Module:Palindromic item names

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local items = require('Module:Iteminfo').info
local itemnames = require('Module:ItemNames').getData

return {

go = function(frame)
	local palindromes = {}
	-- iterate over all items and add palindromes to the list
	for id = items.IDs.min, items.IDs.max do
		local itemname = itemnames('itemNameFromId', id) or ''
		if itemname ~= '' and string.lower(itemname) == string.lower(string.reverse(itemname)) then
			table.insert(palindromes, itemname)
	-- format the item names as a list of links
	for i = 1, #palindromes do
		palindromes[i] = '* [[' .. palindromes[i] .. ']]'
	-- output
	return table.concat(palindromes, '\n')
