRequired": "Requires bait to catch fish",
        "BaitPower": "{0}% bait power",
        "HairStyle": "Hair Style",
        "CraftingWindow": "Crafting window",
        "QuickStackToNearby": "Quick stack to nearby chests",
        "SortInventory": "Sort inventory",
        "PlayerDistance": "({0} ft)",
        "Bright": "Bright",
        "Normal": "Normal",
        "Faded": "Faded",
        "Hidden": "Hidden",
        "WaveQuality": "Waves Quality: {0}",
        "HeatDistortion": "Heat Distortion: {0}",
        "Enabled": "Enabled",
        "Disabled": "Disabled",
        "StormEffects": "Storm Effects: {0}",
        "QualityHigh": "High",
        "QualityMedium": "Medium",
        "QualityLow": "Low",
        "QualityOff": "Off",
        "GameZoom": "Zoom: {0}% ({1}%)",
        "UIScale": "UI Scale: {0}% ({1}%)",
        "ZoomCategory": "Zoom",
        "Misc": "Misc",
        "Gameplay": "Gameplay",
        "LightingUpdateEveryFrameOn": "Rapid Lighting On",
        "LightingUpdateEveryFrameOff": "Rapid Lighting Off"
    "Controls": {
        "RightClick": "Right Click"
    "Social": {
        "StatusInGame": "Playing online.",
        "StatusJoining": "Joining game.",
        "JoiningFriend": "Joining {0}...",
        "Joining": "Joining..."
    "Game": {
        "Wave": "Wave: {0}",
        "FirstWave": "First Wave",
        "FinalWave": "Final Wave",
        "InvasionWave_Type1": "{0}: {1}",
        "InvasionWave_Type2": "{0}: {1}, and {2}",
        "InvasionWave_Type3": "{0}: {1}, {2}, and {3}",
        "InvasionWave_Type4": "{0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, and {4}",
        "InvasionWave_Type5": "{0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and {5}",
        "InvasionWave_Type6": "{0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6}",
        "InvasionWave_Type7": "{0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, and {7}",
        "InvasionWave_Type8": "{0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, and {8}",
        "BallBounceResult": "{0} was hit {1} times before touching the ground!",
        "JoinGreeting": "Current players: {0}.",
        "BedObstructed": "Your bed is obstructed.",
        "PvPFlag": "(PvP)",
        "DroppedCoins": "dropped {0}",
        "InvasionPoints": "{0} points",
        "WaveMessage": "Wave {0}: {1}",
        "WaveCleared": "Cleared {0}",
        "TeleportTo": "Teleport to {0}",
        "HasTeleportedTo": "{0} has teleported to {1}",
        "Time": "Time: {0}",
        "NPCTitle": "{0} the {1}",
        "PlayerDeathTime": "{0} died {1} ago",
        "SpawnPointRemoved": "Spawn point removed!",
        "SpawnPointSet": "Spawn point set!",
        "RedWires": "Red Wires",
        "BlueWires": "Blue Wires",
        "GreenWires": "Green Wires",
        "YellowWires": "Yellow Wires",
        "Actuators": "Actuators",
        "EnemiesDefeatedAnnouncement": "The {0}th {1} has been defeated!",
        "EnemiesDefeatedByAnnouncement": "{0} has defeated the {1}th {2}!",
        "HouseMissing_1": "This house is missing {0}.",
        "HouseMissing_2": "This house is missing {0} and {1}.",
        "HouseMissing_3": "This house is missing {0}, {1}, and {2}.",
        "HouseMissing_4": "This house is missing {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}.",
        "HouseLightSource": "a light source",
        "HouseDoor": "a door",
        "HouseTable": "a table",
        "HouseChair": "a chair",
        "BirthdayParty_1": "Looks like {0} is throwing a party",
        "BirthdayParty_2": "Looks like {0} & {1} are throwing a party",
        "BirthdayParty_3": "Looks like {0}, {1}, and {2} are throwing a party"
    "Enemies": {
        "TheTwins": "The Twins",
        "MoonLord": "Moon Lord"
    "DeathTextGeneric": {
        "Slain": "{0} was slain",
        "Eviscerated": "{0} was eviscerated",
        "Murdered": "{0} was murdered",
        "FaceTornOff": "{0}'s face was torn off",
        "EntrailsRippedOut": "{0}'s entrails were ripped out",
        "Destroyed": "{0} was destroyed",
        "SkullCrushed": "{0}'s skull was crushed",
        "Massacred": "{0} got massacred",
        "Impaled": "{0} got impaled",
        "TornInHalf": "{0} was torn in half",
        "Decapitated": "{0} was decapitated",
        "ArmTornOff": "{0} let their arms get torn off",
        "InnardsBecameOutards": "{0} watched their innards become outards",
        "Dissected": "{0} was brutally dissected",
        "ExtremitiesDetached": "{0}'s extremities were detached",
        "Mangled": "{0}'s body was mangled",
        "Ruptured": "{0}'s vital organs were ruptured",
        "PileOfFlesh": "{0} was turned into a pile of flesh",
        "Removed": "{0} was removed from {1}",
        "Snapped": "{0} got snapped in half",
        "Cut": "{0} was cut down the middle",
        "Chopped": "{0} was chopped up",
        "Plead": "{0}'s plead for death was answered",
        "Ripped": "{0}'s meat was ripped off the bone",
        "Flailing": "{0}'s flailing about was finally stopped",
        "HeadRemoved": "{0} had their head removed"
    "DeathSource": {
        "Player": "{0} by {1}'s {2}.",
        "NPC": "{0} by {1}.",
        "Projectile": "{0} by {1}."
    "DeathText": {
        "Suffocated": "{0} couldn't breathe.",
        "Poisoned": "{0} couldn't find the antidote.",
        "Burned": "{0} couldn't put the fire out.",
        "Electrocuted": "{0} couldn't contain the watts.",
        "TriedToEscape": "{0} tried to escape.",
        "WasLicked": "{0} was licked.",
        "Teleport_1": "{0} didn't materialize",
        "Teleport_2_Male": "{0}'s legs appeared where his head should be.",
        "Teleport_2_Female": "{0}'s legs appeared where her head should be.",
        "Slain": "{0} was slain...",
        "Stabbed": "{0} was stabbed.",
        "Default": "{0}.",
        "Fell_1": "{0} fell to their death.",
        "Fell_2": "{0} didn't bounce.",
        "Drowned_1": "{0} forgot to breathe.",
        "Drowned_2": "{0} is sleeping with the fish.",
        "Drowned_3": "{0} drowned.",
        "Drowned_4": "{0} is shark food.",
        "Lava_1": "{0} got melted.",
        "Lava_2": "{0} was incinerated.",
        "Lava_3": "{0} tried to swim in lava.",
        "Lava_4": "{0} likes to play in magma.",
        "Petrified_1": "{0} shattered into pieces.",
        "Petrified_2": "{0} cant be put back together again.",
        "Petrified_3": "{0} needs to be swept up.",
        "Petrified_4": "{0} just became another dirt pile."
    "Misc": {
        "ForceWaterSettling": "Forcing water to settle.",
        "WaterSettled": "Water has been settled.",
        "ResolutionChanged": "Resolution changed to: {0}x{1}.",
        "ShortDays": "d",
        "ShortHours": "h",
        "ShortMinutes": "m",
        "ShortSeconds": "s"
    "Currency": {
        "Platinum": "Platinum",
        "Gold": "Gold",
        "Silver": "Silver",
        "Copper": "Copper",
        "DefenderMedals": "Defender Medals"
    "Achievements": {
        "ChallengerCategory": "Challenger",
        "CollectorCategory": "Collector",
        "ExplorerCategory": "Explorer",
        "SlayerCategory": "Slayer",
        "NoCategory": "None",
        "Completed": "Achievement complete! {0}",
        "TIMBER_Name": "Timber!!",
        "TIMBER_Description": "Chop down your first tree.",
        "NO_HOBO_Name": "No Hobo",
        "NO_HOBO_Description": "Build a house suitable enough for your first town NPC, such as the guide, to move into.",
        "OBTAIN_HAMMER_Name": "Stop! Hammer Time!",
        "OBTAIN_HAMMER_Description": "Obtain your first hammer via crafting or otherwise.",
        "OOO_SHINY_Name": "Ooo! Shiny!",
        "OOO_SHINY_Description": "Mine your first nugget of ore with a pickaxe.",
        "HEART_BREAKER_Name": "Heart Breaker",
        "HEART_BREAKER_Description": "Discover and smash your first heart crystal underground.",
        "HEAVY_METAL_Name": "Heavy Metal",
        "HEAVY_METAL_Description": "Obtain an anvil made from iron or lead.",
        "I_AM_LOOT_Name": "I Am Loot!",
        "I_AM_LOOT_Description": "Discover a golden chest underground and take a peek at its contents.",
        "STAR_POWER_Name": "Star Power",
        "STAR_POWER_Description": "Craft a mana crystal out of fallen stars, and consume it.",
        "HOLD_ON_TIGHT_Name": "Hold on Tight!",
        "HOLD_ON_TIGHT_Description": "Equip your first grappling hook.",
        "EYE_ON_YOU_Name": "Eye on You",
        "EYE_ON_YOU_Description": "Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu, an ocular menace who only appears at night.",
        "SMASHING_POPPET_Name": "Smashing, Poppet!",
        "SMASHING_POPPET_Description": "Using explosives or your trusty hammer, smash a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart in the evil parts of your world.",
        "WORM_FODDER_Name": "Worm Fodder",
        "WORM_FODDER_Description": "Defeat the Eater of Worlds, a massive worm whom dwells in the corruption.",
        "MASTERMIND_Name": "Mastermind",
        "MASTERMIND_Description": "Defeat the Brain of Cthulhu, an enormous demon brain which haunts the creeping crimson.",
        "WHERES_MY_HONEY_Name": "Where's My Honey?",
        "WHERES_MY_HONEY_Description": "Discover a large bee's hive deep in the jungle.",
        "STING_OPERATION_Name": "Sting Operation",
        "STING_OPERATION_Description": "Defeat the Queen Bee, the matriarch of the jungle hives.",
        "BONED_Name": "Boned",
        "BONED_Description": "Defeat Skeletron, the cursed guardian of the dungeon.",
        "DUNGEON_HEIST_Name": "Dungeon Heist",
        "DUNGEON_HEIST_Description": "Steal a key from dungeon's undead denizens, and unlock one of their precious golden chests.",
        "ITS_GETTING_HOT_IN_HERE_Name": "It's Getting Hot in Here",
        "ITS_GETTING_HOT_IN_HERE_Description": "Spelunk deep enough to reach the molten underworld.",
        "MINER_FOR_FIRE_Name": "Miner for Fire",
        "MINER_FOR_FIRE_Description": "Craft a molten pickaxe using the hottest of materials.",
        "STILL_HUNGRY_Name": "Still Hungry",
        "STILL_HUNGRY_Description": "Defeat the Wall of Flesh, the master and core of the world who arises after a great, burning sacrifice.",
        "ITS_HARD_Name": "It's Hard!",
        "ITS_HARD_Description": "Unleash the ancient spirits of light and darkness across your world, enabling much stronger foes and showering the world with dazzling treasures (and rainbows!).",
        "BEGONE_EVIL_Name": "Begone, Evil!",
        "BEGONE_EVIL_Description": "Smash a demon or crimson altar with a powerful, holy hammer.",
        "EXTRA_SHINY_Name": "Extra Shiny!",
        "EXTRA_SHINY_Description": "Mine a powerful ore that has been newly blessed upon your world.",
        "HEAD_IN_THE_CLOUDS_Name": "Head in the Clouds",
        "HEAD_IN_THE_CLOUDS_Description": "Equip a pair of wings.",
        "LIKE_A_BOSS_Name": "Like a Boss",
        "LIKE_A_BOSS_Description": "Obtain a boss-summoning item.",
        "BUCKETS_OF_BOLTS_Name": "Buckets of Bolts",
        "BUCKETS_OF_BOLTS_Description": "Defeat the three nocturnal mechanical menaces: the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime.",
        "DRAX_ATTAX_Name": "Drax Attax",
        "DRAX_ATTAX_Description": "Craft a drax or pickaxe axe using hallowed bars, and the souls of the three mechanical bosses.",
        "PHOTOSYNTHESIS_Name": "Photosynthesis",
        "PHOTOSYNTHESIS_Description": "Mine chlorophyte, an organic ore found deep among the thickest of flora.",
        "GET_A_LIFE_Name": "Get a Life",
        "GET_A_LIFE_Description": "Consume a life fruit, which grows in the thick of subterranean jungle grass.",
        "THE_GREAT_SOUTHERN_PLANTKILL_Name": "The Great Southern Plantkill",
        "THE_GREAT_SOUTHERN_PLANTKILL_Description": "Defeat Plantera, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.",
        "TEMPLE_RAIDER_Name": "Temple Raider",
        "TEMPLE_RAIDER_Description": "Breach the impenetrable walls of the jungle temple.",
        "LIHZAHRDIAN_IDOL_Name": "Lihzahrdian Idol",
        "LIHZAHRDIAN_IDOL_Description": "Defeat Golem, the stone-faced ritualistic idol of the lihzahrd tribe.",
        "ROBBING_THE_GRAVE_Name": "Robbing the Grave",
        "ROBBING_THE_GRAVE_Description": "Obtain a rare treasure from a difficult monster in the dungeon.",
        "BIG_BOOTY_Name": "Big Booty",
        "BIG_BOOTY_Description": "Unlock one of the dungeon's large, mysterious chests with a special key.",
        "FISH_OUT_OF_WATER_Name": "Fish Out of Water",
        "FISH_OUT_OF_WATER_Description": "Defeat Duke Fishron, mutant terror of the sea.",
        "OBSESSIVE_DEVOTION_Name": "Obsessive Devotion",
        "OBSESSIVE_DEVOTION_Description": "Defeat the Ancient Cultist, fanatical leader of the dungeon coven.",
        "STAR_DESTROYER_Name": "Star Destroyer",
        "STAR_DESTROYER_Description": "Defeat the four celestial towers of the moon.",
        "CHAMPION_OF_TERRARIA_Name": "Champion of Terraria",
        "CHAMPION_OF_TERRARIA_Description": "Defeat the Moon Lord.",
        "BLOODBATH_Name": "Bloodbath",
        "BLOODBATH_Description": "Survive a blood moon, a nocturnal event where the rivers run red and monsters swarm aplenty.",
        "SLIPPERY_SHINOBI_Name": "Slippery Shinobi",
        "SLIPPERY_SHINOBI_Description": "Defeat King Slime, the lord of all things slimy.",
        "GOBLIN_PUNTER_Name": "Goblin Punter",
        "GOBLIN_PUNTER_Description": "Triumph over a goblin invasion, a ragtag regiment of crude, barbaric, pointy-eared warriors and their shadowflame sorcerers.",
        "WALK_THE_PLANK_Name": "Walk the Plank",
        "WALK_THE_PLANK_Description": "Triumph over a pirate invasion, a group of pillagers from the sea out for your booty... and your life!",
        "KILL_THE_SUN_Name": "Kill the Sun",
        "KILL_THE_SUN_Description": "Survive a solar eclipse, a day darker than night filled with creatures of horror.",
        "DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SLAY_A_SNOWMAN_Name": "Do You Want to Slay a Snowman?",
        "DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SLAY_A_SNOWMAN_Description": "Triumph over the frost legion, a festive family of maniacal snowman mobsters.",
        "TIN_FOIL_HATTER_Name": "Tin-Foil Hatter",
        "TIN_FOIL_HATTER_Description": "Triumph over a martian invasion, when beings from out of this world come to scramble your brains and probe you in uncomfortable places.",
        "BALEFUL_HARVEST_Name": "Baleful Harvest",
        "BALEFUL_HARVEST_Description": "Reach the 15th wave of a pumpkin moon, where evil lurks among the autumn harvest.",
        "ICE_SCREAM_Name": "Ice Scream",
        "ICE_SCREAM_Description": "Reach the 15th wave of a frost moon, where the festive season quickly degrades into madness.",
        "STICKY_SITUATION_Name": "Sticky Situation",
        "STICKY_SITUATION_Description": "Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves.",
        "REAL_ESTATE_AGENT_Name": "Real Estate Agent",
        "REAL_ESTATE_AGENT_Description": "Have all possible town NPCs living in your world.",
        "NOT_THE_BEES_Name": "Not the Bees!",
        "NOT_THE_BEES_Description": "Fire a Bee Gun while wearing a full set of Bee Armor.",
        "JEEPERS_CREEPERS_Name": "Jeepers Creepers",
        "JEEPERS_CREEPERS_Description": "Stumble into a spider cavern in the underground.",
        "FUNKYTOWN_Name": "Funkytown",
        "FUNKYTOWN_Description": "Build or encounter a glowing mushroom field above the surface.",
        "INTO_ORBIT_Name": "Into Orbit",
        "INTO_ORBIT_Description": "You can only go down from here!",
        "ROCK_BOTTOM_Name": "Rock Bottom",
        "ROCK_BOTTOM_Description": "The only way is up!",
        "MECHA_MAYHEM_Name": "Mecha Mayhem",
        "MECHA_MAYHEM_Description": "Do battle against the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime simultaneously and emerge victorious.",
        "GELATIN_WORLD_TOUR_Name": "Gelatin World Tour",
        "GELATIN_WORLD_TOUR_Description": "Defeat every type of slime there is!",
        "FASHION_STATEMENT_Name": "Fashion Statement",
        "FASHION_STATEMENT_Description": "Equip armor or vanity clothing in all three social slots.",
        "VEHICULAR_MANSLAUGHTER_Name": "Vehicular Manslaughter",
        "VEHICULAR_MANSLAUGHTER_Description": "Defeat an enemy by running it over with a minecart.",
        "BULLDOZER_Name": "Bulldozer",
        "BULLDOZER_Description": "Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles.",
        "THERE_ARE_SOME_WHO_CALL_HIM_Name": "There are Some Who Call Him...",
        "THERE_ARE_SOME_WHO_CALL_HIM_Description": "Kill Tim.",
        "DECEIVER_OF_FOOLS_Name": "Deceiver of Fools",
        "DECEIVER_OF_FOOLS_Description": "Kill a nymph.",
        "SWORD_OF_THE_HERO_Name": "Sword of the Hero",
        "SWORD_OF_THE_HERO_Description": "Obtain a Terra Blade, forged from the finest blades of light and darkness.",
        "LUCKY_BREAK_Name": "Lucky Break",
        "LUCKY_BREAK_Description": "Survive a long fall with just a sliver of health remaining.",
        "THROWING_LINES_Name": "Throwing Lines",
        "THROWING_LINES_Description": "Throw a yoyo.",
        "DYE_HARD_Name": "Dye Hard",
        "DYE_HARD_Description": "Equip a dye in every possible dye slot.",
        "SICK_THROW_Name": "Sick Throw",
        "SICK_THROW_Description": "Obtain the Terrarian.",
        "FREQUENT_FLYER_Name": "The Frequent Flyer",
        "FREQUENT_FLYER_Description": "Spend over 1 gold being treated by the nurse.",
        "THE_CAVALRY_Name": "The Cavalry",
        "THE_CAVALRY_Description": "Equip a mount.",
        "COMPLETELY_AWESOME_Name": "Completely Awesome",
        "COMPLETELY_AWESOME_Description": "Obtain a minishark.",
        "TIL_DEATH_Name": "Til Death...",
        "TIL_DEATH_Description": "Kill the groom.",
        "ARCHAEOLOGIST_Name": "Archaeologist",
        "ARCHAEOLOGIST_Description": "Kill Doctor Bones.",
        "PRETTY_IN_PINK_Name": "Pretty in Pink",
        "PRETTY_IN_PINK_Description": "Kill pinky.",
        "RAINBOWS_AND_UNICORNS_Name": "Rainbows and Unicorns",
        "RAINBOWS_AND_UNICORNS_Description": "Fire a rainbow gun while riding on a unicorn.",
        "YOU_AND_WHAT_ARMY_Name": "You and What Army?",
        "YOU_AND_WHAT_ARMY_Description": "Command nine summoned minions simultaneously.",
        "PRISMANCER_Name": "Prismancer",
        "PRISMANCER_Description": "Obtain a rainbow rod.",
        "IT_CAN_TALK_Name": "It Can Talk?!",
        "IT_CAN_TALK_Description": "Build a house in a mushroom biome and have Truffle move in.",
        "WATCH_YOUR_STEP_Name": "Watch Your Step!",
        "WATCH_YOUR_STEP_Description": "Become a victim to a nasty underground trap.",
        "MARATHON_MEDALIST_Name": "Marathon Medalist",
        "MARATHON_MEDALIST_Description": "Travel a total of 26.2 miles on foot.",
        "GLORIOUS_GOLDEN_POLE_Name": "Glorious Golden Pole",
        "GLORIOUS_GOLDEN_POLE_Description": "Obtain a golden fishing rod.",
        "SERVANT_IN_TRAINING_Name": "Servant-in-Training",
        "SERVANT_IN_TRAINING_Description": "Complete your 1st quest for the angler.",
        "GOOD_LITTLE_SLAVE_Name": "Good Little Slave",
        "GOOD_LITTLE_SLAVE_Description": "Complete your 10th quest for the angler.",
        "TROUT_MONKEY_Name": "Trout Monkey",
        "TROUT_MONKEY_Description": "Complete your 25th quest for the angler.",
        "FAST_AND_FISHIOUS_Name": "Fast and Fishious",
        "FAST_AND_FISHIOUS_Description": "Complete your 50th quest for the angler.",
        "SUPREME_HELPER_MINION_Name": "Supreme Helper Minion!",
        "SUPREME_HELPER_MINION_Description": "Complete a grand total of 200 quests for the angler.",
        "TOPPED_OFF_Name": "Topped Off",
        "TOPPED_OFF_Description": "Attain maximum health and mana possible without accessories or buffs.",
        "SLAYER_OF_WORLDS_Name": "Slayer of Worlds",
        "SLAYER_OF_WORLDS_Description": "Defeat every boss in Terraria.",
        "YOU_CAN_DO_IT_Name": "You Can Do It!",
        "YOU_CAN_DO_IT_Description": "Survive your character's first full night.",
        "MATCHING_ATTIRE_Name": "Matching Attire",
        "MATCHING_ATTIRE_Description": "Equip armor in all three armor slots: head, chest, and feet.",
        "BEHIND_THE_MASK_Name": "Behind The Mask",
        "BEHIND_THE_MASK_Description": "Slay the Insane Cultist, a mad magician with powerful spells.",
        "DAVY_JONES_LOCKER_Name": "Davy Jones' Locker",
        "DAVY_JONES_LOCKER_Description": "Defeat the Flying Dutchman, the sails of the plunderin' skies.",
        "WINTERHEARTED_Name": "Winterhearted",
        "WINTERHEARTED_Description": "Defeat the Ice Queen, wicked witch of the coldest nights.",
        "PUMPKIN_SMASHER_Name": "Pumpkin Smasher",
        "PUMPKIN_SMASHER_Description": "Defeat the Pumpking, the spooky lord of hallow's eve.",
        "INDEPENDENCE_DAY_Name": "Independence Day",
        "INDEPENDENCE_DAY_Description": "Defeat a Mothership, overminds of the martian invaders.",
        "HEX_EDUCATION_Name": "Hex Education",
        "HEX_EDUCATION_Description": "Defeat a Goblin Summoner, conjurers of the darkest flames."
    "DungeonDefenders2": {
        "InvasionStart": "The old one's army is approaching!",
        "InvasionProgressTitle": "Old One's Army",
        "InvasionWin": "The old one's army has been defeated!",
        "WaveComplete": "Wave Complete!",
        "CantSummonTower": "It doesn't seem to work without an Etheria Crystal nearby...",
        "BartenderWarning": "The eternia crystal rejects this area and pops away instantly, the Tavernkeep mentioned it should rest in a large flat open area..."
    "GameTitle": {
        "0": "Terraria: Dig Peon, Dig!",
        "1": "Terraria: Epic Dirt",
        "10": "Terraria: Digger T' Blocks",
        "11": "Terraria: There is No Cow Layer",
        "12": "Terraria: Suspicous Looking Eyeballs",
        "13": "Terraria: Purple Grass!",
        "14": "Terraria: No one Dug Behind!",
        "15": "Terraria: The Water Fall Of Content!",
        "16": "Terraria: Earthbound",
        "17": "Terraria: Dig Dug Ain't Got Nuthin on Me",
        "18": "Terraria: Ore's Well That Ends Well",
        "19": "Terraria: Judgement Clay",
        "2": "Terraria: Adaman-TIGHT!",
        "20": "Terraria: Terrestrial Trouble",
        "21": "Terraria: Obsessive-Compulsive Discovery Simulator",
        "22": "Terraria: Red Dev Redemption",
        "23": "Terraria: Rise of the Slimes",
        "24": "Terraria: Now with more things to kill you!",
        "25": "Terraria: Rumors of the Guides' death were greatly exaggerated",
        "26": "Terraria: I Pity the Tools...",
        "27": "Terraria: A spelunker says 'What'?",
        "28": "Terraria: So then I said 'Something about a PC update....'",
        "29": "Terraria: May the blocks be with you",
        "3": "Terraria: Sand is Overpowered",
        "30": "Terraria: Better than life",
        "31": "Terraria: Terraria: Terraria:",
        "32": "Terraria: Now in 1D",
        "33": "Terraria: Coming soon to a computer near you",
        "34": "Terraria: Dividing by zero",
        "35": "Terraria: Now with SOUND",
        "36": "Terraria: Press alt-f4",
        "37": "Terraria: I Pity the Tools",
        "38": "Terraria: You sand bro?",
        "39": "Terraria: A good day to dig hard",
        "4": "Terraria Part 3: The Return of the Guide",
        "40": "Terraria: Can You Re-Dig-It?",
        "41": "Terraria: I don't know that-- aaaaa!",
        "42": "Terraria: What's that purple spiked thing?",
        "43": "Terraria: I wanna be the guide",
        "44": "Terraria: Cthulhu is mad... and is missing an eye!",
        "45": "Terraria: NOT THE BEES!!!",
        "46": "Terraria: Legend of Maxx",
        "47": "Terraria: Cult of Cenx",
        "48": "Terraria 2: Electric Boogaloo",
        "49": "Terraria: Also try Minecraft!",
        "5": "Terraria: A Bunnies Tale",
        "50": "Terraria: Also try Edge of Space!",
        "51": "Terraria: I just wanna know where the gold at?",
        "52": "Terraria: Now with more ducks!",
        "53": "Terraria: 9 + 1 = 11",
        "54": "Terraria: Infinite Plantera",
        "6": "Terraria: Dr. Bones and The Temple of Blood Moon",
        "7": "Terraria: Slimeassic Park",
        "8": "Terraria: The Grass is Greener on This Side",
        "9": "Terraria: Small Blocks, Not for Children Under the Age of 5",
        "55": "Terraria: Shut Up and Dig Gaiden!"
    "ChatCommand": {
        "Party": "\/p",
        "Emote": "\/me",
        "Playing_0": "\/playing",
        "Playing_1": "\/players",
        "Roll": "\/roll"
    "Announcement": {
        "HasBeenDefeated_Single": "{0} has been defeated!",
        "HasBeenDefeated_Plural": "{0} have been defeated!",
        "HasAwoken": "{0} has awoken!",
        "HasArrived": "{0} has arrived!"
    "MapObject": {
        "Tree": "Tree",
        "Iron": "Iron",
        "Copper": "Copper",
        "Gold": "Gold",
        "Silver": "Silver",
        "Door": "Door",
        "Table": "Table",
        "Chair": "Chair",
        "Anvil": "Anvil",
        "Sapling": "Sapling",
        "Demonite": "Demonite",
        "DemonAltar": "Demon Altar",
        "CrimsonAltar": "Crimson Altar",
        "Fossil": "Fossil",
        "Pot": "Pot",
        "Thorns": "Thorns",
        "Chandelier": "Chandelier",
        "Lantern": "Lantern",
        "Web": "Web",
        "Thorn": "Thorn",
        "GiantMushroom": "Giant Mushroom",
        "Banner": "Banner",
        "FloorLamp": "Floor Lamp",
        "Statue": "Statue",
        "Vase": "Vase",
        "Cobalt": "Cobalt",
        "Mythril": "Mythril",
        "Adamantite": "Adamantite",
        "Trap": "Trap",
        "Timer": "Timer",
        "ChristmasLight": "Christmas Light",
        "Tin": "Tin",
        "Lead": "Lead",
        "Tungsten": "Tungsten",
        "Platinum": "Platinum",
        "PineTree": "Pine Tree",
        "Sink": "Sink",
        "LivingWood": "Living Wood",
        "Crimtane": "Crimtane",
        "WaterFountain": "Water Fountain",
        "Chlorophyte": "Chlorophyte",
        "Turret": "Turret",
        "Rocket": "Rocket",
        "SiltExtractinator": "Silt Extractinator",
        "Palladium": "Palladium",
        "Orichalcum": "Orichalcum",
        "Titanium": "Titanium",
        "Larva": "Larva",
        "PlanterasBulb": "Plantera's Bulb",
        "MetalBar": "Metal Bar",
        "Trophy": "Trophy",
        "ItemRack": "Item Rack",
        "Painting": "Painting",
        "AnimalSkin": "Animal Skin",
        "Picture": "Picture",
        "OrangeSquirrelCage": "Orange Squirrel Cage",
        "PalmTree": "Palm Tree",
        "DrippingWater": "Dripping Water",
        "DrippingLava": "Dripping Lava",
        "DrippingHoney": "Dripping Honey",
        "SandFlow": "Sand Flow",
        "BeeHive": "Bee Hive"
    "BuffName": {
        "ObsidianSkin": "Obsidian Skin",
        "Regeneration": "Regeneration",
        "Swiftness": "Swiftness",
        "Gills": "Gills",
        "Ironskin": "Ironskin",
        "ManaRegeneration": "Mana Regeneration",
        "MagicPower": "Magic Power",
        "Featherfall": "Featherfall",
        "Spelunker": "Spelunker",
        "Invisibility": "Invisibility",
        "Shine": "Shine",
        "NightOwl": "Night Owl",
        "Battle": "Battle",
        "Thorns": "Thorns",
        "WaterWalking": "Water Walking",
        "Archery": "Archery",
        "Hunter": "Hunter",
        "Gravitation": "Gravitation",
        "ShadowOrb": "Shadow Orb",
        "Poisoned": "Poisoned",
        "PotionSickness": "Potion Sickness",
        "Darkness": "Darkness",
        "Cursed": "Cursed",
        "OnFire": "On Fire!",
        "Tipsy": "Tipsy",
        "WellFed": "Well Fed",
        "FairyBlue": "Fairy",
        "Werewolf": "Werewolf",
        "Clairvoyance": "Clairvoyance",
        "Bleeding": "Bleeding",
        "Confused": "Confused",
        "Slow": "Slow",
        "Weak": "Weak",
        "Merfolk": "Merfolk",
        "Silenced": "Silenced",
        "BrokenArmor": "Broken Armor",
        "Horrified": "Horrified",
        "TheTongue": "The Tongue",
        "CursedInferno": "Cursed Inferno",
        "PetBunny": "Pet Bunny",
        "BabyPenguin": "Baby Penguin",
        "PetTurtle": "Pet Turtle",
        "PaladinsShield": "Paladin's Shield",
        "Frostburn": "Frostburn",
        "BabyEater": "Baby Eater",
        "Chilled": "Chilled",
        "Frozen": "Frozen",
        "Honey": "Honey",
        "Pygmies": "Pygmies",
        "BabySkeletronHead": "Baby Skeletron Head",
        "BabyHornet": "Baby Hornet",
        "TikiSpirit": "Tiki Spirit",
        "PetLizard": "Pet Lizard",
        "PetParrot": "Pet Parrot",
        "BabyTruffle": "Baby Truffle",
        "PetSapling": "Pet Sapling",
        "Wisp": "Wisp",
        "RapidHealing": "Rapid Healing",
        "ShadowDodge": "Shadow Dodge",
        "LeafCrystal": "Leaf Crystal",
        "BabyDinosaur": "Baby Dinosaur",
        "IceBarrier": "Ice Barrier",
        "Panic": "Panic!",
        "BabySlime": "Baby Slime",
        "EyeballSpring": "Eyeball Spring",
        "BabySnowman": "Baby Snowman",
        "Burning": "Burning",
        "Suffocation": "Suffocation",
        "Ichor": "Ichor",
        "Venom": "Venom",
        "Midas": "Midas",
        "Blackout": "Blackout",
        "PetSpider": "Pet Spider",
        "Squashling": "Squashling",
        "Ravens": "Ravens",
        "BlackCat": "Black Cat",
        "CursedSapling": "Cursed Sapling",
        "WaterCandle": "Water Candle",
        "PeaceCandle": "Peace Candle",
        "Campfire": "Cozy Fire",
        "ChaosState": "Chaos State",
        "HeartLamp": "Heart Lamp",
        "Rudolph": "Rudolph",
        "Puppy": "Puppy",
        "BabyGrinch": "Baby Grinch",
        "AmmoBox": "Ammo Box",
        "ManaSickness": "Mana Sickness",
        "BeetleEndurance1": "Beetle Endurance",
        "BeetleEndurance2": "Beetle Endurance",
        "BeetleEndurance3": "Beetle Endurance",
        "BeetleMight1": "Beetle Might",
        "BeetleMight2": "Beetle Might",
        "BeetleMight3": "Beetle Might",
        "FairyRed": "Fairy",
        "FairyGreen": "Fairy",
        "Wet": "Wet",
        "Mining": "Mining",
        "Heartreach": "Heartreach",
        "Calm": "Calm",
        "Builder": "Builder",
        "Titan": "Titan",
        "Flipper": "Flipper",
        "Summoning": "Summoning",
        "Dangersense": "Dangersense",
        "AmmoReservation": "Ammo Reservation",
        "Lifeforce": "Lifeforce",
        "Endurance": "Endurance",
        "Rage": "Rage",
        "Inferno": "Inferno",
        "Wrath": "Wrath",
        "MinecartLeft": "Minecart",
        "MinecartRight": "Minecart",
        "Lovestruck": "Lovestruck",
        "Stinky": "Stinky",
        "Fishing": "Fishing",
        "Sonar": "Sonar",
        "Crate": "Crate",
        "Warmth": "Warmth",
        "HornetMinion": "Hornet",
        "ImpMinion": "Imp",
        "ZephyrFish": "Zephyr Fish",
        "BunnyMount": "Bunny Mount",
        "PigronMount": "Pigron Mount",
        "SlimeMount": "Slime Mount",
        "TurtleMount": "Turtle Mount",
        "BeeMount": "Bee Mount",
        "SpiderMinion": "Spider",
        "TwinEyesMinion": "Twins",
        "PirateMinion": "Pirate",
        "MiniMinotaur": "Mini Minotaur",
        "Slimed": "Slime",
        "SharknadoMinion": "Sharknado",
        "UFOMinion": "UFO",
        "UFOMount": "UFO Mount",
        "DrillMount": "Drill Mount",
        "ScutlixMount": "Scutlix Mount",
        "Electrified": "Electrified",
        "MoonLeech": "Moon Bite",
        "Sunflower": "Happy!",
        "MonsterBanner": "Banner",
        "Rabies": "Feral Bite",
        "Webbed": "Webbed",
        "Bewitched": "Bewitched",
        "SoulDrain": "Life Drain",
        "MagicLantern": "Magic Lantern",
        "ShadowFlame": "Shadowflame",
        "CrimsonHeart": "Crimson Heart",
        "BabyFaceMonster": "Baby Face Monster",
        "BoneJavelin": "Penetrated",
        "StardustMinion": "Stardust Cell",
        "StardustMinionBleed": "Celled",
        "DryadsWardDebuff": "Dryad's Bane",
        "StardustGuardianMinion": "Stardust Guardian",
        "StardustDragonMinion": "Stardust Dragon",
        "Daybreak": "Daybroken",
        "SuspiciousTentacle": "Suspicious Looking Eye",
        "CompanionCube": "Companion Cube",
        "PetDD2Gato": "Propeller Gato",
        "PetDD2Ghost": "Flickerwick",
        "PetDD2Dragon": "Hoardagron",
        "BetsysCurse": "Betsy's Curse",
        "Oiled": "Oiled",
        "Stoned": "Stoned",
        "StarInBottle": "Star in a Bottle",
        "Sharpened": "Sharpened",
        "Dazed": "Dazed",
        "DeadlySphere": "Deadly Sphere",
        "Obstructed": "Obstructed",
        "VortexDebuff": "Distorted",
        "DryadsWard": "Dryad's Blessing",
        "WindPushed": "Mighty Wind",
        "WitheredArmor": "Withered Armor",
        "WitheredWeapon": "Withered Weapon",
        "OgreSpit": "Oozed",
        "ParryDamageBuff": "Striking Moment",
        "BallistaPanic": "Ballista Panic!",
        "MinecartRightMech": "Minecart",
        "MinecartLeftMech": "Minecart",
        "MinecartRightWood": "Minecart",
        "MinecartLeftWood": "Minecart",
        "SolarShield1": "Solar Blaze",
        "SolarShield2": "Solar Blaze",
        "SolarShield3": "Solar Blaze",
        "NebulaUpDmg1": "Damage Nebula",
        "NebulaUpDmg2": "Damage Nebula",
        "NebulaUpDmg3": "Damage Nebula",
        "NebulaUpLife1": "Life Nebula",
        "NebulaUpLife2": "Life Nebula",
        "NebulaUpLife3": "Life Nebula",
        "NebulaUpMana1": "Mana Nebula",
        "NebulaUpMana2": "Mana Nebula",
        "NebulaUpMana3": "Mana Nebula",
        "UnicornMount": "Unicorn Mount",
        "CuteFishronMount": "Cute Fishron Mount",
        "BasiliskMount": "Basilisk Mount",
        "NoBuilding": "Creative Shock",
        "WeaponImbueVenom": "Weapon Imbue: Venom",
        "WeaponImbueCursedFlames": "Weapon Imbue: Cursed Flames",
        "WeaponImbueFire": "Weapon Imbue: Fire",
        "WeaponImbueGold": "Weapon Imbue: Gold",
        "WeaponImbueIchor": "Weapon Imbue: Ichor",
        "WeaponImbueNanites": "Weapon Imbue: Nanites",
        "WeaponImbueConfetti": "Weapon Imbue: Confetti",
        "WeaponImbuePoison": "Weapon Imbue: Poison"
    "BuffDescription": {
        "ObsidianSkin": "Immune to lava",
        "Regeneration": "Provides life regeneration",
        "Swiftness": "25% increased movement speed",
        "Gills": "Breathe water instead of air",
        "Ironskin": "Increase defense by 8",
        "ManaRegeneration": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "MagicPower": "20% increased magic damage",
        "Featherfall": "Press UP or DOWN to control speed of descent",
        "Spelunker": "Shows the location of treasure and ore",
        "Invisibility": "Grants invisibility",
        "Shine": "Emitting light",
        "NightOwl": "Increased night vision",
        "Battle": "Increased enemy spawn rate",
        "Thorns": "Attackers also take damage",
        "WaterWalking": "Press DOWN to enter water",
        "Archery": "20% increased arrow damage and speed",
        "Hunter": "Shows the location of enemies",
        "Gravitation": "Press UP to reverse gravity",
        "ShadowOrb": "A magical orb that provides light",
        "Poisoned": "Slowly losing life",
        "PotionSickness": "Cannot consume anymore healing items",
        "Darkness": "Decreased light vision",
        "Cursed": "Cannot use any items",
        "OnFire": "Slowly losing life",
        "Tipsy": "Increased melee abilities, lowered defense",
        "WellFed": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "FairyBlue": "A fairy is following you",
        "Werewolf": "Physical abilities are increased",
        "Clairvoyance": "Magic powers are increased",
        "Bleeding": "Cannot regenerate life",
        "Confused": "Movement is reversed",
        "Slow": "Movement speed is reduced",
        "Weak": "Physical abilities are decreased",
        "Merfolk": "Can breathe and move easily underwater",
        "Silenced": "Cannot use items that require mana",
        "BrokenArmor": "Defense is cut in half",
        "Horrified": "You have seen something nasty, there is no escape.",
        "TheTongue": "You are being sucked into the mouth",
        "CursedInferno": "Losing life",
        "PetBunny": "I think it wants your carrot",
        "BabyPenguin": "I think it wants your fish",
        "PetTurtle": "Happy turtle time!",
        "PaladinsShield": "25% of damage taken will be redirected to another player",
        "Frostburn": "It's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts",
        "BabyEater": "A baby Eater of Souls is following you",
        "Chilled": "Your movement speed has been reduced",
        "Frozen": "You can't move!",
        "Honey": "Life regeneration is increased",
        "Pygmies": "The pygmies will fight for you",
        "BabySkeletronHead": "Don't even ask...",
        "BabyHornet": "It thinks you are its mother",
        "TikiSpirit": "A friendly spirit is following you",
        "PetLizard": "Chillin' like a reptilian",
        "PetParrot": "Polly want's the cracker",
        "BabyTruffle": "Isn't this just soooo cute?",
        "PetSapling": "A little sapling is following you",
        "Wisp": "A wisp is following you",
        "RapidHealing": "Life regeneration is greatly increased",
        "ShadowDodge": "You will dodge the next attack",
        "LeafCrystal": "Shoots crystal leaves at nearby enemies",
        "BabyDinosaur": "A baby dinosaur is following you",
        "IceBarrier": "Damage taken is reduced by 25%",
        "Panic": "Movement speed is increased",
        "BabySlime": "The baby slime will fight for you",
        "EyeballSpring": "An eyeball spring is following you",
        "BabySnowman": "A baby snowman is following you",
        "Burning": "Losing life and slowed movement",
        "Suffocation": "Losing life",
        "Ichor": "Reduced defense",
        "Venom": "Losing life",
        "Midas": "Drop more money on death",
        "Blackout": "Light vision severely reduced",
        "PetSpider": "A spider is following you",
        "Squashling": "A squashling is following you",
        "Ravens": "The ravens will attack your enemies",
        "BlackCat": "A black kitty is following you",
        "CursedSapling": "A cursed sapling is following you",
        "WaterCandle": "Increased monster spawn rate",
        "PeaceCandle": "Decreased monster spawn rate",
        "Campfire": "Life regen is slightly increased",
        "ChaosState": "Using the Rod of Discord will take life",
        "HeartLamp": "Life regen is increased",
        "Rudolph": "Riding the red nosed reindeer",
        "Puppy": "A puppy is following you",
        "BabyGrinch": "A baby grinch is following you",
        "AmmoBox": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "ManaSickness": "Magic damage reduced by ",
        "BeetleEndurance1": "Damage taken reduced by 15%",
        "BeetleEndurance2": "Damage taken reduced by 30%",
        "BeetleEndurance3": "Damage taken reduced by 45%",
        "BeetleMight1": "Melee damage and speed increase by 10%",
        "BeetleMight2": "Melee damage and speed increase by 20%",
        "BeetleMight3": "Melee damage and speed increase by 30%",
        "FairyRed": "A fairy is following you",
        "FairyGreen": "A fairy is following you",
        "Wet": "You are dripping water",
        "Mining": "25% increased mining speed",
        "Heartreach": "Increased heart pickup range",
        "Calm": "Reduced enemy aggression",
        "Builder": "Increased placement speed and range",
        "Titan": "Increased knockback",
        "Flipper": "Move like normal in water",
        "Summoning": "Increased max number of minions",
        "Dangersense": "You can see nearby hazards",
        "AmmoReservation": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "Lifeforce": "20% increased max life",
        "Endurance": "10% reduced damage",
        "Rage": "10% increased critical chance",
        "Inferno": "Nearby enemies are ignited",
        "Wrath": "10% increased damage",
        "MinecartLeft": "Riding in a minecart",
        "MinecartRight": "Riding in a minecart",
        "Lovestruck": "You are in love!",
        "Stinky": "You smell terrible",
        "Fishing": "Increased fishing level",
        "Sonar": "You can see what's biting your hook",
        "Crate": "Greater chance of fishing up a crate",
        "Warmth": "Reduced damage from cold sources",
        "HornetMinion": "The hornet will fight for you",
        "ImpMinion": "The imp will fight for you",
        "ZephyrFish": "It likes swimming around you",
        "BunnyMount": "You are craving carrots",
        "PigronMount": "Now you see me....",
        "SlimeMount": "BOOOIIINNNG!",
        "TurtleMount": "Slow if by land, zoom if by sea",
        "BeeMount": "BzzzBzzBZZZZBzzz",
        "SpiderMinion": "The spider will fight for you",
        "TwinEyesMinion": "The twins will fight for you",
        "PirateMinion": "The pirate will fight for you",
        "MiniMinotaur": "How do you defeat a mini Minotaur?",
        "Slimed": "You are slimy and sticky",
        "SharknadoMinion": "The sharknado will fight for you",
        "UFOMinion": "The UFO will fight for you",
        "UFOMount": "It's a good thing you had a MAC",
        "DrillMount": "Riding in a flying drill",
        "ScutlixMount": "Pew Pew",
        "Electrified": "You cannot move",
        "MoonLeech": "You are unable to absorb healing effects",
        "Sunflower": "Movement speed increased and monster spawns reduced",
        "MonsterBanner": "Increased damage and defense from the following:",
        "Rabies": "Increased damage, Decreased life regen, Causes status effects",
        "Webbed": "You are stuck",
        "Bewitched": "Increased max number of minions",
        "SoulDrain": "Increased life regeneration",
        "MagicLantern": "An enchanted lantern is lighting your way",
        "ShadowFlame": "Losing life",
        "CrimsonHeart": "A magical heart that provides light",
        "BabyFaceMonster": "A baby face monster is following you",
        "BoneJavelin": "Bleeding Out",
        "StardustMinion": "The stardust cell will fight for you",
        "StardustMinionBleed": "being eaten by cells",
        "DryadsWardDebuff": "The power of nature compells you",
        "StardustGuardianMinion": "The stardust guardian will protect you",
        "StardustDragonMinion": "The stardust dragon will protect you",
        "Daybreak": "Incenerated by solar rays",
        "SuspiciousTentacle": "A suspicious looking eye that provides light",
        "CompanionCube": "Will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak",
        "PetDD2Gato": "A propeller gato is following you",
        "PetDD2Ghost": "A flickerwick is following you",
        "PetDD2Dragon": "A hoardagron is following you",
        "BetsysCurse": "Defense is lowered",
        "Oiled": "Taking more damage from being on fire",
        "Stoned": "You are completely petrified!",
        "StarInBottle": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "Sharpened": "Melee weapons have armor penetration",
        "Dazed": "Movement is greatly slowed",
        "DeadlySphere": "The Deadly Sphere will fight for you",
        "Obstructed": "You can't see!",
        "VortexDebuff": "Gravity around you is distorted",
        "DryadsWard": "The power of nature protects you",
        "WindPushed": "The wind moves you around!",
        "WitheredArmor": "Your armor is lowered!",
        "WitheredWeapon": "Your attacks are weaker!",
        "OgreSpit": "Movement is significantly reduced",
        "ParryDamageBuff": "500% increased damage for next melee strike",
        "BallistaPanic": "Your ballistas rapidly shoot in panic!",
        "MinecartRightMech": "Riding in a minecart",
        "MinecartLeftMech": "Riding in a minecart",
        "MinecartRightWood": "Riding in a minecart",
        "MinecartLeftWood": "Riding in a minecart",
        "SolarShield1": "Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage",
        "SolarShield2": "Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage",
        "SolarShield3": "Damage taken reduced by 30%, repel enemies when taking damage",
        "NebulaUpDmg1": "15% increased damage",
        "NebulaUpDmg2": "30% increased damage",
        "NebulaUpDmg3": "45% increased damage",
        "NebulaUpLife1": "Increased life regeneration",
        "NebulaUpLife2": "Increased life regeneration",
        "NebulaUpLife3": "Increased life regeneration",
        "NebulaUpMana1": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "NebulaUpMana2": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "NebulaUpMana3": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "UnicornMount": "Charge ahead... fabulously!",
        "CuteFishronMount": "Just don't make it crawl.",
        "BasiliskMount": "Crash into anyone... and EVERYONE!",
        "NoBuilding": "You have lost the power of creation!",
        "WeaponImbueVenom": "Melee attacks inflict venom on your targets",
        "WeaponImbueCursedFlames": "Melee attacks inflict enemies with cursed flames",
        "WeaponImbueFire": "Melee attacks set enemies on fire",
        "WeaponImbueGold": "Melee attacks make enemies drop more gold",
        "WeaponImbueIchor": "Melee attacks decrease enemies defense",
        "WeaponImbueNanites": "Melee attacks confuse enemies",
        "WeaponImbueConfetti": "Melee attacks cause confetti to appear",
        "WeaponImbuePoison": "Melee attacks poison enemies"
    "ArmorSetBonus": {
        "SquireTier3": "Increases your max number of sentries\nGreatly enhances Ballista effectiveness",
        "ApprenticeTier3": "Increases your max number of sentries\nGreatly enhances Flameburst effectiveness",
        "HuntressTier3": "Increases your max number of sentries\nGreatly enhances Explosive Traps effectiveness",
        "MonkTier3": "Increases your max number of sentries\nGreatly enhances Lightning Aura effectiveness",
        "SquireTier2": "Increases your max number of sentries\nBallista pierces more targets and panics when you take damage",
        "ApprenticeTier2": "Increases your max number of sentries\nFlameburst field of view and range are dramatically increased",
        "HuntressTier2": "Increases your max number of sentries\nExplosive Traps recharge faster and oil enemies\nSet oiled enemies on fire for extra damage",
        "MonkTier2": "Increases your max number of sentries\nLightning Aura can now crit and strikes faster",
        "MetalTier1": "2 defense",
        "MetalTier2": "3 defense",
        "CobaltRanged": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "MythrilCaster": "17% reduced mana usage",
        "MythrilMelee": "5% increased melee critical strike chance",
        "MythrilRanged": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "AdamantiteCaster": "19% reduced mana usage",
        "AdamantiteMelee": "18% increased melee and movement speed",
        "AdamantiteRanged": "25% chance to not consume ammo",
        "HallowCaster": "20% reduced mana usage",
        "HallowMelee": "19% increased melee and movement speed",
        "HallowRanged": "25% chance to not consume ammo",
        "ShadowScale": "15% increased movement speed",
        "Wood": "1 defense",
        "Crimson": "Greatly increased life regen",
        "Frost": "Melee and ranged attacks cause frostburn",
        "Tiki": "Increases your max number of minions",
        "Palladium": "Greatly increases life regeneration after striking an enemy",
        "Orichalcum": "Flower petals will fall on your target for extra damage",
        "Titanium": "Become immune after striking an enemy",
        "Chlorophyte": "Summons a powerful leaf crystal to shoot at nearby enemies",
        "Wizard": "10% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "Turtle": "Attackers also take full damage",
        "Meteor": "Space Gun costs 0 mana",
        "SpectreHealing": "Magic damage done to enemies heals the player with lowest health",
        "Shroomite": "Not moving puts you in stealth,\nincreasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemies to target you",
        "Platinum": "4 defense",
        "Pumpkin": "10% increased damage",
        "Spooky": "Increases minion damage by 25%",
        "SpectreDamage": "Magic damage done will hurt extra nearby enemies",
        "MagicHat": "Increases maximum mana by 60",
        "BeetleDefense": "Beetles protect you from damage",
        "BeetleDamage": "Beetles increase your melee damage and speed",
        "Bee": "Increases minion damage by 10%",
        "Bone": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "Spider": "Increases minion damage by 12%",
        "Ninja": "33% chance to not consume thrown item",
        "Fossil": "50% chance to not consume thrown item",
        "Solar": "Solar shields generate over time protecting you,\nconsume the shield power to dash, damaging enemies",
        "Vortex": "Double tap {0} to toggle stealth,\nincreasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemies to target you but slowing movement speed",
        "Nebula": "Hurting enemies has a chance to spawn buff boosters,\npick boosters up to get stacking buffs",
        "Stardust": "Double tap {0} to direct your guardian to a location",
        "Forbidden": "Double tap {0} to call an ancient storm to the cursor location",
        "Jungle": "16% reduced mana usage",
        "Molten": "17% extra melee damage",
        "Mining": "30% increased mining speed",
        "CobaltCaster": "14% reduced mana usage",
        "CobaltMelee": "15% increased melee speed"
    "CommonItemTooltip": {
        "UsesLife": "Uses {0} life",
        "UsesMana": "Uses {0} mana",
        "RestoresLife": "Restores {0} life",
        "RestoresMana": "Restores {0} mana",
        "MinuteDuration": "{0} minute duration",
        "SecondDuration": "{0} second duration",
        "PlaceableOnXmasTree": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "String": "Increases yoyo range",
        "Counterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "BannerBonus": "Nearby players get a bonus against: ",
        "SpecialCrafting": "Used for special crafting",
        "DevItem": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "FlightAndSlowfall": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "RightClickToOpen": "<right> to open",
        "MinorStats": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "EtherianManaCost10": "Use 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one"
    "PaintingArtist": {
        "Crowno": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "Garner": "'W. Garner'",
        "Moosdijk": "'R. Moosdijk'",
        "Lazure": "'J. Hayes'",
        "Myhre": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "Burczyk": "'C. Burczyk'",
        "Craig": "'A. Craig'",
        "Kolf": "'A. G. Kolf'",
        "Wright": "'K. Wright'",
        "Phelps": "'D. Phelps'",
        "Duncan": "'M. J. Duncan'",
        "Ness": "'C. J. Ness'"
    "Prefix": {
        "Dull": "Dull",
        "Unhappy": "Unhappy",
        "Bulky": "Bulky",
        "Shameful": "Shameful",
        "Heavy": "Heavy",
        "Light": "Light",
        "Sighted": "Sighted",
        "Rapid": "Rapid",
        "Hasty": "Hasty",
        "Intimidating": "Intimidating",
        "Large": "Large",
        "Deadly": "Deadly",
        "Staunch": "Staunch",
        "Awful": "Awful",
        "Lethargic": "Lethargic",
        "Awkward": "Awkward",
        "Powerful": "Powerful",
        "Mystic": "Mystic",
        "Adept": "Adept",
        "Masterful": "Masterful",
        "Inept": "Inept",
        "Massive": "Massive",
        "Ignorant": "Ignorant",
        "Deranged": "Deranged",
        "Intense": "Intense",
        "Taboo": "Taboo",
        "Celestial": "Celestial",
        "Furious": "Furious",
        "Keen": "Keen",
        "Superior": "Superior",
        "Forceful": "Forceful",
        "Broken": "Broken",
        "Dangerous": "Dangerous",
        "Damaged": "Damaged",
        "Shoddy": "Shoddy",
        "Quick": "Quick",
        "Deadly2": "Deadly",
        "Agile": "Agile",
        "Nimble": "Nimble",
        "Murderous": "Murderous",
        "Slow": "Slow",
        "Sluggish": "Sluggish",
        "Lazy": "Lazy",
        "Savage": "Savage",
        "Annoying": "Annoying",
        "Nasty": "Nasty",
        "Manic": "Manic",
        "Hurtful": "Hurtful",
        "Strong": "Strong",
        "Unpleasant": "Unpleasant",
        "Weak": "Weak",
        "Ruthless": "Ruthless",
        "Frenzying": "Frenzying",
        "Godly": "Godly",
        "Sharp": "Sharp",
        "Demonic": "Demonic",
        "Zealous": "Zealous",
        "Hard": "Hard",
        "Guarding": "Guarding",
        "Armored": "Armored",
        "Warding": "Warding",
        "Arcane": "Arcane",
        "Precise": "Precise",
        "Lucky": "Lucky",
        "Jagged": "Jagged",
        "Pointy": "Pointy",
        "Spiked": "Spiked",
        "Angry": "Angry",
        "Menacing": "Menacing",
        "Brisk": "Brisk",
        "Fleeting": "Fleeting",
        "Hasty2": "Hasty",
        "Quick2": "Quick",
        "Wild": "Wild",
        "Rash": "Rash",
        "Intrepid": "Intrepid",
        "Tiny": "Tiny",
        "Violent": "Violent",
        "Legendary": "Legendary",
        "Unreal": "Unreal",
        "Mythical": "Mythical",
        "Terrible": "Terrible",
        "Small": "Small"
    "ItemName": {
        "IronPickaxe": "Iron Pickaxe",
        "IronAxe": "Iron Axe",
        "ShadowGreaves": "Shadow Greaves",
        "ConfettiGun": "Confetti Gun",
        "ChlorophyteMask": "Chlorophyte Mask",
        "ChlorophyteHelmet": "Chlorophyte Helmet",
        "ChlorophyteHeadgear": "Chlorophyte Headgear",
        "ChlorophytePlateMail": "Chlorophyte Plate Mail",
        "ChlorophyteGreaves": "Chlorophyte Greaves",
        "ChlorophyteBar": "Chlorophyte Bar",
        "RedDye": "Red Dye",
        "OrangeDye": "Orange Dye",
        "YellowDye": "Yellow Dye",
        "ShadowScalemail": "Shadow Scalemail",
        "LimeDye": "Lime Dye",
        "GreenDye": "Green Dye",
        "TealDye": "Teal Dye",
        "CyanDye": "Cyan Dye",
        "SkyBlueDye": "Sky Blue Dye",
        "BlueDye": "Blue Dye",
        "PurpleDye": "Purple Dye",
        "VioletDye": "Violet Dye",
        "PinkDye": "Pink Dye",
        "RedandBlackDye": "Red and Black Dye",
        "ShadowHelmet": "Shadow Helmet",
        "OrangeandBlackDye": "Orange and Black Dye",
        "YellowandBlackDye": "Yellow and Black Dye",
        "LimeandBlackDye": "Lime and Black Dye",
        "GreenandBlackDye": "Green and Black Dye",
        "TealandBlackDye": "Teal and Black Dye",
        "CyanandBlackDye": "Cyan and Black Dye",
        "SkyBlueandBlackDye": "Sky Blue and Black Dye",
        "BlueandBlackDye": "Blue and Black Dye",
        "PurpleandBlackDye": "Purple and Black Dye",
        "VioletandBlackDye": "Violet and Black Dye",
        "NightmarePickaxe": "Nightmare Pickaxe",
        "PinkandBlackDye": "Pink and Black Dye",
        "FlameDye": "Flame Dye",
        "FlameAndBlackDye": "Flame and Black Dye",
        "GreenFlameDye": "Green Flame Dye",
        "GreenFlameAndBlackDye": "Green Flame and Black Dye",
        "BlueFlameDye": "Blue Flame Dye",
        "BlueFlameAndBlackDye": "Blue Flame and Black Dye",
        "SilverDye": "Silver Dye",
        "BrightRedDye": "Bright Red Dye",
        "BrightOrangeDye": "Bright Orange Dye",
        "TheBreaker": "The Breaker",
        "BrightYellowDye": "Bright Yellow Dye",
        "BrightLimeDye": "Bright Lime Dye",
        "BrightGreenDye": "Bright Green Dye",
        "BrightTealDye": "Bright Teal Dye",
        "BrightCyanDye": "Bright Cyan Dye",
        "BrightSkyBlueDye": "Bright Sky Blue Dye",
        "BrightBlueDye": "Bright Blue Dye",
        "BrightPurpleDye": "Bright Purple Dye",
        "BrightVioletDye": "Bright Violet Dye",
        "BrightPinkDye": "Bright Pink Dye",
        "Candle": "Candle",
        "BlackDye": "Black Dye",
        "RedandSilverDye": "Red and Silver Dye",
        "OrangeandSilverDye": "Orange and Silver Dye",
        "YellowandSilverDye": "Yellow and Silver Dye",
        "LimeandSilverDye": "Lime and Silver Dye",
        "GreenandSilverDye": "Green and Silver Dye",
        "TealandSilverDye": "Teal and Silver Dye",
        "CyanandSilverDye": "Cyan and Silver Dye",
        "SkyBlueandSilverDye": "Sky Blue and Silver Dye",
        "BlueandSilverDye": "Blue and Silver Dye",
        "CopperChandelier": "Copper Chandelier",
        "PurpleandSilverDye": "Purple and Silver Dye",
        "VioletandSilverDye": "Violet and Silver Dye",
        "PinkandSilverDye": "Pink and Silver Dye",
        "IntenseFlameDye": "Intense Flame Dye",
        "IntenseGreenFlameDye": "Intense Green Flame Dye",
        "IntenseBlueFlameDye": "Intense Blue Flame Dye",
        "RainbowDye": "Rainbow Dye",
        "IntenseRainbowDye": "Intense Rainbow Dye",
        "YellowGradientDye": "Yellow Gradient Dye",
        "CyanGradientDye": "Cyan Gradient Dye",
        "SilverChandelier": "Silver Chandelier",
        "VioletGradientDye": "Violet Gradient Dye",
        "Paintbrush": "Paintbrush",
        "PaintRoller": "Paint Roller",
        "RedPaint": "Red Paint",
        "OrangePaint": "Orange Paint",
        "YellowPaint": "Yellow Paint",
        "LimePaint": "Lime Paint",
        "GreenPaint": "Green Paint",
        "TealPaint": "Teal Paint",
        "CyanPaint": "Cyan Paint",
        "GoldChandelier": "Gold Chandelier",
        "SkyBluePaint": "Sky Blue Paint",
        "BluePaint": "Blue Paint",
        "PurplePaint": "Purple Paint",
        "VioletPaint": "Violet Paint",
        "PinkPaint": "Pink Paint",
        "DeepRedPaint": "Deep Red Paint",
        "DeepOrangePaint": "Deep Orange Paint",
        "DeepYellowPaint": "Deep Yellow Paint",
        "DeepLimePaint": "Deep Lime Paint",
        "DeepGreenPaint": "Deep Green Paint",
        "ManaCrystal": "Mana Crystal",
        "DeepTealPaint": "Deep Teal Paint",
        "DeepCyanPaint": "Deep Cyan Paint",
        "DeepSkyBluePaint": "Deep Sky Blue Paint",
        "DeepBluePaint": "Deep Blue Paint",
        "DeepPurplePaint": "Deep Purple Paint",
        "DeepVioletPaint": "Deep Violet Paint",
        "DeepPinkPaint": "Deep Pink Paint",
        "BlackPaint": "Black Paint",
        "WhitePaint": "White Paint",
        "GrayPaint": "Gray Paint",
        "IronOre": "Iron Ore",
        "LesserManaPotion": "Lesser Mana Potion",
        "PaintScraper": "Paint Scraper",
        "LihzahrdBrick": "Lihzahrd Brick",
        "LihzahrdBrickWall": "Lihzahrd Brick Wall",
        "SlushBlock": "Slush Block",
        "PalladiumOre": "Palladium Ore",
        "OrichalcumOre": "Orichalcum Ore",
        "TitaniumOre": "Titanium Ore",
        "TealMushroom": "Teal Mushroom",
        "GreenMushroom": "Green Mushroom",
        "SkyBlueFlower": "Sky Blue Flower",
        "BandofStarpower": "Band of Starpower",
        "YellowMarigold": "Yellow Marigold",
        "BlueBerries": "Blue Berries",
        "LimeKelp": "Lime Kelp",
        "PinkPricklyPear": "Pink Prickly Pear",
        "OrangeBloodroot": "Orange Bloodroot",
        "RedHusk": "Red Husk",
        "CyanHusk": "Cyan Husk",
        "VioletHusk": "Violet Husk",
        "PurpleMucos": "Purple Mucos",
        "BlackInk": "Black Ink",
        "FlowerofFire": "Flower of Fire",
        "DyeVat": "Dye Vat",
        "BeeGun": "Bee Gun",
        "PossessedHatchet": "Possessed Hatchet",
        "BeeKeeper": "Bee Keeper",
        "Hive": "Hive",
        "HoneyBlock": "Honey Block",
        "HiveWall": "Hive Wall",
        "CrispyHoneyBlock": "Crispy Honey Block",
        "HoneyBucket": "Honey Bucket",
        "HiveWand": "Hive Wand",
        "MagicMissile": "Magic Missile",
        "Beenade": "Beenade",
        "GravityGlobe": "Gravity Globe",
        "HoneyComb": "Honey Comb",
        "Abeemination": "Abeemination",
        "BottledHoney": "Bottled Honey",
        "RainHat": "Rain Hat",
        "RainCoat": "Rain Coat",
        "LihzahrdDoor": "Lihzahrd Door",
        "DungeonDoor": "Dungeon Door",
        "LeadDoor": "Lead Door",
        "DirtRod": "Dirt Rod",
        "IronDoor": "Iron Door",
        "TempleKey": "Temple Key",
        "LihzahrdChest": "Lihzahrd Chest",
        "LihzahrdChair": "Lihzahrd Chair",
        "LihzahrdTable": "Lihzahrd Table",
        "LihzahrdWorkBench": "Lihzahrd Work Bench",
        "SuperDartTrap": "Super Dart Trap",
        "FlameTrap": "Flame Trap",
        "SpikyBallTrap": "Spiky Ball Trap",
        "SpearTrap": "Spear Trap",
        "ShadowOrb": "Shadow Orb",
        "WoodenSpike": "Wooden Spike",
        "LihzahrdPressurePlate": "Lihzahrd Pressure Plate",
        "LihzahrdStatue": "Lihzahrd Statue",
        "LihzahrdWatcherStatue": "Lihzahrd Watcher Statue",
        "LihzahrdGuardianStatue": "Lihzahrd Guardian Statue",
        "WaspGun": "Wasp Gun",
        "PiranhaGun": "Piranha Gun",
        "PygmyStaff": "Pygmy Staff",
        "PygmyNecklace": "Pygmy Necklace",
