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  • 需要做的:
     • Add platform-specific information-Nintendo Switch and pre-1.4 missing content.
     • Add Main menu-related images (like, loading bar, character/world selection...)
     • Needs pictures to help new players with the controls in the Movement and Tool Use section.
  • 泰拉瑞亚的电脑版 电脑版主菜单




    在泰拉瑞亚的标题画面中,玩家可以选择想要游玩的游戏模式。在这个例子中,我们会选择“单人模式”,但如果你想和朋友一起游玩,你也可以选择“多人模式”!在电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版中,备选项包括单人模式多人模式,而在前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版中则只有进入游戏。注意,目前没有官方的跨版本联机的方法。

    主机版 主机版移动版 移动版前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版有内置的教程,推荐先将它们玩完。




     电脑版、 主机版、和 移动版中的人物创建菜单。
    电脑版 电脑版上的人物创建菜单。
    主机版 主机版移动版 移动版上的人物创建菜单。注意,人物会自动地随机生成。



    人物的名字会在加入世界时、在聊天在发送消息时、以及死亡时出现。角色的名字不一定要和 Steam 的用户名或者主机的用户名相同。在电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版中,可以在任何时候改变角色的名字。在前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版中,角色的名字是不可更改的。



    • 旅行模式会提供给玩家“研究”物品、并使用若干种作弊选项的能力,就如同限制版的创造模式一样。玩家可以通过按下 C 来打开作弊菜单,这允许玩家启用无敌模式、复制物品、设置时间天气、禁用敌怪生成等。不过,旅行模式的人物只能进入旅行模式的世界,在游玩多人模式时也同样如此。
      • 主机版 主机版移动版 移动版中,作弊菜单则位于暂停菜单内的旅行栏。研究和复制在物品栏中有单独的栏位,与装备或宝箱等类似。
    • 经典或者软核,意味着你会在死亡时掉落一部分钱币,掉落量取决于世界难度。玩家会失去一半、3/4 抑或全部的钱币。丢失的钱币可以在返回后重新拾取,但玩家可能需要击败敌怪才能把它们拿回来。
    • 中核意味着玩家会在死亡时丢失全部物品。如果是被熔岩爆炸物杀死,抑或是在死亡后离开了世界,物品可能就会永久性地消失。
    • 硬核则意味着玩家只有一条生命。死亡后,人物会被永久性地删除注意:硬核与困难模式不是同一个东西。困难模式指的是已经击败过血肉墙的世界所处的游戏状态。



    可以从视觉上调整人物的外观,玩家能够改变角色的性别、发型、眼睛的颜色、肤色和衣着。所有属性(在 1.4 前,不包括眼睛的颜色和肤色)都可以在游戏中通过使用特定的物品加以改变。

    Create character prompt mobile.png

    这些外观选项除了影响视觉效果、玩家受伤声音效果和偶尔出现 NPC 话语外,在游戏玩法上没有任何其他影响。

    电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版中使用泰拉瑞亚的自定义角色菜单创造的示例人物。当前所处的是自定义发型的子菜单。
    电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版中,若希望使用自定义菜单编辑当前的人物,可以通过点击梳妆台的下半部分来进入。当前所处的是自定义上衣的子菜单。
    • 颜色选择栏使用色调/饱和度/亮度(HSV,即Hue/Saturation/Value)系统。顶部栏改变颜色;中部栏改变颜色的饱和度;底部栏将颜色从白色变暗或黑色变亮。参见 Wikipedia 上的 HSV 词条以便了解更多技术性的细节。
    • Clothing will be obscured by your armor and vanity items. This can be undone by wearing the Familiar set as you progress.
    • To change your clothing in-game later, use a Dresser. To change hairstyle, find the Stylist NPC. To change your gender appearance, drink a Gender Change Potion.

