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內部名稱 英文文本 遊戲內置中文文本 本語言包文本
Ability Ability 能力
Absurdity Absurdity 謬論
Accidents Accidents 意外
Acne Acne 粉刺
Acorns Acorns 橡果 橡實
Adamantite Adamantite 精金
Adoration Adoration 崇拜
Adulthood Adulthood 成年
Advantage Advantage 優勢
Adventure Adventure 探險
Agony Agony 苦惱
Alarm Alarm 警報
Alcohol Alcohol 酒精
Ale Ale 麥芽酒
Allergies Allergies 過敏
Amazement Amazement 驚愕
Angels Angels 天使
Anger Anger 憤怒
AngryGamers Angry Gamers 憤怒的玩家 憤怒玩家
Bones Bones 骨頭
Anguish Anguish 苦悶
AnimalCarcasses Animal Carcasses 動物屍體
Annoyance Annoyance 煩惱
Anvils Anvils
Anxiety Anxiety 焦慮
Apples Apples 蘋果
Apricots Apricots
Argon Argon
Arrows Arrows
Arsenic Arsenic 砒霜
Arson Arson 縱火
Arthritis Arthritis 關節炎
Asbestos Asbestos 石棉
Ash Ash 灰燼
Assassins Assassins 刺客
Assault Assault 突擊
Atrophy Atrophy 萎縮
Awareness Awareness 意識
Awe Awe 敬畏
Boomers Boomers 炸彈魔
Bacon Bacon 培根
BadDecisions Bad Decisions 錯誤決定
BadJokes Bad Jokes 冷笑話
BadLuck Bad Luck 噩運
BadOmens Bad Omens 凶兆
Balance Balance 平衡
Bamboo Bamboo 竹子
Bananas Bananas 香蕉
Bandits Bandits 強盜
Bankruptcy Bankruptcy 破產
Bark Bark 犬吠
Bats Bats 蝙蝠
Beauty Beauty 美麗
Beenades Beenades 蜜蜂手榴彈
Bees Bees 蜜蜂
Beggars Beggars 乞丐
Beheadings Beheadings 砍頭
Belief Belief 信仰
Betrayers Betrayers 叛徒
Birds Birds
Birthdays Birthdays 生日
Bitterness Bitterness 苦澀
Bladders Bladders 膀胱
Blasphemy Blasphemy 褻瀆神明
Blindness Blindness 失明
Blinkroot Blinkroot 閃耀根
Blocks Blocks 物塊
Blood Blood 血液
Bloodletting Bloodletting 嗜血
Bloodshed Bloodshed 殺戮
Blossoms Blossoms 花朵
Bodies Bodies 身體
Odor Odor 氣味
Bone Bone 骨頭
Spurs Spurs 刺激
Boots Boots 靴子
Boredom Boredom 厭煩
Boulders Boulders 巨石
Brains Brains 大腦
Branches Branches 樹枝
Bravery Bravery 勇敢
Bribery Bribery 賄賂
Bridges Bridges 橋樑
Brilliance Brilliance 光輝
BrokenBones Broken Bones 骨折
BrokenDreams Broken Dreams 破碎夢
BrokenGlass Broken Glass 碎玻璃
Bronies Bronies 小馬迷
Bubbles Bubbles 泡泡
Buckets Buckets 水桶
Bugs Bugs 蟲子
Bums Bums 懶漢
Bunnies Bunnies 兔兔
Burglars Burglars 竊賊
BurningHair Burning Hair 燃燒頭髮
BurntFlesh Burnt Flesh 焦肉
BurntOfferings Burnt Offerings 燔祭
Butchery Butchery 屠宰
Butterflies Butterflies 蝴蝶
Cacti Cacti 仙人掌
Calmness Calmness 冷靜
Candy Candy 糖果
Care Care 關心
Carnage Carnage 屠殺
Carrion Carrion 腐屍
Casualty Casualty 傷亡人員
Cats Cats 貓咪
Cattails Cattails 香蒲
Caves Caves 洞穴
Celebration Celebration 喜慶彈射器
Chainsaws Chainsaws 鏈鋸
