Terraria Wiki:语言包/.json/Game

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
Wave Wave: {0} 波数:{0}
FirstWave First Wave 第一波
FinalWave Final Wave 最后一波
InvasionWave_Type1 {0}: {1} {0}:{1}
InvasionWave_Type2 {0}: {1}, and {2} {0}:{1}和{2}
InvasionWave_Type3 {0}: {1}, {2}, and {3} {0}:{1}、{2}和{3}
InvasionWave_Type4 {0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, and {4} {0}:{1}、{2}、{3}和{4}
InvasionWave_Type5 {0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and {5} {0}:{1}、{2}、{3}、{4}和{5}
InvasionWave_Type6 {0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6} {0}:{1}、{2}、{3}、{4}、{5}和{6}
InvasionWave_Type7 {0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, and {7} {0}:{1}、{2}、{3}、{4}、{5}、{6}和{7}
InvasionWave_Type8 {0}: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, and {8} {0}:{1}、{2}、{3}、{4}、{5}、{6}、{7}和{8}
BallBounceResult {0} was hit {1} times before touching the ground! 触地前,触击{0}{1}次! {0}在落地前被击中{1}次!
JoinGreeting Current players: {0}. 当前玩家:{0}。
BedObstructed Your bed is obstructed. 你的床被挡住了。
PvPFlag (PvP) (玩家对决) (PvP)
DroppedCoins dropped {0} 掉了{0}
RespawnInSuffix {0} {0}
InvasionPoints {0} points {0}点
WaveMessage Wave {0}: {1} 第{0}波:{1}
WaveCleared Cleared {0} 已清理{0}波
TeleportTo Teleport to {0} 传送至{0}
HasTeleportedTo {0} has teleported to {1} {0}已传送至{1}
Time Time: {0} 时间:{0}
NPCTitle {0} the {1} {1}{0}
ReservedForNPC Reserved for {0} 为{0}预留
PlayerDeathTime {0} died {1} ago {0}在{1}前死了
SpawnPointRemoved Spawn point removed! 生成位置已移除! 已移除生成点!
SpawnPointSet Spawn point set! 生成位置已设置! 已设置生成点!
RedWires Red Wires 红电线
BlueWires Blue Wires 蓝电线
GreenWires Green Wires 绿电线
YellowWires Yellow Wires 黄电线
Actuators Actuators 制动器 致动器
EnemiesDefeatedAnnouncement The {0}th {1} has been defeated! 已打败第{0}个{1}!
EnemiesDefeatedByAnnouncement {0} has defeated the {1}th {2}! {0}打败了第{1}个{2}!
HouseMissing_1 This house is missing {0}. 这个房屋缺少{0}。
HouseMissing_2 This house is missing {0} and {1}. 这个房屋缺少{0}和{1}。
HouseMissing_3 This house is missing {0}, {1}, and {2}. 这个房屋缺少{0}、{1}和{2}。
HouseMissing_4 This house is missing {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}. 这个房屋缺少{0}、{1}、{2}和{3}。
HouseLightSource a light source 光源
HouseDoor a door
HouseTable a table 桌子
HouseChair a chair 椅子
BirthdayParty_1 Looks like {0} is throwing a party 好像{0}正在开派对 好像{0}正在举办派对
BirthdayParty_2 Looks like {0} & {1} are throwing a party 好像{0}和{1}正在开派对 好像{0}和{1}正在举办派对
BirthdayParty_3 Looks like {0}, {1}, and {2} are throwing a party 好像{0}、{1}和{2}正在开派对 好像{0}、{1}和{2}正在举办派对
BallBounceResultGolf_Single {0} sunk the {1} in a hole in one! {0}将{1}一杆进洞!
BallBounceResultGolf_Plural {0} sunk the {1} in {2} strokes! {0}以{2}杆击{1}入洞!
DarknessDanger It is very dark...you feel in danger... 光线非常暗……你觉得有危险…… 非常黑暗……你觉得有危险……
DarknessSafe The danger of the dark has passed. 黑暗的危险已经过去了。