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Lua.svg Documentation The documentation below is transcluded from Module:Percent/doc. (edit | history)

This module provides functionality to the {{percent}} template.

return {
	format = function(frame)
		local str = frame.args[1]
		local format = frame.args[2]
		local dec = frame.args[3]

		-- the characters in the pattern are:
		-- digit (%d), period (.), hyphen (-), en dash (–), minus (−), plus (+)
		str = mw.ustring.gsub(str, '([%d.-–−+][%s%d.-–−+]*)%s*%%', function(s)
			s = mw.text.trim(s)
			s = string.gsub(s, '%.', dec)
			s = string.gsub(format, '%$percentage%$', s)
			return s
		return str