Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Painter

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Content Yeah, I might be in a good mood. What's it to ya? 是的,我可能心情很好。但這和你有什麼關係?
NoHome I ain't got a place to stay! 我沒有地方可住!
FarFromHome I need more paint, but my flat is too far, ya? 我需要更多油漆,但我家太遠了,不是嗎?
DislikeCrowded I don't like all these people around makin' noise when I'm painting. 我不喜歡在我刷漆的時候這些人在邊上製造噪音。
HateCrowded I hate noisy crowds, when will I get some peace and quiet? 我討厭嘈雜的人群,我什麼時候才能得到安寧?
LoveSpace This serene living space has all the quiet I need to focus on my mural. 這個寧靜的生活空間能讓我專注於完成我的壁畫。
LikeBiome There are many ingredients for mixin' new paint in {BiomeName}, and the pretty view don't hurt either! 在{BiomeName},混合新油漆需要許多成分,而且好看的油漆也沒有害處! 在{BiomeName}有很多新材料可以用來調製新油漆,而且好看的風景也沒有害處!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Why don't I like {BiomeName}? Because it's borin'. Green? Brown? That's it? 我為什麼不喜歡{BiomeName}?因為這裏很無趣。綠色?棕色?就這些嗎?
HateBiome Woah, {BiomeName} is disgusting, get me outta here! 噢,{BiomeName}太噁心了,我要離開這裏!
LikeNPC {NPCName} and I like the same shade of pink! That's a friend, in my book! {NPCName}和我喜歡同樣深淺的粉紅色!可以說是我的朋友! {NPCName}和我喜歡同樣色度的粉紅色!在我這裏,這就是朋友!
LoveNPC I would really love to paint {NPCName}... because of the vivid colors, of course! 我真的很想給{NPCName}刷漆…當然是因為喜歡這些鮮艷的顏色! 我真的很想畫{NPCName}……當然是因為色彩鮮艷!
DislikeNPC {NPCName} is just too bland for my tastes, I dislike associating with dull types. {NPCName}太無趣了,我不喜歡和無趣的人打交道。
HateNPC I hate being around {NPCName}. 我討厭和{NPCName}在一起。
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} commissioned me to paint a mural on the roof of her throne room! {NPCName}委託我在她的正殿屋頂上畫壁畫!