Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Guide

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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
Content I'm feeling quite alright. 我感覺很好。
NoHome I'm quite used to not having a home, but I wouldn't mind one. 我已經習慣了沒有家,但我不介意有一個。
FarFromHome I'm far from my home, it seems. 看來我離家很遠了。
DislikeCrowded I'm a free spirit. I dislike so many people being close to me. 我有一顆自由的靈魂。我不喜歡這麼多人擠在我身邊。
HateCrowded I hate overcrowding. I prefer the open world! 我討厭擁擠。我更喜歡開闊的地方!
LoveSpace Getting this place to myself... I greatly appreciate it. 我把這個地方留給我自己…我太喜歡它了。 我把這個地方留給我自己……我太喜歡它了。
LikeBiome I'm quite fond of wandering through {BiomeName}. I like it here. 我很喜歡在{BiomeName}閒逛。我喜歡這裏。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I don't really like {BiomeName}. There's little to accomplish. 我不太喜歡{BiomeName}。這裏沒什麼可做的。
HateBiome I hate {BiomeName}, the terrors here can tear a person apart in moments. 我討厭{BiomeName},這裏的恐怖力量瞬間就能把人撕成碎片。
LikeNPC I'm quite fond of {NPCName}, we have a lot in common. 我很喜歡{NPCName},我們有很多共同點。
LoveNPC I love being around {NPCName}. 我非常喜歡和{NPCName}在一起。
DislikeNPC {NPCName} rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the weird clothing? {NPCName}惹怒我了。也許是件奇怪的衣服? {NPCName}惹怒我了。也許是因為奇怪的衣服?
HateNPC I hate that {NPCName} is around. The world is fine the way it was made! 我討厭{NPCName}在附近。這個世界本來就是很美好的!
LikeNPC_Princess Having {NPCName} around makes me feel at ease, as though a curse was finally lifted from me. 身邊有{NPCName}讓我感到輕鬆自在,就像終於擺脫了詛咒一樣。