Terraria Wiki:Projects/Russian translation

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Russian translation of the Terraria Wiki
Русский перевод Terraria Wiki
Flag ru.svg
Current status:


Number of articles of this project:


Latest contribution to this project:
July 25, 2024, 20:51:06 (Лунатик-культист)

This translation project has been moved to its own subdomain: terraria.wiki.gg/ru

Main goals

  • Introduce world of Terraria to Russian players. Many Russians do not know English so well (as Europeans) but they can understand some basic in-game terms.
  • Bring new people to Wiki (those, who will read articles written on their native language and make new articles with it).


  • Create Russian section.
  • Translate all existing articles to Russian.
  • Add new information to Russian Wiki that does not exists in English one.


Despite Terraria has official Russian localization, the Russian section of Terraria Wiki is using unofficial localization from the Translators Team. There is a few main reasons of this:

  • Translators Team's localization exists a way before the official one has been implemented.
  • The official Russian localization has translation mistakes and inaccuracies.

For mentioning official entity names, there is used special template, after the entity name.

Project participants