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Siehe auch die englische Modulseite: Module:Tr/db/code. Sie enthält möglicherweise umfassendere oder aktuellere Informationen.

Dieses Modul ist ein unterstützendes Modul, das den Code für die Übersetzungsdatenbanken Modul:Tr/db/de und Modul:Tr/db/en bereitstellt. Es fügt die Inhalte der einzelnen Datenbank-Module (GameText/db-de, GameText/db-en und Tr/db/custom) zusammen und bereinigt dabei alle Inkompatibilitäten, die zwischen Lua-Quelltext und Wikitext existieren. Es wird auf den Seiten Vorlage:Tr/luadata-de sowie Vorlage:Tr/luadata-en eingesetzt.

Es gibt eine aufzurufende Funktion, go. Sie erwartet als ersten unbenannten Parameter die Zielsprache (de für Modul:Tr/db/de oder en für Modul:Tr/db/en). Der optionale Parameter bot kann auf yes gesetzt werden, um die HTML-<br/>-Tags am Zeilenende durch gewöhnliche Zeilenumbrüche zu ersetzen (was sich für die beiden Tr/luadata-Vorlagen nicht anbietet, für eine automatisierte API-Abfrage per Bot hingegen schon – daher der Name).

This module provides the code for the translation databases Module:Tr/db/de and Module:Tr/db/en. It joins the contents of the individual database modules (GameText/db-de, GameText/db-en, and Tr/db/custom) together and resolves all incompatibilities between Lua source code and wikitext in the process.

------------------------ Source code dbs ------------------------
---Combined DE localization files data
local dbs_de = mw.loadData('Module:GameText/loaddata-de')
---Combined EN localization files data
local dbs_en = mw.loadData('Module:GameText/loaddata-en')

-------------------------- Custom dbs ---------------------------
---Manual additions, holds three children tables
local custom_parent_database = mw.loadData('Module:Tr/db/custom')
---Manual additions EN → DE, to be complemented DE → EN
local custom_db_de = custom_parent_database.manual_de
---Manual additions EN → DE
local custom_db_de_oneway = custom_parent_database.manual_de_oneway
---Manual additions DE → EN
local custom_db_en_oneway = custom_parent_database.manual_en_oneway
local custom_database_de = {}
local custom_database_en = {}

local trim = mw.text.trim
local getGameText = require("Module:GameText").getText

---Holds the arguments from the #invoke call.
local args_table

---Return a trimmed version of the value of the template parameter with the specified `key`.
---Return `nil` if the parameter is empty or unset.
---@param key string|number
---@return string|nil
local function getArg(key)
	local value = trim(args_table[key] or '')
	return (value ~= '') and value or nil

---Return a processed version of the input `text`: Resolve `{$ }` and `{? }` gameText placeholders and escape quotes and linebreaks.
---@param text string
---@param lang string The language to use for the `{{gameText}}` replacements
---@return string
local function process(text, lang)
	text = string.gsub(text, "({%$(.-)})", function(_, ref) return getGameText(ref, lang) end) -- resolve all "{$ }" gameText placeholders
	text = string.gsub(text, "{%?.-}", "") -- remove all "{? }" placeholders, e.g. "{?Homeless}" or "{?!BloodMoon}"
	if mw.ustring.find(text, "\"") then
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "\"", "\\\"") -- replace all ( " ) with ( \" )
	if mw.ustring.find(text, "\n") then
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "\n", "\\n") -- replace all newlines with ( \n )
	return text

---Fill the two custom databases with the information from the three tables.
---Combine the two-way table with the respective language's one-way table.
local function createCustomDbs()

	-- EN
	-- generate custom en db from custom de db
	for k, v in pairs(custom_db_de) do
		custom_database_en[v] = k
	-- insert the oneway db
	for k, v in pairs(custom_db_en_oneway) do
		custom_database_en[k] = v

	-- DE
	-- copy custom de db so that we can insert entries
	for k, v in pairs(custom_db_de) do
		custom_database_de[k] = v
	-- insert the oneway db
	for k, v in pairs(custom_db_de_oneway) do
		custom_database_de[k] = v

-- main return object
return {
go = function(frame)
	args_table = frame.args -- cache

	local bot = getArg('bot')
	local lang = getArg(1)

