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Junge, Junge, wie die Sonne brennt! Ich hab da eine tolle klimatisierte Rüstung.


Rüstung (engl. armor) ist eine Reihe von ausrüstbaren Abwehrgegenständen, die den von Gegnern und den meisten anderen Schadensquellen erlittenen Schaden verringern. Rüstungsstücke werden ausgerüstet, indem sie in den Rüstungsplätzen des Inventar ausgerüstet werden. Rüstung kann auch in Soziales-Plätzen platziert werden, um das Aussehen des Spielercharakters zu ändern, ohne die Werte zu beeinflussen.

Jedes Rüstungsteil verfügt über eine Abwehrstatistik, die den verursachten Schaden um die Hälfte (oder 3/4) auf seinen Wert (aufgerundet) reduziert. Beispielsweise bietet eine vollständige Kupferrüstung insgesamt 6 Abwehr, wodurch der Schaden um 3 (5) Punkte reduziert wird. Eine Silberrüstung hat insgesamt 13 Abwehrpunkte und verringert den Schaden um 7 (10) Punkte, nachdem er aufgerundet wurde. Ein Angriff kann nicht auf Null reduziert werden – alle Angriffe verursachen immer mindestens 1 Schaden (oder 2 Schaden für einen kritischen Treffer), unabhängig von der Qualität der Rüstung eines Spielers.

Zusätzlich zu der Abwehr, die von einzelnen Rüstungsstücken hinzugefügt wird, bieten die meisten Rüstungen einen „Set-Bonus“, wenn alle drei Teile der gleichen Rüstungsart gleichzeitig getragen werden. Für die grundlegenden Erz-Rüstungen des Pre-Hardmodes (Kupfer-, Eisen-, Silber-, Gold-, Zinn-, Blei-, Wolfram- und Platinrüstung) ist dies ein zusätzlicher Abwehrbonus. Fortgeschrittene oder einzigartige Rüstungen können andere spezielle Set-Boni bieten (z. B. bietet die Pilzmitrüstung Unsichtbarkeit, wenn sich der Spielercharakter nicht bewegt).



Erscheinung Set Helm Hemd Hose Summe Bonus / Effect / Bemerkung Kosten / Quellen / Wird hergestellt
Mining armor.png Mining armor female.png Bergbaurüstung 1 1 1 3
  • Set Bonus: +30 % Abbautempo
  • Effect: Helm Teil verströmt Licht.
  • Helm: wird vom Händler (für 4 verkauft (Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) / 8 (Old-gen-Konsolen- und 3DS-versions))
(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) Helm Drop auch von Untoter Minenarbeiter
Wood armor.png Wood armor female.png Holzrüstung 1 1 0 3
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Rich Mahogany armor.png Rich Mahogany armor female.png Reicher Mahagonirüstung 1 1 1 4
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Boreal Wood armor.png Boreal Wood armor female.png Borealholzrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen-, Old-gen-Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 1 1 1 4
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Palm Wood armor.png Palm Wood armor female.png Palmholzrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen-, Old-gen-Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 1 1 1 4
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
  • 75 PalmholzPalmholz(Desktop-, Konsolen-, Old-gen-Konsolen- und Mobilversions)   @   WerkbankWerkbank
Ebonwood armor.png Ebonwood armor female.png Ebenholzrüstung 1 2 1 5
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Shadewood armor.png Shadewood armor female.png Schattenholzrüstung 1 2 1 5
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Rain armor.png Rain armor female.png Regenrüstung (Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions)[1] 1 2 - 3 Raincoat Zombie.png

seltener Drop von Regenmantelzombie

Snow armor.png Snow armor female.png Eskimorüstung 1 2 1 4 Frozen Zombie.png

seltener Drop von Zombieeskimo

Pink Snow armor.png Pink Snow armor female.png Rosa Eskimorüstung 1 2 1 4
Angler armor.png Angler armor female.png Anglerrüstung 1 2 1 4
  • Jedes Stück gewährt + 5 % Angelkraft, was zu einer Angelkraft von + 15 % führt

