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Help_1100 I hear a race of lizardmen live in the jungle. Maybe you can get the attention of one by felling a giant beast of the jungle? 我聽說叢林裏住着一種蜥蜴人。說不定你可以通過打敗叢林裏的一隻巨獸來引起蜥蜴人的注意? 我聽說叢林裏住着一種蜥蜴人。說不定你可以通過打敗叢林裏的一隻巨獸來引起吸引一隻蜥蜴人的注意?
Help_1101 I hear there's a woman out there well-versed in fighting back the forces you just unleashed. Maybe if you prove yourself, you can get her attention. 我聽說有個女人很擅長反擊。說不定你去露兩手就能引起她的注意。
Help_1102 Machines aren't so bad. Maybe we can build one of our own, if we can just get some explosive weaponry from the jungle... 機器沒有那麼差。也許我們可以自己建造一台,要是能從叢林裏弄來一些爆炸性武器就好了… 機器並不一定就是壞的。如果能從叢林裏弄來一些爆炸性武器,也許我們就可以造一台屬於我們自己的……
Help_1103 I once met a stylist in this region. She went off adventuring underground and that was the last I saw of her. Wonder what became of her? 我曾經在這片區域見過一位髮型師。她去地下探險了,那是我最後一次見到她。不知道她後來怎麼樣了?
Help_1104 Ever caught a strange fish and you aren't sure what to do with it? I hear a fishing master lives near the ocean who might have a use for those... 釣到了一條怪魚,但不知道如何處置?!我聽說海邊住着一位捕魚大師,也許他知道有什麼用… 釣到了一條怪魚,但不知道如何處置?!我聽說海邊住着一位捕魚大師,也許他知道這些魚有什麼用……
Help_1105 The Tortured Soul down in the Underworld sure looks familiar...have you tried using Purification Powder on him? 地獄裏的痛苦亡魂肯定看起來很熟悉…你有沒有試過對它們用淨化粉? 地獄裏的痛苦亡魂看起來確實很眼熟……你有沒有試過對他用淨化粉?
Help_1106 There have been some pirates sighted around lately. If we befriend one, you think he might show us where he buried his treasure? 最近在附近發現了一些海盜。如果我們和海盜成為朋友,你覺得他會透露他把寶藏埋在哪裏了嗎?
Help_1107 There are some special plants and other ingredients that can be used to dye things. Maybe if you keep some with you, you'll find someone to show you how. 有一些特殊植物和其他原料可以用來染色。如果你隨身攜帶這種染料,你會找到人教你染的。 有一些特殊植物和其他原料可以用來染色。如果你隨身攜帶點這類東西,你會找到人教你染的。
Help_1108 I've heard of glowing mushrooms growing big enough on the surface to gain sentience. Wonder if there's any truth to that... 我聽說,地表上的發光蘑菇長得足夠大之後就能獲得知覺了。不知道是不是真的… 我聽說,地表上的發光蘑菇長得足夠大之後就能獲得知覺了。不知道是不是真的……
Help_1109 They say sand is terrible for golfing. No self-respecting golfer would ever be caught in a desert...right? 據說沙子很不利於高爾夫球運動。沒有一位自重的高爾夫球手會困在沙漠裏…對嗎? 據說沙子很不利於高爾夫球運動。沒有一位自重的高爾夫球手會困在沙漠裏……對嗎?
Help_1110 Artists like to practice their craft, and painters like to paint. If enough people move in, we'll have enough homes that a painter might show up to spruce up the place! 藝術家喜歡施展他們的技藝,畫家喜歡繪畫。如果有很多人搬過來,我們就會有很多房子,說不定還會有油漆工來把這個地方裝飾一番呢! 藝術家喜歡施展他們的技藝,油漆工喜歡刷漆。如果有很多人搬過來,我們就會有很多房子,說不定還會有油漆工來把這個地方裝飾一番呢!
Help_1111 A lot of people have moved in lately, haven't they? If it gets much more busy around here, a party girl will surely move in! 最近很多人搬過來了,對吧?如果這裏變得越來越繁華,派對女孩一定也會搬過來的!
Help_1112 Always keep an eye out for strangers in need! You never know when you might meet someone new who is in need of help. 隨時留意有需要的陌生人!你永遠不知道什麼時候會再遇到一個需要幫助的人。
Help_1113 If {Merchant}'s wares don't interest you, a wandering merchant often visits with exotic merchandise you might prefer. 如果你對{Merchant}的商品不感興趣,流浪商人經常會過來兜售你可能喜歡的外來商品。 如果你對{Merchant}的商品不感興趣,流浪商人經常會過來兜售異國風情商品,你可能會喜歡。
Help_1114 Not all of the undead monsters are hostile. I hear one even sells merchandise deep underground. 並非所有不死怪物都充滿敵意。我聽說有一個怪物甚至還在地下深處賣東西。 並非所有不死怪物都充滿敵意。我聽說其中有一個甚至還在地下深處賣東西。
Help_1115 This world is full of many exciting and dangerous creatures to discover. There are some experts who might reward you for sharing that knowledge with them! 這個世界充滿了許多刺激而危險的生物。如果你能分享你知道的東西,有些專家可能會獎勵你!