	-- invalid or empty lang?
	if not lang or (lang ~= 'de' and lang ~= 'en') then
		return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'error', args = { 'Missing or invalid language specification (use "de" or "en")!' } }

	local nl
	if bot then
		nl = '\n'
		nl = mw.text.tag{ name = "br", content = false }


	local oppositeDb

	---Array that stores the output lines of the non-manual data
	local outputlines_sourcecode = {}
	---Set that records the keys that have been added to the output lines
	local keys_in_outputlines = {}

	---Array that stores the output lines of the manual data
	local outputlines_custom = {}

	---Number of entries in `outputlines_custom`
	local maxn_c
	---Number of entries in both `outputlines` arrays
	local maxn_total

	if lang == 'de' then
		-- DE source code db
		-- iterate over the objects (named "Announcement", "ArmorSetBonus", etc.)
		for dbkey, db in pairs(dbs_de) do
			oppositeDb = dbs_en[dbkey]
			-- iterate over the elements in the object
			for k, v in pairs(db) do
				-- create a new key and value to add into the database
				local newkey_en = process(oppositeDb[k], "en")
				if newkey_en and newkey_en ~= '' and keys_in_outputlines[newkey_en] == nil then -- only if this key doesn't already exist in the table
					local newvalue_de = process(v, "de") or "(unknown)"
					table.insert(outputlines_sourcecode, "[\"" .. newkey_en .. "\"] = \"" .. newvalue_de .. "\"," .. nl)
					keys_in_outputlines[newkey_en] = true -- register key

		-- DE custom db
		for k, v in pairs(custom_database_de) do
			table.insert(outputlines_custom, "[\"" .. process(k, "en") .. "\"] = \"" .. process(v, "de") .. "\"," .. nl)

		-- count entries
		maxn_c = table.maxn(outputlines_custom) -- count DE custom db entries
		maxn_total = table.maxn(outputlines_sourcecode) + maxn_c -- count DE total db entries

	elseif lang == 'en' then
		-- EN source code db
		for dbkey, db in pairs(dbs_en) do
			oppositeDb = dbs_de[dbkey]
			if oppositeDb ~= nil then -- the db might not exist in the DE version yet
				for k, v in pairs(db) do
					if oppositeDb[k] ~= nil then -- the key might not exist in the DE version yet
						local newkey_de = process(oppositeDb[k], "de")
						if newkey_de and newkey_de ~= '' and keys_in_outputlines[newkey_de] == nil then -- only if this key doesn't already exist in the table
							local newvalue_en = process(v, "en") or "(unknown)"
							table.insert(outputlines_sourcecode, "[\"" .. newkey_de .. "\"] = \"" .. newvalue_en .. "\"," .. nl)
							keys_in_outputlines[newkey_de] = true -- register key

		-- EN custom db
		for k, v in pairs(custom_database_en) do
			table.insert(outputlines_custom, "[\"" .. process(k, "de") .. "\"] = \"" .. process(v, "en") .. "\"," .. nl)

		-- count entries
		maxn_c = table.maxn(outputlines_custom) -- count EN custom db entries
		maxn_total = table.maxn(outputlines_sourcecode) + maxn_c -- count EN total db entries

	---Final output string
	local resultStr = {}

	local lang_direction
	if lang == 'de' then
		lang_direction = "EN → DE"
	elseif lang == 'en' then
		lang_direction = "DE → EN"

	-- assemble main table body
	table.insert(resultStr, nl .. "return {" .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, "-- entries from the source code, " .. lang_direction .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, table.concat(outputlines_sourcecode))
	table.insert(resultStr, "-- custom additions, " .. lang_direction .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, table.concat(outputlines_custom))
	table.insert(resultStr, "}")

	-- add header
	table.insert(resultStr, 1, "-- " .. lang_direction .. " translation database" .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, 2, "-- Generated at " .. .. " (UTC)" .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, 3, "-- Generated by Template:Tr/luadata-" .. lang .. nl)
	table.insert(resultStr, 4, "-- Number of entries: " .. maxn_total .. " (" .. maxn_c .. " of which custom)" .. nl)

	-- print
	return table.concat(resultStr) .. nl