Questbelohnungen vom Angler

Cactus armor.pngCactus armor female.png Kaktusrüstung 1 2 1 5
  • Set Bonus: +1 Abwehr
Copper armor.png Copper armor female.png Kupferrüstung 1 2 1 6
  • Set Bonus: +2 Abwehr
Tin armor.png Tin armor female.png Zinnrüstung 2 2 1 7
  • Set Bonus: +2 Abwehr
Pumpkin armor.png Pumpkin armor female.png Kürbisrüstung 2 3 2 7
  • Set Bonus: +10 % Schaden
Gladiator armor.png Gladiator armor female.png Gladiatorenrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 2 3 2 7 Hoplite.png

seltener Drop von Hoplit

Iron armor.png Iron armor female.png Ancient Iron Helmet (equipped).png Eisenrüstung 2 3 2 9
  • Set Bonus: +2 Abwehr
  • Uralter Eisenhelm ist mit anderen Eisenrüstungsstücken austauschbar
Lead armor.png Lead armor female.png Bleirüstung 3 3 2 11
  • Set Bonus: +3 Abwehr
Silver armor.png Silver armor female.png Silberrüstung 3 4 3 13
  • Set Bonus: +3 Abwehr
Tungsten armor.png Tungsten armor female.png Wolframrüstung 4 5 3 15
  • Set Bonus: +3 Abwehr
Gold armor.png Gold armor female.png Ancient Gold Helmet (equipped).png Goldrüstung 4 5 4 16
  • Set Bonus: +3 Abwehr
  • Uralter Goldhelm ist mit anderen Goldrüststücken austauschbar
Platinum armor.png Platinum armor female.png Platinrüstung 5 6 5 20
  • Set Bonus: +4 Abwehr
Ninja armor.png Ninja armor female.png Ninjarüstung (Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) [1] 2 4 3 9
  • Um 15 % erhöhte Wurftempo
  • Um 15 % erhöhte Wurfschaden
  • Um 10 % erhöhte kritische Wurf-Trefferchance
  • Set Bonus: 33 % Chance, einen geworfenen Gegenstand nicht zu verbrauchen
  • Set Effect: Nach-Bild-Effekt beim Verschieben
King Slime.png

Drop von Schleimkönig

Fossil armor.png Fossil armor female.png Fossilrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 3 6 4 13
  • 20 % increased throwing velocity
  • 20 % increased throwing damage
  • 15 % increased throwing critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: 50 % chance to not consume thrown item
Obsidian armor.png Obsidian armor female.png Obsidianrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 4 5 4 13
Bee armor.png Bee armor female.png Bienenrüstung 4 5 4 13
  • +2 maximum minion capacity
  • +13 % minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +10 % minion damage (+23 % total)
Jungle armor.png Jungle armor female.png Dschungelrüstung 5 6 6 17
  • +80 Mana
  • +12 % magic critical strike chance
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Ancient Cobalt armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: -16 % mana costs
  • Set Effect: Grass particles when moving
Ancient Cobalt armor.png Ancient Cobalt armor female.png Uralte Kobaltrüstung 5 6 6 17
  • +80 Mana
  • +12 % magic critical strike chance
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Jungle armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: -16 % mana costs
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving
Hornet.png Man Eater.png

Rarely dropped by Hornets and Man Eaters

Meteor armor.png Meteor armor female.png Metoritenrüstung 5 6 5 16
  • +21 % magic damage
  • Set Bonus: space gun costs 0 mana
  • Set Effect: Flame particles when moving (similar to rocket boots, but no light is emitted)
Necro armor.png Necro armor female.png Ancient Necro Helmet (equipped).png Nekrorüstung 5 6 5 16
  • +15 % ranged damage
  • Set Bonus: 20 % chance to not consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving, bone crunch sound when hurt
  • Ancient helmet variant is interchangeable with other necro armor pieces.
Shadow armor.png Shadow armor female.png Schattenrüstung 6 7 6 19
  • +21 % melee attack speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Ancient Shadow armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: +15 % movement speed
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving and flames of rocket boots become purple
Ancient Shadow armor.png Ancient Shadow armor female.png Uralte Schattenrüstung 6 7 6 19
  • +21 % melee Attack speed
  • Each piece is interchangeable with Shadow armor pieces
  • Set Bonus: +15 % movement speed
  • Set Effect: After-image when moving and flames of Rocket Boots become purple
Eater of Souls.gif