Chaos Chaos 混亂
Charity Charity 慈善
Cheats Cheats 作弊
Cherries Cherries 櫻桃
Chests Chests 寶箱
Childhood Childhood 童年
Children Children 兒童
Chlorophyte Chlorophyte 葉綠
Cilantro Cilantro 香菜葉
Clarity Clarity 清晰
Clay Clay 粘土
Clentamination Clentamination 環境改造
Cleverness Cleverness 機靈
Clouds Clouds 雲層
Cobalt Cobalt 寇伯特
Coconuts Coconuts 椰子
Coffee Coffee 咖啡
Coins Coins 錢幣
Coldness Coldness 嚴寒
Comfort Comfort 愜意
Compassion Compassion 同情
Compost Compost 堆肥
Confidence Confidence 自信
Confinement Confinement 監禁
Confusion Confusion 混淆
Contentment Contentment 滿足
Convicts Convicts 囚犯
Copper Copper
Corpses Corpses 屍體
Corruption Corruption 腐化
Courage Courage 勇氣
Creation Creation 創造
Creatures Creatures 生物
Creepers Creepers 飛眼怪
Crests Crests 頂峰
Crime Crime 罪行
Criminals Criminals 罪犯
Crimtane Crimtane 猩紅礦
CripplingDepression Crippling Depression 嚴重抑鬱症
Crooks Crooks 無賴
Crows Crows 烏鴉
Crystals Crystals 水晶
Cthulhu Cthulhu 克蘇魯
Curiosity Curiosity 好奇心
CursedFlames Cursed Flames 詛咒焰
Dabbing Dabbing 嘻哈超人舞
Daisies Daisies 雛菊
DankMemes Dank Memes 老梗
Darkness Darkness 黑暗
Darts Darts 飛鏢
Daughters Daughters 女兒
Dawn Dawn 黎明
Daybloom Daybloom 太陽花
DeadBodies Dead Bodies 死屍
Deadbeats Deadbeats 賴賬者
Death Death 死亡
Deathweed Deathweed 死亡草
Debauchery Debauchery 淫逸
Debt Debt 債務
Decapitation Decapitation 斬首
DecayingMeat Decaying Meat 爛肉
Deceit Deceit 欺騙
Deception Deception 欺瞞
Dedication Dedication 奉獻
Defeat Defeat 戰勝
Defecation Defecation 排便區
Degradation Degradation 退化
Delay Delay 延遲
Delusion Delusion 妄想
Dementia Dementia 痴呆
Demonite Demonite 魔礦
Demilogic Demilogic 半邏輯
Demons Demons 惡魔
Derangement Derangement 錯亂
Despair Despair 絕望
Desperation Desperation 絕望
Destruction Destruction 毀滅
DijonMustard Dijon Mustard 第戎芥末
Dirt Dirt 灰塵
Disappointment Disappointment 失望
Disgust Disgust 噁心
Dishonesty Dishonesty 不誠實
Dismay Dismay 詫異
Distortion Distortion 扭曲
Distribution Distribution 分配
Divorce Divorce 離婚
Doom Doom 厄運
Dragonfruit Dragonfruit 火龍果
Dragons Dragons
Dread Dread 畏懼
Dreams Dreams 睡夢
Drills Drills 鑽頭
Drums Drums
Ducks Ducks
Dusk Dusk 黃昏
Dust Dust 塵土
Duty Duty 責任
Dysphoria Dysphoria 煩躁
Ears Ears 耳朵
Education Education 教育
Eggs Eggs
Elderberries Elderberries 接骨木果
Elegance Elegance 優雅
Envy Envy 羨慕
Evasion Evasion 逃避
Evil Evil 惡靈 邪惡
Exile Exile 流亡
Exploits Exploits 英勇事跡
Explosives Explosives 炸藥
Extortion Extortion 勒索
Eyes Eyes 眼睛
