Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood ArmsDealer

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Content I'm good, buddy! 我很好,哥們!
NoHome I don't have a place to stay, pal! 我沒有地方可住,夥計!
FarFromHome I don't like doin' business this far from home. 我不喜歡在離家這麼遠的地方做生意。
DislikeCrowded Shh, I think there's some people nearby, don't like doin' my deals here. 噓,我想附近有些人不喜歡我在這裡做生意。
HateCrowded Hey, I can't do what I do with so many people watchin' me. 嘿,我不習慣這麼多人盯着我。
LoveSpace This is what I'm talkin' about, privacy! 這就是我要說的,隱私!
LikeBiome Ya know, {BiomeName} is secluded and great for business, if you catch my drift. 你知道嗎,{BiomeName}是個與世隔絕的地方,很適合做生意,如果你明白我的意思。 你知道嗎,{BiomeName}是個與世隔絕的地方,很適合做生意,你懂我的意思吧。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Yeah, no, {BiomeName} makes me very uncomfortable. 不,{BiomeName}讓我很不舒服。
HateBiome I hate {BiomeName} - hunting isn't quite as fun if you're the prey! 我討厭{BiomeName} - 如果你是獵物,狩獵對你來說就沒那麼有意思了!
LikeNPC Yeah, I like {NPCName}, wicked cool person. 沒錯,我喜歡又邪惡又酷的{NPCName}。
LoveNPC Think {NPCName} ever, ya know, checks me out? 想過{NPCName}沒有,你自己明白,還來查我? 想過{NPCName}沒有,你自己明白,看看我?
DislikeNPC I don't really like {NPCName} bein' on my turf, ya know? 我真的不喜歡{NPCName}在我的地盤上,你知道嗎? 我真的不喜歡{NPCName}在我的地盤上,你懂?
HateNPC I'd REALLY like to use {NPCName} as a range target sometime. 有時我很想以{NPCName}作為射程目標。 有時我很想以{NPCName}作為遠程射擊目標。
LikeNPC_Princess I never would have expected it, man, but {NPCName} knows her way around a gun! 夥計,雖然萬萬沒想到,但{NPCName}用槍很熟練!