Шаблон:Картка версії

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This template is used to display a patch infobox on patch pages.


The patch notes listed below pertain to the ПК версія Desktop version.
Added items are likely included in Консольна версія Консольна версія and Версія для консолей старого покоління Версія для консолей старого покоління as well. Bug fixes for Console and Old-gen can be found in Console history and Old-gen history, respectively.
{{patch infobox
| versions = desktop-console-oldgen
| exclusive = no
| title = 1.0.0
| image = NewPromoLogo-3.png
| caption = Example Image.
| patchname = Terraria!
| release = 5/16/2011
| prev = [[]]
| current =
| next = 1.4

Title of the infobox. Defaults to page name.


Official name of the patch. Defaults to "Terraria <patch number>", e.g. "Terraria 1.1.2".


Image to display, without [[File:. Defaults to "<patch number> Banner.png/jpg", if possible.


Caption to display underneath the image. Rarely used.


Release date of the patch; should be in the format m/d/yyyy.


Number of the previous patch in the version chronology. The template determines this automatically (based on Category:Patches), so this parameter is only to be used if there is an anomaly.


Number of the current patch in the version chronology. Defaults to page name, so this parameter is only to be used if there is an anomaly. Mainly affects the automatic generation of the previous and next patch numbers.


Number of the next patch in the version chronology. The template determines this automatically (based on Category:Patches), so this parameter is only to be used if there is an anomaly.


Versions that have received a patch equivalent to this one. Enter in the format that is accepted by {{exclusive}}: platform-platform-platform. Will display the respective {{exclusive}} and, if more than only desktop is entered, a {{patch notice}}. If omitted, {{all versions}} will be set.


Set to no to prevent setting any {{exclusive}} or {{all versions}}.


By default, the page is only categorized in Category:Patches if it is in mainspace. Set this parameter to force to always categorize it, regardless of namespace, or to no to prevent this categorization.