Rarely dropped by Eater of Souls

Crimson armor.png Crimson armor female.png Purpurrüstung 6 7 6 19
  • +6 % damage
  • Set Bonus: Greatly increased life regeneration
  • Set Effect: Emits red particles when standing and moving
Molten armor.png Molten armor female.png Geschmolzene Rüstung 8 9 8 25
  • Set Bonus: +17 % melee damage
  • Set Effect: Flame particles when moving


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Erscheinung Set Helm
Bonuses / Effects / Notes Cost / Source / Crafted At
Pearlwood armor.png Pearlwood armor female.png Perlholzrüstung 02 03 02 07 (8)
  • Setbonus: +1 Verteidigung
Cobalt armor.png

Cobalt armor female.png

  • 2
  • 11
  • 4
08 07 17-
  • 17
  • 26
  • 19
  • +3 % kritische Trefferchance
  • +10 % Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
  • Kobalthut: +40 mana, +9 % magische kritische Trefferchance
    • Setbonus: -14 % Manakosten
  • Kobalthelm: +7 % Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit, +12 % Geschwindigkeit von Nahkampfwaffen
    • Set Bonus: +15 % Geschwindigkeit von Nahkampfwaffen (+27 % insgesamt)
  • Kobaltmaske: +10 % Fernkampfschaden, +6 % fernkampf kritische Trefferchance
    • Setbonus: 20 % Chance, keine Munition zu verbrauchen
  • Seteffekt: After-image Effect während man sich bewegt
Palladium armor.png

Palladium armor female.png

  • 3
  • 5
  • 14
010 08 21-
  • 21
  • 23
  • 32
  • +5 % damage
  • +3 % critical strike chance
  • Palladium Headgear: +7 % magic damage and critical strike chance, +60 mana
  • Palladium Helmet: +9 % ranged damage, +9 % ranged critical strike chance
  • Palladium Mask: +8 % melee damage, +12 % melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Gives Rapid Healing buff for 5 seconds when you hit an enemy
Mythril armor.png

Mythril armor female.png

  • 3
  • 16
  • 6
012 09 24-
  • 24
  • 37
  • 27
  • +5 % damage
  • +3 % critical strike chance
  • Mythril Hood: +60 mana, +15 % magic damage
    • Set Bonus: -17 % mana cost
  • Mythril Helmet: +5 % melee critical strike chance, +10 % melee damage
    • Set Bonus: +5 % melee critical strike chance (+13 % total)
  • Mythril Hat: +12 % ranged damage, +7 % ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 20 % chance not to consume ammo
Orichalcum armor.png

Orichalcum armor female.png

  • 4
  • 7
  • 19
013 010 27-
  • 27
  • 30
  • 42
  • +6 % critical strike chance
  • +11 % movement speed
  • Orichalcum Headgear: +18 % magic critical strike chance, +80 mana
  • Orichalcum Helmet: +15 % ranged critical strike chance, +8 % movement speed
  • Orichalcum Mask: +7 % melee damage, +7 % movement and melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Flower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
Adamantite armor.png

Adamantite armor female.png

Adamantitrüstung 04-
  • 4
  • 22
  • 8
016 012 28-
  • 32
  • 50
  • 36
  • +6 % damage
  • +4 % critical strike chance
  • +5 % movement speed
  • Adamantite Headgear: +80 mana, +11 % magic damage and critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: -19 % mana cost
  • Adamantite Helmet: +7 % melee critical strike chance, +14 % melee damage
    • Set Bonus: +18 % melee and movement speed
  • Adamantite Mask: +14 % ranged damage, +8 % ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 25 % chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: Pulsating outline of player
Titanium armor.png