        "TikiMask": "Tiki Mask",
        "Meteorite": "Meteorite",
        "TikiShirt": "Tiki Shirt",
        "TikiPants": "Tiki Pants",
        "LeafWings": "Leaf Wings",
        "BlizzardinaBalloon": "Blizzard in a Balloon",
        "BundleofBalloons": "Bundle of Balloons",
        "BatWings": "Bat Wings",
        "BoneSword": "Bone Sword",
        "HerculesBeetle": "Hercules Beetle",
        "SmokeBomb": "Smoke Bomb",
        "BoneKey": "Bone Key",
        "MeteoriteBar": "Meteorite Bar",
        "Nectar": "Nectar",
        "TikiTotem": "Tiki Totem",
        "LizardEgg": "Lizard Egg",
        "GraveMarker": "Grave Marker",
        "CrossGraveMarker": "Cross Grave Marker",
        "Headstone": "Headstone",
        "Gravestone": "Gravestone",
        "Obelisk": "Obelisk",
        "LeafBlower": "Leaf Blower",
        "ChlorophyteBullet": "Chlorophyte Bullet",
        "Hook": "Hook",
        "ParrotCracker": "Parrot Cracker",
        "StrangeGlowingMushroom": "Strange Glowing Mushroom",
        "Seedling": "Seedling",
        "WispinaBottle": "Wisp in a Bottle",
        "PalladiumBar": "Palladium Bar",
        "PalladiumSword": "Palladium Sword",
        "PalladiumPike": "Palladium Pike",
        "PalladiumRepeater": "Palladium Repeater",
        "PalladiumPickaxe": "Palladium Pickaxe",
        "PalladiumDrill": "Palladium Drill",
        "Flamarang": "Flamarang",
        "PalladiumChainsaw": "Palladium Chainsaw",
        "OrichalcumBar": "Orichalcum Bar",
        "OrichalcumSword": "Orichalcum Sword",
        "OrichalcumHalberd": "Orichalcum Halberd",
        "OrichalcumRepeater": "Orichalcum Repeater",
        "OrichalcumPickaxe": "Orichalcum Pickaxe",
        "OrichalcumDrill": "Orichalcum Drill",
        "OrichalcumChainsaw": "Orichalcum Chainsaw",
        "TitaniumBar": "Titanium Bar",
        "TitaniumSword": "Titanium Sword",
        "CopperOre": "Copper Ore",
        "MoltenFury": "Molten Fury",
        "TitaniumTrident": "Titanium Trident",
        "TitaniumRepeater": "Titanium Repeater",
        "TitaniumPickaxe": "Titanium Pickaxe",
        "TitaniumDrill": "Titanium Drill",
        "TitaniumChainsaw": "Titanium Chainsaw",
        "PalladiumMask": "Palladium Mask",
        "PalladiumHelmet": "Palladium Helmet",
        "PalladiumHeadgear": "Palladium Headgear",
        "PalladiumBreastplate": "Palladium Breastplate",
        "PalladiumLeggings": "Palladium Leggings",
        "FieryGreatsword": "Fiery Greatsword",
        "OrichalcumMask": "Orichalcum Mask",
        "OrichalcumHelmet": "Orichalcum Helmet",
        "OrichalcumHeadgear": "Orichalcum Headgear",
        "OrichalcumBreastplate": "Orichalcum Breastplate",
        "OrichalcumLeggings": "Orichalcum Leggings",
        "TitaniumMask": "Titanium Mask",
        "TitaniumHelmet": "Titanium Helmet",
        "TitaniumHeadgear": "Titanium Headgear",
        "TitaniumBreastplate": "Titanium Breastplate",
        "TitaniumLeggings": "Titanium Leggings",
        "MoltenPickaxe": "Molten Pickaxe",
        "OrichalcumAnvil": "Orichalcum Anvil",
        "TitaniumForge": "Titanium Forge",
        "PalladiumWaraxe": "Palladium Waraxe",
        "OrichalcumWaraxe": "Orichalcum Waraxe",
        "TitaniumWaraxe": "Titanium Waraxe",
        "HallowedBar": "Hallowed Bar",
        "ChlorophyteClaymore": "Chlorophyte Claymore",
        "ChlorophyteSaber": "Chlorophyte Saber",
        "ChlorophytePartisan": "Chlorophyte Partisan",
        "ChlorophyteShotbow": "Chlorophyte Shotbow",
        "MeteorHelmet": "Meteor Helmet",
        "ChlorophytePickaxe": "Chlorophyte Pickaxe",
        "ChlorophyteDrill": "Chlorophyte Drill",
        "ChlorophyteChainsaw": "Chlorophyte Chainsaw",
        "ChlorophyteGreataxe": "Chlorophyte Greataxe",
        "ChlorophyteWarhammer": "Chlorophyte Warhammer",
        "ChlorophyteArrow": "Chlorophyte Arrow",
        "AmethystHook": "Amethyst Hook",
        "TopazHook": "Topaz Hook",
        "SapphireHook": "Sapphire Hook",
        "EmeraldHook": "Emerald Hook",
        "MeteorSuit": "Meteor Suit",
        "RubyHook": "Ruby Hook",
        "DiamondHook": "Diamond Hook",
        "AmberMosquito": "Amber Mosquito",
        "UmbrellaHat": "Umbrella Hat",
        "NimbusRod": "Nimbus Rod",
        "OrangeTorch": "Orange Torch",
        "CrimsandBlock": "Crimsand Block",
        "BeeCloak": "Bee Cloak",
        "EyeoftheGolem": "Eye of the Golem",
        "HoneyBalloon": "Honey Balloon",
        "MeteorLeggings": "Meteor Leggings",
        "BlueHorseshoeBalloon": "Blue Horseshoe Balloon",
        "WhiteHorseshoeBalloon": "White Horseshoe Balloon",
        "YellowHorseshoeBalloon": "Yellow Horseshoe Balloon",
        "FrozenTurtleShell": "Frozen Turtle Shell",
        "SniperRifle": "Sniper Rifle",
        "VenusMagnum": "Venus Magnum",
        "CrimsonRod": "Crimson Rod",
        "CrimtaneBar": "Crimtane Bar",
        "Stynger": "Stynger",
        "FlowerPow": "Flower Pow",
        "BottledWater": "Bottled Water",
        "RainbowGun": "Rainbow Gun",
        "StyngerBolt": "Stynger Bolt",
        "ChlorophyteJackhammer": "Chlorophyte Jackhammer",
        "Teleporter": "Teleporter",
        "FlowerofFrost": "Flower of Frost",
        "Uzi": "Uzi",
        "MagnetSphere": "Magnet Sphere",
        "PurpleStainedGlass": "Purple Stained Glass",
        "YellowStainedGlass": "Yellow Stained Glass",
        "BlueStainedGlass": "Blue Stained Glass",
        "SpaceGun": "Space Gun",
        "GreenStainedGlass": "Green Stained Glass",
        "RedStainedGlass": "Red Stained Glass",
        "MulticoloredStainedGlass": "Multicolored Stained Glass",
        "SkeletronHand": "Skeletron Hand",
        "Skull": "Skull",
        "BallaHat": "Balla Hat",
        "GangstaHat": "Gangsta Hat",
        "SailorHat": "Sailor Hat",
        "EyePatch": "Eye Patch",
        "SailorShirt": "Sailor Shirt",
        "RocketBoots": "Rocket Boots",
        "SailorPants": "Sailor Pants",
        "SkeletronMask": "Skeletron Mask",
        "AmethystRobe": "Amethyst Robe",
        "TopazRobe": "Topaz Robe",
        "SapphireRobe": "Sapphire Robe",
        "EmeraldRobe": "Emerald Robe",
        "RubyRobe": "Ruby Robe",
        "DiamondRobe": "Diamond Robe",
        "WhiteTuxedoShirt": "White Tuxedo Shirt",
        "WhiteTuxedoPants": "White Tuxedo Pants",
        "GrayBrick": "Gray Brick",
        "PanicNecklace": "Panic Necklace",
        "LifeFruit": "Life Fruit",
        "LihzahrdAltar": "Lihzahrd Altar",
        "LihzahrdPowerCell": "Lihzahrd Power Cell",
        "Picksaw": "Picksaw",
        "HeatRay": "Heat Ray",
        "StaffofEarth": "Staff of Earth",
        "GolemFist": "Golem Fist",
        "WaterChest": "Water Chest",
        "Binoculars": "Binoculars",
        "GoldOre": "Gold Ore",
        "GrayBrickWall": "Gray Brick Wall",
        "RifleScope": "Rifle Scope",
        "DestroyerEmblem": "Destroyer Emblem",
        "HighVelocityBullet": "High Velocity Bullet",
        "JellyfishNecklace": "Jellyfish Necklace",
        "ZombieArm": "Zombie Arm",
        "TheAxe": "The Axe",
        "IceSickle": "Ice Sickle",
        "ClothierVoodooDoll": "Clothier Voodoo Doll",
        "PoisonStaff": "Poison Staff",
        "SlimeStaff": "Slime Staff",
        "RedBrick": "Red Brick",
        "PoisonDart": "Poison Dart",
        "EyeSpring": "Eye Spring",
        "ToySled": "Toy Sled",
        "BookofSkulls": "Book of Skulls",
        "KOCannon": "KO Cannon",
        "PirateMap": "Pirate Map",
        "TurtleHelmet": "Turtle Helmet",
        "TurtleScaleMail": "Turtle Scale Mail",
        "TurtleLeggings": "Turtle Leggings",
        "SnowballCannon": "Snowball Cannon",
        "RedBrickWall": "Red Brick Wall",
        "BonePickaxe": "Bone Pickaxe",
        "MagicQuiver": "Magic Quiver",
        "MagmaStone": "Magma Stone",
        "ObsidianRose": "Obsidian Rose",
        "Bananarang": "Bananarang",
        "ChainKnife": "Chain Knife",
        "RodofDiscord": "Rod of Discord",
        "DeathSickle": "Death Sickle",
        "TurtleShell": "Turtle Shell",
        "TissueSample": "Tissue Sample",
        "ClayBlock": "Clay Block",
        "Vertebrae": "Vertebrae",
        "BloodySpine": "Bloody Spine",
        "Ichor": "Ichor",
        "IchorTorch": "Ichor Torch",
        "IchorArrow": "Ichor Arrow",
        "IchorBullet": "Ichor Bullet",
        "GoldenShower": "Golden Shower",
        "BunnyCannon": "Bunny Cannon",
        "ExplosiveBunny": "Explosive Bunny",
        "VialofVenom": "Vial of Venom",
        "BlueBrick": "Blue Brick",
        "FlaskofVenom": "Flask of Venom",
        "VenomArrow": "Venom Arrow",
        "VenomBullet": "Venom Bullet",
        "FireGauntlet": "Fire Gauntlet",
        "Cog": "Cog",
        "Confetti": "Confetti",
        "Nanites": "Nanites",
        "ExplosivePowder": "Explosive Powder",
        "GoldDust": "Gold Dust",
        "PartyBullet": "Party Bullet",
        "BlueBrickWall": "Blue Brick Wall",
        "NanoBullet": "Nano Bullet",
        "ExplodingBullet": "Exploding Bullet",
        "GoldenBullet": "Golden Bullet",
        "FlaskofCursedFlames": "Flask of Cursed Flames",
        "FlaskofFire": "Flask of Fire",
        "FlaskofGold": "Flask of Gold",
        "FlaskofIchor": "Flask of Ichor",
        "FlaskofNanites": "Flask of Nanites",
        "FlaskofParty": "Flask of Party",
        "FlaskofPoison": "Flask of Poison",
        "ChainLantern": "Chain Lantern",
        "EyeofCthulhuTrophy": "Eye of Cthulhu Trophy",
        "EaterofWorldsTrophy": "Eater of Worlds Trophy",
        "BrainofCthulhuTrophy": "Brain of Cthulhu Trophy",
        "SkeletronTrophy": "Skeletron Trophy",
        "QueenBeeTrophy": "Queen Bee Trophy",
        "WallofFleshTrophy": "Wall of Flesh Trophy",
        "DestroyerTrophy": "Destroyer Trophy",
        "SkeletronPrimeTrophy": "Skeletron Prime Trophy",
        "RetinazerTrophy": "Retinazer Trophy",
        "SpazmatismTrophy": "Spazmatism Trophy",
        "GreenBrick": "Green Brick",
        "PlanteraTrophy": "Plantera Trophy",
        "GolemTrophy": "Golem Trophy",
        "BloodMoonRising": "Blood Moon Rising",
        "TheHangedMan": "The Hanged Man",
        "GloryoftheFire": "Glory of the Fire",
        "BoneWarp": "Bone Warp",
        "WallSkeleton": "Wall Skeleton",
        "HangingSkeleton": "Hanging Skeleton",
        "BlueSlabWall": "Blue Slab Wall",
        "BlueTiledWall": "Blue Tiled Wall",
        "GreenBrickWall": "Green Brick Wall",
        "PinkSlabWall": "Pink Slab Wall",
        "PinkTiledWall": "Pink Tiled Wall",
        "GreenSlabWall": "Green Slab Wall",
        "GreenTiledWall": "Green Tiled Wall",
        "BlueBrickPlatform": "Blue Brick Platform",
        "PinkBrickPlatform": "Pink Brick Platform",
        "GreenBrickPlatform": "Green Brick Platform",
        "MetalShelf": "Metal Shelf",
        "BrassShelf": "Brass Shelf",
        "WoodShelf": "Wood Shelf",
        "PinkBrick": "Pink Brick",
        "BrassLantern": "Brass Lantern",
        "CagedLantern": "Caged Lantern",
        "CarriageLantern": "Carriage Lantern",
        "AlchemyLantern": "Alchemy Lantern",
        "DiablostLamp": "Diabolist Lamp",
        "OilRagSconse": "Oil Rag Sconse",
        "BlueDungeonChair": "Blue Dungeon Chair",
        "BlueDungeonTable": "Blue Dungeon Table",
        "BlueDungeonWorkBench": "Blue Dungeon Work Bench",
        "GreenDungeonChair": "Green Dungeon Chair",
        "SilverOre": "Silver Ore",
        "PinkBrickWall": "Pink Brick Wall",
        "GreenDungeonTable": "Green Dungeon Table",
        "GreenDungeonWorkBench": "Green Dungeon Work Bench",
        "PinkDungeonChair": "Pink Dungeon Chair",
        "PinkDungeonTable": "Pink Dungeon Table",
        "PinkDungeonWorkBench": "Pink Dungeon Work Bench",
        "BlueDungeonCandle": "Blue Dungeon Candle",
        "GreenDungeonCandle": "Green Dungeon Candle",
        "PinkDungeonCandle": "Pink Dungeon Candle",
        "BlueDungeonVase": "Blue Dungeon Vase",
        "GreenDungeonVase": "Green Dungeon Vase",
        "GoldBrick": "Gold Brick",
        "PinkDungeonVase": "Pink Dungeon Vase",
        "BlueDungeonDoor": "Blue Dungeon Door",
        "GreenDungeonDoor": "Green Dungeon Door",
        "PinkDungeonDoor": "Pink Dungeon Door",
        "BlueDungeonBookcase": "Blue Dungeon Bookcase",
        "GreenDungeonBookcase": "Green Dungeon Bookcase",
        "PinkDungeonBookcase": "Pink Dungeon Bookcase",
        "Catacomb": "Catacomb",
        "DungeonShelf": "Dungeon Shelf",
        "SkellingtonJSkellingsworth": "Skellington J Skellingsworth",
        "GoldBrickWall": "Gold Brick Wall",
        "TheCursedMan": "The Cursed Man",
        "TheEyeSeestheEnd": "The Eye Sees the End",
        "SomethingEvilisWatchingYou": "Something Evil is Watching You",
        "TheTwinsHaveAwoken": "The Twins Have Awoken",
        "TheScreamer": "The Screamer",
        "GoblinsPlayingPoker": "Goblins Playing Poker",
        "Dryadisque": "Dryadisque",
        "Sunflowers": "Sunflowers",
        "TerrarianGothic": "Terrarian Gothic",
        "Beanie": "Beanie",
        "SilverBrick": "Silver Brick",
        "ImbuingStation": "Imbuing Station",
        "StarinaBottle": "Star in a Bottle",
        "EmptyBullet": "Empty Bullet",
        "Impact": "Impact",
        "PoweredbyBirds": "Powered by Birds",
        "TheDestroyer": "The Destroyer",
        "ThePersistencyofEyes": "The Persistency of Eyes",
        "UnicornCrossingtheHallows": "Unicorn Crossing the Hallows",
        "GreatWave": "Great Wave",
        "StarryNight": "Starry Night",
        "SilverBrickWall": "Silver Brick Wall",
        "GuidePicasso": "Guide Picasso",
        "TheGuardiansGaze": "The Guardian's Gaze",
        "FatherofSomeone": "Father of Someone",
        "NurseLisa": "Nurse Lisa",
        "ShadowbeamStaff": "Shadowbeam Staff",
        "InfernoFork": "Inferno Fork",
        "SpectreStaff": "Spectre Staff",
        "WoodenFence": "Wooden Fence",
        "LeadFence": "Lead Fence",
        "BubbleMachine": "Bubble Machine",
        "CopperBrick": "Copper Brick",
        "BubbleWand": "Bubble Wand",
        "MarchingBonesBanner": "Marching Bones Banner",
        "NecromanticSign": "Necromantic Sign",
        "RustedCompanyStandard": "Rusted Company Standard",
        "RaggedBrotherhoodSigil": "Ragged Brotherhood Sigil",
        "MoltenLegionFlag": "Molten Legion Flag",
        "DiabolicSigil": "Diabolic Sigil",
        "ObsidianPlatform": "Obsidian Platform",
        "ObsidianDoor": "Obsidian Door",
        "ObsidianChair": "Obsidian Chair",
        "CopperBrickWall": "Copper Brick Wall",
        "ObsidianTable": "Obsidian Table",
        "ObsidianWorkBench": "Obsidian Work Bench",
        "ObsidianVase": "Obsidian Vase",
        "ObsidianBookcase": "Obsidian Bookcase",
        "HellboundBanner": "Hellbound Banner",
        "HellHammerBanner": "Hell Hammer Banner",
        "HelltowerBanner": "Helltower Banner",
        "LostHopesofManBanner": "Lost Hopes of Man Banner",
        "ObsidianWatcherBanner": "Obsidian Watcher Banner",
        "LavaEruptsBanner": "Lava Erupts Banner",
        "Spike": "Spike",
        "BlueDungeonBed": "Blue Dungeon Bed",
        "GreenDungeonBed": "Green Dungeon Bed",
        "PinkDungeonBed": "Pink Dungeon Bed",
        "ObsidianBed": "Obsidian Bed",
        "Waldo": "Waldo",
        "Darkness": "Darkness",
        "DarkSoulReaper": "Dark Soul Reaper",
        "Land": "Land",
        "TrappedGhost": "Trapped Ghost",
        "DemonsEye": "Demon's Eye",
        "WaterCandle": "Water Candle",
        "FindingGold": "Finding Gold",
        "FirstEncounter": "First Encounter",
        "GoodMorning": "Good Morning",
        "UndergroundReward": "Underground Reward",
        "ThroughtheWindow": "Through the Window",
        "PlaceAbovetheClouds": "Place Above the Clouds",
        "DoNotStepontheGrass": "Do Not Step on the Grass",
        "ColdWatersintheWhiteLand": "Cold Waters in the White Land",
        "LightlessChasms": "Lightless Chasms",
        "TheLandofDeceivingLooks": "The Land of Deceiving Looks",
        "Book": "Book",
        "Daylight": "Daylight",
        "SecretoftheSands": "Secret of the Sands",
        "DeadlandComesAlive": "Deadland Comes Alive",
        "EvilPresence": "Evil Presence",
        "SkyGuardian": "Sky Guardian",
        "AmericanExplosive": "American Explosive",
        "Discover": "Discover",
        "HandEarth": "Hand Earth",
        "OldMiner": "Old Miner",
        "Skelehead": "Skelehead",
        "CopperWatch": "Copper Watch",
        "Cobweb": "Cobweb",
        "FacingtheCerebralMastermind": "Facing the Cerebral Mastermind",
        "LakeofFire": "Lake of Fire",
        "TrioSuperHeroes": "Trio Super Heroes",
        "SpectreHood": "Spectre Hood",
        "SpectreRobe": "Spectre Robe",
        "SpectrePants": "Spectre Pants",
        "SpectrePickaxe": "Spectre Pickaxe",
        "SpectreHamaxe": "Spectre Hamaxe",
        "Ectoplasm": "Ectoplasm",
        "GothicChair": "Gothic Chair",
        "NecroHelmet": "Necro Helmet",
        "GothicTable": "Gothic Table",
        "GothicWorkBench": "Gothic Work Bench",
        "GothicBookcase": "Gothic Bookcase",
        "PaladinsHammer": "Paladin's Hammer",
        "SWATHelmet": "SWAT Helmet",
        "BeeWings": "Bee Wings",
        "GiantHarpyFeather": "Giant Harpy Feather",
        "BoneFeather": "Bone Feather",
        "FireFeather": "Fire Feather",
        "IceFeather": "Ice Feather",
        "NecroBreastplate": "Necro Breastplate",
        "BrokenBatWing": "Broken Bat Wing",
        "TatteredBeeWing": "Tattered Bee Wing",
        "LargeAmethyst": "Large Amethyst",
        "LargeTopaz": "Large Topaz",
        "LargeSapphire": "Large Sapphire",
        "LargeEmerald": "Large Emerald",
        "LargeRuby": "Large Ruby",
        "LargeDiamond": "Large Diamond",
        "JungleChest": "Jungle Chest",
        "CorruptionChest": "Corruption Chest",
        "NecroGreaves": "Necro Greaves",
        "CrimsonChest": "Crimson Chest",
        "HallowedChest": "Hallowed Chest",
        "FrozenChest": "Frozen Chest",
        "JungleKey": "Jungle Key",
        "CorruptionKey": "Corruption Key",
        "CrimsonKey": "Crimson Key",
        "HallowedKey": "Hallowed Key",
        "FrozenKey": "Frozen Key",
        "ImpFace": "Imp Face",
        "OminousPresence": "Ominous Presence",
        "Bone": "Bone",
        "ShiningMoon": "Shining Moon",
        "LivingGore": "Living Gore",
        "FlowingMagma": "Flowing Magma",
        "SpectrePaintbrush": "Spectre Paintbrush",
        "SpectrePaintRoller": "Spectre Paint Roller",
        "SpectrePaintScraper": "Spectre Paint Scraper",
        "ShroomiteHeadgear": "Shroomite Headgear",
        "ShroomiteMask": "Shroomite Mask",
        "ShroomiteHelmet": "Shroomite Helmet",
        "ShroomiteBreastplate": "Shroomite Breastplate",
        "Muramasa": "Muramasa",
        "ShroomiteLeggings": "Shroomite Leggings",
        "Autohammer": "Autohammer",
        "ShroomiteBar": "Shroomite Bar",
        "SDMG": "S.D.M.G.",
        "CenxsTiara": "Cenx's Tiara",
        "CenxsBreastplate": "Cenx's Breastplate",
        "CenxsLeggings": "Cenx's Leggings",
        "CrownosMask": "Crowno's Mask",
        "CrownosBreastplate": "Crowno's Breastplate",
        "CrownosLeggings": "Crowno's Leggings",
        "CobaltShield": "Cobalt Shield",
        "WillsHelmet": "Will's Helmet",
        "WillsBreastplate": "Will's Breastplate",
        "WillsLeggings": "Will's Leggings",
        "JimsHelmet": "Jim's Helmet",
        "JimsBreastplate": "Jim's Breastplate",
        "JimsLeggings": "Jim's Leggings",
        "AaronsHelmet": "Aaron's Helmet",
        "AaronsBreastplate": "Aaron's Breastplate",
        "AaronsLeggings": "Aaron's Leggings",
        "VampireKnives": "Vampire Knives",
        "AquaScepter": "Aqua Scepter",
        "BrokenHeroSword": "Broken Hero Sword",
        "ScourgeoftheCorruptor": "Scourge of the Corruptor",
        "StaffoftheFrostHydra": "Staff of the Frost Hydra",
        "TheCreationoftheGuide": "The Creation of the Guide",
        "TheMerchant": "The Merchant",
        "CrownoDevoursHisLunch": "Crowno Devours His Lunch",
        "RareEnchantment": "Rare Enchantment",
        "GloriousNight": "Glorious Night",
        "SweetheartNecklace": "Sweetheart Necklace",
        "FlurryBoots": "Flurry Boots",
        "LuckyHorseshoe": "Lucky Horseshoe",
        "DTownsHelmet": "D-Town's Helmet",
        "DTownsBreastplate": "D-Town's Breastplate",
        "DTownsLeggings": "D-Town's Leggings",
        "DTownsWings": "D-Town's Wings",
        "WillsWings": "Will's Wings",
        "CrownosWings": "Crowno's Wings",
        "CenxsWings": "Cenx's Wings",
        "CenxsDress": "Cenx's Dress",
        "CenxsDressPants": "Cenx's Dress Pants",
        "PalladiumColumn": "Palladium Column",
        "ShinyRedBalloon": "Shiny Red Balloon",
        "PalladiumColumnWall": "Palladium Column Wall",
        "BubblegumBlock": "Bubblegum Block",
        "BubblegumBlockWall": "Bubblegum Block Wall",
        "TitanstoneBlock": "Titanstone Block",
        "TitanstoneBlockWall": "Titanstone Block Wall",
        "MagicCuffs": "Magic Cuffs",
        "MusicBoxSnow": "Music Box (Snow)",
        "MusicBoxSpace": "Music Box (Space)",
        "MusicBoxCrimson": "Music Box (Crimson)",
        "MusicBoxBoss4": "Music Box (Boss 4)",
        "SilverWatch": "Silver Watch",
        "Harpoon": "Harpoon",
        "MusicBoxAltOverworldDay": "Music Box (Alt Overworld Day)",
        "MusicBoxRain": "Music Box (Rain)",
        "MusicBoxIce": "Music Box (Ice)",
        "MusicBoxDesert": "Music Box (Desert)",
        "MusicBoxOcean": "Music Box (Ocean)",
        "MusicBoxDungeon": "Music Box (Dungeon)",
        "MusicBoxPlantera": "Music Box (Plantera)",
        "MusicBoxBoss5": "Music Box (Boss 5)",
        "MusicBoxTemple": "Music Box (Temple)",
        "MusicBoxEclipse": "Music Box (Eclipse)",
        "SpikyBall": "Spiky Ball",
        "MusicBoxMushrooms": "Music Box (Mushrooms)",
        "ButterflyDust": "Butterfly Dust",
        "AnkhCharm": "Ankh Charm",
        "AnkhShield": "Ankh Shield",
        "BlueFlare": "Blue Flare",
        "AnglerFishBanner": "Angler Fish Banner",
        "AngryNimbusBanner": "Angry Nimbus Banner",
        "AnomuraFungusBanner": "Anomura Fungus Banner",
        "AntlionBanner": "Antlion Banner",
        "ArapaimaBanner": "Arapaima Banner",
        "BallOHurt": "Ball O' Hurt",
        "ArmoredSkeletonBanner": "Armored Skeleton Banner",
        "BatBanner": "Cave Bat Banner",
        "BirdBanner": "Bird Banner",
        "BlackRecluseBanner": "Black Recluse Banner",
        "BloodFeederBanner": "Blood Feeder Banner",
        "BloodJellyBanner": "Blood Jelly Banner",
        "BloodCrawlerBanner": "Blood Crawler Banner",
        "BoneSerpentBanner": "Bone Serpent Banner",
        "BunnyBanner": "Bunny Banner",
        "ChaosElementalBanner": "Chaos Elemental Banner",
        "BlueMoon": "Blue Moon",
        "MimicBanner": "Mimic Banner",
        "ClownBanner": "Clown Banner",
        "CorruptBunnyBanner": "Corrupt Bunny Banner",
        "CorruptGoldfishBanner": "Corrupt Goldfish Banner",
        "CrabBanner": "Crab Banner",
        "CrimeraBanner": "Crimera Banner",
        "CrimsonAxeBanner": "Crimson Axe Banner",
        "CursedHammerBanner": "Cursed Hammer Banner",
        "DemonBanner": "Demon Banner",
        "DemonEyeBanner": "Demon Eye Banner",
        "Handgun": "Handgun",
        "DerplingBanner": "Derpling Banner",
        "EaterofSoulsBanner": "Eater of Souls Banner",
        "EnchantedSwordBanner": "Enchanted Sword Banner",
        "ZombieEskimoBanner": "Zombie Eskimo Banner",
        "FaceMonsterBanner": "Face Monster Banner",
        "FloatyGrossBanner": "Floaty Gross Banner",
        "FlyingFishBanner": "Flying Fish Banner",
        "FlyingSnakeBanner": "Flying Snake Banner",
        "FrankensteinBanner": "Frankenstein Banner",
        "FungiBulbBanner": "Fungi Bulb Banner",
        "WaterBolt": "Water Bolt",
        "FungoFishBanner": "Fungo Fish Banner",
        "GastropodBanner": "Gastropod Banner",
        "GoblinThiefBanner": "Goblin Thief Banner",
        "GoblinSorcererBanner": "Goblin Sorcerer Banner",
        "GoblinPeonBanner": "Goblin Peon Banner",
        "GoblinScoutBanner": "Goblin Scout Banner",
        "GoblinWarriorBanner": "Goblin Warrior Banner",
        "GoldfishBanner": "Goldfish Banner",
        "HarpyBanner": "Harpy Banner",
        "HellbatBanner": "Hellbat Banner",
        "Bomb": "Bomb",
        "HerplingBanner": "Herpling Banner",
        "HornetBanner": "Hornet Banner",
        "IceElementalBanner": "Ice Elemental Banner",
        "IcyMermanBanner": "Icy Merman Banner",
        "FireImpBanner": "Fire Imp Banner",
        "JellyfishBanner": "Blue Jellyfish Banner",
        "JungleCreeperBanner": "Jungle Creeper Banner",
        "LihzahrdBanner": "Lihzahrd Banner",
        "ManEaterBanner": "Man Eater Banner",
        "MeteorHeadBanner": "Meteor Head Banner",
        "Dynamite": "Dynamite",
        "MothBanner": "Moth Banner",
        "MummyBanner": "Mummy Banner",
        "MushiLadybugBanner": "Mushi Ladybug Banner",
        "ParrotBanner": "Parrot Banner",
        "PigronBanner": "Pigron Banner",
        "PiranhaBanner": "Piranha Banner",
        "PirateBanner": "Pirate Deckhand Banner",
        "PixieBanner": "Pixie Banner",
        "RaincoatZombieBanner": "Raincoat Zombie Banner",
        "ReaperBanner": "Reaper Banner",
        "Grenade": "Grenade",
        "SharkBanner": "Shark Banner",
        "SkeletonBanner": "Skeleton Banner",
        "SkeletonMageBanner": "Dark Caster Banner",
        "SlimeBanner": "Blue Slime Banner",
        "SnowFlinxBanner": "Snow Flinx Banner",
        "SpiderBanner": "Wall Creeper Banner",
        "SporeZombieBanner": "Spore Zombie Banner",
        "SwampThingBanner": "Swamp Thing Banner",
        "TortoiseBanner": "Giant Tortoise Banner",
        "ToxicSludgeBanner": "Toxic Sludge Banner",
        "SandBlock": "Sand Block",
        "UmbrellaSlimeBanner": "Umbrella Slime Banner",
        "UnicornBanner": "Unicorn Banner",
        "VampireBanner": "Vampire Banner",
        "VultureBanner": "Vulture Banner",
        "NypmhBanner": "Nymph Banner",
        "WerewolfBanner": "Werewolf Banner",
        "WolfBanner": "Wolf Banner",
        "WorldFeederBanner": "World Feeder Banner",
        "WormBanner": "Worm Banner",
        "WraithBanner": "Wraith Banner",
        "GoldWatch": "Gold Watch",
        "Glass": "Glass",
        "WyvernBanner": "Wyvern Banner",
        "ZombieBanner": "Zombie Banner",
        "GlassPlatform": "Glass Platform",
        "GlassChair": "Glass Chair",
        "GoldenChair": "Golden Chair",
        "GoldenToilet": "Golden Toilet",
        "BarStool": "Bar Stool",
        "HoneyChair": "Honey Chair",
        "SteampunkChair": "Steampunk Chair",
        "GlassDoor": "Glass Door",
        "Sign": "Sign",
        "GoldenDoor": "Golden Door",
        "HoneyDoor": "Honey Door",
        "SteampunkDoor": "Steampunk Door",
        "GlassTable": "Glass Table",
        "BanquetTable": "Banquet Table",
        "Bar": "Bar",
        "GoldenTable": "Golden Table",
        "HoneyTable": "Honey Table",
        "SteampunkTable": "Steampunk Table",
        "GlassBed": "Glass Bed",
        "AshBlock": "Ash Block",
        "GoldenBed": "Golden Bed",
        "HoneyBed": "Honey Bed",
        "SteampunkBed": "Steampunk Bed",
        "LivingWoodWall": "Living Wood Wall",
        "FartinaJar": "Fart in a Jar",
        "Pumpkin": "Pumpkin",
        "PumpkinWall": "Pumpkin Wall",
        "Hay": "Hay",
        "HayWall": "Hay Wall",
        "SpookyWood": "Spooky Wood",
        "Obsidian": "Obsidian",
        "SpookyWoodWall": "Spooky Wood Wall",
        "PumpkinHelmet": "Pumpkin Helmet",
        "PumpkinBreastplate": "Pumpkin Breastplate",
        "PumpkinLeggings": "Pumpkin Leggings",
        "CandyApple": "Candy Apple",
        "SoulCake": "Soul Cake",
        "NurseHat": "Nurse Hat",
        "NurseShirt": "Nurse Shirt",
        "NursePants": "Nurse Pants",
        "WizardsHat": "Wizard's Hat",
        "Hellstone": "Hellstone",
        "GuyFawkesMask": "Guy Fawkes Mask",
        "DyeTraderRobe": "Dye Trader Robe",
        "SteampunkGoggles": "Steampunk Goggles",
        "CyborgHelmet": "Cyborg Helmet",
        "CyborgShirt": "Cyborg Shirt",
        "CyborgPants": "Cyborg Pants",
        "CreeperMask": "Creeper Mask",
        "CreeperShirt": "Creeper Shirt",
        "CreeperPants": "Creeper Pants",
        "CatMask": "Cat Mask",
        "HellstoneBar": "Hellstone Bar",
        "CatShirt": "Cat Shirt",
        "CatPants": "Cat Pants",
        "GhostMask": "Ghost Mask",
        "GhostShirt": "Ghost Shirt",
        "PumpkinMask": "Pumpkin Mask",
        "PumpkinShirt": "Pumpkin Shirt",
        "PumpkinPants": "Pumpkin Pants",
        "RobotMask": "Robot Mask",
        "RobotShirt": "Robot Shirt",
        "RobotPants": "Robot Pants",
        "MudBlock": "Mud Block",
        "UnicornMask": "Unicorn Mask",
        "UnicornShirt": "Unicorn Shirt",
        "UnicornPants": "Unicorn Pants",
        "VampireMask": "Vampire Mask",
        "VampireShirt": "Vampire Shirt",
        "VampirePants": "Vampire Pants",
        "WitchHat": "Witch Hat",
        "LeprechaunHat": "Leprechaun Hat",
        "LeprechaunShirt": "Leprechaun Shirt",
        "LeprechaunPants": "Leprechaun Pants",
        "Sapphire": "Sapphire",
        "PixieShirt": "Pixie Shirt",
        "PixiePants": "Pixie Pants",
        "PrincessHat": "Princess Hat",
        "PrincessDressNew": "Princess Dress",
        "GoodieBag": "Goodie Bag",
        "WitchDress": "Witch Dress",
        "WitchBoots": "Witch Boots",
        "BrideofFrankensteinMask": "Bride of Frankenstein Mask",
        "BrideofFrankensteinDress": "Bride of Frankenstein Dress",
        "KarateTortoiseMask": "Karate Tortoise Mask",
        "Ruby": "Ruby",
        "KarateTortoiseShirt": "Karate Tortoise Shirt",
        "KarateTortoisePants": "Karate Tortoise Pants",
        "CandyCornRifle": "Candy Corn Rifle",
        "CandyCorn": "Candy Corn",
        "JackOLanternLauncher": "Jack 'O Lantern Launcher",
        "ExplosiveJackOLantern": "Explosive Jack 'O Lantern",
        "Sickle": "Sickle",
        "PumpkinPie": "Pumpkin Pie",
        "ScarecrowHat": "Scarecrow Hat",
        "ScarecrowShirt": "Scarecrow Shirt",
        "Emerald": "Emerald",
        "ScarecrowPants": "Scarecrow Pants",
        "Cauldron": "Cauldron",
        "PumpkinChair": "Pumpkin Chair",
        "PumpkinDoor": "Pumpkin Door",
        "PumpkinTable": "Pumpkin Table",
        "PumpkinWorkBench": "Pumpkin Work Bench",
        "PumpkinPlatform": "Pumpkin Platform",
        "TatteredFairyWings": "Tattered Fairy Wings",
        "SpiderEgg": "Spider Egg",
        "MagicalPumpkinSeed": "Magical Pumpkin Seed",
        "DepthMeter": "Depth Meter",
        "Topaz": "Topaz",
        "BatHook": "Bat Hook",
        "BatScepter": "Bat Scepter",
        "RavenStaff": "Raven Staff",
        "JungleKeyMold": "Jungle Key Mold",
        "CorruptionKeyMold": "Corruption Key Mold",
        "CrimsonKeyMold": "Crimson Key Mold",
        "HallowedKeyMold": "Hallowed Key Mold",
        "FrozenKeyMold": "Frozen Key Mold",
        "HangingJackOLantern": "Hanging Jack 'O Lantern",
        "RottenEgg": "Rotten Egg",
        "Amethyst": "Amethyst",
        "UnluckyYarn": "Unlucky Yarn",
        "BlackFairyDust": "Black Fairy Dust",
        "Jackelier": "Jackelier",
        "JackOLantern": "Jack 'O Lantern",
        "SpookyChair": "Spooky Chair",
        "SpookyDoor": "Spooky Door",
        "SpookyTable": "Spooky Table",
        "SpookyWorkBench": "Spooky Work Bench",
        "SpookyPlatform": "Spooky Platform",
        "ReaperHood": "Reaper Hood",
        "Diamond": "Diamond",
        "ReaperRobe": "Reaper Robe",
        "FoxMask": "Fox Mask",
        "FoxShirt": "Fox Shirt",
        "FoxPants": "Fox Pants",
        "CatEars": "Cat Ears",
        "BloodyMachete": "Bloody Machete",
        "TheHorsemansBlade": "The Horseman's Blade",
        "BladedGlove": "Bladed Glove",
        "PumpkinSeed": "Pumpkin Seed",
        "SpookyHook": "Spooky Hook",
        "GlowingMushroom": "Glowing Mushroom",
        "SpookyWings": "Spooky Wings",
        "SpookyTwig": "Spooky Twig",
        "SpookyHelmet": "Spooky Helmet",
        "SpookyBreastplate": "Spooky Breastplate",
        "SpookyLeggings": "Spooky Leggings",
        "StakeLauncher": "Stake Launcher",
        "Stake": "Stake",
        "CursedSapling": "Cursed Sapling",
        "SpaceCreatureMask": "Space Creature Mask",
        "SpaceCreatureShirt": "Space Creature Shirt",
        "Star": "Star",
        "SpaceCreaturePants": "Space Creature Pants",
        "WolfMask": "Wolf Mask",
        "WolfShirt": "Wolf Shirt",
        "WolfPants": "Wolf Pants",
        "PumpkinMoonMedallion": "Pumpkin Moon Medallion",
        "NecromanticScroll": "Necromantic Scroll",
        "JackingSkeletron": "Jacking Skeletron",
        "BitterHarvest": "Bitter Harvest",
        "BloodMoonCountess": "Blood Moon Countess",
        "HallowsEve": "Hallow's Eve",
        "IvyWhip": "Ivy Whip",
        "MorbidCuriosity": "Morbid Curiosity",
        "TreasureHunterShirt": "Treasure Hunter Shirt",
        "TreasureHunterPants": "Treasure Hunter Pants",
        "DryadCoverings": "Dryad Coverings",
        "DryadLoincloth": "Dryad Loincloth",
        "MourningWoodTrophy": "Mourning Wood Trophy",
        "PumpkingTrophy": "Pumpking Trophy",
        "JackOLanternMask": "Jack 'O Lantern Mask",
        "SniperScope": "Sniper Scope",
        "HeartLantern": "Heart Lantern",
        "BreathingReed": "Breathing Reed",
        "JellyfishDivingGear": "Jellyfish Diving Gear",
        "ArcticDivingGear": "Arctic Diving Gear",
        "FrostsparkBoots": "Frostspark Boots",
        "FartInABalloon": "Fart in a Balloon",
        "PapyrusScarab": "Papyrus Scarab",
        "CelestialStone": "Celestial Stone",
        "Hoverboard": "Hoverboard",
        "CandyCane": "Candy Cane",
        "SugarPlum": "Sugar Plum",
        "Present": "Present",
        "Flipper": "Flipper",
        "RedRyder": "Red Ryder",
        "FestiveWings": "Festive Wings",
        "PineTreeBlock": "Pine Tree Block",
        "ChristmasTree": "Christmas Tree",
        "StarTopper1": "Star Topper 1",
        "StarTopper2": "Star Topper 2",
        "StarTopper3": "Star Topper 3",
        "BowTopper": "Bow Topper",
        "WhiteGarland": "White Garland",
        "WhiteAndRedGarland": "White and Red Garland",
        "HealingPotion": "Healing Potion",
        "RedGardland": "Red Garland",
        "RedAndGreenGardland": "Red and Green Garland",
        "GreenGardland": "Green Garland",
        "GreenAndWhiteGarland": "Green and White Garland",
        "MulticoloredBulb": "Multicolored Bulb",
        "RedBulb": "Red Bulb",
        "YellowBulb": "Yellow Bulb",
        "GreenBulb": "Green Bulb",
        "RedAndGreenBulb": "Red and Green Bulb",
        "YellowAndGreenBulb": "Yellow and Green Bulb",
        "ManaPotion": "Mana Potion",
        "RedAndYellowBulb": "Red and Yellow Bulb",
        "WhiteBulb": "White Bulb",
        "WhiteAndRedBulb": "White and Red Bulb",
        "WhiteAndYellowBulb": "White and Yellow Bulb",
        "WhiteAndGreenBulb": "White and Green Bulb",
        "MulticoloredLights": "Multicolored Lights",
        "RedLights": "Red Lights",
        "GreenLights": "Green Lights",
        "BlueLights": "Blue Lights",
        "YellowLights": "Yellow Lights",
        "GoldBar": "Gold Bar",
        "BladeofGrass": "Blade of Grass",
        "RedAndYellowLights": "Red and Yellow Lights",
        "RedAndGreenLights": "Red and Green Lights",
        "YellowAndGreenLights": "Yellow and Green Lights",
        "BlueAndGreenLights": "Blue and Green Lights",
        "RedAndBlueLights": "Red and Blue Lights",
        "BlueAndYellowLights": "Blue and Yellow Lights",
        "GiantBow": "Giant Bow",
        "ReindeerAntlers": "Reindeer Antlers",
        "Holly": "Holly",
        "CandyCaneSword": "Candy Cane Sword",
        "ThornChakram": "Thorn Chakram",
        "EldMelter": "Elf Melter",
        "ChristmasPudding": "Christmas Pudding",
        "Eggnog": "Eggnog",
        "StarAnise": "Star Anise",
        "ReindeerBells": "Reindeer Bells",
        "CandyCaneHook": "Candy Cane Hook",
        "ChristmasHook": "Christmas Hook",
        "CnadyCanePickaxe": "Candy Cane Pickaxe",
        "FruitcakeChakram": "Fruitcake Chakram",
        "SugarCookie": "Sugar Cookie",
        "ObsidianBrick": "Obsidian Brick",
        "GingerbreadCookie": "Gingerbread Cookie",
        "HandWarmer": "Hand Warmer",
        "Coal": "Coal",
        "Toolbox": "Toolbox",
        "PineDoor": "Pine Door",
        "PineChair": "Pine Chair",
        "PineTable": "Pine Table",
        "DogWhistle": "Dog Whistle",
        "ChristmasTreeSword": "Christmas Tree Sword",
        "ChainGun": "Chain Gun",
        "ObsidianSkull": "Obsidian Skull",
        "Razorpine": "Razorpine",
        "BlizzardStaff": "Blizzard Staff",
        "MrsClauseHat": "Mrs. Claus Hat",
        "MrsClauseShirt": "Mrs. Claus Shirt",
        "MrsClauseHeels": "Mrs. Claus Heels",
        "ParkaHood": "Parka Hood",
        "ParkaCoat": "Parka Coat",
        "ParkaPants": "Parka Pants",
        "SnowHat": "Snow Hat",
        "UglySweater": "Ugly Sweater",
        "MushroomGrassSeeds": "Mushroom Grass Seeds",
        "TreeMask": "Tree Mask",
        "TreeShirt": "Tree Shirt",
        "TreeTrunks": "Tree Trunks",
        "ElfHat": "Elf Hat",
        "ElfShirt": "Elf Shirt",
        "ElfPants": "Elf Pants",
        "SnowmanCannon": "Snowman Cannon",
        "NorthPole": "North Pole",
        "ChristmasTreeWallpaper": "Christmas Tree Wallpaper",
        "OrnamentWallpaper": "Ornament Wallpaper",
        "JungleGrassSeeds": "Jungle Grass Seeds",
        "CandyCaneWallpaper": "Candy Cane Wallpaper",
        "FestiveWallpaper": "Festive Wallpaper",
        "StarsWallpaper": "Stars Wallpaper",
        "SquigglesWallpaper": "Squiggles Wallpaper",
        "SnowflakeWallpaper": "Snowflake Wallpaper",
        "KrampusHornWallpaper": "Krampus Horn Wallpaper",
        "BluegreenWallpaper": "Bluegreen Wallpaper",
        "GrinchFingerWallpaper": "Grinch Finger Wallpaper",
        "NaughtyPresent": "Naughty Present",
        "BabyGrinchMischiefWhistle": "Baby Grinch's Mischief Whistle",
        "WoodenHammer": "Wooden Hammer",
        "IceQueenTrophy": "Ice Queen Trophy",
        "SantaNK1Trophy": "Santa-NK1 Trophy",
        "EverscreamTrophy": "Everscream Trophy",
        "MusicBoxPumpkinMoon": "Music Box (Pumpkin Moon)",
        "MusicBoxAltUnderground": "Music Box (Alt Underground)",
        "MusicBoxFrostMoon": "Music Box (Frost Moon)",
        "BrownPaint": "Brown Paint",
        "ShadowPaint": "Shadow Paint",
        "NegativePaint": "Negative Paint",
        "TeamDye": "Team Dye",
        "StarCannon": "Star Cannon",
        "AmethystGemsparkBlock": "Amethyst Gemspark Block",
        "TopazGemsparkBlock": "Topaz Gemspark Block",
        "SapphireGemsparkBlock": "Sapphire Gemspark Block",
        "EmeraldGemsparkBlock": "Emerald Gemspark Block",
        "RubyGemsparkBlock": "Ruby Gemspark Block",
        "DiamondGemsparkBlock": "Diamond Gemspark Block",
        "AmberGemsparkBlock": "Amber Gemspark Block",
        "LifeHairDye": "Life Hair Dye",
        "ManaHairDye": "Mana Hair Dye",
        "DepthHairDye": "Depth Hair Dye",
        "BluePhaseblade": "Blue Phaseblade",
        "MoneyHairDye": "Money Hair Dye",
        "TimeHairDye": "Time Hair Dye",
        "TeamHairDye": "Team Hair Dye",
        "BiomeHairDye": "Biome Hair Dye",
        "PartyHairDye": "Party Hair Dye",
        "RainbowHairDye": "Rainbow Hair Dye",
        "SpeedHairDye": "Speed Hair Dye",
        "AngelHalo": "Angel Halo",
        "Fez": "Fez",
        "Womannquin": "Womannequin",
        "RedPhaseblade": "Red Phaseblade",
        "HairDyeRemover": "Hair Dye Remover",
        "BugNet": "Bug Net",
        "Firefly": "Firefly",
        "FireflyinaBottle": "Firefly in a Bottle",
        "MonarchButterfly": "Monarch Butterfly",
        "PurpleEmperorButterfly": "Purple Emperor Butterfly",
        "RedAdmiralButterfly": "Red Admiral Butterfly",
        "UlyssesButterfly": "Ulysses Butterfly",
        "SulphurButterfly": "Sulphur Butterfly",
        "TreeNymphButterfly": "Tree Nymph Butterfly",
        "DirtBlock": "Dirt Block",
        "CopperBar": "Copper Bar",
        "GreenPhaseblade": "Green Phaseblade",
        "ZebraSwallowtailButterfly": "Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly",
        "JuliaButterfly": "Julia Butterfly",
        "Worm": "Worm",
        "Mouse": "Mouse",
        "LightningBug": "Lightning Bug",
        "LightningBuginaBottle": "Lightning Bug in a Bottle",
        "Snail": "Snail",
        "GlowingSnail": "Glowing Snail",
        "FancyGreyWallpaper": "Fancy Gray Wallpaper",
        "IceFloeWallpaper": "Ice Floe Wallpaper",
        "PurplePhaseblade": "Purple Phaseblade",
        "MusicWallpaper": "Music Wallpaper",
        "PurpleRainWallpaper": "Purple Rain Wallpaper",
        "RainbowWallpaper": "Rainbow Wallpaper",
        "SparkleStoneWallpaper": "Sparkle Stone Wallpaper",
        "StarlitHeavenWallpaper": "Starlit Heaven Wallpaper",
        "Bird": "Bird",
        "BlueJay": "Blue Jay",
        "Cardinal": "Cardinal",
        "Squirrel": "Squirrel",
        "Bunny": "Bunny",
        "WhitePhaseblade": "White Phaseblade",
        "YellowPhaseblade": "Yellow Phaseblade",
        "MeteorHamaxe": "Meteor Hamaxe",
        "EmptyBucket": "Empty Bucket",
        "WaterBucket": "Water Bucket",
        "LavaBucket": "Lava Bucket",
        "JungleRose": "Jungle Rose",
        "Stinger": "Stinger",
        "SilverBar": "Silver Bar",
        "Vine": "Vine",
        "FeralClaws": "Feral Claws",
        "BlacksmithRack": "Blacksmith Rack",
        "CarpentryRack": "Carpentry Rack",
        "HelmetRack": "Helmet Rack",
        "SpearRack": "Spear Rack",
        "SwordRack": "Sword Rack",
        "StoneSlab": "Stone Slab",
        "AnkletoftheWind": "Anklet of the Wind",
        "SandstoneSlab": "Sandstone Slab",
        "Frog": "Frog",
        "MallardDuck": "Mallard Duck",
        "Duck": "Duck",
        "StaffofRegrowth": "Staff of Regrowth",
        "HellstoneBrick": "Hellstone Brick",
        "WhoopieCushion": "Whoopie Cushion",
        "BlackScorpion": "Black Scorpion",
        "Scorpion": "Scorpion",
        "BubbleWallpaper": "Bubble Wallpaper",
        "CopperPipeWallpaper": "Copper Pipe Wallpaper",
        "Shackle": "Shackle",
        "DuckyWallpaper": "Ducky Wallpaper",
        "FrostCore": "Frost Core",
        "BunnyCage": "Bunny Cage",
        "SquirrelCage": "Squirrel Cage",
        "MallardDuckCage": "Mallard Duck Cage",
        "DuckCage": "Duck Cage",
        "BirdCage": "Bird Cage",
        "BlueJayCage": "Blue Jay Cage",
        "CardinalCage": "Cardinal Cage",
        "WaterfallWall": "Waterfall Wall",
        "MoltenHamaxe": "Molten Hamaxe",
        "LavafallWall": "Lavafall Wall",
        "CrimsonSeeds": "Crimson Seeds",
        "HeavyWorkBench": "Heavy Work Bench",
        "CopperPlating": "Copper Plating",
        "SnailCage": "Snail Cage",
        "GlowingSnailCage": "Glowing Snail Cage",
        "ShroomiteDiggingClaw": "Shroomite Digging Claw",
        "AmmoBox": "Ammo Box",
        "MonarchButterflyJar": "Monarch Butterfly Jar",
        "PurpleEmperorButterflyJar": "Purple Emperor Butterfly Jar",
        "Flamelash": "Flamelash",
        "RedAdmiralButterflyJar": "Red Admiral Butterfly Jar",
        "UlyssesButterflyJar": "Ulysses Butterfly Jar",
        "SulphurButterflyJar": "Sulphur Butterfly Jar",
        "TreeNymphButterflyJar": "Tree Nymph Butterfly Jar",
        "ZebraSwallowtailButterflyJar": "Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly Jar",
        "JuliaButterflyJar": "Julia Butterfly Jar",
        "ScorpionCage": "Scorpion Cage",
        "BlackScorpionCage": "Black Scorpion Cage",
        "VenomStaff": "Venom Staff",
        "SpectreMask": "Spectre Mask",
        "PhoenixBlaster": "Phoenix Blaster",
        "FrogCage": "Frog Cage",
        "MouseCage": "Mouse Cage",
        "BoneWelder": "Bone Welder",
        "FleshCloningVaat": "Flesh Cloning Vat",
        "GlassKiln": "Glass Kiln",
        "LihzahrdFurnace": "Lihzahrd Furnace",
        "LivingLoom": "Living Loom",
        "SkyMill": "Sky Mill",
        "IceMachine": "Ice Machine",
        "BeetleHelmet": "Beetle Helmet",
        "IronBar": "Iron Bar",
        "Sunfury": "Sunfury",
        "BeetleScaleMail": "Beetle Scale Mail",
        "BeetleShell": "Beetle Shell",
        "BeetleLeggings": "Beetle Leggings",
        "SteampunkBoiler": "Steampunk Boiler",
        "HoneyDispenser": "Honey Dispenser",
        "Penguin": "Penguin",
        "PenguinCage": "Penguin Cage",
        "WormCage": "Worm Cage",
        "Terrarium": "Terrarium",
        "SuperManaPotion": "Super Mana Potion",
        "Hellforge": "Hellforge",
        "EbonwoodFence": "Ebonwood Fence",
        "RichMahoganyFence": "Rich Mahogany Fence",
        "PearlwoodFence": "Pearlwood Fence",
        "ShadewoodFence": "Shadewood Fence",
        "BrickLayer": "Brick Layer",
        "ExtendoGrip": "Extendo Grip",
        "PaintSprayer": "Paint Sprayer",
        "PortableCementMixer": "Portable Cement Mixer",
        "BeetleHusk": "Beetle Husk",
        "CelestialMagnet": "Celestial Magnet",
        "ClayPot": "Clay Pot",
        "CelestialEmblem": "Celestial Emblem",
        "CelestialCuffs": "Celestial Cuffs",
        "PeddlersHat": "Peddler's Hat",
        "PulseBow": "Pulse Bow",
        "NaturesGift": "Nature's Gift",
        "Bed": "Bed",
        "Silk": "Silk",
        "DynastyTable": "Dynasty Table",
        "LesserRestorationPotion": "Lesser Restoration Potion",
        "DynastyWood": "Dynasty Wood",
        "RedDynastyShingles": "Red Dynasty Shingles",
        "BlueDynastyShingles": "Blue Dynasty Shingles",
        "WhiteDynastyWall": "White Dynasty Wall",
        "BlueDynastyWall": "Blue Dynasty Wall",
        "DynastyDoor": "Dynasty Door",
        "Sake": "Sake",
        "PadThai": "Pad Thai",
        "Pho": "Pho",
        "Revolver": "Revolver",
        "RestorationPotion": "Restoration Potion",
        "Gatligator": "Gatligator",
        "ArcaneRuneWall": "Arcane Rune Wall",
        "WaterGun": "Water Gun",
        "Katana": "Katana",
        "UltrabrightTorch": "Ultrabright Torch",
        "MagicHat": "Magic Hat",
        "DiamondRing": "Diamond Ring",
        "Gi": "Gi",
        "Kimono": "Kimono",
        "GypsyRobe": "Gypsy Robe",
        "JungleHat": "Jungle Hat",
        "BeetleWings": "Beetle Wings",
        "TigerSkin": "Tiger Skin",
        "LeopardSkin": "Leopard Skin",
        "ZebraSkin": "Zebra Skin",
        "CrimsonCloak": "Crimson Cloak",
        "MysteriousCape": "Mysterious Cape",
        "RedCape": "Red Cape",
        "WinterCape": "Winter Cape",
        "WoodFishingPole": "Wood Fishing Pole",
        "JungleShirt": "Jungle Shirt",
        "Bass": "Bass",
        "ReinforcedFishingPole": "Reinforced Fishing Pole",
        "FiberglassFishingPole": "Fiberglass Fishing Pole",
        "FisherofSouls": "Fisher of Souls",
        "GoldenFishingRod": "Golden Fishing Rod",
        "MechanicsRod": "Mechanic's Rod",
        "SittingDucksFishingRod": "Sitting Duck's Fishing Pole",
        "Trout": "Trout",
        "Salmon": "Salmon",
        "AtlanticCod": "Atlantic Cod",
        "Gel": "Gel",
        "JunglePants": "Jungle Pants",
        "Tuna": "Tuna",
        "RedSnapper": "Red Snapper",
        "NeonTetra": "Neon Tetra",
        "ArmoredCavefish": "Armored Cavefish",
        "Damselfish": "Damselfish",
        "CrimsonTigerfish": "Crimson Tigerfish",
        "FrostMinnow": "Frost Minnow",
        "PrincessFish": "Princess Fish",
        "GoldenCarp": "Golden Carp",
        "SpecularFish": "Specular Fish",
        "MoltenHelmet": "Molten Helmet",
        "Prismite": "Prismite",
        "VariegatedLardfish": "Variegated Lardfish",
        "FlarefinKoi": "Flarefin Koi",
        "DoubleCod": "Double Cod",
        "Honeyfin": "Honeyfin",
        "Obsidifish": "Obsidifish",
        "Shrimp": "Shrimp",
        "ChaosFish": "Chaos Fish",
        "Ebonkoi": "Ebonkoi",
        "Hemopiranha": "Hemopiranha",
        "MoltenBreastplate": "Molten Breastplate",
        "Rockfish": "Rockfish",
        "Stinkfish": "Stinkfish",
        "MiningPotion": "Mining Potion",
        "HeartreachPotion": "Heartreach Potion",
        "CalmingPotion": "Calming Potion",
        "BuilderPotion": "Builder Potion",
        "TitanPotion": "Titan Potion",
        "FlipperPotion": "Flipper Potion",
        "SummoningPotion": "Summoning Potion",
        "TrapsightPotion": "Dangersense Potion",
        "MoltenGreaves": "Molten Greaves",
        "PurpleClubberfish": "Purple Clubberfish",
        "ObsidianSwordfish": "Obsidian Swordfish",
        "Swordfish": "Swordfish",
        "IronFence": "Iron Fence",
        "WoodenCrate": "Wooden Crate",
        "IronCrate": "Iron Crate",
        "GoldenCrate": "Golden Crate",
        "OldShoe": "Old Shoe",
        "FishingSeaweed": "Seaweed",
        "TinCan": "Tin Can",
        "MeteorShot": "Meteor Shot",
        "ReaverShark": "Reaver Shark",
        "SawtoothShark": "Sawtooth Shark",
        "Minecart": "Minecart",
        "AmmoReservationPotion": "Ammo Reservation Potion",
        "LifeforcePotion": "Lifeforce Potion",
        "EndurancePotion": "Endurance Potion",
        "RagePotion": "Rage Potion",
        "InfernoPotion": "Inferno Potion",
        "WrathPotion": "Wrath Potion",
        "StickyBomb": "Sticky Bomb",
        "RecallPotion": "Recall Potion",
        "TeleportationPotion": "Teleportation Potion",
        "LovePotion": "Love Potion",
        "StinkPotion": "Stink Potion",
        "FishingPotion": "Fishing Potion",
        "SonarPotion": "Sonar Potion",
        "CratePotion": "Crate Potion",
        "ShiverthornSeeds": "Shiverthorn Seeds",
        "Shiverthorn": "Shiverthorn",
        "WarmthPotion": "Warmth Potion",
        "BlackLens": "Black Lens",
        "FishHook": "Fish Hook",
        "BeeHeadgear": "Bee Headgear",
        "BeeBreastplate": "Bee Breastplate",
        "BeeGreaves": "Bee Greaves",
        "HornetStaff": "Hornet Staff",
        "ImpStaff": "Imp Staff",
        "QueenSpiderStaff": "Queen Spider Staff",
        "AnglerHat": "Angler Hat",
        "AnglerVest": "Angler Vest",
        "AnglerPants": "Angler Pants",
        "Sunglasses": "Sunglasses",
        "SpiderMask": "Spider Mask",
        "SpiderBreastplate": "Spider Breastplate",
        "SpiderGreaves": "Spider Greaves",
        "HighTestFishingLine": "High Test Fishing Line",
        "AnglerEarring": "Angler Earring",
        "TackleBox": "Tackle Box",
        "BlueDungeonPiano": "Blue Dungeon Piano",
        "GreenDungeonPiano": "Green Dungeon Piano",
        "PinkDungeonPiano": "Pink Dungeon Piano",
        "GoldenPiano": "Golden Piano",
        "WizardHat": "Wizard Hat",
        "ObsidianPiano": "Obsidian Piano",
        "BonePiano": "Bone Piano",
        "CactusPiano": "Cactus Piano",
        "SpookyPiano": "Spooky Piano",
        "SkywarePiano": "Skyware Piano",
        "LihzahrdPiano": "Lihzahrd Piano",
        "BlueDungeonDresser": "Blue Dungeon Dresser",
        "GreenDungeonDresser": "Green Dungeon Dresser",
        "PinkDungeonDresser": "Pink Dungeon Dresser",
        "GoldenDresser": "Golden Dresser",
        "TopHat": "Top Hat",
        "ObsidianDresser": "Obsidian Dresser",
        "BoneDresser": "Bone Dresser",
        "CactusDresser": "Cactus Dresser",
        "SpookyDresser": "Spooky Dresser",
        "SkywareDresser": "Skyware Dresser",
        "HoneyDresser": "Honey Dresser",
        "LihzahrdDresser": "Lihzahrd Dresser",
        "Sofa": "Sofa",
        "EbonwoodSofa": "Ebonwood Sofa",
        "RichMahoganySofa": "Rich Mahogany Sofa",
        "WoodenSword": "Wooden Sword",
        "TuxedoShirt": "Tuxedo Shirt",
        "PearlwoodSofa": "Pearlwood Sofa",
        "ShadewoodSofa": "Shadewood Sofa",
        "BlueDungeonSofa": "Blue Dungeon Sofa",
        "GreenDungeonSofa": "Green Dungeon Sofa",
        "PinkDungeonSofa": "Pink Dungeon Sofa",
        "GoldenSofa": "Golden Sofa",
        "ObsidianSofa": "Obsidian Sofa",
        "BoneSofa": "Bone Sofa",
        "CactusSofa": "Cactus Sofa",
        "SpookySofa": "Spooky Sofa",
        "TuxedoPants": "Tuxedo Pants",
        "SkywareSofa": "Skyware Sofa",
        "HoneySofa": "Honey Sofa",
        "SteampunkSofa": "Steampunk Sofa",
        "MushroomSofa": "Mushroom Sofa",
        "GlassSofa": "Glass Sofa",
        "PumpkinSofa": "Pumpkin Sofa",
        "LihzahrdSofa": "Lihzahrd Sofa",
        "SeashellHairpin": "Seashell Hairpin",
        "MermaidAdornment": "Mermaid Adornment",
        "MermaidTail": "Mermaid Tail",
        "SummerHat": "Summer Hat",
        "ZephyrFish": "Zephyr Fish",
        "Fleshcatcher": "Fleshcatcher",
        "HotlineFishingHook": "Hotline Fishing Hook",
        "FrogLeg": "Frog Leg",
        "Anchor": "Anchor",
        "CookedFish": "Cooked Fish",
        "CookedShrimp": "Cooked Shrimp",
        "Sashimi": "Sashimi",
        "BunnyHood": "Bunny Hood",
        "BeeWax": "Bee Wax",
        "CopperPlatingWall": "Copper Plating Wall",
        "StoneSlabWall": "Stone Slab Wall",
        "Sail": "Sail",
        "CoralstoneBlock": "Coralstone Block",
        "BlueJellyfish": "Blue Jellyfish",
        "GreenJellyfish": "Green Jellyfish",
        "PinkJellyfish": "Pink Jellyfish",
        "BlueJellyfishJar": "Blue Jellyfish Jar",
        "PlumbersHat": "Plumber's Hat",
        "GreenJellyfishJar": "Green Jellyfish Jar",
        "PinkJellyfishJar": "Pink Jellyfish Jar",
        "PlumbersShirt": "Plumber's Shirt",
        "Batfish": "Batfish",
        "BumblebeeTuna": "Bumblebee Tuna",
        "Catfish": "Catfish",
        "Cloudfish": "Cloudfish",
        "Cursedfish": "Cursedfish",
        "Dirtfish": "Dirtfish",
        "DynamiteFish": "Dynamite Fish",
        "EaterofPlankton": "Eater of Plankton",
        "FallenStarfish": "Fallen Starfish",
        "TheFishofCthulu": "The Fish of Cthulhu",
        "PlumbersPants": "Plumber's Pants",
        "Fishotron": "Fishotron",
        "Harpyfish": "Harpyfish",
        "Hungerfish": "Hungerfish",
        "Ichorfish": "Ichorfish",
        "Jewelfish": "Jewelfish",
        "MirageFish": "Mirage Fish",
        "MutantFlinxfin": "Mutant Flinxfin",
        "Pengfish": "Pengfish",
        "Pixiefish": "Pixiefish",
        "Spiderfish": "Spiderfish",
        "HerosHat": "Hero's Hat",
        "TundraTrout": "Tundra Trout",
        "UnicornFish": "Unicorn Fish",
        "GuideVoodooFish": "Guide Voodoo Fish",
        "Wyverntail": "Wyverntail",
        "ZombieFish": "Zombie Fish",
        "AmanitiaFungifin": "Amanitia Fungifin",
        "Angelfish": "Angelfish",
        "BloodyManowar": "Bloody Manowar",
        "Bonefish": "Bonefish",
        "Bunnyfish": "Bunnyfish",
        "HerosShirt": "Hero's Shirt",
        "CapnTunabeard": "Cap'n Tunabeard",
        "Clownfish": "Clownfish",
        "DemonicHellfish": "Demonic Hellfish",
        "Derpfish": "Derpfish",
        "Fishron": "Fishron",
        "InfectedScabbardfish": "Infected Scabbardfish",
        "Mudfish": "Mudfish",
        "Slimefish": "Slimefish",
        "TropicalBarracuda": "Tropical Barracuda",
        "KingSlimeTrophy": "King Slime Trophy",
        "HerosPants": "Hero's Pants",
        "ShipInABottle": "Ship in a Bottle",
        "KingSlimeMask": "King Slime Mask",
        "FinWings": "Fin Wings",
        "TreasureMap": "Treasure Map",
        "SeaweedPlanter": "Seaweed Planter",
        "PillaginMePixels": "Pillagin Me Pixels",
        "FishCostumeMask": "Fish Costume Mask",
        "FishCostumeShirt": "Fish Costume Shirt",
        "WoodenDoor": "Wooden Door",
        "FishBowl": "Fish Bowl",
        "FishCostumeFinskirt": "Fish Costume Finskirt",
        "GingerBeard": "Ginger Beard",
        "ArchaeologistsHat": "Archaeologist's Hat",
        "ArchaeologistsJacket": "Archaeologist's Jacket",
        "ArchaeologistsPants": "Archaeologist's Pants",
        "OpticStaff": "Optic Staff",
        "BlackThread": "Black Thread",
        "GreenThread": "Green Thread",
        "NinjaHood": "Ninja Hood",
        "NinjaShirt": "Ninja Shirt",
        "NinjaPants": "Ninja Pants",
        "Leather": "Leather",
        "StoneWall": "Stone Wall",
        "RedHat": "Red Hat",
        "Goldfish": "Goldfish",
        "Robe": "Robe",
        "RobotHat": "Robot Hat",
        "GoldCrown": "Gold Crown",
        "HellfireArrow": "Hellfire Arrow",
        "Sandgun": "Sandgun",
        "GuideVoodooDoll": "Guide Voodoo Doll",
        "DivingHelmet": "Diving Helmet",
        "FamiliarShirt": "Familiar Shirt",
        "Acorn": "Acorn",
        "FamiliarPants": "Familiar Pants",
        "FamiliarWig": "Familiar Wig",
        "DemonScythe": "Demon Scythe",
        "NightsEdge": "Night's Edge",
        "DarkLance": "Dark Lance",
        "Coral": "Coral",
        "Cactus": "Cactus",
        "Trident": "Trident",
        "SilverBullet": "Silver Bullet",
        "ThrowingKnife": "Throwing Knife",
        "LesserHealingPotion": "Lesser Healing Potion",
        "Spear": "Spear",
        "Blowpipe": "Blowpipe",
        "Glowstick": "Glowstick",
        "Seed": "Seed",
        "WoodenBoomerang": "Wooden Boomerang",
        "Aglet": "Aglet",
        "StickyGlowstick": "Sticky Glowstick",
        "PoisonedKnife": "Poisoned Knife",
        "ObsidianSkinPotion": "Obsidian Skin Potion",
        "RegenerationPotion": "Regeneration Potion",
        "AngryTrapperBanner": "Angry Trapper Banner",
        "ArmoredVikingBanner": "Armored Viking Banner",
        "BlackSlimeBanner": "Black Slime Banner",
        "LifeCrystal": "Life Crystal",
        "SwiftnessPotion": "Swiftness Potion",
        "BlueArmoredBonesBanner": "Blue Armored Bones Banner",
        "BlueCultistArcherBanner": "Blue Cultist Archer Banner",
        "BlueCultistCasterBanner": "Blue Cultist Caster Banner",
        "BlueCultistFighterBanner": "Blue Cultist Fighter Banner",
        "BoneLeeBanner": "Bone Lee Banner",
        "ClingerBanner": "Clinger Banner",
        "CochinealBeetleBanner": "Cochineal Beetle Banner",
        "CorruptPenguinBanner": "Corrupt Penguin Banner",
        "CorruptSlimeBanner": "Corrupt Slime Banner",
        "CorruptorBanner": "Corruptor Banner",
        "GillsPotion": "Gills Potion",
        "CrimslimeBanner": "Crimslime Banner",
        "CursedSkullBanner": "Cursed Skull Banner",
        "CyanBeetleBanner": "Cyan Beetle Banner",
        "DevourerBanner": "Devourer Banner",
        "DiablolistBanner": "Diabolist Banner",
        "DoctorBonesBanner": "Doctor Bones Banner",
        "DungeonSlimeBanner": "Dungeon Slime Banner",
        "DungeonSpiritBanner": "Dungeon Spirit Banner",
        "ElfArcherBanner": "Elf Archer Banner",
        "ElfCopterBanner": "Elf Copter Banner",
        "IronskinPotion": "Ironskin Potion",
        "EyezorBanner": "Eyezor Banner",
        "FlockoBanner": "Flocko Banner",
        "GhostBanner": "Ghost Banner",
        "GiantBatBanner": "Giant Bat Banner",
        "GiantCursedSkullBanner": "Giant Cursed Skull Banner",
        "GiantFlyingFoxBanner": "Giant Flying Fox Banner",
        "GingerbreadManBanner": "Gingerbread Man Banner",
        "GoblinArcherBanner": "Goblin Archer Banner",
        "GreenSlimeBanner": "Green Slime Banner",
        "HeadlessHorsemanBanner": "Headless Horseman Banner",
        "ManaRegenerationPotion": "Mana Regeneration Potion",
        "HellArmoredBonesBanner": "Hell Armored Bones Banner",
        "HellhoundBanner": "Hellhound Banner",
        "HoppinJackBanner": "Hoppin' Jack Banner",
        "IceBatBanner": "Ice Bat Banner",
        "IceGolemBanner": "Ice Golem Banner",
        "IceSlimeBanner": "Ice Slime Banner",
        "IchorStickerBanner": "Ichor Sticker Banner",
        "IlluminantBatBanner": "Illuminant Bat Banner",
        "IlluminantSlimeBanner": "Illuminant Slime Banner",
        "JungleBatBanner": "Jungle Bat Banner",
        "MagicPowerPotion": "Magic Power Potion",
        "JungleSlimeBanner": "Jungle Slime Banner",
        "KrampusBanner": "Krampus Banner",
        "LacBeetleBanner": "Lac Beetle Banner",
        "LavaBatBanner": "Lava Bat Banner",
        "LavaSlimeBanner": "Lava Slime Banner",
        "MartianBrainscramblerBanner": "Martian Brainscrambler Banner",
        "MartianDroneBanner": "Martian Drone Banner",
        "MartianEngineerBanner": "Martian Engineer Banner",
        "MartianGigazapperBanner": "Martian Gigazapper Banner",
        "MartianGreyGruntBanner": "Martian Gray Grunt Banner",
        "FeatherfallPotion": "Featherfall Potion",
        "MartianOfficerBanner": "Martian Officer Banner",
        "MartianRaygunnerBanner": "Martian Ray Gunner Banner",
        "MartianScutlixGunnerBanner": "Martian Scutlix Gunner Banner",
        "MartianTeslaTurretBanner": "Martian Tesla Turret Banner",
        "MisterStabbyBanner": "Mister Stabby Banner",
        "MotherSlimeBanner": "Mother Slime Banner",
        "NecromancerBanner": "Necromancer Banner",
        "NutcrackerBanner": "Nutcracker Banner",
