Terraria Wiki:语言包/.json/Workshop

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内部名称 英文文本 游戏内置中文文本 本语言包文本
HubDescriptionDefault Choose an option for more information. 选择一个选项以了解更多信息。 选择一个选项来查看更多信息。
HubWorlds Import Worlds 导入世界
HubDescriptionImportWorlds Import Worlds you've subscribed to from the Steam Workshop to your own list of Worlds, so that you can explore them. 将你已订阅的世界从Steam创意工坊导入到你自己的世界列表中,以便你可以探索这些世界。 将你在 Steam 创意工坊中订阅的世界导入到自己的世界列表中,以便你进行探索。
HubPublishWorlds Publish Worlds 发布世界
HubDescriptionPublishWorlds Publish your Worlds to the Steam Workshop, so that others can enjoy them. 将你的世界发布到Steam创意工坊,以便其他人可以使用。 将你的世界发布到 Steam 创意工坊,这样其他人就可以享用。
HubResourcePacks Use Resource Packs 使用资源包
HubDescriptionUseResourcePacks Use Resource Packs you've downloaded or subscribed to from the Steam Workshop, so that you can enjoy their art & localizations. 使用通过Steam创意工坊下载或订阅的资源包,畅享画面精美的世界,还可使用本地语言游玩。 使用你从 Steam 创意工坊下载或订阅的资源包,这样你就能享受到其美工和翻译。
HubPublishResourcePacks Publish Resource Packs 发布资源包
HubDescriptionPublishResourcePacks Publish your Resource Packs to the Steam Workshop, so that others can enjoy them. 将你的资源包发布到Steam创意工坊,以便其他人可以使用。 将你的资源包发布到 Steam 创意工坊,这样其他人就能享用它。
Publish Publish 发布
WorldName Name: 名字:
ResourcePackName Name: 名字:
WorldPublishDescription Publishing a world will upload it to the Steam Workshop as private - visibly only to you, by default. You can adjust its preview image, title, and description as you wish from its steam Entry page, and then set it public when you're ready. By submitting this world, you agree to the workshop terms of service. 默认情况下,发布世界会将其作为私密内容(仅对你可见)上传到Steam创意工坊。你可以从其Steam入口页面随意调整其预览图像、标题和说明,然后在准备好以后将其设置为公开内容。提交该世界,即表示你同意创意工坊的服务条款。 默认情况下,发布世界会将其作为私有内容上传至 Steam 创意工坊——只有你本人可见。你可以根据需要在其 steam 入口页调整其预览图象、标题和描述文字,准备好之后可以将其设置为公开。提交此世界即表明你同意创意工坊的服务条款。
ResourcePackPublishDescription Publishing a resource pack will upload it to the Steam Workshop as private - visibly only to you, by default. You can adjust its preview image, title, and description as you wish from its steam Entry page, and then set it public when you're ready. By submitting this resource pack, you agree to the workshop terms of service. 默认情况下,发布资源包会将其作为私密内容(仅对你可见)上传到Steam创意工坊。你可以从其Steam入口页面随意调整其预览图像、标题和说明,然后在准备好以后将其设置为公开内容。提交该资源包,即表示你同意创意工坊的服务条款。 默认情况下,发布资源包会将其作为私有内容上传至 Steam 创意工坊——只有你本人可见。你可以根据需要在其 steam 入口页调整其预览图象、标题和描述文字,准备好之后可以将其设置为公开。提交此资源包即表明你同意创意工坊的服务条款。
SettingsPublicityPublic Public 公开
SettingsPublicityFriendsOnly Friends Only 仅限好友
SettingsPublicityPrivate Private 私密 私有
SettingsPublicityDescriptionSharedNote You can adjust your content's visibility setting through its workshop page at any time 你随时可以通过相应的创意工坊页面调整内容的可见性设置 你随时可以在内容的创意工坊页面调整其可见性设置
SettingsPublicityPublicDescription Your content will be visible & available to everyone as soon as it is published
SettingsPublicityFriendsOnlyDescription Your content will only be visible & usable by you & your friends once published
SettingsPublicityPrivateDescription Your content will only be visible to you once published
CategoryTitleDisclaimer Service Agreement 服务协议
CategoryTitleTags Tags 标签
CategoryTitlePublicity Visibility 可见性
SteamDisclaimer By submitting this item, you agree to the Workshop terms of service. 提交此物品,即表示你同意创意工坊的服务条款。 提交此项目即表明你同意创意工坊的服务条款。
PreviewImagePathTitle Image: 图像:
PreviewImagePathEmpty Empty 空荡 空缺
PreviewImagePathDescription Choose a preview image for this item,
this image will be displayed when browsing the workshop (max size 512x512)
在创意工坊浏览时会显示此图像(最大尺寸 512×512)
EnterNewNameForImportedWorld Enter World Name: 输入世界名称:
InfoDescriptionDefault Please choose how your item will be published with the options above 请选择如何使用上述选项发布你的物品 请选择上述选项来发布你的项目
