User talk:Beporter/Server Rewrite

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It'd be nice if you were able to retain kinda an overview of what the server is before launching into all the details (or just list the basic and default values). Also, it looks like the existing server page lists more commands than your page does (unless I'm missing things). --JonTheMon 17:57, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

You are correct, my article does not contain the in-console command list. I will retain that from the existing article. Beporter 19:15, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

To-do List

  • Figure out if removing a listing from the ban file to unban someone requires a server restart to take effect.
  • Upload an image of the .NET 4.0 error.

Converting to a guide

I think the way you're writing the article seems better suited to a guide, i.e. Guide:Setting up a server. Then the existing Server page will just be an overview of what it is with a dablink template linking to your guide. I am also in no way implying that what you're doing is not good, any improvements to the wiki are more than welcome. Anyway, what do you say to my idea? ILiaWneK 10:54, 6 July 2011 (UTC)

I'm all for whatever is going to help the community the most and I fully support a lack of pride/ownership when it comes to wiki content. I'm completely comfortable with even this User:Beporter/Server Rewrite temp article being edited by anyone, and I know better than to ever let my feelings get hurt if someone can improve on my contributions! To address your question: I think it may be more appropriate to add my current "Reference" section to the existing Server article then, since it's not really structured in a step-by-step fashion right now. As far as converting the rest to a guide: Is there a template or set of guidelines to use for an "official" guide article? Something to help me get this draft into a consistent shape to match the other guides in the wiki? Or should I pretty much just try to make it, "do this, then this, then that" as much as possible? Beporter 15:56, 6 July 2011 (UTC)
There isn't any formal structure, but just keep it concise. There aren't any "guidelines" to follow as there aren't many guides at the moment, so just do what would be an informative read for you if you wanted to know the workings of a server. Good luck! ILiaWneK 22:08, 6 July 2011 (UTC)