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Eye of Cthulhu Trophy.png«Гигантский летающий демонический глаз, который может появиться только ночью»Eye of Cthulhu Trophy.png

Глаз Ктулху — один из первых боссов с которым может сразиться игрок. Ниже имеются советы и стратегии которые помогут в битве с боссом.

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Условия появления

Глаз Ктулху можно призвать вручную, воспользовавшись подозрительно выглядящим глазом ночью (начиная с 19:30 по внутриигровому времени). Одновременно можно призвать только одного Глаза Ктулху.

Также с шансом 33.33*1/3 (33,33%) тот может появиться самостоятельно в начале каждой ночи, если соблюдаются следующие условия:

  • Глаз Ктулху ещё не был побеждён в текущем мире.
  • Как минимум один игрок имеет не менее 200 ед. здоровья и более 10 ед. защиты.
  • В мире присутствует не менее четырёх жителей. Сюда входят старик, странствующий торговец(Издания для ПК, консолей, консолей старого поколения и мобильных устройств) и городские питомцы(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств), но не скелет-торговец(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств).

Если босс появляется самостоятельно, то о его прибытии будет оповещено сообщением «Вы чувствуете, что злая сущность следит за вами…». После появления этого сообщения Глаз Ктулху появляется спустя 81 внутриигровую минуту (в 20:51). Если игрок на протяжении всей ночи будет находиться ниже поверхности или, находясь в одиночной игре, сохранит и выйдет из мира после самостоятельного прибытия босса, то босс исчезнет.

Если игрок остаётся ниже поверхности, то Глаз Ктулху никогда не появится, если только игрок не поднимется обратно. Возвращение на поверхность при помощи магического зеркала, зелья возврата или зелья возвращения(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) до окончания ночи приведёт к обычному появлению босса.


Первая фаза

В этой фазе Глаз в основном летает над вами. Он станет призывать Прислужник КтулхуПрислужников ктулху, которые летят к вам для атаки, они сильно напоминают Демонический глазДемонические глаза, но умеют проходить сквозь блоки.

После призыва 3-4 Поислужников, Глаз начинает двигаться в сторону игрока для тарана 3 раза, прежде чем снова наведётся так, что будьте готовы. It turns rather slowly as it charges, giving you time to prepare your next dodge. It can be helpful to begin to evade after the 3rd servant is spawned, as this will often allow you to dodge its first charge.

The Eye has 12 defense during this form, which negates 6 damage from every attack. As such, higher damage, lower speed weapons are more effective during the first form, such as the МушкетМушкет or a bow. Alternatively a Sharktooth Necklace will allow faster-firing weapons to do excllent damage.

The Servants can be killed for Hearts, or, if there is enough room, the player can simply keep moving in one direction to avoid them. If the player gets swarmed by Servants, temporarily switching to a fast swinging weapon such as a sword will help get rid of them quickly. The Eye does contact damage, so be careful to watch it it while you kill the Servants.

Another strategy in this phase is to aim weapons at the pupil of the Eye, since that is where it spawns the Servants. That way, you can kill the servants and damage the Eye. Some piercing weapons can damage the eye multiple times, such as when firing straight into the air or when using a Spear at close range.

If not fighting on platforms, the Eye can go underground momentarily after a charge. Weapons like Whips and Spears can hit it through the ground; alternatively, debuffs such as В огне!В огне! from Fire Arrows apply damage even when the boss is out of reach. Keep in mind that in ПК-издание ПК, Консольное издание Консоли и Мобильное издание Мобильные устройства versions, bosses have minimap icons to increase their visibility.

The second phase is triggered when the Eye reaches half health.

Second Phase

For the last half of the fight, the boss sheds its iris to reveal a fanged mouth. It moves slightly faster and deals more damage when it hits you but it also has no defense. It no longer summons servants in this phase. Instead, it charges 3 times, and then pauses for a few seconds during which you can attack freely.