Titanium armor female.png

  • 4
  • 23
  • 8
015 011 30-
  • 30
  • 49
  • 34
  • +7 % damage
  • +6 % critical strike chance
  • +6 % movement speed
  • Titanium Headgear: +16 % magic damage, +7 % magic critical strike chance, +100 mana
  • Titanium Mask: +8 % melee damage, +8 % melee critical strike chance
  • Titanium Helmet: +16 % ranged damage, +7 % ranged critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: Gives Shadow Dodge buff for 30 seconds when you hit an enemy, or until you take damage.
  • 59 TitanbarrenTitanbarren
  • Crafted at Mythril Anvil.png Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil.png Orichalcum Anvil
Apprentice armor.png Apprentice armor female.png Lehrlingsrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 07 015 010 032
  • +1 max sentries
  • -10 % Mana usage
  • +30 % increased minion damage
  • +10 % increased magic damage
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+2 total)
    Flameburst field of view and range are dramatically increased
Squire armor.png Squire armor female.png Rüstung des Knappen(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 012 027 017 056
  • +1 max sentries
  • +30 % increased minion damage
  • +15 % increased melee damage
  • +20 % increased melee critical strike chance
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+2 total)
    Ballista pierces more targets and panics when you take damage
Huntress armor.png Huntress armor female.png Rüstung der Jägerin(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 07 017 012 036
  • +1 max sentries
  • +30 % increased minion damage
  • +20 % increased ranged damage
  • +10 % increased ranged critical strike chance
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+2 total)
    Explosive Traps recharge and oil enemies
    Set oiled enemies on fire for extra damage
Monk armor.png Monk armor female.png Mönchsrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 08 022 016 046
  • +1 max sentries
  • +30 % increased minion damage
  • +20 % increased melee damage
  • +20 % increased melee attack speed
  • +10 % increased melee critical strike chance
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+2 total)
    Lightning Aura can now crit and strikes faster
Spider armor.pngSpider armor female.png Spinnenrüstung 05 08 07 020
  • +3 maximum minion capacity
  • +18 % minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +12 % minion damage (+30 % total)
  • Set Bonus: +1 additional minion capacity (+4 total) if all minions are from the Spider Staff
  • 36 SpinnengiftzahnSpinnengiftzahn(Desktop-, Konsolen-, Old-gen-Konsolen- und Mobilversions)
  • Crafted at Iron Anvil.png Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil.png Lead Anvil
Spooky armor.png Spooky armor female.png Schaurige Rüstung 08 010 09 027
  • +3 maximum minion capacity
  • +33 % minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +25 % minion damage (+58 % total)
  • Set Effect: Pulsating outline
Tiki armor.png Tiki armor female.png Tikirüstung 06 017 012 035
  • +3 maximum minion capacity
  • +30 % minion damage
  • Set Bonus: +1 maximum minion capacity (+4 total)
1 50

Sold by the Witch Doctor after obtaining a Pygmy Staff

Frost armor.png Frost armor female.png Frostrüstung 010 020 013 043
  • +16 % melee and ranged damage
  • +11 % melee and ranged critical strike chance
  • +8 % movement speed
  • +7 % melee speed
  • Set Bonus: Melee and ranged attacks cause Frostburn
  • Set Effect: Snow trail when moving, ice shattering sound effect replaces pain sound
Forbidden armor.png Forbidden armor female.png Verbotene Rüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 06 012 08 026
  • +15 % magic and minion damage
  • Increases maximum mana by 80
  • +2 maximum minion capacity
  • Set Bonus: Double tap ▼ Runter to call an ancient storm to the cursor location
  • Set Effect: After-image effect when moving
Hallowed armor.png

Hallowed armor female.png

Heilige Rüstung
  • 5
  • 24
  • 9
015 011 31-
  • 31
  • 50
  • 35
  • +7 % damage
  • +7 % critical strike chance
  • +8 % movement speed
  • Hallowed Headgear: Increases maximum mana by 100, 12 % increased magic damage and critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 20 % reduced mana usage
  • Hallowed Mask: 10 % increased melee damage and critical strike chance, 10 % increased melee haste
    • Set Bonus:19 % increased melee and movement speed
  • Hallowed Helmet: 15 % increased ranged damage, 8 % increased ranged critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: 25 % chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Effect: After-image and pulsating effect
Chlorophyte armor.png

