Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/PainterSpecialText

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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
Party I tried having a paintball fight, but everyone wanted food and decorations instead. 我試過舉辦一次彩彈大戰,但是每個人反而更想要食物和裝飾品。 我試過舉辦一次彩彈大戰,但是每個人都只想要食物和裝飾品。
Graveyard1 I paint walls and furniture, not bones! It isn't Dia de Muertos! 我只給牆壁和家具刷漆,不給骨頭刷漆!況且現在又不是亡靈節!
Graveyard2 What a dreary place... it sure could use a splash of color, huh? 這地方真沉悶…必須來一抹色彩,哈? 這地方真沉悶……必須來一抹色彩,嗯?
Windy1 Feel that draft coming through? It's wafting paint fumes all over the place. 感覺到那股氣流了嗎?到處都飄着油漆味。
Windy2 This wind storm just blew all the fresh paint right off the wall! 這場風暴把牆上剛刷的油漆都吹掉了!
Storm1 When the thunder rolls, and the lightning strikes... it really brings out the colors on the furniture. 電閃雷鳴的時候…確實能讓家具的顏色顯得更鮮艷。 電閃雷鳴的時候……確實能讓家具的顏色顯得更鮮艷。
Storm2 Blink and you'll miss it. The brightest colors stand out when the lightning flashes. 眨眼你就會錯過。最亮的顏色在閃電時最顯眼。
Rain1 Rain is my worst nightmare. It literally rinses out all my hard work! 下雨是我最可怕的噩夢。它會把我所有的辛勞成果都毀掉! 下雨對我來說是最可怕的噩夢。它會把我所有的辛勞成果都衝掉!
Rain2 I painted a mural on this wall just a moment ago. Shoulda bought a weather radio! 我剛才在這面牆上畫了一幅壁畫。真該買台氣象收音機的!