    完成后,点击创建以确认所选设置的角色创建。现在,点击角色上的 Play 进入世界选择界面。


    The world creation screen on the  电脑版、 主机版、和 移动版
    The world creation screen on the 电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版

    点击 Select World 屏幕上的 New 按钮来生成第一个世界。玩家不会被锁定在单一的世界;然而,我们建议一开始只使用一个世界来完成游戏,让游戏更简单一些。



    • 世界的名字会显示在选择世界的界面上,并会在多人模式中展示给其他玩家。它也会出现在一些死亡讯息中。
    • 世界种子是一串随机生成的数字,代表了已经生成的某个时间。可以通过复制粘贴的方式来创造(几乎)一模一样的世界。



    • 世界相对紧凑,易于穿越;在生物群系之间旅行和下山洞将花费更少的时间。这使得游戏一开始更容易,因为旅行相对而言更加危险一些。然而,小世界产生的宝藏和自然资源较少,所以你后期可能会遇到一些困难。
    • 世界比小世界大 50%;它们需要更长的时间才能穿越,但有更多的空间来产生宝藏和额外的生物群系。
    • 世界是小世界的两倍。在生物群系之间旅行需要很长时间,但除了一些非常稀有的建筑外,世界大小允许几乎所有可能的地形、宝藏和资源在此大量生成。如果你喜欢建造,大世界对你而言非常有用。



    • 经典模式的世界提供了标准的泰拉瑞亚之旅。
    • 专家模式(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)的世界拥有更强的敌人和Boss,以及更多的危险和专家模式专属的宝藏。虽然这些专属战利品可以帮助玩家克服增加的难度,但游戏也会变得更加艰难,特别是在游戏进程的后期。这可能会让新手玩家感到无助。
    • 大师模式(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)世界中的敌人和Boss更加危险,甚至对于经验丰富的《泰拉瑞亚》玩家来说也是一个巨大的挑战。玩家会获得一个额外的饰品栏和少量专属物品。所有专家模式的物品也会在大师模式中出现。
    • 旅行模式(电脑版、主机版、和移动版)世界仅适用于旅行模式角色,只有在这些世界中可以使用作弊菜单。经典模式/软核角色无法进入旅程模式世界。需要注意的是,旅程模式有难度滑块,范围从0.5倍(最简单)到3.0倍(相当于大师模式)。滑动到2倍将启用所有专家模式特性,而3倍将启用所有大师模式特性。难度滑块让旅程模式角色可以在不进行完整通关的情况下体验每种世界难度。



    所有泰拉瑞亚世界都会有一个或两个邪恶生物群落, that affect your ability to receive certain loot and changes a boss that you fight. On the 电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版, the world evil can be selected, whereas it is always random on the 前代主机版 前代主机版任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版. While seeds for the non-native world evil can be bought later, artificial biome creation can be difficult.

    • The Corruption, a purple-colored biome that generally offers both lower risk and reward, making it ideal for new players.
    • The Crimson, a red-colored biome with themes of flesh and gore. Overall, its items are slightly more powerful, but the enemies are more dangerous. This makes it appealing to experienced players.

    It will show lots of text like this one while the green loading bar goes up and will change every world or 05162020
    The World Loading Screen

    Click Create or Accept to generate your world; the game will display a progress bar until it is complete. Afterwards, press Play on the created world to start your adventure!


    A new character spawning in a forest of a Terraria world that has just been created.

    当你第一次进入一个世界时,你的角色会出现在地图中央区域,所以你在左边和右边各有一半的区域可以探索。这个位置被熟知为Spawn Point并且将会是你的角色死亡后复活的位置,无论你什么在时候进入了这个世界。同时它也被用绿色箭头标记在了Map上,在电脑版 电脑版主机版 主机版、和移动版 移动版Note: Avoid building exactly on this spot, as you could potentially break blocks when spawning in.

    You will notice you have a set of starter tools in your inventory, including a 铜短剑铜短剑 (木剑木剑 if playing on the 任天堂3DS任天堂3DS版), 铜镐铜镐 and 铜斧铜斧.

