Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood PartyGirl

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Content I'm in my best party mood! 我現在心情很好!
NoHome I'm ready to party, but I don't have a house for the after-party. 我要準備開派對了,但我沒有地方開慶功派對。
FarFromHome My party favors, I forgot them at home. Wow, it's pretty far! 我的派對禮品,我把它們忘在家裡了。噢,我家太遠了!
DislikeCrowded There's a lot of people around me, but I don't like that they aren't partying! 我周圍有很多人,但我不喜歡他們不參加派對!
HateCrowded Wow, there's so many people here, I hate that it's not for a party. 哇,這裡這麼多人,我討厭他們不是來參加派對的。
LoveSpace This is all mine? I'm gonna throw the BIGGEST party - for myself! 這都是我的嗎?我要為我自己舉辦一場最大的派對!
LikeBiome Why do I like {BiomeName}? Because it has RAINBOWS! 我為什麼喜歡{BiomeName}?因為這裡有彩虹呀!
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome Ew, it's so drab in {BiomeName}. How can you party in a place like this? 呃,{BiomeName}太沒勁了。你怎麼會在這樣的地方開派對呢?
HateBiome Yeesh, {BiomeName} is literally murdering my party vibe. 是的,{BiomeName}簡直是在毀掉我的派對氛圍。
LikeNPC I totally like {NPCName}'s party style. 我非常喜歡{NPCName}的派對風格。
LoveNPC I love that {NPCName} always dazzles at my parties. 我喜歡{NPCName}總是在我的派對上光彩奪目。 我喜歡{NPCName}在我的派對上總是光彩奪目。
DislikeNPC I think {NPCName} is a killjoy at parties. 我覺得{NPCName}在派對上很掃興。
HateNPC I hate how {NPCName} always tries to shut down my after-parties. What a grump! 我討厭{NPCName}總是千方百計地破壞我的慶功派對。真是讓人窩火! 我討厭{NPCName}總是千方百計地破壞我的餘興派對。真是讓人窩火!
LikeNPC_Princess YES, {NPCName} loves pink and bright, glittery things, SHE LOVES TO PARTY! 是的,{NPCName}喜歡粉紅色和閃閃發亮的東西,她超級喜歡派對!