Terraria Wiki:语言包/.json/Net

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
ClientStatusComplete ({0}) {1} {2}: Complete! ({0}) {1} {2}:完成!
ClientConnecting {0} is connecting... {0}正在连接... {0}正在连接……
ClientSendingData ({0}) {1} is sending player data... ({0}) {1}正在发送玩家数据... ({0}) {1}正在发送玩家数据……
ClientRequestedWorldInfo ({0}) {1} requested world information ({0}) {1}请求了世界信息
ClientPlaying ({0}) {1} is playing ({0}) {1}正在玩游戏
WaitingForClients Waiting for clients... 正在等待客户端... 正在等待客户端……
ClientsConnected {0} clients connected {0}个客户端已连接
CheatingProjectileSpam Cheating attempt detected: Projectile spam 检测到尝试作弊的操作:射弹刷屏 检测到尝试作弊的操作:滥用射弹
CheatingTileSpam Cheating attempt detected: Add tile spam 检测到尝试作弊的操作:添加图格刷屏 检测到尝试作弊的操作:滥用添加图格
CheatingTileRemovalSpam Cheating attempt detected: Remove tile spam 检测到尝试作弊的操作:移除图格刷屏 检测到尝试作弊的操作:滥用移除图格
CheatingLiquidSpam Cheating attempt detected: Liquid spam 检测到尝试作弊的操作:液体刷屏 检测到尝试作弊的操作:滥用液体
CheatingInvalid Cheating attempt detected: Invalid kick-out 检测到尝试作弊的操作:无效踢除
ServerAutoShutdown Local player left. Autoshutdown starting. 本地玩家已离开。自动关闭开始。 本地玩家已离开。开始自动关闭。
ServerSavingOnExit Saving before exit... 正在进行退出前保存…… 正在进行退出前的保存……
ConnectingTo Connecting to {0} 连接到{0}
IsReceivingTileData is receiving tile data 正在接收图格数据
LostConnection Lost connection 连接已丢失
FoundServer Found server 发现服务器
SendingPlayerData Sending player data... 正在发送玩家数据... 正在发送玩家数据……
RequestingWorldInformation Requesting world information 正在请求世界信息
RequestingTileData Requesting tile data 正在请求图格数据
StatusComplete {0}: Complete! {0}:完成!
NameTooLong Name is too long. 名称太长。
EmptyName Empty name. 空名称。 名称为空。
PlayerIsNotCreativeAndWorldIsCreative Only Journey characters may enter a Journey server. 只有旅行角色可以进入旅行服务器。 只有旅行人物可以进入旅行服务器。
PlayerIsCreativeAndWorldIsNotCreative Only Non-Journey characters may enter a Non-Journey server. 只有非旅行角色可以进入非旅行服务器。 只有非旅行人物可以进入非旅行服务器。
CannotTeleportToPylonBecausePlayerIsNotNearAPylon You are not close enough to a pylon to teleport with the pylon network 离晶塔不够近,无法用晶塔网络传送
CannotTeleportToPylonBecauseNotEnoughNPCs There are not enough villagers near that pylon to access it 附近访问该晶塔的村民不够多 该晶塔附近的城镇居民不够多,不能使用
CannotTeleportToPylonBecauseNotEnoughNPCsAtCurrentPylon There are not enough villagers near the current pylon 当前晶塔附近的村民不够多 当前晶塔附近的城镇居民不够多
CannotTeleportToPylonBecauseThereIsDanger Defeat the current threat before you can use the pylon network! 先打败当前的威胁才能使用晶塔网络!
CannotTeleportToPylonBecauseNotMeetingBiomeRequirements This pylon is not in the correct biome to use 此晶塔放置在了错误的生物群落 此晶塔不在正确的生物群系中,不能使用
CannotTeleportToPylonBecauseAccessingLihzahrdTempleEarly Ancient forces prevent you from accessing this location . . . 古老的力量阻止你进入这个位置… 古老的力量阻止你进入这个地方……