    Movement and Tool Use

    • On 电脑版 电脑版 version, the game can be controlled using the Mouse and Keyboard. If you are using a controller, please see the console section further below.
      • The cursor on the screen is moved using the mouse.
      • 使用/攻击 (left-click) will activate the item currently selected in the hotbar, or attached to the cursor. This usually results in attacking with a weapon, placing/breaking a block, drinking a potion, etc.
      • The WASD keys move the character (note that W is not for jumping).
      • (spacebar) will make the character jump (or fly/swim/etc depending on your accessories).
      • 打开/激活 (right-click) will interact with placed objects like Chests and Doors. It is also for talking to NPCs and splitting stacks of items.
      • T will cause your character to drop the currently selected item. It is recommended that you unbind this function or reassign it to a key that you won't press on accident, since it is not necessary for normal gameplay. (Items can also be thrown by dragging them out of the inventory and right-clicking).
    • On the 移动版 移动版, there will be a left joystick for movement, a right joystick for using items (alternatively tap anywhere on the screen to use an item or place a block), and other buttons to do various things, such as quick heal and Mounts. There is also a lightbulb button that will show each button's function once tapped that can be toggled on and off.
    • The console versions use controllers 主机版 / Joy-Cons 任天堂Switch to control the game. The 任天堂Switch版 任天堂Switch版 also has touch screen capability when it isn’t docked, so some gameplay elements have mobile-like controls (e.g, main menu, inventory).
      • The left joystick moves the character, and the right one moves the cursor.
      • The bottom face button makes the character jump.
      • The bumpers change the hot bar slot.
      • The top face button opens the inventory.
      • The right trigger attacks/places the block.
      • The left trigger interacts with the world.

    Hotbar and Inventory



    In the upper-left corner of the screen, you will see ten inventory slots labeled 1 through 10. These slots are referred to as the hotbar. They are a quick way of accessing commonly-used items. You can place any item into them from the inventory. To use the item, select the hotbar slot by pressing the associated number on the number row on the keyboard, use the scroll wheel to scroll to the right slot, or click a slot with the cursor. When you have selected a slot, you can press 使用/攻击 anywhere on the screen to use the selected item.

    By pressing Esc or 物品栏 you open up the inventory. It consists of 40 inventory slots, 10 hotbar slots, 4 slots each for coins and ammo, a trash slot, and various armor/accessory slots. It also contains the crafting menu, which is used to craft items.

    All newly created characters (in Classic/Softcore mode) begin with the following items in their inventory:

    Note: Items may have a word as their prefix, such as "Demonic Copper Pickaxe" or "Broken Copper Shortsword". These will increase or decrease the item's base stats; see the Modifiers page for more information.

    Rearranging the Inventory

    Items in the inventory can be moved using the cursor. Pressing 使用/攻击 on an item will remove it from its slot and attach it to your cursor. Clicking again on another slot will set the item back down, swapping it for another if the slot already contains an item.

    Moving a held item out of the inventory screen allows you to 使用/攻击 as if it were held in the hotbar; this can be used, for example, to drink a potion. Pressing 打开/激活will throw the item onto the ground. this can be used to pass an item to another player in Multiplayer.

    Certain inventory slots act in a special way.

    • The ammo slots can only contain items that are either ammunition for Ranged weapons, wires for Wrenches or bait for Fishing poles. Keep in mind that the top-most Slot for ammo will be used first, followed by subsequent slots.
    • The Coin slots can only hold coins, which may be dropped when you die. When you collect coins, they will be deposited into the Coin slots, automatically converting to the next highest denomination when appropriate (ex: 100 = 1, 100 = 1, etc). You can move coins to your normal inventory instead of the Coin slots (though subsequent money will still deposit to the Coin slots by default). This does not prevent Coin loss upon death.
    • While you can drag items into the Trash slot (located in the lower-right section of your Inventory) to get rid of them, pressing Ctrlwhile clicking an item in your inventory will do so automatically. The last item placed in the Trash slot will remain until you trash another one, so be careful when quickly removing items, as you can only retrieve the last item placed there. Trashed items are also removed when logging out.
    • Alternatively, while shopping with an NPC, you can drag/drop to sell items, or by pressing Ctrland clicking said item (instead of a trash icon, you'll see a coin icon, indicating a sale) . If you accidentally sell an item, you can buy it back for the same price - if it is still visible in the NPC's shop, but beware: once you sell an item and leave the dialogue, your sold items will disappear.
      • If the NPC's inventory is full when you sell an item, it cannot be bought back. For this reason, it may be optimal to sell your items to an NPC who offers few items for sale (eg: not the 酒馆老板酒馆老板(电脑版、主机版、和移动版), who may have a full inventory as-is).
    • The equipment slots on the bottom-right/equipment menu/right are for items your character wears, such as armor and accessories. The Inventory will show you your character's Armor and Equipment slots. Upon clicking the icons at the top of those slots, you can see your "alternative" Equipment, such as Mounts, Pets, Hooks, Minecarts, and Light Pets.