Make sure to take advantage of its transformation sequence as much as possible, since it just spins in place for a few moments and you can still damage it.

Dodging is important during this phase, and should be given priority over doing damage. Сапоги ГермесаСапоги Гермеса or a variant of them are extremely useful. With a wide enough arena, running in a straight line while the Eye of Cthulhu does his quick charge is fast enough to avoid any damage, and allows the player to attack continuously.

Expert and Master Mode

In the first phase of the fight it spawns more servants and enters the second phase at 65% health instead of 50%, spawning 4-5 more Servants in that process. A piercing weapon is recommended for eliminating the Servants.

In this part of the fight, after the 3 normal lunges it will perform a brief series of extremely quick dashes at a steeper angle. As its health goes down, the Eye will use this ability more frequently, until its only action is to dart haphazardly back and forth, making it rather hard to hit. To avoid the lunges, Hermes Boots are practically required.

Основные советы

General Tips

Это содержимое включено со страницы «Guide:Practical tips» § «Combat».Guide:Practical tips

Подготовка территории

A basic arena made for the Eye of Cthulhu.

An arena for the Eye of Cthulhu should be large enough to dodge and maneuver around in. The recommended size is just about the size of the screen, as the boss does not require a lot of mobility.

The simplest arena design consists of multiple rows of wooden platforms to have more room to jump and dodge. As the fight will be at night, add torches to improve visibility. Remember to adjust the distance between platforms depending on your jump height (this is 6 tiles at minimum, depending on which accessories you have, but it can be considerably further if you have a grappling hook), and consider placing some ladders (with platforms or rope) to aid your vertical movement.

Another design is a long, completely flat surface. This allows you to dodge the Eye by running to the left or the right with Swiftness Potions or Hermes Boots.

One of the easiest ways to defeat the Eye is a long, stretch of sand paired with Сапоги дюноходцаСапоги дюноходца(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств). Due to the speed boost gained on sand, it can be used as a surefire way to make dodging the Eye incredibly easy, making the fight trivial itself.

Gearing up


  • (Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) Капюшон ниндзяNinja Armor provides critical hit and speed boosts which benefit all classes. While it has less defense than metal armor, it will help end the fight faster and make dodging easier. It requires defeating King Slime, who can be farmed relatively easily by crafting Slime Crowns.
  • (Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) Шлем из окаменелостейFossil armor's(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is the strongest set available for ranged weapons, but requires entering the dangerous Underground Desert.
  • (Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) Гладиаторский шлемGladiator Armor(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) has high defense and provides Knockback immunity. It can be farmed from Hoplites in Marble Caves.
  • The Волшебная шляпаОдежда волшебника which provides big buffs to magic weapon’s stats. The Шляпа джунглейJungle Armor provides damage and mana bonuses, but requires entering the dangerous Underground Jungle.
  • The Шуба из меха флинксаШуба из меха флинкса(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is the only armor for summoners at this point.
  • Out of armors made of Ore, Золотой шлемGold Armor or Платиновый шлемПлатиновая броня have the best defense, although they can be difficult to obtain this early.
    • A full set of Серебряный шлемSilver Armor or Вольфрамовый шлемTungsten Armor is easier to get at this point, and both are good choices for this fight. On the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS-издание-издание, the Сапоги ОстарыСапоги Остары(Издание для 3DS) can be paired with Silver armor to complete the set bonus while increasing jump abilities, although using it with Tungsten armor will not grant the set bonus.
  • On the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS-издание-издание, bones drop from skeletons, so Necro armor can be used here.


In general, long-range piercing weapons are recommended, as they are able to take out Servants and hit the boss.

For Melee Users

Melee users options are fairly limited at this point, and melee weapons mostly serve as a way to take out the low-hp Servants of Cthulhu. Certain melee weapons are able to launch projectiles, but these may be difficult to come across.

