Vorlage:3DS version

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Siehe Vorlage:Icon-version/l10n für die Lokalisierung dieser Vorlage.
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Displays a standardized version link with icon, shown above. To display multiple versions, use {{versions}}.

Whenever the term "3DS version" is used in an article, it should be replaced with this template to ensure consistency.


All parameters are optional.

{{ 3DS version | <display mode> | short = y | nl = y | t = <custom display text> | glue = <characters between icon and text> | small = y | size = <size in px> | width = <width in px> | height = <height in px> | scale = <scale ratio> }}

First unnamed parameter

Display mode; set it to one of the following values:

  • icon – Display the icon only (see {{icon/3DS}}).
  • text – Display the text only.
  • short – Display the icon and an abbreviated version name.

Display an abbreviation of the version name. Identical to setting the first unnamed parameter to short.


Remove the link from the icon and/or text. They are linked by default.


Customize the displayed text. Overrides |short=y and has no effect when using icon as mode.


Set the characters between the icon and the text. Defaults to &nbsp;.

small, size, width, height, scale

Customize the icon display, see {{icon/3DS}} for details.


Code Result Note
{{3DS version}} Nintendo-3DSNintendo-3DS-Version-Version
{{3DS version|icon}} Nintendo-3DS-Version Identical to {{icon/3DS}}.
{{3DS version|text}} Nintendo-3DS-Version
{{3DS version|short}} 3DSNintendo-3DS-Version
{{3DS version|text|short=y}} 3DS
{{3DS version|t=sometext}} 3DSNintendo-3DS-Version sometext Custom display text.
{{3DS version|short=y}} 3DSNintendo-3DS-Version Identical to {{3DS version|short}}
{{3DS version|nl=y}} Nintendo-3DSNintendo-3DS-Version-Version No link.
{{3DS version|text|nl=y}} Nintendo-3DS-Version No link.
{{3DS version|short|nl=y}} 3DSNintendo-3DS-Version No link.
{{3DS version|glue=-}} Nintendo-3DSNintendo-3DS-Version-Version
{{3DS version|scale=2}} Nintendo-3DSNintendo-3DS-Version-Version See {{icon/3DS}}.
{{3DS version|icon|small=y}} Nintendo-3DS-Version See {{icon/3DS}}.