Help:DPL Examples/Test distinct

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distinct test:

Backlinks (52)


|resultsheader=<h2>Backlinks (%PAGES%)</h2>


The reason why this query shows several entries for distinct test is that the uniqueness requirement refers to the combination of referring page and referred page. Note that a referring page might contain several references to the same page (which you wouldn´t want to see in the listing). DPL offers a variable named %PAGESEL% which shows the referring page. If we add that variable to the example we see why there are several occurencies of distinct test in the output:

Backlinks (52)


|resultsheader=<h2>Backlinks (%PAGES%)</h2>
|format=,\n*[[%PAGE%{{!}}%TITLE%]] referenced by %PAGESEL%,

If we set distinct=strict we will only get one result. Note that the value of %PAGESEL% in this case will be not useful.

Backlinks (52)


|resultsheader=<h2>Backlinks (%PAGES%)</h2>
|format=,\n*[[%PAGE%{{!}}%TITLE%]] referenced by %PAGESEL%,