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Party After all that cake, you might have to call me White Beard for a while. 吃完這塊蛋糕後,你可能就得暫時叫我白鬍子了。
Graveyard1 Arr... hate to say it, but many me mateys put these holes in the ground... if ye catch me drift! 呀…俺本來不想說,但俺的很多弟兄們在地上弄了這些洞…恁懂我的意思! 呀……俺本來不想說,但俺的很多弟兄們在地上弄了這些洞……恁懂我的意思!
Graveyard2 Hardee harr... the sea be a pirate's graveyard! Ye landlubbers waste ye time! 哎喲喂…大海就是海盜的最後歸宿!恁這些旱鴨子別白費力氣了! 哎喲喂……大海就是海盜的最後歸宿!恁這些旱鴨子別白費力氣了!
Windy1 Hoist the sails, ye curs! We pirates startin' a leg of a race! Yarharharr! 揚起帆來,狗東西!俺們海盜還沒有發力呢!呀哈哈!
Windy2 All hands on deck! A storm of wind be brewin'! 全體船員就位!暴風雨就要來了!
Storm1 Ahoy! Brace fer impact, swashbuckler! 'Tis a'mother of all tempests! 啊嘿!迎接撞擊吧,俠盜!大風暴之母來了! 啊嘿!迎接撞擊吧,你這虛張聲勢的傢伙!大風暴之母來了!
Storm2 Great Charybdis! What manner of wrath er curses have ye sent on us now!? 了不起的旋渦怪!這次恁要怎麼降怒詛咒我們!? 偉大的卡律布狄斯!這次恁要怎麼降怒詛咒我們!?
Rain1 Ha har! Rain!? Jus' another day fer a pirate. 哈哈!下雨!?對海盜來說是家常便飯。
Rain2 Fish do fly in ye rainy skies! I seen it with me own eye! 魚在下雨天確實會飛起來!我親眼見過!