Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Demolitionist

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Content Well, I don't feel like exploding today! 好吧,我今天不想爆破!
NoHome I don't have a place to live, did I blow up my last one? 我沒有地方可住,我把我最後的住處給炸了嗎?
FarFromHome I need more BOOM, I think I left it way back at home. 我需要更多炸彈,我想我把它忘在家裡了。
DislikeCrowded I dislike the number of people here, for safety reasons, of course... 我不喜歡這裡有這麼多人,當然是出於安全考慮… 我不喜歡這裡有這麼多人,當然,是出於安全考慮……
HateCrowded Too many people around! One mistake making dynamite, and... well, they'd HATE the outcome! 周圍人太多了!只要製作雷管時出一點小差錯,就會…大家都會痛恨這樣的結果! 周圍人太多了!只要製作雷管時出一點小差錯,就會……大家都會痛恨這樣的結果!
LoveSpace Ah, no one around - I can test new bombs without creating a graveyard for limbs! 啊,附近沒人 - 我可以測試新炸彈了,這次不用埋死人了! 啊,附近沒人——我可以測試新炸彈了,這次不用埋死人了!
LikeBiome Dwarves are naturally drawn to {BiomeName}, it's in our blood! 矮人族與生俱來就喜歡{BiomeName},這是我們的天性!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I can't stand {BiomeName}, my fuses have trouble igniting here! 我受不了{BiomeName}了,我的保險絲在這裡點不了火! 我受不了{BiomeName}了,我的引線在這裡點不了火!
HateBiome It reeks of death and malice in {BiomeName}, I wanna blasts holes everywhere! {BiomeName}散發出死亡和惡意氣息,我要把它炸得稀巴爛!
LikeNPC {NPCName} is a good friend I like, helps me load the gunpowder! {NPCName}是我的好朋友,還幫我裝火藥!
LoveNPC I love how well {NPCName} can handle a container of fireball! 我欣賞{NPCName}能遊刃有餘地處理裝有火球的容器! 我欣賞{NPCName}能遊刃有餘地處理火球容器!
DislikeNPC I wanna strap {NPCName} to a rocket and watch what happens! 我想把{NPCName}綁到火箭上,看看會發生什麼!
HateNPC I hate being around {NPCName}. 我討厭和{NPCName}在一起。
LikeNPC_Princess WHAT... {NPCName}? Is that a new brand of nitro? Oh, HER, Yes, good lass! 什麼東西...{NPCName}?這是個新的炸藥品牌嗎?哦,是她啊,一個挺不錯的姑娘! 什麼東西……{NPCName}?這是個新的炸藥品牌嗎?哦,是她啊,一個挺不錯的姑娘!