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NoQuest_1 I don't have anything for you to do right now. 現在沒有任務要分配給你。
NoQuest_2 You have entertained me enough for today, go. 你今天已經讓我夠開心了,可以走了。
NoQuest_3 You are done, the grand {Angler} dismisses you! 你完蛋了,偉大的 {Angler} 會解僱你! 你完蛋了,偉大的{Angler}會解僱你!
NoQuest_4 Only one fish a day, please go away! 一天就一條魚,請離開!
NoQuest_5 I haven't even used the last fish you gave me. I don't need another. 你上次給我的魚還沒用呢。我不需要了。
TurnIn_1 Oh! Thanks for the fish I asked for, now scram! 哦!謝謝你抓來我要的魚,可以滾了!
TurnIn_2 Awesome catch! It's all going according to plan! He he he! 抓到啦!一切都是按計劃進行的!哈哈哈!
TurnIn_3 You make a great errand monkey! Now go away! 你這跑腿的活幹得挺不錯嘛!現在走開!
TurnIn_4 Muahahahahaha! You did it! You're still in one piece though, how boring! 哈哈哈哈!你做到了!你竟然毫髮無傷,真沒勁!
TurnIn_5 Woah!? You actually did what I asked, and survived! Nice, hand it over and beat it! 哇!?你竟然完成了任務,還活了下來!不錯,把它交上來,再滾遠點!
Quest_Batfish Na na na na na na na Bat-FISH! That means go digging underground, fetch it, and bring it to me!

(Caught in Underground & Caverns)
吶吶吶吶吶吶吶,蝙蝠魚! 意思是去地下深挖,抓住它,再帶來給我!


Quest_BumblebeeTuna The subterranean jungles of {WorldName} have the weirdest things! Like, there's this fish I saw that looked just like a giant bumblebee! I'm allergic to bees, so you have to catch it for me! I bet it'd taste like a tuna and honey sandwich!

(Caught in Honey)
在 {WorldName} 的地下叢林中有許多光怪陸離的生物! 比如說,我看見過這種魚,像一隻超級大黃蜂! 我對蜜蜂過敏,所以你必須去把它給我抓來!它的味道肯定像金槍魚和蜂蜜三明治!


Quest_Catfish I finally found a jungle cat that likes water! I think it's because it's also part fish. I don't know why this happened, and I don't want to know. I just want it in my hands, and make it snappy!

(Caught in Jungle Surface)
我終於找到一隻喜歡水的叢林貓!我想這是因為它還有魚的天性。 我不知道為什麼會這樣,我也不想知道。 我只是希望它能到我手裡,你得快點!


Quest_Cloudfish There's a rumor going around that there are islands that float high up in the sky, and that they have amazing treasure! Who cares about that though, what's even cooler is that sometimes lakes form in the clouds, and in those lakes are fish made out of clouds! I wanna know what it tastes like, so you better go catch it for me!

(Caught in Sky Lakes)
有謠言說天上漂浮著許多島嶼,島上有許多寶藏! 但是誰會在意呢,更有意思的是,雲彩中有時會形成湖泊,湖泊中遊蕩著雲朵做成的魚! 我想嘗嘗它的味道,所以你最好去把它抓來給我!


Quest_Cursedfish There's a cursed fish swimming in the waters of the deepest corruption! It was forged of the cursed flames that spread from the fallen horrors that lurk down there. They say not even water can put out this fire, and that it can burn forever. I can think of some awesome things I can do with a fish like that! You gonna go get it for me, or are you too chicken!?

(Caught in Corruption)
有條受詛咒的魚在腐化之地最深處的水中游來游去! 它由詛咒焰化成,詛咒焰在潛藏的恐懼中蔓延。 他們說,詛咒焰連水都無法撲滅,可以永遠燃燒。 有一條這樣的魚,我就可以做許多好玩的事!你去抓給我!還是你太膽小!?


Quest_Dirtfish I was reeling in the big one when this funny talking zombie burst out of the forest lake and started rambling on about this 'ferocious' species of fish made out of dirt! He says it could suffocate ten blokes his size, or something like that... I want it! NOW!

(Caught in Surface & Underground)


Quest_DynamiteFish The demolitionist was raising cane about losing a stick of dynamite in the lake out in the forest. He has like, so many, so why does one matter? Apparently, because it grew fins and started swimming away! I don't know where he gets his materials to make those things, but that one is clearly possessed! Reel it in and bring it to me, I always wanted a suicide bombing fish! Don't ask why...