Help_1120 If you thought rainy days were a drag, wait till you see it raining slime! 如果你覺得下雨很無聊,那你就等着下史萊姆吧! 如果你覺得下雨天很無聊,那你就等着下史萊姆吧!
Help_1121 On rare occasions, the moon will blot out the sun, bringing out lots of scary monsters! 月亮很少會擋住太陽,這種情況下,會有很多可怕的怪物出沒! 在極少數情況下,月亮會擋住太陽,帶出很多可怕的怪物!
Help_1122 Ever seen the Goblin Scouts in the outer regions of the world? I wonder if an invasion is imminent... 看到世界外圍的哥布林偵察兵了嗎?不知道它們是不是要入侵… 在世界外圍見到哥布林偵察兵了?不知道他們是不是要入侵……
Help_1123 I think I saw a treasure map floating around in the ocean once, but a shark ate it. Maybe you should go try and find one? 我曾經看到海上漂浮着一張寶藏地圖,但是一隻鯊魚把它吃了。也許你應該試着找找看?
Help_1124 I saw some flashing lights, high up in the sky and far away. The truth is out there, I'm telling you. 我看到空中有一些閃爍的燈光,又高又遠。告訴你吧,真相就在那裏。
Help_1125 Have you ever seen beautiful lanterns floating across the night sky? The people of this world celebrate your victories, wishing you good fortune. 你見過夜空中飄起美麗的燈籠嗎?這個世界的人們用這種方式來慶祝你的勝利,祝你好運。
Help_1130 If you place an empty bottle on a table, you can use it to craft all sorts of neat potions! 如果你把空瓶子放在桌上,你可以用它來製作各種各樣的純藥水! 如果你把空瓶子放在桌上,你可以用它來製作各種純藥水!
Help_1131 Hang up any banners you earn from defeating foes, as they will help you in future combat with that creature. 掛起你從手下敗將那裏獲得的旗幟,當你未來再跟他們開戰時,這些旗幟將幫到你。 掛起你從手下敗將那裏獲得的旗幟,當你未來再跟這種生物開戰時,這些旗幟將幫到你。
Help_1132 It's pretty cold in the snow biome, but there are some unique treasures there as well. I'd check it out! 雪地生物群落氣候嚴寒,不過那裏也有一些獨一無二的寶藏。我會去看看的! 雪原生物群系氣候嚴寒,不過那裏也有一些獨一無二的寶藏。我會去看看的!
Help_1133 There are antlion tunnels deep beneath the desert, full of rare fossils and many hazards! 沙漠深處有蟻獅洞,裏面有很多稀有化石和危險的東西!
Help_1134 If you find a marble biome, be careful! They say that those locations are inhabited by some very dangerous creatures! 如果你發現了大理石生物群落,一定要小心!據說那些地方住着一些非常危險的生物! 如果你發現了大理石生物群系,一定要小心!據說那些地方住着一些非常危險的生物!
Help_1135 In granite biomes, the very stone itself is a threat, frequently coming to life and attacking intruders! 在花崗岩生物群落中,花崗岩本身就是一種威脅,經常會醒來攻擊入侵者! 在花崗岩生物群系中,花崗岩本身就是一種威脅,經常會活過來攻擊入侵者!
Help_1136 Need to craft something with ores you can't find on {WorldName}? Try fishing for crates, or placing silt and slush into the Extractinator! 想要用礦石製作一些在{WorldName}找不到的東西?試試釣寶匣,或者把淤泥和雪泥放進提煉機里! 需要用在{WorldName}中找不到的礦石來製造東西?試試釣寶匣,或者把泥沙和雪泥放進提煉機里!
Help_1137 If you ever need a break from all this adventuring, there's always time for some good old fashioned fishing. 如果你探險累了,想要休息一下,隨時可以去嘗試一些好玩的老式釣魚活動。 如果你探險累了,想要休息一下,隨時可以去試試好玩的老式釣魚活動。
Help_1138 While you explore the underground, you may occasionally encounter helpful fairies. If you follow them, maybe they will lead you to treasure! 在探索地下時,你可能偶爾會遇到樂於助人的仙靈。跟着它們,說不定它們能帶你找到寶藏!