        "PaladinBanner": "Paladin Banner",
        "PenguinBanner": "Penguin Banner",
        "SpelunkerPotion": "Spelunker Potion",
        "PinkyBanner": "Pinky Banner",
        "PoltergeistBanner": "Poltergeist Banner",
        "PossessedArmorBanner": "Possessed Armor Banner",
        "PresentMimicBanner": "Present Mimic Banner",
        "PurpleSlimeBanner": "Purple Slime Banner",
        "RaggedCasterBanner": "Ragged Caster Banner",
        "RainbowSlimeBanner": "Rainbow Slime Banner",
        "RavenBanner": "Raven Banner",
        "RedSlimeBanner": "Red Slime Banner",
        "RuneWizardBanner": "Rune Wizard Banner",
        "InvisibilityPotion": "Invisibility Potion",
        "RustyArmoredBonesBanner": "Rusty Armored Bones Banner",
        "ScarecrowBanner": "Scarecrow Banner",
        "ScutlixBanner": "Scutlix Banner",
        "SkeletonArcherBanner": "Skeleton Archer Banner",
        "SkeletonCommandoBanner": "Skeleton Commando Banner",
        "SkeletonSniperBanner": "Skeleton Sniper Banner",
        "SlimerBanner": "Slimer Banner",
        "SnatcherBanner": "Snatcher Banner",
        "SnowBallaBanner": "Snow Balla Banner",
        "SnowmanGangstaBanner": "Snowman Gangsta Banner",
        "ShinePotion": "Shine Potion",
        "SpikedIceSlimeBanner": "Spiked Ice Slime Banner",
        "SpikedJungleSlimeBanner": "Spiked Jungle Slime Banner",
        "SplinterlingBanner": "Splinterling Banner",
        "SquidBanner": "Squid Banner",
        "TacticalSkeletonBanner": "Tactical Skeleton Banner",
        "TheGroomBanner": "The Groom Banner",
        "TimBanner": "Tim Banner",
        "UndeadMinerBanner": "Undead Miner Banner",
        "UndeadVikingBanner": "Undead Viking Banner",
        "WhiteCultistArcherBanner": "White Cultist Archer Banner",
        "NightOwlPotion": "Night Owl Potion",
        "WhiteCultistCasterBanner": "White Cultist Caster Banner",
        "WhiteCultistFighterBanner": "White Cultist Fighter Banner",
        "YellowSlimeBanner": "Yellow Slime Banner",
        "YetiBanner": "Yeti Banner",
        "ZombieElfBanner": "Zombie Elf Banner",
        "StoneBlock": "Stone Block",
        "DirtWall": "Dirt Wall",
        "BattlePotion": "Battle Potion",
        "ThornsPotion": "Thorns Potion",
        "WaterWalkingPotion": "Water Walking Potion",
        "ArcheryPotion": "Archery Potion",
        "HunterPotion": "Hunter Potion",
        "GravitationPotion": "Gravitation Potion",
        "GoldChest": "Gold Chest",
        "DaybloomSeeds": "Daybloom Seeds",
        "MoonglowSeeds": "Moonglow Seeds",
        "BlinkrootSeeds": "Blinkroot Seeds",
        "Bottle": "Bottle",
        "DeathweedSeeds": "Deathweed Seeds",
        "WaterleafSeeds": "Waterleaf Seeds",
        "FireblossomSeeds": "Fireblossom Seeds",
        "Daybloom": "Daybloom",
        "Moonglow": "Moonglow",
        "Blinkroot": "Blinkroot",
        "Deathweed": "Deathweed",
        "Waterleaf": "Waterleaf",
        "Fireblossom": "Fireblossom",
        "SharkFin": "Shark Fin",
        "WoodenTable": "Wooden Table",
        "Feather": "Feather",
        "Tombstone": "Tombstone",
        "MimeMask": "Mime Mask",
        "AntlionMandible": "Antlion Mandible",
        "IllegalGunParts": "Illegal Gun Parts",
        "TheDoctorsShirt": "The Doctor's Shirt",
        "TheDoctorsPants": "The Doctor's Pants",
        "GoldenKey": "Golden Key",
        "ShadowChest": "Shadow Chest",
        "ShadowKey": "Shadow Key",
        "Furnace": "Furnace",
        "ObsidianBrickWall": "Obsidian Brick Wall",
        "JungleSpores": "Jungle Spores",
        "Loom": "Loom",
        "Piano": "Piano",
        "Dresser": "Dresser",
        "Bench": "Bench",
        "Bathtub": "Bathtub",
        "RedBanner": "Red Banner",
        "GreenBanner": "Green Banner",
        "BlueBanner": "Blue Banner",
        "WoodenChair": "Wooden Chair",
        "YellowBanner": "Yellow Banner",
        "LampPost": "Lamp Post",
        "TikiTorch": "Tiki Torch",
        "Barrel": "Barrel",
        "ChineseLantern": "Chinese Lantern",
        "CookingPot": "Cooking Pot",
        "Safe": "Safe",
        "SkullLantern": "Skull Lantern",
        "TrashCan": "Trash Can",
        "PlatinumBow": "Platinum Bow",
        "PlatinumHammer": "Platinum Hammer",
        "PlatinumAxe": "Platinum Axe",
        "PlatinumShortsword": "Platinum Shortsword",
        "PlatinumBroadsword": "Platinum Broadsword",
        "PlatinumPickaxe": "Platinum Pickaxe",
        "TungstenBow": "Tungsten Bow",
        "TungstenHammer": "Tungsten Hammer",
        "TungstenAxe": "Tungsten Axe",
        "TungstenShortsword": "Tungsten Shortsword",
        "Candelabra": "Candelabra",
        "TungstenBroadsword": "Tungsten Broadsword",
        "TungstenPickaxe": "Tungsten Pickaxe",
        "LeadBow": "Lead Bow",
        "LeadHammer": "Lead Hammer",
        "LeadAxe": "Lead Axe",
        "LeadShortsword": "Lead Shortsword",
        "LeadBroadsword": "Lead Broadsword",
        "LeadPickaxe": "Lead Pickaxe",
        "TinBow": "Tin Bow",
        "TinHammer": "Tin Hammer",
        "IronAnvil": "Iron Anvil",
        "PinkVase": "Pink Vase",
        "TinAxe": "Tin Axe",
        "TinShortsword": "Tin Shortsword",
        "TinBroadsword": "Tin Broadsword",
        "TinPickaxe": "Tin Pickaxe",
        "CopperBow": "Copper Bow",
        "CopperHammer": "Copper Hammer",
        "CopperAxe": "Copper Axe",
        "CopperShortsword": "Copper Shortsword",
        "CopperBroadsword": "Copper Broadsword",
        "CopperPickaxe": "Copper Pickaxe",
        "Mug": "Mug",
        "SilverBow": "Silver Bow",
        "SilverHammer": "Silver Hammer",
        "SilverAxe": "Silver Axe",
        "SilverShortsword": "Silver Shortsword",
        "SilverBroadsword": "Silver Broadsword",
        "SilverPickaxe": "Silver Pickaxe",
        "GoldBow": "Gold Bow",
        "GoldHammer": "Gold Hammer",
        "GoldAxe": "Gold Axe",
        "GoldShortsword": "Gold Shortsword",
        "Keg": "Keg",
        "GoldBroadsword": "Gold Broadsword",
        "GoldPickaxe": "Gold Pickaxe",
        "Ale": "Ale",
        "Bookcase": "Bookcase",
        "Throne": "Throne",
        "Bowl": "Bowl",
        "BowlofSoup": "Bowl of Soup",
        "Toilet": "Toilet",
        "GrandfatherClock": "Grandfather Clock",
        "WorkBench": "Work Bench",
        "ArmorStatue": "Armor Statue",
        "GoblinBattleStandard": "Goblin Battle Standard",
        "TatteredCloth": "Tattered Cloth",
        "Sawmill": "Sawmill",
        "CobaltOre": "Cobalt Ore",
        "MythrilOre": "Mythril Ore",
        "AdamantiteOre": "Adamantite Ore",
        "Pwnhammer": "Pwnhammer",
        "Excalibur": "Excalibur",
        "HallowedSeeds": "Hallowed Seeds",
        "Goggles": "Goggles",
        "EbonsandBlock": "Ebonsand Block",
        "CobaltHat": "Cobalt Hat",
        "CobaltHelmet": "Cobalt Helmet",
        "CobaltMask": "Cobalt Mask",
        "CobaltBreastplate": "Cobalt Breastplate",
        "CobaltLeggings": "Cobalt Leggings",
        "MythrilHood": "Mythril Hood",
        "MythrilHelmet": "Mythril Helmet",
        "MythrilHat": "Mythril Hat",
        "MythrilChainmail": "Mythril Chainmail",
        "Lens": "Lens",
        "MythrilGreaves": "Mythril Greaves",
        "CobaltBar": "Cobalt Bar",
        "MythrilBar": "Mythril Bar",
        "CobaltChainsaw": "Cobalt Chainsaw",
        "MythrilChainsaw": "Mythril Chainsaw",
        "CobaltDrill": "Cobalt Drill",
        "MythrilDrill": "Mythril Drill",
        "AdamantiteChainsaw": "Adamantite Chainsaw",
        "AdamantiteDrill": "Adamantite Drill",
        "DaoofPow": "Dao of Pow",
        "WoodenBow": "Wooden Bow",
        "MythrilHalberd": "Mythril Halberd",
        "AdamantiteBar": "Adamantite Bar",
        "GlassWall": "Glass Wall",
        "Compass": "Compass",
        "DivingGear": "Diving Gear",
        "GPS": "GPS",
        "ObsidianHorseshoe": "Obsidian Horseshoe",
        "ObsidianShield": "Obsidian Shield",
        "TinkerersWorkshop": "Tinkerer's Workshop",
        "CloudinaBalloon": "Cloud in a Balloon",
        "IronBroadsword": "Iron Broadsword",
        "WoodenArrow": "Wooden Arrow",
        "AdamantiteHeadgear": "Adamantite Headgear",
        "AdamantiteHelmet": "Adamantite Helmet",
        "AdamantiteMask": "Adamantite Mask",
        "AdamantiteBreastplate": "Adamantite Breastplate",
        "AdamantiteLeggings": "Adamantite Leggings",
        "SpectreBoots": "Spectre Boots",
        "AdamantiteGlaive": "Adamantite Glaive",
        "Toolbelt": "Toolbelt",
        "PearlsandBlock": "Pearlsand Block",
        "PearlstoneBlock": "Pearlstone Block",
        "FlamingArrow": "Flaming Arrow",
        "MiningShirt": "Mining Shirt",
        "MiningPants": "Mining Pants",
        "PearlstoneBrick": "Pearlstone Brick",
        "IridescentBrick": "Iridescent Brick",
        "MudstoneBlock": "Mudstone Brick",
        "CobaltBrick": "Cobalt Brick",
        "MythrilBrick": "Mythril Brick",
        "PearlstoneBrickWall": "Pearlstone Brick Wall",
        "IridescentBrickWall": "Iridescent Brick Wall",
        "MudstoneBrickWall": "Mudstone Brick Wall",
        "Shuriken": "Shuriken",
        "CobaltBrickWall": "Cobalt Brick Wall",
        "MythrilBrickWall": "Mythril Brick Wall",
        "HolyWater": "Holy Water",
        "UnholyWater": "Unholy Water",
        "SiltBlock": "Silt Block",
        "FairyBell": "Fairy Bell",
        "BreakerBlade": "Breaker Blade",
        "BlueTorch": "Blue Torch",
        "RedTorch": "Red Torch",
        "GreenTorch": "Green Torch",
        "SuspiciousLookingEye": "Suspicious Looking Eye",
        "PurpleTorch": "Purple Torch",
        "WhiteTorch": "White Torch",
        "YellowTorch": "Yellow Torch",
        "DemonTorch": "Demon Torch",
        "ClockworkAssaultRifle": "Clockwork Assault Rifle",
        "CobaltRepeater": "Cobalt Repeater",
        "MythrilRepeater": "Mythril Repeater",
        "DualHook": "Dual Hook",
        "StarStatue": "Star Statue",
        "SwordStatue": "Sword Statue",
        "DemonBow": "Demon Bow",
        "SlimeStatue": "Slime Statue",
        "GoblinStatue": "Goblin Statue",
        "ShieldStatue": "Shield Statue",
        "BatStatue": "Bat Statue",
        "FishStatue": "Fish Statue",
        "BunnyStatue": "Bunny Statue",
        "SkeletonStatue": "Skeleton Statue",
        "ReaperStatue": "Reaper Statue",
        "WomanStatue": "Woman Statue",
        "ImpStatue": "Imp Statue",
        "WarAxeoftheNight": "War Axe of the Night",
        "GargoyleStatue": "Gargoyle Statue",
        "GloomStatue": "Gloom Statue",
        "HornetStatue": "Hornet Statue",
        "BombStatue": "Bomb Statue",
        "CrabStatue": "Crab Statue",
        "HammerStatue": "Hammer Statue",
        "PotionStatue": "Potion Statue",
        "SpearStatue": "Spear Statue",
        "CrossStatue": "Cross Statue",
        "JellyfishStatue": "Jellyfish Statue",
        "LightsBane": "Light's Bane",
        "BowStatue": "Bow Statue",
        "BoomerangStatue": "Boomerang Statue",
        "BootStatue": "Boot Statue",
        "ChestStatue": "Chest Statue",
        "BirdStatue": "Bird Statue",
        "AxeStatue": "Axe Statue",
        "CorruptStatue": "Corrupt Statue",
        "TreeStatue": "Tree Statue",
        "AnvilStatue": "Anvil Statue",
        "PickaxeStatue": "Pickaxe Statue",
        "UnholyArrow": "Unholy Arrow",
        "MushroomStatue": "Mushroom Statue",
        "EyeballStatue": "Eyeball Statue",
        "PillarStatue": "Pillar Statue",
        "HeartStatue": "Heart Statue",
        "PotStatue": "Pot Statue",
        "SunflowerStatue": "Sunflower Statue",
        "KingStatue": "King Statue",
        "QueenStatue": "Queen Statue",
        "PiranhaStatue": "Piranha Statue",
        "PlankedWall": "Planked Wall",
        "Chest": "Chest",
        "WoodenBeam": "Wooden Beam",
        "AdamantiteRepeater": "Adamantite Repeater",
        "AdamantiteSword": "Adamantite Sword",
        "CobaltSword": "Cobalt Sword",
        "MythrilSword": "Mythril Sword",
        "MoonCharm": "Moon Charm",
        "Ruler": "Ruler",
        "CrystalBall": "Crystal Ball",
        "DiscoBall": "Disco Ball",
        "SorcererEmblem": "Sorcerer Emblem",
        "BandofRegeneration": "Band of Regeneration",
        "WarriorEmblem": "Warrior Emblem",
        "RangerEmblem": "Ranger Emblem",
        "DemonWings": "Demon Wings",
        "AngelWings": "Angel Wings",
        "MagicalHarp": "Magical Harp",
        "RainbowRod": "Rainbow Rod",
        "IceRod": "Ice Rod",
        "NeptunesShell": "Neptune's Shell",
        "Mannequin": "Mannequin",
        "GreaterHealingPotion": "Greater Healing Potion",
        "Mushroom": "Mushroom",
        "MagicMirror": "Magic Mirror",
        "GreaterManaPotion": "Greater Mana Potion",
        "PixieDust": "Pixie Dust",
        "CrystalShard": "Crystal Shard",
        "ClownHat": "Clown Hat",
        "ClownShirt": "Clown Shirt",
        "ClownPants": "Clown Pants",
        "Flamethrower": "Flamethrower",
        "Bell": "Bell",
        "Harp": "Harp",
        "Wrench": "Red Wrench",
        "JestersArrow": "Jester's Arrow",
        "WireCutter": "Wire Cutter",
        "ActiveStoneBlock": "Active Stone Block",
        "InactiveStoneBlock": "Inactive Stone Block",
        "Lever": "Lever",
        "LaserRifle": "Laser Rifle",
        "CrystalBullet": "Crystal Bullet",
        "HolyArrow": "Holy Arrow",
        "MagicDagger": "Magic Dagger",
        "CrystalStorm": "Crystal Storm",
        "CursedFlames": "Cursed Flames",
        "AngelStatue": "Angel Statue",
        "SoulofLight": "Soul of Light",
        "SoulofNight": "Soul of Night",
        "CursedFlame": "Cursed Flame",
        "CursedTorch": "Cursed Torch",
        "AdamantiteForge": "Adamantite Forge",
        "MythrilAnvil": "Mythril Anvil",
        "UnicornHorn": "Unicorn Horn",
        "DarkShard": "Dark Shard",
        "LightShard": "Light Shard",
        "RedPressurePlate": "Red Pressure Plate",
        "CloudinaBottle": "Cloud in a Bottle",
        "Wire": "Wire",
        "SpellTome": "Spell Tome",
        "StarCloak": "Star Cloak",
        "Megashark": "Megashark",
        "Shotgun": "Shotgun",
        "PhilosophersStone": "Philosopher's Stone",
        "TitanGlove": "Titan Glove",
        "CobaltNaginata": "Cobalt Naginata",
        "Switch": "Switch",
        "DartTrap": "Dart Trap",
        "HermesBoots": "Hermes Boots",
        "Boulder": "Boulder",
        "GreenPressurePlate": "Green Pressure Plate",
        "GrayPressurePlate": "Gray Pressure Plate",
        "BrownPressurePlate": "Brown Pressure Plate",
        "MechanicalEye": "Mechanical Eye",
        "CursedArrow": "Cursed Arrow",
        "CursedBullet": "Cursed Bullet",
        "SoulofFright": "Soul of Fright",
        "SoulofMight": "Soul of Might",
        "SoulofSight": "Soul of Sight",
        "EnchantedBoomerang": "Enchanted Boomerang",
        "Gungnir": "Gungnir",
        "HallowedPlateMail": "Hallowed Plate Mail",
        "HallowedGreaves": "Hallowed Greaves",
        "HallowedHelmet": "Hallowed Helmet",
        "CrossNecklace": "Cross Necklace",
        "ManaFlower": "Mana Flower",
        "MechanicalWorm": "Mechanical Worm",
        "MechanicalSkull": "Mechanical Skull",
        "HallowedHeadgear": "Hallowed Headgear",
        "HallowedMask": "Hallowed Mask",
        "DemoniteOre": "Demonite Ore",
        "SlimeCrown": "Slime Crown",
        "LightDisc": "Light Disc",
        "MusicBoxOverworldDay": "Music Box (Overworld Day)",
        "MusicBoxEerie": "Music Box (Eerie)",
        "MusicBoxNight": "Music Box (Night)",
        "MusicBoxTitle": "Music Box (Title)",
        "MusicBoxUnderground": "Music Box (Underground)",
        "MusicBoxBoss1": "Music Box (Boss 1)",
        "MusicBoxJungle": "Music Box (Jungle)",
        "MusicBoxCorruption": "Music Box (Corruption)",
        "DemoniteBar": "Demonite Bar",
        "MusicBoxUndergroundCorruption": "Music Box (Underground Corruption)",
        "MusicBoxTheHallow": "Music Box (The Hallow)",
        "MusicBoxBoss2": "Music Box (Boss 2)",
        "MusicBoxUndergroundHallow": "Music Box (Underground Hallow)",
        "MusicBoxBoss3": "Music Box (Boss 3)",
        "SoulofFlight": "Soul of Flight",
        "MusicBox": "Music Box",
        "DemoniteBrick": "Demonite Brick",
        "HallowedRepeater": "Hallowed Repeater",
        "Drax": "Drax",
        "Heart": "Heart",
        "Explosives": "Explosives",
        "InletPump": "Inlet Pump",
        "OutletPump": "Outlet Pump",
        "Timer1Second": "1 Second Timer",
        "Timer3Second": "3 Second Timer",
        "Timer5Second": "5 Second Timer",
        "CandyCaneBlock": "Candy Cane Block",
        "CandyCaneWall": "Candy Cane Wall",
        "SantaHat": "Santa Hat",
        "SantaShirt": "Santa Shirt",
        "CorruptSeeds": "Corrupt Seeds",
        "SantaPants": "Santa Pants",
        "GreenCandyCaneBlock": "Green Candy Cane Block",
        "GreenCandyCaneWall": "Green Candy Cane Wall",
        "SnowBlock": "Snow Block",
        "SnowBrick": "Snow Brick",
        "SnowBrickWall": "Snow Brick Wall",
        "BlueLight": "Blue Light",
        "RedLight": "Red Light",
        "GreenLight": "Green Light",
        "BluePresent": "Blue Present",
        "IronShortsword": "Iron Shortsword",
        "VileMushroom": "Vile Mushroom",
        "GreenPresent": "Green Present",
        "YellowPresent": "Yellow Present",
        "SnowGlobe": "Snow Globe",
        "Carrot": "Carrot",
        "AdamantiteBeam": "Adamantite Beam",
        "AdamantiteBeamWall": "Adamantite Beam Wall",
        "DemoniteBrickWall": "Demonite Brick Wall",
        "SandstoneBrick": "Sandstone Brick",
        "SandstoneBrickWall": "Sandstone Brick Wall",
        "EbonstoneBrick": "Ebonstone Brick",
        "EbonstoneBlock": "Ebonstone Block",
        "EbonstoneBrickWall": "Ebonstone Brick Wall",
        "RedStucco": "Red Stucco",
        "YellowStucco": "Yellow Stucco",
        "GreenStucco": "Green Stucco",
        "GrayStucco": "Gray Stucco",
        "RedStuccoWall": "Red Stucco Wall",
        "YellowStuccoWall": "Yellow Stucco Wall",
        "GreenStuccoWall": "Green Stucco Wall",
        "GrayStuccoWall": "Gray Stucco Wall",
        "Ebonwood": "Ebonwood",
        "GrassSeeds": "Grass Seeds",
        "RichMahogany": "Rich Mahogany",
        "Pearlwood": "Pearlwood",
        "EbonwoodWall": "Ebonwood Wall",
        "RichMahoganyWall": "Rich Mahogany Wall",
        "PearlwoodWall": "Pearlwood Wall",
        "EbonwoodChest": "Ebonwood Chest",
        "RichMahoganyChest": "Rich Mahogany Chest",
        "PearlwoodChest": "Pearlwood Chest",
        "EbonwoodChair": "Ebonwood Chair",
        "RichMahoganyChair": "Rich Mahogany Chair",
        "Sunflower": "Sunflower",
        "PearlwoodChair": "Pearlwood Chair",
        "EbonwoodPlatform": "Ebonwood Platform",
        "RichMahoganyPlatform": "Rich Mahogany Platform",
        "PearlwoodPlatform": "Pearlwood Platform",
        "BonePlatform": "Bone Platform",
        "EbonwoodWorkBench": "Ebonwood Work Bench",
        "RichMahoganyWorkBench": "Rich Mahogany Work Bench",
        "PearlwoodWorkBench": "Pearlwood Work Bench",
        "EbonwoodTable": "Ebonwood Table",
        "RichMahoganyTable": "Rich Mahogany Table",
        "Vilethorn": "Vilethorn",
        "PearlwoodTable": "Pearlwood Table",
        "EbonwoodPiano": "Ebonwood Piano",
        "RichMahoganyPiano": "Rich Mahogany Piano",
        "PearlwoodPiano": "Pearlwood Piano",
        "EbonwoodBed": "Ebonwood Bed",
        "RichMahoganyBed": "Rich Mahogany Bed",
        "PearlwoodBed": "Pearlwood Bed",
        "EbonwoodDresser": "Ebonwood Dresser",
        "RichMahoganyDresser": "Rich Mahogany Dresser",
        "PearlwoodDresser": "Pearlwood Dresser",
        "Starfury": "Starfury",
        "EbonwoodDoor": "Ebonwood Door",
        "RichMahoganyDoor": "Rich Mahogany Door",
        "PearlwoodDoor": "Pearlwood Door",
        "EbonwoodSword": "Ebonwood Sword",
        "EbonwoodHammer": "Ebonwood Hammer",
        "EbonwoodBow": "Ebonwood Bow",
        "RichMahoganySword": "Rich Mahogany Sword",
        "RichMahoganyHammer": "Rich Mahogany Hammer",
        "RichMahoganyBow": "Rich Mahogany Bow",
        "PearlwoodSword": "Pearlwood Sword",
        "PurificationPowder": "Purification Powder",
        "PearlwoodHammer": "Pearlwood Hammer",
        "PearlwoodBow": "Pearlwood Bow",
        "RainbowBrick": "Rainbow Brick",
        "RainbowBrickWall": "Rainbow Brick Wall",
        "IceBlock": "Ice Block",
        "RedsWings": "Red's Wings",
        "RedsHelmet": "Red's Helmet",
        "RedsBreastplate": "Red's Breastplate",
        "RedsLeggings": "Red's Leggings",
        "Fish": "Fish",
        "VilePowder": "Vile Powder",
        "IceBoomerang": "Ice Boomerang",
        "Keybrand": "Keybrand",
        "Cutlass": "Cutlass",
        "TrueExcalibur": "True Excalibur",
        "TrueNightsEdge": "True Night's Edge",
        "Frostbrand": "Frostbrand",
        "RedPotion": "Red Potion",
        "TacticalShotgun": "Tactical Shotgun",
        "RottenChunk": "Rotten Chunk",
        "IvyChest": "Ivy Chest",
        "IceChest": "Ice Chest",
        "Marrow": "Marrow",
        "UnholyTrident": "Unholy Trident",
        "FrostHelmet": "Frost Helmet",
        "FrostBreastplate": "Frost Breastplate",
        "FrostLeggings": "Frost Leggings",
        "TinHelmet": "Tin Helmet",
        "TinChainmail": "Tin Chainmail",
        "TinGreaves": "Tin Greaves",
        "WormTooth": "Worm Tooth",
        "LeadHelmet": "Lead Helmet",
        "LeadChainmail": "Lead Chainmail",
        "LeadGreaves": "Lead Greaves",
        "TungstenHelmet": "Tungsten Helmet",
        "TungstenChainmail": "Tungsten Chainmail",
        "TungstenGreaves": "Tungsten Greaves",
        "PlatinumHelmet": "Platinum Helmet",
        "PlatinumChainmail": "Platinum Chainmail",
        "PlatinumGreaves": "Platinum Greaves",
        "TinOre": "Tin Ore",
        "IronHammer": "Iron Hammer",
        "WormFood": "Worm Food",
        "LeadOre": "Lead Ore",
        "TungstenOre": "Tungsten Ore",
        "PlatinumOre": "Platinum Ore",
        "TinBar": "Tin Bar",
        "LeadBar": "Lead Bar",
        "TungstenBar": "Tungsten Bar",
        "PlatinumBar": "Platinum Bar",
        "TinWatch": "Tin Watch",
        "TungstenWatch": "Tungsten Watch",
        "PlatinumWatch": "Platinum Watch",
        "CopperCoin": "Copper Coin",
        "TinChandelier": "Tin Chandelier",
        "TungstenChandelier": "Tungsten Chandelier",
        "PlatinumChandelier": "Platinum Chandelier",
        "PlatinumCandle": "Platinum Candle",
        "PlatinumCandelabra": "Platinum Candelabra",
        "PlatinumCrown": "Platinum Crown",
        "LeadAnvil": "Lead Anvil",
        "TinBrick": "Tin Brick",
        "TungstenBrick": "Tungsten Brick",
        "PlatinumBrick": "Platinum Brick",
        "SilverCoin": "Silver Coin",
        "TinBrickWall": "Tin Brick Wall",
        "TungstenBrickWall": "Tungsten Brick Wall",
        "PlatinumBrickWall": "Platinum Brick Wall",
        "BeamSword": "Beam Sword",
        "IceBlade": "Ice Blade",
        "IceBow": "Ice Bow",
        "FrostStaff": "Frost Staff",
        "WoodHelmet": "Wood Helmet",
        "WoodBreastplate": "Wood Breastplate",
        "WoodGreaves": "Wood Greaves",
        "GoldCoin": "Gold Coin",
        "EbonwoodHelmet": "Ebonwood Helmet",
        "EbonwoodBreastplate": "Ebonwood Breastplate",
        "EbonwoodGreaves": "Ebonwood Greaves",
        "RichMahoganyHelmet": "Rich Mahogany Helmet",
        "RichMahoganyBreastplate": "Rich Mahogany Breastplate",
        "RichMahoganyGreaves": "Rich Mahogany Greaves",
        "PearlwoodHelmet": "Pearlwood Helmet",
        "PearlwoodBreastplate": "Pearlwood Breastplate",
        "PearlwoodGreaves": "Pearlwood Greaves",
        "AmethystStaff": "Amethyst Staff",
        "PlatinumCoin": "Platinum Coin",
        "TopazStaff": "Topaz Staff",
        "SapphireStaff": "Sapphire Staff",
        "EmeraldStaff": "Emerald Staff",
        "RubyStaff": "Ruby Staff",
        "DiamondStaff": "Diamond Staff",
        "GrassWall": "Grass Wall",
        "JungleWall": "Jungle Wall",
        "FlowerWall": "Flower Wall",
        "Jetpack": "Jetpack",
        "ButterflyWings": "Butterfly Wings",
        "FallenStar": "Fallen Star",
        "CactusWall": "Cactus Wall",
        "Cloud": "Cloud",
        "CloudWall": "Cloud Wall",
        "Seaweed": "Seaweed",
        "RuneHat": "Rune Hat",
        "RuneRobe": "Rune Robe",
        "MushroomSpear": "Mushroom Spear",
        "TerraBlade": "Terra Blade",
        "GrenadeLauncher": "Grenade Launcher",
        "RocketLauncher": "Rocket Launcher",
        "CopperGreaves": "Copper Greaves",
        "ProximityMineLauncher": "Proximity Mine Launcher",
        "FairyWings": "Fairy Wings",
        "SlimeBlock": "Slime Block",
        "FleshBlock": "Flesh Block",
        "MushroomWall": "Mushroom Wall",
        "RainCloud": "Rain Cloud",
        "BoneBlock": "Bone Block",
        "FrozenSlimeBlock": "Frozen Slime Block",
        "BoneBlockWall": "Bone Block Wall",
        "SlimeBlockWall": "Slime Block Wall",
        "IronGreaves": "Iron Greaves",
        "FleshBlockWall": "Flesh Block Wall",
        "RocketI": "Rocket I",
        "RocketII": "Rocket II",
        "RocketIII": "Rocket III",
        "RocketIV": "Rocket IV",
        "AsphaltBlock": "Asphalt Block",
        "CobaltPickaxe": "Cobalt Pickaxe",
        "MythrilPickaxe": "Mythril Pickaxe",
        "AdamantitePickaxe": "Adamantite Pickaxe",
        "Clentaminator": "Clentaminator",
        "SilverGreaves": "Silver Greaves",
        "GreenSolution": "Green Solution",
        "BlueSolution": "Blue Solution",
        "PurpleSolution": "Purple Solution",
        "DarkBlueSolution": "Dark Blue Solution",
        "RedSolution": "Red Solution",
        "HarpyWings": "Harpy Wings",
        "BoneWings": "Bone Wings",
        "Hammush": "Hammush",
        "NettleBurst": "Nettle Burst",
        "AnkhBanner": "Ankh Banner",
        "GoldGreaves": "Gold Greaves",
        "SnakeBanner": "Snake Banner",
        "OmegaBanner": "Omega Banner",
        "CrimsonHelmet": "Crimson Helmet",
        "CrimsonScalemail": "Crimson Scalemail",
        "CrimsonGreaves": "Crimson Greaves",
        "BloodButcherer": "Blood Butcherer",
        "TendonBow": "Tendon Bow",
        "FleshGrinder": "Flesh Grinder",
        "DeathbringerPickaxe": "Deathbringer Pickaxe",
        "BloodLustCluster": "Blood Lust Cluster",
        "Torch": "Torch",
        "CopperChainmail": "Copper Chainmail",
        "TheUndertaker": "The Undertaker",
        "TheMeatball": "The Meatball",
        "TheRottedFork": "The Rotted Fork",
        "EskimoHood": "Eskimo Hood",
        "EskimoCoat": "Eskimo Coat",
        "EskimoPants": "Eskimo Pants",
        "LivingWoodChair": "Living Wood Chair",
        "CactusChair": "Cactus Chair",
        "BoneChair": "Bone Chair",
        "FleshChair": "Flesh Chair",
        "IronChainmail": "Iron Chainmail",
        "MushroomChair": "Mushroom Chair",
        "BoneWorkBench": "Bone Work Bench",
        "CactusWorkBench": "Cactus Work Bench",
        "FleshWorkBench": "Flesh Work Bench",
        "MushroomWorkBench": "Mushroom Work Bench",
        "SlimeWorkBench": "Slime Work Bench",
        "CactusDoor": "Cactus Door",
        "FleshDoor": "Flesh Door",
        "MushroomDoor": "Mushroom Door",
        "LivingWoodDoor": "Living Wood Door",
        "SilverChainmail": "Silver Chainmail",
        "BoneDoor": "Bone Door",
        "FlameWings": "Flame Wings",
        "FrozenWings": "Frozen Wings",
        "GhostWings": "Spectre Wings",
        "SunplateBlock": "Sunplate Block",
        "DiscWall": "Disc Wall",
        "SkywareChair": "Skyware Chair",
        "BoneTable": "Bone Table",
        "FleshTable": "Flesh Table",
        "LivingWoodTable": "Living Wood Table",
        "GoldChainmail": "Gold Chainmail",
        "SkywareTable": "Skyware Table",
        "LivingWoodChest": "Living Wood Chest",
        "LivingWoodWand": "Living Wood Wand",
        "PurpleIceBlock": "Purple Ice Block",
        "PinkIceBlock": "Pink Ice Block",
        "RedIceBlock": "Red Ice Block",
        "CrimstoneBlock": "Crimstone Block",
        "SkywareDoor": "Skyware Door",
        "SkywareChest": "Skyware Chest",
        "SteampunkHat": "Steampunk Hat",
        "GrapplingHook": "Grappling Hook",
        "SteampunkShirt": "Steampunk Shirt",
        "SteampunkPants": "Steampunk Pants",
        "BeeHat": "Bee Hat",
        "BeeShirt": "Bee Shirt",
        "BeePants": "Bee Pants",
        "WorldBanner": "World Banner",
        "SunBanner": "Sun Banner",
        "GravityBanner": "Gravity Banner",
        "PharaohsMask": "Pharaoh's Mask",
        "Actuator": "Actuator",
        "Chain": "Chain",
        "BlueWrench": "Blue Wrench",
        "GreenWrench": "Green Wrench",
        "BluePressurePlate": "Blue Pressure Plate",
        "YellowPressurePlate": "Yellow Pressure Plate",
        "DiscountCard": "Discount Card",
        "LuckyCoin": "Lucky Coin",
        "UnicornonaStick": "Unicorn on a Stick",
        "SandstorminaBottle": "Sandstorm in a Bottle",
        "BeachBall": "Beach Ball",
        "ShadowScale": "Shadow Scale",
        "CharmofMyths": "Charm of Myths",
        "MoonShell": "Moon Shell",
        "StarVeil": "Star Veil",
        "WaterWalkingBoots": "Water Walking Boots",
        "Tiara": "Tiara",
        "PrincessDress": "Princess Dress",
        "PharaohsRobe": "Pharaoh's Robe",
        "GreenCap": "Green Cap",
        "MushroomCap": "Mushroom Cap",
        "TamOShanter": "Tam O' Shanter",
        "PiggyBank": "Piggy Bank",
        "MummyMask": "Mummy Mask",
        "MummyShirt": "Mummy Shirt",
        "MummyPants": "Mummy Pants",
        "CowboyHat": "Cowboy Hat",
        "CowboyJacket": "Cowboy Jacket",
        "CowboyPants": "Cowboy Pants",
        "PirateHat": "Pirate Hat",
        "PirateShirt": "Pirate Shirt",
        "PiratePants": "Pirate Pants",
        "VikingHelmet": "Viking Helmet",
        "MiningHelmet": "Mining Helmet",
        "CrimtaneOre": "Crimtane Ore",
        "CactusSword": "Cactus Sword",
        "CactusPickaxe": "Cactus Pickaxe",
        "IceBrick": "Ice Brick",
        "IceBrickWall": "Ice Brick Wall",
        "AdhesiveBandage": "Adhesive Bandage",
        "ArmorPolish": "Armor Polish",
        "Bezoar": "Bezoar",
        "Blindfold": "Blindfold",
        "FastClock": "Fast Clock",
        "CopperHelmet": "Copper Helmet",
        "Megaphone": "Megaphone",
        "Nazar": "Nazar",
        "Vitamins": "Vitamins",
        "TrifoldMap": "Trifold Map",
        "CactusHelmet": "Cactus Helmet",
        "CactusBreastplate": "Cactus Breastplate",
        "CactusLeggings": "Cactus Leggings",
        "PowerGlove": "Power Glove",
        "LightningBoots": "Lightning Boots",
        "SunStone": "Sun Stone",
        "Wood": "Wood",
        "IronHelmet": "Iron Helmet",
        "MoonStone": "Moon Stone",
        "ArmorBracing": "Armor Bracing",
        "MedicatedBandage": "Medicated Bandage",
        "ThePlan": "The Plan",
        "CountercurseMantra": "Countercurse Mantra",
        "CoinGun": "Coin Gun",
        "LavaCharm": "Lava Charm",
        "ObsidianWaterWalkingBoots": "Obsidian Water Walking Boots",
        "LavaWaders": "Lava Waders",
        "PureWaterFountain": "Pure Water Fountain",
        "SilverHelmet": "Silver Helmet",
        "DesertWaterFountain": "Desert Water Fountain",
        "Shadewood": "Shadewood",
        "ShadewoodDoor": "Shadewood Door",
        "ShadewoodPlatform": "Shadewood Platform",
        "ShadewoodChest": "Shadewood Chest",
        "ShadewoodChair": "Shadewood Chair",
        "ShadewoodWorkBench": "Shadewood Work Bench",
        "ShadewoodTable": "Shadewood Table",
        "ShadewoodDresser": "Shadewood Dresser",
        "ShadewoodPiano": "Shadewood Piano",
        "GoldHelmet": "Gold Helmet",
        "ShadewoodBed": "Shadewood Bed",
        "ShadewoodSword": "Shadewood Sword",
        "ShadewoodHammer": "Shadewood Hammer",
        "ShadewoodBow": "Shadewood Bow",
        "ShadewoodHelmet": "Shadewood Helmet",
        "ShadewoodBreastplate": "Shadewood Breastplate",
        "ShadewoodGreaves": "Shadewood Greaves",
        "ShadewoodWall": "Shadewood Wall",
        "Cannon": "Cannon",
        "Cannonball": "Cannonball",
        "WoodWall": "Wood Wall",
        "FlareGun": "Flare Gun",
        "Flare": "Flare",
        "BoneWand": "Bone Wand",
        "LeafWand": "Leaf Wand",
        "FlyingCarpet": "Flying Carpet",
        "AvengerEmblem": "Avenger Emblem",
        "MechanicalGlove": "Mechanical Glove",
        "LandMine": "Land Mine",
        "PaladinsShield": "Paladin's Shield",
        "WebSlinger": "Web Slinger",
        "WoodPlatform": "Wood Platform",
        "JungleWaterFountain": "Jungle Water Fountain",
        "IcyWaterFountain": "Icy Water Fountain",
        "CorruptWaterFountain": "Corrupt Water Fountain",
        "CrimsonWaterFountain": "Crimson Water Fountain",
        "HallowedWaterFountain": "Hallowed Water Fountain",
        "BloodWaterFountain": "Blood Water Fountain",
        "Umbrella": "Umbrella",
        "ChlorophyteOre": "Chlorophyte Ore",
        "SteampunkWings": "Steampunk Wings",
        "Snowball": "Snowball",
        "FlintlockPistol": "Flintlock Pistol",
        "IceSkates": "Ice Skates",
        "SnowballLauncher": "Snowball Launcher",
        "WebCoveredChest": "Web Covered Chest",
        "ClimbingClaws": "Climbing Claws",
        "AncientIronHelmet": "Ancient Iron Helmet",
        "AncientGoldHelmet": "Ancient Gold Helmet",
        "AncientShadowHelmet": "Ancient Shadow Helmet",
        "AncientShadowScalemail": "Ancient Shadow Scalemail",
        "AncientShadowGreaves": "Ancient Shadow Greaves",
        "AncientNecroHelmet": "Ancient Necro Helmet",
        "Musket": "Musket",
        "AncientCobaltHelmet": "Ancient Cobalt Helmet",
        "AncientCobaltBreastplate": "Ancient Cobalt Breastplate",
        "AncientCobaltLeggings": "Ancient Cobalt Leggings",
        "BlackBelt": "Black Belt",
        "Boomstick": "Boomstick",
        "Rope": "Rope",
        "Campfire": "Campfire",
        "Marshmallow": "Marshmallow",
        "MarshmallowonaStick": "Marshmallow on a Stick",
        "CookedMarshmallow": "Cooked Marshmallow",
        "MusketBall": "Musket Ball",
        "RedRocket": "Red Rocket",
        "GreenRocket": "Green Rocket",
        "BlueRocket": "Blue Rocket",
        "YellowRocket": "Yellow Rocket",
        "IceTorch": "Ice Torch",
        "ShoeSpikes": "Shoe Spikes",
        "TigerClimbingGear": "Tiger Climbing Gear",
        "Tabi": "Tabi",
        "PinkEskimoHood": "Pink Eskimo Hood",
        "PinkEskimoCoat": "Pink Eskimo Coat",
        "Minishark": "Minishark",
        "PinkEskimoPants": "Pink Eskimo Pants",
        "PinkThread": "Pink Thread",
        "ManaRegenerationBand": "Mana Regeneration Band",
        "SandstorminaBalloon": "Sandstorm in a Balloon",
        "MasterNinjaGear": "Master Ninja Gear",
        "RopeCoil": "Rope Coil",
        "Blowgun": "Blowgun",
        "BlizzardinaBottle": "Blizzard in a Bottle",
        "FrostburnArrow": "Frostburn Arrow",
        "EnchantedSword": "Enchanted Sword",
        "IronBow": "Iron Bow",
        "PickaxeAxe": "Pickaxe Axe",
        "CobaltWaraxe": "Cobalt Waraxe",
        "MythrilWaraxe": "Mythril Waraxe",
        "AdamantiteWaraxe": "Adamantite Waraxe",
        "EatersBone": "Eater's Bone",
        "BlendOMatic": "Blend-O-Matic",
        "MeatGrinder": "Meat Grinder",
        "Extractinator": "Extractinator",
        "Solidifier": "Solidifier",
        "Amber": "Amber",
        "AcidDye": "Acid Dye",
        "ActuationAccessory": "Presserator",
        "ActuationRod": "Actuation Rod",
        "AlchemyTable": "Alchemy Table",
        "AlphabetStatue0": "'0' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue1": "'1' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue2": "'2' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue3": "'3' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue4": "'4' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue5": "'5' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue6": "'6' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue7": "'7' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue8": "'8' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatue9": "'9' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueA": "'A' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueB": "'B' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueC": "'C' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueD": "'D' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueE": "'E' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueF": "'F' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueG": "'G' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueH": "'H' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueI": "'I' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueJ": "'J' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueK": "'K' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueL": "'L' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueM": "'M' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueN": "'N' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueO": "'O' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueP": "'P' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueQ": "'Q' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueR": "'R' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueS": "'S' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueT": "'T' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueU": "'U' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueV": "'V' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueW": "'W' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueX": "'X' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueY": "'Y' Statue",
        "AlphabetStatueZ": "'Z' Statue",
        "Amarok": "Amarok",
        "AmberGemsparkWall": "Amber Gemspark Wall",
        "AmberGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Amber Gemspark Wall",
        "AmberStaff": "Amber Staff",
        "AmethystGemsparkWall": "Amethyst Gemspark Wall",
        "AmethystGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Amethyst Gemspark Wall",
        "AncientArmorHat": "Ancient Headdress",
        "AncientArmorPants": "Ancient Slacks",
        "AncientArmorShirt": "Ancient Garments",
        "AncientBattleArmorHat": "Forbidden Mask",
        "AncientBattleArmorMaterial": "Forbidden Fragment",
        "AncientBattleArmorPants": "Forbidden Treads",
        "AncientBattleArmorShirt": "Forbidden Robes",
        "AncientCloth": "Ancient Cloth",
        "AncientCultistTrophy": "Ancient Cultist Trophy",
        "AncientHorn": "Ancient Horn",
        "AnglerTackleBag": "Angler Tackle Bag",
        "AngryBonesBanner": "Angry Bones Banner",
        "AnnouncementBox": "Announcement Box",
        "AntiGravityHook": "Anti-Gravity Hook",
        "AntlionClaw": "Mandible Blade",
        "ApprenticeBait": "Apprentice Bait",
        "ApprenticeHat": "Apprentice's Hat",
        "ApprenticeRobe": "Apprentice's Robe",
        "ApprenticeScarf": "Apprentice's Scarf",
        "ApprenticeTrousers": "Apprentice's Trousers",
        "ArchitectGizmoPack": "Architect Gizmo Pack",
        "Arkhalis": "Arkhalis",
        "AviatorSunglasses": "0x33's Aviators",
        "Bacon": "Bacon",
        "BalloonHorseshoeFart": "Green Horseshoe Balloon",
        "BalloonHorseshoeHoney": "Amber Horseshoe Balloon",
        "BalloonHorseshoeSharkron": "Pink Horseshoe Balloon",
        "BalloonPufferfish": "Balloon Pufferfish",
        "BeeMask": "Queen Bee Mask",
        "BeesKnees": "The Bee's Knees",
        "BejeweledValkyrieBody": "Lazure's Valkyrie Cloak",
        "BejeweledValkyrieHead": "Lazure's Valkyrie Circlet",
        "BejeweledValkyrieWing": "Lazure's Barrier Platform",
        "BewitchingTable": "Bewitching Table",
        "BlackAndWhiteDye": "Black and White Dye",
        "BlackCounterweight": "Black Counterweight",
        "BlackString": "Black String",
        "Bladetongue": "Bladetongue",
        "BlessedApple": "Blessed Apple",
        "BlinkrootPlanterBox": "Blinkroot Planter Box",
        "BloodWater": "Blood Water",
        "BloodZombieBanner": "Blood Zombie Banner",
        "BloodZombieStatue": "Blood Zombie Statue",
        "BlueAcidDye": "Blue Acid Dye",
        "BlueCounterweight": "Blue Counterweight",
        "BlueDungeonBathtub": "Blue Dungeon Bathtub",
        "BlueDungeonCandelabra": "Blue Dungeon Candelabra",
        "BlueDungeonChandelier": "Blue Dungeon Chandelier",
        "BlueDungeonChest": "Blue Dungeon Chest",
        "BlueDungeonLamp": "Blue Dungeon Lamp",
        "BlueDungeonSink": "Blue Dungeon Sink",
        "BlueFlameAndSilverDye": "Blue Flame and Silver Dye",
        "BlueLunaticHood": "Lunar Cultist Hood",
        "BlueLunaticRobe": "Lunar Cultist Robe",
        "BluePhasesaber": "Blue Phasesaber",
        "BlueString": "Blue String",
        "BombFish": "Bomb Fish",
        "BoneArrow": "Bone Arrow",
        "BoneBathtub": "Bone Bathtub",
        "BoneBed": "Bone Bed",
        "BoneBookcase": "Bone Bookcase",
        "BoneCampfire": "Bone Campfire",
        "BoneCandelabra": "Bone Candelabra",
        "BoneChandelier": "Bone Chandelier",
        "BoneChest": "Bone Chest",
        "BoneClock": "Bone Clock",
        "BoneDagger": "Bone Throwing Knife",
        "BoneGlove": "Bone Glove",
        "BoneJavelin": "Bone Javelin",
        "BoneLamp": "Bone Lamp",
        "BoneLantern": "Bone Lantern",
        "BoneRattle": "Bone Rattle",
        "BoneSink": "Bone Sink",
        "BoneSkeletonStatue": "Bone Skeleton Statue",
        "BoneTorch": "Bone Torch",
        "BoosterTrack": "Booster Track",
        "BorealWood": "Boreal Wood",
        "BorealWoodBathtub": "Boreal Wood Bathtub",
        "BorealWoodBed": "Boreal Wood Bed",
        "BorealWoodBookcase": "Boreal Wood Bookcase",
        "BorealWoodBow": "Boreal Wood Bow",
        "BorealWoodBreastplate": "Boreal Wood Breastplate",
        "BorealWoodCandelabra": "Boreal Wood Candelabra",
        "BorealWoodCandle": "Boreal Wood Candle",
        "BorealWoodChair": "Boreal Wood Chair",
        "BorealWoodChandelier": "Boreal Wood Chandelier",
        "BorealWoodChest": "Boreal Wood Chest",
        "BorealWoodClock": "Boreal Wood Clock",
        "BorealWoodDoor": "Boreal Wood Door",
        "BorealWoodDresser": "Boreal Wood Dresser",
        "BorealWoodFence": "Boreal Wood Fence",
        "BorealWoodGreaves": "Boreal Wood Greaves",
        "BorealWoodHammer": "Boreal Wood Hammer",
        "BorealWoodHelmet": "Boreal Wood Helmet",
        "BorealWoodLamp": "Boreal Wood Lamp",
        "BorealWoodLantern": "Boreal Wood Lantern",
        "BorealWoodPiano": "Boreal Wood Piano",
        "BorealWoodPlatform": "Boreal Wood Platform",
        "BorealWoodSink": "Boreal Wood Sink",
        "BorealWoodSofa": "Boreal Wood Sofa",
        "BorealWoodSword": "Boreal Wood Sword",
        "BorealWoodTable": "Boreal Wood Table",
        "BorealWoodWall": "Boreal Wood Wall",
        "BorealWoodWorkBench": "Boreal Wood Work Bench",
        "BossMaskCultist": "Ancient Cultist Mask",
        "BossMaskMoonlord": "Moon Lord Mask",
        "BottomlessBucket": "Bottomless Water Bucket",
        "BouncyBomb": "Bouncy Bomb",
        "BouncyDynamite": "Bouncy Dynamite",
        "BouncyGlowstick": "Bouncy Glowstick",
        "BouncyGrenade": "Bouncy Grenade",
        "BrainMask": "Brain of Cthulhu Mask",
        "BrainOfConfusion": "Brain of Confusion",
        "BrainOfCthulhuBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "BrainScrambler": "Brain Scrambler",
        "BrightBrownDye": "Bright Brown Dye",
        "BrightSilverDye": "Bright Silver Dye",
        "BrownAndBlackDye": "Brown and Black Dye",
        "BrownAndSilverDye": "Brown and Silver Dye",
        "BrownDye": "Brown Dye",
        "BrownString": "Brown String",
        "Bubble": "Bubble",
        "BubbleGun": "Bubble Gun",
        "BuccaneerBandana": "Buccaneer Bandana",
        "BuccaneerPants": "Buccaneer Pantaloons",
        "BuccaneerShirt": "Buccaneer Tunic",
        "Buggy": "Buggy",
        "BuggyStatue": "Buggy Statue",
        "BunnyfishTrophy": "Bunnyfish Trophy",
        "BurningHadesDye": "Burning Hades Dye",
        "ButcherBanner": "Butcher Banner",
        "ButchersChainsaw": "Butcher's Chainsaw",
        "ButterflyStatue": "Butterfly Statue",
        "CactusBathtub": "Cactus Bathtub",
        "CactusBed": "Cactus Bed",
        "CactusBookcase": "Cactus Bookcase",
        "CactusCandelabra": "Cactus Candelabra",
        "CactusCandle": "Cactus Candle",
        "CactusChandelier": "Cactus Chandelier",
        "CactusChest": "Cactus Chest",
        "CactusClock": "Cactus Clock",
        "CactusLamp": "Cactus Lamp",
        "CactusLantern": "Cactus Lantern",
        "CactusPlatform": "Cactus Platform",
        "CactusSink": "Cactus Sink",
        "CactusTable": "Cactus Table",
        "CageBuggy": "Buggy Cage",
        "CageEnchantedNightcrawler": "Enchanted Nightcrawler Cage",
        "CageGrubby": "Grubby Cage",
        "CageSluggy": "Sluggy Cage",
        "Cascade": "Cascade",
        "CelestialShell": "Celestial Shell",
        "CelestialSigil": "Celestial Sigil",
        "CellPhone": "Cell Phone",
        "ChainGuillotines": "Chain Guillotines",
        "ChargedBlasterCannon": "Charged Blaster Cannon",
        "Chik": "Chik",
        "Chimney": "Chimney",
        "ChlorophyteBrick": "Chlorophyte Brick",
        "ChlorophyteBrickWall": "Chlorophyte Brick Wall",
        "ChlorophyteDye": "Chlorophyte Dye",
        "ClingerStaff": "Clinger Staff",
        "ClothierJacket": "Clothier's Jacket",
        "ClothierPants": "Clothier's Pants",
        "Code1": "Code 1",
        "Code2": "Code 2",
        "CogWall": "Cog Wall",
        "CoinRing": "Coin Ring",
        "CompanionCube": "Companion Cube",
        "CompassRose": "Compass Rose",
        "ConfettiBlock": "Confetti Block",
        "ConfettiBlockBlack": "Midnight Confetti Block",
        "ConfettiCannon": "Confetti Cannon",
        "ConfettiWall": "Confetti Wall",
        "ConfettiWallBlack": "Midnight Confetti Wall",
        "ConveyorBeltLeft": "Conveyor Belt (Clockwise)",
        "ConveyorBeltRight": "Conveyor Belt (Counter Clockwise)",
        "CordageGuide": "Guide to Plant Fiber Cordage",
        "CorruptFishingCrate": "Corrupt Crate",
        "CorruptHardenedSand": "Hardened Ebonsand Block",
        "CorruptHardenedSandWall": "Hardened Ebonsand Wall",
        "CorruptPlanterBox": "Deathweed Planter Box",
        "CorruptSandstone": "Ebonsandstone Block",
        "CorruptSandstoneWall": "Ebonsandstone Wall",
        "CorruptYoyo": "Malaise",
        "CosmicCarKey": "Cosmic Car Key",
        "CrawdadBanner": "Crawdad Banner",
        "CreatureFromTheDeepBanner": "Creature From The Deep Banner",
        "CrimsonFishingCrate": "Crimson Crate",
        "CrimsonHardenedSand": "Hardened Crimsand Block",
        "CrimsonHardenedSandWall": "Hardened Crimsand Wall",
        "CrimsonHeart": "Crimson Heart",
        "CrimsonPlanterBox": "Deathweed Planter Box",
        "CrimsonSandstone": "Crimsandstone Block",
        "CrimsonSandstoneWall": "Crimsandstone Wall",
        "CrimsonYoyo": "Artery",
        "CrimtaneBrick": "Crimtane Brick",
        "CrimtaneBrickWall": "Crimtane Brick Wall",
        "CrystalBlock": "Crystal Block",
        "CrystalBlockWall": "Crystal Block Wall",
        "CrystalDart": "Crystal Dart",
        "CrystalSerpent": "Crystal Serpent",
        "CrystalVileShard": "Crystal Vile Shard",
        "CultistBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "CursedCampfire": "Cursed Campfire",
        "CursedDart": "Cursed Dart",
        "CyanString": "Cyan String",
        "DaedalusStormbow": "Daedalus Stormbow",
        "DarkMummyBanner": "Dark Mummy Banner",
        "DartPistol": "Dart Pistol",
        "DartRifle": "Dart Rifle",
        "DayBloomPlanterBox": "Daybloom Planter Box",
        "DayBreak": "Daybreak",
        "DeadlySphereBanner": "Deadly Sphere Banner",
        "DeadlySphereStaff": "Deadly Sphere Staff",
        "DefenderMedal": "Defender Medal",
        "DefendersForge": "Defender's Forge",
        "DemonCampfire": "Demon Campfire",
        "DemonHeart": "Demon Heart",
        "DesertBasiliskBanner": "Basilisk Banner",
        "DesertDjinnBanner": "Desert Spirit Banner",
        "DesertFossil": "Desert Fossil",
        "DesertFossilWall": "Desert Fossil Wall",
        "DesertGhoulBanner": "Ghoul Banner",
        "DesertLamiaBanner": "Lamia Banner",
        "DestroyerBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "DestroyerMask": "Destroyer Mask",
        "Detonator": "Detonator",
        "DevDye": "Skiphs's Blood",
        "DiamondGemsparkWall": "Diamond Gemspark Wall",
        "DiamondGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Diamond Gemspark Wall",
        "DjinnLamp": "Desert Spirit Lamp",
        "DjinnsCurse": "Djinn's Curse",
        "DPSMeter": "DPS Meter",
        "DrillContainmentUnit": "Drill Containment Unit",
        "DripplerBanner": "Drippler Banner",
        "DripplerStatue": "Drippler Statue",
        "DrManFlyBanner": "Dr. Man Fly Banner",
        "DuckStatue": "Duck Statue",
        "DukeFishronMask": "Duke Fishron Mask",
        "DukeFishronTrophy": "Duke Fishron Trophy",
        "DuneSplicerBanner": "Dune Splicer Banner",
        "DungeonFishingCrate": "Dungeon Crate",
        "DyeTradersScimitar": "Exotic Scimitar",
        "DyeTraderTurban": "Dye Trader's Turban",
        "DynastyBathtub": "Dynasty Bathtub",
        "DynastyBed": "Dynasty Bed",
        "DynastyBookcase": "Dynasty Bookcase",
        "DynastyBowl": "Dynasty Bowl",
        "DynastyCandelabra": "Large Dynasty Candle",
        "DynastyCandle": "Dynasty Candle",
        "DynastyChair": "Dynasty Chair",
        "DynastyChandelier": "Large Dynasty Lantern",
        "DynastyChest": "Dynasty Chest",
        "DynastyClock": "Dynasty Clock",
        "DynastyCup": "Dynasty Cup",
        "DynastyLamp": "Dynasty Lamp",
        "DynastyLantern": "Dynasty Lantern",
        "DynastySink": "Dynasty Sink",
        "DynastyWorkBench": "Dynasty Work Bench",
        "EaterMask": "Eater of Worlds Mask",
        "EaterOfWorldsBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "EbonwoodBathtub": "Ebonwood Bathtub",
        "EbonwoodBookcase": "Ebonwood Bookcase",
        "EbonwoodCandelabra": "Ebonwood Candelabra",
        "EbonwoodCandle": "Ebonwood Candle",
        "EbonwoodChandelier": "Ebonwood Chandelier",
        "EbonwoodClock": "Ebonwood Clock",
        "EbonwoodLamp": "Ebonwood Lamp",
        "EbonwoodLantern": "Ebonwood Lantern",
        "EbonwoodSink": "Ebonwood Sink",
        "ElectrosphereLauncher": "Electrosphere Launcher",
        "EmeraldGemsparkWall": "Emerald Gemspark Wall",
        "EmeraldGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Emerald Gemspark Wall",
        "EmptyDropper": "Empty Dropper",
        "EnchantedNightcrawler": "Enchanted Nightcrawler",
        "EndlessMusketPouch": "Endless Musket Pouch",
        "EndlessQuiver": "Endless Quiver",
        "EngineeringHelmet": "Engineering Helmet",
        "EoCShield": "Shield of Cthulhu",
        "EyeMask": "Eye of Cthulhu Mask",
        "EyeOfCthulhuBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "Fake_BlueDungeonChest": "Trapped Blue Dungeon Chest",
        "Fake_BoneChest": "Trapped Bone Chest",
        "Fake_BorealWoodChest": "Trapped Boreal Wood Chest",
        "Fake_CactusChest": "Trapped Cactus Chest",
        "Fake_Chest": "Trapped Chest",
        "Fake_CorruptionChest": "Trapped Corruption Chest",
        "Fake_CrimsonChest": "Trapped Crimson Chest",
        "Fake_DynastyChest": "Trapped Dynasty Chest",
        "Fake_EbonwoodChest": "Trapped Ebonwood Chest",
        "Fake_FleshChest": "Trapped Flesh Chest",
        "Fake_FrozenChest": "Trapped Frozen Chest",
        "Fake_GlassChest": "Trapped Glass Chest",
        "Fake_GoldChest": "Trapped Gold Chest",
        "Fake_GraniteChest": "Trapped Granite Chest",
        "Fake_GreenDungeonChest": "Trapped Green Dungeon Chest",
        "Fake_HallowedChest": "Trapped Hallowed Chest",
        "Fake_HoneyChest": "Trapped Honey Chest",
        "Fake_IceChest": "Trapped Ice Chest",
        "Fake_IvyChest": "Trapped Ivy Chest",
        "Fake_JungleChest": "Trapped Jungle Chest",
        "Fake_LihzahrdChest": "Trapped Lihzahrd Chest",
        "Fake_LivingWoodChest": "Trapped Living Wood Chest",
        "Fake_MarbleChest": "Trapped Marble Chest",
        "Fake_MartianChest": "Trapped Martian Chest",
        "Fake_MeteoriteChest": "Trapped Meteorite Chest",
        "Fake_MushroomChest": "Trapped Mushroom Chest",
        "Fake_ObsidianChest": "Trapped Obsidian Chest",
        "Fake_PalmWoodChest": "Trapped Palm Wood Chest",
        "Fake_PearlwoodChest": "Trapped Pearlwood Chest",
        "Fake_PinkDungeonChest": "Trapped Pink Dungeon Chest",
        "Fake_PumpkinChest": "Trapped Pumpkin Chest",
        "Fake_RichMahoganyChest": "Trapped Rich Mahogany Chest",
        "Fake_ShadewoodChest": "Trapped Shadewood Chest",
        "Fake_ShadowChest": "Trapped Shadow Chest",
        "Fake_SkywareChest": "Trapped Skyware Chest",
        "Fake_SlimeChest": "Trapped Slime Chest",
        "Fake_SpookyChest": "Trapped Spooky Chest",
        "Fake_SteampunkChest": "Trapped Steampunk Chest",
        "Fake_WaterChest": "Trapped Water Chest",
        "Fake_WebCoveredChest": "Trapped Web Covered Chest",
        "FalconBlade": "Falcon Blade",
        "FallenTuxedoPants": "Fallen Tuxedo Pants",
        "FallenTuxedoShirt": "Fallen Tuxedo Shirt",
        "FancyDishes": "Fancy Dishes",
        "FetidBaghnakhs": "Fetid Baghnakhs",
        "FireBlossomPlanterBox": "Fireblossom Planter Box",
        "FireflyStatue": "Firefly Statue",
        "Fireplace": "Fireplace",
        "FireworkFountain": "Firework Fountain",
        "FireworksBox": "Fireworks Box",
        "FireworksLauncher": "Celebration",
        "FishermansGuide": "Fisherman's Pocket Guide",
        "FishFinder": "Fish Finder",
        "FishronBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "FishronWings": "Fishron Wings",
        "Flairon": "Flairon",
        "FlameAndSilverDye": "Flame and Silver Dye",
        "FleshBathtub": "Flesh Bathtub",
        "FleshBed": "Flesh Bed",
        "FleshBookcase": "Flesh Bookcase",
        "FleshCandelabra": "Flesh Candelabra",
        "FleshCandle": "Flesh Candle",
        "FleshChandelier": "Flesh Chandelier",
        "FleshChest": "Flesh Chest",
        "FleshClock": "Flesh Clock",
        "FleshDresser": "Flesh Dresser",
        "FleshKnuckles": "Flesh Knuckles",
        "FleshLamp": "Flesh Lamp",
        "FleshLantern": "Flesh Lantern",
        "FleshMask": "Wall of Flesh Mask",
        "FleshPiano": "Flesh Piano",
        "FleshSink": "Flesh Sink",
        "FleshSofa": "Flesh Sofa",
        "FloatingIslandFishingCrate": "Sky Crate",
        "FlowerBoots": "Flower Boots",
        "FlowerBoyHat": "Silly Sunflower Petals",
        "FlowerBoyPants": "Silly Sunflower Bottoms",
        "FlowerBoyShirt": "Silly Sunflower Tops",
        "FlyingAntlionBanner": "Antlion Swarmer Banner",
        "FlyingDutchmanTrophy": "Flying Dutchman Trophy",
        "FlyingKnife": "Flying Knife",
        "FormatC": "Format:C",
        "FossilHelm": "Fossil Helmet",
        "FossilOre": "Sturdy Fossil",
        "FossilPants": "Fossil Greaves",
        "FossilShirt": "Fossil Plate",
        "FragmentNebula": "Nebula Fragment",
        "FragmentSolar": "Solar Fragment",
        "FragmentStardust": "Stardust Fragment",
        "FragmentVortex": "Vortex Fragment",
        "FritzBanner": "Fritz Banner",
        "FrogStatue": "Frog Statue",
        "FrostDaggerfish": "Frost Daggerfish",
        "FrozenBathtub": "Frozen Bathtub",
        "FrozenBed": "Frozen Bed",
        "FrozenBookcase": "Frozen Bookcase",
        "FrozenCampfire": "Frozen Campfire",
        "FrozenCandelabra": "Frozen Candelabra",
        "FrozenCandle": "Frozen Candle",
        "FrozenChair": "Frozen Chair",
        "FrozenChandelier": "Frozen Chandelier",
        "FrozenClock": "Frozen Clock",
        "FrozenDoor": "Frozen Door",
        "FrozenLamp": "Frozen Lamp",
        "FrozenLantern": "Frozen Lantern",
        "FrozenPiano": "Frozen Piano",
        "FrozenSink": "Frozen Sink",
        "FrozenSofa": "Frozen Sofa",
        "FrozenTable": "Frozen Table",
        "FrozenWorkBench": "Frozen Work Bench",
        "FuzzyCarrot": "Fuzzy Carrot",
        "GelDye": "Gel Dye",
        "GemLockAmber": "Amber Gem Lock",
        "GemLockAmethyst": "Amethyst Gem Lock",
        "GemLockDiamond": "Diamond Gem Lock",
        "GemLockEmerald": "Emerald Gem Lock",
        "GemLockRuby": "Ruby Gem Lock",
        "GemLockSapphire": "Sapphire Gem Lock",
        "GemLockTopaz": "Topaz Gem Lock",
        "GenderChangePotion": "Gender Change Potion",
        "GeyserTrap": "Geyser",
        "GiantShellyBanner": "Giant Shelly Banner",
        "GladiatorBreastplate": "Gladiator Breastplate",
        "GladiatorHelmet": "Gladiator Helmet",
        "GladiatorLeggings": "Gladiator Leggings",
        "GlassBathtub": "Glass Bathtub",
        "GlassBookcase": "Glass Bookcase",
        "GlassBowl": "Glass Bowl",
        "GlassCandelabra": "Glass Candelabra",
        "GlassCandle": "Glass Candle",
        "GlassChandelier": "Glass Chandelier",
        "GlassChest": "Glass Chest",
        "GlassClock": "Glass Clock",
        "GlassDresser": "Glass Dresser",
        "GlassLamp": "Glass Lamp",
        "GlassLantern": "Glass Lantern",
        "GlassPiano": "Glass Piano",
        "GlassSink": "Glass Sink",
        "GlassWorkBench": "Glass Work Bench",
        "GoblinSummonerBanner": "Goblin Summoner Banner",
        "GoblinTech": "Goblin Tech",
        "GoldBird": "Gold Bird",
        "GoldBirdCage": "Gold Bird Cage",
        "GoldBunny": "Gold Bunny",
        "GoldBunnyCage": "Gold Bunny Cage",
        "GoldButterfly": "Gold Butterfly",
        "GoldButterflyCage": "Gold Butterfly Jar",
        "GoldenBathtub": "Golden Bathtub",
        "GoldenBookcase": "Golden Bookcase",
        "GoldenBugNet": "Golden Bug Net",
        "GoldenCandelabra": "Golden Candelabra",
        "GoldenCandle": "Golden Candle",
        "GoldenChandelier": "Golden Chandelier",
        "GoldenClock": "Golden Clock",
        "GoldenLamp": "Golden Lamp",
        "GoldenLantern": "Golden Lantern",
        "GoldenSink": "Golden Sink",
        "GoldfishTrophy": "Goldfish Trophy",
        "GoldFrog": "Gold Frog",
        "GoldFrogCage": "Gold Frog Cage",
        "GoldGrasshopper": "Gold Grasshopper",
        "GoldGrasshopperCage": "Gold Grasshopper Cage",
        "GoldMouse": "Gold Mouse",
        "GoldMouseCage": "Gold Mouse Cage",
        "GoldRing": "Gold Ring",
        "GoldWorm": "Gold Worm",
        "GoldWormCage": "Gold Worm Cage",
        "GolemBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "GolemMask": "Golem Mask",
        "Gradient": "Gradient",
        "Granite": "Granite Block",
        "GraniteBathtub": "Granite Bathtub",
        "GraniteBed": "Granite Bed",
        "GraniteBlock": "Smooth Granite Block",
        "GraniteBlockWall": "Smooth Granite Wall",
        "GraniteBookcase": "Granite Bookcase",
        "GraniteCandelabra": "Granite Candelabra",
        "GraniteCandle": "Granite Candle",
        "GraniteChair": "Granite Chair",
        "GraniteChandelier": "Granite Chandelier",
        "GraniteChest": "Granite Chest",
        "GraniteClock": "Granite Clock",
        "GraniteDoor": "Granite Door",
        "GraniteDresser": "Granite Dresser",
        "GraniteFlyerBanner": "Granite Elemental Banner",
        "GraniteGolemBanner": "Granite Golem Banner",
        "GraniteGolemStatue": "Granite Golem Statue",
        "GraniteLamp": "Granite Lamp",
        "GraniteLantern": "Granite Lantern",
        "GranitePiano": "Granite Piano",
        "GranitePlatform": "Granite Platform",
        "GraniteSink": "Granite Sink",
        "GraniteSofa": "Granite Sofa",
        "GraniteTable": "Granite Table",
        "GraniteWall": "Granite Wall",
        "GraniteWorkBench": "Granite Work Bench",
        "Grasshopper": "Grasshopper",
        "GrasshopperCage": "Grasshopper Cage",
        "GrasshopperStatue": "Grasshopper Statue",
        "GreedyRing": "Greedy Ring",
        "GreekSkeletonBanner": "Hoplite Banner",
        "GreenCounterweight": "Green Counterweight",
        "GreenDungeonBathtub": "Green Dungeon Bathtub",
        "GreenDungeonCandelabra": "Green Dungeon Candelabra",
        "GreenDungeonChandelier": "Green Dungeon Chandelier",
        "GreenDungeonChest": "Green Dungeon Chest",
        "GreenDungeonLamp": "Green Dungeon Lamp",
        "GreenDungeonSink": "Green Dungeon Sink",
        "GreenFlameAndSilverDye": "Green Flame and Silver Dye",
        "GreenJellyfishBanner": "Green Jellyfish Banner",
        "GreenPhasesaber": "Green Phasesaber",
        "GreenString": "Green String",
        "GrimDye": "Grim Dye",
        "Grubby": "Grubby",
        "GrubSoup": "Grub Soup",
        "HadesDye": "Hades Dye",