Fable Fable 寓言 傳說
FaceMonsters Face Monsters 臉怪
Failures Failures 失敗
Fairies Fairies 仙靈
Faith Faith 信念
FallingStars Falling Stars 隕星
FalseIdols False Idols 虛假神像 邪神
FalseImprisonment False Imprisonment 非法監禁
Falsehood Falsehood 虛假
Fame Fame 名聲
Famine Famine 饑荒
Fantasy Fantasy 幻想
Fascination Fascination 着迷
Fatality Fatality 宿命
Fear Fear 害怕
Feathers Feathers 羽毛
Feces Feces 排泄物
Felons Felons 重罪犯
Ferns Ferns
Fiction Fiction 小說
Fiends Fiends 魔王
Fingers Fingers 手指
Fireblossom Fireblossom 火焰花
Fireflies Fireflies 螢火蟲
Fish Fish
Flails Flails 連枷
Flatulence Flatulence 浮誇
Flatus Flatus 腸胃氣
Flesh Flesh 肉體
Floof Floof 軟萌小可愛
Flowers Flowers
FlyingFish Flying Fish 飛魚
FoodPoisoning Food Poisoning 食物中毒
Forgery Forgery 偽造
Forks Forks 叉子
Fraud Fraud 欺詐
Freaks Freaks 怪人
Freckles Freckles 雀斑
Freedom Freedom 自主
Friendship Friendship 友誼
Fright Fright 驚駭
Frogs Frogs 青蛙
Frost Frost
Fruit Fruit 水果
Gangsters Gangsters 暴徒
Garbage Garbage 垃圾 廢物
GarlicBread Garlic Bread 香蒜麵包
Gears Gears 裝置
Gel Gel 凝膠
Generation Generation 世代
GenXers Gen-Xers X世代
GenYers Gen-Yers Y世代
Ghosts Ghosts 鬼魂
Giggles Giggles 傻笑
Gingers Gingers
Girls Girls 女孩
Glass Glass 玻璃
Gloom Gloom 幽暗
Gluttony Gluttony 貪食
Goals Goals 目標
Goblins Goblins 哥布林
Gold Gold
Goldfish Goldfish 金魚
Gossip Gossip 八卦
Grain Grain 糧食
Grandfathers Grandfathers 祖父
Grandmothers Grandmothers 祖母
Granite Granite 花崗岩
Grapefruit Grapefruit 葡萄柚
Grapes Grapes 葡萄
Grass Grass 青草
Grasshoppers Grasshoppers 蚱蜢
Graves Graves 墓穴
Greed Greed 貪婪
Grief Grief 悲痛
Guitars Guitars 結他
Guts Guts 內臟
Hair Hair 頭髮
Hamburgers Hamburgers 漢堡
Hammers Hammers 錘子
Hands Hands
Happiness Happiness 快樂
HappyEndings Happy Endings 完美結局
Hardship Hardship 艱難
Harpies Harpies 鳥妖
Hate Hate 憎恨
Hatred Hatred 憎恨
Heart Heart
Heartache Heartache 心痛
Hearts Hearts 心臟
Heels Heels 高跟鞋
Hellstone Hellstone 獄石
Herbs Herbs 草藥
Heresy Heresy 異端邪說
Homicide Homicide 殺人
Honey Honey 蜂蜜
Hoodlums Hoodlums 惡棍
Hooks Hooks 爪鈎
Hooligans Hooligans 小流氓
Hopelessness Hopelessness 無望
Hornets Hornets 黃蜂
Horns Horns 號角
Hornswoggle Hornswoggle 戲弄
Horror Horror 驚慄
Horrors Horrors 驚慄
Houses Houses 房屋
Humiliation Humiliation 恥辱
Hurt Hurt 受傷 傷痛
Hysteria Hysteria 歇斯底里
Ice Ice 寒冰
Ichor Ichor 靈液
Illness Illness 疾病
Indictments Indictments 控告
Indigestion Indigestion 消化不良
Indignity Indignity 侮辱
Infancy Infancy 幼年
Infections Infections 傳染病
