Moduł:Random world names

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Dokumentacja dla tego modułu może zostać utworzona pod nazwą Moduł:Random world names/doc

local replacementArgs = require('Module:GameText').replacementArgs
local gameText = require('Module:GameText').getText

-- credit:
-- this version is with trim.
local function explode(div,str) 
	if (div=='') then return false end
	local pos,arr = 0,{}
	-- for each divider found
	for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do
		table.insert(arr,string.sub(str,pos,st-1)) -- Attach chars left of current divider
		pos = sp + 1 -- Jump past current divider
	table.insert(arr, string.sub(str,pos)) -- Attach chars right of last divider
	return arr

local db = {}

local function getList(key, lang)
	local lang = lang or 'en'
	if not db[lang] then
		if lang == 'de' or lang == 'es' or lang == 'fr' or lang == 'it' or lang == 'pl' or lang == 'pt' or lang == 'ru' or lang =='zh' then
			db[lang] = mw.loadData('Module:GameText/loaddata-' .. lang)
			db[lang] = mw.loadData('Module:GameText/loaddata-en')

	if key then
		local valuelist = {}
		for _, v in pairs(db[lang][key]) do
			table.insert(valuelist, v)
		return valuelist

return {

go = function(frame)

	local lang = frame.args['lang']

	-- load lists of all available strings
	local adjectivelist = getList('RandomWorldName_Adjective', lang)
	local locationlist = getList('RandomWorldName_Location', lang)
	local nounlist = getList('RandomWorldName_Noun', lang)

	-- default strings for the generic composition displayed in the left cell
	local arg_adj = frame.args['adjective']
	local arg_loc = frame.args['location']
	local arg_nou = frame.args['noun']

	-- number of random world names to generate for each composition, default to 3.
	local worldcount = frame.args['count'] or 3

	-- init the RNG: seed is based on current date and time and changes every second
	local seed = os.time();

	-- invisible info string
	local output = '<span style="display:none;">Random world names seed: ' .. seed .. ' (' .. .. ' UTC)</span>'

	for _, composition in pairs(explode(',', frame.args['compositions'])) do
		-- print a table row for each composition
		output = output .. '<tr><td>'

		-- left cell: generic composition

		-- use the default strings for adjective, location, and noun as defined above,
		-- but overwrite where there is a definition for this specific composition
		-- (e.g. "|3:adjective=...") for the adjective of composition 3
		local x_Adj = frame.args[composition .. ':adjective'] or arg_adj
		local x_Loc = frame.args[composition .. ':location'] or arg_loc
		local x_Nou = frame.args[composition .. ':noun'] or arg_nou
		local replaceArgs = replacementArgs({
			x_Adjective = '<i>&lt;' .. x_Adj .. '&gt;</i>',
			x_Location = '<i>&lt;' .. x_Loc .. '&gt;</i>',
			x_Noun = '<i>&lt;' .. x_Nou .. '&gt;</i>'

		output = output .. gameText('RandomWorldName_Composition.' .. composition, lang, replaceArgs)
		output = output .. '</td><td><ul>'

		-- right cell: list of some random examples for the composition

		for _ = 1, worldcount do -- generate a world name the defined number of times
			local worldname = ''

			-- keep generating random world names until one is found that is at max 27 chars in length
			-- (this is the same behavior as in-game)
				-- select a random adjective, location, and noun
				local arg_adj = adjectivelist[math.random(1, #adjectivelist)]
				local arg_loc = locationlist[math.random(1, #locationlist)]
				local arg_nou = nounlist[math.random(1, #nounlist)]

				if arg_adj and arg_loc and arg_nou then
					-- make world name
					local replaceArgs = replacementArgs({x_Adjective = arg_adj, x_Location = arg_loc, x_Noun = arg_nou})
					worldname = gameText('RandomWorldName_Composition.' .. composition, lang, replaceArgs)
			until worldname ~= '' and #worldname <= 27

			output = output .. '<li>' .. worldname .. '</li>'

		output = output .. '</ul></td></tr>'

	return output

