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Dokumentation Die folgende Dokumentation stammt von der Seite Vorlage:Verify/Dokumentation. (bearbeiten | Versionsgeschichte)
Siehe auch die englische Vorlagenseite: Template:Verify. Sie enthält möglicherweise umfassendere oder aktuellere Informationen.
This template is intended for use when the accuracy of a statement is in doubt or is being questioned by an editor. It is an open request for confirmation or refutation, and/or more research, and any appropriate editing to bring the statement toward a more acceptable phrasing.
Results in:
Clicking on the link directs to the talk page of the page that the {{verify}}
was added to, where any discussion of the question should be raised and conducted. Including the template also adds the page to Kategorie:Beleg erforderlich. Including nocat=yes will remove the page this template is used on from the verify category.
Pages not in the Main namespace will be placed at "-" in Kategorie:Belegen.