Inflammation Inflammation 炎症
Inflation Inflation 膨脹
Injury Injury 損傷
Insanity Insanity 癲狂
Insects Insects 昆蟲
Intelligence Intelligence 智力
Intestines Intestines 腸臟
Invasions Invasions 入侵
Iron Iron
Irritation Irritation 氣惱
Isolation Isolation 孤立
Ivy Ivy 常春藤
Jaws Jaws 關口
Jealousy Jealousy 嫉妒
Jellyfish Jellyfish 水母
Joy Joy 高興
Justice Justice 公正
Karens Karens 凱倫
Kidneys Kidneys 腎臟
Kindness Kindness 仁慈
Kittens Kittens 小貓
Knives Knives 小刀
Krypton Krypton
Lamps Lamps
Laughter Laughter 笑聲
Lava Lava 熔岩
Lawsuits Lawsuits 訴訟案
Lawyers Lawyers 律師
Lead Lead
Leaves Leaves 樹葉
Legend Legend 傳說 傳奇地
Leggings Leggings 護腿
Legs Legs
Lemons Lemons 檸檬
Leprosy Leprosy 麻風病
Letdown Letdown 辜負
Lethargy Lethargy 無精打采
Liberty Liberty 自由
Lies Lies 謊言
Life Life 生命值 生命
LightningBugs Lightning Bugs 熒光蟲
Lilies Lilies 百合花
Lilith Lilith 莉莉斯 女妖
Lilypads Lilypads 睡蓮
Lips Lips 嘴唇
Litigation Litigation 訴訟
Livers Livers 肝臟
Loathing Loathing 嫌惡
Lombago Lombago 腰痛
Loneliness Loneliness 孤獨
Lore Lore 學問
Loss Loss 損失
Love Love 喜愛
Luck Luck 運氣
Luggage Luggage 行李
Luminite Luminite 夜明礦
Lungs Lungs
Luxury Luxury 奢華
Madness Madness 氣憤
Maggots Maggots 蠅蛆
Mana Mana 魔力
Mangos Mangos 芒果
Mania Mania 狂躁
Manslaughter Manslaughter 過失殺人
Marble Marble 大理石
Markets Markets 市場
Mastication Mastication 咀嚼
Maturity Maturity 成熟
Medicine Medicine 藥物
Melancholy Melancholy 憂鬱
Memes Memes 彌母
Mercy Mercy 寬恕
Merica 'Merica 海螺
Meteorite Meteorite 隕石
Mice Mice 老鼠
Midnight Midnight 午夜
MidnightRamen Midnight Ramen 午夜拉麵
Millennials Millennials 千禧一代
Mimics Mimics 寶箱怪
Mirrors Mirrors 鏡子
Misery Misery 悲慘
Misfortune Misfortune 不幸
MissingLimbs Missing Limbs 缺肢斷腿
Models Models 模型
Money Money 金錢
Monotony Monotony 單調
Moonglow Moonglow 月光草
Moonlight Moonlight 月光
Morons Morons 低能兒
Mortality Mortality 死亡率
Moss Moss 苔蘚
Mourning Mourning 哀悼
Mouths Mouths
Movement Movement 移動
Muckers Muckers 夥計
Mud Mud 泥巴
Muggers Muggers 搶劫犯
Murder Murder 謀殺
Murderers Murderers 殺人兇手
Mushrooms Mushrooms 蘑菇
Music Music 音樂
Mystery Mystery 神秘
Myth Myth 神話
Mythril Mythril 秘銀
Nausea Nausea 作嘔
Necromancers Necromancers 死靈法師
Necromancy Necromancy 死靈法術
Night Night 奈特 夜晚
Nightcrawlers Nightcrawlers 夜行者
Nightmares Nightmares 噩夢
NoRemorse No Remorse 毫無悔恨
Nocram Nocram 無奧庫瑞姆
Nostalgia Nostalgia 懷舊
Nudity Nudity 裸體 裸露
Obscurity Obscurity 朦朧
Obsidian Obsidian 黑曜石
OopsieDaisy Oopsie Daisy 烏浦西雛菊
Ooze Ooze 滲出
