Terraria Wiki:语言包/.json/DeathTextGeneric

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Slain {0} was slain {0}被杀死了
Eviscerated {0} was eviscerated {0}被取出内脏 {0}被掏空了
Murdered {0} was murdered {0}被谋杀了
FaceTornOff {0}'s face was torn off {0}的脸被撕烂了
EntrailsRippedOut {0}'s entrails were ripped out {0}的内脏被扯掉了
Destroyed {0} was destroyed {0}被毁了 {0}被毁灭了
SkullCrushed {0}'s skull was crushed {0}的头骨被压碎了
Massacred {0} got massacred {0}被屠杀了
Impaled {0} got impaled {0}被刺穿了
TornInHalf {0} was torn in half {0}被撕成两半了
Decapitated {0} was decapitated {0}被斩首了
ArmTornOff {0} let their arms get torn off {0}的胳膊断了 {0}的手臂没了
InnardsBecameOutards {0} watched their innards become outards {0}看着自己的内脏变成了“外脏”
Dissected {0} was brutally dissected {0}被野蛮地解剖了
ExtremitiesDetached {0}'s extremities were detached {0}被截肢了 {0}的四肢被扯掉了
Mangled {0}'s body was mangled {0}的身体血肉模糊了
Ruptured {0}'s vital organs were ruptured {0}的重要器官毁了
PileOfFlesh {0} was turned into a pile of flesh {0}变成了一滩肉
Removed {0} was removed from {1} {0}被踢出了{1}
Snapped {0} got snapped in half {0}被折成两半了
Cut {0} was cut down the middle {0}的腰被斩断了 {0}被腰斩了
Chopped {0} was chopped up {0}被千刀万剐了
Plead {0}'s plea for death was answered {0}求死的愿望实现了
Ripped {0}'s meat was ripped off the bone {0}被削肉去骨了
Flailing {0}'s flailing about was finally stopped {0}的鞭刑终于停止了 {0}的挣扎终于停止了
HeadRemoved {0} had their head removed {0}的脑袋搬家了
Unplugged {0}'s bowels were unplugged {0}的肠子被拔掉了 {0}的肠子被扯出来了
JourneysEnd {0}'s journey was ended {0}的旅程结束了
Trashed {0} was sent to Ocram's House {0}被送到了奥库瑞姆之家 {0}被送去见奥库瑞姆了
Macerated {0} was macerated {0}被浸渍了
Exsanguinated {0} was exsanguinated {0}被放干了血
BoneZone {0} was sent to the bone zone {0}被送到了骨区 {0}被送到了骷髅区
Lobotomy {0} was spontaneously lobotomized {0}被自发切除了脑叶
Pulp {0} was pressed into a succulent pulp {0}被压成了多汁果肉 {0}被压成了肉酱
SadMeat {0} was ground into sad meat {0}被磨成了一团肉泥 {0}被碾成了肉泥
Shattered {0}'s bones were shattered {0}的骨头被碾碎了 {0}的骨头被敲得粉碎
MonsterFood {0} was turned into monster food {0}变成了怪物食物 {0}成了怪物的食物
Remodeled {0} had their home remodeled {0}改造了家园 {0}的家被重塑了
LostBlood {0} was voluntold to donate blood {0}被迫自愿献血了
PeeledCap {0} had their cap peeled back {0}被削顶了 {0}的天灵盖被掀了
TopKnot {0}'s top knot was carved off {0}的顶髻被切掉了 {0}的头顶被削掉了
Parts {0}'s parts were misplaced {0}的零件放错了位置
Sauce {0} was blended into a zesty sauce {0}被混合成了爽口酱汁 {0}被打成了爽口酱汁
SpineRip {0}'s spine was ripped out {0}的脊椎被扯掉了
Streak {0}'s living streak was ended {0}的存活纪录被终结了
Amputated {0} received a forced amputation {0}接受了强制截肢
NeckSnap {0}'s neck was snapped {0}的脖子被折断了
Shredded {0} was shredded to bits {0}被撕成了碎片
FatalInjury {0} succumbed to a fatal injury {0}死于致命伤 {0}重伤不治
ExpirationDate {0} was informed of their expiration date {0}被告知了到期日期 {0}被告知阳寿已尽
Incompetence {0}'s incompetence was put on display {0}的无能被展示了
Extractinated {0}'s soul was extractinated {0}的灵魂被抽离了
Euthanized {0} underwent a merciful euthanasia {0}接受了慈悲的安乐死 {0}经历了仁慈的安乐死
BottomUp {0} was eaten from the bottom up {0}从下往上被吃掉了 {0}被自下而上地吃掉了
Deboned {0} was deboned {0}被去骨了
Stolen {0} had both kidneys stolen {0}的两个肾脏都被偷了 {0}的两个肾都被偷了
Depravity {0}'s depravity was ended {0}的堕落结束了
Disc {0}'s disc was herniated {0}的椎间盘突出了 {0}的椎间盘脱出了
Science {0}'s body was donated to science {0}的遗体被捐赠给了科学
Brain {0} had their brain turned to jam {0}的大脑变成了果酱
LongPig {0} was turned into long pig {0}变成了长猪 {0}变成了下酒菜
TheFarm {0} was sent to the farm {0}被送到了农场
PoppedClogs {0}'s clogs were popped {0}奄奄一息了 {0}咽下了最后一口气
Ticker {0}'s ticker was stopped {0}的心跳停止了
Whacked {0} was whacked in the head {0}被击中了头部 {0}的头部挨了一记猛的
RubbedOut {0} got rubbed out {0}被擦掉了 {0}被抹杀了
Degloved {0} was degloved {0}受了脱套伤
Flayed {0} was flayed {0}被剥了皮
Ganked {0} was ganked {0}被抢劫了 {0}被围杀了
Spanked {0} got spanked {0}被抽打了 {0}被打屁股了
GotGot {0} got got {0}死翘翘了 {0}被抓到了
Murked {0} got murked {0}被谋杀了 {0}被杀掉了
GlassCoffin {0} was put in a glass coffin {0}被放在玻璃棺材里了 {0}被放进水晶棺里了
WrongGrass {0} was put on the wrong side of the grass {0}一命呜呼了 {0}已经被埋了
Forgotten {0} will quickly be forgotten {0}很快就会被遗忘
Smote {0} was smote {0}被击败了 {0}被劈了