Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/AnglerQuestChatter

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Chatter_1 Wooow! You've bothered me, like, {AnglerCompletedQuestsCount} times! If I didn't have a cool fish for each time, I would be really mad! 喂!你打擾我好像有{AnglerCompletedQuestsCount}次了!要不是每次都能碰上處變不驚的魚,我一定會發飆! 喂!你打擾我好像有{AnglerCompletedQuestsCount}次了!如果不是每次都有很酷的魚,我一定會發飆!
Chatter_2 Did you know I have {AnglerCompletedQuestsCount} amazingly awesome fish now!? That's because as far as errand monkeys go, you're actually a bit useful! 你知道我已經釣到{AnglerCompletedQuestsCount}條超棒的魚了嗎!?那是因為在跑腿這件事上,你還是發揮了作用! 你知道我已經有了{AnglerCompletedQuestsCount}條超棒的魚了嗎!?那是因為在跑腿這件事上,你還是發揮了作用!