Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Nurse

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Content My vital signs are normal, if that's what you're asking. 我的生命體徵正常,如果你是問這個的話。
NoHome Tch, not having a house REALLY puts me in a bad mood. 哼,沒有自己的房子,這讓我的心情很不好。
FarFromHome I'm TOO FAR from my house, I hate all this walking. 我家太遠了,我討厭走路。
DislikeCrowded Hey, I dislike the lack of social distancing here. 嘿,我不喜歡這裏不保持社交距離。
HateCrowded UGH, I hate how unhealthy it is to cram so many people in one place! 啊,我討厭這麼多人擠在一起,這太危險了!
LoveSpace These digs are great - loving the personal space. 這些地方太棒了,我喜歡這種私人空間。
LikeBiome I like how {BiomeName} is a beautiful place to get daily exercise. 我喜歡在{BiomeName}這個美麗的地方進行日常鍛煉。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Eww, I don't like {BiomeName}'s propensity for illness. 呃,我不喜歡{BiomeName},這裏容易讓人生病。
HateBiome Yuck, {BiomeName} is extremely putrid and filthy, it'll make me sick! 呸,{BiomeName}極其腐臭骯髒,讓我覺得噁心!
LikeNPC {NPCName} is a smart and likeable goof. {NPCName}是一個既聰明又可愛的傻瓜。
LoveNPC What? {NPCName}? I don't have a crush! I don't! Shut up! 什麼?{NPCName}?我沒有迷戀!我沒有!閉嘴! 什麼?{NPCName}?我才沒有暗戀他!我沒有!閉嘴!
DislikeNPC I don't like {NPCName} that much, kinda weirds me out. 我不太喜歡{NPCName},這個人有點奇怪。
HateNPC Oh, I hate treating {NPCName}, so difficult! 噢,我討厭治療{NPCName},太難了!
LikeNPC_Princess I accidentally dislocated {NPCName}'s shoulder during a check-up, and she apologized to ME for the inconvenience! 我在檢查期間不小心讓{NPCName}肩膀脫臼了,她卻因為給我造成不便而道歉!