        "HallowedFishingCrate": "Hallowed Crate",
        "HallowHardenedSand": "Hardened Pearlsand Block",
        "HallowHardenedSandWall": "Hardened Pearlsand Wall",
        "HallowSandstone": "Pearlsandstone Block",
        "HallowSandstoneWall": "Pearlsandstone Wall",
        "HardenedSand": "Hardened Sand Block",
        "HardenedSandWall": "Hardened Sand Wall",
        "HardySaddle": "Hardy Saddle",
        "HarpyStatue": "Harpy Statue",
        "HelFire": "Hel-Fire",
        "HellstoneBrickWall": "Hellstone Brick Wall",
        "HellwingBow": "Hellwing Bow",
        "HerbBag": "Herb Bag",
        "HiTekSunglasses": "HiTek Sunglasses",
        "HiveBackpack": "Hive Pack",
        "HoneyBathtub": "Honey Bathtub",
        "HoneyBookcase": "Honey Bookcase",
        "HoneyCandelabra": "Honey Candelabra",
        "HoneyCandle": "Honey Candle",
        "HoneyChandelier": "Honey Chandelier",
        "HoneyChest": "Honey Chest",
        "HoneyClock": "Honey Clock",
        "HoneyCup": "Honey Cup",
        "HoneyedGoggles": "Honeyed Goggles",
        "HoneyfallBlock": "Honeyfall Block",
        "HoneyfallWall": "Honeyfall Wall",
        "HoneyLamp": "Honey Lamp",
        "HoneyLantern": "Honey Lantern",
        "HoneyPiano": "Honey Piano",
        "HoneyPlatform": "Honey Platform",
        "HoneySink": "Honey Sink",
        "HoneyWorkBench": "Honey Work Bench",
        "HopliteStatue": "Hoplite Statue",
        "HuntressBuckler": "Huntress's Buckler",
        "HuntressJerkin": "Huntress's Jerkin",
        "HuntressPants": "Huntress's Pants",
        "HuntressWig": "Huntress's Wig",
        "IceMirror": "Ice Mirror",
        "IceTortoiseBanner": "Ice Tortoise Banner",
        "IchorCampfire": "Ichor Campfire",
        "IchorDart": "Ichor Dart",
        "IlluminantHook": "Illuminant Hook",
        "InfernalWispDye": "Infernal Wisp Dye",
        "InfluxWaver": "Influx Waver",
        "ItemFrame": "Item Frame",
        "Javelin": "Javelin",
        "JimsWings": "Jim's Wings",
        "JourneymanBait": "Journeyman Bait",
        "JungleFishingCrate": "Jungle Crate",
        "JungleYoyo": "Amazon",
        "KingSlimeBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "Kraken": "Kraken",
        "LamiaHat": "Lamia Mask",
        "LamiaPants": "Lamia Tail",
        "LamiaShirt": "Lamia Wraps",
        "LargeAmber": "Large Amber",
        "LaserDrill": "Laser Drill",
        "LaserMachinegun": "Laser Machinegun",
        "LaserRuler": "Mechanical Ruler",
        "LastPrism": "Last Prism",
        "LavafallBlock": "Lavafall Block",
        "LavaLamp": "Lava Lamp",
        "LifeformAnalyzer": "Lifeform Analyzer",
        "LifePreserver": "Life Preserver",
        "LightKey": "Key of Light",
        "LightMummyBanner": "Light Mummy Banner",
        "LihzahrdBathtub": "Lihzahrd Bathtub",
        "LihzahrdBed": "Lihzahrd Bed",
        "LihzahrdBookcase": "Lihzahrd Bookcase",
        "LihzahrdCandelabra": "Lihzahrd Candelabra",
        "LihzahrdCandle": "Lihzahrd Candle",
        "LihzahrdChandelier": "Lihzahrd Chandelier",
        "LihzahrdClock": "Lihzahrd Clock",
        "LihzahrdLamp": "Lihzahrd Lamp",
        "LihzahrdLantern": "Lihzahrd Lantern",
        "LihzahrdSink": "Lihzahrd Sink",
        "LimeString": "Lime String",
        "LivingCursedFireBlock": "Living Cursed Fire Block",
        "LivingDemonFireBlock": "Living Demon Fire Block",
        "LivingFireBlock": "Living Fire Block",
        "LivingFlameDye": "Living Flame Dye",
        "LivingFrostFireBlock": "Living Frost Fire Block",
        "LivingIchorBlock": "Living Ichor Block",
        "LivingLeafWall": "Living Leaf Wall",
        "LivingMahoganyLeafWand": "Rich Mahogany Leaf Wand",
        "LivingMahoganyWand": "Living Mahogany Wand",
        "LivingOceanDye": "Living Ocean Dye",
        "LivingRainbowDye": "Living Rainbow Dye",
        "LivingUltrabrightFireBlock": "Living Ultrabright Fire Block",
        "LivingWoodBathtub": "Living Wood Bathtub",
        "LivingWoodBed": "Living Wood Bed",
        "LivingWoodBookcase": "Living Wood Bookcase",
        "LivingWoodCandelabra": "Living Wood Candelabra",
        "LivingWoodCandle": "Living Wood Candle",
        "LivingWoodChandelier": "Living Wood Chandelier",
        "LivingWoodClock": "Living Wood Clock",
        "LivingWoodLamp": "Living Wood Lamp",
        "LivingWoodLantern": "Living Wood Lantern",
        "LivingWoodPiano": "Living Wood Piano",
        "LivingWoodPlatform": "Living Wood Platform",
        "LivingWoodSink": "Living Wood Sink",
        "LivingWoodSofa": "Living Wood Sofa",
        "LivingWoodWorkBench": "Living Wood Work Bench",
        "LockBox": "Golden Lock Box",
        "LogicGateLamp_Faulty": "Logic Gate Lamp (Faulty)",
        "LogicGateLamp_Off": "Logic Gate Lamp (Off)",
        "LogicGateLamp_On": "Logic Gate Lamp (On)",
        "LogicGate_AND": "Logic Gate (AND)",
        "LogicGate_NAND": "Logic Gate (NAND)",
        "LogicGate_NOR": "Logic Gate (NOR)",
        "LogicGate_NXOR": "Logic Gate (XNOR)",
        "LogicGate_OR": "Logic Gate (OR)",
        "LogicGate_XOR": "Logic Gate (XOR)",
        "LogicSensor_Above": "Logic Sensor (Player Above)",
        "LogicSensor_Honey": "Liquid Sensor (Honey)",
        "LogicSensor_Lava": "Liquid Sensor (Lava)",
        "LogicSensor_Liquid": "Liquid Sensor (Any)",
        "LogicSensor_Moon": "Logic Sensor (Night)",
        "LogicSensor_Sun": "Logic Sensor (Day)",
        "LogicSensor_Water": "Liquid Sensor (Water)",
        "LokisDye": "Loki's Dye",
        "LokisHelm": "Loki's Helmet",
        "LokisPants": "Loki's Greaves",
        "LokisShirt": "Loki's Breastplate",
        "LokisWings": "Loki's Wings",
        "LunarBar": "Luminite Bar",
        "LunarBlockNebula": "Nebula Fragment Block",
        "LunarBlockSolar": "Solar Fragment Block",
        "LunarBlockStardust": "Stardust Fragment Block",
        "LunarBlockVortex": "Vortex Fragment Block",
        "LunarBrick": "Luminite Brick",
        "LunarBrickWall": "Luminite Brick Wall",
        "LunarCraftingStation": "Ancient Manipulator",
        "LunarFlareBook": "Lunar Flare",
        "LunarHamaxeNebula": "Nebula Hamaxe",
        "LunarHamaxeSolar": "Solar Flare Hamaxe",
        "LunarHamaxeStardust": "Stardust Hamaxe",
        "LunarHamaxeVortex": "Vortex Hamaxe",
        "LunarHook": "Lunar Hook",
        "LunarOre": "Luminite",
        "LunarTabletFragment": "Solar Tablet Fragment",
        "MagicHoneyDropper": "Magic Honey Dropper",
        "MagicLantern": "Magic Lantern",
        "MagicLavaDropper": "Magic Lava Dropper",
        "MagicSandDropper": "Magic Sand Dropper",
        "MagicWaterDropper": "Magic Water Dropper",
        "Marble": "Marble Block",
        "MarbleBathtub": "Marble Bathtub",
        "MarbleBed": "Marble Bed",
        "MarbleBlock": "Smooth Marble Block",
        "MarbleBlockWall": "Smooth Marble Wall",
        "MarbleBookcase": "Marble Bookcase",
        "MarbleCandelabra": "Marble Candelabra",
        "MarbleCandle": "Marble Candle",
        "MarbleChair": "Marble Chair",
        "MarbleChandelier": "Marble Chandelier",
        "MarbleChest": "Marble Chest",
        "MarbleClock": "Marble Clock",
        "MarbleDoor": "Marble Door",
        "MarbleDresser": "Marble Dresser",
        "MarbleLamp": "Marble Lamp",
        "MarbleLantern": "Marble Lantern",
        "MarblePiano": "Marble Piano",
        "MarblePlatform": "Marble Platform",
        "MarbleSink": "Marble Sink",
        "MarbleSofa": "Marble Sofa",
        "MarbleTable": "Marble Table",
        "MarbleWall": "Marble Wall",
        "MarbleWorkBench": "Marble Work Bench",
        "MartianArmorDye": "Martian Dye",
        "MartianAstroClock": "Martian Astro Clock",
        "MartianBathtub": "Martian Bathtub",
        "MartianBed": "Martian Bed",
        "MartianChandelier": "Martian Chandelier",
        "MartianChest": "Martian Chest",
        "MartianConduitPlating": "Martian Conduit Plating",
        "MartianConduitWall": "Martian Conduit Wall",
        "MartianCostumeMask": "Martian Costume Mask",
        "MartianCostumePants": "Martian Costume Pants",
        "MartianCostumeShirt": "Martian Costume Shirt",
        "MartianDoor": "Martian Door",
        "MartianDresser": "Martian Dresser",
        "MartianHairDye": "Martian Hair Dye",
        "MartianHolobookcase": "Martian Holobookcase",
        "MartianHoverCandle": "Martian Hover Candle",
        "MartianHoverChair": "Martian Hover Chair",
        "MartianLamppost": "Martian Lamppost",
        "MartianLantern": "Martian Lantern",
        "MartianPiano": "Martian Piano",
        "MartianPlatform": "Martian Platform",
        "MartianSaucerTrophy": "Martian Saucer Trophy",
        "MartianSink": "Martian Sink",
        "MartianSofa": "Martian Sofa",
        "MartianTable": "Martian Table",
        "MartianTableLamp": "Martian Table Lamp",
        "MartianUniformHelmet": "Martian Uniform Helmet",
        "MartianUniformPants": "Martian Uniform Pants",
        "MartianUniformTorso": "Martian Uniform Torso",
        "MartianWalkerBanner": "Martian Walker Banner",
        "MartianWorkBench": "Martian Work Bench",
        "MasterBait": "Master Bait",
        "MechanicalBatteryPiece": "Mechanical Battery Piece",
        "MechanicalLens": "Mechanical Lens",
        "MechanicalWagonPiece": "Mechanical Wagon Piece",
        "MechanicalWheelPiece": "Mechanical Wheel Piece",
        "MedusaBanner": "Medusa Banner",
        "MedusaHead": "Medusa Head",
        "MedusaStatue": "Medusa Statue",
        "Meowmere": "Meowmere",
        "MetalDetector": "Metal Detector",
        "MetalSink": "Metal Sink",
        "MeteoriteBathtub": "Meteorite Bathtub",
        "MeteoriteBed": "Meteorite Bed",
        "MeteoriteBookcase": "Meteorite Bookcase",
        "MeteoriteBrick": "Meteorite Brick",
        "MeteoriteBrickWall": "Meteorite Brick Wall",
        "MeteoriteCandelabra": "Meteorite Candelabra",
        "MeteoriteCandle": "Meteorite Candle",
        "MeteoriteChair": "Meteorite Chair",
        "MeteoriteChandelier": "Meteorite Chandelier",
        "MeteoriteChest": "Meteorite Chest",
        "MeteoriteClock": "Meteorite Clock",
        "MeteoriteDoor": "Meteorite Door",
        "MeteoriteDresser": "Meteorite Dresser",
        "MeteoriteLamp": "Meteorite Lamp",
        "MeteoriteLantern": "Meteorite Lantern",
        "MeteoritePiano": "Meteorite Piano",
        "MeteoritePlatform": "Meteorite Platform",
        "MeteoriteSink": "Meteorite Sink",
        "MeteoriteSofa": "Meteorite Sofa",
        "MeteoriteTable": "Meteorite Table",
        "MeteoriteWorkBench": "Meteorite Work Bench",
        "MeteorStaff": "Meteor Staff",
        "MidnightRainbowDye": "Midnight Rainbow Dye",
        "MinecartMech": "Mechanical Cart",
        "MinecartTrack": "Minecart Track",
        "MirageDye": "Mirage Dye",
        "MolotovCocktail": "Molotov Cocktail",
        "MoneyTrough": "Money Trough",
        "MonkBelt": "Monk's Belt",
        "MonkBrows": "Monk's Bushy Brow Bald Cap",
        "MonkPants": "Monk's Pants",
        "MonkShirt": "Monk's Shirt",
        "MoonglowPlanterBox": "Moonglow Planter Box",
        "MoonlordArrow": "Luminite Arrow",
        "MoonLordBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "MoonlordBullet": "Luminite Bullet",
        "MoonLordPainting": "Not a Kid, nor a Squid",
        "MoonLordTrophy": "Moon Lord Trophy",
        "MoonlordTurretStaff": "Lunar Portal Staff",
        "MoonMask": "Moon Mask",
        "MothronBanner": "Mothron Banner",
        "MothronWings": "Mothron Wings",
        "MouseStatue": "Mouse Statue",
        "MulticolorWrench": "Multicolor Wrench",
        "MushroomBathtub": "Mushroom Bathtub",
        "MushroomBed": "Mushroom Bed",
        "MushroomBench": "Mushroom Bench",
        "MushroomBookcase": "Mushroom Bookcase",
        "MushroomCandelabra": "Mushroom Candelabra",
        "MushroomCandle": "Mushroom Candle",
        "MushroomChandelier": "Mushroom Chandelier",
        "MushroomChest": "Mushroom Chest",
        "MushroomClock": "Mushroom Clock",
        "MushroomDresser": "Mushroom Dresser",
        "MushroomDye": "Glowing Mushroom Dye",
        "MushroomLamp": "Mushroom Lamp",
        "MushroomLantern": "Mushroom Lantern",
        "MushroomPiano": "Mushroom Piano",
        "MushroomPlatform": "Mushroom Platform",
        "MushroomSink": "Mushroom Sink",
        "MushroomTable": "Mushroom Table",
        "MusicBoxGoblins": "Music Box (Goblin Invasion)",
        "MusicBoxHell": "Music Box (Hell)",
        "MusicBoxLunarBoss": "Music Box (Lunar Boss)",
        "MusicBoxMartians": "Music Box (Martian Madness)",
        "MusicBoxPirates": "Music Box (Pirate Invasion)",
        "MusicBoxSandstorm": "Music Box (Sandstorm)",
        "MusicBoxTowers": "Music Box (The Towers)",
        "MusicBoxUndergroundCrimson": "Music Box (Underground Crimson)",
        "Nail": "Nail",
        "NailGun": "Nail Gun",
        "NailheadBanner": "Nailhead Banner",
        "NebulaArcanum": "Nebula Arcanum",
        "NebulaAxe": "Nebula Axe",
        "NebulaBeastBanner": "Evolution Beast Banner",
        "NebulaBlaze": "Nebula Blaze",
        "NebulaBrainBanner": "Nebula Floater Banner",
        "NebulaBreastplate": "Nebula Breastplate",
        "NebulaChainsaw": "Nebula Chainsaw",
        "NebulaDrill": "Nebula Drill",
        "NebulaDye": "Nebula Dye",
        "NebulaHammer": "Nebula Hammer",
        "NebulaHeadcrabBanner": "Brain Suckler Banner",
        "NebulaHelmet": "Nebula Helmet",
        "NebulaLeggings": "Nebula Leggings",
        "NebulaMonolith": "Nebula Monolith",
        "NebulaPickaxe": "Nebula Pickaxe",
        "NebulaPickup1": "Damage Booster",
        "NebulaPickup2": "Life Booster",
        "NebulaPickup3": "Mana Booster",
        "NebulaSoldierBanner": "Predictor Banner",
        "NegativeDye": "Negative Dye",
        "NightKey": "Key of Night",
        "NightVisionHelmet": "Night Vision Helmet",
        "ObsidianBathtub": "Obsidian Bathtub",
        "ObsidianCandelabra": "Obsidian Candelabra",
        "ObsidianCandle": "Obsidian Candle",
        "ObsidianChandelier": "Obsidian Chandelier",
        "ObsidianChest": "Obsidian Chest",
        "ObsidianClock": "Obsidian Clock",
        "ObsidianHelm": "Obsidian Outlaw Hat",
        "ObsidianLamp": "Obsidian Lamp",
        "ObsidianLantern": "Obsidian Lantern",
        "ObsidianPants": "Obsidian Pants",
        "ObsidianShirt": "Obsidian Longcoat",
        "ObsidianSink": "Obsidian Sink",
        "OnyxBlaster": "Onyx Blaster",
        "OrangeString": "Orange String",
        "PainterPaintballGun": "Paintball Gun",
        "PaintingAcorns": "Acorns",
        "PaintingCastleMarsberg": "Castle Marsberg",
        "PaintingColdSnap": "Cold Snap",
        "PaintingCursedSaint": "Cursed Saint",
        "PaintingMartiaLisa": "Martia Lisa",
        "PaintingSnowfellas": "Snowfellas",
        "PaintingTheSeason": "The Season",
        "PaintingTheTruthIsUpThere": "The Truth Is Up There",
        "PalmWood": "Palm Wood",
        "PalmWoodBathtub": "Palm Wood Bathtub",
        "PalmWoodBed": "Palm Wood Bed",
        "PalmWoodBench": "Palm Wood Bench",
        "PalmWoodBookcase": "Palm Wood Bookcase",
        "PalmWoodBow": "Palm Wood Bow",
        "PalmWoodBreastplate": "Palm Wood Breastplate",
        "PalmWoodCandelabra": "Palm Wood Candelabra",
        "PalmWoodCandle": "Palm Wood Candle",
        "PalmWoodChair": "Palm Wood Chair",
        "PalmWoodChandelier": "Palm Wood Chandelier",
        "PalmWoodChest": "Palm Wood Chest",
        "PalmWoodClock": "Palm Wood Clock",
        "PalmWoodDoor": "Palm Wood Door",
        "PalmWoodDresser": "Palm Wood Dresser",
        "PalmWoodFence": "Palm Wood Fence",
        "PalmWoodGreaves": "Palm Wood Greaves",
        "PalmWoodHammer": "Palm Wood Hammer",
        "PalmWoodHelmet": "Palm Wood Helmet",
        "PalmWoodLamp": "Palm Wood Lamp",
        "PalmWoodLantern": "Palm Wood Lantern",
        "PalmWoodPiano": "Palm Wood Piano",
        "PalmWoodPlatform": "Palm Wood Platform",
        "PalmWoodSink": "Palm Wood Sink",
        "PalmWoodSofa": "Palm Wood Sofa",
        "PalmWoodSword": "Palm Wood Sword",
        "PalmWoodTable": "Palm Wood Table",
        "PalmWoodWall": "Palm Wood Wall",
        "PalmWoodWorkBench": "Palm Wood Work Bench",
        "PartyBalloonAnimal": "Balloon Animal",
        "PartyBundleOfBalloonsAccessory": "Bundled Party Balloons",
        "PartyBundleOfBalloonTile": "Silly Tied Bundle of Balloons",
        "PartyGirlGrenade": "Happy Grenade",
        "PartyHat": "Party Hat",
        "PartyMonolith": "Party Center",
        "PartyPresent": "Party Present",
        "PDA": "PDA",
        "PeaceCandle": "Peace Candle",
        "PearlwoodBathtub": "Pearlwood Bathtub",
        "PearlwoodBookcase": "Pearlwood Bookcase",
        "PearlwoodCandelabra": "Pearlwood Candelabra",
        "PearlwoodCandle": "Pearlwood Candle",
        "PearlwoodChandelier": "Pearlwood Chandelier",
        "PearlwoodClock": "Pearlwood Clock",
        "PearlwoodLamp": "Pearlwood Lamp",
        "PearlwoodLantern": "Pearlwood Lantern",
        "PearlwoodSink": "Pearlwood Sink",
        "PedguinHat": "Pedguin's Hood",
        "PedguinPants": "Pedguin's Trousers",
        "PedguinShirt": "Pedguin's Jacket",
        "PenguinStatue": "Penguin Statue",
        "Phantasm": "Phantasm",
        "PhaseDye": "Phase Dye",
        "PhasicWarpEjector": "Phasic Warp Ejector",
        "Pigronata": "Pigronata",
        "PigronStatue": "Pigron Statue",
        "PinkDungeonBathtub": "Pink Dungeon Bathtub",
        "PinkDungeonCandelabra": "Pink Dungeon Candelabra",
        "PinkDungeonChandelier": "Pink Dungeon Chandelier",
        "PinkDungeonChest": "Pink Dungeon Chest",
        "PinkDungeonLamp": "Pink Dungeon Lamp",
        "PinkDungeonSink": "Pink Dungeon Sink",
        "PinkGel": "Pink Gel",
        "PinkGelDye": "Pink Gel Dye",
        "PinkJellyfishBanner": "Pink Jellyfish Banner",
        "PinkSlimeBlock": "Pink Slime Block",
        "PinkString": "Pink String",
        "PinkTorch": "Pink Torch",
        "PirateCaptainBanner": "Pirate Captain Banner",
        "PirateCorsairBanner": "Pirate Corsair Banner",
        "PirateCrossbowerBanner": "Pirate Crossbower Banner",
        "PirateDeadeyeBanner": "Pirate Deadeye Banner",
        "PirateStaff": "Pirate Staff",
        "PixelBox": "Pixel Box",
        "PixieDye": "Pixie Dye",
        "PlanteraBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "PlanteraMask": "Plantera Mask",
        "PocketMirror": "Pocket Mirror",
        "PoisonousSporeBanner": "Poisonous Spore Banner",
        "PortalGun": "Portal Gun",
        "PortalGunStation": "Portal Gun Station",
        "PressureTrack": "Pressure Plate Track",
        "ProjectilePressurePad": "Teal Pressure Pad",
        "PsychoBanner": "Psycho Banner",
        "PsychoKnife": "Psycho Knife",
        "PumpkinBathtub": "Pumpkin Bathtub",
        "PumpkinBed": "Pumpkin Bed",
        "PumpkinBookcase": "Pumpkin Bookcase",
        "PumpkinCandelabra": "Pumpkin Candelabra",
        "PumpkinCandle": "Pumpkin Candle",
        "PumpkinChandelier": "Pumpkin Chandelier",
        "PumpkinChest": "Pumpkin Chest",
        "PumpkinClock": "Pumpkin Clock",
        "PumpkinDresser": "Pumpkin Dresser",
        "PumpkinLamp": "Pumpkin Lamp",
        "PumpkinLantern": "Pumpkin Lantern",
        "PumpkinPiano": "Pumpkin Piano",
        "PumpkinSink": "Pumpkin Sink",
        "PurpleCounterweight": "Purple Counterweight",
        "PurpleOozeDye": "Purple Ooze Dye",
        "PurplePhasesaber": "Purple Phasesaber",
        "PurpleString": "Purple String",
        "PutridScent": "Putrid Scent",
        "QueenBeeBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "Radar": "Radar",
        "RainbowCampfire": "Rainbow Campfire",
        "RainbowCrystalStaff": "Rainbow Crystal Staff",
        "RainbowString": "Rainbow String",
        "RainbowTorch": "Rainbow Torch",
        "Rally": "Rally",
        "RavagerScorpionBanner": "Sand Poacher Banner",
        "RazorbladeTyphoon": "Razorblade Typhoon",
        "RedAcidDye": "Red Acid Dye",
        "RedCounterweight": "Red Counterweight",
        "RedDevilBanner": "Red Devil Banner",
        "RedPhasesaber": "Red Phasesaber",
        "RedString": "Red String",
        "RedsYoyo": "Red's Throw",
        "ReflectiveCopperDye": "Reflective Copper Dye",
        "ReflectiveDye": "Reflective Dye",
        "ReflectiveGoldDye": "Reflective Gold Dye",
        "ReflectiveMetalDye": "Reflective Metal Dye",
        "ReflectiveObsidianDye": "Reflective Obsidian Dye",
        "ReflectiveSilverDye": "Reflective Silver Dye",
        "REK": "R.E.K. 3000",
        "RichGravestone1": "Golden Cross Grave Marker",
        "RichGravestone2": "Golden Tombstone",
        "RichGravestone3": "Golden Grave Marker",
        "RichGravestone4": "Golden Gravestone",
        "RichGravestone5": "Golden Headstone",
        "RichMahoganyBathtub": "Rich Mahogany Bathtub",
        "RichMahoganyBookcase": "Rich Mahogany Bookcase",
        "RichMahoganyCandelabra": "Rich Mahogany Candelabra",
        "RichMahoganyCandle": "Rich Mahogany Candle",
        "RichMahoganyChandelier": "Rich Mahogany Chandelier",
        "RichMahoganyClock": "Rich Mahogany Clock",
        "RichMahoganyLamp": "Rich Mahogany Lamp",
        "RichMahoganyLantern": "Rich Mahogany Lantern",
        "RichMahoganySink": "Rich Mahogany Sink",
        "RoyalGel": "Royal Gel",
        "RubyGemsparkWall": "Ruby Gemspark Wall",
        "RubyGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Ruby Gemspark Wall",
        "SailfishBoots": "Sailfish Boots",
        "SalamanderBanner": "Salamander Banner",
        "SandElementalBanner": "Sand Elemental Banner",
        "SandFallBlock": "Sandfall",
        "SandFallWall": "Sandfall Wall",
        "SandsharkBanner": "Sand Shark Banner",
        "SandsharkCorruptBanner": "Bone Biter Banner",
        "SandsharkCrimsonBanner": "Flesh Reaver Banner",
        "SandsharkHallowedBanner": "Crystal Thresher Banner",
        "SandSlimeBanner": "Sand Slime Banner",
        "Sandstone": "Sandstone Block",
        "SandstoneWall": "Sandstone Wall",
        "SapphireGemsparkWall": "Sapphire Gemspark Wall",
        "SapphireGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Sapphire Gemspark Wall",
        "ScalyTruffle": "Scaly Truffle",
        "ScorpionStatue": "Scorpion Statue",
        "Seashell": "Seashell",
        "SeaSnailBanner": "Sea Snail Banner",
        "Seedler": "Seedler",
        "SeveredHandBanner": "Severed Hand Banner",
        "Sextant": "Sextant",
        "ShadewoodBathtub": "Shadewood Bathtub",
        "ShadewoodBookcase": "Shadewood Bookcase",
        "ShadewoodCandelabra": "Shadewood Candelabra",
        "ShadewoodCandle": "Shadewood Candle",
        "ShadewoodChandelier": "Shadewood Chandelier",
        "ShadewoodClock": "Shadewood Clock",
        "ShadewoodLamp": "Shadewood Lamp",
        "ShadewoodLantern": "Shadewood Lantern",
        "ShadewoodSink": "Shadewood Sink",
        "ShadowDye": "Shadow Dye",
        "ShadowFlameBow": "Shadowflame Bow",
        "ShadowflameHadesDye": "Shadowflame Hades Dye",
        "ShadowFlameHexDoll": "Shadowflame Hex Doll",
        "ShadowFlameKnife": "Shadowflame Knife",
        "SharkronBalloon": "Sharkron Balloon",
        "SharkStatue": "Shark Statue",
        "SharkteethTrophy": "Sharkteeth Trophy",
        "SharkToothNecklace": "Shark Tooth Necklace",
        "SharpeningStation": "Sharpening Station",
        "ShiftingPearlSandsDye": "Shifting Pearlsands Dye",
        "ShiftingSandsDye": "Shifting Sands Dye",
        "ShinyStone": "Shiny Stone",
        "ShipsWheel": "Ship's Wheel",
        "ShiverthornPlanterBox": "Shiverthorn Planter Box",
        "ShrimpyTruffle": "Shrimpy Truffle",
        "ShroomitePlating": "Shroomite Plating",
        "ShroomitePlatingWall": "Shroomite Plating Wall",
        "SilkRope": "Silk Rope",
        "SilkRopeCoil": "Silk Rope Coil",
        "SillyBalloonGreen": "Silly Green Balloon",
        "SillyBalloonGreenWall": "Silly Green Balloon Wall",
        "SillyBalloonMachine": "Silly Balloon Machine",
        "SillyBalloonPink": "Silly Pink Balloon",
        "SillyBalloonPinkWall": "Silly Pink Balloon Wall",
        "SillyBalloonPurple": "Silly Purple Balloon",
        "SillyBalloonPurpleWall": "Silly Purple Balloon Wall",
        "SillyBalloonTiedGreen": "Silly Tied Balloon (Green)",
        "SillyBalloonTiedPink": "Silly Tied Balloon (Pink)",
        "SillyBalloonTiedPurple": "Silly Tied Balloon (Purple)",
        "SillyStreamerBlue": "Blue Streamer",
        "SillyStreamerGreen": "Green Streamer",
        "SillyStreamerPink": "Pink Streamer",
        "SilverAndBlackDye": "Silver and Black Dye",
        "SkeletronBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "SkeletronPrimeBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "SkeletronPrimeMask": "Skeletron Prime Mask",
        "SkiphsHelm": "Skiphs's Mask",
        "SkiphsPants": "Skiphs's Bear Butt",
        "SkiphsShirt": "Skiphs's Skin",
        "SkiphsWings": "Skiphs's Paws",
        "SkyBlueString": "Sky Blue String",
        "SkyFracture": "Sky Fracture",
        "SkywareBathtub": "Skyware Bathtub",
        "SkywareBed": "Skyware Bed",
        "SkywareBookcase": "Skyware Bookcase",
        "SkywareCandelabra": "Skyware Candelabra",
        "SkywareCandle": "Skyware Candle",
        "SkywareChandelier": "Skyware Chandelier",
        "SkywareClock": "Skyware Clock",
        "SkywareLamp": "Skyware Lamp",
        "SkywareLantern": "Skyware Lantern",
        "SkywarePlatform": "Skyware Platform",
        "SkywareSink": "Skyware Sink",
        "SkywareWorkbench": "Skyware Work Bench",
        "SlapHand": "Slap Hand",
        "SliceOfCake": "Slice of Cake",
        "SlimeBathtub": "Slime Bathtub",
        "SlimeBed": "Slime Bed",
        "SlimeBookcase": "Slime Bookcase",
        "SlimeCandelabra": "Slime Candelabra",
        "SlimeCandle": "Slime Candle",
        "SlimeChair": "Slime Chair",
        "SlimeChandelier": "Slime Chandelier",
        "SlimeChest": "Slime Chest",
        "SlimeClock": "Slime Clock",
        "SlimeDoor": "Slime Door",
        "SlimeDresser": "Slime Dresser",
        "SlimeGun": "Slime Gun",
        "SlimeHook": "Slime Hook",
        "SlimeLamp": "Slime Lamp",
        "SlimeLantern": "Slime Lantern",
        "SlimePiano": "Slime Piano",
        "SlimePlatform": "Slime Platform",
        "SlimeSink": "Slime Sink",
        "SlimeSofa": "Slime Sofa",
        "SlimeTable": "Slime Table",
        "SlimySaddle": "Slimy Saddle",
        "Sluggy": "Sluggy",
        "SmokeBlock": "Smoke Block",
        "SnailStatue": "Snail Statue",
        "SnowCloudBlock": "Snow Cloud",
        "SnowFallBlock": "Snowfall",
        "SnowFallWall": "Snowfall Wall",
        "SolarCoriteBanner": "Corite Banner",
        "SolarCrawltipedeBanner": "Crawltipede Banner",
        "SolarDrakomireBanner": "Drakomire Banner",
        "SolarDrakomireRiderBanner": "Drakomire Rider Banner",
        "SolarDye": "Solar Dye",
        "SolarEruption": "Solar Eruption",
        "SolarFlareAxe": "Solar Flare Axe",
        "SolarFlareBreastplate": "Solar Flare Breastplate",
        "SolarFlareChainsaw": "Solar Flare Chainsaw",
        "SolarFlareDrill": "Solar Flare Drill",
        "SolarFlareHammer": "Solar Flare Hammer",
        "SolarFlareHelmet": "Solar Flare Helmet",
        "SolarFlareLeggings": "Solar Flare Leggings",
        "SolarFlarePickaxe": "Solar Flare Pickaxe",
        "SolarMonolith": "Solar Monolith",
        "SolarSolenianBanner": "Selenian Banner",
        "SolarSrollerBanner": "Sroller Banner",
        "SolarTablet": "Solar Tablet",
        "SoulDrain": "Life Drain",
        "SparkyPainting": "Sparky",
        "SpectreBar": "Spectre Bar",
        "SpelunkerGlowstick": "Spelunker Glowstick",
        "SpiderFang": "Spider Fang",
        "SpiderStaff": "Spider Staff",
        "SpiritFlame": "Spirit Flame",
        "SpookyBathtub": "Spooky Bathtub",
        "SpookyBed": "Spooky Bed",
        "SpookyBookcase": "Spooky Bookcase",
        "SpookyCandelabra": "Spooky Candelabra",
        "SpookyCandle": "Spooky Candle",
        "SpookyChandelier": "Spooky Chandelier",
        "SpookyChest": "Spooky Chest",
        "SpookyClock": "Spooky Clock",
        "SpookyLamp": "Spooky Lamp",
        "SpookyLantern": "Spooky Lantern",
        "SpookySink": "Spooky Sink",
        "SporeSac": "Spore Sac",
        "SquireGreatHelm": "Squire's Great Helm",
        "SquireGreaves": "Squire's Greaves",
        "SquirePlating": "Squire's Plating",
        "SquireShield": "Squire's Shield",
        "SquirrelGold": "Gold Squirrel",
        "SquirrelGoldCage": "Gold Squirrel Cage",
        "SquirrelOrangeCage": "Red Squirrel Cage",
        "SquirrelRed": "Red Squirrel",
        "SquirrelStatue": "Squirrel Statue",
        "StardustAxe": "Stardust Axe",
        "StardustBreastplate": "Stardust Plate",
        "StardustCellStaff": "Stardust Cell Staff",
        "StardustChainsaw": "Stardust Chainsaw",
        "StardustDragonStaff": "Stardust Dragon Staff",
        "StardustDrill": "Stardust Drill",
        "StardustDye": "Stardust Dye",
        "StardustHammer": "Stardust Hammer",
        "StardustHelmet": "Stardust Helmet",
        "StardustJellyfishBanner": "Flow Invader Banner",
        "StardustLargeCellBanner": "Star Cell Banner",
        "StardustLeggings": "Stardust Leggings",
        "StardustMonolith": "Stardust Monolith",
        "StardustPickaxe": "Stardust Pickaxe",
        "StardustSmallCellBanner": "Small Star Cell Banner",
        "StardustSoldierBanner": "Stargazer Banner",
        "StardustSpiderBanner": "Twinkle Popper Banner",
        "StardustWormBanner": "Milkyway Weaver Banner",
        "Starfish": "Starfish",
        "StarWrath": "Star Wrath",
        "StaticHook": "Static Hook",
        "SteampunkBathtub": "Steampunk Bathtub",
        "SteampunkBookcase": "Steampunk Bookcase",
        "SteampunkCandelabra": "Steampunk Candelabra",
        "SteampunkCandle": "Steampunk Candle",
        "SteampunkChandelier": "Steampunk Chandelier",
        "SteampunkChest": "Steampunk Chest",
        "SteampunkClock": "Steampunk Clock",
        "SteampunkCup": "Chalice",
        "SteampunkDresser": "Steampunk Dresser",
        "SteampunkLamp": "Steampunk Lamp",
        "SteampunkLantern": "Steampunk Lantern",
        "SteampunkPiano": "Steampunk Piano",
        "SteampunkPlatform": "Steampunk Platform",
        "SteampunkSink": "Steampunk Sink",
        "SteampunkWorkBench": "Steampunk Work Bench",
        "StickyDynamite": "Sticky Dynamite",
        "StickyGrenade": "Sticky Grenade",
        "Stopwatch": "Stopwatch",
        "StrangeBrew": "Strange Brew",
        "StrangePlant1": "Strange Plant",
        "StrangePlant2": "Strange Plant",
        "StrangePlant3": "Strange Plant",
        "StrangePlant4": "Strange Plant",
        "StylistKilLaKillScissorsIWish": "Stylish Scissors",
        "SummonerEmblem": "Summoner Emblem",
        "Sundial": "Enchanted Sundial",
        "SunMask": "Sun Mask",
        "SuperAbsorbantSponge": "Super Absorbant Sponge",
        "SuperHealingPotion": "Super Healing Potion",
        "SuspiciousLookingTentacle": "Suspicious Looking Tentacle",
        "SwordfishTrophy": "Swordfish Trophy",
        "TallGate": "Tall Gate",
        "TallyCounter": "Tally Counter",
        "TargetDummy": "Target Dummy",
        "TartarSauce": "Tartar Sauce",
        "TaxCollectorHat": "Tax Collector's Hat",
        "TaxCollectorPants": "Tax Collector's Pants",
        "TaxCollectorsStickOfDoom": "Classy Cane",
        "TaxCollectorSuit": "Tax Collector's Suit",
        "TealString": "Teal String",
        "TeamBlockBlue": "Blue Team Block",
        "TeamBlockBluePlatform": "Blue Team Platform",
        "TeamBlockGreen": "Green Team Block",
        "TeamBlockGreenPlatform": "Green Team Platform",
        "TeamBlockPink": "Pink Team Block",
        "TeamBlockPinkPlatform": "Pink Team Platform",
        "TeamBlockRed": "Red Team Block",
        "TeamBlockRedPlatform": "Red Team Platform",
        "TeamBlockWhite": "White Team Block",
        "TeamBlockWhitePlatform": "White Team Platform",
        "TeamBlockYellow": "Yellow Team Block",
        "TeamBlockYellowPlatform": "Yellow Team Platform",
        "TempestStaff": "Tempest Staff",
        "TendonHook": "Tendon Hook",
        "Terrarian": "Terrarian",
        "TheBrideDress": "Wedding Dress",
        "TheBrideHat": "Wedding Veil",
        "TheEyeOfCthulhu": "The Eye of Cthulhu",
        "ThePossessedBanner": "The Possessed Banner",
        "ThornHook": "Thorn Hook",
        "TinPlating": "Tin Plating",
        "TinPlatingWall": "Tin Plating Wall",
        "TombCrawlerBanner": "Tomb Crawler Banner",
        "TopazGemsparkWall": "Topaz Gemspark Wall",
        "TopazGemsparkWallOff": "Offline Topaz Gemspark Wall",
        "ToxicFlask": "Toxic Flask",
        "Toxikarp": "Toxikarp",
        "Trapdoor": "Trap Door",
        "TruffleWorm": "Truffle Worm",
        "Tsunami": "Tsunami",
        "TsunamiInABottle": "Tsunami in a Bottle",
        "TumbleweedBanner": "Angry Tumbler Banner",
        "TwilightDye": "Twilight Dye",
        "TwilightHairDye": "Twilight Hair Dye",
        "TwinMask": "Twin Mask",
        "TwinsBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "UltraBrightCampfire": "Ultra Bright Campfire",
        "UndeadVikingStatue": "Undead Viking Statue",
        "UnicornStatue": "Unicorn Statue",
        "UnicornWispDye": "Unicorn Wisp Dye",
        "ValkyrieYoyo": "Valkyrie Yoyo",
        "Valor": "Valor",
        "ViciousMushroom": "Vicious Mushroom",
        "ViciousPowder": "Vicious Powder",
        "VineRope": "Vine Rope",
        "VineRopeCoil": "Vine Rope Coil",
        "VioletString": "Violet String",
        "VoidDye": "Void Dye",
        "VortexAxe": "Vortex Axe",
        "VortexBeater": "Vortex Beater",
        "VortexBreastplate": "Vortex Breastplate",
        "VortexChainsaw": "Vortex Chainsaw",
        "VortexDrill": "Vortex Drill",
        "VortexDye": "Vortex Dye",
        "VortexHammer": "Vortex Hammer",
        "VortexHelmet": "Vortex Helmet",
        "VortexHornetBanner": "Alien Hornet Banner",
        "VortexHornetQueenBanner": "Alien Queen Banner",
        "VortexLarvaBanner": "Alien Larva Banner",
        "VortexLeggings": "Vortex Leggings",
        "VortexMonolith": "Vortex Monolith",
        "VortexPickaxe": "Vortex Pickaxe",
        "VortexRiflemanBanner": "Storm Diver Banner",
        "VortexSoldierBanner": "Vortexian Banner",
        "WalkingAntlionBanner": "Antlion Charger Banner",
        "WallAnchor": "Wall Anchor",
        "WallCreeperStatue": "Wall Creeper Statue",
        "WallOfFleshBossBag": "Treasure Bag",
        "WandofSparking": "Wand of Sparking",
        "WarTable": "War Table",
        "WarTableBanner": "War Table Banner",
        "WaterfallBlock": "Waterfall Block",
        "WaterleafPlanterBox": "Waterleaf Planter Box",
        "WeaponRack": "Weapon Rack",
        "WeatherRadio": "Weather Radio",
        "WebRope": "Web Rope",
        "WebRopeCoil": "Web Rope Coil",
        "WeightedPressurePlateCyan": "Cyan Weighted Pressure Plate",
        "WeightedPressurePlateOrange": "Orange Weighted Pressure Plate",
        "WeightedPressurePlatePink": "Pink Weighted Pressure Plate",
        "WeightedPressurePlatePurple": "Purple Weighted Pressure Plate",
        "WhiteLunaticHood": "Solar Cultist Hood",
        "WhiteLunaticRobe": "Solar Cultist Robe",
        "WhitePhasesaber": "White Phasesaber",
        "WhiteString": "White String",
        "WineGlass": "Wine Glass",
        "WingsNebula": "Nebula Mantle",
        "WingsSolar": "Solar Wings",
        "WingsStardust": "Stardust Wings",
        "WingsVortex": "Vortex Booster",
        "WireBulb": "Wire Bulb",
        "WireKite": "The Grand Design",
        "WirePipe": "Junction Box",
        "WispDye": "Wisp Dye",
        "WoodenSink": "Wooden Sink",
        "WoodYoyo": "Wooden Yoyo",
        "WormholePotion": "Wormhole Potion",
        "WormHook": "Worm Hook",
        "WormScarf": "Worm Scarf",
        "WormStatue": "Worm Statue",
        "WraithStatue": "Wraith Statue",
        "Xenopopper": "Xenopopper",
        "XenoStaff": "Xeno Staff",
        "Yelets": "Yelets",
        "YellowCounterweight": "Yellow Counterweight",
        "YellowPhasesaber": "Yellow Phasesaber",
        "YellowString": "Yellow String",
        "YellowWrench": "Yellow Wrench",
        "Yoraiz0rDarkness": "Yoraiz0r's Scowl",
        "Yoraiz0rHead": "Yoraiz0r's Recolored Goggles",
        "Yoraiz0rPants": "Yoraiz0r's Skirt",
        "Yoraiz0rShirt": "Yoraiz0r's Uniform",
        "Yoraiz0rWings": "Yoraiz0r's Spell",
        "YoyoBag": "Yoyo Bag",
        "YoYoGlove": "Yoyo Glove",
        "ZombieArmStatue": "Armed Zombie Statue",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT1Popper": "Flameburst Rod",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT2Popper": "Flameburst Cane",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT3Popper": "Flameburst Staff",
        "AleThrowingGlove": "Ale Tosser",
        "DD2EnergyCrystal": "Etherian Mana",
        "DD2SquireDemonSword": "Brand of the Inferno",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT1Popper": "Ballista Rod",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT2Popper": "Ballista Cane",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT3Popper": "Ballista Staff",
        "DD2SquireBetsySword": "Flying Dragon",
        "DD2ElderCrystal": "Eternia Crystal",
        "DD2LightningAuraT1Popper": "Lightning Aura Rod",
        "DD2LightningAuraT2Popper": "Lightning Aura Cane",
        "DD2LightningAuraT3Popper": "Lightning Aura Staff",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT1Popper": "Explosive Trap Rod",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT2Popper": "Explosive Trap Cane",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT3Popper": "Explosive Trap Staff",
        "MonkStaffT1": "Sleepy Octopod",
        "MonkStaffT2": "Ghastly Glaive",
        "DD2GoblinBomberBanner": "Etherian Goblin Bomber Banner",
        "DD2GoblinBanner": "Etherian Goblin Banner",
        "DD2SkeletonBanner": "Old One's Skeleton Banner",
        "DD2DrakinBanner": "Drakin Banner",
        "DD2KoboldFlyerBanner": "Kobold Glider Banner",
        "DD2KoboldBanner": "Kobold Banner",
        "DD2WitherBeastBanner": "Wither Beast Banner",
        "DD2WyvernBanner": "Etherian Wyvern Banner",
        "DD2JavelinThrowerBanner": "Etherian Javelin Thrower Banner",
        "DD2LightningBugBanner": "Etherian Lightning Bug Banner",
        "DD2PetGato": "Gato Egg",
        "DD2PetGhost": "Creeper Egg",
        "DD2PetDragon": "Dragon Egg",
        "BookStaff": "Tome of Infinite Wisdom",
        "DD2PhoenixBow": "Phantom Phoenix",
        "MonkStaffT3": "Sky Dragon's Fury",
        "DD2BetsyBow": "Aerial Bane",
        "BossMaskBetsy": "Betsy Mask",
        "BossMaskOgre": "Ogre Mask",
        "BossMaskDarkMage": "Dark Mage Mask",
        "BossTrophyBetsy": "Betsy Trophy",
        "BossTrophyDarkmage": "Dark Mage Trophy",
        "BossTrophyOgre": "Ogre Trophy",
        "ApprenticeStaffT3": "Betsy's Wrath",
        "SquireAltHead": "Valhalla Knight's Helm",
        "SquireAltShirt": "Valhalla Knight's Breastplate",
        "SquireAltPants": "Valhalla Knight's Greaves",
        "ApprenticeAltHead": "Dark Artist's Hat",
        "ApprenticeAltShirt": "Dark Artist's Robes",
        "ApprenticeAltPants": "Dark Artist's Leggings",
        "HuntressAltHead": "Red Riding Hood",
        "HuntressAltShirt": "Red Riding Dress",
        "HuntressAltPants": "Red Riding Leggings",
        "MonkAltHead": "Shinobi Infiltrator's Helmet",
        "MonkAltShirt": "Shinobi Infiltrator's Torso",
        "MonkAltPants": "Shinobi Infiltrator's Pants",
        "DD2ElderCrystalStand": "Eternia Crystal Stand",
        "BetsyWings": "Betsy's Wings",
        "CrystalChest": "Crystal Chest",
        "GoldenChest": "Golden Chest",
        "Fake_CrystalChest": "Trapped Crystal Chest",
        "Fake_GoldenChest": "Trapped Golden Chest",
        "CrystalDoor": "Crystal Door",
        "CrystalChair": "Crystal Chair",
        "CrystalCandle": "Crystal Candle",
        "CrystalLantern": "Crystal Lantern",
        "CrystalLamp": "Crystal Lamp",
        "CrystalCandelabra": "Crystal Candelabra",
        "CrystalChandelier": "Crystal Chandelier",
        "CrystalBathtub": "Crystal Bathtub",
        "CrystalSink": "Crystal Sink",
        "CrystalBed": "Crystal Bed",
        "CrystalClock": "Crystal Clock",
        "SkywareClock2": "Sunplate Clock",
        "DungeonClockBlue": "Blue Dungeon Clock",
        "DungeonClockGreen": "Green Dungeon Clock",
        "DungeonClockPink": "Pink Dungeon Clock",
        "CrystalPlatform": "Crystal Platform",
        "GoldenPlatform": "Golden Platform",
        "DynastyPlatform": "Dynasty Platform",
        "LihzahrdPlatform": "Lihzahrd Platform",
        "FleshPlatform": "Flesh Platform",
        "FrozenPlatform": "Frozen Platform",
        "CrystalWorkbench": "Crystal Work Bench",
        "GoldenWorkbench": "Golden Work Bench",
        "CrystalDresser": "Crystal Dresser",
        "DynastyDresser": "Dynasty Dresser",
        "FrozenDresser": "Frozen Dresser",
        "LivingWoodDresser": "Living Wood Dresser",
        "CrystalPiano": "Crystal Piano",
        "DynastyPiano": "Dynasty Piano",
        "CrystalBookCase": "Crystal Bookcase",
        "CrystalSofaHowDoesThatEvenWork": "Crystal Sofa",
        "DynastySofa": "Dynasty Sofa",
        "CrystalTable": "Crystal Table",
        "ArkhalisHat": "Arkhalis's Hood",
        "ArkhalisShirt": "Arkhalis's Bodice",
        "ArkhalisPants": "Arkhalis's Tights",
        "ArkhalisWings": "Arkhalis's Lightwings",
        "LeinforsHat": "Leinfors' Hair Protector",
        "LeinforsShirt": "Leinfors' Excessive Style",
        "LeinforsPants": "Leinfors' Fancypants",
        "LeinforsWings": "Leinfors' Prehensile Cloak",
        "LeinforsAccessory": "Leinfors' Luxury Shampoo",
        "MusicBoxDD2": "Music Box (Old One's Army)",
        "BossBagBetsy": "Treasure Bag"
    "ItemTooltip": {
        "ShadowGreaves": "7% increased melee speed",
        "ConfettiGun": "Shoots confetti everywhere!",
        "ChlorophyteMask": "16% increased melee damage\n6% increased melee critical strike chance",
        "ChlorophyteHelmet": "16% increased ranged damage\n20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "ChlorophyteHeadgear": "Increases maximum mana by 80 and reduces mana usage by 17%\n16% increased magic damage",
        "ChlorophytePlateMail": "5% increased damage\n7% increased critical strike chance",
        "ChlorophyteGreaves": "8% increased critical strike chance\n5% increased movement speed",
        "ChlorophyteBar": "Reacts to the light",
        "ShadowScalemail": "7% increased melee speed",
        "ShadowHelmet": "7% increased melee speed",
        "NightmarePickaxe": "Able to mine Hellstone",
        "Paintbrush": "Used with paint to color blocks",
        "PaintRoller": "Used with paint to color walls",
        "ManaCrystal": "Permanently increases maximum mana by 20",
        "PaintScraper": "Used to remove paint",
        "TealMushroom": "Used to make Teal Dye",
        "GreenMushroom": "Used to make Green Dye",
        "SkyBlueFlower": "Used to make Sky Blue Dye",
        "BandofStarpower": "Increases maximum mana by 20",
        "YellowMarigold": "Used to make Yellow Dye",
        "BlueBerries": "Used to make Blue Dye",
        "LimeKelp": "Used to make Lime Dye",
        "PinkPricklyPear": "Used to make Pink Dye",
        "OrangeBloodroot": "Used to make Orange Dye",
        "RedHusk": "Used to make Red Dye",
        "CyanHusk": "Used to make Cyan Dye",
        "VioletHusk": "Used to make Violet Dye",
        "PurpleMucos": "Used to make Purple Dye",
        "BlackInk": "Used to make Black Dye",
        "FlowerofFire": "Throws balls of fire",
        "DyeVat": "Used to Craft Dyes",
        "BeeGun": "Shoots bees that will chase your enemy",
        "PossessedHatchet": "Chases after your enemy",
        "BeeKeeper": "Summons killer bees after striking your foe\nSmall chance to cause confusion",
        "HiveWand": "Places Hives",
        "MagicMissile": "Casts a controllable missile",
        "Beenade": "Explodes into a swarm of bees",
        "GravityGlobe": "Allows the holder to reverse gravity\nPress UP to change gravity",
        "HoneyComb": "Releases bees when damaged",
        "Abeemination": "Summons the Queen Bee",
        "DirtRod": "Magically moves dirt",
        "TempleKey": "Opens the jungle temple door",
        "LihzahrdWorkBench": "Used for basic crafting",
        "ShadowOrb": "Creates a magical shadow orb",
        "LihzahrdPressurePlate": "Activates when a player steps on it",
        "PiranhaGun": "Latches on to enemies for continuous damage",
        "PygmyStaff": "Summons a Pygmy to fight for you",
        "PygmyNecklace": "Increases your max number of minions",
        "TikiMask": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "TikiShirt": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "TikiPants": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "LeafWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "BlizzardinaBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height",
        "BundleofBalloons": "Allows the holder to quadruple jump\nIncreases jump height",
        "BatWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "HerculesBeetle": "Increases the damage of your minions by 15%\nIncreases the knockback of your minions",
        "BoneKey": "Summons a Baby Skeletron Head",
        "MeteoriteBar": "'Warm to the touch'",
        "Nectar": "Summons a Baby Hornet",
        "TikiTotem": "Summons a Tiki Spirit",
        "LizardEgg": "Summons a Pet Lizard",
        "LeafBlower": "Rapidly shoots razor sharp leaves",
        "ChlorophyteBullet": "Chases after your enemy",
        "Hook": "Sometimes dropped by Skeletons and Piranha",
        "ParrotCracker": "Summons a Pet Parrot",
        "StrangeGlowingMushroom": "Summons a Baby Truffle",
        "Seedling": "Summons a Pet Sapling",
        "WispinaBottle": "Summons a Wisp to provide light",
        "PalladiumPickaxe": "Can mine Mythril and Orichalcum",
        "PalladiumDrill": "Can mine Mythril and Orichalcum",
        "OrichalcumPickaxe": "Can mine Adamantite and Titanium",
        "OrichalcumDrill": "Can mine Adamantite and Titanium",
        "MoltenFury": "Lights wooden arrows ablaze",
        "PalladiumMask": "8% increased melee damage\n12% increased melee speed",
        "PalladiumHelmet": "9% increased ranged damage\n9% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "PalladiumHeadgear": "7% increased magic damage and critical strike chance\nIncreases maximum mana by 60",
        "PalladiumBreastplate": "3% increased damage\n2% increased critical strike chance",
        "PalladiumLeggings": "2% increased damage\n1% increased critical strike chance",
        "FieryGreatsword": "'It's made out of fire!'",
        "OrichalcumMask": "7% increased melee damage\n7% increased movement and melee speed",
        "OrichalcumHelmet": "15% increased ranged critical strike chance\n8% increased movement speed",
        "OrichalcumHeadgear": "18% increased magic critical strike chance\nIncreases maximum mana by 80",
        "OrichalcumBreastplate": "6% increased critical strike chance",
        "OrichalcumLeggings": "11% increased movement speed",
        "TitaniumMask": "8% increased melee damage and critical strike chance\n8% increased melee speed",
        "TitaniumHelmet": "16% increased ranged damage\n7% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "TitaniumHeadgear": "16% increased magic damage and 7% increased magic critical strike chance\nIncreases maximum mana by 100",
        "TitaniumBreastplate": "4% increased damage\n3% increased critical strike chance",
        "TitaniumLeggings": "3% increased damage and critical strike chance\n6% increased movement speed",
        "OrichalcumAnvil": "Used to craft items from mythril, orichalcum, adamantite, and titanium bars",
        "TitaniumForge": "Used to smelt adamantite and titanium ore",
        "ChlorophyteClaymore": "Shoots a powerful orb",
        "ChlorophyteSaber": "Shoots a spore cloud",
        "ChlorophytePartisan": "Shoots a spore cloud",
        "MeteorHelmet": "7% increased magic damage",
        "ChlorophyteArrow": "Bounces back after hitting a wall",
        "MeteorSuit": "7% increased magic damage",
        "AmberMosquito": "Summons a Baby Dinosaur",
        "NimbusRod": "Summons a cloud to rain down on your foes",
        "BeeCloak": "Causes stars to fall and releases bees when injured",
        "EyeoftheGolem": "10% increased critical strike chance",
        "HoneyBalloon": "Increases jump height\nReleases bees when damaged",
        "MeteorLeggings": "7% increased magic damage",
        "BlueHorseshoeBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "WhiteHorseshoeBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "YellowHorseshoeBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "FrozenTurtleShell": "Puts a shell around the owner when below 50% life that reduces damage",
        "SniperRifle": "Shoots a powerful, high velocity bullet\n<right> to zoom out",
        "VenusMagnum": "Shoots a powerful, high velocity bullet",
        "CrimsonRod": "Summons a cloud to rain blood on your foes",
        "Stynger": "Shoots an explosive bolt",
        "FlowerPow": "Shoots razor sharp flower petals at nearby enemies",
        "RainbowGun": "Shoots a rainbow that does continuous damage",
        "StyngerBolt": "Explodes into deadly shrapnel",
        "FlowerofFrost": "Shoots a ball of frost",
        "Uzi": "Shoots a powerful, high velocity bullet",
        "RocketBoots": "Allows flight",
        "AmethystRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 20\nReduces mana usage by 5%",
        "TopazRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 40\nReduces mana usage by 7%",
        "SapphireRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 40\nReduces mana usage by 9%",
        "EmeraldRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 60\nReduces mana usage by 11%",
        "RubyRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 60\nReduces mana usage by 13%",
        "DiamondRobe": "Increases maximum mana by 80\nReduces mana usage by 15%",
        "PanicNecklace": "Increases movement speed after being struck",
        "LifeFruit": "Permanently increases maximum life by 5",
        "LihzahrdPowerCell": "Used at the Lihzahrd Altar",
        "Picksaw": "Capable of mining Lihzahrd Bricks",
        "HeatRay": "Shoots a piercing ray of heat\n'Oolaa!!'",
        "StaffofEarth": "Summons a powerful boulder",
        "GolemFist": "Punches with the force of a golem",
        "Binoculars": "Increases view range when held",
        "RifleScope": "Increases view range for guns\n<right> to zoom out",
        "DestroyerEmblem": "10% increased damage\n8% increased critical strike chance",
        "JellyfishNecklace": "Provides light under water",
        "IceSickle": "Shoots an icy sickle",
        "ClothierVoodooDoll": "'You are a terrible person'",
        "PoisonStaff": "Shoots a poison fang that pierces multiple enemies",
        "SlimeStaff": "Summons a baby slime to fight for you",
        "PoisonDart": "Inflicts poison on enemies",
        "EyeSpring": "Summons an eyeball spring",
        "ToySled": "Summons a baby snowman",
        "BookofSkulls": "Shoots a skull",
        "KOCannon": "Shoots a boxing glove",
        "PirateMap": "Summons a pirate invasion",
        "TurtleHelmet": "6% increased melee damage\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "TurtleScaleMail": "8% increased melee damage and critical strike chance\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "TurtleLeggings": "4% increased melee critical strike chance\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "MagicQuiver": "Increases damage by 10% and greatly increases arrow speed\n20% chance to not consume arrows",
        "MagmaStone": "Inflicts fire damage on attack",
        "ObsidianRose": "Reduces damage from touching lava",
        "RodofDiscord": "Teleports you to the position of the mouse",
        "DeathSickle": "Shoots a deathly sickle",
        "BloodySpine": "Summons the Brain of Cthulhu",
        "Ichor": "'The blood of gods'",
        "IchorTorch": "Can be placed in water",
        "IchorArrow": "Decreases target's defense",
        "IchorBullet": "Decreases target's defense",
        "GoldenShower": "Sprays a shower of ichor\nDecreases target's defense",
        "FireGauntlet": "Increases melee knockback and inflicts fire damage on attack\n10% increased melee damage and speed",
        "ImbuingStation": "Used to craft weapon imbuement flasks",
        "EmptyBullet": "Used to craft various types of ammo",
        "ShadowbeamStaff": "Creates a shadow beam that bounces off walls",
        "InfernoFork": "Launches a ball of fire that explodes into a raging inferno",
        "SpectreStaff": "Summons a lost soul to chase your foes",
        "BubbleMachine": "Blows bubbles",
        "BubbleWand": "Blows bubbles",
        "WaterCandle": "Holding this may attract unwanted attention",
        "Book": "'It contains strange symbols'",
        "CopperWatch": "Tells the time",
        "SpectreHood": "40% decreased magic damage",
        "SpectreRobe": "7% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "SpectrePants": "8% increased magic damage\n8% increased movement speed",
        "NecroHelmet": "5% increased ranged damage.",
        "PaladinsHammer": "A powerful returning hammer",
        "BeeWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "NecroBreastplate": "5% increased ranged damage.",
        "LargeAmethyst": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LargeTopaz": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LargeSapphire": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LargeEmerald": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LargeRuby": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LargeDiamond": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "NecroGreaves": "5% increased ranged damage.",
        "JungleKey": "Unlocks a Jungle Chest in the dungeon",
        "CorruptionKey": "Unlocks a Corruption Chest in the dungeon",
        "CrimsonKey": "Unlocks a Crimson Chest in the dungeon",
        "HallowedKey": "Unlocks a Hallowed Chest in the dungeon",
        "FrozenKey": "Unlocks a Frozen Chest in the dungeon",
        "SpectrePaintbrush": "Used with paint to color blocks",
        "SpectrePaintRoller": "Used with paint to color walls",
        "SpectrePaintScraper": "Used to remove paint",
        "ShroomiteHeadgear": "15% increased arrow damage\n5% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "ShroomiteMask": "15% increased bullet damage\n5% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "ShroomiteHelmet": "15% increased rocket damage\n5% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "ShroomiteBreastplate": "13% increased ranged critical strike chance\n20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "ShroomiteLeggings": "7% increased ranged critical strike chance\n12% increased movement speed",
        "Autohammer": "Converts Chlorophyte Bars into Shroomite Bars",
        "SDMG": "50% chance to not consume ammo\n'It came from the edge of space'",
        "CenxsTiara": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CenxsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CenxsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CrownosMask": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CrownosBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CrownosLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CobaltShield": "Grants immunity to knockback",
        "WillsHelmet": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "WillsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "WillsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "JimsHelmet": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "JimsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "JimsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "AaronsHelmet": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "AaronsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "AaronsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "VampireKnives": "Rapidly throw life stealing daggers",
        "AquaScepter": "Sprays out a shower of water",
        "ScourgeoftheCorruptor": "A powerful javelin that unleashes tiny eaters",
        "StaffoftheFrostHydra": "Summons a powerful frost hydra to spit ice at your enemies",
        "SweetheartNecklace": "Releases bees and increases movement speed when damaged",
        "FlurryBoots": "The wearer can run super fast",
        "LuckyHorseshoe": "Negates fall damage",
        "DTownsHelmet": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "DTownsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "DTownsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "DTownsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "WillsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CrownosWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CenxsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CenxsDress": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "CenxsDressPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "ShinyRedBalloon": "Increases jump height",
        "MagicCuffs": "Increases maximum mana by 20\nRestores mana when damaged",
        "SilverWatch": "Tells the time",
        "AnkhCharm": "Grants immunity to most debuffs",
        "AnkhShield": "Grants immunity to knockback and fire blocks\nGrants immunity to most debuffs",
        "WaterBolt": "Casts a slow moving bolt of water",
        "Bomb": "A small explosion that will destroy some tiles",
        "Dynamite": "A large explosion that will destroy most tiles",
        "Grenade": "A small explosion that will not destroy tiles",
        "GoldWatch": "Tells the time",
        "FartinaJar": "Allows the holder to double jump",
        "HellstoneBar": "'Hot to the touch'",
        "LeprechaunHat": "To me it look like a leprechaun to me",
        "LeprechaunShirt": "I just wanna know where the gold at!",
        "LeprechaunPants": "I want the gold. I want the gold. I want the gold. Gimme the gold!",
        "GoodieBag": "<right> to open",
        "CandyCornRifle": "33% chance to not consume ammo",
        "Sickle": "Allows the collection of hay from grass",
        "PumpkinPie": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "TatteredFairyWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "SpiderEgg": "Summons a pet spider",
        "MagicalPumpkinSeed": "Summons a pet squashling",
        "DepthMeter": "Displays depth",
        "BatScepter": "Summons bats to attack your enemies",
        "RavenStaff": "Summons a raven to fight for you",
        "JungleKeyMold": "Used for crafting a Jungle Key",
        "CorruptionKeyMold": "Used for crafting a Corruption Key",
        "CrimsonKeyMold": "Used for crafting a Crimson Key",
        "HallowedKeyMold": "Used for crafting a Hallowed Key",
        "FrozenKeyMold": "Used for crafting a Frozen Key",
        "RottenEgg": "Best used for pranking townsfolk",
        "UnluckyYarn": "Summons a black kitty",
        "TheHorsemansBlade": "Summons Pumpkin heads to attack your enemies",
        "SpookyWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "SpookyHelmet": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 11%",
        "SpookyBreastplate": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 11%",
        "SpookyLeggings": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 11%",
        "CursedSapling": "Summons a cursed sapling to follow you",
        "PumpkinMoonMedallion": "Summons the Pumpkin Moon",
        "NecromanticScroll": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "SniperScope": "Increases view range for guns (<right> to zoom out)\n10% increased ranged damage and critical strike chance",
        "BreathingReed": "Increases breath time and allows breathing in water",
        "JellyfishDivingGear": "Grants the ability to swim and greatly extends underwater breathing\nProvides light under water",
        "ArcticDivingGear": "Grants the ability to swim and greatly extends underwater breathing\nProvides light under water and extra mobility on ice",
        "FrostsparkBoots": "Allows flight, super fast running, and extra mobility on ice\n7% increased movement speed",
        "FartInABalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height",
        "PapyrusScarab": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases the damage and knockback of your minions",
        "CelestialStone": "Minor increase to damage, melee speed, critical strike chance,\nlife regeneration, defense, pick speed, and minion knockback",
        "Hoverboard": "Allows flight and slow fall\nHold DOWN and JUMP to hover",
        "Present": "<right> to open",
        "Flipper": "Grants the ability to swim",