OpenWounds Open Wounds 撕裂傷口
Opportunity Opportunity 機會
Options Options 選項
Oranges Oranges 橙子
Organs Organs 器官
Orichalcum Orichalcum 山銅
Outlaws Outlaws 逃犯
Owls Owls 貓頭鷹
PadThai Pad Thai 泰式炒麵
Pain Pain 痛苦
Palladium Palladium 鈀金
Panhandlers Panhandlers 叫花子
Panic Panic 恐慌
Parasites Parasites 寄生蟲
Parties Parties 派對
PartyTime Party Time 派對時間
Patience Patience 耐心
Peace Peace 和平
Penguins Penguins 企鵝
Perjury Perjury 偽證
Perspiration Perspiration 汗水
Pickaxes Pickaxes
Pickpockets Pickpockets 扒手
Pineapples Pineapples 菠蘿
Pinky Pinky 粉史萊姆
Piranha Piranha 食人魚
Piranhas Piranhas 食人魚
Pirates Pirates 海盜
Pixies Pixies 妖精
Plantero Plantero 微型世紀之花
Plants Plants 植物
Platinum Platinum 鉑金
Pleasure Pleasure 喜悅
Plums Plums 李子
Politicians Politicians 政治家
Ponies Ponies 小馬
Potions Potions 藥水
Poverty Poverty 貧困
Power Power 力量
Pride Pride 驕傲
Prisms Prisms 稜鏡
Privacy Privacy 私隱
Prophecy Prophecy 預言
Psychology Psychology 心理學
PublicSpeaking Public Speaking 公開演講
Puppies Puppies 小狗
Rain Rain
Ramen Ramen 拉麵
Rats Rats 大鼠
Reality Reality 現實
Regret Regret 後悔
Regurgitation Regurgitation 回流
Relaxation Relaxation 放鬆
Relief Relief 寬慰
Remorse Remorse 悔恨
Repugnance Repugnance 厭惡
RichMahogany Rich Mahogany 紅木
Riches Riches 財富
Rocks Rocks 岩石
Rope Rope
Roses Roses 玫瑰
RottenFruit Rotten Fruit 爛果
RottingFlesh Rotting Flesh 腐肉
Rumours Rumours 謠言
Sacrifice Sacrifice 祭品
Sacrilege Sacrilege 褻瀆
Sadness Sadness 難過
Salesmen Salesmen 推銷員
Sand Sand 沙子
Sandstone Sandstone 沙岩
Sanity Sanity 心智健全
Sap Sap 汁液
Saplings Saplings 樹苗
Sashimi Sashimi 生魚片
Satisfaction Satisfaction 滿意
Scandal Scandal 醜聞
Scorpions Scorpions 蠍子
Seasons Seasons 季節
Seaweed Seaweed 海草
Seclusion Seclusion 隱居
Secrecy Secrecy 保密
Secrets Secrets 秘密
Seeds Seeds 種子
SelfControl Self-control 自我控制
SelfDisgust Self-disgust 自我憎恨
SelfLoathing Self-loathing 自我討厭
Services Services 服務
SeveredHeads Severed Heads 斷頭
Shade Shade 色度
Shadows Shadows 暗影
ShatteredHope Shattered Hope 破碎希望
Shivers Shivers 顫抖
Shiverthorn Shiverthorn 寒顫棘
Shock Shock 震驚
Shrimp Shrimp
Silliness Silliness 愚蠢
Silt Silt 淤泥 泥沙
Silver Silver
Sin Sin 罪惡
Skeletons Skeletons 骷髏
Skill Skill 技能
Skin Skin 皮膚
Skulls Skulls 骷髏頭
Sleep Sleep 睡覺
Slime Slime 史萊姆
Sloth Sloth 樹懶
Sloths Sloths 樹懶
Smiles Smiles 微笑
Smoke Smoke 煙霧
Snails Snails 蝸牛
Snatchers Snatchers 抓人草
Snow Snow 白雪 雪原
Solicitation Solicitation 懇求
Sorrow Sorrow 悲傷