    Other interface elements


    These red hearts beside the inventory indicate the character's Health. Each red heart equals 20 health. All characters begin with 100 health. This can be raised to 400 health using 生命水晶生命水晶 found underground, and later 500 health with 生命果生命果 found in the Jungle during Hardmode.

    You must keep your health above 0, or your character will die and re-appear at your Spawn Point. Health regenerates after a short period of not taking damage.

    The blue star on the right side of the screen indicates the character's Mana. Each blue star is 20 mana. All characters begin with 20 mana. This can be raised to 200 mana using 魔力水晶魔力水晶 and temporarily boosted further with some accessories and armor.

    Mana is used to power Magic weapons; it regenerates similar to health, but at a much faster rate.

    For more details on Health and Mana, refer to the respective articles.

    The First Day

    After loading the world your character will be standing at the spawn point, with an NPC nearby, the 向导向导. You can talk to him by pressing 打开/激活 with your mouse over him. He has some tips for new players, (电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版) and will show you the available crafting recipes if you give him a material. This option can be used at any point in the game.

    Digging and Placing

    To dig, you first select your Copper Pickaxe. You are going to use this tool a lot, so you want to keep it on your hotbar. Now, if you move the cursor over a block near your character and press 使用/攻击, you will swing your Copper Pickaxe. After a few swings at the block, it will disappear and turn into a collectible item. Standing close to an item will cause you to collect it, which will put it in your inventory.

    To place blocks, select a block by either putting it on your hotbar and selecting the hotbar slot or attaching it to the cursor and moving the cursor out of the inventory screen. Now move the cursor adjacent to a nearby block and click 使用/攻击. You will place the block. Holding down the button and moving the cursor to another empty space adjacent to a different block will place another block.

    You can remove any previously placed blocks by digging them back out with your pickaxe, even the block originally connecting to the ground - blocks above it will not fall due to gravity.

    Your axe must be used to destroy trees or blocks under trees, however.

    There are some exceptions, such as 沙块 and 泥沙块泥沙, which fall when there are no supporting blocks below them.

    Safety and House building

    A basic house for the first night in Terraria

    Upon spawning your first goal should be to make yourself a 工作台工作台 from 10 木材木材, as it allows for the crafting of furniture as well as weapons that are crucial to survival.

    • Making yourself a木剑木剑 and 木弓木弓 will help greatly with enemies, although arrows will be required to use a bow, which can be made with Wood and 石块石块 later.

    Once equipped, your goal should be to build a house. This will help you shelter from enemies which spawn during the night, helping you survive early on. A house designed for a player may consist of two walls and a roof; however, for a house to be habitable by an NPC, it must also be fully covered by background walls, have a 门 and light source, and contain at least one 椅子椅子 and one adjacent Work Bench or 桌子桌子 .

    • 火把火把 can be crafted with 1 凝胶凝胶 dropped from 蓝史莱姆史莱姆 and 1 Wood in groups of 3, and can be used to make useful tools such as a 篝火篝火(which will regenerate health) and 烈焰箭烈焰箭.
      • Despite producing light, Campfires will not count as a light source for NPC housing.

    Every world spawns with you and the Guide at the spawn point. He is a valuable resource of information and help, so you want to protect him, although he can respawn later during the day with a valid house available.