        "RedRyder": "'Don't shoot your eye out!'",
        "FestiveWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "BladeofGrass": "Has a chance to poison enemies",
        "EldMelter": "Uses gel for ammo",
        "ChristmasPudding": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "ReindeerBells": "Summons a rideable reindeer",
        "CnadyCanePickaxe": "Can mine Meteorite",
        "SugarCookie": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "GingerbreadCookie": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "HandWarmer": "Provides immunity to chill and freezing effects",
        "Coal": "'You've been naughty this year'",
        "Toolbox": "Increases item placement and tool range by 1",
        "DogWhistle": "Summons a Puppy",
        "ChristmasTreeSword": "Shoots Christmas ornaments",
        "ChainGun": "50% chance to not consume ammo",
        "ObsidianSkull": "Grants immunity to fire blocks",
        "Razorpine": "Shoots razor sharp pine needles",
        "BlizzardStaff": "Showers an area with icicles",
        "SnowmanCannon": "Launches homing missiles",
        "NorthPole": "Shoots an icy spear that rains snowflakes",
        "NaughtyPresent": "Summons the Frost Moon",
        "BabyGrinchMischiefWhistle": "Summons a Baby Grinch",
        "StarCannon": "Shoots fallen stars",
        "Fez": "'Fezzes are cool'",
        "JungleRose": "'It's pretty, oh so pretty'",
        "FeralClaws": "12% increased melee speed",
        "AnkletoftheWind": "10% increased movement speed",
        "StaffofRegrowth": "Creates grass and moss on dirt and stone\nIncreases alchemy plant collection when used to gather",
        "WhoopieCushion": "'May annoy others'",
        "HeavyWorkBench": "Used for advanced crafting",
        "AmmoBox": "Reduces ammo usage by 20%",
        "Flamelash": "Summons a controllable ball of fire",
        "VenomStaff": "Shoots a venom fang that pierces multiple enemies",
        "SpectreMask": "Increases maximum mana by 60 and reduces mana usage by 13%\n5% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "BoneWelder": "Used for special crafting",
        "FleshCloningVaat": "Used for special crafting",
        "GlassKiln": "Used for special crafting",
        "LihzahrdFurnace": "Used for special crafting",
        "LivingLoom": "Used for special crafting",
        "SkyMill": "Used for special crafting",
        "IceMachine": "Used for special crafting",
        "BeetleHelmet": "6% increased melee damage\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "BeetleScaleMail": "8% increased melee damage and critical strike chance\n6% increased movement and melee speed",
        "BeetleShell": "5% increased melee damage and critical strike chance\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "BeetleLeggings": "6% increased movement and melee speed\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "SteampunkBoiler": "Used for special crafting",
        "HoneyDispenser": "Used for special crafting",
        "BrickLayer": "Increases tile placement speed",
        "ExtendoGrip": "Increases tile reach",
        "PaintSprayer": "Automatically paints placed objects",
        "PortableCementMixer": "Increases wall placement speed",
        "CelestialMagnet": "Increases pickup range for mana stars",
        "ClayPot": "Grows plants",
        "CelestialEmblem": "Increases pickup range for mana stars\n15% increased magic damage",
        "CelestialCuffs": "Increases pickup range for mana stars\nRestores mana when damaged",
        "PulseBow": "Shoots a charged arrow",
        "NaturesGift": "6% reduced mana usage",
        "PadThai": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "Pho": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "RestorationPotion": "Reduced potion cooldown",
        "Gatligator": "50% chance to not consume ammo\nHighly inaccurate",
        "WaterGun": "Squirts a harmless stream of water",
        "MagicHat": "7% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "Gi": "5% increased damage and critical strike chance\n10% increased melee and movement speed",
        "GypsyRobe": "6% increased magic damage and critical strike chance\nReduces mana usage by 10%",
        "JungleHat": "Increases maximum mana by 40\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "BeetleWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "JungleShirt": "Increases maximum mana by 20\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "Gel": "'Both tasty and flammable'",
        "JunglePants": "Increases maximum mana by 20\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "NeonTetra": "'Its colorful scales could sell well.'",
        "GoldenCarp": "Quite shiny.  This will probably sell well.",
        "MiningPotion": "Increases mining speed by 25%",
        "HeartreachPotion": "Increases pickup range for life hearts",
        "CalmingPotion": "Reduces enemy aggression",
        "BuilderPotion": "Increases placement speed and range",
        "TitanPotion": "Increases knockback",
        "FlipperPotion": "Lets you move swiftly in liquids",
        "SummoningPotion": "Increases your max number of minions",
        "TrapsightPotion": "Allows you to see nearby danger sources",
        "WoodenCrate": "<right> to open",
        "IronCrate": "<right> to open",
        "GoldenCrate": "<right> to open",
        "AmmoReservationPotion": "20% chance to not consume ammo",
        "LifeforcePotion": "Increases max life by 20%",
        "EndurancePotion": "Reduces damage taken by 10%",
        "RagePotion": "Increases critical chance by 10%",
        "InfernoPotion": "Ignites nearby enemies",
        "WrathPotion": "Increases damage by 10%",
        "StickyBomb": "'Tossing may be difficult.'",
        "RecallPotion": "Teleports you home",
        "TeleportationPotion": "Teleports you to a random location",
        "LovePotion": "Throw this to make someone fall in love",
        "StinkPotion": "Throw this to make someone smell terrible",
        "FishingPotion": "Increases fishing skill",
        "SonarPotion": "Detects hooked fish",
        "CratePotion": "Increases chance to get a crate",
        "WarmthPotion": "Reduces damage from cold sources",
        "BeeHeadgear": "Increases minion damage by 4%\nIncreases your max number of minions",
        "BeeBreastplate": "Increases minion damage by 4%\nIncreases your max number of minions",
        "BeeGreaves": "Increases minion damage by 5%",
        "HornetStaff": "Summons a hornet to fight for you",
        "ImpStaff": "Summons an imp to fight for you",
        "AnglerHat": "Increases fishing level",
        "AnglerVest": "Increases fishing level",
        "AnglerPants": "Increases fishing level",
        "Sunglasses": "'Makes you look cool!'",
        "SpiderMask": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 6%",
        "SpiderBreastplate": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 6%",
        "SpiderGreaves": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 6%",
        "HighTestFishingLine": "Fishing line will never break",
        "AnglerEarring": "Increases fishing skill",
        "TackleBox": "Decreases chance of bait consumption",
        "WizardHat": "15% increased magic damage",
        "ZephyrFish": "Summons a pet Zephyr Fish",
        "FrogLeg": "Increases jump speed and allows auto-jump\nIncreases fall resistance",
        "CookedFish": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "CookedShrimp": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "Sashimi": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "FinWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "OpticStaff": "Summons twins to fight for you",
        "RedHat": "It smells funny...",
        "Goldfish": "'It's smiling, might be a good snack'",
        "Sandgun": "'This is a good idea!'",
        "GuideVoodooDoll": "'You are a terrible person.'",
        "DivingHelmet": "Greatly extends underwater breathing",
        "DemonScythe": "Casts a demon scythe",
        "Blowpipe": "Allows the collection of seeds for ammo",
        "Glowstick": "Works when wet",
        "Seed": "For use with Blowpipe",
        "Aglet": "5% increased movement speed",
        "ObsidianSkinPotion": "Provides immunity to lava",
        "RegenerationPotion": "Provides life regeneration",
        "LifeCrystal": "Permanently increases maximum life by 20",
        "SwiftnessPotion": "25% increased movement speed",
        "GillsPotion": "Breathe water instead of air",
        "IronskinPotion": "Increase defense by 8",
        "ManaRegenerationPotion": "Increased mana regeneration",
        "MagicPowerPotion": "20% increased magic damage",
        "FeatherfallPotion": "Slows falling speed",
        "SpelunkerPotion": "Shows the location of treasure and ore",
        "InvisibilityPotion": "Grants invisibility",
        "ShinePotion": "Emits an aura of light",
        "NightOwlPotion": "Increases night vision",
        "BattlePotion": "Increases enemy spawn rate",
        "ThornsPotion": "Attackers also take damage",
        "WaterWalkingPotion": "Allows the ability to walk on water",
        "ArcheryPotion": "20% increased arrow speed and damage",
        "HunterPotion": "Shows the location of enemies",
        "GravitationPotion": "Allows the control of gravity",
        "IllegalGunParts": "'Banned in most places'",
        "GoldenKey": "Opens one Gold or Dungeon Chest",
        "ShadowKey": "Opens all Shadow Chests",
        "Furnace": "Used for smelting ore",
        "Loom": "Used for crafting cloth",
        "IronAnvil": "Used to craft items from metal bars",
        "Keg": "Used for brewing ale",
        "BowlofSoup": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "WorkBench": "Used for basic crafting",
        "GoblinBattleStandard": "Summons a Goblin Army",
        "Sawmill": "Used for advanced wood crafting",
        "Pwnhammer": "Strong enough to destroy Demon Altars",
        "CobaltHat": "Increases maximum mana by 40\n9% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "CobaltHelmet": "7% increased movement speed\n12% increased melee speed",
        "CobaltMask": "10% increased ranged damage\n6% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "MythrilHood": "Increases maximum mana by 60\n15% increased magic damage",
        "MythrilHelmet": "5% increased melee critical strike chance\n10% increased melee damage",
        "MythrilHat": "12% increased ranged damage\n7% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "CobaltDrill": "Can mine Mythril and Orichalcum",
        "MythrilDrill": "Can mine Adamantite and Titanium",
        "DaoofPow": "Has a chance to confuse\n'Find your inner pieces'",
        "Compass": "Displays horizontal position",
        "DivingGear": "Grants the ability to swim\nGreatly extends underwater breathing",
        "GPS": "Shows position\nTells the time",
        "ObsidianHorseshoe": "Negates fall damage\nGrants immunity to fire blocks",
        "ObsidianShield": "Grants immunity to knockback\nGrants immunity to fire blocks",
        "TinkerersWorkshop": "Allows the combining of some accessories",
        "CloudinaBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height",
        "AdamantiteHeadgear": "Increases maximum mana by 80\n11% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "AdamantiteHelmet": "7% increased melee critical strike chance\n14% increased melee damage",
        "AdamantiteMask": "14% increased ranged damage\n8% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "AdamantiteBreastplate": "6% increased damage",
        "AdamantiteLeggings": "4% increased critical strike chance\n5% increased movement speed",
        "SpectreBoots": "Allows flight\nThe wearer can run super fast",
        "Toolbelt": "Increases block placement range",
        "HolyWater": "Spreads the Hallow to some blocks",
        "UnholyWater": "Spreads the corruption to some blocks",
        "FairyBell": "Summons a magical fairy",
        "SuspiciousLookingEye": "Summons the Eye of Cthulhu",
        "ClockworkAssaultRifle": "Three round burst\nOnly the first shot consumes ammo",
        "MoonCharm": "Turns the holder into a werewolf at night",
        "Ruler": "Creates measurement lines on screen for block placement",
        "SorcererEmblem": "15% increased magic damage",
        "BandofRegeneration": "Slowly regenerates life",
        "WarriorEmblem": "15% increased melee damage",
        "RangerEmblem": "15% increased ranged damage",
        "DemonWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "AngelWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "RainbowRod": "Casts a controllable rainbow",
        "IceRod": "Summons a block of ice",
        "NeptunesShell": "Transforms the holder into merfolk when entering water",
        "MagicMirror": "Gaze in the mirror to return home",
        "Flamethrower": "Uses gel for ammo",
        "Wrench": "Places red wire",
        "WireCutter": "Removes wire",
        "CrystalBullet": "Creates several crystal shards on impact",
        "HolyArrow": "Summons falling stars on impact",
        "MagicDagger": "A magical returning dagger",
        "CrystalStorm": "Summons rapid fire crystal shards",
        "CursedFlames": "Summons unholy fire balls",
        "SoulofLight": "'The essence of light creatures'",
        "SoulofNight": "'The essence of dark creatures'",
        "CursedFlame": "'Not even water can put the flame out'",
        "CursedTorch": "Can be placed in water",
        "AdamantiteForge": "Used to smelt adamantite and titanium ore",
        "MythrilAnvil": "Used to craft items from mythril, orichalcum, adamantite, and titanium bars",
        "UnicornHorn": "'Sharp and magical!'",
        "DarkShard": "'Sometimes carried by creatures in corrupt deserts'",
        "LightShard": "'Sometimes carried by creatures in light deserts'",
        "RedPressurePlate": "Activates when stepped on",
        "CloudinaBottle": "Allows the holder to double jump",
        "SpellTome": "Can be enchanted",
        "StarCloak": "Causes stars to fall when injured",
        "Megashark": "50% chance to not consume ammo\n'Minishark's older brother'",
        "Shotgun": "Fires a spread of bullets",
        "PhilosophersStone": "Reduces the cooldown of healing potions",
        "TitanGlove": "Increases melee knockback",
        "HermesBoots": "The wearer can run super fast",
        "GreenPressurePlate": "Activates when stepped on",
        "GrayPressurePlate": "Activates when a player steps on it",
        "BrownPressurePlate": "Activates when a player steps on it",
        "MechanicalEye": "Summons The Twins",
        "SoulofFright": "'The essence of pure terror'",
        "SoulofMight": "'The essence of the destroyer'",
        "SoulofSight": "'The essence of omniscient watchers'",
        "HallowedPlateMail": "7% increased critical strike chance",
        "HallowedGreaves": "7% increased damage\n8% increased movement speed",
        "HallowedHelmet": "15% increased ranged damage\n8% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "CrossNecklace": "Increases length of invincibility after taking damage",
        "ManaFlower": "8% reduced mana usage\nAutomatically use mana potions when needed",
        "MechanicalWorm": "Summons Destroyer",
        "MechanicalSkull": "Summons Skeletron Prime",
        "HallowedHeadgear": "Increases maximum mana by 100\n12% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "HallowedMask": "10% increased melee damage and critical strike chance\n10% increased melee haste",
        "DemoniteOre": "'Pulsing with dark energy'",
        "SlimeCrown": "Summons King Slime",
        "LightDisc": "Stacks up to 5",
        "DemoniteBar": "'Pulsing with dark energy'",
        "SoulofFlight": "'The essence of powerful flying creatures'",
        "MusicBox": "Has a chance to record songs",
        "Drax": "'Not to be confused with a picksaw'",
        "Explosives": "Explodes when activated",
        "InletPump": "Sends water to outlet pumps",
        "OutletPump": "Receives water from inlet pumps",
        "Timer1Second": "Activates every second",
        "Timer3Second": "Activates every 3 seconds",
        "Timer5Second": "Activates every 5 seconds",
        "BluePresent": "<right> to open",
        "GreenPresent": "<right> to open",
        "YellowPresent": "<right> to open",
        "SnowGlobe": "Summons the Frost Legion",
        "Carrot": "Summons a pet bunny",
        "Vilethorn": "Summons a vile thorn",
        "Starfury": "Causes stars to rain from the sky\n'Forged with the fury of heaven'",
        "PurificationPowder": "Cleanses the evil",
        "RedsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "RedsHelmet": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "RedsBreastplate": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "RedsLeggings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "Fish": "Summons a baby penguin",
        "VilePowder": "Banishes the Hallow",
        "Frostbrand": "Shoots an icy bolt",
        "RedPotion": "Only for those who are worthy",
        "RottenChunk": "'Looks tasty!'",
        "UnholyTrident": "Summons the Devil's trident",
        "FrostHelmet": "16% increased melee and ranged damage",
        "FrostBreastplate": "11% increased melee and ranged critical strike chance",
        "FrostLeggings": "8% increased movement speed\n7% increased melee attack speed",
        "WormFood": "Summons the Eater of Worlds",
        "TinWatch": "Tells the time",
        "TungstenWatch": "Tells the time",
        "PlatinumWatch": "Tells the time",
        "LeadAnvil": "Used to craft items from metal bars",
        "BeamSword": "Shoots a beam of light",
        "IceBlade": "Shoots an icy bolt",
        "IceBow": "Shoots frost arrows",
        "FrostStaff": "Shoots a stream of frost",
        "Jetpack": "Allows flight and slow fall\nHold UP to rocket faster",
        "ButterflyWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "FallenStar": "Disappears after the sunrise",
        "Seaweed": "Summons a pet turtle",
        "FairyWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "Clentaminator": "Creates and destroys biomes when sprayed\nUses colored solution",
        "GreenSolution": "Used by the Clentaminator\nSpreads the Purity",
        "BlueSolution": "Used by the Clentaminator\nSpreads the Hallow",
        "PurpleSolution": "Used by the Clentaminator\nSpreads the Corruption",
        "DarkBlueSolution": "Used by the Clentaminator\nSpreads Glowing Mushrooms",
        "RedSolution": "Used by the Clentaminator\nSpreads the Crimson",
        "HarpyWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "BoneWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "Hammush": "Strong enough to destroy Demon Altars",
        "NettleBurst": "Summons a thorn spear",
        "CrimsonHelmet": "2% increased damage",
        "CrimsonScalemail": "2% increased damage",
        "CrimsonGreaves": "2% increased damage",
        "DeathbringerPickaxe": "Able to mine Hellstone",
        "Torch": "Provides light",
        "FlameWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "FrozenWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "GhostWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "LivingWoodWand": "Places living wood",
        "GrapplingHook": "'Get over here!'",
        "Actuator": "Enables solid blocks to be toggled on and off",
        "Chain": "Can be climbed on",
        "BlueWrench": "Places blue wire",
        "GreenWrench": "Places green wire",
        "BluePressurePlate": "Activates when a player steps on it",
        "YellowPressurePlate": "Activates when anything but a player steps on it",
        "DiscountCard": "Shops have lower prices",
        "LuckyCoin": "Hitting enemies will sometimes drop extra coins",
        "UnicornonaStick": "'Having a wonderful time!'",
        "SandstorminaBottle": "Allows the holder to do an improved double jump",
        "CharmofMyths": "Provides life regeneration and reduces the cooldown of healing potions",
        "MoonShell": "Turns the holder into a werewolf at night and a merfolk when entering water",
        "StarVeil": "Causes stars to fall and increases length of invincibility after taking damage",
        "WaterWalkingBoots": "Provides the ability to walk on water",
        "MiningHelmet": "Provides light when worn",
        "AdhesiveBandage": "Immunity to Bleeding",
        "ArmorPolish": "Immunity to Broken Armor",
        "Bezoar": "Immunity to Poison",
        "Blindfold": "Immunity to Darkness",
        "FastClock": "Immunity to Slow",
        "Megaphone": "Immunity to Silence",
        "Nazar": "Immunity to Curse",
        "Vitamins": "Immunity to Weakness",
        "TrifoldMap": "Immunity to Confusion",
        "PowerGlove": "Increases melee knockback\n12% increased melee speed",
        "LightningBoots": "Allows flight\nThe wearer can run incredibly fast",
        "SunStone": "Increases all stats if worn during the day",
        "MoonStone": "Increases all stats if worn during the night",
        "ArmorBracing": "Immunity to Weakness and Broken Armor",
        "MedicatedBandage": "Immunity to Poison and Bleeding",
        "ThePlan": "Immunity to Slow and Confusion",
        "CountercurseMantra": "Immunity to Silence and Curse",
        "CoinGun": "Uses coins for ammo\nHigher valued coins do more damage",
        "LavaCharm": "Provides 7 seconds of immunity to lava",
        "ObsidianWaterWalkingBoots": "Provides the ability to walk on water\nGrants immunity to fire blocks",
        "LavaWaders": "Provides the ability to walk on water and lava\nGrants immunity to fire blocks and 7 seconds of immunity to lava",
        "BoneWand": "Places bone",
        "LeafWand": "Places leaves",
        "FlyingCarpet": "Allows the owner to float for a few seconds",
        "AvengerEmblem": "12% increased damage",
        "MechanicalGlove": "Increases melee knockback\n12% increased damage and melee speed",
        "LandMine": "Explodes when stepped on",
        "PaladinsShield": "Absorbs 25% of damage done to players on your team\nOnly active above 25% life",
        "Umbrella": "You will fall slower while holding this",
        "ChlorophyteOre": "'Reacts to the light'",
        "SteampunkWings": "Allows flight and slowfall",
        "IceSkates": "Provides extra mobility on ice\nIce will not break when you fall on it",
        "SnowballLauncher": "Rapidly launches snowballs",
        "ClimbingClaws": "Allows the ability to slide down walls\nImproved ability if combined with Shoe Spikes",
        "AncientShadowHelmet": "7% increased melee speed",
        "AncientShadowScalemail": "7% increased melee speed",
        "AncientShadowGreaves": "7% increased melee speed",
        "AncientNecroHelmet": "5% increased ranged damage.",
        "AncientCobaltHelmet": "Increases maximum mana by 40\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "AncientCobaltBreastplate": "Increases maximum mana by 20\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "AncientCobaltLeggings": "Increases maximum mana by 20\n4% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "BlackBelt": "Gives a chance to dodge attacks",
        "Boomstick": "Fires a spread of bullets",
        "Rope": "Can be climbed on",
        "Campfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "Marshmallow": "Put it on a stick and roast over a campfire",
        "MarshmallowonaStick": "Roast it over a campfire!",
        "CookedMarshmallow": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "ShoeSpikes": "Allows the ability to slide down walls\nImproved ability if combined with Climbing Claws",
        "TigerClimbingGear": "Allows the ability to climb walls",
        "Tabi": "Allows the ability to dash\nDouble tap a direction",
        "Minishark": "33% chance to not consume ammo\n'Half shark, half gun, completely awesome.'",
        "ManaRegenerationBand": "Increases maximum mana by 20\nIncreases mana regeneration rate",
        "SandstorminaBalloon": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height",
        "MasterNinjaGear": "Allows the ability to climb walls and dash\nGives a chance to dodge attacks",
        "RopeCoil": "Throw to create a climbable line of rope",
        "Blowgun": "Allows the collection of seeds for ammo",
        "BlizzardinaBottle": "Allows the holder to double jump",
        "EnchantedSword": "Shoots an enchanted sword beam",
        "PickaxeAxe": "'Not to be confused with a hamdrill'",
        "EatersBone": "Summons a Baby Eater of Souls",
        "BlendOMatic": "Used to craft objects",
        "MeatGrinder": "Used to craft objects",
        "Extractinator": "Turns silt\/slush\/fossils into something more useful\n'To use: Place silt\/slush\/fossils in the extractinator'",
        "Solidifier": "Used to craft objects",
        "ActuationAccessory": "Automatically places actuators on placed objects",
        "ActuationRod": "Activates Actuators",
        "AlchemyTable": "33% chance to not consume potion crafting ingredients",
        "AncientBattleArmorHat": "15% increased magic and minion damage",
        "AncientBattleArmorPants": "Increases your max number of minions",
        "AncientBattleArmorShirt": "Increases maximum mana by 80",
        "AncientHorn": "Summons a rideable basilisk mount",
        "AnglerTackleBag": "Fishing line will never break, Decreases chance of bait consumption, Increases fishing skill",
        "ArchitectGizmoPack": "Increases tile and wall placement speed and reach\nAutomatically paints placed objects",
        "AviatorSunglasses": "Enables your inner wingman\n'Great for impersonating streamers!'",
        "Bacon": "Minor improvements to all stats\n'Bacon? Bacon.'",
        "BalloonHorseshoeFart": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "BalloonHorseshoeHoney": "Releases bees when damaged\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "BalloonHorseshoeSharkron": "Allows the holder to double jump\nIncreases jump height and negates fall damage",
        "BalloonPufferfish": "Increases jump height",
        "BeesKnees": "Wooden arrows turn into a column of bees",
        "BejeweledValkyrieBody": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nBejeweled and elegant for soaring through the thundering skies",
        "BejeweledValkyrieHead": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nBecome the wind, ride the lightning.",
        "BejeweledValkyrieWing": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nThe Valkyrie Satellite Barrier Platform is totally safe. Most of the time.",
        "BewitchingTable": "<right> to have more minions",
        "Bladetongue": "Spits an Ichor stream on contact",
        "BlessedApple": "Summons a rideable unicorn mount",
        "BloodWater": "Spreads the crimson to some blocks",
        "BombFish": "A small explosion that will destroy some tiles",
        "BoneCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "BoneRattle": "Summons a Baby Face Monster",
        "BoneTorch": "'Emits a deathly glow'",
        "BoosterTrack": "Hammer to change direction",
        "BottomlessBucket": "Contains an endless amount of water",
        "BouncyBomb": "A small explosion that will destroy some tiles\nVery bouncy",
        "BouncyDynamite": "'This will prove to be terrible idea'",
        "BouncyGlowstick": "Works when wet",
        "BouncyGrenade": "A small explosion that will not destroy tiles\nVery bouncy",
        "BrainOfConfusion": "May confuse nearby enemies after being struck",
        "BrainScrambler": "Summons a rideable Scutlix mount",
        "BubbleGun": "Rapidly shoots forceful bubbles",
        "ButchersChainsaw": "Sparks emit from struck enemies",
        "CelestialShell": "Turns the holder into a werewolf at night and a merfolk when entering water\nMinor increases to all stats",
        "CelestialSigil": "Summons the Impending Doom",
        "CellPhone": "Displays everything\nAllows you to return home at will",
        "ClingerStaff": "Summons a wall of cursed flames",
        "CogWall": "Productivity up 200%",
        "CoinRing": "Increases coin pickup range\nHitting enemies will sometimes drop extra coins",
        "CompanionCube": "Susceptible to lava!",
        "CordageGuide": "Allows the collection of Vine Rope from vines",
        "CorruptFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "CosmicCarKey": "Summons a rideable UFO mount",
        "CrimsonFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "CrimsonHeart": "Summons a heart to provide light",
        "CrystalSerpent": "Shoots an explosive crystal charge",
        "CrystalVileShard": "Summons a massive crystal spike",
        "CursedCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "DaedalusStormbow": "Shoots arrows from the sky",
        "DayBreak": "'Rend your foes asunder with a spear of light!'",
        "DemonCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "DemonHeart": "Permanently increases the number of accessory slots",
        "Detonator": "'Guts... and Gory!'",
        "DevDye": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "DjinnsCurse": "Grants slow fall in exchange for your feet",
        "DPSMeter": "Displays your damage per second",
        "DrillContainmentUnit": "Summons a rideable Drill mount",
        "DungeonFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "EoCShield": "Allows the player to dash into the enemy\nDouble tap a direction",
        "FishermansGuide": "Displays fishing information",
        "FishFinder": "Displays weather, moon phase, and fishing information",
        "FishronWings": "Allows flight and slow fall\nAllows quick travel in water",
        "Flairon": "Spews homing bubbles",
        "FleshKnuckles": "Enemies are more likely to target you",
        "FloatingIslandFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "FlowerBoots": "Flowers grow on the grass you walk on",
        "FlyingKnife": "Throws a controllable flying knife",
        "FossilHelm": "20% increased throwing velocity",
        "FossilPants": "15% increased throwing critical strike chance",
        "FossilShirt": "20% increased throwing damage",
        "FragmentNebula": "'The power of a galaxy resides within this fragment'",
        "FragmentSolar": "'The fury of the universe lies within this fragment'",
        "FragmentStardust": "'Entrancing particles revolve around this fragment'",
        "FragmentVortex": "'Swirling energies emanate from this fragment'",
        "FrozenCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "FuzzyCarrot": "Summons a rideable Bunny mount",
        "GemLockAmber": "<right> to place or remove Large Ambers",
        "GemLockAmethyst": "<right> to place or remove Large Amethysts",
        "GemLockDiamond": "<right> to place or remove Large Diamonds",
        "GemLockEmerald": "<right> to place or remove Large Emeralds",
        "GemLockRuby": "<right> to place or remove Large Rubies",
        "GemLockSapphire": "<right> to place or remove Large Sapphires",
        "GemLockTopaz": "<right> to place or remove Large Topazes",
        "GoblinTech": "Displays movement speed, damage per second, and valuable ore",
        "GoldPickaxe": "Can mine Meteorite",
        "GoldRing": "Increases coin pickup range",
        "GreedyRing": "Increases coin pickup range and shops have lower prices\nHitting enemies will sometimes drop extra coins",
        "GrubSoup": "Minor improvements to all stats",
        "HallowedFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "HardySaddle": "Summons a rideable Turtle mount",
        "HellwingBow": "Wooden arrows turn into flaming bats",
        "HerbBag": "<right> to open",
        "HiveBackpack": "Increases the strength of friendly bees",
        "HoneyedGoggles": "Summons a rideable Bee mount",
        "IceMirror": "Gaze in the mirror to return home",
        "IchorCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "JimsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "JungleFishingCrate": "<right> to open",
        "LargeAmber": "For Capture the Gem. It drops when you die",
        "LaserRuler": "Creates measurement lines on screen for block placement",
        "LastPrism": "'Fire a lifeform disintegration rainbow'",
        "LifeformAnalyzer": "Displays the name of rare creatures around you",
        "LightKey": "'Charged with the essence of many souls'",
        "LivingMahoganyLeafWand": "Places rich mahogany leaves",
        "LivingMahoganyWand": "Places living rich mahogany",
        "LockBox": "<right> to open\nRequires a Golden Key",
        "LogicGateLamp_Faulty": "Place this on logic gate lamps to randomize the activation",
        "LogicGateLamp_Off": "Place this on logic gates to add checks",
        "LogicGateLamp_On": "Place this on logic gates to add checks",
        "LogicGate_NOR": "Judges logic gate lamps above it\nActivates when no lamp is on, Deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicGate_NXOR": "Judges logic gate lamps above it\nActivates when the total 'on' lamps is not one, Deactivates otherwise\nAlso often called NXOR",
        "LogicGate_OR": "Judges logic gate lamps above it\nActivates when any lamp is on, Deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicGate_XOR": "Judges logic gate lamps above it\nActivates when only one lamp is on, Deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicSensor_Above": "Activates whenever players are over it, deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicSensor_Honey": "Activates whenever occupied by honey, deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicSensor_Lava": "Activates whenever occupied by lava, deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicSensor_Liquid": "Activates whenever occupied by liquid, deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicSensor_Moon": "Activates once night starts",
        "LogicSensor_Sun": "Activates once day starts",
        "LogicSensor_Water": "Activates whenever occupied by water, deactivates otherwise",
        "LokisDye": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "LokisHelm": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nDisorder came from order, fear came from courage, weakness came from strength",
        "LokisPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nWheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.",
        "LokisShirt": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nKnow thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories…",
        "LokisWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nLet your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.",
        "LunarBar": "'It vibrates with luminous celestial energy'",
        "LunarCraftingStation": "Used to craft items from Lunar Fragments and Luminite",
        "LunarFlareBook": "Rains down lunar flares",
        "LunarHook": "'You want the moon? Just grapple it and pull it down!'",
        "LunarOre": "'A pebble of the heavens'",
        "MagicLantern": "Summons a magic lantern that exposes nearby treasure",
        "MechanicalLens": "Grants improved wire vision",
        "MetalDetector": "Displays the most valuable ore around you",
        "MeteorStaff": "Showers meteors",
        "Minecart": "Let's ride the rails",
        "MinecartTrack": "Hammer end piece to change bumper style\nHammer intersections to change direction",
        "MolotovCocktail": "A small explosion that puts enemies on fire\nLights nearby area on fire for a while",
        "MoneyTrough": "Summons a flying piggy bank to store your items",
        "MoonlordArrow": "'Shooting them down at the speed of sound!'",
        "MoonlordBullet": "'Line 'em up and knock 'em down...'",
        "MoonlordTurretStaff": "Summons a lunar portal to shoot lasers at your enemies",
        "MothronWings": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "MulticolorWrench": "<right> while holding to edit wire settings",
        "NebulaArcanum": "'Conjure masses of astral energy to chase down your foes'",
        "NebulaBlaze": "'From Orion's belt to the palm of your hand'",
        "NebulaBreastplate": "9% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "NebulaHelmet": "Increases maximum mana by 60 and reduces mana usage by 15% \n7% increased magic damage and critical strike chance",
        "NebulaLeggings": "10% increased magic damage\n10% increased movement speed",
        "NebulaMonolith": "'Wield a small amount of power from the Nebula Tower'",
        "NightKey": "'Charged with the essence of many souls'",
        "NightVisionHelmet": "Improves vision",
        "NinjaHood": "15% increased throwing velocity",
        "NinjaPants": "10% increased throwing critical strike chance",
        "NinjaShirt": "15% increased throwing damage",
        "PartyBundleOfBalloonTile": "'Tied down for everyone's pleasure'",
        "PartyGirlGrenade": "A small explosion that will not destroy tiles",
        "PartyMonolith": "'Balloons shall rain from the sky'",
        "PartyPresent": "Wonder what's inside?",
        "PDA": "Displays everything",
        "PeaceCandle": "Makes surrounding creatures less hostile",
        "PedguinHat": "Become the Pedguin\n'Great for impersonating streamers!'",
        "PedguinPants": "Become the Pedguin\n'Great for impersonating streamers!'",
        "PedguinShirt": "Become the Pedguin\n'Great for impersonating streamers!'",
        "Phantasm": "66% chance to not consume ammo",
        "Pigronata": "Beat the shindig out of it!\nMay contain a suprise!",
        "PinkGel": "'Bouncy and sweet!'",
        "PinkSlimeBlock": "Very bouncy",
        "PirateStaff": "Summons pirates to fight for you",
        "PixelBox": "Separates wire paths\nLights off from horizontal signals\nLights on from crossed signals",
        "PlatinumPickaxe": "Can mine Meteorite",
        "PocketMirror": "Immunity to petrification",
        "PressureTrack": "Not for use on slopes",
        "ProjectilePressurePad": "Activates when a projectile touches it",
        "PsychoKnife": "Allows you to go into stealth mode",
        "PutridScent": "Enemies are less likely to target you\n5% increased damage and critical strike chance",
        "QueenSpiderStaff": "Summons a spider queen to spit eggs at your enemies",
        "Radar": "Detects enemies around you",
        "RainbowCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "RainbowCrystalStaff": "Summons a radiant crystal that banishes your enemies\n'The colors, Duke, the colors!'",
        "RazorbladeTyphoon": "Casts fast moving razorwheels",
        "RedsYoyo": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "REK": "Displays number of monsters, kill count, and rare creatures",
        "RoyalGel": "Slimes become friendly",
        "SailfishBoots": "The wearer can run super fast",
        "SandFallBlock": "Falling sand you can safely watch",
        "SandFallWall": "Falling sand you can safely watch",
        "ScalyTruffle": "Summons a rideable Pigron mount",
        "Sextant": "Displays the phase of the moon",
        "ShadowFlameBow": "Shoots Shadowflame Arrows",
        "ShadowFlameHexDoll": "Summons Shadowflame tentacles to strike your foe",
        "ShadowFlameKnife": "Inflicts Shadowflame on hit",
        "SharkronBalloon": "Increases jump height\nAllows the holder to double jump",
        "SharkToothNecklace": "Increases armor penetration by 5",
        "SharpeningStation": "Increases armor penetration for melee weapons",
        "ShinyStone": "Greatly increases life regen when not moving",
        "ShrimpyTruffle": "Attracts a legendary creature which flourishes in water & combat",
        "SillyBalloonGreen": "'Smells like mint and glee'",
        "SillyBalloonGreenWall": "'Smells like mint and glee'",
        "SillyBalloonMachine": "It never stops celebrating!",
        "SillyBalloonPink": "'Smells like bubblegum and happiness'",
        "SillyBalloonPinkWall": "'Smells like bubblegum and happiness'",
        "SillyBalloonPurple": "'Smells like lavender and enthusiasm'",
        "SillyBalloonPurpleWall": "'Smells like lavender and enthusiasm'",
        "SillyStreamerBlue": "Oddly durable enough to climb!",
        "SillyStreamerGreen": "Oddly durable enough to climb!",
        "SillyStreamerPink": "Oddly durable enough to climb!",
        "SkiphsHelm": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "SkiphsPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "SkiphsShirt": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "SkiphsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "SliceOfCake": "Stuff your face. Stuff someone else's face. Whatever.",
        "SlimeGun": "Squirts a harmless stream of slime",
        "SlimySaddle": "Summons a rideable Slime mount",
        "SnowCloudBlock": "It gets pretty cold up there",
        "SnowFallBlock": "A lot cooler than a snow globe",
        "SnowFallWall": "A lot cooler than a snow globe",
        "SolarEruption": "'Strike with the fury of the sun'",
        "SolarFlareBreastplate": "22% increased melee damage\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "SolarFlareHelmet": "17% increased melee critical strike chance\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "SolarFlareLeggings": "15% increased movement and melee speed\nEnemies are more likely to target you",
        "SolarMonolith": "'Wield a small amount of power from the Solar Tower'",
        "SolarTablet": "Summons the Eclipse",
        "SoulDrain": "Drains life from enemies",
        "SpelunkerGlowstick": "Exposes nearby treasure",
        "SpiderStaff": "Summons spiders to fight for you",
        "SporeSac": "Summons spores over time that will damage enemies",
        "StardustBreastplate": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 22%",
        "StardustCellStaff": "Summons a stardust cell to fight for you\n'Cultivate the most beautiful cellular infection'",
        "StardustDragonStaff": "Summons a stardust dragon to fight for you\n'Who needs a horde of minions when you have a giant dragon?'",
        "StardustHelmet": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 22%",
        "StardustLeggings": "Increases your max number of minions\nIncreases minion damage by 22%",
        "StardustMonolith": "'Wield a small amount of power from the Stardust Tower'",
        "StickyDynamite": "'Tossing may be difficult.'",
        "StickyGrenade": "A small explosion that will not destroy tiles\n'Tossing may be difficult.'",
        "Stopwatch": "Displays how fast the player is moving",
        "StrangeBrew": "'It looks and smells terrible'",
        "StrangePlant1": "Can be traded for rare dyes",
        "StrangePlant2": "Can be traded for rare dyes",
        "StrangePlant3": "Can be traded for rare dyes",
        "StrangePlant4": "Can be traded for rare dyes",
        "SummonerEmblem": "15% increased summon damage",
        "Sundial": "Allows time to fast forward one day per week",
        "SuperAbsorbantSponge": "Capable of soaking up an endless amount of water",
        "SuspiciousLookingTentacle": "Calls upon a suspicious looking eye to provide light\n'I know what you're thinking....'",
        "TallyCounter": "Displays how many monsters have been killed",
        "TartarSauce": "Summons a mini minotaur",
        "TempestStaff": "Summons sharknados to fight for you",
        "TheBrideDress": "'Mawwiage...'",
        "TheBrideHat": "'Wuv... twue wuv...'",
        "Toxikarp": "Spits toxic bubbles",
        "Tsunami": "Shoots 5 arrows at a time",
        "TsunamiInABottle": "Allows the holder to double jump",
        "TungstenPickaxe": "Can mine Meteorite",
        "UltraBrightCampfire": "Life regen is increased when near a campfire",
        "ValkyrieYoyo": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "ViciousPowder": "Banishes the Hallow",
        "VineRopeCoil": "Throw to create a climbable line of vine rope",
        "VortexBeater": "66% chance to not consume ammo\n'The catastrophic mixture of pew pew and boom boom.'",
        "VortexBreastplate": "12% increased ranged damage and critical strike chance\n25% chance not to consume ammo",
        "VortexHelmet": "16% increased ranged damage\n7% increased ranged critical strike chance",
        "VortexLeggings": "8% increased ranged damage and critical strike chance\n10% increased movement speed",
        "VortexMonolith": "'Wield a small amount of power from the Vortex Tower'",
        "WandofSparking": "Shoots a small spark",
        "WeaponRack": "<right> to place item on weapon rack",
        "WeatherRadio": "Displays the weather",
        "WeightedPressurePlateCyan": "Activates when a player steps on or off it",
        "WeightedPressurePlateOrange": "Activates when a player steps on or off it",
        "WeightedPressurePlatePink": "Activates when a player steps on or off it",
        "WeightedPressurePlatePurple": "Activates when a player steps on or off it",
        "WingsNebula": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "WingsSolar": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "WingsStardust": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "WingsVortex": "Allows flight and slow fall",
        "WireBulb": "Lights up bulbs for each wire color",
        "WireKite": "Allows ultimate control over wires!\n<right> while holding to edit wire settings",
        "WirePipe": "Separates wire paths\nIt's also hammerable!",
        "WormholePotion": "Teleports you to a party member\nClick their head on the fullscreen map",
        "WormScarf": "Reduces damage taken by 17%",
        "XenoStaff": "Summons a UFO to fight for you",
        "YellowWrench": "Places yellow wire",
        "Yoraiz0rDarkness": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nIf you see this you should probably run away...",
        "Yoraiz0rHead": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "Yoraiz0rPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "Yoraiz0rShirt": "'Great for impersonating devs!'",
        "Yoraiz0rWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\nWhatever this accessory does to you is not a bug!",
        "YoyoBag": "Gives the user master yoyo skills",
        "YoYoGlove": "Allows the use of two yoyos at once",
        "BloodMoonRising": "'W. Garner'",
        "TheHangedMan": "'W. Garner'",
        "GloryoftheFire": "'W. Garner'",
        "BoneWarp": "'W. Garner'",
        "SkellingtonJSkellingsworth": "'W. Garner'",
        "TheCursedMan": "'W. Garner'",
        "TheEyeSeestheEnd": "'W. Garner'",
        "SomethingEvilisWatchingYou": "'R. Moosdijk'",
        "TheTwinsHaveAwoken": "'R. Moosdijk'",
        "TheScreamer": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "GoblinsPlayingPoker": "'W. Garner'",
        "Dryadisque": "'W. Garner'",
        "Sunflowers": "'W. Garner'",
        "TerrarianGothic": "'W. Garner'",
        "Impact": "'K. Wright'",
        "PoweredbyBirds": "'C. J. Ness'",
        "TheDestroyer": "'R. Moosdijk'",
        "ThePersistencyofEyes": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "UnicornCrossingtheHallows": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "GreatWave": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "StarryNight": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "GuidePicasso": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "TheGuardiansGaze": "'A. G. Kolf'",
        "FatherofSomeone": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "NurseLisa": "'W. Garner'",
        "DarkSoulReaper": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "Land": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "TrappedGhost": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "DemonsEye": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "FindingGold": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "FirstEncounter": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "GoodMorning": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "UndergroundReward": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "ThroughtheWindow": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "PlaceAbovetheClouds": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "DoNotStepontheGrass": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "ColdWatersintheWhiteLand": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "LightlessChasms": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "TheLandofDeceivingLooks": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "Daylight": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "SecretoftheSands": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "DeadlandComesAlive": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "EvilPresence": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "SkyGuardian": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "AmericanExplosive": "'A. G. Kolf'",
        "Discover": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "HandEarth": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "OldMiner": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "Skelehead": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "FacingtheCerebralMastermind": "'A. G. Kolf'",
        "LakeofFire": "'W. Garner'",
        "TrioSuperHeroes": "'C. Burczyk'",
        "ImpFace": "'J. T. Myhre'",
        "OminousPresence": "'A. Craig'",
        "ShiningMoon": "'A. Craig'",
        "LivingGore": "'A. Craig'",
        "FlowingMagma": "'A. Craig'",
        "TheCreationoftheGuide": "'W. Garner'",
        "TheMerchant": "'W. Garner'",
        "CrownoDevoursHisLunch": "'W. Garner'",
        "RareEnchantment": "'D. Phelps'",
        "GloriousNight": "'M. J. Duncan'",
        "AnglerFishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Angler Fish",
        "AngryNimbusBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Angry Nimbus",
        "AnomuraFungusBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Anomura Fungus",
        "AntlionBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Antlion",
        "ArapaimaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Arapaima",
        "ArmoredSkeletonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Armored Skeleton",
        "BatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Cave Bat",
        "BirdBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Bird",
        "BlackRecluseBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Black Recluse",
        "BloodFeederBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blood Feeder",
        "BloodJellyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blood Jelly",
        "BloodCrawlerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blood Crawler",
        "BoneSerpentBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Bone Serpent",
        "BunnyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Bunny",
        "ChaosElementalBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Chaos Elemental",
        "MimicBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mimic",
        "ClownBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Clown",
        "CorruptBunnyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corrupt Bunny",
        "CorruptGoldfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corrupt Goldfish",
        "CrabBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crab",
        "CrimeraBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crimera",
        "CrimsonAxeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crimson Axe",
        "CursedHammerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Cursed Hammer",
        "DemonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Demon",
        "DemonEyeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Demon Eye",
        "DerplingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Derpling",
        "EaterofSoulsBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Eater of Souls",
        "EnchantedSwordBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Enchanted Sword",
        "ZombieEskimoBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Zombie Eskimo",
        "FaceMonsterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Face Monster",
        "FloatyGrossBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Floaty Gross",
        "FlyingFishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Flying Fish",
        "FlyingSnakeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Flying Snake",
        "FrankensteinBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Frankenstein",
        "FungiBulbBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Fungi Bulb",
        "FungoFishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Fungo Fish",
        "GastropodBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Gastropod",
        "GoblinThiefBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Thief",
        "GoblinSorcererBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Sorcerer",
        "GoblinPeonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Peon",
        "GoblinScoutBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Scout",
        "GoblinWarriorBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Warrior",
        "GoldfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goldfish",
        "HarpyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Harpy",
        "HellbatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hellbat",
        "HerplingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Herpling",
        "HornetBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hornet",
        "IceElementalBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ice Elemental",
        "IcyMermanBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Icy Merman",
        "FireImpBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Fire Imp",
        "JellyfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blue Jellyfish",
        "JungleCreeperBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Jungle Creeper",
        "LihzahrdBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Lihzahrd",
        "ManEaterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Man Eater",
        "MeteorHeadBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Meteor Head",
        "MothBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Moth",
        "MummyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mummy",
        "MushiLadybugBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mushi Ladybug",
        "ParrotBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Parrot",
        "PigronBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pigron",
        "PiranhaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Piranha",
        "PirateBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pirate Deckhand",
        "PixieBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pixie",
        "RaincoatZombieBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Raincoat Zombie",
        "ReaperBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Reaper",
        "SharkBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Shark",
        "SkeletonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Skeleton",
        "SkeletonMageBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dark Caster",
        "SlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blue Slime",
        "SnowFlinxBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Snow Flinx",
        "SpiderBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Wall Creeper",
        "SporeZombieBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Spore Zombie",
        "SwampThingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Swamp Thing",
        "TortoiseBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Tortoise",
        "ToxicSludgeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Toxic Sludge",
        "UmbrellaSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Umbrella Slime",
        "UnicornBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Unicorn",
        "VampireBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Vampire",
        "VultureBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Vulture",
        "NypmhBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Nymph",
        "WerewolfBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Werewolf",
        "WolfBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Wolf",
        "WorldFeederBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: World Feeder",
        "WormBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Worm",
        "WraithBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Wraith",
        "WyvernBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Wyvern",
        "ZombieBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Zombie",
        "JackingSkeletron": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "BitterHarvest": "'J. Hayes'",
        "BloodMoonCountess": "'J. Hayes'",
        "HallowsEve": "'J. Hayes'",
        "MorbidCuriosity": "'J. Hayes'",
        "StarTopper1": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "StarTopper2": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "StarTopper3": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "BowTopper": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteGarland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteAndRedGarland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedGardland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndGreenGardland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "GreenGardland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "GreenAndWhiteGarland": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "MulticoloredBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "YellowBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "GreenBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndGreenBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "YellowAndGreenBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndYellowBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteAndRedBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteAndYellowBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "WhiteAndGreenBulb": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "MulticoloredLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "GreenLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "BlueLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "YellowLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndYellowLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndGreenLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "YellowAndGreenLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "BlueAndGreenLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "RedAndBlueLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "BlueAndYellowLights": "Placeable on a christmas tree",
        "PillaginMePixels": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingCastleMarsberg": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingMartiaLisa": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingTheTruthIsUpThere": "'J. Hayes'",
        "AngryTrapperBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Angry Trapper",
        "ArmoredVikingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Armored Viking",
        "BlackSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Black Slime",
        "BlueArmoredBonesBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blue Armored Bones",
        "BlueCultistArcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blue Cultist Archer",
        "BlueCultistCasterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "BlueCultistFighterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "BoneLeeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Bone Lee",
        "ClingerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Clinger",
        "CochinealBeetleBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Cochineal Beetle",
        "CorruptPenguinBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corrupt Penguin",
        "CorruptSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corrupt Slime",
        "CorruptorBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corruptor",
        "CrimslimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crimslime",
        "CursedSkullBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Cursed Skull",
        "CyanBeetleBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Cyan Beetle",
        "DevourerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Devourer",
        "DiablolistBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Diabolist",
        "DoctorBonesBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Doctor Bones",
        "DungeonSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dungeon Slime",
        "DungeonSpiritBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dungeon Spirit",
        "ElfArcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Elf Archer",
        "ElfCopterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Elf Copter",
        "EyezorBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Eyezor",
