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Best Whip DPS?

Right now the article reads: "Due to its high base damage, range, tag damage, and extra summon tag critical strike chance, it is considered by many to be the best whip in the game despite having 15 less damage than the comparatively-slow Morning Star." I would like suggest that we remove the part I highlighted in bold, but I do not want an edit-war to happen. There might be something I'm not getting about the new whips, but I made a Sluggish, Ruthless, Bulky and (just to see what it would be like) a Legendary Kaleidoscope and compared it to Morning Stars with the same modifiers, using a target dummy (using an auto-swing accessory). The Legendary Kaleidoscopes out-damaged the Morning Stars and allowed for a noticeably longer distance - if that dummy was Plantera, I would never get (willingly) close enough for the Morning Star to hit. While a target dummy is not the same as a life target, comparing one whip to another shouldn't make that much difference, if both tag the target. "Shouldn't". You see: Here's where I'd like to start a discussion, because there might be something I'm just not seeing. -- 09:43, 25 May 2020 (UTC)

You have to take into account the extra 15 tag damage and 5% critical strike chance from kaleidoscope. The tag buff lasts 4 seconds. The Stardust Dragon Staff, as an example, can get 10 hits per second. That's a potential extra 600 damage without taking the critical hits into account. Sure if you're using them outside of combat, the morning star might look better. But the kaleidoscope will often result in higher dps in real combat situations, on top of providing the player with more room to dodge thanks to its much higher range. --Silverthedragon (talk) 12:31, 25 May 2020 (UTC)

SoulCalibur reference

Isn't this weapon a reference to Ivy from SoulCalibur? She uses whips and has a weapon named Kaleidoscope, often her ultimate weapon or close. I think it could go in the trivia section.