Spaghetti Spaghetti 意大利麵
Sparkles Sparkles 火花
Spears Spears 長矛
Speed Speed 速度
SpicyRamen Spicy Ramen 香辣拉麵
Spikes Spikes 尖刺
Spirits Spirits 靈魂
Splinters Splinters 尖碎片
Sponges Sponges 海綿
Sprinkles Sprinkles 小雨
Squid Squid 烏賊
Squirrels Squirrels 松鼠
StagnantWater Stagnant Water 死水
Starfruit Starfruit 楊桃
Starvation Starvation 挨餓
Statues Statues 雕像
Stonks Stonks 猛烈炮轟
Stone Stone 石頭
Strength Strength 力氣
Strictness Strictness 嚴格
Stumps Stumps 樹樁
Suffering Suffering 苦難
Sunflowers Sunflowers 向日葵
Superstition Superstition 迷信
Surprise Surprise 驚喜
Swagger Swagger 大搖大擺
Swindlers Swindlers 騙子
Swords Swords
Talent Talent 才能
Taxes Taxes 稅款
TeddysBread Teddy's Bread 泰迪麵包
Teeth Teeth 牙齒
Terror Terror 惶恐
the Ancients the Ancients 古人
the Angler the Angler 漁夫
the Apple the Apple 蘋果
the Archer the Archer 弓箭手
the Aunt the Aunt 阿姨
the Axe the Axe
the Baby the Baby 寶寶
the Ball the Ball
the Balloon the Balloon 氣球
the Bat the Bat 蝙蝠
the Beast the Beast 野獸
the Betrayed the Betrayed 叛徒
the Blender the Blender 攪拌機
the Blood Moon the Blood Moon 血月
the Bow the Bow
the Bride the Bride 新娘
the Brony the Brony 小馬迷
the Bubble the Bubble 泡泡
the Bunny the Bunny 兔兔
the Cactus the Cactus 仙人掌
the Cloud the Cloud 雲層
the Coma the Coma 彗發
the Corruptor the Corruptor 腐化者
the Crab the Crab 螃蟹
the Dance the Dance 舞蹈
the Dark the Dark 黑暗
the Dead the Dead 死者
the Devourer the Devourer 吞噬怪
the Drax the Drax 德拉克斯
the Ducks the Ducks 鴨子
the Eclipse the Eclipse 日食
the Fairy the Fairy 仙靈
the Father the Father 聖父
the Flu the Flu 流感
the Foot the Foot 步兵
the Frozen the Frozen 冰凍之地
the Gift the Gift 禮物
the Ginger the Ginger
the Goblin the Goblin 哥布林
the Golem the Golem 巨人
the GreatestGeneration the Greatest Generation 最偉大一代
the Groom the Groom 新郎
the Guest the Guest 客人
the Hammer the Hammer 錘子
the Hammush the Hammush 蘑菇錘
the Head the Head 頭部
the Heavens the Heavens 天堂
the Hipster the Hipster 潮人
the Hobo the Hobo 浪客
the Homeless the Homeless 無家可歸者
the King the King 大王
the Law the Law 法律
the Library the Library 圖書館
the Lihzahrd the Lihzahrd 叢林蜥蜴
the Lilith the Lilith 女妖
the Lizard King the Lizard King 蜥蜴王
the LostGeneration the Lost Generation 迷惘一代
the Mirror the Mirror 鏡子
the Monster the Monster 怪物
the Moon the Moon 月亮
the Mother the Mother 母親
the Mummy the Mummy 木乃伊
the Mushroom the Mushroom 蘑菇地
the Narc the Narc 毒麻藥
the Needy the Needy 窮人