        "FlockoBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Flocko",
        "GhostBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ghost",
        "GiantBatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Bat",
        "GiantCursedSkullBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Cursed Skull",
        "GiantFlyingFoxBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Flying Fox",
        "GingerbreadManBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Gingerbread Man",
        "GoblinArcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Archer",
        "GreenSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Green Slime",
        "HeadlessHorsemanBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Headless Horseman",
        "HellArmoredBonesBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hell Armored Bones",
        "HellhoundBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hellhound",
        "HoppinJackBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hoppin' Jack",
        "IceBatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ice Bat",
        "IceGolemBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ice Golem",
        "IceSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ice Slime",
        "IchorStickerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ichor Sticker",
        "IlluminantBatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Illuminant Bat",
        "IlluminantSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Illuminant Slime",
        "JungleBatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Jungle Bat",
        "JungleSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Jungle Slime",
        "KrampusBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Krampus",
        "LacBeetleBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Lac Beetle",
        "LavaBatBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Lava Bat",
        "LavaSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Lava Slime",
        "MartianBrainscramblerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Brain Scrambler",
        "MartianDroneBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Martian Drone",
        "MartianEngineerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Martian Engineer",
        "MartianGigazapperBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Gigazapper",
        "MartianGreyGruntBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Gray Grunt",
        "MartianOfficerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Martian Officer",
        "MartianRaygunnerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ray Gunner",
        "MartianScutlixGunnerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Scutlix Gunner",
        "MartianTeslaTurretBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Tesla Turret",
        "MisterStabbyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mister Stabby",
        "MotherSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mother Slime",
        "NecromancerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Necromancer",
        "NutcrackerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Nutcracker",
        "PaladinBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Paladin",
        "PenguinBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Penguin",
        "PinkyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pinky",
        "PoltergeistBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Poltergeist",
        "PossessedArmorBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Possessed Armor",
        "PresentMimicBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Present Mimic",
        "PurpleSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Purple Slime",
        "RaggedCasterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ragged Caster",
        "RainbowSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Rainbow Slime",
        "RavenBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Raven",
        "RedSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Red Slime",
        "RuneWizardBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Rune Wizard",
        "RustyArmoredBonesBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Rusty Armored Bones",
        "ScarecrowBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Scarecrow",
        "ScutlixBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Scutlix",
        "SkeletonArcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Skeleton Archer",
        "SkeletonCommandoBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Skeleton Commando",
        "SkeletonSniperBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Skeleton Sniper",
        "SlimerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Slimer",
        "SnatcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Snatcher",
        "SnowBallaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Snow Balla",
        "SnowmanGangstaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Snowman Gangsta",
        "SpikedIceSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Spiked Ice Slime",
        "SpikedJungleSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Spiked Jungle Slime",
        "SplinterlingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Splinterling",
        "SquidBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Squid",
        "TacticalSkeletonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Tactical Skeleton",
        "TheGroomBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: The Groom",
        "TimBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Tim",
        "UndeadMinerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Undead Miner",
        "UndeadVikingBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Undead Viking",
        "WhiteCultistArcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: White Cultist Archer",
        "WhiteCultistCasterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "WhiteCultistFighterBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "YellowSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Yellow Slime",
        "YetiBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Yeti",
        "ZombieElfBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Zombie Elf",
        "SparkyPainting": "'V. Costa Moura'\n'In loving memory'",
        "PaintingAcorns": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingColdSnap": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingCursedSaint": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingSnowfellas": "'J. Hayes'",
        "PaintingTheSeason": "'J. Hayes'",
        "RedString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "OrangeString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "YellowString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "LimeString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "GreenString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "TealString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "CyanString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "SkyBlueString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "BlueString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "PurpleString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "VioletString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "PinkString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "BrownString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "WhiteString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "RainbowString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "BlackString": "Increases yoyo range",
        "BlackCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "BlueCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "GreenCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "PurpleCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "RedCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "YellowCounterweight": "Throws a counterweight after hitting an enemy with a yoyo",
        "KingSlimeBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "EyeOfCthulhuBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "EaterOfWorldsBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "BrainOfCthulhuBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "QueenBeeBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "SkeletronBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "WallOfFleshBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "DestroyerBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "TwinsBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "SkeletronPrimeBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "PlanteraBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "GolemBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "FishronBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "CultistBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "MoonLordBossBag": "<right> to open",
        "GoblinSummonerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Goblin Summoner",
        "SalamanderBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Salamander",
        "GiantShellyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Giant Shelly",
        "CrawdadBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crawdad",
        "FritzBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Fritz",
        "CreatureFromTheDeepBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Creature from the Deep",
        "DrManFlyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dr. Man Fly",
        "MothronBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Mothron",
        "SeveredHandBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "ThePossessedBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: The Possessed",
        "ButcherBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Butcher",
        "PsychoBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Psycho",
        "DeadlySphereBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Deadly Sphere",
        "NailheadBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Nailhead",
        "PoisonousSporeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "MedusaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Medusa",
        "GreekSkeletonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Hoplite",
        "GraniteFlyerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Granite Elemental",
        "GraniteGolemBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Granite Golem",
        "BloodZombieBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Blood Zombie",
        "DripplerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Drippler",
        "TombCrawlerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Tomb Crawler",
        "DuneSplicerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dune Splicer",
        "FlyingAntlionBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Antlion Swarmer",
        "WalkingAntlionBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Antlion Charger",
        "DesertGhoulBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ghoul",
        "DesertLamiaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Lamia",
        "DesertDjinnBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Desert Spirit",
        "DesertBasiliskBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Basilisk",
        "RavagerScorpionBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sand Poacher",
        "StardustSoldierBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Stargazer",
        "StardustWormBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Milkyway Weaver",
        "StardustJellyfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Flow Invader",
        "StardustSpiderBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Twinkle Popper",
        "StardustSmallCellBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: (NONE)",
        "StardustLargeCellBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Star Cell",
        "SolarCoriteBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Corite",
        "SolarSrollerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sroller",
        "SolarCrawltipedeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crawltipede",
        "SolarDrakomireRiderBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Drakomire Rider",
        "SolarDrakomireBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Drakomire",
        "SolarSolenianBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Selenian",
        "NebulaSoldierBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Predictor",
        "NebulaHeadcrabBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Brain Suckler",
        "NebulaBrainBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Nebula Floater",
        "NebulaBeastBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Evolution Beast",
        "VortexLarvaBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Alien Larva",
        "VortexHornetQueenBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Alien Queen",
        "VortexHornetBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Alien Hornet",
        "VortexSoldierBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Vortexian",
        "VortexRiflemanBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Storm Diver",
        "PirateCaptainBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pirate Captain",
        "PirateDeadeyeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pirate Deadeye",
        "PirateCorsairBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pirate Corsair",
        "PirateCrossbowerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pirate Crossbower",
        "MartianWalkerBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Martian Walker",
        "RedDevilBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Red Devil",
        "PinkJellyfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Pink Jellyfish",
        "GreenJellyfishBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Green Jellyfish",
        "DarkMummyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Dark Mummy",
        "LightMummyBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Light Mummy",
        "AngryBonesBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Angry Bones",
        "IceTortoiseBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Ice Tortoise",
        "SandSlimeBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sand Slime",
        "SeaSnailBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sea Snail",
        "MoonLordPainting": "'V. Costa Moura'",
        "SandElementalBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sand Elemental",
        "SandsharkBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Sand Shark",
        "SandsharkCorruptBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Bone Biter",
        "SandsharkCrimsonBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Flesh Reaver",
        "SandsharkHallowedBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Crystal Thresher",
        "TumbleweedBanner": "Nearby players get a bonus against: Angry Tumbler",
        "BossBagBetsy": "<right> to open",
        "BossBagOgre": "<right> to open",
        "BossBagDarkMage": "<right> to open",
        "ExplosiveBunny": "For use with bunny cannon",
        "VialofVenom": "'Extremely toxic'",
        "FlaskofVenom": "Melee attacks inflict Venom on enemies",
        "VenomArrow": "Inflicts target with Venom",
        "VenomBullet": "Inflicts target with Venom",
        "PartyBullet": "Explodes into confetti on impact",
        "NanoBullet": "Causes confusion",
        "ExplodingBullet": "Explodes on impact",
        "GoldenBullet": "Enemies killed will drop more money",
        "FlaskofCursedFlames": "Melee attacks inflict enemies with cursed flames",
        "FlaskofFire": "Melee attacks set enemies on fire",
        "FlaskofGold": "Melee attacks make enemies drop more gold",
        "FlaskofIchor": "Melee attacks decrease enemies defense",
        "FlaskofNanites": "Melee attacks confuse enemies",
        "FlaskofParty": "Melee attacks cause confetti to appear",
        "FlaskofPoison": "Melee attacks poison enemies",
        "CobaltBreastplate": "3% increased critical strike chance",
        "CobaltLeggings": "10% increased movement speed",
        "MythrilChainmail": "5% increased damage",
        "MythrilGreaves": "3% increased critical strike chance",
        "RocketI": "Small blast radius. Will not destroy tiles",
        "RocketII": "Small blast radius. Will destroy tiles",
        "RocketIII": "Large blast radius. Will not destroy tiles",
        "RocketIV": "Large blast radius. Will destroy tiles",
        "AsphaltBlock": "Increases running speed",
        "CobaltPickaxe": "Can mine Mythril and Orichalcum",
        "MythrilPickaxe": "Can mine Adamantite and Titanium",
        "Cannonball": "For use with cannon",
        "Arkhalis": "'I didn't get this off of a Schmoo'",
        "BoneGlove": "33% chance to not consume bone",
        "LogicGate_AND": "Activates when all lamps are on, Deactivates otherwise",
        "LogicGate_NAND": "Activates when not all lamps are on, Deactivates otherwise",
        "DD2ElderCrystalStand": "Holds the Eternia Crystal",
        "DD2ElderCrystal": "Place in the Eternia Crystal Stand to summon Etheria's portals",
        "DefenderMedal": "Currency for trading with the Tavernkeep",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT1Popper": "An average speed tower that shoots exploding fireballs\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT2Popper": "An average speed tower that shoots exploding fireballs\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2FlameburstTowerT3Popper": "An average speed tower that shoots exploding fireballs\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT1Popper": "A slow but high damage tower that shoots piercing bolts\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT2Popper": "A slow but high damage tower that shoots piercing bolts\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT3Popper": "A slow but high damage tower that shoots piercing bolts\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT1Popper": "A trap that explodes when enemies come near\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT2Popper": "A trap that explodes when enemies come near\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT3Popper": "A trap that explodes when enemies come near\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2LightningAuraT1Popper": "An aura that repeatedly zaps enemies that go inside\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2LightningAuraT2Popper": "An aura that repeatedly zaps enemies that go inside\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2LightningAuraT3Popper": "An aura that repeatedly zaps enemies that go inside\nUse 10 Etherian Mana to summon more than one",
        "DD2PetGato": "Summons a pet gato",
        "DD2PetGhost": "Summons a pet flickerwick to provide light",
        "DD2PetDragon": "Summons a pet dragon",
        "DD2SquireDemonSword": "<right> to guard with a shield",
        "DD2SquireBetsySword": "Unleashes the heart's energy forward",
        "DD2PhoenixBow": "Harnesses the power of undying flames",
        "DD2BetsyBow": "Shoots splitting arrows, deals more damage to airborne enemies",
        "MonkStaffT1": "Charges power as it is swung to smash enemies",
        "MonkStaffT2": "Summons ghosts as it hits enemies",
        "MonkStaffT3": "<right> while holding for an alternate attack!",
        "BookStaff": "Gotta wonder who stuck a tome of infinite wisdom on a stick...\n<right> to cast a powerful tornado",
        "ApprenticeStaffT3": "Splashes defense reducing miasma!",
        "ApprenticeHat": "Increases your max number of sentries and reduces mana costs by 10%",
        "ApprenticeRobe": "20% increased minion damage and 10% increased magic damage",
        "ApprenticeTrousers": "10% increased minion damage and 20% increased movement speed",
        "SquireGreatHelm": "Increases your max number of sentries and increases your life regeneration",
        "SquirePlating": "15% increased minion and melee damage",
        "SquireGreaves": "15% increased minion damage, 20% increased melee critical strike chance and movement speed",
        "MonkBrows": "Increases your max number of sentries and increases melee attack speed by 20%",
        "MonkShirt": "20% increased minion and melee damage",
        "MonkPants": "10% increased minion damage,\n10% increased critical strike chance and 20% increased movement speed",
        "HuntressWig": "Increases your max number of sentries and increases ranged critical strike chance by 10%",
        "HuntressJerkin": "20% increased minion and ranged damage",
        "HuntressPants": "10% increased minion damage and 20% increased movement speed",
        "ApprenticeScarf": "Increase your max number of sentries\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "SquireShield": "Increase your max number of sentries\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "MonkBelt": "Increase your max number of sentries\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "HuntressBuckler": "Increase your max number of sentries\nIncreases minion damage by 10%",
        "SquireAltHead": "Increases your max number of sentries and grants you 10% minion damage",
        "SquireAltShirt": "30% increased minion damage and massively increased life regeneration",
        "SquireAltPants": "20% increased minion damage, critical strike chance and 30% movement speed",
        "ApprenticeAltHead": "Increases your max number of sentries\n10% increased minion & magic damage",
        "ApprenticeAltShirt": "30% increased minion damage and 15% increased magic damage",
        "ApprenticeAltPants": "20% increased minion damage and 25% increased magic critical strike chance",
        "HuntressAltHead": "Increases your max number of sentries\n10% increased minion damage and ranged critical strike chance",
        "HuntressAltShirt": "25% increased minion & ranged damage",
        "HuntressAltPants": "25% increased minion damage and 20% increased movement speed",
        "MonkAltHead": "Increases your max number of sentries and increases 20% melee & minion damage",
        "MonkAltShirt": "20% increased minion damage and melee speed",
        "MonkAltPants": "20% increased minion damage, movement speed and melee critical strike chance",
        "DD2EnergyCrystal": "Often used to manifest one's will as a physical form of defense",
        "ArkhalisHat": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'I didn't get this from the Grid'",
        "ArkhalisShirt": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'I didn't get this from the Grid'",
        "ArkhalisPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'I didn't get this from the Grid'",
        "ArkhalisWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'I didn't get this from the Grid'",
        "LeinforsHat": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'To keep those luscious locks as gorgeous as ever'",
        "LeinforsShirt": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'Bringing sexy back'",
        "LeinforsPants": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'Shia suprise! Didn't expect that from pants, did you?'",
        "LeinforsWings": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'It's full on! What does it mean?!'",
        "LeinforsAccessory": "'Great for impersonating devs!'\n'For best results, use with pasta-based diet'"
    "LegacyWorldGen": {
        "0": "Generating world terrain",
        "10": "Generating surface caves",
        "11": "Generating jungle",
        "12": "Generating floating islands",
        "13": "Adding mushroom patches",
        "14": "Placing mud in the dirt",
        "15": "Adding silt",
        "16": "Adding shinies",
        "17": "Adding webs",
        "18": "Creating underworld",
        "19": "Adding water bodies",
        "1": "Adding sand",
        "20": "Making the world evil",
        "21": "Generating mountain caves",
        "22": "Creating beaches",
        "23": "Adding gems",
        "24": "Gravitating sand",
        "25": "Cleaning up dirt backgrounds",
        "26": "Placing altars",
        "27": "Settling liquids",
        "28": "Placing life crystals",
        "29": "Placing statues",
        "2": "Generating hills",
        "30": "Hiding treasure",
        "31": "Hiding more treasure",
        "32": "Hiding jungle treasure",
        "33": "Hiding water treasure",
        "34": "Placing traps",
        "35": "Placing breakables",
        "36": "Placing hellforges",
        "37": "Spreading grass",
        "38": "Growing cacti",
        "39": "Planting sunflowers",
        "3": "Puttin dirt behind dirt",
        "40": "Planting trees",
        "41": "Planting herbs",
        "42": "Planting weeds",
        "43": "Growing vines",
        "44": "Planting flowers",
        "45": "Planting mushrooms",
        "46": "Freeing unused resources",
        "47": "Resetting game objects",
        "48": "Setting hard mode",
        "49": "Saving world data:",
        "4": "Placing rocks in the dirt",
        "50": "Backing up world file",
        "51": "Loading world data:",
        "52": "Checking tile alignment:",
        "53": "Load failed!",
        "54": "No backup found.",
        "55": "Finding tile frames:",
        "56": "Adding snow",
        "57": "World",
        "58": "Creating dungeon",
        "59": "A meteorite has landed!",
        "5": "Placing dirt in the rocks",
        "60": "Smoothing the world",
        "61": "Mossification",
        "62": "Gemification",
        "63": "Making cave walls",
        "64": "Growing spider caves",
        "65": "Clearing map data:",
        "66": "Saving map data:",
        "67": "Loading map data:",
        "68": "Drawing map:",
        "69": "Creating waterfalls",
        "6": "Adding clay",
        "70": "Creating jungle ruins",
        "71": "Creating hornet nests",
        "72": "Making the world bloody",
        "73": "Validating world save:",
        "74": "Slime is falling from the sky!",
        "75": "Slime has stopped falling from the sky.",
        "76": "Generating Structures.",
        "77": "Adding more grass",
        "78": "Desertification",
        "79": "Spicing up walls",
        "7": "Making random holes",
        "80": "Chiseling marble",
        "81": "Growing granite",
        "8": "Generating small caves",
        "9": "Generating large caves"
    "LegacyDialog": {
        "1": "I hope a scrawny kid like you isn't all that is standing between us and Cthulhu's Eye.",
        "10": "Check out my dirt blocks; they are extra dirty.",
        "100": "Why purify the world when you can just blow it up?",
        "101": "If you throw this one in the bathtub and close all the windows, it'll clear your sinuses and pop your ears!",
        "102": "Wanna play Fuse Chicken?",
        "103": "Hey, could you sign this Griefing Waiver?",
        "104": "NO SMOKING IN HERE!!",
        "105": "Explosives are da' bomb these days.  Buy some now!",
        "106": "It's a good day to die!",
        "107": "I wonder what happens if I... (BOOM!)... Oh, sorry, did you need that leg?",
        "108": "Dynamite, my own special cure-all for what ails ya.",
        "109": "Check out my goods; they have explosive prices!",
        "11": "Boy, that sun is hot! I do have some perfectly ventilated armor.",
        "110": "I keep having vague memories of tying up a woman and throwing her in a dungeon.",
        "111": "... we have a problem! Its a blood moon out there!",
        "112": "T'were I younger, I would ask {Nurse} out. I used to be quite the lady killer.",
        "113": "That Red Hat of yours looks familiar...",
        "114": "Thanks again for freeing me from my curse. Felt like something jumped up and bit me.",
        "115": "Mama always said I would make a great tailor.",
        "116": "Life's like a box of clothes; you never know what you are gonna wear!",
        "117": "Of course embroidery is hard! If it wasn't hard, no one would do it! That's what makes it great.",
        "118": "I know everything they is to know about the clothierin' business.",
        "119": "Being cursed was lonely, so I once made a friend out of leather. I named him Wilson.",
        "12": "The sun is high, but my prices are not.",
        "120": "Thank you for freeing me, human.  I was tied up and left here by the other goblins.  You could say that we didn't get along very well.",
        "121": "I can't believe they tied me up and left me here just for pointing out that they weren't going east!",
        "122": "Now that I'm an outcast, can I throw away the spiked balls? My pockets hurt.",
        "123": "Looking for a gadgets expert? I'm your goblin!",
        "124": "Thanks for your help. Now, I have to finish pacing around aimlessly here. I'm sure we'll meet again.",
        "125": "I thought you'd be taller.",
        "126": "Hey...what's {Mechanic} up to? Have you...have you talked to her, by chance?",
        "127": "Hey, does your hat need a motor? I think I have a motor that would fit exactly in that hat.",
        "128": "Yo, I heard you like rockets and running boots, so I put some rockets in your running boots.",
        "129": "Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.",
        "13": "Oh, great. I can hear {Mechanic} and {Nurse} arguing from here.",
        "130": "YES, gold is stronger than iron. What are they teaching these humans nowadays?",
        "131": "You know, that mining helmet-flipper combination was a much better idea on paper.",
        "132": "Goblins are surprisingly easy to anger. In fact, they could start a war over cloth!",
        "133": "To be honest, most goblins aren't exactly rocket scientists. Well, some are.",
        "134": "Do you know why we all carry around these spiked balls? Because I don't.",
        "135": "I just finished my newest creation! This version doesn't explode violently if you breathe on it too hard.",
        "136": "Goblin thieves aren't very good at their job. They can't even steal from an unlocked chest!",
        "137": "Thanks for saving me, friend!  This bondage was starting to chafe.",
        "138": "Ohh, my hero!",
        "139": "Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young lady!",
        "14": "Have you seen Chith...Shith.. Chat... The big eye?",
        "140": "Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young man!",
        "141": "Now that we know each other, I can move in with you, right?",
        "142": "Well, hi there, {Guide}! What can I do for you today?",
        "143": "Well, hi there, {Demolitionist}! What can I do for you today?",
        "144": "Well, hi there, {GoblinTinkerer}! What can I do for you today?",
        "145": "Well, hi there, {Nurse}! What can I do for you today?",
        "146": "Well, hi there, {Mechanic}! What can I do for you today?",
        "147": "Well, hi there, {Dryad}! What can I do for you today?",
        "148": "Want me to pull a coin from behind your ear? No? Ok.",
        "149": "Do you want some magic candy? No? Ok.",
        "15": "Hey, this house is secure, right? Right? {PlayerName}?",
        "150": "I make a rather enchanting hot chocolate if you'd be inter...No? Ok.",
        "151": "Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball?",
        "152": "Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I.",
        "153": "Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship.",
        "154": "I can see your future now... You will buy a lot of items from me!",
        "155": "I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything.",
        "156": "Thanks!  It was just a matter of time before I ended up like the rest of the skeletons down here.",
        "157": "Hey, watch where you're going! I was over there a little while ago!",
        "158": "Hold on, I've almost got wifi going down here.",
        "159": "But I was almost done putting blinking lights up here!",
        "16": "Not even a blood moon can stop capitalism. Let's do some business.",
        "160": "DON'T MOVE. I DROPPED MY CONTACT.",
        "161": "All I want is for the switch to make the... What?!",
        "162": "Oh, let me guess. Didn't buy enough wire. Idiot.",
        "163": "Just-could you just... Please? Ok? Ok. Ugh.",
        "164": "I don't appreciate the way you're looking at me. I am WORKING right now.",
        "165": "Hey, {PlayerName}, did you just come from {GoblinTinkerer}'s? Did he say anything about me by chance?",
        "166": "{ArmsDealer} keeps talking about pressing my pressure plate. I told him it was for stepping on.",
        "167": "Always buy more wire than you need!",
        "168": "Did you make sure your device was plugged in?",
        "169": "Oh, you know what this house needs? More blinking lights.",
        "17": "Keep your eye on the prize, buy a lense!",
        "170": "You can tell a Blood Moon is out when the sky turns red. There is something about it that causes monsters to swarm.",
        "171": "Hey, buddy, do you know where any deathweed is? Oh, no reason; just wondering, is all.",
        "172": "If you were to look up, you'd see that the moon is red right now.",
        "173": "You should stay indoors at night. It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark.",
        "174": "Greetings, {PlayerName}. Is there something I can help you with?",
        "175": "I am here to give you advice on what to do next.  It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck.",
        "176": "They say there is a person who will tell you how to survive in this land... oh wait. That's me.",
        "177": "You can use your pickaxe to dig through dirt, and your axe to chop down trees. Just place your cursor over the tile and click!",
        "178": "If you want to survive, you will need to create weapons and shelter. Start by chopping down trees and gathering wood.",
        "179": "Press {InventoryKey} to access your crafting menu. When you have enough wood, create a workbench. This will allow you to create more complicated things, as long as you are standing close to it.",
        "18": "Kosh, kapleck Mog. Oh sorry, that's klingon for 'Buy something or die.'",
        "180": "You can build a shelter by placing wood or other blocks in the world. Don't forget to create and place walls.",
        "181": "Once you have a wooden sword, you might try to gather some gel from the slimes. Combine wood and gel to make a torch!",
        "182": "To interact with backgrounds, use a hammer!",
        "183": "You should do some mining to find metal ore. You can craft very useful things with it.",
        "184": "Now that you have some ore, you will need to turn it into a bar in order to make items with it. This requires a furnace!",
        "185": "You can create a furnace out of torches, wood, and stone. Make sure you are standing near a work bench.",
        "186": "You will need an anvil to make most things out of metal bars.",
        "187": "Anvils can be crafted out of iron, or purchased from a merchant.",
        "188": "Underground are crystal hearts which can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe.",
        "189": "If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity.",
        "19": "{PlayerName} is it? I've heard good things, friend!",
        "190": "Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of usefull things. If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise.",
        "191": "There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town. They will of course need a home to live in.",
        "192": "In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a door, a chair, a table, and a light source.  Make sure the house has walls as well.",
        "193": "Two people will not live in the same home. Also, if their home is destroyed, they will look for a new place to live.",
        "194": "You can use the housing interface to assign and view housing. Open your inventory and click the house icon.",
        "195": "If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick!",
        "196": "For a nurse to move in, you might want to increase your maximum life.",
        "197": "If you had a gun, I bet an arms dealer might show up to sell you some ammo!",
        "198": "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad.",
        "199": "Make sure to explore the dungeon thoroughly. There may be prisoners held deep within.",
        "2": "Look at that shoddy armor you're wearing. Better buy some more healing potions.",
        "20": "I hear there's a secret treasure... oh never mind.",
        "200": "Perhaps the old man by the dungeon would like to join us now that his curse has been lifted.",
        "201": "Hang on to any bombs you might find. A demolitionist may want to have a look at them.",
        "202": "Are goblins really so different from us that we couldn't live together peacefully?",
        "203": "I heard there was a powerful wizard who lives in these parts.  Make sure to keep an eye out for him next time you go underground.",
        "204": "If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though.",
        "205": "You can create worm bait with rotten chunks and vile powder. Make sure you are in a corrupt area before using it.",
        "206": "Demonic altars can usually be found in the corruption. You will need to be near them to craft some items.",
        "207": "You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks, and chains can be made from iron bars.",
        "208": "If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies.",
        "209": "There is treasure hidden all over the world. Some amazing things can be found deep underground!",
        "21": "Angel Statue you say? I'm sorry, I'm not a junk dealer.",
        "210": "Smashing a shadow orb will sometimes cause a meteor to fall out of the sky. Shadow orbs can usually be found in the chasms around corrupt areas.",
        "211": "You should focus on gathering more life crystals to increase your maximum life.",
        "212": "Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor.",
        "213": "I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a demon altar.",
        "214": "You will want to increase your life before facing your next challenge. Fifteen hearts should be enough.",
        "215": "The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives.",
        "216": "Your next step should be to explore the corrupt chasms.  Destroy any shadow orb you find.",
        "217": "There is an old dungeon not far from here. Now would be a good time to go check it out.",
        "218": "You should make an attempt to max out your available life. Try to gather twenty hearts.",
        "219": "There are many treasures to be discovered in the jungle, if you are willing to dig deep enough.",
        "22": "The last guy who was here left me some junk... er I mean... treasures!",
        "220": "The underworld is made of a material called hellstone. It's perfect for making weapons and armor.",
        "221": "When you are ready to challenge the keeper of the underworld, you will have to make a living sacrifice. Everything you need for it can be found in the underworld.",
        "222": "Make sure to smash any demon altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do!",
        "223": "Souls can sometimes be gathered from fallen creatures in places of extreme light or dark.",
        "224": "Ho ho ho, and a bottle of... Egg Nog!",
        "225": "Care to bake me some cookies?",
        "226": "What? You thought I wasn't real?",
        "227": "I managed to sew your face back on. Be more careful next time.",
        "228": "That's probably going to leave a scar.",
        "229": "All better. I don't want to see you jumping off anymore cliffs.",
        "23": "I wonder if the moon is made of cheese...huh, what? Oh yes, buy something!",
        "230": "That didn't hurt too bad, now did it?",
        "231": "As if living underground wasn't bad enough, jerks like you come in while I'm sleeping and steal my children.",
        "232": "Between you and me, {Dryad} is the only one I trust. She is the only one here who hasn't tried to eat me or use me in a potion.",
        "233": "I tried to lick myself the other day to see what the big deal was, everything started glowing blue.",
        "234": "Everytime I see the color blue, it makes me depressed and lazy.",
        "235": "You haven't seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.",
        "236": "Everyone in this town feels a bit off. I woke up to the clothier chewing on my foot last night.",
        "237": "I'll give you a discount on your wears if you can convince {Truffle} to come over for a...sizing.",
        "238": "I feel like {Truffle} is a bit misunderstood, he really is a fun guy.",
        "24": "Did you say gold?  I'll take that off of ya.",
        "240": "I don't know the 'Truffle Shuffle,' so stop asking!",
        "241": "There's been such a huge rumor that's being spread about me, 'If you can't beat him, eat him!'",
        "242": "Oy, whatchu got in you jiminy fluffer?",
        "243": "Should I become an air pirate? I've considered becoming an air pirate.",
        "244": "Be it what it would, a jetpack would suit you nicely!",
        "245": "I'm feeling a bit peevish as of late, so enough with your palaver you ragamuffin!",
        "246": "I'm mighty curious about that {Cyborg} fellow. By what manner of consumption does he maintain such locomotion?",
        "247": "That captain fellow seems to me to be 'pretty well over the bay' if you know what I mean!",
        "248": "Show me some gears!",
        "249": "I like your... gear. Does it come in brass?",
        "25": "You better not get blood on me.",
        "250": "Once you enter hallowed land, you will see a rainbow in the sky. I can help you with painting that if you want.",
        "251": "Check out {PartyGirl}. Now that's a girl who can paint the town red!",
        "252": "I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But I won't tell you.",
        "253": "I'm all out of titanium white, so don't even ask.",
        "254": "Try swirly pink and purple, it works, I swear!",
        "255": "No, no, no... There's TONS of different grays! Don't get me started...",
        "256": "I hope it doesn't rain again until this paint dries. That would be a disaster!",
        "257": "I bring you the richest colors in exchange for your riches!",
        "258": "My dear, what you're wearing is much too drab. You absolutely must take a lesson in dyeing your tired attire!",
        "259": "The only kind of wood I would bother dyeing is RICH Mahogany. Dyeing any other wood is such a waste.",
        "26": "Hurry up and stop bleeding.",
        "260": "You must do something about {Pirate}.  Everytime he comes over here, it takes me a week to get the smell off!",
        "261": "Which doctor am I? The Witch Doctor am I.",
        "262": "The heart of magic is nature. The nature of hearts is magic.",
        "263": "{Nurse} may help heal your body, but I can make you embody healing.",
        "264": "Choose wisely, {PlayerName}, my commodities are volatile and my dark arts, mysterious.",
        "265": "We have to talk. It's... it's about parties.",
        "266": "I can't decide what I like more: parties, or after-parties.",
        "267": "We should set up a blinkroot party, and we should also set up an after-party.",
        "268": "Wow, {PlayerName}, meeting an adventurous man like you makes me want to party!",
        "269": "Put up a disco ball and then I'll show you how to party.",
        "27": "If you're going to die, do it outside.",
        "270": "I went to Sweden once, they party hard, why aren't you like that?",
        "271": "My name's {PartyGirl} but people call me party pooper. Yeah I don't know, it sounds cool though.",
        "272": "Do you party? Sometimes? Hm, okay then we can talk...",
        "273": "I'm no landlubber, but it's better to have lubbed and lost than never to have lubbed at all.",
        "274": "Yo ho ho and a bottle of....blinkroots!",
        "275": "YAR!  Funny ye should be mentionin' parrots b' t'were we talkin' 'bout?",
        "276": "{PlayerName}, Ye be one o' the finest lookin' lassies this here captain's seen in many a fortnight!",
        "277": "Stay off me booty, ya scallywag!",
        "278": "What in blazes are ye talkin' about? Moby Dick is mine!",
        "279": "*Yarr Blarr Harrdarr*",
        "28": "What is that supposed to mean?!",
        "280": "And then Unit 492-8 said, 'Who do you think I am, Unit 472-6?' HA. HA. HA.",
        "281": "My expedition efficiency was critically reduced when a projectile impacted my locomotive actuator.",
        "282": "This sentence is false, or is it?",
        "283": "So that 'punk' lookin' chick is an inventor, eh? I think I could show her a thing or two!",
        "284": "Sure, me and {Pirate} are pals, but I hate it when his parrot does his business on me. That stuff's corrosive!",
        "285": "I built myself a taste mechanism, so I can drink some ale!",
        "286": "Sometimes I come off a bit... Get it? a bit?",
        "287": "Short back and sides' is it?",
        "288": "Those highlights really bring out your eyes!",
        "289": "My hands are sticky from all that... wax.",
        "29": "I don't think I like your tone.",
        "290": "Tea? Coffee? Or is it just orange juice again?",
        "291": "Doll, we seriously need to fix those split ends.",
        "292": "Gurrllll! You are my favorite gossip ever.",
        "293": "Which aftershave can I interest you in today, sir?",
        "294": "Sit down for a second and I'll have you steppin' razor.",
        "295": "Either you have style, or you get styled.",
        "296": "For you I think we'll do something... low maintenance.",
        "297": "I tried using one of the Dye Master's products once. Ends fried. Disaster.",
        "298": "Oh you poor, poor thing. Just... just sit down here. It'll be okay. Shhhh.",
        "299": "Check my fresh.",
        "3": "I feel like an evil presence is watching me.",
        "30": "Why are you even here? If you aren't bleeding, you don't need to be here. Get out.",
        "300": "Hello sir, I'm {Stylist}, and I'll be your barber today.",
        "301": "Just a little off the top?  That's no fun...",
        "302": "I hope you like what I did to {PartyGirl}'s hair!",
        "303": "There is nothing I can do for {Demolitionist}'s singed head. He's a lost cause.",
        "304": "Tipping IS optional, but remember I have access to scissors and your head.",
        "305": "This is a cut-throat razor by the way.",
        "306": "You better stay outta my hair tonight, hun. I just sharpened my scissors, and I'm looking for an excuse to use them!",
        "307": "Mhmm, I heard from {PartyGirl} that {Mechanic}'s friend {Nurse} spent her boyfriend's last paycheck on shoes.",
        "308": "One time I put a wig on {Cyborg} just so I could cut his hair. I think he kinda liked it!",
        "309": "I tried to visit {Stylist} one time. She just looked at me and said 'nope.'",
        "31": "WHAT?!",
        "310": "I think it is about time I got my hair did!",
        "311": "Did you even try to brush your hair today?",
        "312": "So a pixie cut, would you like to keep some lady burns?",
        "313": "I have no problem cleaning up ears and eyebrows, but I draw the line at nose hair.",
        "314": "Alright, you sit and marinate. I'll be back to rinse your color out in 25 minutes...",
        "315": "Thanks hun! Now I can finally do my hair.",
        "316": "I would have given you a free cut if you'd come earlier.",
        "317": "Don't go exploring with scissors, they said. You won't get trapped in a spider's web, they said!",
        "318": "Ew, my hair, there's spider web all over it!",
        "319": "Meet me behind {Guide}'s house in about three hours, I think I have something you will find very appealing.",
        "32": "Have you seen that old man pacing around the dungeon? He looks troubled.",
        "320": "That {Merchant}, he really has no appreciation for a really good deal.",
        "321": "I sell only what I can get. {Clothier} keeps hounding me for exotic clothing.",
        "322": "Hmm, you look like you could use an Angel Statue! They slice, and dice, and make everything nice!",
        "323": "I don't refund for \"buyer's remorse...\" Or for any other reason, really.",
        "324": "Buy now and get free shipping!",
        "325": "I sell wares from places that might not even exist!",
        "326": "You want two penny farthings!? Make it one and we have a deal.",
        "327": "Combination hookah and coffee maker! Also makes julienne fries!",
        "328": "Come and have a look! One pound fish! Very, very good! One pound fish!",
        "329": "If you're looking for junk, you've come to the wrong place.",
        "33": "I wish {Demolitionist} would be more careful.  I'm getting tired of having to sew his limbs back on every day.",
        "330": "A thrift shop?  No, I am only selling the highest quality items on the market.",
        "331": "Smashing a crimson heart will sometimes cause a meteor to fall out of the sky. Crimson hearts can usually be found in the chasms around crimtane areas.",
        "332": "Have you tried using purification powder on the crimstone of the crimson?",
        "333": "You must cleanse the world of this crimson.",
        "334": "Psst! I might have a job for you. Don't think you can say no, either!",
        "335": "I want a fish and you're going to find me one! Ask me about it!",
        "336": "Hey! Just the sacrifi- I mean competent fishing master that I've been looking for! ",
        "337": "{Angler} wants YOU as the official {WorldName} errand monkey!",
        "338": "Whaaaat?! Can't you see I'm winding up fishing line??",
        "339": "I have enough fish! I don't need your help right now!",
        "34": "Hey, has {ArmsDealer} mentioned needing to go to the doctor for any reason? Just wondering.",
        "340": "There's no chefs in all of {WorldName}, so I have to cook all this fish myself! ",
        "341": "Hey! Watch it! I'm setting up traps for my biggest prank ever! No one will see it coming! Don't you dare tell anyone!",
        "342": "Let a kid give you some advice, never touch your tongue to an ice block! Wait, forget what I said, I totally want to see you do it!",
        "343": "Ever heard of a barking fish?! I haven't, I'm just wondering if you did!",
        "344": "{WorldName} is filled to the brim with the most outlandish kinds of fish!",
        "345": "I'm bummed out! There's probably been fish that have gone extinct before I even was born, and that's not fair!",
        "346": "I don't have a mommy or a daddy, but I have a lot of fish! It's close enough!",
        "347": "Heh heh, you shoulda seen the look on {Dryad}'s face when I stuck that piranha tooth in the chair!",
        "348": "I have a request for you! No, I don't care that there's a zombie apocalypse right now!",
        "349": "Hurry up and listen! I need you to catch something for me right now!",
        "35": "I need to have a serious talk with {Guide}. How many times a week can you come in with severe lava burns?",
        "350": "I hate blood moons! I stay up all night because of all the scary noises!",
        "351": "Blood moon is the worst time to fish! The fish bite, yes, but so do the zombies!",
        "352": "There's a bajillion monsters running around out there right now!",
        "353": "Thanks, I guess, for saving me or whatever. You'd be a great helper minion!",
        "354": "Wha? Who might you be? I totally wasn't just drowning or anything!",
        "355": "You saved me! You're awful nice, I could use you... er, I mean, totally hire you to do some awesome stuff for me!",
        "356": "Got any spare bones for sale? I'm looking to replace my broken hip... again.",
        "357": "Excellent! Someone's finally come by to take some of these maggots off my hands.",
        "358": "There's no illness or condition that can't be cured by some of my Slime Oil! Trust me, it works, just look at my lively figure!",
        "359": "You've got a real backbone coming way down here, how 'bout ya buy somethin?",
        "36": "I think you look better this way.",
        "360": "You would not believe some of the things people throw at me... Wanna buy some of it?",
        "361": "I'd lend you a hand, but last time I did that, I didn't get it back for a month.",
        "362": "Stay away from the spiders. They'll suck out your insides and leave you a hollow shell of a man. Trust me on this one.",
        "363": "The only things constant in this world are death and taxes, I've got both!",
        "364": "You again? Suppose you want more money!?",
        "365": "Must everyone open and shut doors so incredibly noisily around here?!",
        "366": "I see you're free of time, as usual. Can't imagine what work life would be for your kind of folk.",
        "367": "Yes, yes, yes! -- I'll give you your share in just a moment. I'd think you to be a bit more patient, what with me doing all the work and all.",
        "368": "What does a man have to do to be left alone in this place? Go bugger someone less busy!",
        "369": "...two barrels of molasses, plus -- Oh, nevermind that, you're here. Here's your money.",
        "37": "Eww... What happened to your face?",
        "370": "Just between you and me... I have no idea why they're bothering to pay the rent",
        "371": "Tried to get {Dryad} to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places.",
        "372": "Go tell {ArmsDealer} to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun.",
        "373": "Why don't YOU try collecting money from {Demolitionist} and not lose a hand or foot or...",
        "374": "I just came from {Merchant}'s. He wanted to know if I took credit cards.",
        "38": "MY GOODNESS! I'm good, but I'm not THAT good.",
        "380": "Here's your cut of the taxes that I've taken from our surplus population!",
        "381": "Here you are again, taking all my coin! Just grab it and begone from my sight!",
        "382": "Bah! Here, take your shillings and get out of my sight!",
        "383": "This is all you're gonna get for now, not a penny more! Take it and spend it wisely.",
        "39": "Dear friends we are gathered here today to bid farewell... Oh, you'll be fine.",
        "390": "...And people call me greedy? No, I have nothing else for you.",
        "391": "Oh, so you just see me as a coin sign, eh? 'Cus every time you see me, you ask me.",
        "392": "Don't you ever stop just to say 'Hi?'",
        "393": "Bah! You again? You just grabbed some of my coin just moments ago, so bugger off and come back later!",
        "394": "I just gave you half a crown five minutes ago! Scram!",
        "395": "Reaching into my moneybags again already!? And you call ME greedy.",
        "396": "You just received your pay, and not a farthing more! Get out!",
        "397": "Money doesn't grow on trees, so don't overpick my fruit! Bah! ",
        "398": "You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime!",
        "399": "Not so fast! You got your money, now begone! ",
        "4": "Sword beats paper! Get one today.",
        "40": "You left your arm over there. Let me get that for you...",
        "400": "Begging so soon?! Don't look at me like I'll have a change of heart overnight! ",
        "401": "Make sure to smash any crimson altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do!",
        "402": "Crimson altars can usually be found in the crimson. You will need to be near them to craft some items.",
        "403": "You can create a bloody spine with vertebrae. Make sure you are in a crimtane area before using it.",
        "41": "Quit being such a baby! I've seen worse.",
        "42": "That's gonna need stitches!",
        "43": "Trouble with those bullies again?",
        "44": "Hold on, I've got some cartoon bandages around here somewhere.",
        "45": "Walk it off, {PlayerName}, you'll be fine. Sheesh.",
        "46": "Does it hurt when you do that? Don't do that.",
        "47": "You look half digested. Have you been chasing slimes again?",
        "48": "Turn your head and cough.",
        "49": "That's not the biggest I've ever seen... Yes, I've seen bigger wounds for sure.",
        "5": "You want apples? You want carrots? You want pineapples? We got torches.",
        "50": "Would you like a lollipop?",
        "51": "Show me where it hurts.",
        "52": "I'm sorry, but you can't afford me.",
        "53": "I'm gonna need more gold than that.",
        "54": "I don't work for free you know.",
        "55": "I don't give happy endings.",
        "56": "I can't do anymore for you without plastic surgery.",
        "57": "Quit wasting my time.",
        "58": "I heard there is a doll that looks very similar to {Guide} somewhere in the underworld.  I'd like to put a few rounds in it.",
        "59": "Make it quick! I've got a date with {Nurse} in an hour.",
        "6": "Lovely morning, wouldn't you say? Was there something you needed?",
        "60": "I want what {Nurse} is sellin'. What do you mean, she doesn't sell anything?",
        "61": "{Dryad} is a looker.  Too bad she's such a prude.",
        "62": "Don't bother with {Demolitionist}, I've got all you need right here.",
        "63": "What's {Demolitionist}'s problem? Does he even realize we sell completely different stuff?",
        "64": "Man, it's a good night not to talk to anybody, don't you think, {PlayerName}?",
        "65": "I love nights like tonight.  There is never a shortage of things to kill!",
        "66": "I see you're eyeballin' the Minishark.. You really don't want to know how it was made.",
        "67": "Hey, this ain't a movie, pal. Ammo is extra.",
        "68": "Keep your hands off my gun, buddy!",
        "69": "Have you tried using purification powder on the ebonstone of the corruption?",
        "7": "Night will be upon us soon, friend. Make your choices while you can.",
        "70": "I wish {ArmsDealer} would stop flirting with me. Doesn't he realize I'm 500 years old?",
        "71": "Why does {Merchant} keep trying to sell me an angel statues? Everyone knows that they don't do anything.",
        "72": "Have you seen the old man walking around the dungeon? He doesn't look well at all...",
        "73": "I sell what I want! If you don't like it, too bad.",
        "74": "Why do you have to be so confrontational during a time like this?",
        "75": "I don't want you to buy my stuff. I want you to want to buy my stuff, ok?",
        "76": "Dude, is it just me or is there like a million zombies out tonight?",
        "77": "You must cleanse the world of this corruption.",
        "78": "Be safe; Terraria needs you!",
        "79": "The sands of time are flowing. And well, you are not aging very gracefully.",
        "8": "You have no idea how much Dirt Blocks sell for overseas.",
        "80": "What's this about me having more 'bark' than bite?",
        "81": "So two goblins walk into a bar, and one says to the other, 'Want to get a Goblet of beer?!",
        "82": "I cannot let you enter until you free me of my curse.",
        "83": "Come back at night if you wish to enter.",
        "84": "My master cannot be summoned under the light of day.",
        "85": "You are far too weak to defeat my curse.  Come back when you aren't so worthless.",
        "86": "You pathetic fool.  You cannot hope to face my master as you are now.",
        "87": "I hope you have like six friends standing around behind you.",
        "88": "Please, no, stranger. You'll only get yourself killed.",
        "89": "You just might be strong enough to free me from my curse...",
        "9": "Ah, they will tell tales of {PlayerName} some day... good ones I'm sure.",
        "90": "Stranger, do you possess the strength to defeat my master?",
        "91": "Please! Battle my captor and free me! I beg you!",
        "92": "Defeat my master, and I will grant you passage into the Dungeon.",
        "93": "Trying to get past that ebonrock, eh?  Why not introduce it to one of these explosives!",
        "94": "Hey, have you seen a clown around?",
        "95": "There was a bomb sitting right here, and now I can't seem to find it...",
        "96": "I've got something for them zombies alright!",
        "97": "Even {ArmsDealer} wants what I'm selling!",
        "98": "Would you rather have a bullet hole or a grenade hole? That's what I thought.",
        "99": "I'm sure {Nurse} will help if you accidentally lose a limb to these."