Help_1140 Your next step should be to explore the caverns of the Crimson. Find and destroy any Crimson Hearts that you come across. 你下一步需要去探索猩紅之地的洞穴。找到猩紅之心,然後摧毀它。
Help_1141 The Crimstone in the Crimson can be purified using some powder from a Dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives. 猩紅之地的猩紅石可以用一些樹妖的粉末來淨化,或者用炸藥摧毀。 猩紅之地的猩紅石可以用一些樹妖那的粉末來淨化,或者用炸藥摧毀。
Help_1142 Try to gather some obsidian, formed when water and lava meet. It can be used to protect against intense heat. 嘗試收集一些黑曜石,黑曜石是水和熔岩結合的產物。它可以用來抵禦酷熱。 嘗試收集一些水和熔岩結合時生成的黑曜石,它可以用來抵禦酷熱。
Help_1143 Some say there are giant bee hives buried underground in the jungle. I could do with some honey myself. 有人說,叢林之下埋着巨大的蜂巢。我自己也需要一些蜂蜜。 有人說,叢林之下埋着巨大的蜂巢。我自己也想要一些蜂蜜。
Help_1144 You found some old fossils in the desert? I wonder if there is a way to extract them from the rock. 你在沙漠找到古老化石了?不知道有沒有辦法從岩石中獲得化石。 你在沙漠找到古老化石了?不知道有沒有辦法從岩石中解出化石。
Help_1145 It's time to upgrade that old Furnace! Look for a Hellforge in the Underworld, it's the only way to craft Hellstone bars. 是時候升級舊熔爐了!在地獄尋找地獄熔爐,這是製作獄石錠的唯一途徑。
Help_1146 Have you seen the Wyverns soaring high up in the clouds? If only I could fly like that... 你見過飛龍在雲端翱翔嗎?要是我能那樣飛就好了… 你見過飛龍在雲端翱翔嗎?要是我能那樣飛就好了……
Help_1147 Try combining a Hellforge with some adamantite ore. I bet you could make some really powerful stuff with that! 嘗試將地獄熔爐和精金礦結合起來。一定能得到一些非常強大的東西!
Help_1148 Try combining a Hellforge with some titanium ore. I bet you could make some really powerful stuff with that! 嘗試將地獄熔爐和鈦金礦結合起來。一定能得到一些非常強大的東西!
Help_1149 Run into any rare fruit growing in the jungle lately? If you eat it, it will increase your max life! 最近遇到了什麼稀有的叢林水果嗎?吃了這種水果能增加你的最大生命值!
Help_1150 I've heard of glowing pink bulbs growing around the jungle recently. Be ready for anything if you decide to harvest one. 我最近聽說叢林周圍長出了發光的粉色球莖。如果你決定去收割的話,要做好一切準備。
Help_1151 That key you have can be used to unlock the Temple hidden in the jungle. Have you found it yet? 你的那把鑰匙可以用來打開藏在叢林裏的神廟。你找到了嗎?
Help_1152 They say that there is a sealed Temple, hidden away in the jungle. I wonder how you could open it? 據說叢林裏藏着一座被封鎖的神廟。不知道你要怎麼打開它?
Help_1153 Wow, that key you have is pretty nifty! I heard keys like that can be used to get rare treasure in the Dungeon! 哇,你的鑰匙真漂亮!我聽說用這種鑰匙能獲得地牢裏的稀世珍寶! 哇,你這把鑰匙真漂亮!我聽說用這種鑰匙能在地牢裏得到稀世珍寶!
Help_1154 I've heard reports of a very strange worm in the underground mushroom fields. I wonder if it would be any good as bait? 我聽說地下蘑菇里有一種很奇怪的蠕蟲。不知道能不能用來做魚餌? 我聽說地下蘑菇地里有一種很奇怪的蠕蟲。不知道能不能用來做魚餌?
Help_1155 Ancient prophecies speak of a way to summon the monstrous hordes of Halloween through medallions crafted with pumpkins. 古老的預言中提到一種方法 — 通過南瓜製成的勳章來召喚萬聖節的惡魔大軍。 古老的預言中有提到一種方法來召喚萬聖節的惡魔大軍——通過南瓜製成的勳章。
Help_1156 Legends tell of a cursed gift that can turn the most festive of nights into an invasion of horrors! 傳說被詛咒的禮物可以將最喜慶的夜晚變成恐怖之夜!
Help_1157 There are some strange people in hoods loitering outside of the Dungeon. Maybe you should check it out? 有一些戴着兜帽的怪人在地牢外遊蕩。也許你應該去看看?
Help_1158 Where the heck did those Pillars come from?! You should clear out some of the monsters around them! 這些柱子到底從何而來?!你應該幹掉它們周圍的怪物! 這些天柱到底從何而來?!你應該幹掉它們周圍的怪物!
Help_1159 If you combine lenses at a crimson altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though. 如果在猩紅祭壇上合成晶狀體,你也許能夠找到召喚一個強大怪物的方法。不過,你最好等到夜晚再用它。 如果在猩紅祭壇上合成晶狀體,你也許能夠找到方法來召喚一個強大的怪物。不過,最好等到夜晚再用它。
Help_1160 In the middle of the night on snowy evenings, a terrifying roaring sound comes from the wilderness! Something is out there! 在大雪紛飛的深夜裏,從荒野傳來恐怖的轟鳴聲!外面有什麼東西!