    Once you have collected about 200 wood, return to where you initially spawned and dig out 1 block underneath where you first appeared.

    Time to get building!

    Tip: 工作台工作台 are considered Tables for purposes of NPC Housing. You can replace Tables with them. For more info, consult Housing.
    For more information, see guide:Bases.

    You likely won't want to build more than 3 NPC houses in close proximity to one another to prevent increased prices.

    If you can't build a house before sunset, you can dig yourself 8 blocks into the ground and cover yourself up with 土.

    When Night falls, all NPCs will return to their designated houses and stop moving. NPCs without a house will walk around aimlessly. You can temporarily surround them with blocks to prevent enemies from reaching them.

    Continuing on


    The red numbers are the damage dealt to the character; the orange numbers are the damage done to enemies. The bar beneath the enemy indicates the amount of health it has left.

    During your adventures in Terraria you will encounter many enemies. To fight them you use weapons. There are 5 main types of weapons:

    • Melee weapons: These weapons are the most straight-forward. They are weapons that physically hit the enemy like Swords, Boomerangs and Flails.
    • Ranged weapons: These weapons use a form of ammo to fire projectiles at distant enemies, such as Bows.
    • Magic weapons: Magic weapons have various different attacks, but generally they shoot a magical projectile that costs Mana. Examples include the different Staves.
    • Summoning weapons: These weapons summon a minion that targets enemies and combats them itself. The Slime Staff is an example of a summoning weapon.
    • Throwing weapons: This is a minor weapon type that uses consumable, one use items to deal damage. They deal Ranged damage. In电脑版、主机版、和移动版), they were made to have their own damage type, but were merged back with Ranged weapons in电脑版、主机版、和移动版).

    Good weapons in the early-game include:

    • While a 木剑木剑 will provide some protection you may be able to quickly upgrade to a 针叶木剑针叶木(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版) or 仙人掌剑仙人掌剑 if close by, although Deserts can be troubling for unequipped players.
    • 木弓木弓: While basic the Wooden Bow is extremely easy to obtain for its power, costing only 10 Wood and can be easily replaced if the player can find Boreal or Palm Wood in a nearby Desert or Tundra.
    • 雪球雪球 are a cheap and surprisingly effective way to deal damage, gaining 15 Snowballs per 雪块雪块 and dealing 8 damage per hit.
    • Mages and Summoners are lacking in early-game weapons, but 火花魔棒火花魔棒(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) and 雀杖雀杖(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) can be found in Surface 宝箱宝箱 with enough luck.


    • 木盔甲木盔甲 is usually the first set of armor made, but swapping it with 针叶木盔甲针叶(电脑版、主机版、前代主机版、和移动版) or 仙人掌盔甲仙人掌盔甲 can help if those resources are available.
    • Wearing a matched set of armor is usually recommended, as the user will get a set bonus from wearing all pieces.


    In Terraria, any damage done to the player will appear above their head as a red number. Damage done to enemies by players is shown with an orange number. When the player heals, the amount healed will be shown as a green number. To avoid dying, you can heal yourself using one of several healing items, with the H key or selecting the potion and pressing 使用/攻击.

    • 蘑菇蘑菇 can be used to restore 15 health, but are rather ineffective and have better uses.

    Note: Consumables like these give the 耐药性耐药性 between uses. It prevents you to use any healing items for 60 seconds, so it's a good idea to avoid taking damage as much as you can.

    Mining and Exploration

    Console, Mobile, and Desktop version ore types, from left to right. Row 1: copper, iron, silver, and gold. Row 2: tin, lead, tungsten, and platinum. Note: this only shows the first 4 tiers of ore.

    Eventually, a 熔炉熔炉 will be needed. A Furnace can transform Ore into Bars, which are the materials of better Weapons, Tools, and Armor. Find deposits of Stone and mine up at least 20 blocks. Torches are also needed for creating a Furnace, so make sure to kill a few Slimes to get 凝胶凝胶. Get 木材木材, head to the Work Bench, craft a Furnace and place it down.