Chlorophyte armor female.png

Grünalgenrüstung 07-
  • 7
  • 25
  • 13
18 13 38-
  • 38
  • 56
  • 44
  • 5 % increased damage
  • 15 % increased critical strike chance
  • 5 % increased movement speed
  • Chlorophyte Headgear: Increases maximum mana by 80, reduces mana usage by 17 %, 16 % increased magic damage
  • Chlorophyte Mask: 16 % increased melee damage, 6 % increased melee critical strike chance
  • Chlorophyte Helmet: 16 % increased ranged damage, 20 % chance to not consume ammo
  • Set Bonus: Causes a leaf crystal to permanently appear over the player's head, attacking enemies for ~40 base damage
Turtle armor.png Turtle armor female.png Schildkrötenrüstung 21 27 17 65
  • +14 % melee damage
  • +12 % melee critical strike chance
  • Enemies are more likely to attack you
  • Set Bonus: Melee attacking enemies receive damage inflicted equal to their damage value before your defense reduction
Beetle armor.png Beetle armor female.png Käferrüstung 23
  • 20
  • 32
018 21-
  • 61
  • 73
  • +6 % melee damage
  • +6 % movement and melee speed
  • Enemies are more likely to attack you
  • Scale mail:+8 % melee damage and critical strike chance, +6 % movement and melee speed
    • Set Bonus: increases melee damage and speed in increments of 10 %, up to 30 %
  • Shell:5% increased melee damage and critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: starts at 15 % damage mitigation and goes up to 45 %
  • 18 KäferschaleKäferschale for a set (26 for all pieces)
  • Full Turtle armor set (+ one extra Turtle Scale Mail, if making both chest pieces)
  • Crafted at Mythril Anvil.png Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil.png Orichalcum Anvil
Shroomite armor.png

Shroomite armor female.png

  • 11
  • 11
  • 11
24 16 51-
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • +25 % Ranged Critical Strike Chance
  • +12 % Increased Movement Speed
  • +20 % Chance not to consume ammo
  • Shroomite Headgear: 15 % Increased Arrow Damage
  • Shroomite Mask: +15 % Increased Bullet Damage
  • Shroomite Helmet: +15 % Increased Rocket Damage
  • Set Bonus: Stealth effect when standing still:
    • Enemies are less likely to attack you
    • Damage and knockback of ranged weapons increased up to 45 % while in stealth
Spectre armor.png

