
主機版版本歷史/Pipeworks Studios/PS4 1.0.983.5

出自Terraria Wiki
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  • 多人模式 & 分屏修復
    • Fixed a bug where the host’s world would get copied and replaced by another player’s previously created world.
    • Fixed a bug where a player’s world would get replaced when they went from a single-player session to a multiplayer one and the host quit first.
    • Fixed a bug where the game would freeze after exiting the session with either a 3rd or 4th split-screen player.
    • Fixed a split-screen crash that would occur when the primary player used 『Save and Exit』 from a 4-player multiplayer split-screen session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur for players whose 2nd split-screen player exited a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a freeze that occurred when a player selected multiplayer after being in a multiplayer game that the host quit.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when two or more split-screen players would access their cloud save on the 『Select Player』 screen.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when a secondary player interacted with a chest during split-screen.
    • 修復了在海盜入侵中出現的多人模式的錯誤。
    • Fixed a bug where elements in the mini-map would be missing for other players in a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a split-screen bug where secondary players would get kicked out of a multiplayer session after interacting with a chest.
    • 修復了接受邀請後出現的崩潰。
    • Fixed a bug that would cause infinite loading after losing connection to the internet while in a multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur if the primary player exited a split-screen session while the secondary player selected the 『Edit』 option by interacting with a tombstone.
    • Fixed other stability bugs related to accepting invitations while in suspend mode.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after the host added a split-screen player and another non-split-screen player joined simultaneously.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur for the host while fighting in a PvP multiplayer session.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur after exiting the split-screen players one by one while the players were zoomed in.
    • Fixed a bug that would prevent progression being saved when 『Autosave』 was turned off, and the player exited via Save & Exit.
    • 修復了與自動保存相關的其他 Bug
    • Fixed instances of the game becoming unresponsive after signing in and out of profiles.
    • Fixed a bug where certain enemies (Blue Slime) and bosses would respawn despite being defeated.
    • Fixed an instance where players wouldn’t be taken to a multiplayer session after accepting an invite.
    • Fixed a bug where worlds couldn’t be created after performing sign-in changes after a previous world creation process.
    • 自動暫停現在僅在單人模式中,才在地圖屏幕上可用。
    • Fixed a bug where save conversion wouldn’t progress past converting maps when the player has only played in multiplayer games previously.
    • Fixed a bug where saved worlds would disappear after save conversion when worlds had the same name, but a variation in capitalization.
    • 修復了若干與保存轉換相關的 bug。
    • 修復了一處會在與月亮領主戰鬥時發生的崩潰。
    • 修復了在中等或大世界中,使用星塵之龍時,如果僕從大於等於 8 個,則在被擊殺時遊戲會卡住的 Bug。
    • 修復了處於單人模式遊戲中時,接受邀請後出現的崩潰。
    • 修復了一處會在月亮領主被打敗發生的崩潰。
    • 修復了其他雜七雜八的通過主機版崩潰報告系統報上來的崩潰
    • 修復了一處在移動時,放置一疊物品的最後一個時的複製 Bug。
    • 修復了打開建造模式後,有幾種藥水可以無限飲用的 Bug。
    • 修復了一處與寶箱有關的複製 bug。
    • 修復了染色的月鈎在使用時會讓遊戲表現下降的 Bug。
    • Fixed a bug where animated dyes displayed in the player list would result in graphic corruption and slowdown when repeatedly starting and exiting gameplay.
    • 修復了哥布林軍隊事件本該自然生成時伺服器出現的崩潰。
    • 修復了哥布林軍隊在出現事件訊息並滿足條件時也無法生成的 Bug。
    藝術 & 文本修復
    • 修復了裝備各種各樣的帶動畫的染料,可能導致紋理消失的 Bug。
    • 修復了日食事件的背景對於其他玩家缺失的 Bug。
    • 修復了使用魔力染髮劑後,玩家的發色在遊戲中和小地圖中無法實時更新的 Bug。
    • 修復了把染料放入染料欄後,天使光環物品的顏色在地圖或小地圖中不發生改變的 Bug。
    • 修復了可以在兩片製作出的牆之間看到縫隙的 Bug。
    • 修復了武器架的工具提示會顯示出「<right>」而非普通的按鈕提示符的問題。
    • 遊戲文本現在保持靜止,而不會閃爍。