    While exploring the world keep an eye out for oddly colored blocks, as these will most likely be ore deposits.

    You will need to make an 铁砧铁砧 or 铅砧铅砧 (some worlds will have Lead instead of Iron). Anvils are used to create Items from Bars. Go find some 铁矿 or 铅矿铅矿. In order to smelt one 铁锭/铅锭铅锭, you need three ores. As you need five Bars to create the Anvil, 15 Iron/Lead Ore is needed. Once the ore is gathered and smelted at the Furnace, head to the work bench and create an Anvil. When placed down (preferably next to the Furnace) new Recipes become available.

    Cave exploration

    There are a few options when choosing how to dig: Digging straight down or searching for an open cave to explore. At this early stage in the game use caution when digging holes. Using the blocks picked up while digging or creating 木平台木平台, you can build a way back.

    To illuminate your area you can hold a torch in your hand by putting torches in your hotbar and selecting it. You can put a torch on a wall or the ground by left clicking to place it. This will not only let you see mobs so you can fight them, mark the way back, and show where and how far you've gone if you come back to the same cave to explore further. In addition to placing torches, you can drop one in item form, which is useful for seeing what's at the bottom of a pit, and how far down it goes.

    When exploring caves, you may find Pots. You can smash these with a weapon or tool to get some loot. You can also find Chests or 金箱金箱. When you are near a chest you can right-click, which will show your inventory and the contents of the chest. You can click on a chest item to grab it, then click again on an inventory square to put it in your inventory. Alternatively, you could click "Loot All" to the right of the chest contents to grab everything. Once the chest is empty you can use your pickaxe to pick it up, take it with you, and then place it elsewhere, like you'd place any other piece of furniture (you can't mine chests if it's not completely empty however). It's recommended that you take a few of the chests you find back to your house to store stuff with, since crafting your own chests will use Iron Bars, and you'll want to save your iron for other purposes.

    You'll find 蛛网蛛网 and can cut them down with any weapon or tool and then pick them up. Cobweb can be turned into 丝绸丝绸, to make a 床 at a loom, used to change your spawn point. The Green Arrow on the Map will not disappear when you do this. Silk can make decorative items and vanity clothing.

    While underground it is possible to come across pools of water. Torches do not work underwater, so you must use 荧光棒荧光棒, but they cannot be crafted. You can throw them, but they will bounce and move around. You can craft 粘性荧光棒粘性荧光棒 by combining Gel with a Glowstick; these will stick to walls when thrown, making them easier to place. No matter which you use, however, glowsticks are not permanent when thrown, unlike placed torches.

    Digging out an air pocket.

    When stepping into a pool of water the character will sink as if weighted down. Don't fear diving down underwater to continue moving downwards, as the character has a rather large air meter. However, if close to running out of air there is a way to regain air quickly. First either find a wall or make a small shaft at the bottom of the water, and then dig a tunnel in the wall and then upward in the ceiling. The water will not fill the upper squares. As the air supply runs low, jump into the hole. This will refill the meter.

    If you see an area that glows blue and has blue mushrooms, congrats - you have found a Glowing Mushroom biome. This place is useful as it grows glowing mushrooms, so take some while you're there. When you return home, craft a bottle, place it on a table, and craft healing potions out of lesser healing potions and those glowing mushrooms. They heal for twice as much as lesser healing potions do, and are some of the best healing items pre-Hardmode, after 蜂蜜鱼蜂蜜鱼. A Gold Chest and a few 生命水晶生命水晶 may also appear, feel free to loot them.

    You may also encounter Gems or Gem Trees underground, which can be destroyed with a Pickaxe or Axe for Gems and Gemcorns.

    In the event one encounters a Fairy following them is recommended, as they can lead to valuable ores and treasures that would otherwise be missed.


    Now that you've learned how to play and survive, the best thing to do would be to simply continue playing, discovering new things on your own. If you do get stuck, find something you're unsure about, or simply want detailed information about one of your items, look up what you need on the wiki, or check out the wiki's Walkthrough. It may be handy to check the Armor or Weapons pages for info on what direction to head next. You might also want to look at the pages about the Bosses of the game so you know what your long term task will be. And remember, you can play the game your way, so don't feel bound by the information on this wiki.