    "LegacyMenu": {
        "0": "Start a new instance of Terraria to join!",
        "100": "Background On",
        "101": "Background Off",
        "102": "Select language",
        "103": "Language",
        "104": "Yes",
        "105": "No",
        "106": "Toggle Map Style           ",
        "107": "Toggle Fullscreen           ",
        "108": "Zoom In                      ",
        "109": "Zoom Out                    ",
        "10": "Load Backup",
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        "111": "Increase Transparency      ",
        "112": "Map Enabled",
        "113": "Map Disabled",
        "114": "General",
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        "116": "Multicore Lighting:",
        "117": "Off",
        "118": "Close Menu",
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        "11": "No backup found",
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        "122": "Smart Cursor Mode: Hold",
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        "126": "On",
        "127": "Style",
        "128": "Placement Preview On",
        "129": "Placement Preview Off",
        "12": "Single Player",
        "130": "Mount             ",
        "131": "Achievements",
        "132": "Blood and Gore On",
        "133": "Blood and Gore Off",
        "134": "Apply",
        "135": "Server Settings",
        "136": "Steam Multiplayer: Disabled",
        "137": "Steam Multiplayer: Enabled",
        "138": "Allowed Users: Invite Only",
        "139": "Allowed Users: Friends",
        "13": "Multiplayer",
        "140": "Friends Can Invite: Off",
        "141": "Friends Can Invite: On",
        "142": "Allow Friends Of Friends: Off",
        "143": "Allow Friends Of Friends: On",
        "144": "Start",
        "145": "Join via Steam",
        "146": "Join via IP",
        "147": "Invite Friends",
        "148": "Up",
        "149": "Down",
        "14": "Settings",
        "150": "Left",
        "151": "Right",
        "152": "Jump",
        "153": "Throw",
        "154": "Inventory",
        "155": "Grapple",
        "156": "Quick Mana",
        "157": "Quick Buff",
        "158": "Quick Mount",
        "159": "Quick Heal",
        "15": "Exit",
        "160": "Auto Select",
        "161": "Smart Cursor",
        "162": "Use Item",
        "163": "Interact",
        "164": "Gameplay Controls",
        "165": "Map Controls",
        "166": "Hotbar Controls",
        "167": "Gamepad Settings",
        "168": "Zoom In",
        "169": "Zoom Out",
        "16": "Create Character",
        "170": "Increase Transparency",
        "171": "Decrease Transparency",
        "172": "Toggle Map Style",
        "173": "Toggle Full Map",
        "174": "Cycle Left",
        "175": "Cycle Right",
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        "17": "Delete",
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        "184": "Hotbar #9",
        "185": "Hotbar #10",
        "186": "Quick Mark #1",
        "187": "Quick Mark #2",
        "188": "Quick Mark #3",
        "189": "Quick Mark #4",
        "18": "Hair",
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        "192": "Cursor Snap Right",
        "193": "Cursor Snap Down",
        "194": "Cursor Snap Left",
        "195": "<Unbound>",
        "196": "DPad Cursor Snap",
        "197": "DPad Hotbar",
        "198": "Gamepad Advanced Settings",
        "199": "Triggers Deadzone",
        "19": "Eyes",
        "1": "Running on port ",
        "200": "Sliders Deadzone",
        "201": "Left Thumbstick Deadzone X",
        "202": "Left Thumbstick Deadzone Y",
        "203": "Right Thumbstick Deadzone X",
        "204": "Right Thumbstick Deadzone Y",
        "205": "Invert Left Thumbstick Horizontally",
        "206": "Invert Left Thumbstick Vertically",
        "207": "Invert Right Thumbstick Horizontally",
        "208": "Invert Right Thumbstick Vertical",
        "209": "Utilize",
        "20": "Skin",
        "210": "Interface",
        "211": "Passwords: Visible",
        "212": "Passwords: Hidden",
        "213": "Smart Cursor Priority: Pickaxe -> Axe",
        "214": "Smart Cursor Priority: Axe -> Pickaxe",
        "215": "Smart Block Placement: To Cursor",
        "216": "Smart Block Placement: Filling",
        "217": "Border Color",
        "218": "Cursor",
        "219": "Controls",
        "21": "Clothes",
        "220": "Activate Set Bonuses: Up",
        "221": "Activate Set Bonuses: Down",
        "222": "Keybindings",
        "223": "Left Shift Quick Trash: Enabled",
        "224": "Left Shift Quick Trash: Disabled",
        "225": "Quick Wall Replace: Disabled",
        "226": "Quick Wall Replace: Enabled",
        "227": "Hotbar Scroll Time To Radial: On",
        "228": "Hotbar Scroll Time To Radial: Off",
        "229": "Tile Grid On",
        "22": "Male",
        "230": "Tile Grid Off",
        "231": "Lock On",
        "232": "Lock On Priority: Focus Target",
        "233": "Lock On Priority: Target Closest",
        "234": "Lock On Priority: Clearest Line",
        "235": "abc \/ ABC \/ !@#",
        "236": "Backspace",
        "237": "Submit",
        "238": "Space",
        "239": "<-",
        "23": "Female",
        "240": "->",
        "241": "Gamepad Instructions Off",
        "242": "Gamepad Instructions On",
        "243": "Menu Controls",
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        "245": "Borderless Window: Enabled",
        "246": "Borderless Window: Disabled",
        "247": "Frame Skip Off",
        "248": "Frame Skip On",
        "249": "Frame Skip Subtle",
        "24": "Hardcore",
        "250": "Miner's Wobble: Enabled",
        "251": "Miner's Wobble: Disabled",
        "252": "Interface Movement Delay",
        "25": "Mediumcore",
        "26": "Softcore",
        "27": "Random",
        "28": "Create",
        "29": "Hardcore characters die for good",
        "2": "Disconnect",
        "30": "Mediumcore characters drop items on death",
        "31": "Softcore characters drop money on death",
        "32": "Select difficulty",
        "33": "Shirt",
        "34": "Undershirt",
        "35": "Pants",
        "36": "Shoes",
        "37": "Hair",
        "38": "Hair Color",
        "39": "Eye Color",
        "3": "Server Requires Password:",
        "40": "Skin Color",
        "41": "Shirt Color",
        "42": "Undershirt Color",
        "43": "Pants Color",
        "44": "Shoe Color",
        "45": "Enter Character Name:",
        "46": "Delete",
        "47": "Create World",
        "48": "Enter World Name:",
        "49": "Go Windowed",
        "4": "Accept",
        "50": "Go Fullscreen",
        "51": "Resolution",
        "52": "Parallax",
        "53": "Frame Skip Off",
        "54": "Frame Skip On",
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        "56": "Lighting: White",
        "57": "Lighting: Retro",
        "58": "Lighting: Trippy",
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        "5": "Back",
        "60": "Quality: High",
        "61": "Quality: Medium",
        "62": "Quality: Low",
        "63": "Video",
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        "65": "Volume",
        "66": "Controls",
        "67": "Autosave On",
        "68": "Autosave Off",
        "69": "Autopause On",
        "6": "Cancel",
        "70": "Autopause Off",
        "71": "Pickup Text On",
        "72": "Pickup Text Off",
        "73": "Fullscreen Resolution",
        "74": "Up                ",
        "75": "Down             ",
        "76": "Left               ",
        "77": "Right             ",
        "78": "Jump             ",
        "79": "Throw            ",
        "7": "Enter Server Password:",
        "80": "Inventory         ",
        "81": "Quick Heal       ",
        "82": "Quick Mana      ",
        "83": "Quick Buff       ",
        "84": "Grapple           ",
        "85": "Auto Select       ",
        "86": "Reset to Default",
        "87": "Join",
        "88": "Host & Play",
        "89": "Enter Server IP Address:",
        "8": "Starting server...",
        "90": "Enter Server Port:",
        "91": "Choose world size:",
        "92": "Small",
        "93": "Medium",
        "94": "Large",
        "95": "Red:",
        "96": "Green:",
        "97": "Blue:",
        "98": "Sound:",
        "99": "Music:",
        "9": "Load failed!"
    "LegacyTooltip": {
        "0": "Equipped in social slot",
        "10": "Slow speed",
        "11": "Very slow speed",
        "12": "Extremely slow speed",
        "13": "Snail speed",
        "14": "No knockback",
        "15": "Extremely weak knockback",
        "16": "Very weak knockback",
        "17": "Weak knockback",
        "18": "Average knockback",
        "19": "Strong knockback",
        "1": "No stats will be gained",
        "20": "Very strong knockback",
        "21": "Extremely strong knockback",
        "22": "Insane knockback",
        "23": "Equipable",
        "24": "Vanity Item",
        "25": " defense",
        "26": "% pickaxe power",
        "27": "% axe power",
        "28": "% hammer power",
        "29": "Restores",
        "2": " melee damage",
        "30": "life",
        "31": "mana",
        "32": "Uses",
        "33": "Can be placed",
        "34": "Ammo",
        "35": "Consumable",
        "36": "Material",
        "37": " minute duration",
        "38": " second duration",
        "39": "% damage",
        "3": " ranged damage",
        "40": "% speed",
        "41": "% critical strike chance",
        "42": "% mana cost",
        "43": "% size",
        "44": "% velocity",
        "45": "% knockback",
        "46": "% movement speed",
        "47": "% melee speed",
        "48": "Set bonus:",
        "49": "Sell price:",
        "4": " magic damage",
        "50": "Buy price:",
        "51": "No value",
        "52": "Consumes ",
        "53": " summon damage",
        "54": " range",
        "55": " damage",
        "56": "Marked as favorite",
        "57": "Quick trash, stacking, and selling will be blocked",
        "58": " throwing damage",
        "59": "It has been cursed by a powerful Jungle creature",
        "5": "% critical strike chance",
        "6": "Insanely fast speed",
        "7": "Very fast speed",
        "8": "Fast speed",
        "9": "Average speed"
    "LegacyMultiplayer": {
        "0": "Receive:",
        "10": "You are not in a party!",
        "11": "{0} has enabled PvP!",
        "12": "{0} has disabled PvP!",
        "13": "{0} is no longer on a party.",
        "14": "{0} has joined the red party.",
        "15": "{0} has joined the green party.",
        "16": "{0} has joined the blue party.",
        "17": "{0} has joined the yellow party.",
        "18": "Welcome to",
        "19": "{0} has joined.",
        "1": "Incorrect password.",
        "20": "{0} has left.",
        "21": "\/players",
        "22": "{0} has joined the pink party.",
        "2": "Invalid operation at this state.",
        "3": "You are banned from this server.",
        "4": "You are not using the same version as this server.",
        "5": "{0} is already on this server.",
        "6": "\/playing",
        "7": "Current players:",
        "8": "\/roll",
        "9": "rolls a"
    "LegacyMisc": {
        "0": "A goblin army has been defeated!",
        "100": "Pick world evil",
        "101": "Corruption",
        "102": "Crimson",
        "103": "Random",
        "104": "Cannot be used without Etherian Mana until the Eternia Crystal has been defended",
        "10": "A horrible chill goes down your spine...",
        "11": "Screams echo around you...",
        "12": "Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!",
        "13": "Your world has been blessed with Mythril!",
        "14": "Your world has been blessed with Adamantite!",
        "15": "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released.",
        "19": "{0} was slain...",
        "1": "A goblin army is approaching from the west!",
        "20": "A solar eclipse is happening!",
        "21": "Your world has been blessed with Palladium!",
        "22": "Your world has been blessed with Orichalcum!",
        "23": "Your world has been blessed with Titanium!",
        "24": "The pirates have been defeated!",
        "25": "Pirates are approaching from the west!",
        "26": "Pirates are approaching from the east!",
        "27": "The pirates have arrived!",
        "28": "You feel vibrations from deep below...",
        "29": "This is going to be a terrible night...",
        "2": "A goblin army is approaching from the east!",
        "30": "The air is getting colder around you...",
        "31": "The Pumpkin Moon is rising...",
        "32": "The jungle grows restless...",
        "33": "Screams are echoing from the dungeon...",
        "34": "The Frost Moon is rising...",
        "35": "{0} has departed!",
        "36": "{0} has left!",
        "37": "Any",
        "38": "Pressure Plate",
        "39": " and increased life regeneration",
        "3": "A goblin army has arrived!",
        "40": "Increases life regeneration",
        "41": "Martians are invading!",
        "42": "The martians have been defeated!",
        "43": "Celestial creatures are invading!",
        "44": "Your mind goes numb...",
        "45": "You are overwhelmed with pain...",
        "46": "Otherworldly voices linger around you...",
        "47": "The Moon Lord has awoken!",
        "48": "The Twins have awoken!",
        "49": "You wake up from a strange dream...",
        "4": "The Frost Legion has been defeated!",
        "50": "have been defeated!",
        "51": "Lunar Fragment",
        "52": "Impending doom approaches...",
        "53": "Select",
        "54": "Take",
        "55": "Take One",
        "56": "Close",
        "57": "Grapple",
        "58": "Jump",
        "59": "Cycle hotbar",
        "5": "The Frost Legion is approaching from the west!",
        "60": "Attack",
        "61": "Build",
        "62": "Drink",
        "63": "Action",
        "64": "Switch menu",
        "65": "Place",
        "66": "Swap",
        "67": "Equip",
        "68": "Unequip",
        "69": "Show room flags",
        "6": "The Frost Legion is approaching from the east!",
        "70": "Check housing",
        "71": "Quick craft",
        "72": "Craft",
        "73": "Select",
        "74": "Trash",
        "75": "Sell",
        "76": "Transfer",
        "77": "Show visuals",
        "78": "Hide visuals",
        "79": "Use",
        "7": "The Frost Legion has arrived!",
        "80": "Talk",
        "81": "Read",
        "82": "Back",
        "83": "Favorite",
        "84": "You can't change teams inside your team's blocks!",
        "85": "Bug",
        "86": "Duck",
        "87": "Butterfly",
        "88": "Firefly",
        "89": "Wiring Options",
        "8": "The Blood Moon is rising...",
        "90": "Buy",
        "91": "Buy More",
        "92": "Sell",
        "93": "Craft more",
        "94": "Try Removing",
        "95": "Snail",
        "96": "Looks like ",
        "97": " is throwing a party",
        "98": " are throwing a party",
        "99": "Party time's over!",
        "9": "You feel an evil presence watching you..."
    "LegacyInterface": {
        "0": "Life:",
        "100": "Creature Count",
        "101": "Kill Count",
        "102": "Moon Phase",
        "103": "Movement Speed",
        "104": "Treasure",
        "105": "Rare Creatures",
        "106": "Damage Per Second",
        "107": "Strange Plants",
        "108": "Open Map",
        "109": "Close Map",
        "10": "Defense",
        "110": "Open Folder",
        "111": "Take Screenshot",
        "112": "You must first set a frame",
        "113": "Only available in windowed mode",
        "114": "Only available if map is enabled",
        "115": "Camera Mode Disabled",
        "116": "Highlight New Items Off",
        "117": "Highlight New Items On",
        "118": "Zoom In",
        "119": "Zoom Out",
        "11": "Social",
        "120": "Teleport to ally",
        "121": "Drop Item",
        "122": "Sort Items",
        "123": "Cold Weather",
        "12": "Helmet",
        "13": "Shirt",
        "14": "Pants",
        "15": "platinum",
        "16": "gold",
        "17": "silver",
        "18": "copper",
        "19": "Reforge",
        "1": "Breath",
        "20": "Place an item here to reforge",
        "21": "Showing recipes that use",
        "22": "Required objects:",
        "23": "None",
        "24": "Place a material here",
        "25": "Crafting",
        "26": "Coins",
        "27": "Ammo",
        "28": "Shop",
        "29": "Loot All",
        "2": "Mana",
        "30": "Deposit All",
        "31": "Quick Stack",
        "32": "Piggy Bank",
        "33": "Safe",
        "34": "Time",
        "35": "Save & Exit",
        "36": "Disconnect",
        "37": "Items",
        "38": "You were slain...",
        "39": "This housing is suitable.",
        "3": "Trash Can",
        "40": "This is not valid housing.",
        "41": "This housing is already occupied.",
        "42": "This housing is corrupted.",
        "43": "Connection timed out",
        "44": "Receiving tile data",
        "45": "Equip",
        "46": "Cost",
        "47": "Save",
        "48": "Edit",
        "49": "Status",
        "4": "Inventory",
        "50": "Curse",
        "51": "Help",
        "52": "Close",
        "53": "Water",
        "54": "Heal",
        "55": "This housing does not meet the requirements for a",
        "56": "Lava",
        "57": "Dye",
        "58": "Honey",
        "59": "Visible",
        "5": "Hotbar unlocked",
        "60": "Hidden",
        "61": "Rename",
        "62": "Settings",
        "63": "Cancel",
        "64": "Quest",
        "65": "Quest Item",
        "66": "Savings",
        "67": "Take Snapshot",
        "68": "Settings",
        "69": "Pin Frame",
        "6": "Hotbar locked",
        "70": "Set Frame",
        "71": "Close",
        "72": "On",
        "73": "Off",
        "74": "Image Packing",
        "75": "Capture Entities",
        "76": "Capture Background",
        "77": "Biome Pick",
        "78": "Reset Frame",
        "79": "Equipment",
        "7": "Housing",
        "80": "Housing",
        "81": "Camera Mode",
        "82": "Restock",
        "83": "Frost Moon",
        "84": "Pumpkin Moon",
        "85": "Martian Madness",
        "86": "Pirate Invasion",
        "87": "Frost Legion",
        "88": "Goblin Army",
        "89": "Collect",
        "8": "Housing Query",
        "90": "Grappling Hook",
        "91": "Mount",
        "92": "Pet",
        "93": "Minecart",
        "94": "Light Pet",
        "95": "Time",
        "96": "Weather",
        "97": "Fishing",
        "98": "Position",
        "99": "Depth",
        "9": "Accessory"
    "LegacyChestType": {
        "0": "Chest",
        "10": "Ivy Chest",
        "11": "Ice Chest",
        "12": "Living Wood Chest",
        "13": "Skyware Chest",
        "14": "Shadewood Chest",
        "15": "Web Covered Chest",
        "16": "Lihzahrd Chest",
        "17": "Water Chest",
        "18": "Jungle Chest",
        "19": "Corruption Chest",
        "1": "Gold Chest",
        "20": "Crimson Chest",
        "21": "Hallowed Chest",
        "22": "Frozen Chest",
        "23": "Locked Jungle Chest",
        "24": "Locked Corruption Chest",
        "25": "Locked Crimson Chest",
        "26": "Locked Hallowed Chest",
        "27": "Locked Frozen Chest",
        "28": "Dynasty Chest",
        "29": "Honey Chest",
        "2": "Locked Gold Chest",
        "30": "Steampunk Chest",
        "31": "Palm Wood Chest",
        "32": "Mushroom Chest",
        "33": "Boreal Wood Chest",
        "34": "Slime Chest",
        "35": "Green Dungeon Chest",
        "36": "Locked Green Dungeon Chest",
        "37": "Pink Dungeon Chest",
        "38": "Locked Pink Dungeon Chest",
        "39": "Blue Dungeon Chest",
        "3": "Shadow Chest",
        "40": "Locked Blue Dungeon Chest",
        "41": "Bone Chest",
        "42": "Cactus Chest",
        "43": "Flesh Chest",
        "44": "Obsidian Chest",
        "45": "Pumpkin Chest",
        "46": "Spooky Chest",
        "47": "Glass Chest",
        "48": "Martian Chest",
        "49": "Meteorite Chest",
        "4": "Locked Shadow Chest",
        "50": "Granite Chest",
        "51": "Marble Chest",
        "5": "Barrel",
        "6": "Trash Can",
        "7": "Ebonwood Chest",
        "8": "Rich Mahogany Chest",
        "9": "Pearlwood Chest"
    "LegacyDresserType": {
        "0": "Dresser",
        "10": "Bone Dresser",
        "11": "Cactus Dresser",
        "12": "Spooky Dresser",
        "13": "Skyware Dresser",
        "14": "Honey Dresser",
        "15": "Lihzahrd Dresser",
        "16": "Palm Wood Dresser",
        "17": "Mushroom Dresser",
        "18": "Boreal Wood Dresser",
        "19": "Slime Dresser",
        "1": "Ebonwood Dresser",
        "20": "Pumpkin Dresser",
        "21": "Steampunk Dresser",
        "22": "Glass Dresser",
        "23": "Flesh Dresser",
        "24": "Martian Dresser",
        "25": "Meteorite Dresser",
        "26": "Granite Dresser",
        "27": "Marble Dresser",
        "28": "Crystal Dresser",
        "29": "Dynasty Dresser",
        "2": "Rich Mahogany Dresser",
        "30": "Frozen Dresser",
        "31": "Living Wood Dresser",
        "3": "Pearlwood Dresser",
        "4": "Shadewood Dresser",
        "5": "Blue Dungeon Dresser",
        "6": "Green Dungeon Dresser",
        "7": "Pink Dungeon Dresser",
        "8": "Golden Dresser",
        "9": "Obsidian Dresser"
    "LegacyChestType2": [
        "Crystal Chest",
        "Golden Chest"
    "NPCName": {
        "BlueSlime": "Blue Slime",
        "GiantWormHead": "Giant Worm",
        "SeekerTail": "World Feeder",
        "Clinger": "Clinger",
        "AnglerFish": "Angler Fish",
        "GreenJellyfish": "Green Jellyfish",
        "Werewolf": "Werewolf",
        "BoundGoblin": "Bound Goblin",
        "BoundWizard": "Bound Wizard",
        "GoblinTinkerer": "Goblin Tinkerer",
        "Wizard": "Wizard",
        "Clown": "Clown",
        "GiantWormBody": "Giant Worm",
        "SkeletonArcher": "Skeleton Archer",
        "GoblinArcher": "Goblin Archer",
        "VileSpit": "Vile Spit",
        "WallofFlesh": "Wall of Flesh",
        "WallofFleshEye": "Wall of Flesh",
        "TheHungry": "The Hungry",
        "TheHungryII": "The Hungry",
        "LeechHead": "Leech",
        "LeechBody": "Leech",
        "LeechTail": "Leech",
        "GiantWormTail": "Giant Worm",
        "ChaosElemental": "Chaos Elemental",
        "Slimer": "Slimer",
        "Gastropod": "Gastropod",
        "BoundMechanic": "Bound Mechanic",
        "Mechanic": "Mechanic",
        "Retinazer": "Retinazer",
        "Spazmatism": "Spazmatism",
        "SkeletronPrime": "Skeletron Prime",
        "PrimeCannon": "Prime Cannon",
        "PrimeSaw": "Prime Saw",
        "EaterofWorldsHead": "Eater of Worlds",
        "PrimeVice": "Prime Vice",
        "PrimeLaser": "Prime Laser",
        "BaldZombie": "Zombie",
        "WanderingEye": "Wandering Eye",
        "TheDestroyer": "The Destroyer",
        "TheDestroyerBody": "The Destroyer",
        "TheDestroyerTail": "The Destroyer",
        "IlluminantBat": "Illuminant Bat",
        "IlluminantSlime": "Illuminant Slime",
        "Probe": "Probe",
        "EaterofWorldsBody": "Eater of Worlds",
        "PossessedArmor": "Possessed Armor",
        "ToxicSludge": "Toxic Sludge",
        "SantaClaus": "Santa Claus",
        "SnowmanGangsta": "Snowman Gangsta",
        "MisterStabby": "Mister Stabby",
        "SnowBalla": "Snow Balla",
        "IceSlime": "Ice Slime",
        "Penguin": "Penguin",
        "PenguinBlack": "Penguin",
        "EaterofWorldsTail": "Eater of Worlds",
        "IceBat": "Ice Bat",
        "Lavabat": "Lava Bat",
        "GiantFlyingFox": "Giant Flying Fox",
        "GiantTortoise": "Giant Tortoise",
        "IceTortoise": "Ice Tortoise",
        "Wolf": "Wolf",
        "RedDevil": "Red Devil",
        "Arapaima": "Arapaima",
        "VampireBat": "Vampire",
        "Vampire": "Vampire",
        "MotherSlime": "Mother Slime",
        "Truffle": "Truffle",
        "ZombieEskimo": "Zombie Eskimo",
        "Frankenstein": "Frankenstein",
        "BlackRecluse": "Black Recluse",
        "WallCreeper": "Wall Creeper",
        "WallCreeperWall": "Wall Creeper",
        "SwampThing": "Swamp Thing",
        "UndeadViking": "Undead Viking",
        "CorruptPenguin": "Corrupt Penguin",
        "IceElemental": "Ice Elemental",
        "Merchant": "Merchant",
        "PigronCorruption": "Pigron",
        "PigronHallow": "Pigron",
        "RuneWizard": "Rune Wizard",
        "Crimera": "Crimera",
        "Herpling": "Herpling",
        "AngryTrapper": "Angry Trapper",
        "MossHornet": "Moss Hornet",
        "Derpling": "Derpling",
        "Steampunker": "Steampunker",
        "CrimsonAxe": "Crimson Axe",
        "Nurse": "Nurse",
        "PigronCrimson": "Pigron",
        "FaceMonster": "Face Monster",
        "FloatyGross": "Floaty Gross",
        "Crimslime": "Crimslime",
        "SpikedIceSlime": "Spiked Ice Slime",
        "SnowFlinx": "Snow Flinx",
        "PincushionZombie": "Zombie",
        "SlimedZombie": "Zombie",
        "SwampZombie": "Zombie",
        "TwiggyZombie": "Zombie",
        "ArmsDealer": "Arms Dealer",
        "CataractEye": "Demon Eye",
        "SleepyEye": "Demon Eye",
        "DialatedEye": "Demon Eye",
        "GreenEye": "Demon Eye",
        "PurpleEye": "Demon Eye",
        "LostGirl": "Lost Girl",
        "Nymph": "Nymph",
        "ArmoredViking": "Armored Viking",
        "Lihzahrd": "Lihzahrd",
        "LihzahrdCrawler": "Lihzahrd",
        "DemonEye": "Demon Eye",
        "Dryad": "Dryad",
        "FemaleZombie": "Zombie",
        "HeadacheSkeleton": "Skeleton",
        "MisassembledSkeleton": "Skeleton",
        "PantlessSkeleton": "Skeleton",
        "SpikedJungleSlime": "Spiked Jungle Slime",
        "Moth": "Moth",
        "IcyMerman": "Icy Merman",
        "DyeTrader": "Dye Trader",
        "PartyGirl": "Party Girl",
        "Cyborg": "Cyborg",
        "Skeleton": "Skeleton",
        "Bee": "Bee",
        "BeeSmall": "Bee",
        "PirateDeckhand": "Pirate Deckhand",
        "PirateCorsair": "Pirate Corsair",
        "PirateDeadeye": "Pirate Deadeye",
        "PirateCrossbower": "Pirate Crossbower",
        "PirateCaptain": "Pirate Captain",
        "CochinealBeetle": "Cochineal Beetle",
        "CyanBeetle": "Cyan Beetle",
        "LacBeetle": "Lac Beetle",
        "Guide": "Guide",
        "SeaSnail": "Sea Snail",
        "Squid": "Squid",
        "QueenBee": "Queen Bee",
        "ZombieRaincoat": "Raincoat Zombie",
        "FlyingFish": "Flying Fish",
        "UmbrellaSlime": "Umbrella Slime",
        "FlyingSnake": "Flying Snake",
        "Painter": "Painter",
        "WitchDoctor": "Witch Doctor",
        "Pirate": "Pirate",
        "MeteorHead": "Meteor Head",
        "GoldfishWalker": "Goldfish",
        "HornetFatty": "Hornet",
        "HornetHoney": "Hornet",
        "HornetLeafy": "Hornet",
        "HornetSpikey": "Hornet",
        "HornetStingy": "Hornet",
        "JungleCreeper": "Jungle Creeper",
        "JungleCreeperWall": "Jungle Creeper",
        "BlackRecluseWall": "Black Recluse",
        "BloodCrawler": "Blood Crawler",
        "FireImp": "Fire Imp",
        "BloodCrawlerWall": "Blood Crawler",
        "BloodFeeder": "Blood Feeder",
        "BloodJelly": "Blood Jelly",
        "IceGolem": "Ice Golem",
        "RainbowSlime": "Rainbow Slime",
        "Golem": "Golem",
        "GolemHead": "Golem Head",
        "GolemFistLeft": "Golem Fist",
        "GolemFistRight": "Golem Fist",
        "GolemHeadFree": "Golem Head",
        "BurningSphere": "Burning Sphere",
        "AngryNimbus": "Angry Nimbus",
        "Eyezor": "Eyezor",
        "Parrot": "Parrot",
        "Reaper": "Reaper",
        "ZombieMushroom": "Spore Zombie",
        "ZombieMushroomHat": "Spore Zombie",
        "FungoFish": "Fungo Fish",
        "AnomuraFungus": "Anomura Fungus",
        "MushiLadybug": "Mushi Ladybug",
        "FungiBulb": "Fungi Bulb",
        "GoblinPeon": "Goblin Peon",
        "GiantFungiBulb": "Giant Fungi Bulb",
        "FungiSpore": "Fungi Spore",
        "Plantera": "Plantera",
        "PlanterasHook": "Plantera's Hook",
        "PlanterasTentacle": "Plantera's Tentacle",
        "Spore": "Spore",
        "BrainofCthulhu": "Brain of Cthulhu",
        "Creeper": "Creeper",
        "IchorSticker": "Ichor Sticker",
        "RustyArmoredBonesAxe": "Rusty Armored Bones",
        "GoblinThief": "Goblin Thief",
        "RustyArmoredBonesFlail": "Rusty Armored Bones",
        "RustyArmoredBonesSword": "Rusty Armored Bones",
        "RustyArmoredBonesSwordNoArmor": "Rusty Armored Bones",
        "BlueArmoredBones": "Blue Armored Bones",
        "BlueArmoredBonesMace": "Blue Armored Bones",
        "BlueArmoredBonesNoPants": "Blue Armored Bones",
        "BlueArmoredBonesSword": "Blue Armored Bones",
        "HellArmoredBones": "Hell Armored Bones",
        "HellArmoredBonesSpikeShield": "Hell Armored Bones",
        "HellArmoredBonesMace": "Hell Armored Bones",
        "GoblinWarrior": "Goblin Warrior",
        "HellArmoredBonesSword": "Hell Armored Bones",
        "RaggedCaster": "Ragged Caster",
        "RaggedCasterOpenCoat": "Ragged Caster",
        "Necromancer": "Necromancer",
        "NecromancerArmored": "Necromancer",
        "DiabolistRed": "Diabolist",
        "DiabolistWhite": "Diabolist",
        "BoneLee": "Bone Lee",
        "DungeonSpirit": "Dungeon Spirit",
        "GiantCursedSkull": "Giant Cursed Skull",
        "GoblinSorcerer": "Goblin Sorcerer",
        "Paladin": "Paladin",
        "SkeletonSniper": "Skeleton Sniper",
        "TacticalSkeleton": "Tactical Skeleton",
        "SkeletonCommando": "Skeleton Commando",
        "AngryBonesBig": "Angry Bones",
        "AngryBonesBigMuscle": "Angry Bones",
        "AngryBonesBigHelmet": "Angry Bones",
        "BirdBlue": "Blue Jay",
        "BirdRed": "Cardinal",
        "Squirrel": "Squirrel",
        "Zombie": "Zombie",
        "ChaosBall": "Chaos Ball",
        "Mouse": "Mouse",
        "Raven": "Raven",
        "SlimeMasked": "Slime",
        "BunnySlimed": "Bunny",
        "HoppinJack": "Hoppin' Jack",
        "Scarecrow1": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow2": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow3": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow4": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow5": "Scarecrow",
        "AngryBones": "Angry Bones",
        "Scarecrow6": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow7": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow8": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow9": "Scarecrow",
        "Scarecrow10": "Scarecrow",
        "HeadlessHorseman": "Headless Horseman",
        "Ghost": "Ghost",
        "DemonEyeOwl": "Demon Eye",
        "DemonEyeSpaceship": "Demon Eye",
        "ZombieDoctor": "Zombie",
        "DarkCaster": "Dark Caster",
        "ZombieSuperman": "Zombie",
        "ZombiePixie": "Zombie",
        "SkeletonTopHat": "Skeleton",
        "SkeletonAstonaut": "Skeleton",
        "SkeletonAlien": "Skeleton",
        "MourningWood": "Mourning Wood",
        "Splinterling": "Splinterling",
        "Pumpking": "Pumpking",
        "PumpkingBlade": "Pumpking",
        "Hellhound": "Hellhound",
        "WaterSphere": "Water Sphere",
        "Poltergeist": "Poltergeist",
        "ZombieXmas": "Zombie",
        "ZombieSweater": "Zombie",
        "SlimeRibbonWhite": "Slime",
        "SlimeRibbonYellow": "Slime",
        "SlimeRibbonGreen": "Slime",
        "SlimeRibbonRed": "Slime",
        "BunnyXmas": "Bunny",
        "ZombieElf": "Zombie Elf",
        "ZombieElfBeard": "Zombie Elf",
        "CursedSkull": "Cursed Skull",
        "ZombieElfGirl": "Zombie Elf",
        "PresentMimic": "Present Mimic",
        "GingerbreadMan": "Gingerbread Man",
        "Yeti": "Yeti",
        "Everscream": "Everscream",
        "IceQueen": "Ice Queen",
        "SantaNK1": "Santa-NK1",
        "ElfCopter": "Elf Copter",
        "Nutcracker": "Nutcracker",
        "NutcrackerSpinning": "Nutcracker",
        "SkeletronHead": "Skeletron",
        "ElfArcher": "Elf Archer",
        "Krampus": "Krampus",
        "Flocko": "Flocko",
        "Stylist": "Stylist",
        "WebbedStylist": "Webbed Stylist",
        "Firefly": "Firefly",
        "Butterfly": "Butterfly",
        "Worm": "Worm",
        "LightningBug": "Lightning Bug",
        "Snail": "Snail",
        "SkeletronHand": "Skeletron",
        "GlowingSnail": "Glowing Snail",
        "Frog": "Frog",
        "Duck": "Duck",
        "Duck2": "Duck",
        "DuckWhite": "Duck",
        "DuckWhite2": "Duck",
        "ScorpionBlack": "Scorpion",
        "Scorpion": "Scorpion",
        "TravellingMerchant": "Traveling Merchant",
        "Angler": "Angler",
        "OldMan": "Old Man",
        "DukeFishron": "Duke Fishron",
        "DetonatingBubble": "Detonating Bubble",
        "Sharkron": "Sharkron",
        "Sharkron2": "Sharkron",
        "TruffleWorm": "Truffle Worm",
        "TruffleWormDigger": "Truffle Worm",
        "SleepingAngler": "Sleeping Angler",
        "Grasshopper": "Grasshopper",
        "ChatteringTeethBomb": "Chattering Teeth Bomb",
        "CultistArcherBlue": "Blue Cultist Archer",
        "Demolitionist": "Demolitionist",
        "CultistArcherWhite": "White Cultist Archer",
        "BrainScrambler": "Brain Scrambler",
        "RayGunner": "Ray Gunner",
        "MartianOfficer": "Martian Officer",
        "ForceBubble": "Bubble Shield",
        "GrayGrunt": "Gray Grunt",
        "MartianEngineer": "Martian Engineer",
        "MartianTurret": "Tesla Turret",
        "MartianDrone": "Martian Drone",
        "GigaZapper": "Gigazapper",
        "BoneSerpentHead": "Bone Serpent",
        "ScutlixRider": "Scutlix Gunner",
        "Scutlix": "Scutlix",
        "EyeofCthulhu": "Eye of Cthulhu",
        "BoneSerpentBody": "Bone Serpent",
        "BoneSerpentTail": "Bone Serpent",
        "SolarCrawltipedeHead": "Crawltipede",
        "SolarCrawltipedeBody": "Crawltipede",
        "SolarCrawltipedeTail": "Crawltipede",
        "SolarDrakomire": "Drakomire",
        "SolarDrakomireRider": "Drakomire Rider",
        "SolarSroller": "Sroller",
        "SolarCorite": "Corite",
        "SolarSolenian": "Selenian",
        "Hornet": "Hornet",
        "ManEater": "Man Eater",
        "ArmedZombie": "Zombie",
        "ArmedZombieEskimo": "Zombie Eskimo",
        "ArmedZombiePincussion": "Zombie",
        "ArmedZombieSlimed": "Zombie",
        "ArmedZombieSwamp": "Zombie",
        "ArmedZombieTwiggy": "Zombie",
        "ArmedZombieCenx": "Zombie",
        "UndeadMiner": "Undead Miner",
        "GoldBird": "Gold Bird",
        "GoldBunny": "Gold Bunny",
        "GoldButterfly": "Gold Butterfly",
        "GoldFrog": "Gold Frog",
        "GoldGrasshopper": "Gold Grasshopper",
        "GoldMouse": "Gold Mouse",
        "GoldWorm": "Gold Worm",
        "BoneThrowingSkeleton": "Skeleton",
        "Tim": "Tim",
        "BoneThrowingSkeleton2": "Skeleton",
        "BoneThrowingSkeleton3": "Skeleton",
        "BoneThrowingSkeleton4": "Skeleton",
        "Bunny": "Bunny",
        "CorruptBunny": "Corrupt Bunny",
        "Harpy": "Harpy",
        "CaveBat": "Cave Bat",
        "ServantofCthulhu": "Servant of Cthulhu",
        "KingSlime": "King Slime",
        "JungleBat": "Jungle Bat",
        "DoctorBones": "Doctor Bones",
        "TheGroom": "The Groom",
        "Clothier": "Clothier",
        "Goldfish": "Goldfish",
        "Snatcher": "Snatcher",
        "CorruptGoldfish": "Corrupt Goldfish",
        "Piranha": "Piranha",
        "LavaSlime": "Lava Slime",
        "EaterofSouls": "Eater of Souls",
        "Hellbat": "Hellbat",
        "Vulture": "Vulture",
        "Demon": "Demon",
        "BlueJellyfish": "Blue Jellyfish",
        "PinkJellyfish": "Pink Jellyfish",
        "Shark": "Shark",
        "VoodooDemon": "Voodoo Demon",
        "Crab": "Crab",
        "DungeonGuardian": "Dungeon Guardian",
        "Antlion": "Antlion",
        "DevourerHead": "Devourer",
        "SpikeBall": "Spike Ball",
        "DungeonSlime": "Dungeon Slime",
        "BlazingWheel": "Blazing Wheel",
        "GoblinScout": "Goblin Scout",
        "Bird": "Bird",
        "Pixie": "Pixie",
        "ArmoredSkeleton": "Armored Skeleton",
        "Mummy": "Mummy",
        "DarkMummy": "Dark Mummy",
        "DevourerBody": "Devourer",
        "LightMummy": "Light Mummy",
        "CorruptSlime": "Corrupt Slime",
        "Wraith": "Wraith",
        "CursedHammer": "Cursed Hammer",
        "EnchantedSword": "Enchanted Sword",
        "Mimic": "Mimic",
        "Unicorn": "Unicorn",
        "WyvernHead": "Wyvern",
        "WyvernLegs": "Wyvern",
        "WyvernBody": "Wyvern",
        "DevourerTail": "Devourer",
        "WyvernBody2": "Wyvern",
        "WyvernBody3": "Wyvern",
        "WyvernTail": "Wyvern",
        "GiantBat": "Giant Bat",
        "Corruptor": "Corruptor",
        "DiggerHead": "Digger",
        "DiggerBody": "Digger",
        "DiggerTail": "Digger",
        "SeekerHead": "World Feeder",
        "SeekerBody": "World Feeder",
        "AncientCultistSquidhead": "Ancient Vision",
        "AncientDoom": "Ancient Doom",
        "AncientLight": "Ancient Light",
        "BigMimicCorruption": "Corrupt Mimic",
        "BigMimicCrimson": "Crimson Mimic",
        "BigMimicHallow": "Hallowed Mimic",
        "BigMimicJungle": "Jungle Mimic",
        "BloodZombie": "Blood Zombie",
        "Buggy": "Buggy",
        "Butcher": "Butcher",
        "Crawdad": "Crawdad",
        "Crawdad2": "Crawdad",
        "CreatureFromTheDeep": "Creature from the Deep",
        "CrimsonBunny": "Crimtane Bunny",
        "CrimsonGoldfish": "Crimtane Goldfish",
        "CrimsonPenguin": "Vicious Penguin",
        "CultistBoss": "Lunatic Cultist",
        "CultistBossClone": "Lunatic Cultist",
        "CultistDevote": "Lunatic Devote",
        "CultistDragonBody1": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistDragonBody2": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistDragonBody3": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistDragonBody4": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistDragonHead": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistDragonTail": "Phantasm Dragon",
        "CultistTablet": "Mysterious Tablet",
        "DD2AttackerTest": "???",
        "DD2LanePortal": "Mysterious Portal",
        "DeadlySphere": "Deadly Sphere",
        "DemonTaxCollector": "Tortured Soul",
        "DesertBeast": "Basilisk",
        "DesertDjinn": "Desert Spirit",
        "DesertGhoul": "Ghoul",
        "DesertGhoulCorruption": "Vile Ghoul",
        "DesertGhoulCrimson": "Tainted Ghoul",
        "DesertGhoulHallow": "Dreamer Ghoul",
        "DesertLamiaDark": "Lamia",
        "DesertLamiaLight": "Lamia",
        "DesertScorpionWalk": "Sand Poacher",
        "DesertScorpionWall": "Sand Poacher",
        "Drippler": "Drippler",
        "DrManFly": "Dr. Man Fly",
        "DuneSplicerBody": "Dune Splicer",
        "DuneSplicerHead": "Dune Splicer",
        "DuneSplicerTail": "Dune Splicer",
        "EnchantedNightcrawler": "Enchanted Nightcrawler",
        "FlyingAntlion": "Antlion Swarmer",
        "Fritz": "Fritz",
        "GiantShelly": "Giant Shelly",
        "GiantShelly2": "Giant Shelly",
        "GoblinSummoner": "Goblin Summoner",
        "GraniteFlyer": "Granite Elemental",
        "GraniteGolem": "Granite Golem",
        "GreekSkeleton": "Hoplite",
        "Grubby": "Grubby",
        "LunarTowerNebula": "Nebula Pillar",
        "LunarTowerSolar": "Solar Pillar",
        "LunarTowerStardust": "Stardust Pillar",
        "LunarTowerVortex": "Vortex Pillar",
        "MartianProbe": "Martian Probe",
        "MartianSaucer": "Martian Saucer",
        "MartianSaucerCannon": "Martian Saucer Cannon",
        "MartianSaucerCore": "Martian Saucer",
        "MartianSaucerTurret": "Martian Saucer Turret",
        "MartianWalker": "Martian Walker",
        "Medusa": "Medusa",
        "MoonLordCore": "Moon Lord's Core",
        "MoonLordHand": "Moon Lord's Hand",
        "MoonLordHead": "Moon Lord",
        "Mothron": "Mothron",
        "MothronEgg": "Mothron Egg",
        "MothronSpawn": "Baby Mothron",
        "Nailhead": "Nailhead",
        "NebulaBeast": "Evolution Beast",
        "NebulaBrain": "Nebula Floater",
        "NebulaHeadcrab": "Brain Suckler",
        "NebulaSoldier": "Predictor",
        "PartyBunny": "Bunny",
        "Psycho": "Psycho",
        "Salamander": "Salamander",
        "Salamander2": "Salamander",
        "Salamander3": "Salamander",
        "Salamander4": "Salamander",
        "Salamander5": "Salamander",
        "Salamander6": "Salamander",
        "Salamander7": "Salamander",
        "Salamander8": "Salamander",
        "Salamander9": "Salamander",
        "SandElemental": "Sand Elemental",
        "SandShark": "Sand Shark",
        "SandsharkCorrupt": "Bone Biter",
        "SandsharkCrimson": "Flesh Reaver",
        "SandsharkHallow": "Crystal Thresher",
        "SandSlime": "Sand Slime",
        "ShadowFlameApparition": "Shadowflame Apparation",
        "SlimeSpiked": "Spiked Slime",
        "Sluggy": "Sluggy",
        "SolarFlare": "Solar Flare",
        "SolarGoop": "Solar Fragment",
        "SolarSpearman": "Drakanian",
        "SquirrelGold": "Gold Squirrel",
        "SquirrelRed": "Red Squirrel",
        "StardustCellBig": "Star Cell",
        "StardustCellSmall": "Star Cell",
        "StardustJellyfishBig": "Flow Invader",
        "StardustSoldier": "Stargazer",
        "StardustSpiderBig": "Twinkle Popper",
        "StardustSpiderSmall": "Twinkle",
        "StardustWormHead": "Milkyway Weaver",
        "TargetDummy": "Target Dummy",
        "TaxCollector": "Tax Collector",
        "TheBride": "The Bride",
        "ThePossessed": "The Possessed",
        "TombCrawlerBody": "Tomb Crawler",
        "TombCrawlerHead": "Tomb Crawler",
        "TombCrawlerTail": "Tomb Crawler",
        "Tumbleweed": "Angry Tumbler",
        "VortexHornet": "Alien Hornet",
        "VortexHornetQueen": "Alien Queen",
        "VortexLarva": "Alien Larva",
        "VortexRifleman": "Storm Diver",
        "VortexSoldier": "Vortexian",
        "WalkingAntlion": "Antlion Charger",
        "Slimeling": "Slimeling",
        "Slimer2": "Slimer",
        "GreenSlime": "Green Slime",
        "Pinky": "Pinky",
        "BabySlime": "Baby Slime",
        "BlackSlime": "Black Slime",
        "PurpleSlime": "Purple Slime",
        "RedSlime": "Red Slime",
        "YellowSlime": "Yellow Slime",
        "JungleSlime": "Jungle Slime",
        "SmallRainZombie": "Zombie",
        "BigRainZombie": "Zombie",
        "DD2EterniaCrystal": "Eternia Crystal",
        "DD2GoblinT3": "Etherian Goblin",
        "DD2GoblinT2": "Etherian Goblin",
        "DD2GoblinT1": "Etherian Goblin",
        "DD2JavelinstT3": "Etherian Javelin Thrower",
        "DD2JavelinstT2": "Etherian Javelin Thrower",
        "DD2JavelinstT1": "Etherian Javelin Thrower",
        "DD2GoblinBomberT3": "Etherian Goblin Bomber",
        "DD2GoblinBomberT2": "Etherian Goblin Bomber",
        "DD2GoblinBomberT1": "Etherian Goblin Bomber",
        "DD2WyvernT3": "Etherian Wyvern",
        "DD2WyvernT2": "Etherian Wyvern",
        "DD2WyvernT1": "Etherian Wyvern",
        "DD2Bartender": "Tavernkeep",
        "DD2OgreT3": "Ogre",
        "DD2OgreT2": "Ogre",
        "DD2WitherBeastT3": "Wither Beast",
        "DD2WitherBeastT2": "Wither Beast",
        "DD2SkeletonT3": "Old One's Skeleton",
        "DD2SkeletonT1": "Old One's Skeleton",
        "DD2KoboldWalkerT3": "Kobold",
        "DD2KoboldWalkerT2": "Kobold",
        "DD2DrakinT3": "Drakin",
        "DD2DrakinT2": "Drakin",
        "DD2DarkMageT3": "Dark Mage",
        "DD2DarkMageT1": "Dark Mage",
        "DD2KoboldFlyerT3": "Kobold Glider",
        "DD2KoboldFlyerT2": "Kobold Glider",
        "DD2Betsy": "Betsy",
        "DD2LightningBugT3": "Etherian Lightning Bug",
        "MoonLordFreeEye": "True Eye of Cthulhu",
        "MoonLordLeechBlob": "Moon Leech Clot",
        "SkeletonMerchant": "Skeleton Merchant",
        "PirateShip": "Flying Dutchman",
        "PirateShipCannon": "Dutchman Cannon",
        "BartenderUnconscious": "Unconscious Man",
        "None": "(NONE)"
    "ProjectileName": {
        "AdamantiteChainsaw": "Adamantite Chainsaw",
        "AdamantiteDrill": "Adamantite Drill",
        "AdamantiteGlaive": "Adamantite Glaive",
        "Amarok": "Yoyo",
        "AmberBolt": "Amber Bolt",
        "AmethystBolt": "Amethyst Bolt",
        "Anchor": "Anchor",
        "AncientDoomProjectile": "Prophecy's End",
        "AntiGravityHook": "Anti-Gravity Hook",
        "Arkhalis": "Arkhalis",
        "AshBallFalling": "Ash Ball",
        "BabyDino": "Baby Dino",
        "BabyEater": "Baby Eater",
        "BabyFaceMonster": "Baby Face Monster",
        "BabyGrinch": "Baby Grinch",
        "BabyHornet": "Baby Hornet",
        "BabySkeletronHead": "Baby Skeletron Head",
        "BabySlime": "Baby Slime",
        "BabySnowman": "Baby Snowman",
        "BabySpider": "Baby Spider",
        "BallofFire": "Ball of Fire",
        "BallofFrost": "Ball of Frost",
        "BallOHurt": "Ball 'O Hurt",
        "Bananarang": "Bananarang",
        "Bat": "Bat",
        "BatHook": "Bat Hook",
        "BeachBall": "Beach Ball",
        "Bee": "Bee",
        "BeeArrow": "Bee Arrow",
        "BeeHive": "Bee Hive",
        "Beenade": "Beenade",
        "BlackBolt": "Onyx Blaster",
        "BlackCat": "Black Cat",
        "BlackCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "Blizzard": "Blizzard",
        "BloodCloudMoving": "Blood Cloud",
        "BloodCloudRaining": "Blood Cloud",
        "BloodRain": "Blood Rain",
        "BloodWater": "Blood Water",
        "BloodyMachete": "Bloody Machete",
        "BlowupSmoke": "Blowup Smoke",
        "BlowupSmokeMoonlord": "Blowup Smoke",
        "BlueCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "BlueFairy": "Blue Fairy",
        "BlueFlare": "Blue Flare",
        "BlueMoon": "Blue Moon",
        "BobberFiberglass": "Bobber",
        "BobberFisherOfSouls": "Bobber",
        "BobberFleshcatcher": "Bobber",
        "BobberGolden": "Bobber",
        "BobberHotline": "Bobber",
        "BobberMechanics": "Bobber",
        "BobberReinforced": "Bobber",
        "BobbersittingDuck": "Bobber",
        "BobberWooden": "Bobber",
        "Bomb": "Bomb",
        "BombFish": "Bomb Fish",
        "BombSkeletronPrime": "Bomb",
        "Bone": "Bone",
        "BoneArrow": "Bone Arrow",
        "BoneArrowFromMerchant": "Bone Arrow",
        "BoneDagger": "Bone Dagger",
        "BoneGloveProj": "XBone",
        "BoneJavelin": "Bone Javelin",
        "Boulder": "Boulder",
        "BoulderStaffOfEarth": "Boulder",
        "BouncyBomb": "Bouncy Bomb",
        "BouncyDynamite": "Bouncy Dynamite",
        "BouncyGlowstick": "Bouncy Glowstick",
        "BouncyGrenade": "Bouncy Grenade",
        "BoxingGlove": "Boxing Glove",
        "BrainOfConfusion": "Brain of Confusion",
        "BrainScramblerBolt": "Brain Scrambling Bolt",
        "Bubble": "Bubble",
        "Bullet": "Bullet",
        "BulletDeadeye": "Bullet",
        "BulletHighVelocity": "Bullet",
        "BulletSnowman": "Bullet",
        "Bunny": "Bunny",
        "ButchersChainsaw": "Butcher's Chainsaw",
        "CandyCaneHook": "Candy Cane Hook",
        "CandyCorn": "Candy Corn",
        "CannonballFriendly": "Cannonball",
        "CannonballHostile": "Cannonball",
        "Cascade": "Yoyo",
        "ChainGuillotine": "Chain Guillotine",
        "ChainKnife": "Chain Knife",
        "ChargedBlasterCannon": "Charged Blaster Cannon",
        "ChargedBlasterLaser": "Charged Blaster Laser",
        "ChargedBlasterOrb": "Charged Blaster Orb",
        "Chik": "Yoyo",
        "ChlorophyteArrow": "Chlorophyte Arrow",
        "ChlorophyteBullet": "Bullet",
        "ChlorophyteChainsaw": "Chlorophyte Chainsaw",
        "ChlorophyteDrill": "Chlorophyte Drill",
        "ChlorophyteJackhammer": "Chlorophyte Jackhammer",
        "ChlorophyteOrb": "Chlorophyte Orb",
        "ChlorophytePartisan": "Chlorophyte Partisan",
        "ChristmasHook": "Christmas Hook",
        "ClingerStaff": "Cursed Flames",
        "ClothiersCurse": "Skull",
        "CobaltChainsaw": "Cobalt Chainsaw",
        "CobaltDrill": "Cobalt Drill",
        "CobaltNaginata": "Cobalt Naginata",
        "Code1": "Yoyo",
        "Code2": "Yoyo",
        "CoinPortal": "Coin Portal",
        "CompanionCube": "Companion Cube",
        "ConfettiGun": "Confetti",
        "ConfettiMelee": "Confetti",
        "CopperCoin": "Copper Coin",
        "CopperCoinsFalling": "Copper Coins",
        "CorruptSpray": "Corrupt Spray",
        "CorruptYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "CrimsandBallFalling": "Crimsand Ball",
        "CrimsandBallGun": "Crimsand Ball",
        "CrimsonHeart": "Crimson Heart",
        "CrimsonSpray": "Crimson Spray",
