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Party Everyone said they like stacked cakes, so I installed smokestacks in mine 所有人都說他們喜歡吃多層蛋糕,所以我在我的蛋糕上安了煙囪
Graveyard1 Golly! What uncultured swine decided to break ground here? 天吶!這是哪個蠢豬在這裏破土動工?
Graveyard2 Neither blood nor steam pumps in this miserable locale. 在這個悲慘的地方既沒有血也沒有蒸汽泵。
Windy1 Ahh... a sip of tea to enjoy the breeze. 啊…飲啜一番,享受清涼的微風。 啊……飲啜一番,享受清涼的微風。
Windy2 Why, this windy phenomena has inspired me ideas for a new jetpack engine! 哎呀,這大風天激發了我設計新噴氣背包引擎的想法! 哎呀,這颳風現象激發了我設計新噴氣背包引擎的想法!
Storm1 Electricity? Don't be ludicrous! Nothing beats the power of steam! 電?別傻了!沒有什麼能比得上蒸汽的力量! 電?別傻了!蒸汽的力量無與倫比!
Storm2 Everything I tinker up is made of metal. This current situation surely is a cause for rethinking that! 我修補的東西都是金屬做的。面對這種現狀,我們確實需要重新考慮了!
Rain1 The rain is a double edged sword you see... It provides us water for steam, but it also rusts our equipment. 下雨是一把雙刃劍,你看…它為我們提供了蒸汽,但也會使我們的設備生鏽。 下雨是一把雙刃劍,你看……它為我們提供了製造蒸汽所需的水,但也會使我們的設備生鏽。
Rain2 This bloody downpour! I can't get a lick of anything done when it's all wet! 這該死的大雨!所有東西都濕了,我什麼都幹不了! 這該死的傾盆大雨!所有東西都濕了,我什麼都幹不了!