(Caught in Surface)
爆破專家在森林裡的湖中弄丟了一捆雷管,一直很著急。他有那麼多炸藥,丟的那捆炸藥有這麼重要嗎? 顯然,因為這捆炸藥長出了鰭,開始遊走了!我不知道他做炸藥的材料是哪兒弄的,但那一捆肯定已經走火入魔了! 釣回來給我,我一直想要一條自殺式炸彈魚!不要問為什麼...


Quest_EaterofPlankton I bet you're not brave enough to find the Eater of Plankton. A corrupt fish that was mutated from a severed piece of the Eater of Worlds itself! Capture it and bring it to me, and prove to me you're not a wuss!

(Caught in Corruption)
你肯定不敢去找浮游噬魚。 它是由世界吞噬怪的殘塊變異而來的腐化魚! 把它抓來給我,證明你不是膽小鬼!


Quest_FallenStarfish I love collecting those bright yellow stars that fall from the sky! I love it even more when they land on someone's head. But.. but.. nothing beats a star that falls in a foresty lake and turns into a fish! That's just totally rad, and you're just rad enough to get it for me!

(Caught in Sky Lakes & Surface)


Quest_TheFishofCthulu Apparently, Demon Eyes can sometimes be amphibious. They don't fly, they swim! I want to see the look on someone's face when they find it in their bathtub! They hang around the same areas. That means you reel one in for me!

(Caught in Sky Lakes & Surface)
顯然,惡魔眼有時能在水裡和陸地上生存。他們不會飛,但會游泳! 我想知道有人在浴缸中發現一條時會有怎樣的表情! 他們總是在相同的地方晃悠。所以,你要釣一條給我!


Quest_Fishotron I don't know what's worse, a bone fish or a bone fish with HANDS. This Fish-o-Tron deep in the caverns really freaks me out! I think it's possessed by the same evil spirits that possessed that old man by the dungeon! I double duck dare you to go catch it!

(Caught in Caverns)
我不知道哪種情況更慘:骷髏魚還是長手的骷髏魚。這條深藏在洞穴中的德隆魚真把我嚇了一跳! 我認為在通過地牢抓住那個老男人的幽魂手中! 我給你兩個膽,你去把它抓來給我!


Quest_Harpyfish I was trying to sleep by the hill lakeside when this fish swooped down at me. It was flying! It also had the face of a lady and had feathers! I think I screamed louder than she did! Hey you, go make her pay for scaring me like that!

(Caught in Sky Lakes & Surface)
我正要在山上的湖畔睡覺時,這條魚向我俯衝下來。它在飛! 它長著一張女人的臉,還有羽毛!我想我叫得比她還大聲! 嘿,你去,她把我嚇成那樣,總得付出代價!


Quest_Hungerfish There's a piece of the Hunger that morphed from the Wall of Flesh into a small fish-like thing that swims around aimlessly in the underworld and it's gross and it's yucky and I want it now!

(Caught in Caverns)

Quest_Ichorfish Did you know deep in the crimson, some of those creatures make this gross yellow stuff? I overheard a crazy story about a pool of it having melted together into a shape of a fish and it swims around and everything! Fetch it for me, so I can stick it in someone's toilet!

(Caught in Crimson)
你知道嗎?在猩紅之地的深處,一些生物在製作這種噁心的黃東西。 我聽說一池黃東西融合成魚形,然後開始游來游去,太離奇了! 去抓一條給我,我可把它塞在別人的馬桶里!


Quest_Jewelfish Oooooohhh, I'm going to be SO rich! Deep in the caverns, there is a fish made out of gemstones! Don't ask me how, I don't know, all I know is that this fish is totally awesome and you're going to catch it for me!

(Caught in Underground & Caverns)
哦哦,我馬上就要發大財啦!在洞穴的深處,有一種寶石做的魚! 別問我怎麼做,我不知道,我知道的是,這種魚非常美麗,你去把它抓來給我!


Quest_MirageFish There's some interesting critters to be found in the deeper Hallows, I tell you! They glow this crazy purple color and it messes with my eyes! It's totally wild, so I want you to catch a fish like that for me!

(Caught in Underground Hallow)
我告訴你,在神聖之地的更深處可以找到一些有趣的小動物! 他們閃耀著瘋狂的紫色,讓我的眼睛眼花繚亂! 這魚是絕對野生的,因此我希望你能抓一條給我!


Quest_MutantFlinxfin What's white and tan and fluffy and lives in a frozen underground lake? A mutant flinxfin! I wasn't telling a joke, you know, there really is a mutated variety of Flinx that is more adapted to an aquatic lifestyle! I want it to adapt to my fishbowl, so make sure that happens!

