Terraria Wiki:語言包/.json/Error

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Error Error 錯誤
LaunchFromSteam Please launch the game from your Steam client. 請從 Steam 客戶端啟動遊戲。
ServerCrash Server crash: {0}


Please send crashlog.txt to [email protected]


請將 crashlog.txt 發送至 [email protected]
LoadFailed Load failed! 加載失敗!
LoadFailedNoBackup Load failed! No backup found. 加載失敗!找不到備份。
InvalidLobbyFlag -lobby flag used without "{0}" or "{1}". Ignoring it. -大廳旗幟已使用,沒有"{0}"或"{1}"。請忽略它。 -使用了lobby標誌,但沒有"{0}"或"{1}"。忽略之。
CaptureError An error occurred while saving the capture. Attempting again... 保存捕獲數據時出錯。正在重試... 保存截圖時出錯。正在重試……
UnableToCapture Unable to capture. 無法捕獲。 無法截圖。
UnableToWritePreferences Unable to write file at: {0} 無法在以下位置寫入文件:{0}
UnableToLoadWorld Unable to load world: 無法加載世界:
BadHeaderBufferOverflow Bad header lead to a read buffer overflow. 標頭錯誤導致讀取緩衝區溢出。
ExceptionNormal Exception normal: {0} 普通異常:{0}
TriedToRunServerTwice Tried to run two servers on the same PC 嘗試在同一台計算機上運行兩個伺服器
DataSentAfterConnectionLost Tried to send data to a client after losing connection 嘗試在斷開連接後將數據發送至客戶端 嘗試在失去連接後將數據發送至客戶端
NetMessageError Error on message {0} 消息 {0} 出錯