    • Exiting the game then re-entering the world will bring you to your spawn point.
    • Despite not being their primary use, Gel and Fallen Stars can be stored as ammo in the inventory, saving space.
      • If you want to take full advantage of Magic or Summon weapons, gathering fallen stars at night to craft 魔力水晶魔力水晶 to increase your maximum mana is vital.
    • If you find 向日葵向日葵, place some around your house. It gives some helpful bonuses that can make surviving easier.
      • 篝火篝火, 星星瓶星星瓶, and 红心灯笼红心灯笼 can also provide great help where placed, although it's recommended to increase your health and mana to maximum before crafting Bottles or Lanterns.
    • It's best to build your base close to the original Spawn point so you have less trouble returning to it at Night or if you respawn.
    • When digging deep, it's useful to leave a way back up. The easiest way would be to leave Platforms on a side of the passage as a makeshift ladder, or placing 绳 while digging the shaft.
    • Torches last forever so bring plenty along and place them liberally when going mining and exploring.
      • Having torches which correspond with the inhabited biome (骨头火把骨头火把(电脑版、主机版、和移动版) in the Forest) at base can help greatly, as having torches which match the home biome increases luck, which helps greatly with Enemy drops and damage.
    • Avoid the Corruption / Crimson early on as they contain tough enemies that will kill you.
    • If you want an Anvil but do not want to use Bars or coins, you can find them in ruined houses underground.
    • Placing NPCs in their favored biome and other liked NPCs can be an effective way to get discounts on goods; see NPCs/preferences for more details.
      • Finding a Living Tree is an easy way to get a free NPC house by placing torches. Only works in pre-1.4 versions. 1.4 players may also find deadly gnomes. Leading them to an area without background walls during the day will turn them into objects, and will increase luck to nearby players.
    • It is highly advisable to begin gathering materials for a few Buffs. You can quickly gather 沙 and 太阳花太阳花, as well as the 太阳花种子太阳花种子 and 粘土块粘土 used to begin Gardening with 粘土盆罐子.
      • Placing a 玻璃瓶玻璃瓶 on a Work Bench will allow you to craft Potions while nearby, while Bottles for potion making can be filled when near water.
      • Two of the earliest buffs are the 再生药水再生药水 and the 铁皮药水铁皮药水, and for the early game can significantly improve your survivability.
        • Additionally, 光芒药水光芒 and 夜猫子药水夜猫子药水 are easy to craft and help greatly with Underground exploration.
    • If you travel far enough into or past the Snow biome, you will eventually come across a dark brick-patterned structure known as the Dungeon. Entering before summoning and killing the Dungeon's boss Skeletron is highly advised against, as 地牢守卫地牢守卫 will spawn and instantly kill you.



    • 制作101——这是一篇关于制作的指南。它包含了制作的详细解释,以及制作站理想的配置方法。
    • NPC——除了向导向导之外,这里有更多你会想给它们建的 NPC。
    • 基地——如何建造一座高效运转的基地。
    • 采矿技巧——此指南详细解释了采矿的简单方法和比较困难的方法,以及向下探索泰拉瑞亚时会得到什么。
    • 园艺——如何种树、蘑菇和其它一些东西。如果需要学习如何正确地建设和维护花园,这会是个很好的指南。
    • 武器列表——可能找到的所有武器都会在这里介绍。
    • PvP——寻找与 PvP 战斗有关的信息的好地方。不太适合初学者,但适合那些曾经玩过 PvP 的玩家。
    • 克苏鲁之眼的 Boss 战——世界中,玩家需要与之对抗的 Boss 之一。
    • Boss 列表——所有玩家会遇到的 Boss 的列表。Boss 是强大的敌怪,有很多的生命,会对无准备的玩家造成毁灭性的伤害。
    • 实用技巧——不同水平玩家都用得上的小贴士。
