Terraria Wiki:語言包/.Town.json/TownNPCMood Truffle

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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
Content I am quite happy, considering. 考慮到這一點,我很高興。 認真說,我挺高興。
NoHome I need a place to feel secure and welcome. 我需要一個讓我有安全感和歸屬感的地方。
FarFromHome I don't think I'm comfortable being so far away from my home. 我不喜歡離家這麼遠。
DislikeCrowded I don't like this anxiety I'm getting from the people gathering around me. 我不喜歡周圍的人太多而給我帶來的焦慮。
HateCrowded I hate it. So many people... I... I'm not going to get eaten, right? 我討厭這樣。這麼多人…我…我不會被吃掉吧? 我討厭這樣。這麼多人……我……我不會被吃掉吧?
LoveSpace I love having so mush room to myself. What's so funny? 我喜歡有這麼大的屬於自己的空間。什麼事這麼好笑?
LikeBiome I feel right at home, like I am one with {BiomeName} biome. 我覺得很自在,就像我是{BiomeName}生物群落的一員一樣。 我覺得很自在,就像我是{BiomeName}生物群系的一員一樣。
LoveBiome I love {BiomeName}. 我非常喜歡{BiomeName}。
DislikeBiome I dislike {BiomeName}. 我不喜歡{BiomeName}。
HateBiome I don't belong in {BiomeName}, I would not survive! 我在{BiomeName}感覺格格不入,我活不下去了!
LikeNPC {NPCName} treats me with respect, as though I'm a true part of nature. I don't know how to feel about that, except I like it. {NPCName}對我很尊重,把我當作大自然的一部分。除了喜歡,我不知道該如何形容這種感覺。
LoveNPC I love {NPCName} for being able to talk to me without mysteriously getting hungry. 我非常喜歡{NPCName},因為它會和我說話,而不是莫名其妙地想吃我。 我非常喜歡{NPCName},因為能好好和我說話,而不會莫名其妙地就想吃我。
DislikeNPC {NPCName} has tried to eat me so many times. I swear, one time they weren't even human! I, obviously, dislike it. {NPCName}很多次想吃掉我。我發誓,有一次他們甚至毫無人性!很顯然,我不喜歡這樣。
HateNPC {NPCName} has tried to throw me into a pot filled with other unusual ingredients. I hate that. {NPCName}曾試圖把我扔進一個裝滿其他不尋常原料的壺裡。我討厭這樣。 {NPCName}曾試圖把我扔進一個鍋里,裡頭裝著其他不尋常的原料。我討厭這樣。
LikeNPC_Princess {NPCName} doesn't try to eat me, that's good in my book. {NPCName}沒有試圖吃掉我,這給我留下了好印象。