(Caught in Underground Tundra)
棕白色的,毛茸茸的,住在冰凍地下湖中,是什麼魚?突變弗林魚! 我沒有開玩笑,確實有一種更適應水生生活的突變弗林魚! 我希望它能夠適應我的魚缸,一定要抓一條!


Quest_Pengfish It's a whale! It's a dolphin! No, it's a penguin fish! Oh, and look, it's you! You get to bring me one! You do know they only like cold water, right?

(Caught in Surface Tundra)


Quest_Pixiefish There's a really really rare type of pixie that's born with so many wings that it can't actually fly! It swims with the fishes in the lakes surrounded by that blue colored grass. My fish tank needs a lamp, so I want you to catch me that pixie!

(Caught in Surface Hallow)


Quest_Spiderfish I saw a fish that had eight legs! Nope! Not happening! You're fishing it for me, so it's not alive when I hold it! That's the last time I go fishing so deep in the cavern!

(Caught in Underground & Caverns)
我看到一條八條腿的魚!不!不可能! 你為我釣它,這樣到我手裡的時候就是死的了! 這是我最後一次去這麼深的洞穴釣魚!


Quest_UnicornFish Unicorns and rainbows are absolutely great! They're everywhere, even in the water. No, really, I actually saw a unicorn fish in the Hallowed lake! Your job is to reel it up and let me have it as a pet!

(Caught in Hallow)
獨角獸和彩虹都是好東西!它們無處不在,甚至在水中。 真的,我居然在聖湖中看到一條獨角獸魚! 你的任務就是把它釣起來,我會拿它當寵物!


Quest_GuideVoodooFish Those demons in the underworld really like voodoo dolls, but I think there's a doll out there who was blasted with way too much magic! It turned into a fish and it does stuff on its own. I dare you to go down and get me one! I'd watch out for the boiling lava, because it burns you to death and that won't get me my fish!

(Caught in Caverns)
地獄的惡魔真的很喜歡巫毒娃娃,但我覺得有一個娃娃身藏著特別多的魔法! 它變成了一條魚,還可以對自己施法。我命令你去地獄,給我帶一個來! 如果是我的話,我會小心沸騰的熔岩,因為它會把你燒死,這樣我就得不到魚了!


Quest_Wyverntail I know something youuuuu don't! Fine, I'll tell you, there's a terrifying creature that flies among the stars! I'm not making this up! It's called a Wyvern! But, but, you knew that already, right? Well what you don't know is that they are born and raised as tadpoles! So, they're actually like.. well, a frog! Hop to it and get me one!

(Caught in Sky Lakes)
我知道一些你...你不知道的事!好吧,我告訴你,有一隻可怕的怪物在星空中飛來飛去!這不是我自己編出來的! 它叫飛龍!可是,可是,你已經知道了,是不是?你不知道的是,他們的出生和成長曆程和蝌蚪一樣! 所以,他們實際上像...像青蛙!開始行動,給我抓一隻!


Quest_ZombieFish You won't believe it! I caught a fish in the forest at night that was already dead! Then it tried to eat me! I threw it away and ran! Now I want to stick it in someone's dresser to see what happens, so go fish it back up for me will ya?!

(Caught in Surface)
你相信嗎?!我晚上在森林裡抓到一條已經死了的魚!然後,它想吃我!我把它扔掉,然後扭頭就跑! 現在,我要把它粘在別人的梳妝檯上,看看會發生什麼,所以你去把那條魚給我抓回來,好嗎?!


Quest_AmanitaFungifin I found this spectacular place draped in giant glowing mushrooms! Everything was blue! I was picking some of the mushrooms I found next to a glistening blue lake, when one of the mushrooms snapped at me and swam away! I want to give it a taste of its own medicine, and give it a good chompin'! What I mean is, you gotta get it for me!

(Caught in Glowing Mushroom Fields)


Quest_Angelfish Did you know there's magical islands that float up high in the sky? Bet you didn't! They say angels live in the sky, and I believe those angels have fins and gills and swim around! I believe you must catch one for me!

(Caught in Sky Lakes)

Quest_BloodyManowar Ow! Don't get near me! I got stung by a Bloody Man-O-War! In case you're not smart enough to know what that is, it's the most menacing jellyfish in all of {WorldName}! Go to that rotten crimson and catch it if you dare!