Spectre armor female.png

  • 06
  • 18
14 10
  • 30
  • 42
  • 15 % increased magic damage
  • 7 % increased magic critical strike chance
  • 8 % increased movement speed
  • Translucent visual effect
  • Spectre Hood: 40 % decreased magic damage (Only in PC version)
    • Set Bonus: 20 % of magic damage done to enemies heals you or a nearby ally, with the lowest health
  • Spectre Mask: Increases maximum mana by 60 and reduces mana usage by 13 %, 5 % increased magic damage and critical strike chance
    • Set Bonus: magic damage done to enemies spawns homing orbs that attack for 1/3 of weapon strength.
Spectral armor.png Spectral armor female.png Spektralrüstung(Old-gen-Konsolen- und 3DS-versions) 10 15 15 40
  • +150 maximum Mana
  • +30 % magic damage
  • -10 % Mana usage
  • +10 % movement speed
  • +25 % magical critical strike
  • Set Bonus: -23 % Mana usage (-33 % total)
  • Crafted at Mythril Anvil.png Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil.png Orichalcum Anvil
  • Each piece has an 11 % chance to be dropped by Ocram
Titan armor.png Titan armor female.png Titanrüstung (3DS)(Old-gen-Konsolen- und 3DS-versions) 14 18 13 45
  • +30 % ranged damage
  • 20 % chance to not consume ammo
  • +10 % movement speed
  • +20 % ranged critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus: 28 % chance to not consume ammo (48 % total)
  • Crafted at Mythril Anvil.png Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil.png Orichalcum Anvil
  • Each piece has an 11 % chance to be dropped by Ocram
Dragon armor.png Dragon armor female.png Drachenrüstung(Old-gen-Konsolen- und 3DS-versions) 31 20 14 65
  • +20 % melee damage
  • +17 % melee attack speed
  • +25 % critical strike chance
  • +12 % movement speed
  • Set Bonus: +23 % melee attack speed (+40 % total), +23 % movement speed (+35 % total)
  • Crafted at Mythril Anvil.png Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil.png Orichalcum Anvil
  • Each piece has an 11 % chance to be dropped by Ocram
Dark Artist armor.png Rüstung des Dunkelkünstlers(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 07 021 014 042
  • +2 max sentries
  • +60 % increased minion damage
  • +25 % increased magic damage
  • +25 % increased magic critical strike chance
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Flameburst effectiveness
Shinobi Infiltrator armor.png Shinobi Infiltrator armor female.png Rüstung des Shinobi-Eindringlings(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 010 026 018 054
  • +2 max sentries
  • +60 % increased minion damage
  • +20 % increased melee damage
  • +20 % increased melee attack speed
  • +20 % increased melee critical strike chance
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Lightning Aura effectiveness
Red Riding armor.png Red Riding armor female.png Rotkäppchenrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 08 024 016 048
  • +2 max sentries
  • +60 % increased minion damage
  • +25 % increased ranged damage
  • +10 % increased ranged critical strike chance
  • +20 % increased movement speed
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Explosive Traps effectiveness
Valhalla Knight armor.png Valhalla Knight armor female.png Rüstung des Walhalla-Ritters(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 014 030 020 064
  • +2 max sentries
  • +60 % increased minion damage
  • +20 % increased melee critical strike chance
  • +30 % increased movement speed
  • Massively increased life regeneration
  • Set Bonus:
    Increases your max number of sentries (+3 total)
    Greatly enhances Ballista effectiveness
Solar Flare armor.png Solar Flare armor female.png Sonneneruptionsrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 24 34 20 78
  • +22 % melee damage
  • +17 % melee critical hit chance
  • +15 % movement and melee speed
  • Enemies are more likely to target you
  • Set Bonus: Solar shields generate over time protecting you, consume the shield power to dash, damaging enemies
  • Set Effect: After-image during motion.
Vortex armor.png Vortex armor female.png Vortexrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 14 28 20 62
  • +36 % ranged damage
  • +27 % ranged critical strike chance
  • +10 % movement speed
  • 25 % chance not to consume ammo
  • Set Bonus: Double tap ▼ Runter to toggle stealth, increasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemy to target you but slowing movement
  • Effect: Emits light that intensifies with each additional piece equipped.
Nebula armor.png Nebula armor female.png Nebularüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 14 18 14 46
  • +26 % magic damage
  • +16 % magic critical strike chance
  • +10 % movement speed
  • Increases maximum mana by 60 and reduces mana usage by 15 %
  • Set Bonus: Hurting enemies has a chance to spawn buff boosters, pick boosters up to get stacking buffs.
Stardust armor.png Stardust armor female.png Sternenstaubrüstung(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) 10 16 12 38
  • +66 % minion damage
  • +5 maximum minion capacity
  • Set Bonus: Summons a Stardust Guardian which follows the player around. Double tap ▼ Runter to direct your guardian to a location.


Obwohl dies kein traditionelles Rüstungs-Set ist, bieten diese Hüte und Roben einen Set-Bonus, wenn sie gemeinsam getragen werden.