For Ranged users
  • Guns such as the «Мини-акула»«Мини-акула» and ОбрезОбрез are very effective against this boss, but they can be difficult to find, as the first requires the Arms Dealer to have arrived and the second is only found in the dangerous Underground Jungle. The МушкетМушкет or «Гробовщик»«Гробовщик» are easier to find at this stage of the game, by breaking Shadow Orbs or Crimson Hearts. All guns besides the Musket benefit significantly from the Sharktooth Necklace or Silver or Tungsten Bullets during the first portion of the fight, when the boss’s defense is higher.
  • Bows are easy to craft and do good damage. Among craftable bows, the Золотой лукЗолотой лук or Платиновый лукПлатиновый лук are the best bows available, unless the player happened to find a large quantity of Демонитовая рудаДемонит or Багротановая рудаБагротановая руда, in which case they can craft a Демонический лукДемон or Сухожильный лукСухожильный лук. The Лук кровавого ливняЛук кровавого ливня(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is great in this fight, but can only be fished up during a Blood Moon and requires defeating a difficult mini-boss.
  • (Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) Костяное метательное копьёКостяное метательное копьё are cheap and powerful against the Eye of Cthulhu. They do heavy damage on-hit and add a damaging debuff that stacks. The Костяной метательный ножКостяной метательный нож(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is slightly weaker against the boss itself but pierces through the Servants.
  • The Снежная пушкаСнежная пушка is another fast firing weapon to use, doing decently against both phases.
  • The Пейнтбольное ружьёПейнтбольное ружьё(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств), with its fast fire rate and high critical strike chance works well if you can manage to kill the МалярМаляр enough times.
For Magic users

Magic weapons are mainly good for beating on the boss itself, but can also be used to attack servants in a pinch. All magic weapons at this point are able to pierce through multiple enemies. More adventurous players can get their hands on much better weapons, and these should certainly be used for later «repeat engagements»:

  • Алмазный посохСамоцветные посохи simple to craft, and their long ranged piercing shots are a perfect fit for the boss battle. The strongest staves are the Алмазный посохАлмаз, Рубиновый посохRuby staves, and Янтарный посохЯнтарный посох(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств), while the worst are the Аметистовый посохАметист and Топазовый посохTopaz staves, which have significantly less damage and piercing.
  • The Громовой разрядникГромовой разрядник(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) does great damage, but doesn’t pierce and requires exploring the dangerous Underground Desert.
  • The Багровый жезлБагровый жезл is an excellent side-weapon, as its clouds can be set up to clear out the servants while also dealing steady damage to the boss. Its Corruption counterpart, theМерзкая колючкаМерзкая колючка, is not as helpful; it lacks some range, and does low damage. However, the lingering thorn can hit the boss and servants many times, and can even pass through walls to hit it. Both require exploring dangerous biomes and smashing either Crimson Hearts or Shadow Orbs.
  • (Издания для консолей старого поколения и 3DS) The Космическая пушкаКосмическая пушка, with its fast velocity and piercing propertie, is an excellent weapon, but requires a Meteorite to spawn after breaking a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart. It works best with the set bonus of the Метеорный шлемMeteor Armor, which makes it not cost mana.
  • (Издания для консолей старого поколения и 3DS) versions, a «Водяной выстрел»«Водяной выстрел» can be found on shelves in the Dungeon. If you get one, it can replace the Gem staves entirely. It will help to put solid-block walls around your arena, so you can make use of the Water Bolt's ricocheting projectiles.
For Summoners

There are very few summons available at this point, but the options available plus a good whip will be entirely sufficient enough to kill this boss without running out of time, especially in classic mode.