the Nude the Nude 裸體
the Old One the Old One 老人
the Pandemic the Pandemic 流行病
the Pickaxe the Pickaxe
the Picksaw the Picksaw 鎬鋸
the Pigron the Pigron 豬龍
the Po Boy the Po Boy 三明治
the Porcelain God the Porcelain God 廁神
the Prism the Prism 稜鏡
the Prophecy the Prophecy 預言
the Pwnhammer the Pwnhammer 神錘
the Queen the Queen 女王
the Ramen the Ramen 拉麵
the Right the Right 權利
the Scholar the Scholar 學者
the Shark the Shark 鯊魚
the Sickle the Sickle 鐮刀
the Sky the Sky 天空
the Snap the Snap 照片
the Snitch the Snitch 告密者
the Spelunker the Spelunker 洞穴探險者
the Staff the Staff 法杖
the Stars the Stars 星星
the Stench the Stench 腥臭
the Stooge the Stooge 跟屁蟲
the Sun the Sun 太陽
the Sword the Sword
the Tooth the Tooth 牙齒
The Torch God The Torch God 火把神
the Tortoise the Tortoise 陸龜
the Tree the Tree
the Trend the Trend 趨勢
the Undead the Undead 亡靈
the Unicorn the Unicorn 獨角獸
the Union the Union 聯盟
the Unknown the Unknown 未知
the Varmint the Varmint 害獸
the Waraxe the Waraxe 戰斧
the Yoyo the Yoyo 悠悠球
TanSuits Tan Suits 棕褐色西裝
Thieves Thieves 盜賊
Thorns Thorns 荊棘
Thunder Thunder
Tin Tin
Tingling Tingling 刺痛感
Tiredness Tiredness 疲勞
Titanium Titanium 鈦金
Tombstones Tombstones 墓石
Torches Torches 火把
Torment Torment 磨難
TornMuscles Torn Muscles 肌肉撕裂
Torture Torture 折磨
Traitors Traitors 叛賊
Tramps Tramps 流浪漢
Tranquility Tranquility 靜謐
Traps Traps 機關
Trash Trash 丟棄 垃圾
Treasure Treasure 寶藏
Trees Trees
Trends Trends 趨勢
Trouble Trouble 麻煩
Truffles Truffles 松露
Trunks Trunks 樹幹
Trust Trust 信任
Tungsten Tungsten
Twigs Twigs 嫩枝
Twilight Twilight 暮光
TwistedAnkles Twisted Ankles 崴腳
Umbrellas Umbrellas
UnjustPrices Unjust Prices 不公平價格
Upchuck Upchuck 嘔吐
Vagabonds Vagabonds 無業游民
Vampires Vampires 吸血鬼
Vanity Vanity 時裝
Venom Venom 毒液
Victims Victims 受害者
Victory Victory 勝利
Villains Villains 壞人
Vines Vines 藤蔓
Violets Violets 紫羅蘭
Vomit Vomit 嘔吐物
Vultures Vultures 禿鷹
Wands Wands 魔棒
Wariness Wariness 謹慎
Warmth Warmth 溫暖
Wasps Wasps 胡蜂
Waterleaf Waterleaf 幌菊
Weakness Weakness 弱點
Wealth Wealth 財產
Webs Webs 蛛絲
Weeds Weeds 野草
Werewolves Werewolves 狼人
Whoopsies Whoopsies 黑色金屬
Wings Wings 翅膀
Wires Wires 電線
Wisdom Wisdom 智慧
Woe Woe 悲哀
Wood Wood 木材
Worms Worms 蠕蟲
Worries Worries 擔心
Wrath Wrath 怒氣
Wrenches Wrenches 扳手
Wyverns Wyverns 飛龍
Xenon Xenon
Yoyos Yoyos 悠悠球
Zombies Zombies 殭屍
Zoomers Zoomers 放大鏡
Boom-Boom Boom-Boom 砰砰
Facts Facts 事實
