Шаблон:State of the game

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This template is used to display a link to Re-Logic's most recent "State of the Game" thread on the forums. It can also be used to display a list of all "State of the Game" threads in a given year. The information is taken from the database, which should be updated once a new "State of the Game" thread is posted. The database template is not required on language wikis, the information will be fetched from this wiki automatically.


{{ state of the game | <year> }}

First unnamed parameter

By default, the template displays the most recent "State of the Game" thread link. It might not be from the current month, if no "State of the Game" thread was posted for the current month yet.

Alternatively, this parameter can be set to a year to display a {{dotlist}} of "State of the Game" threads from that year. The first "State of the Game" thread is from September 2018, so inserting any year before 2018 will produce no output.


Code Result
{{state of the game}} Terraria: «Стан гри» — квітень 2024
{{state of the game|2020}}
{{state of the game|2015}}