        "CrimsonYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "CrossGraveMarker": "Tombstone",
        "CrystalBullet": "Crystal Bullet",
        "CrystalDart": "Crystal Dart",
        "CrystalLeaf": "Crystal Leaf",
        "CrystalLeafShot": "Crystal Leaf",
        "CrystalPulse": "Crystal Charge",
        "CrystalPulse2": "Crystal Charge",
        "CrystalShard": "Crystal Shard",
        "CrystalStorm": "Crystal Storm",
        "CrystalVileShardHead": "Crystal Vile Shard",
        "CrystalVileShardShaft": "Crystal Vile Shard",
        "Cthulunado": "Cthulunado",
        "CultistBossFireBall": "Fireball",
        "CultistBossFireBallClone": "Shadow Fireball",
        "CultistBossIceMist": "Ice Mist",
        "CultistBossLightningOrb": "Lightning Orb",
        "CultistBossLightningOrbArc": "Lightning Orb Arc",
        "CultistBossParticle": "Energy",
        "CultistRitual": "Lightning Ritual",
        "CursedArrow": "Cursed Arrow",
        "CursedBullet": "Cursed Bullet",
        "CursedDart": "Cursed Dart",
        "CursedDartFlame": "Cursed Flame",
        "CursedFlameFriendly": "Cursed Flame",
        "CursedFlameHostile": "Cursed Flame",
        "CursedSapling": "Cursed Sapling",
        "DangerousSpider": "Dangerous Spider",
        "DarkLance": "Dark Lance",
        "Daybreak": "Daybreak",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT1": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT1Shot": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT2": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT2Shot": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT3": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2FlameBurstTowerT3Shot": "Flameburst Tower",
        "DD2JavelinHostile": "Javelin",
        "DeadlySphere": "Deadly Sphere",
        "DeathLaser": "Death Laser",
        "DeathSickle": "Death Sickle",
        "DemonScythe": "Demon Scythe",
        "DemonSickle": "Demon Sickle",
        "DesertDjinnCurse": "Desert Spirit's Curse",
        "DiamondBolt": "Diamond Bolt",
        "DirtBall": "Dirt Ball",
        "DrillMountCrosshair": "Drill Crosshair",
        "DrManFlyFlask": "Flask",
        "DryadsWardCircle": "Dryad's ward",
        "DualHookBlue": "Hook",
        "DualHookRed": "Hook",
        "Dynamite": "Dynamite",
        "EatersBite": "Eater's Bite",
        "EbonsandBallFalling": "Ebonsand Ball",
        "EbonsandBallGun": "Ebonsand Ball",
        "EighthNote": "Note",
        "Electrosphere": "Electrosphere",
        "ElectrosphereMissile": "Electrosphere Missile",
        "EmeraldBolt": "Emerald Bolt",
        "EnchantedBeam": "Enchanted Beam",
        "EnchantedBoomerang": "Enchanted Boomerang",
        "ExplosiveBullet": "Explosive Bullet",
        "ExplosiveBunny": "Explosive Bunny",
        "Explosives": "Explosives",
        "EyeBeam": "Eye Beam",
        "EyeFire": "Eye Fire",
        "EyeLaser": "Eye Laser",
        "EyeSpring": "Eye Spring",
        "FallingStar": "Falling Star",
        "FireArrow": "Fire Arrow",
        "Fireball": "Fireball",
        "FireworkFountainBlue": "Firework Fountain",
        "FireworkFountainRainbow": "Firework Fountain",
        "FireworkFountainRed": "Firework Fountain",
        "FireworkFountainYellow": "Firework Fountain",
        "FishHook": "Fish Hook",
        "Flairon": "Flairon",
        "FlaironBubble": "Flairon Bubble",
        "Flamarang": "Flamarang",
        "Flamelash": "Flamelash",
        "Flames": "Flames",
        "FlamesTrap": "Flames",
        "FlamethrowerTrap": "Flamethrower",
        "FlamingArrow": "Flaming Arrow",
        "FlamingJack": "Flaming Jack",
        "FlamingScythe": "Flaming Scythe",
        "FlamingWood": "Flaming Wood",
        "Flare": "Flare",
        "FlowerPetal": "Flower Petal",
        "FlowerPow": "Flower Pow",
        "FlowerPowPetal": "Flower Pow",
        "FlyingImp": "Flying Imp",
        "FlyingKnife": "Flying Knife",
        "FlyingPiggyBank": "Flying Piggy Bank",
        "FormatC": "Yoyo",
        "FoulPotion": "Foul Potion",
        "FrostArrow": "Frost Arrow",
        "FrostBeam": "Frost Beam",
        "FrostBlastFriendly": "Frost Blast",
        "FrostBlastHostile": "Frost Blast",
        "FrostBoltStaff": "Frost Bolt",
        "FrostBoltSword": "Frost Bolt",
        "FrostburnArrow": "Frostburn Arrow",
        "FrostDaggerfish": "Frost Daggerfish",
        "FrostHydra": "Frost Hydra",
        "FrostShard": "Frost Shard",
        "FrostWave": "Frost Wave",
        "FruitcakeChakram": "Fruitcake Chakram",
        "GemHookAmethyst": "Gem Hook",
        "GemHookDiamond": "Gem Hook",
        "GemHookEmerald": "Gem Hook",
        "GemHookRuby": "Gem Hook",
        "GemHookSapphire": "Gem Hook",
        "GemHookTopaz": "Gem Hook",
        "GeyserTrap": "Geyser",
        "GiantBee": "Bee",
        "GigaZapperSpear": "Gigazapper Spearhead",
        "Glowstick": "Glowstick",
        "GoldCoin": "Gold Coin",
        "GoldCoinsFalling": "Gold Coins",
        "GoldenBullet": "Golden Bullet",
        "GoldenShowerFriendly": "Golden Shower",
        "GoldenShowerHostile": "Golden Shower",
        "GolemFist": "Golem Fist",
        "Gradient": "Yoyo",
        "GraveMarker": "Tombstone",
        "Gravestone": "Tombstone",
        "GreekFire1": "Greek Fire",
        "GreekFire2": "Greek Fire",
        "GreekFire3": "Greek Fire",
        "GreenCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "GreenFairy": "Pink Fairy",
        "GreenLaser": "Green Laser",
        "Grenade": "Grenade",
        "GrenadeI": "Grenade",
        "GrenadeII": "Grenade",
        "GrenadeIII": "Grenade",
        "GrenadeIV": "Grenade",
        "Gungnir": "Gungnir",
        "HallowSpray": "Hallow Spray",
        "HallowStar": "Hallow Star",
        "Hamdrax": "Hamdrax",
        "HappyBomb": "Happy Bomb",
        "Harpoon": "Harpoon",
        "HarpyFeather": "Harpy Feather",
        "Headstone": "Tombstone",
        "HeatRay": "Heat Ray",
        "HelFire": "Yoyo",
        "HellfireArrow": "Hellfire Arrow",
        "Hellwing": "Hellwing",
        "HolyArrow": "Holy Arrow",
        "HolyWater": "Holy Water",
        "Hook": "Hook",
        "Hornet": "Hornet",
        "HornetStinger": "Hornet Stinger",
        "IceBlock": "Ice Block",
        "IceBolt": "Ice Bolt",
        "IceBoomerang": "Ice Boomerang",
        "IceSickle": "Ice Sickle",
        "IceSpike": "Ice Spike",
        "IcewaterSpit": "Icewater Spit",
        "IchorArrow": "Ichor Arrow",
        "IchorBullet": "Ichor Bullet",
        "IchorDart": "Ichor Dart",
        "IchorSplash": "Ichor Splash",
        "IlluminantHook": "Hook",
        "ImpFireball": "Imp Fireball",
        "InfernoFriendlyBlast": "Inferno",
        "InfernoFriendlyBolt": "Inferno",
        "InfernoHostileBlast": "Inferno",
        "InfernoHostileBolt": "Inferno",
        "InfluxWaver": "Influx Waver",
        "IvyWhip": "Ivy Whip",
        "JackOLantern": "Jack 'O Lantern",
        "JavelinFriendly": "Javelin",
        "JavelinHostile": "Javelin",
        "JestersArrow": "Jester's Arrow",
        "JumperSpider": "Jumper Spider",
        "JungleSpike": "Jungle Spike",
        "JungleYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "Kraken": "Yoyo",
        "Landmine": "Landmine",
        "LaserDrill": "Laser Drill",
        "LaserMachinegun": "Laser Machinegun",
        "LaserMachinegunLaser": "Laser",
        "LastPrism": "Last Prism",
        "LastPrismLaser": "Last Prism",
        "Leaf": "Leaf",
        "LightBeam": "Light Beam",
        "LightDisc": "Light Disc",
        "LostSoulFriendly": "Lost Soul",
        "LostSoulHostile": "Lost Soul",
        "LovePotion": "Love Potion",
        "LunarFlare": "Lunar Flare",
        "LunarHookNebula": "Lunar Hook",
        "LunarHookSolar": "Lunar Hook",
        "LunarHookStardust": "Lunar Hook",
        "LunarHookVortex": "Lunar Hook",
        "MagicDagger": "Magic Dagger",
        "MagicLantern": "Magic Lantern",
        "MagicMissile": "Magic Missile",
        "MagnetSphereBall": "Magnet Sphere",
        "MagnetSphereBolt": "Magnet Sphere",
        "MartianTurretBolt": "Electric Bolt",
        "MartianWalkerLaser": "Laser Ray",
        "MechanicalPiranha": "Mechanical Piranha",
        "MechanicWrench": "Mechanic's Wrench",
        "MedusaHead": "Medusa Ray",
        "MedusaHeadRay": "Medusa Ray",
        "Meowmere": "Meowmere",
        "Meteor1": "Meteor",
        "Meteor2": "Meteor",
        "Meteor3": "Meteor",
        "MeteorShot": "Meteor Shot",
        "MinecartMechLaser": "Minecart Laser",
        "MiniMinotaur": "Mini Minotaur",
        "MiniRetinaLaser": "Mini Retina Laser",
        "MiniSharkron": "Mini Sharkron",
        "Missile": "Missile",
        "MolotovCocktail": "Molotov Cocktail",
        "MolotovFire": "Molotov Fire",
        "MolotovFire2": "Molotov Fire",
        "MolotovFire3": "Molotov Fire",
        "MoonLeech": "Moon Leech",
        "MoonlordArrow": "Luminite Arrow",
        "MoonlordArrowTrail": "Luminite Arrow",
        "MoonlordBullet": "Luminite Bullet",
        "MoonlordTurret": "Lunar Portal",
        "MoonlordTurretLaser": "Lunar Portal Laser",
        "MudBall": "Mud Ball",
        "Mushroom": "Mushroom",
        "MushroomSpear": "Mushroom Spear",
        "MushroomSpray": "Mushroom Spray",
        "MythrilChainsaw": "Mythril Chainsaw",
        "MythrilDrill": "Mythril Drill",
        "MythrilHalberd": "Mythril Halberd",
        "Nail": "Nail",
        "NailFriendly": "Nail",
        "NanoBullet": "Nano Bullet",
        "NebulaArcanum": "Nebula Arcanum",
        "NebulaArcanumExplosionShot": "Nebula Arcanum",
        "NebulaArcanumExplosionShotShard": "Nebula Arcanum",
        "NebulaArcanumSubshot": "Nebula Arcanum",
        "NebulaBlaze1": "Nebula Blaze",
        "NebulaBlaze2": "Nebula Blaze Ex",
        "NebulaBolt": "Nebula Piercer",
        "NebulaChainsaw": "Nebula Chainsaw",
        "NebulaDrill": "Nebula Drill",
        "NebulaEye": "Nebula Eye",
        "NebulaLaser": "Nebula Laser",
        "NebulaSphere": "Nebula Sphere",
        "NettleBurstEnd": "Nettle Burst",
        "NettleBurstLeft": "Nettle Burst",
        "NettleBurstRight": "Nettle Burst",
        "NightBeam": "Night Beam",
        "None": "",
        "NorthPoleSnowflake": "North Pole",
        "NorthPoleSpear": "North Pole",
        "NorthPoleWeapon": "North Pole",
        "NurseSyringeHeal": "Syringe",
        "NurseSyringeHurt": "Syringe",
        "Obelisk": "Tombstone",
        "ObsidianSwordfish": "Obsidian Swordfish",
        "OneEyedPirate": "One Eyed Pirate",
        "OrichalcumChainsaw": "Orichalcum Chainsaw",
        "OrichalcumDrill": "Orichalcum Drill",
        "OrichalcumHalberd": "Orichalcum Halberd",
        "OrnamentFriendly": "Ornament",
        "OrnamentHostile": "Ornament",
        "OrnamentHostileShrapnel": "Ornament",
        "PainterPaintball": "Paintball",
        "PaladinsHammerFriendly": "Paladin's Hammer",
        "PaladinsHammerHostile": "Paladin's Hammer",
        "PalladiumChainsaw": "Palladium Chainsaw",
        "PalladiumDrill": "Palladium Drill",
        "PalladiumPike": "Palladium Pike",
        "Parrot": "Parrot",
        "PartyBullet": "Party Bullet",
        "PartyGirlGrenade": "Confetti Grenade",
        "PearlSandBallFalling": "Pearl Sand Ball",
        "PearlSandBallGun": "Pearl Sand Ball",
        "Penguin": "Penguin",
        "PetLizard": "Pet Lizard",
        "Phantasm": "Phantasm",
        "PhantasmalBolt": "Phantasmal Bolt",
        "PhantasmalDeathray": "Phantasmal Deathray",
        "PhantasmalEye": "Phantasmal Eye",
        "PhantasmalSphere": "Phantasmal Sphere",
        "PhantasmArrow": "Phantasm",
        "PhasicWarpDisc": "",
        "PhasicWarpEjector": "",
        "PineNeedleFriendly": "Pine Needle",
        "PineNeedleHostile": "Pine Needle",
        "PinkFairy": "Pink Fairy",
        "PinkLaser": "Pink Laser",
        "PirateCaptain": "Pirate Captain",
        "PlatinumCoin": "Platinum Coin",
        "PlatinumCoinsFalling": "Platinum Coins",
        "PoisonDart": "Poison Dart",
        "PoisonDartBlowgun": "Poison Dart",
        "PoisonDartTrap": "Poison Dart",
        "PoisonedKnife": "Poisoned Knife",
        "PoisonFang": "Poison Fang",
        "PoisonSeedPlantera": "Poison Seed",
        "PortalGun": "Portal Gun",
        "PortalGunBolt": "Portal Bolt",
        "PortalGunGate": "Portal Gate",
        "PossessedHatchet": "Possessed Hatchet",
        "Present": "Present",
        "ProximityMineI": "Proximity Mine",
        "ProximityMineII": "Proximity Mine",
        "ProximityMineIII": "Proximity Mine",
        "ProximityMineIV": "Proximity Mine",
        "PulseBolt": "Pulse Bolt",
        "Puppy": "Puppy",
        "PureSpray": "Pure Spray",
        "PurificationPowder": "Purification Powder",
        "PurpleCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "PurpleLaser": "Purple Laser",
        "Pygmy": "Pygmy",
        "Pygmy2": "Pygmy",
        "Pygmy3": "Pygmy",
        "Pygmy4": "Pygmy",
        "PygmySpear": "Pygmy",
        "QuarterNote": "Note",
        "RainbowBack": "Rainbow",
        "RainbowCrystal": "Rainbow Crystal",
        "RainbowCrystalExplosion": "Rainbow Explosion",
        "RainbowFront": "Rainbow",
        "RainbowRodBullet": "Rainbow",
        "RainCloudMoving": "Rain Cloud",
        "RainCloudRaining": "Rain Cloud",
        "RainFriendly": "Rain",
        "RainNimbus": "Rain",
        "Rally": "Yoyo",
        "Raven": "Raven",
        "RayGunnerLaser": "Laser Ray",
        "RedCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "RedsYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "Retanimini": "Retanimini",
        "RichGravestone1": "Tombstone",
        "RichGravestone2": "Tombstone",
        "RichGravestone3": "Tombstone",
        "RichGravestone4": "Tombstone",
        "RichGravestone5": "Tombstone",
        "RocketFireworkBlue": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworkGreen": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworkRed": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworksBoxBlue": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworksBoxGreen": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworksBoxRed": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworksBoxYellow": "Rocket",
        "RocketFireworkYellow": "Rocket",
        "RocketI": "Rocket",
        "RocketII": "Rocket",
        "RocketIII": "Rocket",
        "RocketIV": "Rocket",
        "RocketSkeleton": "Rocket",
        "RocketSnowmanI": "Rocket",
        "RocketSnowmanII": "Rocket",
        "RocketSnowmanIII": "Rocket",
        "RocketSnowmanIV": "Rocket",
        "RopeCoil": "Rope Coil",
        "RottenEgg": "Rotten Egg",
        "RubyBolt": "Ruby Bolt",
        "RuneBlast": "Rune Blast",
        "SalamanderSpit": "Poison Spit",
        "SandBallFalling": "Sand Ball",
        "SandBallGun": "Sand Ball",
        "SandnadoFriendly": "Ancient Storm",
        "SandnadoHostile": "Ancient Storm",
        "SandnadoHostileMark": "Ancient Storm",
        "SantaBombs": "Christmas Ornament",
        "Sapling": "Sapling",
        "SapphireBolt": "Sapphire Bolt",
        "SaucerDeathray": "Martian Deathray",
        "SaucerLaser": "Saucer Laser",
        "SaucerMissile": "Martian Rocket",
        "SaucerScrap": "Saucer Scrap",
        "SawtoothShark": "Sawtooth Shark",
        "ScutlixLaser": "Laser",
        "ScutlixLaserCrosshair": "Scutlix Crosshair",
        "ScutlixLaserFriendly": "Scutlix Laser",
        "Seed": "Seed",
        "SeedlerNut": "Seedler",
        "SeedlerThorn": "Seedler",
        "SeedPlantera": "Seed",
        "ShadowBeamFriendly": "Shadow Beam",
        "ShadowBeamHostile": "Shadow Beam",
        "ShadowFlame": "Shadowflame",
        "ShadowFlameArrow": "Shadowflame Arrow",
        "ShadowFlameKnife": "Shadowflame Knife",
        "Shadowflames": "Shadowflames",
        "ShadowOrb": "Shadow Orb",
        "Sharknado": "Sharknado",
        "SharknadoBolt": "Sharknado Bolt",
        "Shuriken": "Shuriken",
        "SilkRopeCoil": "Rope Coil",
        "SiltBall": "Silt Ball",
        "SilverCoin": "Silver Coin",
        "SilverCoinsFalling": "Silver Coins",
        "SkeletonBone": "Bone",
        "SkeletronHand": "Skeletron Hand",
        "Skull": "Skull",
        "SkyFracture": "Sky Fracture",
        "SlimeGun": "Slime Gun",
        "SlimeHook": "Slime Hook",
        "SlushBall": "Slush Ball",
        "SmokeBomb": "Smoke Bomb",
        "SniperBullet": "Sniper Bullet",
        "SnowBallFriendly": "Snow Ball",
        "SnowBallHostile": "Snow Ball",
        "SolarCounter": "Solar Radiance",
        "SolarFlareChainsaw": "Solar Flare Chainsaw",
        "SolarFlareDrill": "Solar Flare Drill",
        "SolarFlareRay": "Solar Flare",
        "SolarWhipSword": "Solar Eruption",
        "SolarWhipSwordExplosion": "Solar Eruption",
        "SoulDrain": "Soul Drain",
        "SoulscourgePirate": "Soulscourge Pirate",
        "Spark": "Spark",
        "Spazmamini": "Spazmamini",
        "Spear": "Spear",
        "SpearTrap": "Spear",
        "SpectreWrath": "Spectre Wrath",
        "SpelunkerGlowstick": "Spelunker Glowstick",
        "Spider": "Spider",
        "SpiderEgg": "Spider Egg",
        "SpiderHiver": "Spider Turret",
        "Spike": "Spike",
        "SpikedSlimeSpike": "Slime Spike",
        "SpikyBall": "Spiky Ball",
        "SpikyBallTrap": "Spiky Ball",
        "SpiritFlame": "Spirit Flame",
        "SpiritHeal": "Spirit Heal",
        "SporeCloud": "Spore Cloud",
        "SporeGas": "Spore",
        "SporeGas2": "Spore",
        "SporeGas3": "Spore",
        "SporeTrap": "Spore",
        "SporeTrap2": "Spore",
        "Squashling": "Squashling",
        "Stake": "Stake",
        "StarAnise": "Star Anise",
        "StardustCellMinion": "Stardust Cell",
        "StardustCellMinionShot": "Stardust Cell",
        "StardustChainsaw": "Stardust Chainsaw",
        "StardustDragon1": "Stardust Dragon",
        "StardustDragon2": "Stardust Dragon",
        "StardustDragon3": "Stardust Dragon",
        "StardustDragon4": "Stardust Dragon",
        "StardustDrill": "Stardust Drill",
        "StardustGuardian": "Stardust Guardian",
        "StardustGuardianExplosion": "Starburst",
        "StardustJellyfishSmall": "Flow Invader",
        "StardustSoldierLaser": "Stardust Laser",
        "StardustTowerMark": "Starmark",
        "Starfury": "Starfury",
        "StarWrath": "Star Wrath",
        "StaticHook": "Static Hook",
        "StickyBomb": "Sticky Bomb",
        "StickyDynamite": "Sticky Dynamite",
        "StickyGlowstick": "Sticky Glowstick",
        "StickyGrenade": "Sticky Grenade",
        "Stinger": "Stinger",
        "Stynger": "Stynger",
        "StyngerShrapnel": "Stynger",
        "Sunfury": "Sunfury",
        "SuspiciousTentacle": "Suspicious Looking Tentacle",
        "SwordBeam": "Sword Beam",
        "Swordfish": "Swordfish",
        "Tempest": "Tempest",
        "TendonHook": "Hook",
        "TerraBeam": "Terra Beam",
        "Terrarian": "Terrarian",
        "TerrarianBeam": "Terrarian",
        "TheDaoofPow": "The Dao of Pow",
        "TheEyeOfCthulhu": "Yoyo",
        "TheMeatball": "The Meatball",
        "TheRottedFork": "The Rotted Fork",
        "ThornBall": "Thorn Ball",
        "ThornChakram": "Thorn Chakram",
        "ThornHook": "Hook",
        "ThrowingKnife": "Throwing Knife",
        "TiedEighthNote": "Note",
        "TikiSpirit": "Tiki Spirit",
        "TinyEater": "Tiny Eater",
        "TitaniumChainsaw": "Titanium Chainsaw",
        "TitaniumDrill": "Titanium Drill",
        "TitaniumTrident": "Titanium Trident",
        "Tombstone": "Tombstone",
        "TopazBolt": "Topaz Bolt",
        "TowerDamageBolt": "Released Energy",
        "ToxicBubble": "Toxic Bubble",
        "ToxicCloud": "Toxic Cloud",
        "ToxicCloud2": "Toxic Cloud",
        "ToxicCloud3": "Toxic Cloud",
        "ToxicFlask": "Toxic Flask",
        "TrackHook": "Track Hook",
        "Trident": "Trident",
        "Truffle": "Truffle",
        "TruffleSpore": "Truffle Spore",
        "Turtle": "Turtle",
        "Twinkle": "Twinkle",
        "Typhoon": "Typhoon",
        "UFOLaser": "UFO Ray",
        "UFOMinion": "UFO",
        "UnholyArrow": "Unholy Arrow",
        "UnholyTridentFriendly": "Unholy Trident",
        "UnholyTridentHostile": "Unholy Trident",
        "UnholyWater": "Unholy Water",
        "ValkyrieYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "Valor": "Yoyo",
        "VampireHeal": "Vampire Heal",
        "VampireKnife": "Vampire Knife",
        "VenomArrow": "Venom Arrow",
        "VenomBullet": "Venom Bullet",
        "VenomFang": "Venom Fang",
        "VenomSpider": "Venom Spider",
        "ViciousPowder": "Vicious Powder",
        "VilePowder": "Vile Powder",
        "VilethornBase": "Vilethorn",
        "VilethornTip": "Vilethorn",
        "VineRopeCoil": "Vine Rope Coil",
        "VortexAcid": "Alien Goop",
        "VortexBeater": "Vortex Beater",
        "VortexBeaterRocket": "Vortex Rocket",
        "VortexChainsaw": "Vortex Chainsaw",
        "VortexDrill": "Vortex Drill",
        "VortexLaser": "Vortex Laser",
        "VortexLightning": "Vortex Lightning",
        "VortexVortexLightning": "Vortex",
        "VortexVortexPortal": "Vortex",
        "Wasp": "Wasp",
        "WaterBolt": "Water Bolt",
        "WaterGun": "Water Gun",
        "WaterStream": "Water Stream",
        "Web": "Web",
        "WebRopeCoil": "Rope Coil",
        "WebSpit": "Web spit",
        "WireKite": "Wire Kite",
        "Wisp": "Wisp",
        "WoodenArrowFriendly": "Wooden Arrow",
        "WoodenArrowHostile": "Wooden Arrow",
        "WoodenBoomerang": "Wooden Boomerang",
        "WoodHook": "Wood Hook",
        "WoodYoyo": "Yoyo",
        "WormHook": "Hook",
        "Xenopopper": "Xenopopper",
        "Yelets": "Yoyo",
        "YellowCounterweight": "Counterweight",
        "ZephyrFish": "Zephyr Fish",
        "Ale": "Ale",
        "DD2OgreStomp": "Ogre's Stomp",
        "DD2OgreSmash": "Ogre's Stomp",
        "DD2DrakinShot": "Drakin",
        "DD2ElderWins": "Grim End",
        "DD2DarkMageRaise": "Dark Sigil",
        "DD2DarkMageHeal": "Dark Sigil",
        "DD2DarkMageBolt": "Dark Energy",
        "DD2OgreSpit": "Ogre Spit",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT1": "Ballista",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT2": "Ballista",
        "DD2BallistraTowerT3": "Ballista",
        "DD2BallistraProj": "Ballista",
        "DD2GoblinBomb": "Goblin Bomb",
        "DD2LightningBugZap": "Withering Bolt",
        "DD2SquireSonicBoom": "Hearty Slash",
        "DD2BetsyFireball": "Betsy's Fireball",
        "DD2BetsyFlameBreath": "Betsy's Breath",
        "DD2LightningAuraT1": "Lightning Aura",
        "DD2LightningAuraT2": "Lightning Aura",
        "DD2LightningAuraT3": "Lightning Aura",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT1": "Explosive Trap",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT2": "Explosive Trap",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT3": "Explosive Trap",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT1Explosion": "Explosive Trap",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT2Explosion": "Explosive Trap",
        "DD2ExplosiveTrapT3Explosion": "Explosive Trap",
        "MonkStaffT1": "Sleepy Octopod",
        "MonkStaffT1Explosion": "Pole Smash",
        "MonkStaffT2": "Ghastly Glaive",
        "MonkStaffT2Ghast": "Ghast",
        "DD2PetDragon": "Hoardagron",
        "DD2PetGato": "Propeller Gato",
        "DD2PetGhost": "Flickerwick",
        "DD2ApprenticeStorm": "Whirlwind of Infinite Wisdom",
        "DD2PhoenixBow": "Phantom Phoenix",
        "DD2PhoenixBowShot": "Phantom Phoenix",
        "MonkStaffT3": "Sky Dragon's Fury",
        "MonkStaffT3_Alt": "Sky Dragon's Fury",
        "MonkStaffT3_AltShot": "Sky Dragon's Fury",
        "DD2BetsyArrow": "Aerial Bane",
        "ApprenticeStaffT3Shot": "Betsy's Wrath",
        "BookStaffShot": "Tome of Infinite Wisdom",
        "DD2Win": "Victory!",
        "DD2JavelinHostileT3": "Javelin"
    "TownNPCHousingFailureReasons": {
        "TooCloseToWorldEdge": "We need better text for this!!!",
        "RoomIsTooBig": "This room is too big",
        "RoomIsTooSmall": "This room is too small",
        "HoleInWallIsTooBig": "This room is missing a wall",
        "RoomCheckStartedInASolidTile": "This is a solid block!"
    "BartenderNames": {
        "Name_1": "Ted",
        "Name_2": "Barkeep",
        "Name_3": "Jerry",
        "Name_4": "Bill",
        "Name_5": "Ernest",
        "Name_6": "William",
        "Name_7": "Dale",
        "Name_8": "Bruce",
        "Name_9": "Moe",
        "Name_10": "Javahawk",
        "Name_11": "Elandrian",
        "Name_12": "Driscan",
        "Name_13": "Iamisom",
        "Name_14": "Blacksmith",
        "Name_15": "Dani Moo",
        "Name_16": "Paddy"
    "BartenderChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "I've got the cure for what ails ya! Get it? Ale? No?",
        "Chatter_2": "They say you're strong, well, I know strong. Let's see if you measure up.",
        "Chatter_3": "Back where I'm from, we only serve Root Beer...",
        "Chatter_4": "This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day.",
        "Chatter_5": "Life's a challenge when you're just naturally better than everyone else.",
        "Chatter_6": "What am I doing here...",
        "Chatter_7": "A lot of tenacity and a little bit of luck can go a long way...",
        "Chatter_8": "Have you seen any Meburs around here?",
        "Chatter_9": "{Dryad} seems nice. I should bring her back with me.",
        "Chatter_10": "Do you think {Steampunker} has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one.",
        "Chatter_11": "No wonder {Demolitionist} has so many accidents. You can't imagine how much ale he buys from me.",
        "Chatter_12": "Normally, I'm not much of a fan of Goblins, but {GoblinTinkerer} seems to be an alright sort.",
        "Chatter_13": "{?Day}Anyone see where the Dryad went?",
        "Chatter_14": "{?!Day}Really quiet out there. A little too quiet...",
        "Chatter_15": "{?!Day}Check in with me, and do your job.",
        "Chatter_16": "{?BloodMoon}You know, where I'm from, a Blood Moon is actually just an excuse to get some fresh air.",
        "Chatter_17": "{?MoonLordDefeated}Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord?",
        "Chatter_18": "{?HardMode}I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld.",
        "Chatter_19": "{?Homeless}Know any good places to set up shop? Would love to open up a bar here."
    "BartenderSpecialText": {
        "FirstHelp": "For starters, take a few of these Defender Medals, on the house! I've got some special defenses you can purchase, but only with Defender Medals!",
        "FirstMeeting": "Huh? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was a portal opening up in front of me...",
        "BeforeDD2Tier1": "We should really do something about the Old One's Army. Ask me about the Eternia Crystal if you want to learn more.",
        "AfterDD2Tier1": "Great job on fighting off the Old One's Army! But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them, they didn't put up much of a fight this time.",
        "AfterDD2Tier2": "The Army of the Old One's keeps getting stronger, yet you keep pushing them back! But something tells me they aren't quite finished with us yet.",
        "AfterDD2Tier3": "You really kept the full force of the Old One's Army at bay? Maybe you should visit Etheria some time.",
        "Party": "I really need some birthday text, Yorai!"
    "BartenderHelpText": {
        "Help_1": "The first thing you need to know about are the special defensive artifacts I've got for sale, but only if you've got some Defender Medals!",
        "Help_2": "You can use these artifacts to create traps and defensive towers. Doing so consumes Etherian mana, a special energy dropped only by members of the Old One's Army!",
        "Help_3": "Challenging the Old One's Army is rather simple. They are attracted to the power of the Eternia Crystals, and that can be used to bait them out.",
        "Help_4": "To place an Eternia Crystal, you must obtain an Eternia Crystal and a stand to put it in. It just so happens, you can buy em from me!",
        "Help_5": "You'll want to place your Eternia Crystal stand in a pretty open, flat area. Lots of walls and stuff might make it pretty difficult to protect!",
        "Help_6": "Once your stand is set up, just interact with it while holding an Eternia Crystal, and prepare for a fight!",
        "Help_7": "Of course, you can't let the Old One's Army destroy the Eternia Crystal! This will have catastrophic consequences for my home world of Etheria!",
        "Help_8": "You can place defenses at the cost of 10 Etherian mana. Once placed, the Eternia Crystal will release some of this mana. Otherwise, you will need to defeat enemies to get more.",
        "Help_9": "With the help of the defenses, you will have to repel several waves of invaders who are attempting to destroy both you and the Eternia Crystal!",
        "Help_10": "If you successfully repel the invasion, you'll be awarded with more Defender Medals, which you can bring to me to purchase more artifacts and some other special rewards!",
        "Help_11": "I've also heard rumors that the power of the artifacts themselves may be further unlocked if you defeat the Old One's Army. Perhaps you could even use them any time you wish!"
    "GuideHelpText": {
        "Help_1063": "Normally I'd try to teach you all about the Old One's Army, but you should probably ask {Bartender} about that."
    "GoblinTinkererChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "You know, these Etherian Goblins are nothing like my people. Really rowdy bunch. Not that my people are much better..."
    "AnglerChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "How come {Bartender} won't sell me any ale? I want to try some! What a grouch!"
    "AnglerQuestText": {
        "NoQuest_1": "I don't have anything for you to do right now.",
        "NoQuest_2": "You have entertained me enough for today, go.",
        "NoQuest_3": "You are done, the grand {Angler} dismisses you!",
        "NoQuest_4": "Only one fish a day, please go away!",
        "NoQuest_5": "I haven't even used the last fish you gave me.  I don't need another.",
        "TurnIn_1": "Oh! Thanks for the fish I asked for, now scram!",
        "TurnIn_2": "Awesome catch! It's all going according to plan! He he he!",
        "TurnIn_3": "You make a great errand monkey! Now go away!",
        "TurnIn_4": "Muahahahahaha! You did it! You're still in one piece though, how boring!",
        "TurnIn_5": "Woah!? You actually did what I asked, and survived! Nice, hand it over and beat it!",
        "Quest_Batfish": "Na na na na na na na Bat-FISH! That means go digging underground, fetch it, and bring it to me!\n\n(Caught in Underground & Caverns)",
        "Quest_BumblebeeTuna": "The subterranean jungles of {WorldName} have the weirdest things! Like, there's this fish I saw that looked just like a giant bumblebee! I'm allergic to bees, so you have to catch it for me! I bet it'd taste like a tuna and honey sandwich!\n\n(Caught in Honey)",
        "Quest_Catfish": "I finally found a jungle cat that likes water! I think it's because it's also part fish. I don't know why this happened, and I don't want to know. I just want it in my hands, and make it snappy!\n\n(Caught in Jungle Surface)",
        "Quest_Cloudfish": "There's a rumor going around that there are islands that float high up in the sky, and that they have amazing treasure! Who cares about that though, what's even cooler is that sometimes lakes form in the clouds, and in those lakes are fish made out of clouds! I wanna know what it tastes like, so you better go catch it for me!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes)",
        "Quest_Cursedfish": "There's a cursed fish swimming in the waters of the deepest corruption! It was forged of the cursed flames that spread from the fallen horrors that lurk down there. They say not even water can put out this fire, and that it can burn forever. I can think of some awesome things I can do with a fish like that! You gonna go get it for me, or are you too chicken!?\n\n(Caught in Corruption)",
        "Quest_Dirtfish": "I was reeling in the big one when this funny talking zombie burst out of the forest lake and started rambling on about this 'ferocious' species of fish made out of dirt! He says it could suffocate ten blokes his size, or something like that... I want it! NOW!\n\n(Caught in Surface, Underground, & Caverns)",
        "Quest_DynamiteFish": "The demolitionist was raising cane about losing a stick of dynamite in the lake out in the forest. He has like, so many, so why does one matter? Apparently, because it grew fins and started swimming away! I don't know where he gets his materials to make those things, but that one is clearly possessed! Reel it in and bring it to me, I always wanted a suicide bombing fish! Don't ask why...\n\n(Caught in Surface)",
        "Quest_EaterofPlankton": "I bet you're not brave enough to find the Eater of Plankton. A corrupt fish that was mutated from a severed piece of the Eater of Worlds itself! Capture it and bring it to me, and prove to me you're not a wuss!\n\n(Caught in Corruption)",
        "Quest_FallenStarfish": "I love collecting those bright yellow stars that fall from the sky! I love it even more when they land on someone's head. But.. but.. nothing beats a star that falls in a foresty lake and turns into a fish! That's just totally rad, and you're just rad enough to get it for me!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes)",
        "Quest_TheFishofCthulu": "Apparently, Demon Eyes can sometimes be amphibious. They don't fly, they swim! I want to see the look on someone's face when they find it in their bathtub! They hang around the same areas. That means you reel one in for me!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes & Surface)",
        "Quest_Fishotron": "I don't know what's worse, a bone fish or a bone fish with HANDS. This Fish-o-Tron deep in the caverns really freaks me out! I think it's possessed by the same evil spirits that possessed that old man by the dungeon! I double duck dare you to go catch it!\n\n(Caught in Caverns)",
        "Quest_Harpyfish": "I was trying to sleep by the hill lakeside when this fish swooped down at me. It was flying! It also had the face of a lady and had feathers! I think I screamed louder than she did! Hey you, go make her pay for scaring me like that!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes & Surface)",
        "Quest_Hungerfish": "There's a piece of the Hunger that morphed from the Wall of Flesh into a small fish-like thing that swims around aimlessly in the underworld and it's gross and it's yucky and I want it now!\n\n(Caught in Caverns)",
        "Quest_Ichorfish": "Did you know deep in the crimson, some of those creatures make this gross yellow stuff? I overheard a crazy story about a pool of it having melted together into a shape of a fish and it swims around and everything! Fetch it for me, so I can stick it in someone's toilet!\n\n(Caught in Crimson)",
        "Quest_Jewelfish": "Oooooohhh, I'm going to be SO rich! Deep in the caverns, there is a fish made out of gemstones! Don't ask me how, I don't know, all I know is that this fish is totally awesome and you're going to catch it for me!\n\n(Caught in Underground & Caverns)",
        "Quest_MirageFish": "There's some interesting critters to be found in the deeper Hallows, I tell you! They glow this crazy purple color and it messes with my eyes! It's totally wild, so I want you to catch a fish like that for me!\n\n(Caught in Underground Hallow)",
        "Quest_MutantFlinxfin": "What's white and tan and fluffy and lives in a frozen underground lake? A mutant flinxfin! I wasn't telling a joke, you know, there really is a mutated variety of Flinx that is more adapted to an aquatic lifestyle! I want it to adapt to my fishbowl, so make sure that happens!\n\n(Caught in Underground Tundra)",
        "Quest_Pengfish": "It's a whale! It's a dolphin! No, it's a penguin fish! Oh, and look, it's you! You get to bring me one! You do know they only like cold water, right?\n\n(Caught in Tundra)",
        "Quest_Pixiefish": "There's a really really rare type of pixie that's born with so many wings that it can't actually fly! It swims with the fishes in the lakes surrounded by that blue colored grass. My fish tank needs a lamp, so I want you to catch me that pixie!\n\n(Caught in Hallow)",
        "Quest_Spiderfish": "I saw a fish that had eight legs! Nope! Not happening! You're fishing it for me, so it's not alive when I hold it! That's the last time I go fishing so deep in the cavern!\n\n(Caught in Underground & Caverns)",
        "Quest_UnicornFish": "Unicorns and rainbows are absolutely great! They're everywhere, even in the water. No, really, I actually saw a unicorn fish in the Hallowed lake! Your job is to reel it up and let me have it as a pet!\n\n(Caught in Hallow)",
        "Quest_GuideVoodooFish": "Those demons in the underworld really like voodoo dolls, but I think there's a doll out there who was blasted with way too much magic! It turned into a fish and it does stuff on its own. I dare you to go down and get me one! I'd watch out for the boiling lava, because it burns you to death and that won't get me my fish!\n\n(Caught in Caverns)",
        "Quest_Wyverntail": "I know something youuuuu don't! Fine, I'll tell you, there's a terrifying creature that flies among the stars! I'm not making this up! It's called a Wyvern! But, but, you knew that already, right? Well what you don't know is that they are born and raised as tadpoles! So, they're actually like.. well, a frog! Hop to it and get me one!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes)",
        "Quest_ZombieFish": "You won't believe it! I caught a fish in the forest at night that was already dead! Then it tried to eat me! I threw it away and ran! Now I want to stick it in someone's dresser to see what happens, so go fish it back up for me will ya?!\n\n(Caught in Surface)",
        "Quest_AmanitiaFungifin": "I found this spectacular place draped in giant glowing mushrooms! Everything was blue! I was picking some of the mushrooms I found next to a glistening blue lake, when one of the mushrooms snapped at me and swam away! I want to give it a taste of its own medicine, and give it a good chompin'! What I mean is, you gotta get it for me!\n\n(Caught in Glowing Mushroom Fields)",
        "Quest_Angelfish": "Did you know there's magical islands that float up high in the sky? Bet you didn't! They say angels live in the sky, and I believe those angels have fins and gills and swim around! I believe you must catch one for me!\n\n(Caught in Sky Lakes)",
        "Quest_BloodyManowar": "Ow! Don't get near me! I got stung by a Bloody Man-O-War! In case you're not smart enough to know what that is, it's the most menacing jellyfish in all of {WorldName}! Go to that rotten crimson and catch it if you dare! \n\n(Caught in Crimson)",
        "Quest_Bonefish": "Normally I could care less if I see fishbones floating in the water underground, but this one was swimming! What, you thought that only human skeletons still flailed about in {WorldName}? Get it for me so I can stick it in someone's bed!\n\n(Caught in Underground & Caverns)",
        "Quest_Bunnyfish": "Out in the forest, I was fishing right? Well guess what! A bunny hopped up to me! Then another one hopped up, and another... suddenly I'm surrounded by bunnies! One even swam up to me from the water, but it had no legs! I fell outta my chair in surprise and all the bunnies scurried off! I want that bunny fish as a pet, so you better catch it for me! Pronto!\n\n(Caught in Surface)",
        "Quest_CapnTunabeard": "Yarr matey! Shiver me timbers! Avast, scallywags! There's a pirate captain who once had a pet fish named Cap'n Tunabeard, but during a big storm the fishbowl fell overboard! It has a hook for a tail, and an eyepatch and everything! You need to fetch me that fish, so I can be as cool as a pirate! Obviously it's out in the ocean somewhere! Duh!\n\n(Caught in Ocean)",
        "Quest_Clownfish": "I saw this bright orange and colorful fish by the ocean, and it was looking around frantically as though it was seeking a lost family member! Go catch it for me, so that another one will show up looking frantically for him instead!\n\n(Caught in Ocean)",
        "Quest_DemonicHellfish": "I hear in the underworld, that the King of all demons is actually a fish! Just imagine the absolute power I would have if you caught it for me!\n\n(Caught in Caverns)",
        "Quest_Derpfish": "Those Derplings in the jungle are the most scary creatures I've ever seen! Good thing is, sometimes they don't have legs! These ones live in the water and are a lot less scary! Catch me one now so I can see what they taste like without being scared half to death!\n\n(Caught in Jungle Surface)",
        "Quest_Fishron": "There's a legend of a mighty being known as the Fishron! It's part pig, part dragon, and part FISH! I hear it hangs around in the frozen subterranean lakes of the coldest part of the world! I'm not going there, so YOU go catch it and makes sure it lands in my hands! I'm so excited!\n\n(Caught in Underground Tundra)",
        "Quest_InfectedScabbardfish": "A really long fish that looks like a sword's sheath swims in the murky waters of the corruption! It looks a lot like ebonstone, so don't let it fool you! That's right, you. You're catching it, not me!\n\n(Caught in Corruption)",
        "Quest_Mudfish": "Watch your step when wading through jungle waters! Why? No, not because I care about you being eaten by piranhas. I care because you'll step on one of my favorite kinds of fish, the Mud Fish! I also care a lot that you're going to grab me one as a pet!\n\n(Caught in Jungle)",
        "Quest_Slimefish": "In the forest, the slimes are kinda gross. Slimefish are even more so! I don't want to swim with slimes, so yoink one out of the water for me!\n\n(Caught Anywhere)",
        "Quest_TropicalBarracuda": "Piranhas and sharks are ugly! Soooo ugly! Did you know there's a fish that looks very pretty and still can eat your face off? I would pay 2 platinum to see that happen, by the way... To the point, though, you catchy for me. Just make sure I have it before you lose your face!\n\n(Caught Jungle Surface)",
        "Quest_TundraTrout": "You ever wonder why the lakes on the surface of the snowy areas of {WorldName} never ice over? I don't. The fish, however, do! A fish made out of ice would make a great offering to the mighty and amazing {Angler}! Go, my loyal subject, and bring me this Tundra Trout with haste!\n\n(Caught in Surface Tundra)"
    "DryadSpecialText": {
        "AfterDD2Tier1": "When I was in Etheria, I felt so disconnected from {WorldName}. Its good to be back.",
        "AfterDD2Tier2": "The Corruption tried to take me over when I went to Etheria, but instead, I used its power against the Old One's Army!",
        "WorldStatusAll": "{0} is {1}% hallow, {2}% corrupt, and {3}% crimson.",
        "WorldStatusHallowCorrupt": "{0} is {1}% hallow and {2}% corrupt.",
        "WorldStatusHallowCrimson": "{0} is {1}% hallow and {2}% crimson.",
        "WorldStatusCorruptCrimson": "{0} is {1}% corrupt and {2}% crimson.",
        "WorldStatusCorrupt": "{0} is {1}% corrupt.",
        "WorldStatusCrimson": "{0} is {1}% crimson.",
        "WorldStatusHallow": "{0} is {1}% hallow.",
        "WorldStatusPure": "{0} is completely pure. You have done an amazing job!",
        "WorldDescriptionBalanced": "The world is in balance.",
        "WorldDescriptionFairyTale": "We are living in a fairy tale.",
        "WorldDescriptionGrim": "Things are grim indeed...",
        "WorldDescriptionWork": "You have a lot of work to do.",
        "WorldDescriptionClose": "You are so close!",
        "Party": "I thought I would throw a party to celebrate our victories in the past and those yet to come."
    "WitchDoctorSpecialText": {
        "AfterDD2Tier1": "I sense a kindred spirit in the Etherian Dark Mages. A pity they are our enemies, I would have liked to learn from them.",
        "Party": "I wanted to see how your kind celebrate, I am not disappointed."
    "PirateChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "About time we gotta barkeep around here! Me rum was almost gone!"
    "NurseChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "I keep asking for wine, but all {Bartender} gives me are mugs of ale."
    "DemolitionistSpecialText": {
        "AfterDD2Start": "I don't see why we can't just blow up those portals.",
        "Party": "You might want to be careful today. Us dwarves tend to have pretty explosive parties."
    "StylistChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "I offered {Bartender} a free trim, but he refused. I mean, I could have at least worked on his mustache!"
    "WizardSpecialText": {
        "AfterDD2Tier1": "You know, I think I've seen a portal like that before, but it was gold.",
        "Party": "Clearly I throw the most magical of parties."
    "PartyGirlSpecialText": {
        "AfterDD2Tier1": "Have you seen an ogre yet? I want to ride on the back of one!",
        "Party_1": "Hmm? Nothing special today... just kidding! It's party time, and then it's after party time!",
        "Party_2": "At last, my time has come!"
    "CyborgChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "{Bartender} said I reminded him of a certain \"EV2\". Perhaps I should meet her."
    "MechanicChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "{Bartender} offered me a Root Beer, I told him to give it to me in a square cup."
    "DyeTraderSpecialText": {
        "HasPlant_0": "Brilliant, my dear! You have brought me an exquisite sample of the world's beautiful colors and aroma. In exchange, you may take this special bottle of dye.",
        "HasPlant_1": "You bring me a beautiful, rare flower... yes, yes? Take this bottle of special dye for your troubles, friend!",
        "HasPlant_2": "Fantabulous, wonderful friend! With this delicate specimen, I may mix the most amazing dyes {WorldName} has ever seen! You may take this one right away!",
        "NoPlant_0": "Oh no no, this will not do.  For these money is no good, you must return to me with a rare specimen of a plant!",
        "NoPlant_1": "You think you can pull a fast one on {DyeTrader}, I don't think so! I only take the rarest of flowers for these special bottles!",
        "NoPlant_2": "These dye bottles? Sorry dear friend, these don't take coin. I only take the most precious and rare of flora in exchange for one of this!",
        "Party": "I truly love parties, so many beautiful colors and happy people."
    "GuideSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Never been to a party before? You might want to check around with the others. People sometimes bring out special party favors."
    "MerchantSpecialText": {
        "Party": "You know what would be the best way to party? Buying things for others, specifically from me."
    "GoblinTinkererSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Goblin parties are a lot like humans. They both have games like \"Pin the Blame on the Human\" er... I don't play that game at my parties."
    "ClothierSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can party on."
    "TravellingMerchantSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Many say that parties give you the richest of memories. So buy something and make this memory rich!"
    "MechanicSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Do you think anyone would mind if I wired a cake with bulbs instead of candles?"
    "PirateSpecialText": {
        "Party": "After all that cake, you might have to call me White Beard for a while."
    "TruffleSpecialText": {
        "Party": "I would have invited everyone to party in my home, but there's not mushroom."
    "NurseSpecialText": {
        "Party": "No, I will not tell you how many candles are on my cake."
    "SteampunkerSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Everyone said they like stacked cakes, so I installed smokestacks in mine."
    "CyborgSpecialText": {
        "Party": "This party is going to be nuts, maybe even bolts!"
    "SantaClausSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Come now, you didn't think I only celebrated on Christmas did you?"
    "ArmsDealerSpecialText": {
        "Party": "Parties are great for getting people to come out of their shell, just like with bullets."
    "StylistSpecialText": {
        "Party": "I may have gotten my hair done up just for today, but honestly, I just want to pop balloons with my scissors."
    "PainterSpecialText": {
        "Party": "I tried having a paintball fight, but everyone wanted food and decorations instead."
    "AnglerSpecialText": {
        "Party": "What, you think I like parties because I am a kid? Well, you're right, so get to partying!"