Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Legacy.json/LegacyMultiplayer

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位於文件 .Legacy.json 中。

內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
0 Receive: 獲得: 接收:
10 You are not in a party! 你不在隊伍中!
11 {0} has enabled PvP! {0}已啟用PvP!
12 {0} has disabled PvP! {0}已禁用PvP!
13 {0} is no longer on a party. {0}不再屬於任何隊伍。
14 {0} has joined the red party. {0}加入了紅隊。
15 {0} has joined the green party. {0}加入了綠隊。
16 {0} has joined the blue party. {0}加入了藍隊。
17 {0} has joined the yellow party. {0}加入了黃隊。
18 Welcome to 歡迎來到
19 {0} has joined. {0}已加入。
1 Incorrect password 密碼錯誤
20 {0} has left. {0}已離開。
21 /players /玩家 /players
22 {0} has joined the pink party. {0}加入了粉隊。
23 *{0} was slain {1} times. *{0}被殺死了{1}次。
24 *{0} was slain by other players {1} times. *{0}被其他玩家殺死了{1}次。
25 *{0} was slain {1} time. *{0}被殺死了{1}次。
26 *{0} was slain by other players {1} time. *{0}被其他玩家殺死了{1}次。
2 Invalid operation at this state. 目前狀態下操作無效。 目前狀態下此操作無效。
3 You are banned from this server. 你已被此伺服器封禁。
4 You are not using the same version as this server. 你使用的版本與此伺服器不同。
5 {0} is already on this server. 已在此伺服器上。 {0}已在此伺服器上。
6 /playing /玩 /playing
7 Current players: 當前玩家: 當前玩家:
8 /roll /滾動 /roll
9 rolls a 滾動一個 擲出了