(Caught in Crimson)
噢!別靠近我!我被一條血水母蜇了!怕你不聰明,不知道血水母是什麼,所以我告訴你,它是整個 {WorldName} 中最兇險的水母!如果你敢,接近這個惡臭的猩紅之地,把它抓來!


Quest_Bonefish Normally I could care less if I see fishbones floating in the water underground, but this one was swimming! What, you thought that only human skeletons still flailed about in {WorldName}? Get it for me so I can stick it in someone's bed!

(Caught in Underground & Caverns)
如果看到地下水中漂浮著魚骨,我通常不怎麼好奇,但是這隻魚骨竟然在游泳!什麼,你以為在 {WorldName} 中只有人骷髏嗎?去抓一隻給我,這樣我可以把它粘在別人的床上!


Quest_Bunnyfish Out in the forest, I was fishing right? Well guess what! A bunny hopped up to me! Then another one hopped up, and another... suddenly I'm surrounded by bunnies! One even swam up to me from the water, but it had no legs! I fell outta my chair in surprise and all the bunnies scurried off! I want that bunny fish as a pet, so you better catch it for me! Pronto!

(Caught in Surface)


Quest_CapnTunabeard Yarr matey! Shiver me timbers! Avast, scallywags! There's a pirate captain who once had a pet fish named Cap'n Tunabeard, but during a big storm the fishbowl fell overboard! It has a hook for a tail, and an eyepatch and everything! You need to fetch me that fish, so I can be as cool as a pirate! Obviously it's out in the ocean somewhere! Duh!

(Caught in Ocean)

Quest_Clownfish I saw this bright orange and colorful fish by the ocean, and it was looking around frantically as though it was seeking a lost family member! Go catch it for me, so that another one will show up looking frantically for him instead!

(Caught in Ocean)


Quest_DemonicHellfish I hear in the underworld, that the King of all demons is actually a fish! Just imagine the absolute power I would have if you caught it for me!

(Caught in Caverns)


Quest_Derpfish Those Derplings in the jungle are the most scary creatures I've ever seen! Good thing is, sometimes they don't have legs! These ones live in the water and are a lot less scary! Catch me one now so I can see what they taste like without being scared half to death!

(Caught in Jungle Surface)


Quest_Fishron There's a legend of a mighty being known as the Fishron! It's part pig, part dragon, and part FISH! I hear it hangs around in the frozen subterranean lakes of the coldest part of the world! I'm not going there, so YOU go catch it and makes sure it lands in my hands! I'm so excited!

(Caught in Underground Tundra)

Quest_InfectedScabbardfish A really long fish that looks like a sword's sheath swims in the murky waters of the corruption! It looks a lot like ebonstone, so don't let it fool you! That's right, you. You're catching it, not me!

(Caught in Corruption)

Quest_Mudfish Watch your step when wading through jungle waters! Why? No, not because I care about you being eaten by piranhas. I care because you'll step on one of my favorite kinds of fish, the Mud Fish! I also care a lot that you're going to grab me one as a pet!

(Caught in Jungle)

Quest_TropicalBarracuda Piranhas and sharks are ugly! Soooo ugly! Did you know there's a fish that looks very pretty and still can eat your face off? I would pay 2 platinum to see that happen, by the way... To the point, though, you catchy for me. Just make sure I have it before you lose your face!

(Caught Jungle Surface)


Quest_TundraTrout You ever wonder why the lakes on the surface of the snowy areas of {WorldName} never ice over? I don't. The fish, however, do! A fish made out of ice would make a great offering to the mighty and amazing {Angler}! Go, my loyal subject, and bring me this Tundra Trout with haste!

(Caught in Surface Tundra)

Quest_Slimefish In the forest, the slimes are kinda gross. Slimefish are even more so! I don't want to swim with slimes, so yoink one out of the water for me!

(Caught in Surface Forest)

Quest_ScarabFish I read this ancient story about a fish that looks like a magical scarab! That's beetle, for simpletons like you! Where do you find it? Where do you think? In the desert, duh! Don't look at me like that... it's true! There is actually water out there! I'd go, but I don't like having my eyeballs pecked out by vultures. So... you do it!

(Caught in Desert)


Quest_ScorpioFish I'm sure someone, a really stupid someone, tried to tell you there was no water in the desert! They were absolutely and positively wrong! There's this thing called an Oasis, and it has water in it! Guess what happens when you have water!? That's right, you have fish! Weird fish that try to sting you and pinch you and do all kinds of other mean things to you! A perfect pet for me, and a perfect job for you!

(Caught in Desert)

