This template is intended for use when the accuracy of a statement is in doubt or is being questioned by an editor. It is an open request for confirmation or refutation, and/or more research, and any appropriate editing to bring the statement toward a more acceptable phrasing.
The template provides a link to the talk page of the page that it was added to, where any discussion of the question should be raised and conducted.
{{ verify | <comment> (optional) | nocat = y/yes (optional) | header = y/yes (optional) }}
- header
By default, the template produces a superscript "verify" after the text which needs verification. Use this parameter to enable "header mode", which displays a banner instead, intended for larger sections of text requiring verification.
- First unnamed parameter
An additional comment on the verification, will be displayed in the hover text. In header mode, this will be displayed in the banner.
- nocat
By default, the template automatically categorizes the page in Category:Verify (pages not in mainspace and not in the Guide namespace will be sorted under
). Use this parameter to disable categorization.