Aussehen Gegenstand Körper-Slot Abwehr Boni Set-Boni (mit Robe) Kosten / Quelle
Magic Hat (equipped).png Magiehut Head 2 +7 % magic damage and critical strike chance +60 mana Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 3.
Wizard Hat (equipped).png Zaubererhut Head 2 +15 % magic damage +10 % magic critical strike chance Dropped by Tim.
Appearance Item Body Slot Defense Bonuses Cost / Source
Amethyst Robe (equipped).png Amethyst Robe (equipped) female.png Amethyst Robe Chest 0 +20 mana, -5 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 AmethystAmethyst.
Topaz Robe (equipped).png Topaz Robe (equipped) female.png Topaz Robe Chest 1 +40 mana, -7 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 TopasTopas.
Sapphire Robe (equipped).png Sapphire Robe (equipped) female.png Sapphire Robe Chest 1 +40 mana, -9 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 SapphireSapphire.
Emerald Robe (equipped).png Emerald Robe (equipped) female.png Emerald Robe Chest 2 +60 mana, -11 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 SmaragdSmaragd.
Ruby Robe (equipped).png Ruby Robe (equipped) female.png Ruby Robe Chest 2 +60 mana, -13 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 RubyRuby.
Diamond Robe (equipped).png Diamond Robe (equipped) female.png Diamond Robe Chest 3 +80 mana, -15 % mana costs 1 RobeRobe and 10 DiamantDiamant.
Mystic Robe (equipped).png Mystic Robe (equipped) female.png Gypsy Robe Chest 2 +6 % magic damage and critical strike chance,
-10 % mana costs
Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 3 50.
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Although the Rain clothes and Ninja clothes are available on Old-gen-Konsolenversion Old-gen-Konsole und 3DSNintendo-3DS-Version, they only act as vanity and are not considered armor.

Andere Rüstungen

Eine Rüstungsteile, die sich keinem Set zuordnen lassen.

Appearance Item Körper Slot Verteidigung Bonuses Kosten/Quellen
Empty Bucket (equipped).png Empty Bucket (equipped) female.png Leerer Eimer Kopf 1 Normally used for carrying liquids instead.
Goggles (equipped).png Goggles (equipped) female.png Schutzbrille Kopf 1
Green Cap (equipped).png Green Cap (equipped) female.png Grüne Mütze
(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions)
Kopf 2 Fremdenführer

Drop from Guide (only when his name is Andrew)

Diving Helmet (equipped).png Diving Helmet (equipped) female.png Taucherhelm Kopf 2 Greatly extends underwater breathing time Hai Orca

Rare drop from Sharks and Orcas (Old-gen-Konsolen- und 3DS-versions).

Night Vision Helmet (equipped).png Night Vision Helmet (equipped) female.png Night Vision Helmet Kopf 4 Provides an effect similar to the Night Owl Potion Granit-Elementar Cyborg

Drop from Granite Elementals and sold by the Cyborg for 5 after defeating the Martian Madness event.

Viking Helmet (equipped).png Viking Helmet (equipped) female.png Wikingerhelm Kopf 4 Untoter Wikinger

Rare drop from Undead Vikings.

Flinx Fur Coat (equipped).png Flinx Fur Coat (equipped) female.png Flinxfellmantel(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) Chest 1 +1 minion capacity, +5% summon damage
Gi (equipped).png Gi (equipped) female.png Gi(Desktop-, Konsolen-, Old-gen-Konsolen- und Mobilversions) Chest 4 +5% damage, +5% critical strike chance
+10% melee speed, +10% movement speed

Sold by the Traveling Merchant for 2.

Boots of Ostara (equipped).png Stiefel von Ostara(3DS-version) Feet 3 Creates grass on dirt. Able to perform several "bunny hops". Lepus

Dropped by Lepus.

Djinn's Curse (equipped).gif Dschinns Fluch(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) Feet 0 Provides a slow-fall effect similar to the Featherfall Potion. Wüstengeist

Rare drop from Desert Spirits.

Moon Lord Legs (equipped).png Moon Lord Legs (equipped) female.png Mondherrenbeine(Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions) Feet 3 Provides 25% movement speed and four blocks extra jump height. Truhe IconCorruptionCrimson.png Truhe

Found in chests in drunk worlds.


Achievement Matching Attire.png
Passende Kleidung • Rüste in allen drei Rüstungsslots Rüstung aus: Kopf, Brust, Füße.
Equip armor pieces in all armor slots (pieces do not have to be from the same set). (Desktop-, Konsolen- und Mobilversions)
Achievement A Knight in Shining Armors.png
A Knight in Shining Armors • „Obtain every type of armor available.“
Equip every set of armor available. (Old-gen-Konsolenversion)