  • The Посох флинксаПосох флинкса(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) will likely be the best summon weapon available at this point in the game. Alternatives include the Посох зябликаПосох зяблика(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) and the Посох слизняПосох слизня. The Посох лягушки-вампираПосох лягушки-вампира(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is even stronger, though it may be difficult to obtain at this point as it requires defeating strong Blood Moon enemies.
  • The Кожаный хлыстКожаный хлыст(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is the most practical whip option at this point in the game, as it can be bought from the ЗоологЗоолог(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) NPC. The «Шипохват»«Шипохват»(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) is much stronger, but requires exploring the dangerous Underground Jungle.
For (Издания для консолей старого поколения и 3DS) Throwing Users

Thrown weapons are at their best at this stage of the game, with a wide selection of effective weapons to use against this boss. Most of them are also cheap or easy to obtain, allowing the player to rack up stacks of thrown weapons.

  • ГранатаГраната cause high damage and do damage in an area, but can damage the player. Since the Eye will be spawning Servants or charging at the player most of the time, it’s difficult to keep a safe distance from the explosion. They can be purchased from the Demolitionist. A good strategy is to throw grenades behind you as you run away.
  • Метательное копьёМетательное копьё are useful and deal good piercing damage, which makes them an amazing choice on the first phase.
  • Коктейль МолотоваКоктейль Молотова avoid the danger of self-injury and work very well, especially in the second stage when Eye of Cthulhu will charge at you through the flaming puddles the Molotov Cocktails leave behind.
  • Колючий шарКолючий шар are very helpful in its second phase if you scatter them all over the floor of your arena.
  • СюрикенСюрикен are an effective weapon which can be bought from the ТорговецТорговец. They will hit up to 4 times, allowing a well aimed shot to kill a Servant and hit the Eye twice — even three times, if it falls back through the boss. 500 or so are more than enough to defeat this boss with relative ease.
  • Метательный ножThrowing Knives or Отравленный ножPoisoned Knives perform similarly to Shurikens but do a lot more damage.


  • A Облако в банкеОблако в банке or equivalents can aid in avoiding the rams, although this is less necessary with a good arena.
  • The Крылья птенцаКрылья птенца(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) can be used to give the player short flight time and immunity to fall damage.
  • A Крюк-кошкаКрюк-кошка is also very useful if you can grapple onto platforms above you quickly.
  • Сапоги ГермесаСапоги Гермеса or equivalents help by making it easier to dodge the second phase’s rams. In Expert Mode, these are almost required, as the Eye of Cthulhu will perform rapid dashing attacks.
    • Most movement modifiers do not increase the Boots' maximum speed. However, МагосветМагосвет(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) has a +20% that stacks with the boots, making it much easier to outrun the dashes.
  • The Ожерелье из акульих зубовОжерелье из акульих зубов(Издания для ПК, консолей и мобильных устройств) will give a significant damage boost to most weapons available at the moment.
  • If you find one, a Браслет восстановленияБраслет восстановления can help speed up life regeneration, making lasting a longer fight easier. A Браслет регенерации маныБраслет регенерации маны should also be used for Magic players, as it regenerates Mana faster.

Any accessory with the Warding modifier will be useful if you come across one, and the extra four defense can be used to make up for lower-tier armor, like Железный шлемIron Armor or Свинцовый шлемLead Armor.


Other Tips

Specific Strategies

Slimy Saddle Strategy

An excellent strategy to beat the Eye in classic mode is to use the Липкое седлоЛипкое седло(Издания для ПК, консолей, консолей старого поколения и мобильных устройств) and bounce on the eye while at the same time attacking it with a ranged weapon. The eye will move toward you and you will bounce on top of it continuously dealing damage. If you want to try this strategy, make sure you have some forms of preventing fall damage (i.e,) the Lucky Horseshoe, Grappling Hook, an Umbrella, or Cloud in a Bottle or Fledgling Wings

Magic Mirror Strategy

During the Second Phase, if you have your spawn point nearby, you can run one way and attack, and just when you think that the Eye is going to charge, use a Magic Mirror, Ice Mirror or Зелье возвратаЗелье возврата to teleport to spawn, now running the other way, evading the attack and being left to open fire.

Railway Strategy

Another great strategy is to build a long railway at least 400 blocks long, with each end hammered into a b