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Мод (сокращение от «модификация») — это дополнения к Terraria, созданные сторонними разработчиками, добавляющие новые функции в игру (броню, предметы оружие, блоки…)

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Официальные вики по модификациям Terraria

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На данный момент у 90 модификаций имеется свой вики-ресурс на официальной Terraria Wiki:

Внешние ссылки на вики модификаций

Следующие модификации имеют свои внешние вики-ресурсы:

Название Ссылка Описание
AFKPETS https://afkpets-unofficial.fandom.com
(See its wiki on the Official Terraria Mods Wiki for a more recent and comprehensive resource.)
Antiaris https://antiaris.fandom.com
Avalon https://avalonmod.fandom.com
(See its wiki on the Official Terraria Mods Wiki for a more recent and comprehensive resource.)
AlchemistNPC https://alchemistnpc.fandom.com A quality-of-life mod that adds a variety of new town NPCs based around alchemy and convenience.
Calamity https://calamitymod.wiki.gg A massive mod that adds lore, an abundance of new items, weapons, armor, biomes, town NPCs, and several hours of post-Moon Lord content. It adds 27 new bosses and 12 new minibosses.
Dragon Ball Terraria https://dbtmod.fandom.com Adds many new weapons and items based on the "Dragon Ball" anime series.
Elemental Unleash (Bluemagic's Mod) https://elemental-unleash-bluemagics-mod.fandom.com Adds an assortment of many items, as well as a total of six bosses that present a significant departure from Terraria's normal combat system.
Elements Awoken https://elementsawoken.fandom.com Adds many brand new items, bosses, unique features, structures and more.
Enigma https://enigmamod.fandom.com Adds a new class, the Mystic class, a new alchemy system, a unique power-up system called the Soul Stone, an assortment of Steampunk-themed things, time manipulation, and many other bosses and items.
Exodus https://exodusmod.fandom.com
Fargo's Mods https://fargosmods.wiki.gg/wiki/Fargo%27s_Mods_Wiki
GRealm https://grealm.fandom.com2021release
Infernum https://infernummod.wiki.gg/wiki/Infernum_Mod_Wiki
Mod of Redemption https://modofredemption.wiki.gg/wiki/Mod_of_Redemption_Wiki
Necro Pack https://necro-pack-terraria-mod.fandom.com
N Terraria https://nterraria.fandom.com
Pokémod https://pokemod.fandom.com
Shadows of Abaddon https://shadowsofabaddon.wiki.gg Adds a variety of pre-Hardmode, Hardmode, and post-Moon Lord content, including a total of 16 bosses, 6 town NPCs, and numerous items.
Spirit https://spiritmod.wiki.gg Aims to "make the world feel more alive" with ambient events and new mechanics, including a quest system. Adds hundred of items and enemies, 9 bosses, 3 new events, and 3 new biomes.
Split https://splitmod.fandom.com The main aim of the mod is to provide a wholesome and fresh experience on top of the base game without breaking its charm and natural feel. Adds several items, bosses, 2 biomes and includes mechanics such as photography, armor prefixes, new melee weapon subclasses (heavy swords and racquets) and other.
Starlight River https://starlightrivermod.wiki.gg/wiki/Starlight_River_Mod_Wiki
Super Terraria World https://superterrariaworld.fandom.com A standalone (i.e., non-tModLoader) massively-multiplayer online role-playing overhaul mod. The primary goal is to bring a classic MMORPG experience to the masterpiece that is Terraria. Discontinued indefinitely as of 20 декабря 2020.
The Story of Red Cloud https://the-story-of-red-cloud.fandom.com
Thorium https://thoriummod.wiki.gg A massive content mod for Terraria. Its goal is to be an unofficial DLC with the same design elements as vanilla Terraria. It features three fully developed classes (Bard, Healer, and Thrower), a new biome located under the Ocean—the Aquatic Depths, a number of exciting bosses, and over 2600 new items found in every part of the game.
Tremor https://tremormod.fandom.com Discontinued and is retained due to historical significance. It was a massive content mod for Terraria, with many new bosses, enemies, and more. No longer available on the mod browser, but the original source code is on GitHub.
Ulterraria https://ulterraria.fandom.com
Ultraconyx https://ultraconyx.fandom.com
W1K's tConfig Modpacks https://w1ks-tconfig-modpacks.fandom.com