Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood DD2Bartender

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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
Content I'm livin' the dream. 我活在夢中。
NoHome I feel so out of place without a bar to polish. 沒有酒吧讓我來打理,我感覺很不自在。
FarFromHome I might want to get back to my place in case anyone needs a drink or two. 我可能要回去幹活了,萬一有人想喝一兩杯呢。
DislikeCrowded Not sure I like living next door to so many people. 我不確定我是不是喜歡跟這麼多人做鄰居。
HateCrowded Hate to say it, but I rather hate overcrowded quarters. 我不想這麼說,但我確實很討厭擁擠的住處。
LoveSpace Finally, some peace and quiet... as a bartender this is a luxury! 終於獲得了片刻寧靜…這對酒保來說是很奢侈的享受! 終於獲得了片刻寧靜……這對酒保來說是很奢侈的享受!
LikeBiome Ahh, {BiomeName}... I like it here, it's got character. 啊,{BiomeName}…我喜歡這裏,這裏很有個性。 啊,{BiomeName}……我喜歡這裏,這裏很有個性。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I'm not a fan of {BiomeName}, it's bitter. 我不喜歡{BiomeName},這裏充滿了憤怒與仇恨。
HateBiome Is this another invasion? Oh, it's just {BiomeName} - even worse! 又來入侵了?噢,只是{BiomeName} - 甚至更糟! 又來入侵了?噢,只是{BiomeName}——這更糟!
LikeNPC I like {NPCName}, it shows you cannot always judge a person by their... origins. 我喜歡{NPCName},這說明不能根據…出身來判斷一個人。 我喜歡{NPCName},這說明不能根據……出身來判斷一個人。
LoveNPC {NPCName} is one crazy little drinker, I love it! {NPCName}是一個瘋狂的小酒鬼,我喜歡!
DislikeNPC I rather dislike {NPCName}, they put out similar vibes as some of the dark things from Etheria. 我很不喜歡{NPCName},因為他們就像埃特尼亞的黑暗物質一樣掃興。
HateNPC {NPCName}'s eccentric and narcissistic personality really makes me want to smash a table! {NPCName}古怪又自戀的個性真讓我想砸桌子!
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} would make a great ruler where I come from, as well. {NPCName}在我的家鄉也能成為偉大的統治者。