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Help_1063 Normally I'd try to teach you all about the Old One's Army, but you should probably ask {Bartender} about that. 通常情況下,我會嘗試將有關撒旦軍隊的一切信息都教給你,但你或許應該向{Bartender}詢問這些信息。
Help_1064 When the moon goes red, the water becomes like blood. Creatures submerged within may become grotesque and malicious. 當月亮變紅時,水也會被染紅。潛伏在水中的生物會變成奇形怪狀,兇惡殘暴。
Help_1065 You can even remove people from their home from the housing interface! <right> the banner hanging in their house. You can also <left> to assign them to a new home. 你甚至可通過房屋界面將人從其家中移除!<right>懸掛在其家中的旗幟。你還可以<left>將其分配到新家。 你甚至可以在房屋界面將人從家裏踢出去!<right>掛在其家中的旗幟即可。你還可以<left>來為其分配新家。