Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood TaxCollector

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Content What? I AM in a good mood. 什麼?我心情好得很。
NoHome How can a man of my riches have no home? Preposterous! 像我這麼富有的人怎麼會沒有家呢?真是荒謬!
FarFromHome Bah! I'm trying to make my way back home to count my money. Begone! 呸!我正準備回家數錢。滾開!
DislikeCrowded I'll have you know, I dislike neighbors! 我要告訴你,我不喜歡鄰居!
HateCrowded Go tell all these miserable poor freeloaders to scram, I hate crowds. 去叫那些可憐的寄生蟲滾開,我討厭人群。
LoveSpace Finally, isolation from all these miserable peasants! 終於擺脫了這些討厭的土包子!
LikeBiome Living in {BiomeName} forces people to stay indoors and leave me alone. I find that pleasant. 生活在{BiomeName}迫使人們只能待在家裏,讓我能獨處。我喜歡這樣。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome What kind of irritating place is {BiomeName}? Poppycock, I tell you! {BiomeName}是個怎樣讓人討厭的地方?胡說,讓我來告訴你! {BiomeName}是個怎樣讓人討厭的地方?廢話一堆,讓我來告訴你!
HateBiome Even for my standard, {BiomeName} is beyond miserable! Bah! 即使按照我的標準,{BiomeName}也非常糟糕!呸!
LikeNPC Exuberant people tend to give me a headache, but somehow I actually like {NPCName}. I must be losing my mind! 精力旺盛的人往往會讓我頭疼,但不知怎麼的,我卻喜歡{NPCName}。我一定是瘋了!
LoveNPC I highly admire {NPCName}. Anyone who knows the true value of money earns my utmost respect! 我非常佩服{NPCName}。任何深諳金錢真正價值的人,我都會給予最大的尊重!
DislikeNPC {NPCName} is just too noisy, away with them and their ilk! {NPCName}太吵了,把他們和他們的同類都帶走!
HateNPC I loathe the very existence of {NPCName}! What kind of lunatic just gives things away for free? 我討厭{NPCName}!什麼樣的瘋子會把東西免費送出去?
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} shouldn't pay taxes, she's the princess... but she insisted. {NPCName}不應該交稅,她可是公主...但是她堅持這麼做。 {NPCName}不用交稅,她可是公主……但是她堅持這麼做。