Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Legacy.json/LegacyMisc

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位于文件 .Legacy.json 中。

内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
0 A goblin army has been defeated! 哥布林军队已被打败!
100 Pick world evil 选择世界恶魔 选择世界邪恶
101 Corruption 腐化
102 Crimson 猩红
103 Random 随机
104 Cannot be used without Etherian Mana until the Eternia Crystal has been defended 在埃特尼亚水晶得到保护之前,无法在没有天国魔力的情况下使用 在永恒水晶得到保护之前,无法在没有埃特尼亚魔力的情况下使用
105 Dragonfly 蜻蜓
106 The horrors have arrived! 恐怖来袭!
107 Mechdusa has awoken! 美杜莎已苏醒! 机械美杜莎已苏醒!
108 What a horrible night to have a curse. 诅咒之夜太可怕了。
10 A horrible chill goes down your spine... 不寒而栗,毛骨悚然... 不寒而栗,毛骨悚然……
11 Screams echo around you... 四面回荡着尖叫声... 四面回荡着尖叫声……
12 Your world has been blessed with Cobalt! 你的世界已获赐钴!
13 Your world has been blessed with Mythril! 你的世界已获赐秘银!
14 Your world has been blessed with Adamantite! 你的世界已获赐精金!
15 The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released. 古老的光明与黑暗之魂已经释放。
19 {0} was slain... {0}被杀死了... {0}被杀死了……
1 A goblin army is approaching from the west! 一支哥布林军队正从西边逼近!
20 A solar eclipse is happening! 正在发生日食!
21 Your world has been blessed with Palladium! 你的世界已获赐钯金!
22 Your world has been blessed with Orichalcum! 你的世界已获赐山铜!
23 Your world has been blessed with Titanium! 你的世界已获赐钛金!
24 The pirates have been defeated! 海盗已被打败!
25 Pirates are approaching from the west! 海盗正从西边逼近!
26 Pirates are approaching from the east! 海盗正从东边逼近!
27 The pirates have arrived! 海盗来了!
28 You feel vibrations from deep below... 你感受到地下深处的震动... 你感受到地下深处的震动……
29 This is going to be a terrible night... 这将是一个可怕的夜晚... 这将是一个可怕的夜晚……
2 A goblin army is approaching from the east! 一支哥布林军队正从东边逼近!
30 The air is getting colder around you... 周围的空气越来越冷... 周围的空气越来越冷……
31 The Pumpkin Moon is rising... 南瓜月正在升起... 南瓜月正在升起……
32 The jungle grows restless... 丛林变得焦躁不安... 丛林变得焦躁不安……
33 Screams are echoing from the dungeon... 地牢中回荡着尖叫声... 地牢中回荡着尖叫声……
34 The Frost Moon is rising... 霜月正在升起... 霜月正在升起……
35 {0} has departed! {0}已死去! {0}已离去!
36 {0} has left! {0}已离开!
37 Any 任何
38 Pressure Plate 压力板
39 and increased life regeneration 提高了生命再生速度 且生命再生速度提高
3 A goblin army has arrived! 哥布林军队来了!
40 Increases life regeneration 提高生命再生速度
41 Martians are invading! 火星人要入侵了!
42 The martians have been defeated! 火星人已被打败!
43 Celestial creatures are invading! 天界生物要入侵了!
44 Your mind goes numb... 你的头脑变得麻木... 你的头脑变得麻木……
45 You are overwhelmed with pain... 你痛苦不堪... 你痛苦不堪……
46 Otherworldly voices linger around you... 阴森的声音在你耳边萦绕不绝... 阴森的声音在你耳边萦绕不绝……
47 The Moon Lord has awoken! 月亮领主已苏醒!
48 The Twins have awoken! 双子魔眼已经醒来! 双子魔眼已苏醒!
49 You wake up from a strange dream... 你从一个奇怪的梦中醒来... 你从一个奇怪的梦中醒来……
4 The Frost Legion has been defeated! 雪人军团已被打败!
50 have been defeated! 已被打败!
51 Lunar Fragment 月亮碎片
52 Impending doom approaches... 月亮末日慢慢逼近... 月亮末日慢慢逼近……
53 Select 选择
54 Take 拿走 拿取
55 Take One 拿走一个 拿取一个
56 Close 关闭
57 Grapple 抓钩
58 Jump
59 Cycle hotbar 循环快捷键 循环切换快捷栏
5 The Frost Legion is approaching from the west! 雪人军团正从西边逼近!
60 Attack 攻击
61 Build 建造
62 Drink 饮用
63 Action 操作
64 Switch menu 切换菜单
65 Place 放置
66 Swap 交换
67 Equip 装备
68 Unequip 卸下装备 卸下
69 Show room flags 显示房间旗帜 显示房间旗号
6 The Frost Legion is approaching from the east! 雪人军团正从东边逼近!
70 Check housing 检查房屋
71 Quick craft 快速制作
72 Craft 制作
73 Select 选择
74 Trash 丢弃
75 Sell 出售
76 Transfer 转让 转移
77 Show visuals 显示画面
78 Hide visuals 隐藏画面
79 Use 使用
7 The Frost Legion has arrived! 雪人军团来了!
80 Talk 交谈
81 Read 阅读
82 Back 返回
83 Favorite 收藏
84 You can't change teams inside your team's blocks! 你不能在团队块内更改团队! 你不能在你的队伍的团队块内更改团队!
85 Jungle Bug 丛林虫子
86 Duck
87 Butterfly 蝴蝶
88 Firefly 萤火虫
89 Wiring Options 接线选项
8 The Blood Moon is rising... 血月正在升起... 血月正在升起……
90 Buy 购买
91 Buy More 购买更多
92 Sell 出售
93 Craft more 制作更多
94 Try Removing 尝试移除
95 Snail 蜗牛
96 Looks like 看起来像 看起来
97 is throwing a party 在举办派对 在举办派对
98 are throwing a party 在举办派对 在举办派对
99 Party time's over! 派对时间结束!
9 You feel an evil presence watching you... 你感到有个邪恶的东西在看着你... 你感到有个邪恶的东西在看着你……