Terraria Wiki:语言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood SantaClaus

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Content I am jolly! 我很快乐!
NoHome I can't just go back to the north pole when I please, ho ho ho! Think you can spot me a temporary house? 我不能随心所欲地回到北极,哈哈哈!你能帮我找一间临时的房子吗?
FarFromHome Hello there! I'm far from my temporary home! 你好!我已经远离了我临时的家!
DislikeCrowded I prefer to work alone, in the presence of just my elves. I dislike all the distractions! 在有精灵的情况下,我更喜欢独自行动。我不喜欢一切干扰! 我更喜欢独自行动,只有我的精灵在场。我不喜欢一切干扰!
HateCrowded This is a pretty big crowd, each and every one on the naughty list. I hate carrying that heavy bag of coal! 这里的人太多了,每个人都上了淘气名单。我讨厌扛着那袋沉甸甸的煤!
LoveSpace Ho ho ho! Just me and my elves, a perfect place for my remote workshop. 哈哈哈!只有我和我的精灵们,非常适合做我的远程作坊。
LikeBiome I like {BiomeName}. 我喜欢{BiomeName}。
LoveBiome I absolutely love it here! Are you surprised? Who thought I wouldn't like {BiomeName}? 我非常喜欢这里!你感到意外吗?谁认为我会不喜欢{BiomeName}?
DislikeBiome I dislike {BiomeName}. 我不喜欢{BiomeName}。
HateBiome I'm adding you to the naughty list for putting me in a awful place like {BiomeName}. 你让我陷入了{BiomeName}这么糟糕的地方,我要把你加入淘气名单。
LikeNPC I like being around {NPCName}. 我喜欢和{NPCName}在一起。
LoveNPC I love being around {NPCName}. 我非常喜欢和{NPCName}在一起。
DislikeNPC I dislike being around{NPCName}. 我不喜欢和{NPCName}在一起。
HateNPC I hate people who don't believe in me! For example, {NPCName}, the naughtiest I've ever known! 我讨厌不相信我的人。比如{NPCName},这是我见过的最淘气的家伙!
LikeNPC_Princess Ho ho ho, {NPCName} is most certainly on top of the nice list. 嗬嗬嗬,{NPCName}无疑是头号乖乖仔。