DiamondHands Diamond Hands 鑽石指針
Griefers Griefers 格里弗斯
Loot Loot 掠奪
Microtransactions Microtransactions 微交易
Sounds Sounds 聲音
Sauce Sauce 醬汁
theBunghole the Bunghole 地洞
StinkBugs Stink Bugs 臭蟲
MomsSpaghetti Mom's Spaghetti 媽媽的意面
theFellowKids the Fellow Kids 孩子們
MadCowDisease Mad Cow Disease 瘋牛症
ImposterSyndrome Imposter Syndrome 冒名頂替者綜合症
theDemogorgon the Demogorgon 冥神
FlyingSaucers Flying Saucers 飛碟
theSpirits the Spirits 靈魂
Sassages Sassages 香腸
Dillweeds Dillweeds 蒔蘿
DingDongs Ding Dongs 叮咚
Trypophobia Trypophobia 密集恐懼症
Taxation Taxation 稅收
DirtBlocks Dirt Blocks 泥塊
Mucus Mucus 粘液
Sewage Sewage 污水
theWorld the World 世界
Man Man 男人
Mankind Mankind 人類
BadTimes Bad Times 艱難時期
GoodTimes Good Times 美好時期
Winning Winning 獲勝
Winners Winners 勝者
Losers Losers 敗者
BraggingRights Bragging Rights 吹牛權利
ItemDuping Item Duping 物品複製
Hoiks Hoiks 霍克斯
Purity Purity 純淨
Larceny Larceny 盜竊
theWise the Wise 智者
theFool the Fool 愚者
BoneSpurs Bone Spurs 骨刺
theElderly the Elderly 長者
Wolves Wolves
Hope Hope 希望 Hope
Concern Concern 憂慮
Teamwork Teamwork 團隊合作
SnakeOil Snake Oil 蛇油
Snakes Snakes
Shenanigans Shenanigans 詭計
Foam Foam 泡沫
Pus Pus 膿汁
theGoat the Goat 山羊
MemeLords Meme Lords 模因領主
OverConfidence Over Confidence 過度自信
theMerchant the Merchant 商人
theZoologist the Zoologist 動物學家
Wizards Wizards 巫師
Partying Partying 派對
thePrincess the Princess 公主
BadAdvice Bad Advice 糟糕的建議
BadTiming Bad Timing 糟糕的時機
BrokenPromises Broken Promises 違背的承諾
GoodAdvice Good Advice 好建議
Balloons Balloons 氣球
Ruination Ruination 毀滅
Legends Legends 傳說
Humanity Humanity 人性
Time Time 時間
Screams Screams 尖叫
Burnination Burnination 燃燒
Thinking Thinking 思維
Change Change 更改
Listening Listening 聆聽
Learning Learning 學習
Forgiveness Forgiveness 原諒
Redemption Redemption 救贖
Understanding Understanding 理解
Stress Stress 壓力
Sunshine Sunshine 陽光
Fortitude Fortitude 堅韌
Milk Milk 牛奶
Pizza Pizza 披薩
Cyborgs Cyborgs 機器俠
Dogs Dogs
Worlds Worlds 世界
Ogres Ogres 食人魔
Promises Promises 承諾
theManager the Manager 管理者
Cenx Cenx Cenx
Souls Souls 靈魂
Wonder Wonder 奇蹟
Marvel Marvel 驚奇
Miracles Miracles 奇蹟
theProdigy the Prodigy 神童
Melodies Melodies 旋律
Lyrics Lyrics 歌詞
Songs Songs 歌曲
Harmony Harmony 和諧
Peril Peril 危難
Voilence Voilence 暴力
Gemcorns Gemcorns 寶石果
Rainbows Rainbows 彩虹
Buttercups Buttercups 毛茛
Orchids Orchids 蘭花
Tulips Tulips 鬱金香
Pansies Pansies 三色堇