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Siehe auch die englische Modulseite: Module:BananasArgs. Sie enthält möglicherweise umfassendere oder aktuellere Informationen.


Example Result
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|hello_world}} Hello, world!
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|hello|Fred}} Hello, Fred!
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|add|5|3}} 8
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|count_fruit|bananas=5|apples=3}} I have 5 bananas and 3 apples
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|has_fruit|Fred|bananas=5|cherries=7}} Fred has: 5 bananas 7 cherries
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|custom_fruit|pineapples=10|kiwis=5}} I have: 5 kiwis 10 pineapples
{{#invoke:BananasArgs|custom_fruit_2|Fred|pineapples=10|kiwis=5}} Fred has: 5 kiwis 10 pineapples

-- Sample Module demonstrating how to access arguments.
-- For more about the Frame object, see
-- The first argument of a Lua invocation always contains the function being called. Lua modules are actually mere containers that can contain several functions each.

-- All scripts must begin by defining a variable that will hold all template-invokable functions. The variable name chosen here is "p".
local p = {}

-- Add our first invokable function to the p variable.
-- No arguments, used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|hello_world}}
function p.hello_world()
	return "Hello, world!"

-- Add a second function to p. 
-- Unlike the first function, this one uses variable data that was passed in via the wiki code's "invoke" statement. 
-- "frame" is an object that always contains all of this data. 
-- frame.args[1] contains the first numbered (unnamed) argument 
-- ("hello" is the first #invoke parameter, but is actually the name of the function being called 
-- ... while "Fred" is the first argument being passed to the "hello" function).
-- One argument, used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|hello|Fred}} 
function p.hello(frame)
	local name = frame.args[1] -- in this example, args[1] is the word Fred 
	return "Hello, " .. name .. "!" -- .. name .. replace by the word Fred

-- Two arguments, used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|add|5|3}}
function p.add(frame)
	local num1 = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local num2 = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	return num1 + num2

-- Named arguments, used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|count_fruit|bananas=5|apples=3}}
function p.count_fruit(frame)
	local num_bananas = frame.args.bananas
	local num_apples = frame.args.apples
	return 'I have ' .. num_bananas .. ' bananas and ' .. num_apples .. ' apples'

-- Mixing regular args with named args and optional named args
-- Used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|has_fruit|Fred|bananas=5|cherries=7}}
function p.has_fruit(frame)
	local name = frame.args[1]
	local num_bananas = frame.args.bananas
	local num_apples = frame.args.apples
	local num_cherries = frame.args.cherries
	local result = name .. ' has:'
	if num_bananas then result = result .. ' ' .. num_bananas .. ' bananas' end
	if num_apples then result = result .. ' ' .. num_apples .. ' apples' end
	if num_cherries then result = result .. ' ' .. num_cherries .. ' cherries' end
	return result

-- Iterating over args, used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|custom_fruit|pineapples=10|kiwis=5}}
function p.custom_fruit(frame)
	local result = 'I have:'
	for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do
		result = result .. ' ' .. value .. ' ' .. name
	return result

-- Iterating over args with separate mandatory args
-- Used like: {{#invoke:BananasArgs|custom_fruit_2|Fred|pineapples=10|kiwis=5}}
function p.custom_fruit_2(frame)
	local name = frame.args[1]
	local result = name .. ' has:'
	for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do
		if name ~= 1 then
			result = result .. ' ' .. value .. ' ' .. name
	return result

return p