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Party Parties are great for getting people to come out of their shell, just like with bullets. 派對是讓人們拋開束縛的好方法,就像子彈一樣。
Graveyard1 I hate places like this. I can't kill what's already dead! 我討厭這樣的地方。早已死了還咋殺!
Graveyard2 If you see any suspicious activity out in that fog, I wasn't involved. 如果你在霧中看到有什麼可疑的活動,那與我無關。
Windy1 Was tryin' out my new gun, but the wind kept me off target! 我在試我的新槍,但風影響了我的發揮!
Windy2 Don't spray and pray in the wind, buddy! 別在風裏胡亂瞎射,哥們!
Storm1 A lightning gun? Don't have time for that, man. I love my bullets! 閃電槍?沒時間了,夥計。我就愛我的子彈! 閃電槍?才不會浪費時間去碰那玩意呢,夥計。我愛我的子彈!
Storm2 If you time it right, no one will hear your gunshots with the thunder. 如果把握好時間,雷鳴時是不會有人聽到你的槍聲的。
Rain1 Heard a rumor that some clouds are literally out to get you! Show 'em who's boss with one of my guns! 傳言有些雲真的要來抓你了!用我的槍,讓它們嘗嘗你的厲害! 聽說有些雲真的要來抓你了!從我這買把槍,讓它們知道誰才是老大!
Rain2 Flying fish? I call that target practice! 飛魚?我把它叫作打靶!