SteamDisclaimerDescrpition Open the full steam terms of service page
Please upload content responsibly
打开完整的 Steam 服务条款页面
ReportIssue_CouldNotCreateTemporaryFolder Could not create temporary folder! 无法创建临时文件夹!
ReportIssue_CannotPublishZips Zipped Resource Packs cannot be published to the workshop! 压缩资源包无法发布到创意工坊! 压缩的资源包不能发布到创意工坊!
ReportIssue_FailedToLoadSubscribedFile Failed to load subscribed file! path: {FilePath}! reason: {Reason} 无法加载已订阅文件!路径:{FilePath}!原因:{Reason} 加载订阅的文件失败!路径:{FilePath}!原因:{Reason}
ReportIssue_CouldNotCreateResourcePackManifestFile Could not create resource pack manifest! reason: {Reason} 无法创建资源包清单!原因:{Reason}
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common Failed to publish the item to steam! 无法将该物品发布到Steam! 项目发布到 Steam 失败!
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_WithoutKnownReason {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} Error Code: {Reason} {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 错误代码:{Reason} {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}错误码:{Reason}
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_AccessDeniedBecauseUserDoesntOwnLicenseForApp {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} If this issue repeats, try restarting steam please! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 如果此问题反复出现,请尝试重新启动Steam! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}如果问题反复出现,请尝试重启 Steam!
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_InvalidParametersForPublishing {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} Did you modify the game's steam application ID? {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 你是否修改了游戏的Steam应用程序ID? {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}你是否修改了游戏的 Steam 应用 ID?
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_CouldNotFindFolderToUpload {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} The content folder for the published item is missing?! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 已发布物品的内容文件夹缺失?! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 已发布物品的内容文件夹丢失?!
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_SteamFileLockFailed {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} Failed to acquire UGC Lock. If this issue repeats, try restarting steam please! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 无法获取UGC锁。如果此问题反复出现,请尝试重新启动Steam! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}无法获取 UGC 锁。如果问题反复出现,请尝试重启 Steam!
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_LimitExceeded {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} Size limit exceeded! Please make sure your preview image is under 1mb in size, and that you have space for you to publish to your steam cloud {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 已超出大小限制!请确保预览图像小于1mb,而且Steam Cloud上有足够的空间供你发布 {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}超出大小限制!请确保预览图象小于 1mb,并且您的 Steam 云中有足够空间用于发布。
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_UserDidNotAcceptWorkshopTermsOfService {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} You need to accept the Workshop's terms of service! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common} 你需要接受创意工坊的服务条款! {$Workshop.ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_Common}你需要接受创意工坊的服务条款!
ReportIssue_FailedToPublish_ImageSizeIsTooLarge The image you're trying to use has to be 512x512 pixels or less in size!
Current Size: {Width}x{Height}.
您要使用的图像大小必须等于或小于 512×512 像素!
ReportLogsButton Logs 日志
ReportLogsInitialMessage There is nothing to show yet. 目前尚无可显示的内容。 尚无内容。