Plantilla:Journey's End Vanity note/l10n

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This template stores the localization info for Plantilla:Journey's End Vanity note.

  • All unlisted languages use the English values.
  • Gray text means it uses fallback (the string isn't defined in that language, so it uses the English value).
  • Clicking on a language header cell expands/contracts the column (except for the en column). Clicking on the "Value" header cell expands/contracts all non-English columns.
  • Any template with l10n (such as {{eicons}}) must be escaped in l10n register, or it will cause template loop.
  • {{plural:0|is|are}} will get "is" for English, but not always so for other languages. Therefore we can not simply rely on this behavior in l10n, please do test it on target language.
Localization information
Key name
maintextIt is one of the six sets that were added as part of the [[Journey's End Vanity Contest]]; the original concept was submitted by $creator$.
Il est l'un des six ensembles qui ont été ajoutés dans le cadre du [[concours de style Journey's End]] ; le concept original a été soumis par $creator$.
它是作为[[{{tr|Journey's End Vanity}}竞赛]]的一部分而加入游戏的六套套装之一;最初的设计概念由 $creator$ 发布。